I love it. The main reason I like it so much is that it deals with a HUGE problem Apex has had for ages, which is constantly getting third partied. It's getting a lot easier to reset after a fight so you don't costantly lose to cheap ambushes, and since it's harder to die permanently, you spend less downtime in the lobby overall. I'm sure they'll nerf the supports soon but I like this general direction
Terrible. It creates a massive NPE (negative play experience) for anyone not having a support on the team. Especially cause the other classes do not have a multitude of class passives to use it's crazy. I personally think in ranked you should only be able to take 1 legend per class. This would actually create a better environment for bringing other characters in balance. This reviving meta wouldnt be so bad if you only had 1 supp per team, but 3 or 4 options for massive rezzing is outrageous
No, it's because they kept buffing him to OP status. Newcastle at launch was underwhelming and too much work for little benefit. For the longest time, supports in general just sucked.
What's good about Newcastle is he still takes skill to use. Most Newcastle's who are just now picking him up are bad at using him. They underestimate how big he is, and don't understand his shield isn't Gibraltar's Dome. So peaking does not work nearly as good. Newcastle is extremely easy to one clip.
I play maggie this season but doesnt do that much anyway imo. with newcastles damn wall not taking damage its just so stupid. It would be better if the wall hp IMO, Then maggie would be a must in the team.
really hope they dont nerf this anytime soon, this game really needed a huge meta change or even just OP characters because it was so stale for so long. This is the most fun I've had in a long time on this game.
@@QwithNoAuraI love it too. I have always played Lifeline and she is so insane right now. Even adding super fun movement. They did her perfectly! I also really enjoy the season. Added the feeling of LTMs like three strike etc.
@@QwithNoAura😂nope yall are just dum and boring thats why the game has stayed the same do yall really think they arent gonna buff the other classes? They are gonna add changes to the other classes soon the support is obviously too op but if they add other buffs to the other classes it will balance out
One more combo that works very well too is Ballistic, Mirage and Newcastle. My team and me, we got 3 wins in a row in ranked using this combo. Truly OP!
Finally someone talking about the lifeline Drone bug BUT i can get even WORSE, was playing in Ranked and constantly using, and at some point it just dissapeared Ive Lost my drone And thats it :) S23 Trailer Lore Accurate
all you have do to fix the Lifeline drone bug is when you are in a game just change a setting to on or off like button hints you have do this every game
gibby, newcastle and lifeline are so op, i use conduit and a lifeline ult and a gibby bubble will take away the momentum, no need to fight them when you know they wont push and you are wasting ammo, even if your team have the same 3 is same shit, until last ring is where things come in play
@@MaVrik426😂they all literally have no way to get assist except with pure skill the controller legends have traps recon has scans and assault has high push abilities being a good support depends on if your team isnt trash the heal perk is op but if they buff the other classes yall have no reason to cry
Skirmisher legends should get some sort of speed boost buff or just movement buffs like double jump or wall running, and assault should get damage buff under certain conditionss
@ Respawn will probably think that’s too OP. Someone else also thought of a wraith buff. Her voice warnings should have a visual like the damage that indicator. This way you’ll have an idea where the enemy is.
@@Surfing717 it’s not fun to me basically they took out long range fights cause even if you crack a support legend 1 cell there half way to full and the other reason is even if I knock them by the time I get there there 100% HP and 50 shield from 1 cell and a rez idk how to even push a fight any more
@@benjaminfranklinstyl😂have you played the game? There is literally just nonstop 3rd parties and people get red evo way to quick in pub matches which makes the game unfair if you only have a blue evo team vs red evo
@@rachinvocat9587 now it's even much easier to defend against 3rd parties. Did play a lot more ranked, so don't know about trios. The rounds I played were pretty fine :D
I'm just mad that Newcastle's ult eats Maggie drills. So there's nothing I can do besides either A. Torch ammo and sheilds to try and break it, or B. Try to push and end up getting beamed on the way there. Can't even use Maggie's WRECKING ball to break the ult. The supports were never bad (except maybe mirage respawn pls buff him it'll be funny), its that they weren't fun to play, so Respawn went and buffed the hell out of them to where you HAVE to run them, especially in ranked.
