Ciaphas Cain - The Emperor's Silliest Clown by PancreasNoWork - Reaction

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @anathardayaldar
    @anathardayaldar Год назад +216

    He denies it, but he has legendary level social skills. Observe how he manages not just politics but also has sharp leadership and management sixth sense.

    • @ngominh259
      @ngominh259 11 месяцев назад +9

      His skill at dissembling is also apparently great. I think that also lets him separates himself to see situations more clearly.
      Honestly Cain is just that good at being a commissar, I think. Modern common sense dictates that the commissar role must be flexible, resourceful, and fluid enough to both butter up the upper echelon to ease the pressure on the servicemen, and gel well enough with the men to survive the battlefields. He's just the right mix of perfect for that role, imposter syndrome be damned.

  • @wolfgangmuller1558
    @wolfgangmuller1558 Год назад +64

    Fun fact: The farseer kept him alive because he couldn't see Cain in the future (might be cause of Jurgen)

    • @evilbabai7083
      @evilbabai7083 6 месяцев назад +8

      He kept him alive because knew for sure that his death directly results the defeat, but didn't know why

  • @Prophetofthe8thLegion
    @Prophetofthe8thLegion Год назад +107

    “Imposter Syndrome Intensifies”

  • @CommisarHood
    @CommisarHood Год назад +66

    Ciaphus Cain in combat when people can see him: FOR THE EMPEROR!!! CHARGE!!!
    Ciaphus Cain in combat when no one can see him: (CONFUSED SCREAMING!!!)

  • @ForgottenHonor0
    @ForgottenHonor0 Год назад +183

    I think the "best" thing that has ever happened to Ciaphas Cain is that he actually became a Living Saint in the Roboutian Heresy! The downside is that Jurgen died for him to become so... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @TheAKgunner
      @TheAKgunner Год назад +14


    • @Firewarz217
      @Firewarz217 Год назад +16

      Jurgen was the real hero in that moment

    • @nicksfish3038
      @nicksfish3038 Год назад +8

      Well now I’m legally required to read it

    • @mrsmeef537
      @mrsmeef537 Год назад +6

      No. Not my boy

    • @perlago21
      @perlago21 Год назад +8

      What the fuck not JURGEN!!!

  • @Syndicalistwallower
    @Syndicalistwallower Год назад +82

    I feel like one of the reasons he is so great is his relative humbleness. He doesn't have the arrogance most imperial commanders have. He just thinks he's a dude even though he is clearly an absolute badass. Although this is compared to other imperial commanders.

    • @thomas00129
      @thomas00129 Год назад +4

      Crippling imposter syndrome

  • @ursadabear2810
    @ursadabear2810 Год назад +48

    *Ci-Ci-Ciaphas Cain! Hero of the Imperium!*

  • @owenkasaboski6902
    @owenkasaboski6902 Год назад +73

    TTS and then Cain was my introduction to 40K
    Having learned much since then, I think I got the best start to 40K physically possible

    • @evilbabai7083
      @evilbabai7083 6 месяцев назад

      I also had Cain as a door to 40k, and though I still enjoy those novels, I can't neither deny that a person with that kind of personality simply couldn't become a commissar in a first place, nor ignore numerous gaffes and inconsistencies throughout those stories - I can assume commissar might misiterprete navy radio chatter because he is not aware that Tyranids doesn't use Warp to travel, but I'm pretty certain that Salamander Scout Vehicle won't fit Aquila Lander under no circumstances, let alone leaving enough space to luxuriously fit a full Inquisitor retinue with a visitors on top of that...

    • @agentc7020
      @agentc7020 5 месяцев назад

      ​​@@evilbabai7083 Aquilas are said to have as many designs as there are forge worlds in the imperium (hyperbole, I remember Amberly said something along those lines in one of her footnotes), that particular one could have been designed to transport nobles and their vehicles, alongside their servants and perhaps guests.
      I don't understand which part of the books you are reffering to with the navy radio chatter, as far as I remember he never talks about the nids using the warp.
      As for how Cain even became a commissar despite being the way he is, keep in mind that while he is cowardly in a sense, he is both a very competent liar and manipulator as well as a very skilled man, commissar training is no joke and if he could pass through it then that means he was made of tough stuff even before he became a hero, and if you think it's because he's too nice for a commissar, remember that not all commissars resort to execution at the first chance they get, Gaunt ot Yarrick for example.

