I hate when people say she never took lessons… she literally grew up in choir and singing with educated people with masters and doctorates 😂.. that dosent count?
Nice analysis!!🤩 please do more of her: Her song "ELON" is right after the credits of her stripped CONCERT, please do an analysis of this song, she is singing sitting on the floor and that doesn't stop her vocal power!!🤩🤩🤩
Thank you so much! I love her, and her videos are all so fabulous and live / unedited I am definitely going to look into more of her songs. I have a number of students who love to sing her music and ask all the time about what she is doing. Thanks for the heads up about the last song, I didn't watch right to the end but it will be on the list for tomorrow!
Excellent analysis. I love how different vocal coaches are able to focus on different aspects of performances. Adds to the appreciation of songs we might already (think we) know well. That appreciation then extends as channels showcase a wider range of singers and singing styles - there really is such great tallent out there.
Ohh, thank you for checking her out. I'm a bit late with commenting though. I love her tone and her songs, literally every single song is a hit. It's interesting to see this even as a non-singer what you say about her technique. By the way, if you want to check out someone else as well, you might could check out Sohyang! She's a korean gospel singer, known as one of the top singers nowadays. Her technique and musicality is praised by people like Michael Bolton, Josh Groban or David Forster. Her mix is insane! She's a master of belting and developed her technique through many years of hard practice. If you want to hear her all-time-kill performance, you should analyse "Everyone" at the Immortal Songs. It's incredible. 🔥 I'd be curious what you'll say to her. :)
Hey, thank you for such an in depth comment. I LOVE hearing about new singers. I haven't heard of Sohyang so I am going to have to check her out. Another Faouzia song coming at you on Monday & Tuesday next week though. Love her!
Hey Zoe ! I really enjoy your videos ! Could you explain what you mean with thin or thick vocal chords please ? Maybe you do explain it in another vid but I'm sort of clueless about what it means in terms of sound or even what it feels like. Even if I'm trained and take lessons, Ive never heard these terms which tend to be avoided (in my experience). Thank you :D would love to take another lesson with you but time difference is wild right now ^^
Elsa! It is so lovely to hear from you! Yes of course, I can take a look at that in the next video that I look at what the difference is ;) But mainly thin vocal folds is when you sing quietly without air and thick is when you sing loud without air. To put it super duper simply. ;)
That is such a good question. Because it depends, often singers open the mouth too wide, and it pushes the larynx down. We have scientific proof that it doesn't help you now with the new research coming out of the states. Give it a go, sing a song with a wide mouth and a note with your finger between your teeth keeping the mouth relatively closed.
I see what you mean. I have more problems not opening my mouth enough 😅 I think opening my mouth creates a bigger sound with more ease. But I believe many can open too much which creates tension. Thanks for your response😊
@@ZoeStibiVocalCoachwell if it's that little then I have a problem with it🤔 because if you look at how people naturally open their mouth and shape their faces with different sounds and emotion, you see "bigger mouths". For example when people yell, they open their mouths big. I'm not saying you can't sing anything that small and relaxed but aggressive and big vocals need more.
العجيب في الأمر انه كيف فوزية لم تحضى بالعالمية حقآ انها موهب رائعة بإضافة إلي مستواها الدراسي الدي يمكنها من اختيار كلامات في المستوى و عمرها الصغير مقارنة مع اداءها الرائع C'est parmi les meilleurs
She never took any Lessons, she is pure talent !! She is Really gifted
I hate when people say she never took lessons… she literally grew up in choir and singing with educated people with masters and doctorates 😂.. that dosent count?
@@HonestCoach-us1ed her with this vocal ability without being trained by a professional vocal coach is quite impressive
@@gustavo.16 are high school vocal conductor teachers with a masters in vocal music education not a professional vocal coach?
@@HonestCoach-us1ed Just ignore him, they say that on every video
Nice analysis!!🤩 please do more of her:
Her song "ELON" is right after the credits of her stripped CONCERT, please do an analysis of this song, she is singing sitting on the floor and that doesn't stop her vocal power!!🤩🤩🤩
Thank you so much! I love her, and her videos are all so fabulous and live / unedited I am definitely going to look into more of her songs. I have a number of students who love to sing her music and ask all the time about what she is doing. Thanks for the heads up about the last song, I didn't watch right to the end but it will be on the list for tomorrow!