Respawn buffed them also because they like forcing metas, like last season, the specifically say they want to encourage an LMG meta while also buffing defenders and recon legends What i hate about that is it stops people from having variety, most just play to win now so most people just spam whatever is meta To enforce my point, when was the last time you saw a Ballistic, a Seer and so on Dont get me wrong, seeing more unpopular legends in matches is nice but Respawn should focus more on nalancing the damn legends instead of spamming metas
People could easily end a fight if they are just the second Newcastle to break the first Newcastle’s wall, but then you also need your Newcastle to be kinda an entry fragger support
at this point freggers are supports and supports are fraggers lol, i kamikaze conduit because my team wont fight even if they have frags, which make it funny because is supposed that the support have the less damage, more assist and i end up having more kills and damage than them
They better adjust some of these changes b4 the split change. every single fight is the exact same and takes 5 minutes if the team is actually competent
Reddit is full of horizon/pathfinder/rev teams from the last 3 seasons losing their minds lol I've mained lifeline on and off since pre-season 1. I'm only back to the game because of these changes.
Why not adding indestructable rampart walls and caustic barrels? Like directly indestructable or the second they are placed. Don't forget indestructable wattson fences! We need to keep the balance.
agree with the other comment, it was rare when someone took the support, as a conduit main, i rarely saw someone taking the support role in Europe and in Asia it was once in awhile someone who didnt knew how to play conduit or lifeline took her, i became plat since season 20 and no one like to play the support role, that was the reason i became the kamikaze support because no one as frags wanted to push a fight when it was obvious we could win, this season being a kamikaze is easier and push as a support, still super fun gettuing 2k damage again
I am all for fooling around with the meta. I just think it's a serious imbalance when legends don't have a counter (eg. Catalyst counters Seer, Maggie counters Rampart)
Honestly, the only changes I’d want to for them to remove the fast revives and double small heals on top of make it so crypto and Maggie can destroy shields again, then I think we have an elite meta
I really think they just need a counter. Perhaps bring some of the less popular/less meta legends back in the spot light by giving them or buffing their anti abilities, like seer and old rev’s ability silencing. Just some ideas.
So I've been a Newcastle main sense he released and in my opinion he's always been strong just outshined by other characters. Also he actually takes a bit of skill to master him. Even as a Newcastle main i think he needs a nerf. The tac being indestructible is insane and his res if you have a blue knockdown shield or better is basically guaranteed especially with the res speed perk he gets.
I wish life line ultimate was the shockbot 3000 that push people away but not bulletproof i think the game will be much funnier and balanced am I the only one that thinks this???
You just have to push fast enough. And your team has much more playtime instead of watching lobby screen and still have the feeling of one life Battle Royal
@@benjaminfranklinstyl The meta is just too strong that it cant be countered without drastically overplaying people that are less skilled than you. Or you could just use the same comp as them. Its hard to counter the meta without the same comp.
all you have do to fix the Lifeline drone bug is when you are in a game just change a setting to on or off like button hints you have do this every game
This is gonna get annoying quick, its already getting less fun. You HAVE to pick support or be at massive disadvantages and its so hard to eliminate or push anyone any more. The ttk is becoming like a MOBA now where fights last 10 minutes
They should revert valks passive back to normal speed to compete with lifeline now. They were just saying last season how she fell off and they needed to "Buffed" her
Give it a few weeks. Every complains during a meta shift. Save the critiques, choose different legends. Maggie and Fuse have been wrecking teams I’ve noticed. Crypto is still viable as he destroys the tact’s of lifeline and Newcastle. Shockingly enough, sir has been a nice save for this meta. His tact and ult come on every handing as most teams stay in place and having wall hacks after a silence can make for aggro play. Also, Caustic is still good. Had a Fuse, Maggie with my Newcastle and it was a terrifying.
