Комментарии •

  • @BennetDudley
    @BennetDudley 9 лет назад +3

    [sniff] Ralphie may have started off being one of the most evilest people known to mankind. But after many years, he has seen the error of his ways and became the bravest and noblest of heroes. My only regret is that I never got to know him better. He shall be remembered for his rehabilitation and all of the good deeds he has done for his friends. For his Ohana. Rest in peace, Ralphie. You have earned it. :"(

  • @PrincessRapunzel18
    @PrincessRapunzel18 9 лет назад +12

    Me (Rapunzel): Ralphie?
    Genie: he's... he's gone
    Eugene: wait i thought Genie's couldn't kill...
    Genie: i don't think Jafar meant to kill Elsa just harm her with The Kronos Spark, but for Ralphie...
    Bambi: Homer said, even one touch Ralphie will, he's---
    Me (Rapunzel): NO!! NOO!!!!!! *Runs to Ralphie*
    Eugene: *grabs Rapunzel* Rapunzel, there's nothing you can do
    Me (Rapunzel): I DON'T CARE *escaped Eugene's arms and hug Ralphie* RALPHIE. PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME... please *cries*
    Genie: Oh kid *cries*
    Mushu: he born as villain but die as a hero
    Ariel: No... *Cry in Mushu's arms*
    Mushu: I'll miss him too.. *cries*
    Bambi: Oh Ralphie *run to Selena's arms*
    Me (Rapunzel): *face to face with Ralphie* you will always be in my heart... I love you *cries*

    • @joethelion8998
      @joethelion8998 9 лет назад

      Fallen King
      Me: Selena....I'm so sorry. *Place my paw on her shoulder.*

  • @greenlightcomics7602
    @greenlightcomics7602 8 лет назад +1

    That was REALLY cool final battle. When the Misfits come together to fight a really powerful villain.
    I really like your thinking and work.

  • @AaronMeerkat
    @AaronMeerkat 9 лет назад +6

    Hiccup: NNNNOOOOO!!!! RALPHIE!!!!!!!!
    Astrid: AAARRGHHH!!!! Jafar Killed Him!!!!
    Valka: no......
    Toothless: *tries to Wake Ralphie up but couldn't and Roars in Anguished*

  • @RentheGodofHumorTM
    @RentheGodofHumorTM 9 лет назад +4

    Jaden: Ralphie……?
    Alexis: No! *cries* This can't be happening!!
    Baby Lily: *cries hard*
    Jesse: He gave up his life to save us all from Jafar…….. He was a true hero 'til the end…..
    Beetles: *sighs sadly* The poor guy…….
    Nails: *cries* What'll we do now?!

  • @michelrheault3635
    @michelrheault3635 9 лет назад

    RALPHIE NOOOOOOO !!!! And thus end a over-convulated year spanning i'm yet to etablish the proper timeline.

  • @crushing2230
    @crushing2230 9 лет назад +2

    I love your thumbnail for this video!

  • @systemoperator
    @systemoperator 9 лет назад +9

    Peter Griffin: Yes, Jafar is gone!
    Seven Dwarfs: Hooray!
    Orville: Well, we no longer have to deal with him, anymore.
    Ludwig von Drake; That's now seven villains defeated, and only four more to go.
    Mary Poppins: They often say seven's a lucky number, too.
    Jiminy Cricket (me): But, it came at the cost of losing the Fire King himself.
    Pinocchio: No, no!
    Alice: Oh, no!
    Professor Owl: I can't believe this!
    Herman: He got killed! Dead! *crying*
    Oliver: Oh, this is awful!
    Dodger: Sorry, kid. But, there's just some things you can't change.
    Jiminy Cricket (me): Yes, we can!

  • @nikkdisneylover8390
    @nikkdisneylover8390 9 лет назад +2

    Me: What an intense battle! I knew you guys will beat him!
    Pikachu: Pikapi pika!
    Quasimodo: What's wrong?
    Pikachu: Pika! *points to Ralphie*
    Kermit: *gasps* Ralphie! Oh no!
    Me: *in tears* N-no...
    Bubbles: *cries*
    Blossom and Buttercup: *tearfully* He's...gone...
    Roger Rabbit: No! Ralphie! P-b-b-b-b-blease don't die on us!
    Conker: H-he didn't make it... *hand on his chest* He was a great guy. A fire king, a brave hero, and yet, he was mortal, like the rest of us. But at least he showed that bastard who's boss.

