Plastic Surgeon Reacts to Insanely SATISFYING TikTok Videos!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 380

  • @DoctorYoun
    @DoctorYoun  Год назад +11

    Sausage lips? Bowling ball breasts? Check out my reaction to these OUTRAGEOUS TikTok videos!видео.html

    • @tanyashilling6747
      @tanyashilling6747 Год назад

      Nair for armpits?!? I Naired my legs... smelled and burned like a perm.
      Didn't take leg hair off, and kinda made my leg hair weaker, easier to shave, once my legs skin had stopped looking like slices of prepackaged no brand ham slices, bubbles and all. Missed a spot or two, applied to ONLY those areas.... just disastrous!!!! There has to be an herbal paste, one that isn't all chemicals that eats my skin!!!
      My family lineage must have come directly out of caves no less than 3 generations ago 😂 Dr Youn, is there a 100% natural hair "concotion" that i don't have to get from a shady company,& for all i know, it's toxic waste!(to remove leg and underarm hair with little to no irritation &perhaps stunt then stop hair growth all together?
      Ive seen tik tok ones, dont trust them.... the new shopping app. Teamoo has some very non-FDA warnings, Stating that we should not buy such things from that app....unless you know for a fact the company providing it to the sales app is legit, and inspected...hard to do with an out of the US company... i honestly don't feel safe buying anything but overpriced stickers, i want every household to they have lol
      But the beauty products frighten me. (Except the best little machine to add various foods/ fruits/veggies/&vegBasedCollagen &a smidge of water, makes homemade mask!!!!
      One even tells you step by step in English from the machine itself what to do and when (demanding machine!) To add what ingredients, and how long to pour &how long to let solidify.... kinda neat in my opinion... would try a retinol one for sure! Is Retinol an ingredient that can be a plant based serum???😮
      Please & thank you!!
      I need to pay attention to your products, I guarantee none in the stores around carry anything close to your ingredients!

  • @oldgloryhillfarmturtlewoma9132
    @oldgloryhillfarmturtlewoma9132 2 года назад +366

    I suffered internal injuries in an accident. I had quite a long drain tube in my stomach. When my doctor removed it, it took only a few minutes, but seemed longer and I was so brave..I barely whimpered. When it was out, my doctor calmly said “You can let go now”. I had a grip on his wrist that left pretty deep fingernail indentations. 😱🤣 Poor man, and he was so nice too.

    • @JessHull
      @JessHull 2 года назад +18

      whoa you are brave actually, nice.

    • @ivanalshamari2209
      @ivanalshamari2209 2 года назад

      Nobody cares bozo

    • @olivers_playlists7343
      @olivers_playlists7343 2 года назад +17

      Oof, that sounds awful. I've had drainage tubes in my chest, and those were uncomfortable enough. One going to the stomach would leave me crying.

    • @brookewilson1950
      @brookewilson1950 2 года назад +31

      Lol I've had patients grab me like that. I think it's cute 😂❤️ whatever helps honestly. We don't really think twice about it. At least, I don't.

    • @electraperrin
      @electraperrin Год назад +1

      Love your honesty in how must have felt. Those vocal cords have alot of self control 😅

  • @maryelmore478
    @maryelmore478 2 года назад +305

    I had sinus surgery a few years back and having the packing removed was super satisfying. But the best feeling was when the doctor used the tiny sucking machine to remove any leftover debris. After not being able to breathe for a week and really for several years before that it was such a relief. I had to teach myself how to stop being a mouth breather.

    • @Leviatiemily
      @Leviatiemily 2 года назад +11

      When I got mine sucked out it hurt and I wanted to pause but my doctor got mad and kept doing it. He's not a doc anymore. Someone bled to death after one of his surgeries. Lucky me I guess?

    • @IchBinDieLy1
      @IchBinDieLy1 2 года назад +4

      I had a surgery a few months back as well... but my exit wasn't even CLOSE to how clean hers was. I call unfair.