if they have faster reload speed everyone will use it and back to previous seasons, though they will nerf this soon to some extend, tbh they never buff supports, alwasy was assault and skirmishers, reacon, support and controllers were forgotten for a long time
I was also thinking they just buff every other legend. The defensive legends got really good perks last season now support so let’s just continue making all legends op haha 9:05
Gibby got the buffs he needed. Lifeline and New Castle are broken now. I'm glad I stopped maining Vantage because she can't do anything in the current META, it take's like half a second for a lifeline to pop her ult and full heal the squad. Range in general is bad now because everyone just has shields deployed
depends on the server you playb at, in europe range never was a thing in last two seasons, always AR and shotguns or SMG, i rarely saw a sniper, last season vantage was op, season 20 banga was op, i had the most fun this season with conduit than last two season being the only one who carry the team to craft banners, as everyone says fun ends in plat 4
Season 24: Make the controller legends unkillable - outside of caustics gas. Infinite shield regen at 130% of the speed of lifelines drone, but consistent - even if you get damaged. Season 25: Make the Assault legends oneshotting everything with their abilities and have infinite ammo. Season 26: Make the Recon legends have consistent wallhacks and knowing every players position, name and loadout around the map. Season 27: make the Skirmisher legends being able to fly through the map while having 100% accuracy while mid-air. Oh wait. Thats just season 22 and my lobbies as a casual player in a nutshell. My bad.
I think if the other characters got buffs, maybe it could be balanced without the need to nerf the supports. Honestly, I've never had so much fun playing rankeds, you can finally fight the 3stacks and the randoms are much more of a team player than the average horizon/wraith who dies in the first fight and cries to be revived. I think this season is going to be fun in competitive as we see new characters in the meta. It's probably the best we've had compared to the "I can't see anything" or "wall hack". And I'm not going to say they aren't strong, they are, and although it sounds contradictory, but as a SoloQ Player this meta is much better than the rest. And yes, it forces you to carry at least one Support in your team. But what does it matter, it's just my opinion and in the next days the pros will complain and LL, Gibby and Newcastle will be destroyed.
newcastle was alr pretty chill and he got buffed and people stopped playing crypto before his nerfs-- devs balancing is kind of random at points,they might get nerfs but i dont expect them to be that major
I just want an ash rework/buff fr man 😭😭😭 I went from playing ash/pathfinder/revenant (both old and new) to being forced to autolock lifeline or Newcastle to even have a chance at winning a fight (let alone the game and I play solo) I enjoyed playing vantage last season but already feel useless playing her this season with the amount of shields and heals these supports provide it’s like her 2 shot buff is none existent
I like playing both Newcastle and lifeline anyway but I fo feel Newcastle's tac being indestructible is way too op. I get making it stronger but it should still be vulnerable to damage from some things eg mad maggie's abilities, arc stars say.. I can see it getting nerfed pretty soon
Why tf do people think this is a good change. Meta is literally just lifeline newcastle and whoever tf else the random is. Shits unfun downing the same 2 people 4 or 5 times and seeing them generate hp faster than you're hitting them. And I'm an apex scrub not an aimgod. I'm not hitting all my shots so worst yet for people like me.
The mobile respawn on banner pickup is too much. You can literally just run up and insta call mates in a fight. Banner craft is okayish i think, yet still atrong as heck
@@ImAlterlol thats why you use 3, its rare when they pick two out of the 3, its reakky rare it happened to me once and i had to play banga and smoked everyone thinking it was coduit shield lol
My Tabs in the lobby are not working it's been 2 days now I can't access anything I own I deleted the game and re-downloaded multiple times I deleted the game. I deleted my saved data. I don't know what's going on. I literally can't access any of my skins any of my heirlooms can't do challenges can't access my heirlooms. I can't access anything.
To be fair you have to be actually good with LL AND Newcastle in order to be OP..cause idk how many times I’ve destroyed a team with a Newcastle and a LL already..they trash if you don’t know how to play them
1:20 all you have do to fix the Lifeline drone bug is when you are in a game just change a setting to on or off like button hints you have do this every game
The *most stupid* update was the infinite health on newcastles shield. This is just dumb. Casual players will still struggle when using him, while sweats are unkillable. I hate this buff. Remove it.
