Run 2 Theme Song EXTENDED

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 559

  • @ThrillzTheGreatest
    @ThrillzTheGreatest 2 года назад +249

    If you remember this, you're a true veteran of gaming.

  • @jordandamico05
    @jordandamico05 5 лет назад +826

    *Please Rise For The Gamer National Anthem*

    • @iim4xii129
      @iim4xii129 4 года назад +8

      That would be the Super Mario theme song, but okay.

    • @justmike9556
      @justmike9556 4 года назад +9

      @@iim4xii129 No, It would be MineCraft Theme...

    • @iim4xii129
      @iim4xii129 4 года назад +7

      @@justmike9556 Not only is that extremely inane to suggest, but I don't think Minecraft even has a theme - just some quiet background tunes...

    • @cheiftainvulpix
      @cheiftainvulpix 4 года назад +15

      It doesn't matter it is two different opinions. Find the gamer national anthem that fits to you. :)

    • @justmike9556
      @justmike9556 4 года назад +4

      @@cheiftainvulpix No, That isn't how it works. There can only be ONE National Gamer Anthem, and the Council decided over 10,000 Years ago that the song "Minecraft", made by C418, is the National Gamer Anthem. I am number 4 in the Council. I know all the information.

  • @lobbycontrol9602
    @lobbycontrol9602 4 года назад +411

    Used to play this back in the 3rd grade now I’m entering my first year of college, time flies

    • @jennifermedina2840
      @jennifermedina2840 3 года назад +22

      enjoy college man

    • @sukiyaki4623
      @sukiyaki4623 2 года назад +8

      how is college going?

    • @Archive_7802
      @Archive_7802 2 года назад +9

      The frickin’ _FEELS,_ man!

    • @jcrocky
      @jcrocky 2 года назад +6

      I played this in the 3rd grade as well and now I’m in high school. Time does fly by very fast when you’re having so much fun

    • @Rodan727
      @Rodan727 2 года назад +4


  • @Connor-dl4hq
    @Connor-dl4hq 4 года назад +1105

    This wasn’t just a game, it’s a symbol, of when math truly was *cool...*

  • @forgettablename6436
    @forgettablename6436 3 года назад +159

    Suddenly hit by a wave of nostalgia from playing this game all the time way back in elementary school. And now I'm an adult. God damn, how has so much time has gone by?

    • @noahbender2147
      @noahbender2147 3 года назад +7

      Same shits depressing being an adult sucks

    • @Archive_7802
      @Archive_7802 2 года назад +7

      Really makes you wish that you had a reset button to go back to the good times…

    • @BokuGlack
      @BokuGlack 2 года назад +3

      I used to play btd3 thinking it was the newest game out lol

    • @ethanstarr6435
      @ethanstarr6435 Год назад

      Too much man. Makes me sad everyday

    • @ethanstarr6435
      @ethanstarr6435 Год назад

      @@noahbender2147 I hate it.

  • @Kratosspartanman
    @Kratosspartanman 6 лет назад +184

    The nostalagic is taking over HELP!!!

  • @Umbrah8
    @Umbrah8 3 года назад +73

    It's weird how nostalgia works. This is such a simple song but it brings me back to good times

  • @baconmunchh
    @baconmunchh 2 года назад +95

    this beat goes UNREASONABLY HARD

    • @Nymphian777
      @Nymphian777 4 месяца назад

      It really does. It has no business being this good.

  • @zer0rebel4
    @zer0rebel4 4 года назад +406

    if you remember this...
    *By god, did you have a sweet childhood..*

    • @toaster_rtx1829
      @toaster_rtx1829 4 года назад +18

      Yeah I’m about crying right now. I truly grew up in a golden age, huh.

    • @Damned_Knight.
      @Damned_Knight. 3 года назад +5

      Theme will forever be stuck in my head

    • @AngryBirds1053
      @AngryBirds1053 3 года назад


    • @Entity_BlackRed777
      @Entity_BlackRed777 2 года назад +3

      I did not had so much of a good time.