    • @evilbabai7083
      @evilbabai7083 5 месяцев назад

      @@agentc7020 Aqila Lander is described as a small shuttle for one polot and 7 passengers max, there could be any number of the variants, but either way they will comply with the original STC pattern. Base hull of it, minus engines and wings, is twice as small as Salamander scout (which is a Chimera platform, originally intended to carry 12 guardsmen alongside with 3 crew), so even with cargo hold attached it won't fit it, it won't even fit under it as it's wider than the landing gears. Implying there are variants capable of the described is like implying that there are variants of Ford Transit thet could fit Bradley in it.
      Regarding Tyranids I quote:
      "'We're detecting warp portals. Dozens of them!'
      'The fleet?' Divas asked hopefully at my elbow. Mostrue shook his head doubtfully.
      'The auspex signatures are all wrong. Not like ships at all...'
      'Bioships,' I said. 'No metal in the hulls.'" - that's a piece of "Fight or flight", that's the first but not the last mention of Tyranids using Warp in the series. And it's not the only way the lore gets broken either, but if you don't care to notice it, I care elaborating even less.
      And I don't doubt Cains skills, competence, expertise and so on, I doubt his mindset - Schola is aimed not only at raising the strongest individuals, but the most loyal as well, when it's said that weak are dropped out, they mean it in every way. No matter what personality Cain had as a child when he got into institution that has been successfully shaping individuals into exactly what they're intended since M32. It's highly unlikely to say the least that a person who successfully went through the all the trials on the way to a Commissar could posess the moral traits Cain has - he'd either been indoctrinated into a proper state of zeal or assigned to a less demanding branch. Progenia are not forced into a specific duty, they are picked depending on their moral qualities and performance. Even the most troubled and cunning kid would be an open book (which they are going to rewrite) for the mentors who has all the time-proven techniques on their hands, as you can't expect your coach to believe you are following the diet while he's looking at you new extra chin.

    • @evilbabai7083
      @evilbabai7083 5 месяцев назад

      @@agentc7020 Aqila Lander is said to be a small shuttle for one pilot and 7 passengers max first and foremost, there could be any number of the variants, but either way they will comply with the original STC pattern. Base hull of it, minus engines and wings, is twice as small as Salamander scout (which is a Chimera platform, originally intended to carry 12 guardsmen alongside with 3 crew), so even with cargo hold attached it won't fit it, it won't even fit under it as it's wider than the landing gears. Implying there are variants capable of the described is like implying that there are variants of Ford Transit that could fit Bradley in it.
      Regarding Tyranids I quote:
      "'We're detecting warp portals. Dozens of them!'
      'The fleet?' Divas asked hopefully at my elbow. Mostrue shook his head doubtfully.
      'The auspex signatures are all wrong. Not like ships at all...'
      'Bioships,' I said. 'No metal in the hulls.'" - that's a piece of "Fight or flight", that's the first but not the last mention of Tyranids using Warp in the series. And it's not the only way the lore gets broken either, but if you don't care to notice it, I care elaborating even less.
      And I don't doubt Cains skills, competence, expertise and so on, I doubt his mindset - Schola is aimed not only at raising the strongest individuals, but the most loyal as well, when it's said that weak are dropped out, they mean it in every way. No matter what personality Cain had when he got into the institution that has been successfully shaping individuals into a perfect tools since M32. It's highly unlikely to say the least that a person who successfully went through the all the trials on the way to a Commissar could posses the moral traits Cain has - he'd either been indoctrinated into a proper state of zeal or assigned to a less demanding branch. Progenia are not forced into a specific duty, they are picked depending on their moral qualities and performance. Even the most troubled and cunning kid would be an open book (which they are going to rewrite) for the mentors who has all the time-proven techniques on their hands, as you can't expect your coach to believe you are following the diet while he's looking at you new extra chin.

    • @evilbabai7083
      @evilbabai7083 5 месяцев назад

      @@agentc7020 Aquila Lander is said to be a small shuttle for one pilot and 7 passengers max, there could be any number of the variants, but either way they will comply with the original STC pattern. Its base hull, minus engines and wings, is twice as small as Salamander scout (which is a Chimera platform, originally intended to carry 12 guardsmen alongside with 3 crew), so even with cargo hold attached it won't fit it, it won't even fit under it as it's wider than the landing gears. Implying there are variants capable of the described is like implying that there are variants of Ford Transit that could fit Bradley in it.
      Regarding Tyranids I quote:
      "'We're detecting warp portals. Dozens of them!'
      'The fleet?' Divas asked hopefully at my elbow. Mostrue shook his head doubtfully.
      'The auspex signatures are all wrong. Not like ships at all...'
      'Bioships,' I said. 'No metal in the hulls.'" - that's a piece of "Fight or flight", that's the first but not the last mention of Tyranids using Warp in the series. And it's not the only way the lore gets broken either, but if you don't care to notice it, I care elaborating even less.
      And I don't doubt Cains skills, competence, expertise and so on, I doubt his mindset - no matter what personality Cain had when he got into the institution that has been successfully shaping individuals into a perfect tools since M32. It's highly unlikely to say the least that a person who successfully went through the all the trials on the way to a Commissar could posses the moral traits Cain has. Furthermore, Progenia are not forced into a specific duty, they are selected depending on their moral qualities and performance, so there is a high chance Cain wouldn't be considered as a candidate to begin with. Even the most troubled and cunning kid would be an open book (which they are going to rewrite) for the mentors who has all the time-proven techniques on their hands.