  • @JessLovesMovies
    @JessLovesMovies 9 лет назад +7

    *Jessica* Jim your cruiser!
    *Jim* Right! *flies on his cruiser to get the lamp*
    *Sinbad* Come on Jafar...Afraid to get your hands dirty hit me with your best shot!
    *Milo* Let's do this!
    *Kayley* Hey Jafar! *knocks him over with a beam*
    *Jessica kicks him and knocks him down*
    *After Ralphie gets hit with the Kronos ray*
    *Jim* Homer Now!
    *Jafar gets sucked back into the lamp*
    *Kayley* He's gone I can't believe it He's gone!
    *Jim Sinbad and Milo cheer*
    *Sinbad* As if he ever had a chance with us right Jess. ..Jess
    *Sees me next to Ralphie's body*
    *with tears in my eyes* Ralphie is....*cries* Gone...*sobs*
    *Sinbad* No...Ralphie!....RALPHIE!
    *Kayley breaks down into tears*
    *Milo starts to cry* he can't be...
    *Jim sits down and trys to fight off crying* Why?.... *with tears in his eyes*

  • @Torterra1324
    @Torterra1324 9 лет назад +1

    Meta Knight: Ralphie.....
    Shippo: *cries* he was such an awesome guy
    Miroku: dont cry Shippo, we must have a moment of silence for his sacrifice for Selena
    Kirara: *meow* :(
    Night: *sad roar*
    Tiger: *Howls in respect for Ralphie*
    Horton: i cant believe hes gone
    Zorua: *cries* this isnt fair
    *Zoroark picks up Zorua and hugs him*
    Lucario: his Aura will always be with us

  • @PrincessTwilightSparkle
    @PrincessTwilightSparkle 9 лет назад +6

    Me (Twilight Sparkle "EQG"): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT RALPHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sniffs* Xiaolins, will you guys please leave me for the moment? *my team leaves me for the moment. I'm then crying for Ralphie* R... R... R... Ralphie... (:,(

    • @PrincessTwilightSparkle
      @PrincessTwilightSparkle 9 лет назад

      lord kyle Me: *still crying for Ralphie*

    • @PrincessTwilightSparkle
      @PrincessTwilightSparkle 9 лет назад

      lord kyle Me: How... how could this happened to him?

    • @PrincessTwilightSparkle
      @PrincessTwilightSparkle 9 лет назад

      lord kyle
      Me: *sniffs*
      Wander: Hey! I have an idea! :-D We'll just make the time-machine, so we can travel back in time and save both Ralphie and Elsa! What do you guys think?

    • @PrincessTwilightSparkle
      @PrincessTwilightSparkle 9 лет назад

      lord kyle
      Skunk: *sniffs* Which means?

    • @PrincessTwilightSparkle
      @PrincessTwilightSparkle 9 лет назад

      lord kyle
      Me: I agree with him; Ralphie is like brother to me too! *cries*
      Godzilla: Yeah, he's so brave, kind-hearted and so loyal! *cries*
      Grim: Why am I even watched this? *cries*

  • @tigerman531
    @tigerman531 9 лет назад +2

    Jeffrey: No...

  • @JBEagle-mj1em
    @JBEagle-mj1em 9 лет назад +2

    No! Ralphie can't die!

  • @ambiguouserin1323
    @ambiguouserin1323 7 лет назад

    Erin: Oof!! *Coughs out blood*
    Death the Kid: Erin! No one messes with Vincent's Best Friend! *His charm glows white as he levaties to the air, his hands revealed a powerful magic inside of him.* Go....................... MAGIC POWERS OF DIRGE OF CERBERUS!!!

  • @harpax99
    @harpax99 9 лет назад +1

    In the heavens...
    Manwe: Ralphie my kin is dead but death is yet but another path he will see soon the white shores of his kin who fought and died for the heroes
    Varda: Yes he will and this battle will be sung in our halls for ever
    All of the Valar crying

    • @harpax99
      @harpax99 9 лет назад

      Valar begin to sing
      From the mists of the mountains a deafening call
      Bellows down over the plains
      On a host of battle-worn ears it does fall
      Pushing out through the thunder and rain
      We shall not forget the hero who defended us all

  • @123emilymason
    @123emilymason 5 лет назад

    Yoshi: oh ralphie..
    eevee: vee *licks his cheek*
    pingu: *sob* WHY!? WHY DID YOU DO THIS!?
    Unikitty: must stay.. OH I CAN'T! *sob*
    mametchi: he was a brave hero...
    mothra: *nods*
    Blue and orange: *hugs while crying*
    K-kun: I wish we came sooner...

  • @annaandelsa9031
    @annaandelsa9031 9 лет назад +1

    Elsa: No...
    Anna: R-Ralphie...? No..!! *falls on her knees*
    Kristoff: *stares in shock and sorrow*
    Sven: ...*whimpers*

    • @joethelion8998
      @joethelion8998 9 лет назад

      Patchi: *nuzzles Anna* I'm so sorry.
      Scowler: Elsa....*begins falling to his knees due to blood loss.* Oh, Elsa....

    • @annaandelsa9031
      @annaandelsa9031 9 лет назад

      Joe the Lion Anna: *cries softly*
      Elsa: S-Scowler...! Are you alright?

    • @annaandelsa9031
      @annaandelsa9031 9 лет назад

      sonofjafarreturns Elsa: *smiles weakly* Thank you, Oswald...

    • @joethelion8998
      @joethelion8998 9 лет назад

      Anna and Elsa
      Scowler; I was shot...*grunts in pain* by Medusa.
      Juniper: We were on our way back when we heard the fighting.