    • @Irongrim
      @Irongrim 2 года назад +3

      My childhood was not good. But still to this day I remember this theme.

  • @inpost1751
    @inpost1751 6 лет назад +420

    yo im bumpin this, it kinda go hard no cap

    • @soulessghost0039
      @soulessghost0039 6 лет назад +22

      U not wrong. This somethin i bump to too

    • @jodyjadetv8620
      @jodyjadetv8620 5 лет назад +22

      I'm vibing tf out of this shit rn wym

    • @dankscarce
      @dankscarce 4 года назад +12

      @@jodyjadetv8620 No cap, this be hittin different

    • @iim4xii129
      @iim4xii129 4 года назад

      That made literally no sense whatsoever.

    • @MarioMario-yb3iz
      @MarioMario-yb3iz 4 года назад +3

      @@iim4xii129 what?

  • @Lucien_Noland
    @Lucien_Noland 5 лет назад +492

    I actually got my 8th period teacher play this on the last day of school in 7th grade.

  • @hemzooted1653
    @hemzooted1653 5 лет назад +95

    This is what ecstasy feels like if anyone was wondering

  • @DiabolicalSituation
    @DiabolicalSituation 3 года назад +56

    These are the kinds of songs that make you keep going instead of giving up

  • @Squaggies
    @Squaggies 5 лет назад +304

    When math was cool...

    • @1jacobb
      @1jacobb 4 года назад +23

      Squaggies finding all the excuses possible to play cool math games “it literally has math in its name”

    • @WillTheTrainFan
      @WillTheTrainFan 3 года назад +7

      When coolmath was unblocked

    • @JohnSmithsu2006
      @JohnSmithsu2006 9 месяцев назад


  • @derpderp9199
    @derpderp9199 3 года назад +68

    2:23 hard asf 🔥

  • @rt1110
    @rt1110 5 лет назад +162

    Ah the sound of a 7th grade Friday in 8th period, the year 2011-2012, the bell was going to ring in 43 minutes, time to play 😎 hahaha

  • @Irongrim
    @Irongrim 5 месяцев назад +6

    Some of the only good memories of elementary school. If we finished our computer lab work early, we were allowed to go to Cool Math Games. Even now at age 23, this theme has stayed in my head.

  • @anon4925
    @anon4925 4 года назад +55

    One of the very few songs that manage to touch my feelings.

  • @kkuri_hearts
    @kkuri_hearts 5 лет назад +49

    rip flash 2020

  • @wii43j
    @wii43j 3 года назад +50

    All nostalgia aside this is one of the most goddamn intense songs I’ve ever heard

  • @simply_jaguar1337
    @simply_jaguar1337 5 лет назад +52

    Oh. My. God. The memories😢

  • @Airland_combat
    @Airland_combat 2 года назад +44

    Nostalgia hits hard. Kids nowadays never knew the fun this was when passing time away in class. Especially after doing all your work.

    • @disturbedenvironmentalist2313
      @disturbedenvironmentalist2313 2 года назад +3

      Especially when you hadn't done your work yet.

    • @Meyohimeyoi
      @Meyohimeyoi 2 года назад +6

      Now they blocked all websites that arent for school.

    • @Airland_combat
      @Airland_combat 2 года назад +2

      @@Meyohimeyoi Sad AF.

    • @Meyohimeyoi
      @Meyohimeyoi 2 года назад +1

      @@Airland_combat Yeah fucking sucks, I don't know if its happening in just my state, or all across America having that issue in school.

    • @Airland_combat
      @Airland_combat 2 года назад +2

      @@Meyohimeyoi Across America. It's that new education they're introducing.

  • @mariana-rv9ik
    @mariana-rv9ik 5 лет назад +149

    cool math games¿ anyone

  • @neuronoc.7343
    @neuronoc.7343 3 года назад +22

    I remember playing this in like 4th grade, now I'm in university...

  • @knightforge6920
    @knightforge6920 4 года назад +41

    When I listen to this I see myself sitting next to my 2nd grade self in class. Now I'm 15, starting my Sophomore year!