    @KILLEROFGOD Год назад +126

    It was the Tallarn not Tanith that worships Cain as an Avatar of the Emperor. Amberley's footnotes are a damn good reason to avoid the audiobooks versions.
    Cain: I'm not easily spooked
    Footnote from Amberley: HA!

    • @coxmania1
      @coxmania1 Год назад +11

      why avoid them ? are the foornotes incomplete or something in the audiobooks?

    • @arnie24070127
      @arnie24070127 Год назад +3

      They all seem to be there for me

    • @Steelgrey666
      @Steelgrey666 Год назад +5

      The audiobook have it as idea what you mean.

      @KILLEROFGOD Год назад +4

      @@Steelgrey666 Old Man said it was the Tanith that created a cult when it was the Tallarn.

  • @Krieg8418
    @Krieg8418 Год назад +39

    I really need to read the Cain series. Because this man is a legend.

  • @hadesdogs4366
    @hadesdogs4366 Год назад +30

    It’s like this
    In order to avoid frontline combat he goes on a hunting trip under the ice, which in turn leads him to stumble into a monster tunnel, the only problem is that nows there’s a massive hole in the defenses and Cain preferring to charge an ork instead was forced back into the tunnels in which he encounters more horrors and is then sent back into said tunnels to blow it all up

  • @willferrous8677
    @willferrous8677 Год назад +15

    Ci-Ci-Ciaphas Cain
    Hero of the imperium!

  • @thelordofthelostbraincells
    @thelordofthelostbraincells Год назад +28

    There's A theory I've heard that basically says that the EMPEROR is basically blessed Cain and that's why he has ultramarine levels of plot armor level luck

    • @KaoKacique
      @KaoKacique Год назад +1

      At this point Ciaphas Cain will come back as a living saint and bring the emperor back to life due to sheer bad luck (for him) and happenstance

    • @thelordofthelostbraincells
      @thelordofthelostbraincells 10 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@KaoKacique some black legions plans to bumbrush the still living emperor by time traveling to or before the horus heresy to actually finish of the emperor. Cain goes back in time and "cains" his way to save the emperor and probably gets mind read by the emperor to know who this human is to see what a s##thole his imperium becomes.
      This could be a really interesting "what if" scenario.

  • @chrisbird4913
    @chrisbird4913 Год назад +16

    Yergen knows he is a blank, and knows it triggers a disgust reflex, and so covers by having bad hygiene.

  • @BigBWolf90
    @BigBWolf90 Год назад +6

    Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!!) is a case of heroic self depreciation taken to a high level while giving into the pr bullshit cuz it surprisingly feels good despite himself

  • @Snipez4104
    @Snipez4104 Год назад +25

    TTS Caiphas Cain react when? cannot recommend harder, Bruva (and those who help make TTS) is absolutely amazing as always

  • @johnbeck1978
    @johnbeck1978 Год назад +7

    Ciaphas Cain the Captain Edmund Blackadder of the grim dark far future.

  • @hadesdogs4366
    @hadesdogs4366 Год назад +9

    Hmmm yeh when it comes to imperial guard equipment in terms of a retreat or a withdrawal, a commissar tends to be last on many peoples priority lists, where most commissars are uppity assholes who think that they know everything and suffer from a massive ego you could park the phalanx next to it, and so many commissars tend to have what is most commonly referred to as work place accidents, such as a commissar falling onto his own bayonet, or that the commissar hated life so much he dedicated to commit suicide by blowing his brains out from behind, or had a little slip on a star ship gantry causing them to fall to their untimely demise. The fact that Cain is given any priority let alone any respect is truly unheard of

  • @kannonball5789
    @kannonball5789 Год назад +8

    0:41 When did Cain get upgraded to the Imperial counterpart to Khârn the Betrayer?

  • @ntfoperative9432
    @ntfoperative9432 Месяц назад

    Cain actually spared with a space marine on a dare, and fought him to a stand still, even managing to scratch his armor. Afterwards the marine said he would keep the scratch, as a reminder to never underestimate his opponents

  • @HienNguyen-cs1md
    @HienNguyen-cs1md 7 месяцев назад +1

    He is just a decent human being with a tad of common sense. He himself even remarked that getting along well (even though it's fake) with the soldiers generally will lead to a longer lifespan.