    • @futurexoxoo1431
      @futurexoxoo1431 Год назад +4

      I have trouble breathing from my nose😢 I’m scared but I want to get nose surgery

    • @electraperrin
      @electraperrin Год назад +1

      ​@@Leviatiemilyoh no.. that is so scary you went thru this. They don't do any pre-soften of the guaze and is thier reason why not and they just pull

    • @user-g4i6l
      @user-g4i6l 10 месяцев назад

      Good for you! 😊

  • @r1kk3rs
    @r1kk3rs 2 года назад +130

    The heavy nose packing was PAINFUL when mine got removed from a septoplasty, rhinoplasty, adenoidectomy, and turbinate reduction. The feeling of the packing being pulled out felt like they were yanking the inside walls of my nasal cavities out with them. NO thank you!! I don't know how so many found it satisfying. It stung & yanked on my nasal skin so bad my eyes watered.

    • @cassthompson3386
      @cassthompson3386 2 года назад +15

      Yeah I've never experienced it personally....but it looks very painful, not satisfying. The guy in this particular video did not look satisfied at all lol he looked like he was in pain.

    • @VetDiaries
      @VetDiaries Год назад +6

      I also had septoplasty, ethmoidectomy, and turbinoplasty about 7 years ago. I remember describing the pack removal as “giving birth from my nostrils” 😂 SO weird and uncomfortable!

    • @MissEddieBlueKawaiiKrafts
      @MissEddieBlueKawaiiKrafts Год назад +1

      @@cassthompson3386yeah he definitely did not look like he was having fun 😭

    • @elisataylor556
      @elisataylor556 Год назад +3

      Mine hurt too. I screamed.

    • @jentapsell1137
      @jentapsell1137 Год назад +3

      I had the heavy packing when I was in my teens. I got beaten up when I was fourteen they shattered my nose and fractured my skull. Ti had to have 4 operations on my nose to correct the damage in total and that heavy packing were a nightmare. The sensation of having them removed and how they made me feel like they were chocking me has stayed with me all these years and I’m one month from being forty. Not fun.

  • @Crafty.Goth.Creations
    @Crafty.Goth.Creations 2 года назад +88

    I had a septumplasty to correct a deviated septum, and my doctor used the stabilizers. I was shocked when he pulled those out of my nose. To me, they looked like envelope openers, minus the blade. I can tell you from experience, removal of those was very satisfying.

  • @carolynschweitzer7901
    @carolynschweitzer7901 2 года назад +49

    I had reconstructive surgery on my nose on May 26. He took those silicone splints out 5 days later, and I could breathe for a couple of hours until the nasal passages got swollen. Still waiting for it all to shrink and heal. Cartilage from my ear and from the unaffected part of my nose, and fascia from my scalp was also used. All because of a poorly done, aggressive rhinoplasty 45 years ago. Complete healing is projected to take three years!! (Yes years, not months). Pick the right surgeon everyone, someone like Anthony Youn :-)

  • @Ady66699
    @Ady66699 2 года назад +65

    One time when I had a nose bleed I stuffed my nose with tissue to stop the bleeding. Eventually it stopped and when I pulled out the tissue I also pulled out a big blood clot slug and it felt like it came out of my sinuses and it felt so good.

  • @alyssabela2510
    @alyssabela2510 2 года назад +80

    My Nonno is on blood thinners and gets really bad bleeding noses so he gets his nose packed quite a bit and you can see a physical change in his comfort level when they are taken out

    • @reneeburtness1526
      @reneeburtness1526 2 года назад +2

      Are they shore it's just the blood thinners he could have a nother problem the thinners are making worse I've known a few people on blood thinners and they don't have nose bleeds

    • @reneeburtness1526
      @reneeburtness1526 2 года назад +2

      The hospital told my grandfather he was having nose bleeds but it was a brain bleed draining out of his nose

    • @alyssabela2510
      @alyssabela2510 2 года назад +5

      @@reneeburtness1526 it's not the blood thinners that cause nose bleeds it just causes them to be extreme and require packing everytime because he doesn't clot so they can last hours

    • @reneeburtness1526
      @reneeburtness1526 2 года назад +1

      @@alyssabela2510 have they checked his brain. My grandfather nearly died bc they insisted it was a nose bleed

    • @alyssabela2510
      @alyssabela2510 2 года назад +3

      @@reneeburtness1526 not sure but they don't happen user often, like once a year or so