I just think its too much. Yes, I think it is fun if you play a full support team yourself, but if you don't you basicially already lost. You can't win early fights anymore, nor any fight if you don't have someone to res you in the middle of a fight. If you don't have a movement legends/player on your team in this case who is really agressive and can 1vs2 then its unwinnable.
I almost wish launch aoex had all the new legends and their new kits, but got rid of crafting materials, and newer guns and other excess bs that just bloat the game.
The support legends are just too strong. You cant push these teams even if you get 2 knocks and the last person to 1 shot. Because guess what lifeline/newcastle ult/shields, fast revive and almost fully healed in 7 seconds and now theyre preaiming you pushing.
What are your thoughts on the support meta this season?
Very good :))
Love your vids tho!!
I love it. The main reason I like it so much is that it deals with a HUGE problem Apex has had for ages, which is constantly getting third partied. It's getting a lot easier to reset after a fight so you don't costantly lose to cheap ambushes, and since it's harder to die permanently, you spend less downtime in the lobby overall. I'm sure they'll nerf the supports soon but I like this general direction
Terrible. It creates a massive NPE (negative play experience) for anyone not having a support on the team. Especially cause the other classes do not have a multitude of class passives to use it's crazy. I personally think in ranked you should only be able to take 1 legend per class. This would actually create a better environment for bringing other characters in balance. This reviving meta wouldnt be so bad if you only had 1 supp per team, but 3 or 4 options for massive rezzing is outrageous
My game has not loaded in 2 days
I think that old rev would be super strong in this meta, having silence would kill all the reviving and ult popping
ye or if seer could cancel rez like before
my man seer need a buff
I feel like this meta needs it. I fought a team and did 600 damage and still lost 😡 bc they had a lifeline and new castle
I miss old rev so much
@@NockaMamayup, and they always have a gold knock its impossible to win games
To be fair, Newcastle was always the best support in the game. It's just that most didn't realize it until late last season.
No, it's because they kept buffing him to OP status.
Newcastle at launch was underwhelming and too much work for little benefit. For the longest time, supports in general just sucked.
Why are you gae -👨🏿💼
What's good about Newcastle is he still takes skill to use. Most Newcastle's who are just now picking him up are bad at using him. They underestimate how big he is, and don't understand his shield isn't Gibraltar's Dome. So peaking does not work nearly as good.
Newcastle is extremely easy to one clip.
None of the supports were worthy picks until perks
He's the strongest NOW because you can't destroy his shield. Before, he could be easily countered but not too many people pick Rampart.
Maggie is a hidden gem this season with her drill being able to Pierce all shields except for knockdown shield.
I play maggie this season but doesnt do that much anyway imo. with newcastles damn wall not taking damage its just so stupid. It would be better if the wall hp IMO, Then maggie would be a must in the team.
@@danielhorten8342 if you take the bigger drill Park it covers the lifeline Gibby and Newcastle shields
the support changes are actually really fun
Right changes like this spice up the game and gives us a chance
Only if u are not on the receiving end
Not for solo players, not at all. 1v3s are pretty much extremely hard to impossible with this meta now.
And a relief for solo players finally
@@sauusa6294😂if you want a 1v3 you want a challenge if you dont want a hard 1v3 dont play solo
really hope they dont nerf this anytime soon, this game really needed a huge meta change or even just OP characters because it was so stale for so long. This is the most fun I've had in a long time on this game.
Ur different from what the whole community thinks then
@@QwithNoAuraI love it too. I have always played Lifeline and she is so insane right now. Even adding super fun movement. They did her perfectly! I also really enjoy the season. Added the feeling of LTMs like three strike etc.
@@benjaminfranklinstyl this is the reason it’s not fun every team is lifeline and Newcastle
@@QwithNoAura😂nope yall are just dum and boring thats why the game has stayed the same do yall really think they arent gonna buff the other classes? They are gonna add changes to the other classes soon the support is obviously too op but if they add other buffs to the other classes it will balance out
One more combo that works very well too is Ballistic, Mirage and Newcastle. My team and me, we got 3 wins in a row in ranked using this combo. Truly OP!
why ballistic mirage and newcastle?