    • @dolfyrantsparodies608
      @dolfyrantsparodies608 4 года назад +3

      Time flies, you only realize it when you are older...

    • @superxboy212
      @superxboy212 3 года назад +3

      Omg same! When I close my eyes, I visualize myself on the computer playing this game in the computer lab. It feels awesome let me tell you.

    • @knightforge6920
      @knightforge6920 3 года назад +1

      @@superxboy212 Yeah, our whole class would go to the computer lab and the best feeling ever was when the teacher said "OK, you guys can play cool math games".

    • @cst1229
      @cst1229 3 года назад +1

      Soft more

    • @sierra991
      @sierra991 3 года назад +3

      >soft more
      you sure you are 15?

  • @theboysfromps445
    @theboysfromps445 Год назад +7

    I would always play this game in grades 3-5 and not too long ago I completely finished the game getting all the bonuses, now it’s time for college but I ain’t ever gonna forget this

  • @editingconvience99
    @editingconvience99 Год назад +5

    Notoriously A Certified Hood Classic.

  • @yellowlad5968
    @yellowlad5968 4 года назад +68

    Rip flash games man
    Im literally crying right now

    • @David_Franco
      @David_Franco 3 года назад

      Run 2 isn't a flash game... 🤦‍♂️

    • @Ghesh_Vargiet
      @Ghesh_Vargiet 3 года назад +6

      @@David_Franco yes it is

    • @unabletothinkofagoodname.6521
      @unabletothinkofagoodname.6521 3 года назад +1

      CoolMath is still here. And you can STILL play Run & Run 3. Although you can't currently play Run 2.
      Also, Run 1 got a HUGE redesign and it's wierd!

    • @ultranitro2361
      @ultranitro2361 3 года назад +2

      @@unabletothinkofagoodname.6521 Flashpoint exist ya know, we can still play run 2

    • @ribbie5362
      @ribbie5362 2 года назад

      @@ultranitro2361 how do we get flashpoint is there like a link to a video pls? i want to play this game so badly

  • @enduthochhech6871
    @enduthochhech6871 5 лет назад +24

    Mum: Make sure you watch 1 more video before bed son.
    Me: Sure thing!

  • @crispycookies3064
    @crispycookies3064 2 года назад +7

    20 years old, came back to here the same tune I loved back in middle school

  • @MmsArlif
    @MmsArlif 5 лет назад +83

    Please rise for the official, Mars national anthem.

  • @itzaramen107
    @itzaramen107 3 года назад +5

    The 6 people who disliked never knew the joy of hopping onto coolmath games in 2014

  • @bonkcg2485
    @bonkcg2485 6 лет назад +52


  • @alienbiscuits4981
    @alienbiscuits4981 5 лет назад +26

    My teacher was so clueless to what we were playing on our computers

  • @soulessghost0039
    @soulessghost0039 6 лет назад +76

    This my theme

  • @McKnlght
    @McKnlght 5 месяцев назад +1

    Used to play this a lot in the 4th-5th grade, now I’m in college and hearing this now hits so different. I miss the old times, man

  • @josiahtheking3078
    @josiahtheking3078 Год назад +7

    I remember playing this in 2nd or 3rd grade in the computer lab on cool math games. Back in 2013 things were just simple and fun 😭

  • @Sanndpap3r
    @Sanndpap3r 4 месяца назад +3

    Remember playing this all the time in 3rd grade🪐

  • @noahfan2719
    @noahfan2719 2 года назад +5

    Run 2 was MY game on Coolmathgames. It was probably my favorite one, next to maybe the entries in the Duck Life series. Quite possibly the greatest Flash game I’ve ever played in my entire life.
    This song sounds like something out of a dream to me. I love it so much.