  • @suzee_
    @suzee_ 2 года назад +345

    I watched my husband's doctor take his packing out of his nose (the tampons lol) I about got sick and doctor made me leave the room lol

    • @ZayS2020
      @ZayS2020 2 года назад +8

      My mom is like that she has to leave the room with anything like that lol

    • @pollicollopy5850
      @pollicollopy5850 Год назад +2


  • @AmericanBaker
    @AmericanBaker 2 года назад +60

    The nair video reminds of the last time I used nair. I was trying to get rid of some armpit hair and after using it according to instructions, half of my body hair was still there, so I tried again and ended up giving myself a painful chemical burn. Last time I ever used it. That was over 20 years ago.

    • @janiexoxo
      @janiexoxo 2 года назад +9

      I can use it on my legs, but not under my arms. Learned the hard way too

    • @ladykoiwolfe
      @ladykoiwolfe Год назад +1

      Yeah, it doesn't work for me either. But my mother swears it's the absolute best she's ever used. We have very different hair types.

  • @marinam.2293
    @marinam.2293 2 года назад +44

    That was fun, but I'd also love to see what Dr. Youn would rate 10/10 satisfying! We got as far as 9/10 this time, very close. 😊

  • @Starfirahs
    @Starfirahs 2 года назад +179

    Dang, I've tried 3 different brands of at home chemical peels for my husband's feet and we've never had this much peeling 😳 Definitely would like to know which brand(s) work best! Thank you in advance 😇💕 and thank you for the video, some of these made me cringe lol 😆

    • @Vonononie
      @Vonononie 2 года назад +7

      Best I’ve used is Footner

    • @Starfirahs
      @Starfirahs 2 года назад +4

      @@Vonononie Thank you! I'll check it out and give it a try 💕

    • @Vonononie
      @Vonononie 2 года назад +11

      @@Starfirahs it felt like nothing was happening for the first few days then suddenly started to peel. Make sure you don’t moisturise the foot before it peels as it needs to dry first

    • @Starfirahs
      @Starfirahs 2 года назад +4

      @@Vonononie gotcha, thank you 👍 that's how the others were that I got for my husband, the peeling didn't happen until a few days later but wasn't even half as much as what was shown on so many videos like these 🤯

    • @KuraikoLee
      @KuraikoLee 2 года назад +6

      It startet a day after I used mine… but not as much as in the video 😅🙈

  • @snowwhite5842
    @snowwhite5842 Год назад +1

    8:11 I give that man a 10/10 for not flinching.

  • @Delsey77
    @Delsey77 2 года назад +3

    Watching his vids is so comforting idk

  • @nobodysbaby5048
    @nobodysbaby5048 2 года назад +22

    Had nose packing due to an accident. They were in about 8 wks. It was excruciating when they removed them. Not kidding, dried & stuck to the inner nose wall.

    • @Rukiri
      @Rukiri 2 года назад +3

      I cried when I had the packing removed after sinus surgery. It was incredibly painful and felt like the doctor was pulling my brains out through my nose. I honestly don't get all the people saying it's satisfying lol

  • @Theherbalempress
    @Theherbalempress 2 года назад +24

    I like how he calls him “boogies” lmao

  • @MissSirenita
    @MissSirenita 2 года назад +8

    I get so much mucus in my eyes and seeing it being pulled reminds me of how relieving it is to have that cleared from my eyes. They stick to my eye ball or they stick to my upper and lower eyelashes, making my vision blurry even with glasses

  • @heatherreich2687
    @heatherreich2687 2 года назад +5

    ❤ excited for the premier. Thankyou Doctor Youn.

  • @sngray11
    @sngray11 2 года назад +10

    I get cupping and accupuncture done and it really helps. ☺️ And I agree with your ratings for these videos Dr. Youn.

    • @ETamJP
      @ETamJP 2 года назад +1

      I think that a person needs to find a good professional for the acupuncture. I had one session done by my physiotherapist on my hand and wrist for a case of tendonitis, and while it was somewhat okay during the session, the aches and heavy bruises afterwards were not fun.