@@senbowe2859seeker stuns the people shooting at decoys
the way the lifeline character portrait in the thumbnail is infinitely better than the official one in game
Haha the new in-game icon looks so trash.
Hope they give skirmishes faster reload stun recovery and speed boost after kill or something they are getting forgotten
Sounds great, but love to finally see some support advantages.
Finally someone talking about the lifeline Drone bug
BUT i can get even WORSE, was playing in Ranked and constantly using, and at some point it just dissapeared
Ive Lost my drone And thats it :)
S23 Trailer Lore Accurate
all you have do to fix the Lifeline drone bug is when you are in a game just change a setting to on or off like button hints you have do this every game
Don’t nerf them make the other legends just as absurd that’s what made Titan Fall unique Apex should be no different
Imo the support characters are balanced on their own but paired together they are way too strong with all of their sustainability combined
Naw. None of em are balanced..
gibby, newcastle and lifeline are so op, i use conduit and a lifeline ult and a gibby bubble will take away the momentum, no need to fight them when you know they wont push and you are wasting ammo, even if your team have the same 3 is same shit, until last ring is where things come in play
You're on drugs if you think support buffs are balanced.
@@MaVrik426😂they all literally have no way to get assist except with pure skill the controller legends have traps recon has scans and assault has high push abilities being a good support depends on if your team isnt trash the heal perk is op but if they buff the other classes yall have no reason to cry
wattson pickrate probably from her quest to unlock legend and loot tick wattson
Skirmisher legends should get some sort of speed boost buff or just movement buffs like double jump or wall running, and assault should get damage buff under certain conditionss
Speed boost when breaking shields?
@clemoski9007 that's sounds like a great upgrade for skirmisher class
@ Respawn will probably think that’s too OP.
Someone else also thought of a wraith buff. Her voice warnings should have a visual like the damage that indicator. This way you’ll have an idea where the enemy is.
Every game of ranked I'm 1v3ing lifeline/Gibby/castle, Lord save us
Exact reason why I stopped playing
@@lukethompson2909lol its pretty fun. Makes it a challenge no need to stop playing then you’ll get rusty and complain again
@@Surfing717 it’s not fun to me basically they took out long range fights cause even if you crack a support legend 1 cell there half way to full and the other reason is even if I knock them by the time I get there there 100% HP and 50 shield from 1 cell and a rez idk how to even push a fight any more
This is why I stopped playing ranked
@@lukethompson2909- I main vantage and I’m not having a problem with long range
Apex season 23: From the rift🚫
Apex season 23: Stalling all fights✅️
You are more forced to actually push! All the scared teams won't be able to kill a team now.
@@benjaminfranklinstyl😂have you played the game? There is literally just nonstop 3rd parties and people get red evo way to quick in pub matches which makes the game unfair if you only have a blue evo team vs red evo
@@rachinvocat9587 now it's even much easier to defend against 3rd parties. Did play a lot more ranked, so don't know about trios. The rounds I played were pretty fine :D
As a mad maggie main since the day of her release, I've really been enjoying maggie slowly becoming a proper monster lol
Lifeline is more useful now
I'm just mad that Newcastle's ult eats Maggie drills. So there's nothing I can do besides either A. Torch ammo and sheilds to try and break it, or B. Try to push and end up getting beamed on the way there. Can't even use Maggie's WRECKING ball to break the ult. The supports were never bad (except maybe mirage respawn pls buff him it'll be funny), its that they weren't fun to play, so Respawn went and buffed the hell out of them to where you HAVE to run them, especially in ranked.