  • @TheAKgunner
    @TheAKgunner Год назад +5

    I just got done watching this very video!

  • @aaronluisdelacruz4212
    @aaronluisdelacruz4212 Год назад +19

    Ainz and Cain would be bestfriends if ever they meet. Both suffers from being thought as this great being with a master plan when things are just coincidence. To quote: Sasuga Cain sama.

  • @legendarybrando348
    @legendarybrando348 Год назад +7

    Majorkill said that theu should make the warhammer tv show about ciaphas cain.

  • @cropathfinder
    @cropathfinder Год назад +7

    C.C. is the anime protagonist of 40K

  • @piratehunter1
    @piratehunter1 Год назад +5

    He forgot to mention one other commissar, you boss.

  • @someoneold5426
    @someoneold5426 Год назад +4

    A fan with too much time uploaded this morning…. Looking forward to your reaction… I may or may not have listened to a single portion multiple times ….

  • @bogustoast22none25
    @bogustoast22none25 20 дней назад

    I think, and hear me out on this: Because he got put in situations where he had to find ways to save as many people as possible just to use them as cannon fodder later, BUT he never got to the part of using them later, his brain doesn't know how to proceed with that. It's like if you were a part of an assembly line, you know what part of the product you're making, you know what comes next, but you never do it. One day if they tell you to do the next part, you'll just pass it up cause you're not mentally ready for it.

  • @AnthonyDaFox
    @AnthonyDaFox Год назад +2

    Ciaphas Cain. the Han Solo of 40k

  • @edim108
    @edim108 Год назад +2

    27:33 I don't know about that one chief...

  • @sword4005
    @sword4005 Год назад +1

    i always wanted a story where he attached to a kreig unit, now that would be interesting

  • @misplacedodst
    @misplacedodst Год назад +5

    Jurgen in a forklift when?

  • @petrusCollection
    @petrusCollection Год назад +1

    Cain is in truth not a clown, but people are not ready for this conversation

  • @TraciPeteyforlife
    @TraciPeteyforlife Год назад +2

    Say what you want, but Cain was damn good at his job. He legit just wanted to live and let live. He never treated guardsmen like crap. He treated them with respect and cared about them. He was not a monster like many of his rank. He was a good soul even if he didn't realize it.

  • @andybkhound
    @andybkhound Год назад +2

    Just to touch on the Ronda-headkick-trashtalk bit, her opponent was literally nicknamed 'the preacher's daughter'. She's humble to the point of never saying she'll win. She would just skirt around questions with the kind of 'I'm sure the better fighter will win' cliche replies. Ronda trashtalked that lady, went on to get headkicked to oblivion, came back few months later against then champion (skipped the queue due to star power, fine), refused to do any presswork apparently to stay focused, tried to outbox a boxer as a judoka, and got tko'd by punches.. never to be seen again in professional fighting

  • @cpaul562
    @cpaul562 Год назад +2

    Can someone please suggest: the flood a modern day apocalypse by Cabezon Discord isn’t working for me.

  • @Gfish17
    @Gfish17 Год назад +3

    So Ryan Reynolds is Commissar Cain
    Or a different actor?

  • @matthewdougherty1159
    @matthewdougherty1159 Год назад +7

    Bruce Campbell as Ciaphas Cain in a movie/show Yes/No?

  • @arnie24070127
    @arnie24070127 Год назад +4

    Henry Cavill will play Cain

  • @BedlamsSon
    @BedlamsSon Год назад +1

    Raid has been advertised to me so much that I hate it on instinct. I pray that the devs are taken by the Nightlords every night and that their advertisement team by the Dark Eldar.

  • @WraithDragon163
    @WraithDragon163 Год назад +5

    The official art of Cain is actually propaganda posters. So he's not really that broad shouldered and build.

    • @ES21007
      @ES21007 Год назад

      It depends, the guy was legitimately just under two meters tall and regularly practiced with a chainsword, and he's strong enough to parry hive tyrants and Chaos Space Marines and lift smaller tyranids.

    • @WraithDragon163
      @WraithDragon163 Год назад

      ​@ES21007 Well, people that have adrenaline pumping through their system have been able to achieve herculean acts at times, of course afterwards they had to deal with excessive torn muscles and/or broken bones that they didn't even know they had, do to not really being able to feel them at the time.

  • @TheMonkeyEmperor
    @TheMonkeyEmperor 2 месяца назад

    Lol. Oct 10, 2024.

  • @DjapeKostic
    @DjapeKostic 4 месяца назад

    Not tanith regiment. Tallarn.

  • @joshuahampton1071
    @joshuahampton1071 11 месяцев назад

    A Tallarn regiment. Not Tanith.