    • @SuperDrLisa
      @SuperDrLisa 2 года назад +1

      @@ETamJP physiotherapists are not the best to go to for acupuncture. They use dry needling which is much larger diameter than a regular acupuncture needle. You need a Dr. Of Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Cupping is a beautiful thing too. It's just hard to explain the red circles.

    • @ETamJP
      @ETamJP 2 года назад +1

      @@SuperDrLisa Yes, agreed with what you said. 😀It’s slightly different on my side, though. I was in Hong Kong at that time so the PT was licensed for both Western physical therapy and also practiced Asian ones like acupuncture. Otherwise, however, you are right.

  • @elizabethfox9976
    @elizabethfox9976 2 года назад +13

    I had a septoplasty when I was 23 (I had 80% blockage of my airway due to a deviated septum) and had the silicone splints put in. This girl’s reaction to getting them out is baffling to me. Yes, afterwards you feel so good being able to breath, but the feeling of getting them removed was so disgusting for me.
    Also learning how to blow my nose at 23 was very weird.

  • @pinkfeet518
    @pinkfeet518 2 года назад +6

    when I went to my post op apt to get my cast off and sutures out, I told the nurse I was SO ANXIOUS about them taking the packing out. she looked at and said “oh no you don’t have any packing” and I let out a huge sigh of relief

  • @shine4758
    @shine4758 2 года назад +10

    Love this type of reactions!

  • @youtubesucks4115
    @youtubesucks4115 2 года назад +8

    When I was in beauty school we learned that Nair is basically drain cleaner. It just melts the hair

  • @CoriMultipass
    @CoriMultipass 2 года назад +28

    The nose packing ones look so gross but so satisfying. I have nasal piercings, so whenever I wash my nose daily it feels like a similar, but lesser, situation. (I can't blow it normally, but my nose feels so great after being washed, I would keep washing it even if I took the piercings out, because I know how gross a nose gets now.)
    I can't imagine not being able to wash it out for weeks though. I would rather expire.

  • @shaelynlantz1357
    @shaelynlantz1357 2 года назад +12

    I had the packs with my septoplasty/FESS and got it removed a couple days later. It was the best feeling getting them removed! However I had a ton of blood clots come out after which really freaked me out (and I’m a surgical tech😂)

  • @KuraikoLee
    @KuraikoLee 2 года назад +18

    Removing those nose tampons hurt soooo much. Had them once after a operation

    • @deanna6468
      @deanna6468 2 года назад +1

      It looked painful to me!

    • @BirdTalk13
      @BirdTalk13 7 месяцев назад

      I think it would be quite painful during the insertion! 😳

  • @misscidella
    @misscidella 2 года назад +9

    Mucus phishing that’s a new one

  • @tuttletuttlewood5551
    @tuttletuttlewood5551 2 года назад +1

    0:43 that image brought up a repressed memory of my classmates back in high school who kept bragging about his blister skin collection. He brought it in one day, and left it in the locker we were auctioning off to other students (think storage wars). I feel bad for whoever ended up with his ziplock bag full of old blister skins :/

  • @hardrockandmetalrule
    @hardrockandmetalrule 2 года назад +7

    Sweeeeeeeeeeeet! Thanks Dr Youn! Love your videos!

  • @ronnetteharvey6781
    @ronnetteharvey6781 2 года назад +4

    Perfect ratings

  • @wendybabendy
    @wendybabendy 2 года назад +3

    I KNEW you would say something about Dr. Brown... LMAO!! Never fails... you guys crack me up!

  • @epowell4211
    @epowell4211 Год назад +1

    As a kid in the 70's, I used to steal my grandpa's Dr. Wade's foot medicine and dose my toes with it so they would peel. I think the main ingredient was Salicylic acid, but IDK. Peeled my toes raw enough times to break me of the habit and to make me wary of those foot peel masks :P

  • @AshleySanchez.16
    @AshleySanchez.16 Год назад +1

    Hello Dr. Youn! Lol sometimes you crack me up when you react all random videos when it comes to a human skin I love you're your work! 😍😂💪🏼

  • @kiki29073
    @kiki29073 2 года назад +10

    They used the big packing in my daughter's sinus surgery. They forgot one and found it about five months later. It was nasty when they pulled it out.