  • @BrickFighter13
    @BrickFighter13 3 года назад +9

    Man this game takes me back to like my Elementary and Middle School years dude, it was always gonna be a good day when we were able to play this on the computers....some good times and simple times lemme tell ya

  • @adhyantn339
    @adhyantn339 3 года назад +8


  • @micahvanoordt513
    @micahvanoordt513 5 лет назад +21

    The part when it went “bweeeeew bweeew bew bew bew, bew bew bew bew beeeewwwwewwww”
    I felt that shit 😔😢😔😭

    • @frankiesaupp9971
      @frankiesaupp9971 3 года назад +3

      How do I know exactly what part you're talking about

    • @hydraizi3055
      @hydraizi3055 3 года назад

      @@frankiesaupp9971 its high pitched

    • @futurepaver2039
      @futurepaver2039 2 года назад

      time stamp?

    • @angel_on_da_beat
      @angel_on_da_beat Год назад +1

      ​​​@@futurepaver2039 It might've been 14:13 - 15:11, the only thing that makes sense to me following his words was this. I'm too lazy to find it earlier in the video, forgive me.
      Edit: Someone else actually found it earlier in the video, and gave me the timestamp of 7:06 - 7:36

    • @editingconvience99
      @editingconvience99 Год назад

      If I ever had a depressing day in middle school or elementary mannn that sound would usually drive me over with tears.

  • @Supernovaisayoutuber
    @Supernovaisayoutuber 5 лет назад +19

    Nostalgia embodied.

  • @jakejames4005
    @jakejames4005 4 года назад +13

    man i miss 2011 ☹

  • @deadchannel8736
    @deadchannel8736 5 лет назад +37

    Coolmath Games, whoever played this in school, cuz it was fun

    • @Lunar_willoww
      @Lunar_willoww 4 года назад

      Yeah, I remember in grade school me and some other kids I sat near in the computer lab would always brag about how far we got in the game, and who managed to get that extra star thing in each level. Good times, man. Life was simple back then.

    • @superxboy212
      @superxboy212 3 года назад

      I remember when I played this in elementary and finally beat it..I felt awesome🤩😎

  • @alioman6896
    @alioman6896 3 года назад +8

    One of the best games with the best soundtrack even

  • @cheiftainvulpix
    @cheiftainvulpix 4 года назад +7

    I could vibe with this nostalgia trip.

  • @DeSavage222
    @DeSavage222 3 года назад +16

    This is the Best run game, but I wish I could play this right now, sadly flash is gone.

    • @n3bu14
      @n3bu14 3 года назад

      2 things. You can still play it on kizi and coolmathgames. I have a remix of this song on my channel. You can also search for a html version of the game.

    • @Andrescxli
      @Andrescxli 2 года назад +2

      Is there a way to play this game today?

    • @oscarayala7852
      @oscarayala7852 2 года назад

      @@Andrescxli yes

  • @luiway-ej1ym
    @luiway-ej1ym 4 года назад +18

    Music Playing In My mind when something serious is bout to go down:

    • @SuussyBakka
      @SuussyBakka Год назад

      I’m gonna use this music and remix it 3 times to tribute the run trilogy

  • @antoniomartinez1682
    @antoniomartinez1682 5 лет назад +16

    Let's be honest here the only reason we played Run 2 on cool math games was because of the music!

  • @redwrld999
    @redwrld999 2 года назад +5

    im sobbing right now..
    i had such an amazing childhood

  • @xPayBakx
    @xPayBakx 2 года назад +3

    This game brings back so many memories, when games actually used to be fun and not overly saturated like they are now.

  • @DandifiedToe
    @DandifiedToe 3 года назад +5

    Don’t mind me just looking back at my childhood before I go to graduation a week from now lol. Used to play this game back in elementary 3rd grade last hour of school when we had free time in the computer lab. Damn time flies

  • @juan_castilliojc
    @juan_castilliojc 3 года назад +7

    I miss playing this game back in 2012 when I was 6th grade but Mannnn awesome memories of my life

  • @codyromo6965
    @codyromo6965 2 года назад +6

    Brings back memories I played run 2 back in elementary school I completed it all 🤗

  • @dyjgduonfdy
    @dyjgduonfdy Год назад +2

    When you finish your work early in 3rd grade and your teacher lets you go on the computer until buses start getting called

  • @LaurenEveCreates
    @LaurenEveCreates 4 года назад +4

    The song is called "Caiden's Anthem" a remix by Angela's Galaxy, looped 8 times.