Respawn buffed them also because they like forcing metas, like last season, the specifically say they want to encourage an LMG meta while also buffing defenders and recon legends
What i hate about that is it stops people from having variety, most just play to win now so most people just spam whatever is meta
To enforce my point, when was the last time you saw a Ballistic, a Seer and so on
Dont get me wrong, seeing more unpopular legends in matches is nice but Respawn should focus more on nalancing the damn legends instead of spamming metas
Feels pointless playing anything other than support this season 😂
People could easily end a fight if they are just the second Newcastle to break the first Newcastle’s wall, but then you also need your Newcastle to be kinda an entry fragger support
at this point freggers are supports and supports are fraggers lol, i kamikaze conduit because my team wont fight even if they have frags, which make it funny because is supposed that the support have the less damage, more assist and i end up having more kills and damage than them
They better adjust some of these changes b4 the split change. every single fight is the exact same and takes 5 minutes if the team is actually competent
this meta is fun and refreshing :)
Reddit is full of horizon/pathfinder/rev teams from the last 3 seasons losing their minds lol
I've mained lifeline on and off since pre-season 1. I'm only back to the game because of these changes.
Why not adding indestructable rampart walls and caustic barrels? Like directly indestructable or the second they are placed. Don't forget indestructable wattson fences! We need to keep the balance.
Pretty cool season i think it needs a bit of balancing here and there but overall good
NOOOO!!!! Now more people are gonna take Newcastle! Man, I knew he was a good Legend before he was popular 🤣
I feel its time to give skirmishers a bit more if theyre intentionally buffing supports like this
Nah…. No one who plays competitively ever wanted to play a support legend for this reason. They can’t get away. This should balance things out.
agree with the other comment, it was rare when someone took the support, as a conduit main, i rarely saw someone taking the support role in Europe and in Asia it was once in awhile someone who didnt knew how to play conduit or lifeline took her, i became plat since season 20 and no one like to play the support role, that was the reason i became the kamikaze support because no one as frags wanted to push a fight when it was obvious we could win, this season being a kamikaze is easier and push as a support, still super fun gettuing 2k damage again
I am all for fooling around with the meta. I just think it's a serious imbalance when legends don't have a counter (eg. Catalyst counters Seer, Maggie counters Rampart)
I like this new meta, we have less visual clutter and we can actually see what's going on
Honestly, the only changes I’d want to for them to remove the fast revives and double small heals on top of make it so crypto and Maggie can destroy shields again, then I think we have an elite meta
i like those change are fun exept the healing item buff
Lifeline, Newcastle and Wattson.. Just unbeatablr
Support Legends with Squad Heal is a menace. 😂
I really think they just need a counter. Perhaps bring some of the less popular/less meta legends back in the spot light by giving them or buffing their anti abilities, like seer and old rev’s ability silencing. Just some ideas.
So I've been a Newcastle main sense he released and in my opinion he's always been strong just outshined by other characters. Also he actually takes a bit of skill to master him. Even as a Newcastle main i think he needs a nerf. The tac being indestructible is insane and his res if you have a blue knockdown shield or better is basically guaranteed especially with the res speed perk he gets.
Just go maggie to deal with all the shields. Both her passive and tac make her the best at applying pressure and winning shield fights.
I love this. No cap
I wish life line ultimate was the shockbot 3000 that push people away but not bulletproof i think the game will be much funnier and balanced am I the only one that thinks this???
This meta is fkn stupid. Literally knock 2 and push and then theyre both up and full heath. Its stupid.
You just have to push fast enough. And your team has much more playtime instead of watching lobby screen and still have the feeling of one life Battle Royal
@@benjaminfranklinstyl The meta is just too strong that it cant be countered without drastically overplaying people that are less skilled than you. Or you could just use the same comp as them. Its hard to counter the meta without the same comp.
The lifeline bug in some cases I wasn’t able to even use my ability
all you have do to fix the Lifeline drone bug is when you are in a game just change a setting to on or off like button hints you have do this every game
This is gonna get annoying quick, its already getting less fun. You HAVE to pick support or be at massive disadvantages and its so hard to eliminate or push anyone any more. The ttk is becoming like a MOBA now where fights last 10 minutes
there needs to be some legend counters for all of this. support class too OP now
Thx for a really good and informative vid!!!
