best clutch casero .be carefull it's too fast

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • НаукаНаука

Комментарии • 185

  • @vancemacd6315
    @vancemacd6315 Год назад +6

    Very simple, yet effective. Nice work!

  • @johngranata5515
    @johngranata5515 10 месяцев назад +10

    It should be sprung so the clutch is always engaged then you step on a pedal to disengage ...I'm going to copy this partially nice job

  • @XintangWu
    @XintangWu 9 месяцев назад +1

    Simple smart setup!!! Your ideas are always brand new!

  • @bryduhbikeguy
    @bryduhbikeguy 3 года назад +2

    That's very good.You build some great designs.Thank you for sharing them./Napakahusay iyan. Bumuo ka ng ilang magagandang disenyo. Salamat sa pagbabahagi ng mga ito./Happy New Year !

  • @JoseLuisHernandez-el9xd
    @JoseLuisHernandez-el9xd 2 года назад +6

    Trabajazo, si señor, me acabas de dar una idea genial para un proyecto que tenia parado de un motocultor.... ingenioso el sistema, por cierto, que material has usado para los discos de fricción?. Un saludo, desde Canarias.

  • @oscarleon1332
    @oscarleon1332 Год назад +10

    Yo creo que sale mas economico colocarle el embraye 😊original.Aparte es mas practico.

  • @gegersopian3413
    @gegersopian3413 Год назад +2

    Waw. Keren. Dgn. Pembuatan. Gokart. Mini. Mantap❤😊

  • @kazuza9
    @kazuza9 2 года назад +4

    A smart and simple mechanical setup. Interesting.

  • @franciscolima1964
    @franciscolima1964 2 года назад +1

    Felipo tudo bom,gastaria de saber como vc colocou partida eletrica na bike motorizada 49cc.

  • @topoftheplotshomestead
    @topoftheplotshomestead 2 года назад +1

    Hello mate. I have just watched your video good idea. I think this idea will help me fix my two wheel tractor.NIGEL

  • @kevinsellsit5584
    @kevinsellsit5584 2 года назад +5

    Gas pedal is the clutch pedal.
    So, you push the GAS pedal to both throttle up AND maintain force on the friction material (engage the clutch). No gas no go. Interesting concept.

    • @tristan6509
      @tristan6509 Год назад

      That's a terrible idea since uphill you need more gas than clutch
      It's better to use a centrifugal clutch for that setup since it is designed to slip

    • @kevinsellsit5584
      @kevinsellsit5584 Год назад

      @@tristan6509 I completely agree that a centrifugal clutch is better and cheaper, I'm just giving him credit for a creative design. I think the conveyor belt would smoke, stink and delaminate from the sprockets and or wear out very fast under high load (uphill). If he used actual friction material, which would slip, then you have the challenge of finding the right spring or cable synchronization for variable conditions, which, like you said, is done automatically with a centrifugal clutch which costs less.

    • @РустамБалкизов
      @РустамБалкизов 7 дней назад

      Вместо конвеерной ленты можно приклеить накладки для диска сцепления автомобиля, но как вы говорили центробежное сцепления он уже готовый и на них тоже продаются накладки сцепления

  • @ВераАлехина-г3й
    @ВераАлехина-г3й 2 года назад +4

    Можно с таким же успехом использовать, вместо транспортерной ленты использовать накладки сцепления из ферадо, надёжнее и долговечнее . А конструкция придумана превосходная!!!

  • @ElPrecursorAmargado
    @ElPrecursorAmargado 2 года назад +1

    Y si a esa flecha se le maquina o solda el estriado para montarle un clutch de motoneta?

    • @jpalaciosflores
      @jpalaciosflores Год назад

      sería excelente, son más confiables y duraderos

  • @theautodidacticman_
    @theautodidacticman_ Год назад +7

    The spring clip should be installed where the opening is facing away from the direction of travel. This will help prevent the spring clips from coming off.

  • @josue5852
    @josue5852 Год назад +3

    like the concept since there's really only centrifugal clutches or cvts for go karts. what does bother me though is the friction material is rubber? so rubber will grab hard but cant handle heat well or the wear but since the thing only weighs like 250 pounds and makes 6hp it wouldn't be much of a problem. would love to see a beefed up version that i could put on my e85 224

    • @bobbyt223
      @bobbyt223 Год назад

      I used to rebuild church plates for some textile companies and I used a cork material. It was oil resistant and it worked well for whatever they used it for. Always wondered how it would work with a go kart

    • @chadmills5400
      @chadmills5400 Год назад

      replace with brake pads and rotors

  • @josefroylandelacerdarios9787
    @josefroylandelacerdarios9787 2 года назад +3

    Ese Embrague Centrífugo Casero NO Va A Durar Por Los Materiales Que Está Hecho . . . Tan Sencillo y Si Complicaciones En Comprar Uno Ya Diseñado Para Su Función Específica Y Durabilidad a Precios Muy Económicos En Línea . !! 😏👍🏼

    • @se-akworkplace3166
      @se-akworkplace3166 2 года назад

      True statement brother, but if he had bought it off shelf as you suggested, I wouldn't have known how clutch works.
      So please bear with people like us.