    • @cst1229
      @cst1229 3 года назад

      Isn't this a remix of Space Theme from Run 1?

  • @GloBain-ei4df
    @GloBain-ei4df 4 года назад +9

    😣when times were simpler *sigh* ngl this brought back too many good memories

    • @Lunar_willoww
      @Lunar_willoww 4 года назад +4

      same. Me and some kids in the computer lab would always brag when we were at a high level and who completed the extra challenge. Grade school was so simple, wasn't it?

  • @Liquidity624
    @Liquidity624 3 года назад +5

    RIP RUN 2
    It was the best one for me

  • @gtastuntman3486
    @gtastuntman3486 4 года назад +9

    I remember playing this game at school on cool math games time goes by fast

  • @BushOfficialRR
    @BushOfficialRR 2 года назад +4

    When Run 2 is finally not supported by flash anymore...
    January 1, 1996 - December 31, 2020

  • @totallynotjosh945
    @totallynotjosh945 4 года назад +5

    All Gamers come from many walks of life and different beginnings, but many of the late 90s and early 2000s began on CMG, and Run 1 would begin their journey.

  • @sixarmedpsycho_9
    @sixarmedpsycho_9 2 года назад +3

    I'm pretty sure everyone who has played this game at least ONCE in the past remembers this.

  • @shirazqasmi5090
    @shirazqasmi5090 4 года назад +2

    Man I used to play this in grade 3 and 4, those were good times, definitely miss them

  • @keyeslord
    @keyeslord 4 месяца назад +1

    I’ve played this so much it’s like second nature at this point

  • @jordanharris5581
    @jordanharris5581 2 года назад +5

    I played this when I was in middle school I was in the 6th grade man it so ashamed how time flies by sad memories 🥺😥

  • @chasegaminganimations1904
    @chasegaminganimations1904 2 года назад +1

    This is taking me to a trip down memory lane

  • @Chillbrat
    @Chillbrat 3 года назад +2

    I honor Cool Math Games man when I was young I used to play it 24/7 and I enjoyed every moment. Another was that me and another person were competing on who was the fastest on Run 2 so we did that and like omg I just zoomed thru them level like is nothing and I really wish I can go back when I was young and play it all over again thank u lord for those moments fr 😭😊🙏💛

  • @MKingDMV
    @MKingDMV 2 года назад +3

    Middle School vibes 🥹

  • @Nf5000_
    @Nf5000_ 2 года назад +2

    A nostalgic banger

  • @legendarye172
    @legendarye172 10 месяцев назад

    i hadn't heard this song for 10+ years. i open the video, and i am hit with a wave of nostalgia

  • @heavenhancock2002
    @heavenhancock2002 6 лет назад +52

    Love this game I used to play it while I was in 6th grade but now I'm in 10th grade I used to hum this music while playing at school on a computer and my teacher would ask who's humming my friend said my name and my teacher said stop humming and I kept humming any way

    • @SPAD-90.00
      @SPAD-90.00 5 лет назад +1

      Heaven Hancock what a rebel

    • @cZaREXoTIc
      @cZaREXoTIc 5 лет назад

      Heaven Hancock SAME BRO 😤😤😤🔥

    • @cZaREXoTIc
      @cZaREXoTIc 5 лет назад

      Heaven Hancock not about the teacher thing tho😂

    • @zlt412
      @zlt412 4 года назад +2

      wow ur soooooo cool stfu bitch

    • @AkiraEmiko
      @AkiraEmiko 4 года назад

      I did this exact thing lmao

  • @zoookk1237
    @zoookk1237 Год назад

    all the memories i have of this game back in middle school, run 1, 2, and 3, nostalgia at its finest