    • @BirdTalk13
      @BirdTalk13 7 месяцев назад

      Poor baby! That sounds awful!

  • @nancyclymer98
    @nancyclymer98 2 года назад +4

    Definitely agree on your ratings Dr. Youn, In fact I think you were too generous on some 😄

  • @ItsBooToYou
    @ItsBooToYou 2 года назад +4

    I went to the ER for a 4 hour nosebleed, and got the rapid rino... worst pain ever.

  • @ZayS2020
    @ZayS2020 2 года назад +1

    Dr youn and the waxing has me. Sometimes shaving doesn't always feel as soft

  • @H4CK41D
    @H4CK41D 2 года назад +2

    great vid dr youn!

  • @jojoart571
    @jojoart571 2 года назад +7

    I love your videos 😊❤️

  • @karyannfontaine8757
    @karyannfontaine8757 2 года назад +24

    The most awful one to me was mixing flies into bread. Horrible, now I will be checking every type of bread before I eat.

    • @CaedmonOS
      @CaedmonOS 2 года назад +5

      Did you know that the USDA has an acceptable limit on how much insect is in your food per weight

    • @someonessidechannel1485
      @someonessidechannel1485 2 года назад +4

      and its a fractional amount per like... every hundred pounds. because fruit flies and fungus gnats are *everywhere*

    • @KaitouKaiju
      @KaitouKaiju 2 года назад +1

      @@CaedmonOS Yeah because anything that comes from nature such as wheat is gonna have insects on it - some so small they cannot be seen.

    • @BirdTalk13
      @BirdTalk13 7 месяцев назад

      @@KaitouKaijuAlso bugs in rice. I always spread out the rice on a paper plate and look through it thoroughly while picking out any “dark parts”. Then I wash it in a large bowl under cold water while swirling it around with my hand or a spoon. Keep rinsing until the water is clear. The rice tastes so much better because the starch is removed and I know that I at least got most of the “dark impurities” removed. I’m OCD about clean rice. LOL

  • @rachelhatton3233
    @rachelhatton3233 2 года назад

    I absolutely love when he cuts the office into it

  • @saskewoo
    @saskewoo 2 года назад +7

    I had huge tampons and those silicone things in my nose when they removed some tissue to improve my breathing and fixed my deviated septum (though it has since reverted back to its lopsidedness). It was both kind of painful and just overall uncomfortable to remove, but I'm surprised at the little blood in both cases... anyway, the process of getting them removed definitely does not feel good. Being able to breathe afterwards does, though. Especially after having the tampons in for almost 3 days and only being able to breathe through your mouth.

  • @DWPersianExcursion
    @DWPersianExcursion 2 года назад +4

    Love from Texas ❤️

  • @marthamunoz9110
    @marthamunoz9110 2 года назад +17

    As someone who hard waxes her facial hair off, the vid with the waxing caused me pain watching it. I’m sure if I asked my esthetician to try this method, she would think I’m insane lol

  • @jiromarc7873
    @jiromarc7873 2 года назад +1

    Spot on rating, Dr Youn. 😊

  • @8yearsago153
    @8yearsago153 2 года назад

    You’re ratings were spot on!

  • @daspontanious
    @daspontanious Год назад +2

    Lol he pronounces booger as “boo-gee” 😂

  • @r0syyyy
    @r0syyyy 2 года назад +3

    Dr. Youn! My ratings matched with yours 100% great minds think alike? Lol great video!

  • @martinemartin4779
    @martinemartin4779 Год назад

    Lol I've done the foot peel thing. It improved my foot comfort no end.

  • @katemoseley5522
    @katemoseley5522 Год назад

    I love a good foot peel. They are so satisfying when they come off.

  • @thesavvyblackbird
    @thesavvyblackbird Год назад +1

    Anyone who has lived in an area with lots of ticks knows how difficult it is to remove them. You also don’t want to scrape them off and leave the head that’s attached into your skin. The little deer ticks don’t get as big as a black eyed pea, but American dog ticks do. Tweezers are best to remove ticks by grabbing at their heads and mouths and removing. Scraping can just decapitate them and result in the head staying in your skin and getting infected.