  • @rigobertofigueroa7235
    @rigobertofigueroa7235 Год назад

    geniales trabajos! una pregunta, como se comporta estos carritos subiendo una pendiente?

    • @jpalaciosflores
      @jpalaciosflores Год назад +1

      depende de la potencia del motor y de cuanto control tengas de la aceleración para controlar el par motriz

  • @angelnavarrosanchez5187
    @angelnavarrosanchez5187 2 года назад

    Y para una moto funciona tambien ? en las subidas sube normal?

  • @alexandermendoza1669
    @alexandermendoza1669 3 года назад +4

    gracias amigo x tus conocimientos excelente todos los proyectos que realizas todavía estoy a la espera de los otro 2videos d 4 del go kart casero Saludos dsd 🇵🇦🇵🇦🇵🇦🇵🇦

  • @sergionascimentodeoliveira0708
    @sergionascimentodeoliveira0708 Год назад +3

    Meus Parabéns Nota 1000 Você é Super Inteligente

  • @aleksandrpeshkov2660
    @aleksandrpeshkov2660 Год назад

    Where can I buy the fuel tank separately? How many liters is it? I`m from Siberia, Russia

  • @catajyg5070
    @catajyg5070 3 года назад +1

    Hola! Ese material del embrague es goma? Que tipo de goma? No se desgasta muy rápido? No se suelta el adhesivo?

    • @filipotv
      @filipotv  2 года назад +1

      until now it is working

  • @danthonybaker2750
    @danthonybaker2750 Месяц назад

    Amazing 😍

  • @marcoserrato6809
    @marcoserrato6809 3 года назад +2

    Buen trabajo felipotv eres lo máximo... Soy tu fan 👍

  • @zainimotorbwi5534
    @zainimotorbwi5534 2 года назад +1

    very creative and innovative ideas, hopefully always successful and useful 👍

  • @carloshinostrozahinostroza6601
    @carloshinostrozahinostroza6601 3 месяца назад

    Tengo un proyecto de moto lineal con motor estacionario inconcluso por cuanto tengo problemas con la centrifuga o embrague. es un motor de 18 hp y todo lo funde, espero sus consejos, o quizas llevar con usted, donde estan ubicados. celular.

  • @rafaelcortez3076
    @rafaelcortez3076 2 года назад

    Amigo muy buen trabajo pregunto de cuantos caballos es el motor

  • @jefferyhodgkins909
    @jefferyhodgkins909 10 месяцев назад

    What material is used for the friction disk

  • @ElAguila1978
    @ElAguila1978 Месяц назад

    That doesn’t seem too fast for all that creative work you did there. Pretty cool ideas, but I think a simple
    Clutch would give you the same result????

  • @franciscoleon7846
    @franciscoleon7846 2 года назад +2

    Esta algo floja la cadena ,en ese lugar de prueba es perfecto pero en un terreno accidentado podria tender a salirse del engrane me a pasado ,esta bien la idea para carretera donde no ai demasidos saltos en el coche ,pero esta bien la idea👌👌👌

  • @jimmynavarro3760
    @jimmynavarro3760 2 года назад

    Great job nice idea. No need for a centrifugal clutch at all. Smart very smart.👍👍

  • @sddiymakeitworthit7512
    @sddiymakeitworthit7512 3 года назад +3

    Nice presentation 👍

  • @Marko-pilgrim
    @Marko-pilgrim 4 месяца назад

    I guess you used a rubber to cut the friction discs.
    The project is genial only the friction rubber wheels must burn out immediately.
    What abou the original clutch disch instead for the friction?