  • @colindragan9352
    @colindragan9352 2 года назад +3

    POV: It's 2013 and you have 10 minutes to play on Coolmathgames at the end of class

  • @cornstarch8506
    @cornstarch8506 4 года назад +3

    My kids will never believe me when I tell them that math was cool

  • @Slickroll
    @Slickroll 2 года назад +1

    The very first time I played this game was when I was in 3rd grade. One of my friends was playing this and I asked them what the game was and they say "Run 2" I played the first, second and third one's ever since. The last time I played all of them was when I was in 6th grade. Despite playing all of them back in 6th grade hits hard. 6th grade was a big year on my end. Now I'm in 8th grade and the only Run game I have is Run 3 on my phone. Rest in Peace flash player, you really made people's childhoods

  • @lotsacone
    @lotsacone 4 года назад +3

    So many memories.....

  • @lbskysword9545
    @lbskysword9545 Год назад +1

    Im crying in my sleep, I miss this game so much! I miss childhood

  • @CountryforReal
    @CountryforReal Год назад +3

    Music good game even better

  • @Samurai_Edd
    @Samurai_Edd Год назад +1


  • @Captain_Flint_lock
    @Captain_Flint_lock Год назад +2

    Golden Ear of School Games

  • @printessmallettjr.1033
    @printessmallettjr.1033 2 года назад +2

    I Remember This Music.

  • @alfreddiogu1096
    @alfreddiogu1096 Год назад

    Brings back so much memories. I used to play this game a lot when I was younger

  • @samuelyoung203
    @samuelyoung203 4 года назад +7

    I played this game before when I was actually in school!

  • @Ma7ia7
    @Ma7ia7 2 года назад +2

    I remember jamming to this in my kindergarten class

  • @themelbournerailfan
    @themelbournerailfan 2 года назад +1

    An amazing very cool and very catchy theme that I loved and still do. Made for an amazing game.

  • @DeltaBlazin
    @DeltaBlazin 2 года назад +2

    Best theme in the trilogy

  • @the__gatz962
    @the__gatz962 4 года назад +7

    OUR version of FALL GUYS

  • @desertsalt4446
    @desertsalt4446 5 лет назад +50

    Some body should make a remix with lyrics and everything and call it “journey to the end of time” u know when le bell rings

  • @BonelessChickenStrips1000
    @BonelessChickenStrips1000 Год назад +1

    Ahh yes, I remember these memories from 2015-2019.

  • @prestontheruler9332
    @prestontheruler9332 2 года назад +1

    A game gifted from the gods

  • @flamethrower18
    @flamethrower18 Год назад +2

    Yo, who remembers this back in elementary

  • @gwenohare3339
    @gwenohare3339 2 года назад +2

    Stand to the national anthem of the 2010's!

  • @nasstackz3597
    @nasstackz3597 Год назад +1

    Remember playing this when I was in 4th grade back in 2012

  • @Honorable_Judge_Mental
    @Honorable_Judge_Mental 3 года назад +3

    *To this day it remains a mystery as to who this little fella was running from.*

  • @FOOD2o
    @FOOD2o 3 года назад +4

    ngl i didn’t go on coolmath games as a kid, i brought my own usb to school to emulate pokémon ruby
    this song goes hard though

  • @alyssa.uuuhlyssa
    @alyssa.uuuhlyssa 2 года назад +2

    this shit bangs all the time😭😭😭

  • @kevinvlogs6162
    @kevinvlogs6162 Год назад +2

    I haven’t seen this game since 4grade 😢😢

    • @j-beast-gt
      @j-beast-gt Год назад

      Well I'm in 4th grade and my teacher lets me play run

    • @boijaden123
      @boijaden123 6 месяцев назад

      @@j-beast-gt you are lucky to be in elementary

  • @nickberdie9132
    @nickberdie9132 2 года назад

    I played this game a lot in like 2nd or 3rd Grade and now I’m a Junior in High School, Man Time flies

  • @wsg_gt
    @wsg_gt 3 года назад +2

    Don't mind me, just reliving my go to game on cool math games