  • @protoclone138
    @protoclone138 Год назад +1

    I had rhinoplasty to opened up my nasal passages. Pulling out the cotton when it was time was crazy.
    I was told to not swallow any blood if there is any. There was a lot of blood and most of it went down my throat. I tried to not swallow but have you tried to stop a broken water main with a cup?

  • @RCSquared2024
    @RCSquared2024 10 месяцев назад

    I had to have my septum straightened and my sinuses opened up too, so I had a spint and packing. The satisfaction of having them taken out was absolutely amazing! It was also really satisfying being able to blow my nose and accidently blowing out the packing in one of my sinuses too 😅

  • @AuntyM66
    @AuntyM66 2 года назад

    I love the foot peels.

  • @lindaw.2565
    @lindaw.2565 Год назад

    I've had the Brazilian waxing done a few times. It stays smooth for a while. When the hair grows out, it is softer. But, it's expensive. Shaving is required every day!

  • @alg94
    @alg94 2 года назад +1

    so barbers and stylists wax hair off the face instead of straight blading mostly for two reasons: 1. some people's skin cannot handle being shaved. its too sensitive and will automatically result in ingrown hairs. 2. they have really dark facial hair and depending where the hair is (on the forehead, for example) the appearance of stubble from shaving will be super noticeable and more uncomfortable because when you shave the hair is cut straight across and looks blunt whereas with waxing the hair grows back in in its more natural conical shape, looking thinner.

  • @laracardinale3473
    @laracardinale3473 Год назад

    When I had my first rhinoplasty over 20 years ago, they had stitched in a stabilizer for my deviate. When I had a my follow up the PA tried pulling them out without taking out the stitches

  • @wickerbuni
    @wickerbuni 2 года назад +1

    I've had the packing and the silicone splints. So many nose and sinus surgeries and I need another surgery. For previous injuries, not for looks.

  • @Razvratnica
    @Razvratnica 2 года назад

    I love the foot peels 😍

  • @Shiroze
    @Shiroze 2 года назад +4

    Me starting the video.
    Dr. Youn: Now that is satisfying.
    Me: No. That is disgusting.

  • @tammyhines1585
    @tammyhines1585 2 года назад +2

    Great video

  • @Uncle_Smidge
    @Uncle_Smidge 2 года назад +6

    I supply both of the shown nasal dressings for the Main O.R. of my hospital on demand. It's so weird seeing them in use, as opposed to being compressed and gleaming white in their double-layered Tyvek envelopes! That said, I hope I never need a nose job. My nose is a huge focus of my sensory issues. >____

  • @Gratitude1214
    @Gratitude1214 2 года назад

    Your reaction are hilarious Dr. Youn!!!!

  • @Ona1979
    @Ona1979 2 года назад +3

    If those had been ticks, removing them with a razor wouldn't be safe. The head of the tick would stay imbedded in the skin. When people and pets in my family had ticks, they had to be removed slowly so that no parts were left behind

  • @Matamyherrera
    @Matamyherrera 2 года назад +2

    As someone who had packaging, I hated it. fainted right after they took it out, felt sick for at least half an hour and felt like dying😂

  • @MaybeitsmeJulia
    @MaybeitsmeJulia 2 года назад +1

    I love Doctor Youn ^_^

  • @cicitrek
    @cicitrek Год назад +1

    🤢 The Foot-Peels...I'am eating😂😂😂

  • @darkangel_1978
    @darkangel_1978 2 года назад +6

    Nair has never worked for me. Tried it many times, and never had good results like the person who was able to remove armpit hair. I always follow directions, but it never properly works for me, so I am stuck shaving. I won't wax, because it hurts too much.

    • @Bethprincess
      @Bethprincess 2 года назад +1

      Have you tried shaving powder, way better than nair, just super stinky

    • @darkangel_1978
      @darkangel_1978 2 года назад

      @@Bethprincess never heard of it

    • @zzkittykat
      @zzkittykat 2 года назад +1

      @@darkangel_1978 do you rub the hair off after letting it sit? You have to rub it off in circular motions for it to come off easiest

    • @darkangel_1978
      @darkangel_1978 2 года назад

      @@zzkittykat I have and it still doesn't fully come off. I have tried so many times, thinking maybe I was doing something wrong, but only a small amount would come off. So I gave up.