  • @huxmetalworks7371
    @huxmetalworks7371 2 месяца назад

    Great job like your work

  • @ricoiramachannel4626
    @ricoiramachannel4626 2 года назад

    waooo good joob i like

  • @backwoodsjunkie08
    @backwoodsjunkie08 Год назад

    Fuckin awesome!!!! Not sure why I never thought of something like this!!! So simple yet effective

  • @nitebirdscuffle4213
    @nitebirdscuffle4213 2 года назад +1

    Really impressive........Innovative idea with the rubber and grease/oil........Few have the innovation and skill to see something like this through.....looking forward to the next clutch based on this........Thanks for posting/sharing

  • @rodrigochura9619
    @rodrigochura9619 3 года назад +1

    Filipo el otro día te vi haciendo la prueba donde manejas tus creaciones

  • @barrybryant3655
    @barrybryant3655 2 месяца назад

    Awesome job

  • @Alekskorpin
    @Alekskorpin 9 месяцев назад +1

    Система никуда не годная !!! На пару километров .! Вы и правдо думаете что резина будет держаться на основе клея ?😂 при подьёме , резком старте , при нагрузке , при пробуксовке при нагреве на жаре и холоде её просто сорвёт в хлам !!! И даже феродо приклёпаное не поможет так как будет гореть дымить ! А пыль ? А песок ? А дождь ? И самое главное в этой схеме заняты обе ноги . устанешь держать такое сцепление - отсохнет стопа😂. А тормозить чем. ? . куда проще центробежное сцепление которое работает от педали или рукояти управление оборотами дроселя !.

  • @onzaonza3
    @onzaonza3 5 месяцев назад

    can i know names for all materials you used to make this clutch

  • @slothzombi307
    @slothzombi307 8 месяцев назад

    Cool concept. I would grind off the nubs on those sprockets or at least put a guard over them. Evidently the throttle and clutch work together. That works, but if they were separate you could do burn outs and pop wheelies. Too bad a true manual clutch like this isn't available for a good price.

  • @AaronHanna-ut1ex
    @AaronHanna-ut1ex 5 месяцев назад

    Nice that thheyy both are workijg as one

  • @nestorperezavendano6743
    @nestorperezavendano6743 3 года назад +4

    Me podrías dar el tamaño de las llantas de tu gokart por favor.

  • @jesuscamacho9453
    @jesuscamacho9453 2 года назад +3

    Magnífico embrague centrífugo casero👏👍👏
    Y en un cuanto a pendientes altas cómo reaciona el motor ?
    Y por cuánto multiplica la fuerza?

    • @jpalaciosflores
      @jpalaciosflores Год назад +2

      - No es centrífugo, es de fricción.
      - Depende de la potencia del motor.
      - Por la relación de dientes de las catarinas acopladas, solo se vé la pequeña pero no se ve la grande acoplada a la rueda, por allí podría ser similar a las que ha usado para hacer el disco de soporte del embrague.

    • @jesuscamacho9453
      @jesuscamacho9453 Год назад

      @@jpalaciosflores gracias por el dato ✌️

  • @zman450r4
    @zman450r4 7 месяцев назад

    Nice! But you put the master link clip on backwards. Should face the back of the kart

  • @karlalton3170
    @karlalton3170 Год назад

    Clever idea 😁😁🤘🤘

  • @sandyzeiss2589
    @sandyzeiss2589 Год назад +1

    Pretty good!

  • @jorgelunavera9088
    @jorgelunavera9088 2 года назад +2

    Publicación de las medidas de cada pieza por favor... gracias

  • @josephelmejor1999
    @josephelmejor1999 2 года назад

    De donde sacaste o donde conseguiste los resortes mi hermano? Por cierto buen video

    • @filipotv
      @filipotv  2 года назад +1

      Gracias 👍en la ferreteria

    • @ultramail11
      @ultramail11 2 года назад +1

      Big old V8 valve springs would do the trick

  • @leostgeorge2080
    @leostgeorge2080 Год назад +1

    For the price of two sprockets, cable and ends, reinforce rubber and a bearing you could buy a clutch.

  • @luisenriqueortegagonzalez1408
    @luisenriqueortegagonzalez1408 2 года назад

    Muy bien. Me gustaría ver cómo funciona en bajadas, subidas y cruceros ... Gracias.

  • @ЕвгенийСиманчук-й7ц
    @ЕвгенийСиманчук-й7ц 2 года назад +3

    Цепь в таким виде долго работать не будет..

  • @pupi149
    @pupi149 2 года назад +3

    Muy interesante, pero lo haría funcionar al revés, ahora se pisa para que acople, lo que te obliga a pisar siempre, debería ser pisado para que desacople y que ya no dependa de pisar siempre.

    • @jemscars1447
      @jemscars1447 11 месяцев назад

      Solo que requiere de un resorte bastante fuerte para que haga la presion adecuada 🤷🏻

    • @pupi149
      @pupi149 11 месяцев назад

      @@jemscars1447 y seguro se lo va a terminar instalando.

  • @BangOlafson
    @BangOlafson 9 месяцев назад

    Welding a spring? good idea... if you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail...