They should revert valks passive back to normal speed to compete with lifeline now. They were just saying last season how she fell off and they needed to "Buffed" her
Give it a few weeks. Every complains during a meta shift. Save the critiques, choose different legends. Maggie and Fuse have been wrecking teams I’ve noticed. Crypto is still viable as he destroys the tact’s of lifeline and Newcastle. Shockingly enough, sir has been a nice save for this meta. His tact and ult come on every handing as most teams stay in place and having wall hacks after a silence can make for aggro play. Also, Caustic is still good. Had a Fuse, Maggie with my Newcastle and it was a terrifying.
chat, did u had fun with longer exchanges with this?
Support or not should be able to replicate the banner with mobile respawn at all times. This will keep end game busy and intense
If support legends can heal without slowing, maybe assault should have a faster reload speed or something.
if they have faster reload speed everyone will use it and back to previous seasons, though they will nerf this soon to some extend, tbh they never buff supports, alwasy was assault and skirmishers, reacon, support and controllers were forgotten for a long time
I was also thinking they just buff every other legend. The defensive legends got really good perks last season now support so let’s just continue making all legends op haha 9:05
This season has been a lot of fun.
I love this meta and I don’t even play support it just feels different most I’ve played in awhile
As a lifeline main i am so happy rn😊😅
Feels more sweaty for casuals like me 🤧
6:16 ngl the buffs for gibby have been great and balanced beside this one....rhis makes it so theres.no longer a counter which is cringe
Man I’m super disappointed in the OG apex.They should’ve brought back old revs ability’s if like that I think players would’ve loved it
Gibby got the buffs he needed. Lifeline and New Castle are broken now. I'm glad I stopped maining Vantage because she can't do anything in the current META, it take's like half a second for a lifeline to pop her ult and full heal the squad. Range in general is bad now because everyone just has shields deployed
depends on the server you playb at, in europe range never was a thing in last two seasons, always AR and shotguns or SMG, i rarely saw a sniper, last season vantage was op, season 20 banga was op, i had the most fun this season with conduit than last two season being the only one who carry the team to craft banners, as everyone says fun ends in plat 4
They're gonna hard nerf this soon
Meanwhile, skirmisher can only scan care packages 😂 and only pathfinder has abilities reward for doing it
Playing Newcastle and lifeline is like play Fortnite 😅😂
Season 24:
Make the controller legends unkillable - outside of caustics gas. Infinite shield regen at 130% of the speed of lifelines drone, but consistent - even if you get damaged.
Season 25:
Make the Assault legends oneshotting everything with their abilities and have infinite ammo.
Season 26:
Make the Recon legends have consistent wallhacks and knowing every players position, name and loadout around the map.
Season 27:
make the Skirmisher legends being able to fly through the map while having 100% accuracy while mid-air.
Oh wait. Thats just season 22 and my lobbies as a casual player in a nutshell. My bad.
season 26 is every season lol, they even know the gametarg and who is using wall hacks
when is the titanfall LTM coming?
I think if the other characters got buffs, maybe it could be balanced without the need to nerf the supports.
Honestly, I've never had so much fun playing rankeds, you can finally fight the 3stacks and the randoms are much more of a team player than the average horizon/wraith who dies in the first fight and cries to be revived.
I think this season is going to be fun in competitive as we see new characters in the meta. It's probably the best we've had compared to the "I can't see anything" or "wall hack".
And I'm not going to say they aren't strong, they are, and although it sounds contradictory, but as a SoloQ Player this meta is much better than the rest. And yes, it forces you to carry at least one Support in your team.
But what does it matter, it's just my opinion and in the next days the pros will complain and LL, Gibby and Newcastle will be destroyed.
newcastle was alr pretty chill and he got buffed and people stopped playing crypto before his nerfs-- devs balancing is kind of random at points,they might get nerfs but i dont expect them to be that major
Newcaste lifeline way too op they need to do something about this
lifeline tactical is so bugged that in mixtape her tac is shown on every legend on top of the orgininal legend tac
Launch would've done that because you really had to play those legends.