    • @Jdb74985
      @Jdb74985 2 года назад +2

      I have the same exact problem

  • @jenniferp5916
    @jenniferp5916 2 года назад

    Love your little verbal "one-up manship" with Dr Ricky Brown. Quite amusing!I☺

  • @throow
    @throow Год назад

    I had gaze stuffed all the way into my forehead cavity after I was operated for invert papillioma. When it was removed; I think it's the worse thing I have every been through.

  • @susansecorfranco2651
    @susansecorfranco2651 Год назад

    I had a bulb on the end of my nose and had a nose job done in the mid "80's. I had to be awake, and sitting up. I'll never forget when the doctor inserted this LARGE metal thing into my nose, then took a mallet and hit it to brake my nose. What a feeling!! I threw up blood for HOURS after. I know they don't do them this way anymore, thank God! I had packing in my nose for a little more than a week, and when he took it out...........what a feeling!!! I remember I was going to Aruba the day after he took the packing out, and the doctor wasn't happy. He didn't want me to lay in the sun. He said he was afraid the skin would lift up?? I had a great result, so I guess that's all that matters!!

  • @yotuba9493
    @yotuba9493 2 года назад

    Great video as always!

  • @G2YC3R32L
    @G2YC3R32L 2 года назад

    Okay so I'm against plastic surgery (for many reasons, like the fact some people will turn themselves into fricking barbies, another reason being the fact I'm pretty sure it isn't healthy- imagine plastic being put into your face *shivers*)
    But I enjoy watching this guy lol

  • @jackiemainard2576
    @jackiemainard2576 2 года назад

    I had nose packing after sinus/septoplasty surgery. It hurt like crazy AFTER the packing was removed due to the negative pressure in the now empty sinuses!

  • @ambergilbert2531
    @ambergilbert2531 2 года назад +1

    "Those aren't ticks at all...those are black eye peas!" Lmao

  • @erinnobert3193
    @erinnobert3193 7 месяцев назад

    My nose splints for my deviated septum surgery were awful. Having to spray saline thriigh then and when he told me they didn't hurt coming out, as he yanked on the stitches to cut them and they hurt like hell coming out. He told me it wouldn't. He also didn't listen when I had my uvula so swollen I'd have to swallow it back into place after breathing out would make it get stuck on th back of my tongue. I breathes in one day and a huge sharp boogie got caught in my throat 😢

  • @nursenin-bc8ml
    @nursenin-bc8ml 2 года назад

    It hurts to get the packing out.but once it's out instant relief. I just had mine taken out about 2 weeks ago. I had surgery to help my nose from collapsing

  • @LunaBeth97
    @LunaBeth97 Год назад

    Those foot peels are so dangerously addictive for me. I have a big skin picking problem so these are like a permanent fidget toy I can use whenever I want. Thankfully I now live alone (with my kitty) but I first tried it out at uni when I was living with my bff's and I'm so glad they love me enough to deal with my foot picking shenanigans 😂 I cleaned up after myself but it's really quite gross anyway!

  • @OokamiKaii
    @OokamiKaii 2 года назад +3

    I had a nose surgery because of health problems and I got these tampon stuff and believe me it was not a cool thing. It hurtled and I got a short blackout bc of the blood I instantly lost after they got removed 😂 it really feels like someone is pulling your brain out of your nose

  • @duckiejane6881
    @duckiejane6881 2 года назад

    ngl this video made me want my septoplasty more i was stuggling to breathe the whole time and i cant imagine the satisfaction of getting ur nose unpacked and breathing fully for the first time in years

  • @taeblends
    @taeblends 2 года назад +1

    Flies have gotten into my breadmaker before but they never get mixed in, they always fly around and then die on the "floor" of the bread maker once the bread starts cooking. Serves 'em right lol

  • @kpeppw
    @kpeppw 2 года назад +7

    That eye one bothered me so much, I can’t take anything going on with the eyes. The honeycomb one was great to listen too, but not to watch. Has to look away on both of those. Other than that, pretty great 👍

  • @sweetla4750
    @sweetla4750 Год назад

    6:53…I need this!!