  • @ultramail11
    @ultramail11 2 года назад

    Another Big spring on the pedal and cantilever it the other way you would have a clutch mostly engaged and pushing pedal disengages

  • @franciscolima1964
    @franciscolima1964 2 года назад

    Eu comprei um motor desse 2 tempos 49cc sera que vale a pena pra coloca na motorizada com sistema de marchas anda bem pois o motorzinho parece bem fraquinho.

  • @coachd9168
    @coachd9168 6 месяцев назад +2

    Ok so you didnt build a clutch you eliminated one! You know, one of the big reasons clutches are even used vs direct drive like that is a clutch will always burn itself out, self destruct, blow its brains out, before you toss the cheap cast crank in an engine like that! So much for that safety valve! Dunno why anyone is impressed?

  • @martins6
    @martins6 2 месяца назад


  • @pedroluisdaza270
    @pedroluisdaza270 4 месяца назад

    Como " diversión" y para el que le guste lo mecánico, está " super" pero en mi humilde opinión sale más barato el clucht centrífugo tradicional y es más practico, funciona con solo" acelerar" de hecho los que yó construyo para mis scooters y buggys son centrífugos y muy duraderos, este del video, el rodamiento de la punta, termina gastando la punta del eje en corto tiempo y es anti practico tener que estar todo el tiempo con el pié en el embrague para que funcione, es " anti natural.

  • @odairjosemayerthelau812
    @odairjosemayerthelau812 2 года назад +3

    Ficou muito bacana top 10.👏👏👏 parabéns 👏👏👏👍

  • @oscarchannelcreative
    @oscarchannelcreative 2 года назад

    Luar biasa kreatif tingkat dewa..salam dari Indonesia 🇮🇩

  • @logandraws1098
    @logandraws1098 2 года назад +5

    You could have just bought a reliable clutch for the same money you spent on parts. Huge waste of time

    • @terryglenweaver
      @terryglenweaver 2 года назад

      Yes, it certainly seems counterproductive unless it allows for reverse but he just doesn't provide adequate video or audio explanation as to its plus side effects. Even his moving video does not effecrively express his idea it is fast. Looks slow to me.

    • @Bvanyangu352
      @Bvanyangu352 5 месяцев назад

      He made it himself just because he can, not because he think less

  • @diaadotcomdiaa156
    @diaadotcomdiaa156 2 года назад +1

    It more than great .i have been thinking of this cluch for years . But fail to make
    some thing so simple like that . Thank you

  • @LygerTheCLaw
    @LygerTheCLaw 11 месяцев назад +3

    i dont think chain misalignment and lack of servicability brings this into the "best clutch" realm. haven't even touched on the wear factor of rubber on rubber yet.

    • @LASTCHANCe.88
      @LASTCHANCe.88 2 месяца назад

      I'd have them them mud flaps burned up and melted together lol😅

  • @precisionautoshop2380
    @precisionautoshop2380 3 года назад +4

    Excelente 👌 👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @charlestcheukonguemani1987
    @charlestcheukonguemani1987 9 месяцев назад

    Belle vidéo,,svp comment avoir la fiche de fabrication

  • @anomeyidk
    @anomeyidk Год назад +1

    i think it would also work in reverse, like in real car/ motorbike: when the clutch pedal is pushed, the clutch is not touching the flywheel

  • @dylanpoucher-eo8pz
    @dylanpoucher-eo8pz Год назад

    And also how fast does it go?

  • @jorgediego1680
    @jorgediego1680 6 месяцев назад

    Para ese tipo de motor venden un embrague centrifugo, muy efectivo que se usa principalmente en los kart de competicion o alquiler.Y es de bajo costo.

  • @magicmikeinc
    @magicmikeinc Год назад

    OK now just put a hand throttle on it and you can dump the clutch or floor the clutch in this set up . But after about twice you better get a better than rubber clutch . Had an old Wizard riding mower like this only it just tightened the belt when pushed

  • @RthujkgFthgggdddei
    @RthujkgFthgggdddei 10 месяцев назад +1

    Заберите у него кто нибудь сварочный аппарат

  • @محمدالنمر-ط3ط
    @محمدالنمر-ط3ط 2 года назад

    May I know the name of the motor?

  • @saifsalah2422
    @saifsalah2422 Год назад +1

    É um trabalho muito bom. Desejo-lhe sucesso sempre meu amigo

  • @vicenterosales
    @vicenterosales 3 года назад +3

    Excelente trabajo, muchas felicidades!!!