For people playing lifeline REVIVE YOUR TEAME MATES ITS 1 BUTTON
I just want an ash rework/buff fr man 😭😭😭 I went from playing ash/pathfinder/revenant (both old and new) to being forced to autolock lifeline or Newcastle to even have a chance at winning a fight (let alone the game and I play solo) I enjoyed playing vantage last season but already feel useless playing her this season with the amount of shields and heals these supports provide it’s like her 2 shot buff is none existent
I think Watson should be in the support category
Can you talk about the bug on the lobby right now is it really really bad
change the resolution to 1600x something and return it to normal it fix it
I like playing both Newcastle and lifeline anyway but I fo feel Newcastle's tac being indestructible is way too op. I get making it stronger but it should still be vulnerable to damage from some things eg mad maggie's abilities, arc stars say.. I can see it getting nerfed pretty soon
Why tf do people think this is a good change. Meta is literally just lifeline newcastle and whoever tf else the random is.
Shits unfun downing the same 2 people 4 or 5 times and seeing them generate hp faster than you're hitting them.
And I'm an apex scrub not an aimgod.
I'm not hitting all my shots so worst yet for people like me.
Should have given them all red glowing eyes in the thumbnail. Lol
The mobile respawn on banner pickup is too much. You can literally just run up and insta call mates in a fight.
Banner craft is okayish i think, yet still atrong as heck
Best way to balance this is to have one class of character per team
No way. That would piss so many people off.
@ImAlterlol not like they haven't done stuff like that in the past before
@@redtailbig-gun256 Piss people off? Yes. But making one legend class per team is ridiculous. People would get to play their character 1/5 games.
@@ImAlterlol thats why you use 3, its rare when they pick two out of the 3, its reakky rare it happened to me once and i had to play banga and smoked everyone thinking it was coduit shield lol
Has it really though fam?
This game is still alive 😮
Love it. Skirmishers getting humbled by trying to unga bunga everything
Wattson is only there because of the challenges. The 3 support buggers are there because yea
My Tabs in the lobby are not working it's been 2 days now I can't access anything I own I deleted the game and re-downloaded multiple times I deleted the game. I deleted my saved data. I don't know what's going on. I literally can't access any of my skins any of my heirlooms can't do challenges can't access my heirlooms. I can't access anything.
We need a mirage reborn or something. He was my main.
To be fair you have to be actually good with LL AND Newcastle in order to be OP..cause idk how many times I’ve destroyed a team with a Newcastle and a LL already..they trash if you don’t know how to play them
yes actually its better buff the other class rather than nerf the support class
1:20 all you have do to fix the Lifeline drone bug is when you are in a game just change a setting to on or off like button hints you have do this every game
@@faide7564 np
@@faide7564 np
Got a bug where I can’t access any of the tabs or change any cosmetics, only can play matches, what do I do?
Go back to main menu and load in again
@ hasn’t been working but will try again
It’s okay so many years was skirmisher the best
I dont know why devs are making ttk so much higher every season.
So they give lifeline that but get rid of revenants totem. Yeah wonder why I don't play apex anymore unbalanced as fuck
Lifeline's drone should be destroyable
The *most stupid* update was the infinite health on newcastles shield. This is just dumb. Casual players will still struggle when using him, while sweats are unkillable. I hate this buff. Remove it.
Agreed that shoukd have never been a thing
I just think its too much. Yes, I think it is fun if you play a full support team yourself, but if you don't you basicially already lost. You can't win early fights anymore, nor any fight if you don't have someone to res you in the middle of a fight. If you don't have a movement legends/player on your team in this case who is really agressive and can 1vs2 then its unwinnable.
They need to do something else with the skirmish class
Love how the avg rank is is either silver or below, shows just how trash ranked is now, few play it now and most are in silver at best
Looking for that 4k badge? No problem, just fight a single Newcastle/Lifeline team.
Shoulda had Newcastle as Bran Newcastle
I almost wish launch aoex had all the new legends and their new kits, but got rid of crafting materials, and newer guns and other excess bs that just bloat the game.
My game has not loaded in 2 days btw
They fixed the lifeline
I think caustic fuse mad maggey are bast encounter fore support legend
The support legends are just too strong. You cant push these teams even if you get 2 knocks and the last person to 1 shot. Because guess what lifeline/newcastle ult/shields, fast revive and almost fully healed in 7 seconds and now theyre preaiming you pushing.