    • @disneyvillainrocket1
      @disneyvillainrocket1 9 лет назад

      can we all say a prayer 4 ralphie

  • @KARDisney
    @KARDisney 9 лет назад +1

    Without Ralphie, whats going to happen next?! (sobbing)

  • @johnpl2724
    @johnpl2724 9 лет назад +2

    Why do you guys call yourselves "The Misfits"?

  • @CoolZDanethe5th
    @CoolZDanethe5th 9 лет назад +4

    We'd better hope (whoever misfit it is/was) will live, eh?

    • @KARDisney
      @KARDisney 9 лет назад +2

      I hope so. Ralphie cant be dead! :(

    • @JessLovesMovies
      @JessLovesMovies 9 лет назад +1

      No, Ralphie can't be dead!!!!! *goes in a corner and cries*

  • @hadesleaugeofdarkness2329
    @hadesleaugeofdarkness2329 9 лет назад +1

    That's just fine. Ya know, I knew that Jafar guy was a jerk. I mean, what could be more aggravating than this? huh? hey... a new arrival and it's someone we all been waiting for... welcome back home, son...

  • @bluethunder250
    @bluethunder250 9 лет назад

    5:33 YOU GO, ELSA!!!!

  • @disneyvillainrocket1
    @disneyvillainrocket1 9 лет назад

    Karai: (crying) Ralphie why?!!!

  • @dannytheguardian5102
    @dannytheguardian5102 9 лет назад +1

    me: I can't belive it he's dead (begien to cry)
    tahu: I consider him a fire brother aswell now he is gone
    all the toa: ( hugs me in circle )

  • @chriswilkinson9400
    @chriswilkinson9400 2 года назад +1

    Awesome 😎

  • @TheKoolAndOnlyRune
    @TheKoolAndOnlyRune 9 лет назад

    Kopa: *begins to cry*

  • @craigthecomedicgenie1252
    @craigthecomedicgenie1252 9 лет назад +3

    Although Jafar maybe defeated, we lost a good friend, a leader, a true hero. Let us all take a moment of silence to remember the great fire king through all the good he's done and the memories of him not as a villain, but as a man who can make us smile (besides Ren the God of Humor of course) even in his darkest times. :'-(
    By the way, off topic question: What shall we do with the lamp? Any idea's folks?

    • @RentheGodofHumorTM
      @RentheGodofHumorTM 9 лет назад +1

      Allow me. *takes the lamp* 10,000 years in a cave of wonders aught to chill him out!!!!! *throws the lamp as far as I can*

    • @RentheGodofHumorTM
      @RentheGodofHumorTM 9 лет назад

      Fallen King What's wrong? Not a baseball fan?

    • @RentheGodofHumorTM
      @RentheGodofHumorTM 9 лет назад

      Fallen King Are you talking about what Abis Mal did? Pfffft! Please. I'd make it so that the lamp would never be found again.

    • @RentheGodofHumorTM
      @RentheGodofHumorTM 9 лет назад

      Fallen King Hm….. I wonder who that could be?

    • @craigthecomedicgenie1252
      @craigthecomedicgenie1252 9 лет назад

      Fallen King And who exactly did you have in mind, Selena?

  • @TheAutobotPictures
    @TheAutobotPictures 9 лет назад

    can you bring him back

  • @PhoenixReaper04
    @PhoenixReaper04 4 года назад

    Kirito tails balto kimiko green lantern (Jessica Cruz) & me (raimundo):I'm sorry guys ralphie is gone 😭

  • @sailornikki7511
    @sailornikki7511 9 лет назад

    Nikki (Me): Ralphie...No... *clings to Arthur, cries in his chest*
    Arthur (England): *rubs Nikki's back*
    *the other Hetalians hang their heads down in sadness*

  • @commandercritic9036
    @commandercritic9036 9 лет назад


  • @firehalfbreed5262
    @firehalfbreed5262 9 лет назад

    No...No...He can't be dead...He can't! >(

  • @KARDisney
    @KARDisney 9 лет назад

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not you! WHY?!!!!!!

  • @joethelion8998
    @joethelion8998 9 лет назад +1

    *My team arrives on the scene. Scowler is bleeding from a bullet wound.*
    Patchi: YOU GUYS!!!
    Alex: Is everyone okay?
    Speckles: *sees Ralphie* RALPHIE!!
    Junior: What's wrong with him?
    Alex: *Checks his pulse* He---He's gone.
    Speckles: *stunned* Wha--.....No....*growls* NO........*ROARS in rage and sorrow*
    Juniper: Oh Ralphie....*cries.*
    Patchi: *lowers his head in sadness*

  • @sunfloweirdo
    @sunfloweirdo 7 лет назад

    Gaged five

  • @thewildman1000
    @thewildman1000 9 лет назад

    (Everyone looks so sad)
    Me: But, I thought a genie can't kill people?

  • @brianspringer2225
    @brianspringer2225 9 лет назад

    Did jafar die

    • @zachbrancato1970
      @zachbrancato1970 7 лет назад

      Nope, he's just trapped in his lamp until some idiot comes along and rubs it. But since everyone watching this isn't stupid enough to rub it now, I think we've got time.

    • @JonesDylan874
      @JonesDylan874 4 года назад

      But, alas, Ralphie died in the process...