  • @domingosandoval6582
    @domingosandoval6582 6 месяцев назад +1

    Como aser que funcione un motor con solo baporado de gasolina que no gaste la gasolina

  • @bang-ijam
    @bang-ijam 2 года назад

    superb bro

  • @ЕвгенийРаськин
    @ЕвгенийРаськин 10 месяцев назад +1

    после того как он заварил подшипник я выключил компьютер нахрен

  • @FelipeAndrijckseen
    @FelipeAndrijckseen 2 года назад +2

    Me gustaría ver la fabrición de un diferencial casero. ¡Saludos desde Brasil! 👏😃🇧🇷

  • @josecasasola305
    @josecasasola305 Год назад

    A cuanta velocidad anda como máximo?

  • @jamalhasibuan8915
    @jamalhasibuan8915 2 года назад

    Mantnp 😀👍👍

  • @modernmountaineer
    @modernmountaineer Месяц назад

    I dont think that would provide enough torque to take off from a stop, which may explain not showing it and why he appeared to be basically coasting...might have had friend power to push or pull it up to speed then start filming. I didnt see anything to make it grab. Spring itself wouldnt be enough.

  • @freespirit7772
    @freespirit7772 8 месяцев назад

    Ottima idea

  • @drakesgamingchannel
    @drakesgamingchannel 6 месяцев назад

    My cousin's got a go kart,
    The go kart

  • @48467664
    @48467664 2 года назад +1

    well I just don't know about your new clutch, you did not burn out, or even pop a wheelie, so is it really good. :~)

  • @matthewpeter4034
    @matthewpeter4034 2 года назад

    Good idea until it's time to replace your friction plates lmaoo

  • @anselmoruiz4954
    @anselmoruiz4954 Год назад

    Disculpa es asbesto la junta kiero Acer un motocultor saludos de México

  • @francinildosouza3410
    @francinildosouza3410 2 года назад

    Eu quero saber como funciona essa embalagem porque quando vc pucha e que ela feicha e quando vc acelera o motor é que ela feicha não pra fazer o contrário

  • @TLBN_J14000BLK
    @TLBN_J14000BLK 3 дня назад

    He essentially made a dry clutch

  • @ScottyRenner-z9z
    @ScottyRenner-z9z 14 дней назад

    Ok it moves and works but how is it like if you like to see how for you can push it on a go cart and take it off the beaten path way because your board of street riding and like to change up on it sometimes how well would it do then it shreds apart in no time good design though it isto me they need to be a shaft that could be hooked up to the motor that works lol a locker on it when given it gas have like a button on the steering wheel push in for a free spin the when release the botton it locks in for a much better luanch reaction that be the best way of using small engines it can beade to fo so

  • @samsgarage1716
    @samsgarage1716 3 года назад +1

    Great job.

  • @alsanahmed5059
    @alsanahmed5059 11 месяцев назад

    Can someone tell me what that black rubber thing he used is ?

    • @bobboboff5326
      @bobboboff5326 4 месяца назад

      Транспортерная резина. Ее можно было врезать в отверстия на звездочках.

  • @istvanmecseki7418
    @istvanmecseki7418 Год назад

    Profi munka 🤠👍

  • @jaimemendez2915
    @jaimemendez2915 Год назад

    observe es tiktok en ves de usar asbesto usan cuero en los dispositivo de friccion, y es ambiental, en si muy practico y genial.

  • @m.kasper7646
    @m.kasper7646 2 года назад +1

    Open end of the master link should never go in the direction of travel.

  • @АртёмСкобля-щ5ф
    @АртёмСкобля-щ5ф 3 года назад +3


  • @RixtronixLAB
    @RixtronixLAB 2 года назад

    Nice video, thanks :)

  • @edilsoncriadordeinvencoes
    @edilsoncriadordeinvencoes 2 года назад


  • @gamenight0539
    @gamenight0539 2 года назад

    Hello, what material do you put on the two crowns?

  • @dennyscrespo3606
    @dennyscrespo3606 2 года назад +1

    Sería mejor que la función de closk sea a la inversa , o sea pisar el pedal para liberar el torque

    • @jpalaciosflores
      @jpalaciosflores Год назад

      En ese caso, el material de fricción estaría permanentemente conectado, lo cual en este caso no sería bueno dado que usa goma con refuerzo de lona. El control de aceleración y embrague va en el mismo pedal, por tanto la presión del pedal acelera el motor y a su vez presiona los platos de embrague, es un control eficaz .... no hay fuerza, no se mueve. Eso si, debe fatigar el pie, por la fuerza adicional para mantener el embrague en su lugar.

    • @dennyscrespo3606
      @dennyscrespo3606 Год назад

      @@jpalaciosflores en ambos caso existe la fricción