  • @davecool42
    @davecool42 2 года назад +1

    A blade of lasers 😂

  • @luxbunny8678
    @luxbunny8678 2 года назад +1

    My mom bought herself, my sister, & me each one of those foot peel masks, & it worked for both of them really well. It didn’t do anything for me except make the back of my heel (which was already soft & had no callous or anything) peel a lil but more like when somn “pills up”. It didn’t do that peel whole layers up to reveal soft new skin thing. Not for me anyway.

  • @pigtailtrucker4672
    @pigtailtrucker4672 Год назад

    I had knee surgery, they put 2 drain tubes in. When it was time to remove them , I said Ok . Then they said we’re going to give you a shot, I wailed NO NOoo !

  • @liesbeth9810
    @liesbeth9810 Год назад

    I was able to peel all the skin of my foots and hands after having sepsis multiple times in a row. Worst part was being able to feel the finger pricks again after all the dead skin was gone (couldn’t feel anything anymore in my fingers and feet).

  • @JayNizzy
    @JayNizzy 2 года назад +2

    Breathing in 4K after removing those nose tampons. 👃

  • @eduardocastro-d6g
    @eduardocastro-d6g Год назад

    You were on point for me😊

  • @Ona1979
    @Ona1979 2 года назад +1

    When I had half of my nose reconstructed, my surgeon put two of those huge goss tampons in one side of my nose. The doctor told me that I swallowed 10ml of blood during that surgery. I am a very petite person. I didn't know how both of those goss packs fit up there

  • @hellenmorgan274
    @hellenmorgan274 Год назад

    Dr, I needed an advice on chemical face peel please

  • @thewatcher8773
    @thewatcher8773 Год назад

    The cup thing triggered my trypophobia!!! 😱

  • @angelakimbrell1214
    @angelakimbrell1214 Год назад

    When I was young I had excessive leg hair and Nair had made a big commercial that seemed great. Well in all the years since and after several tries that stuff doesn’t work for me it just turned my leg hair to rubber. And now that I’m old and don’t care-I no longer have leg hair.

  • @rdizzy1
    @rdizzy1 2 года назад

    I had a massive follicle infection on the tops of my feet from those foot peels, as the chemicals in the booties were not just on the bottoms of my feet, were touching the tops of my feet also, this somehow opened up my pores to bacteria and had a massive infection, had to go on 2 different antibiotics for 4 weeks straight.

  • @ConfusedLux
    @ConfusedLux 2 года назад +6

    With the mucous fishing sydrome, I think other eye or skin conditions can make it worse. I get flaky dry skin that gets caught in my mucosa in the mornings so then I end up fishing it out. Definitely can add to more dry eye but the dry skin (or in this girl's case her makeup) is just so irritating so it exacerbates the need for the issue.

    • @hollyshaw-elliemae
      @hollyshaw-elliemae 2 года назад

      i didnt realize there was a term for this, i have been doing this for about 10 years until i saw his video about it, now i try to NOT pull them but ugh, sometimes, i just NEED to clear out my eyes and its the BEST feeling when you get one out. omg. but when i start doing it, i cant stop and my eyelids will get very irritated and swell up a bit. my family tried joking oh you have pink eye. NO I HAVE MUCOUS PHISING needs. lol

  • @scarlettkohler4892
    @scarlettkohler4892 2 года назад +4

    The cupping one gave me a little tripophobia🥴

  • @nikemko9038
    @nikemko9038 2 года назад

    I don't think I ever want store bought steamed buns again!! hahaha. So glad I make my own!!! hahaha

  • @Coastal_Ace
    @Coastal_Ace 2 года назад +1

    omg that bleeding nose animation with the sound killed me lol
    With that face/head waxing besides the clicks, do they do it for a longer time in between shaving?? Wouldn't you be worried about permanently damaging the hair follicles and getting weird thin or bald patches? :\

  • @pipersisk3966
    @pipersisk3966 2 года назад +8

    That opening was the total opposite of satisfying for me. 😬

  • @jcouch1993
    @jcouch1993 2 года назад

    My foot peels never look like that lol, but I also don't peel them off myself, I cut off whatever bits are loose and dangling. You can damage your skin if you pull it off