@@ZoeStibiVocalCoach thanks!! ELON is one of my favorites!! And the complete version is only in that concert
Big up, nice réaction indeed. I hope you do more of her.
Excellent analysis. I love how different vocal coaches are able to focus on different aspects of performances. Adds to the appreciation of songs we might already (think we) know well. That appreciation then extends as channels showcase a wider range of singers and singing styles - there really is such great tallent out there.
It is great right? Different opinions are so important.
Ohh, thank you for checking her out. I'm a bit late with commenting though. I love her tone and her songs, literally every single song is a hit. It's interesting to see this even as a non-singer what you say about her technique.
By the way, if you want to check out someone else as well, you might could check out Sohyang! She's a korean gospel singer, known as one of the top singers nowadays. Her technique and musicality is praised by people like Michael Bolton, Josh Groban or David Forster. Her mix is insane! She's a master of belting and developed her technique through many years of hard practice. If you want to hear her all-time-kill performance, you should analyse "Everyone" at the Immortal Songs. It's incredible. 🔥 I'd be curious what you'll say to her. :)
Hey, thank you for such an in depth comment. I LOVE hearing about new singers. I haven't heard of Sohyang so I am going to have to check her out. Another Faouzia song coming at you on Monday & Tuesday next week though. Love her!
Please do analyse Elon performed by Faouzia and let us know your reaction... I guess other think than speaking on pitch...
I did ;) I hope I didn't repeat myself too much .... ruclips.net/video/h8RcA2YsWE0/видео.html
At 1:51, "She's my type", did I hear that right 😂
Really? OO I need to go and rewatch that again, my type of singer, performer, songwriter and generally amazing person though... YES!
She slipped
Hey Zoe ! I really enjoy your videos ! Could you explain what you mean with thin or thick vocal chords please ? Maybe you do explain it in another vid but I'm sort of clueless about what it means in terms of sound or even what it feels like. Even if I'm trained and take lessons, Ive never heard these terms which tend to be avoided (in my experience).
Thank you :D would love to take another lesson with you but time difference is wild right now ^^
Elsa! It is so lovely to hear from you! Yes of course, I can take a look at that in the next video that I look at what the difference is ;) But mainly thin vocal folds is when you sing quietly without air and thick is when you sing loud without air. To put it super duper simply. ;)
Thank you!
I wanna see your reaction on BORN WITHOUT A HEART stripped version by FAOUZIA
thx for the reaction react to bad dreams by her
faouzia never had Vocal lessons
Why is the wide open mouth a problem? Most coaches teach that it's necessary when singing high and belty
That is such a good question. Because it depends, often singers open the mouth too wide, and it pushes the larynx down. We have scientific proof that it doesn't help you now with the new research coming out of the states. Give it a go, sing a song with a wide mouth and a note with your finger between your teeth keeping the mouth relatively closed.
I see what you mean. I have more problems not opening my mouth enough 😅 I think opening my mouth creates a bigger sound with more ease. But I believe many can open too much which creates tension. Thanks for your response😊
@@WithMyOwnEars you definitely need to open it a bit! Try putting your finger between your teeth, that is a great amount to open your mouth.
@@ZoeStibiVocalCoachwell if it's that little then I have a problem with it🤔 because if you look at how people naturally open their mouth and shape their faces with different sounds and emotion, you see "bigger mouths". For example when people yell, they open their mouths big. I'm not saying you can't sing anything that small and relaxed but aggressive and big vocals need more.
Thank you for your reaction
Please react to Elon it's at the end of the concert (after the credits)
omg!she joined china competition I am a singer2024
Plsss react more on better...react to tears of gold by faouzia!!!
Thanks for your feedback. I LOVE that song, I will take a look this week. I have two Faouzia analyses coming out tomorrow and Tuesday! #teamfaouzia
She does needs to open her mouth which is better
العجيب في الأمر انه كيف فوزية لم تحضى بالعالمية حقآ انها موهب رائعة بإضافة إلي مستواها الدراسي الدي يمكنها من اختيار كلامات في المستوى و عمرها الصغير مقارنة مع اداءها الرائع
C'est parmi les meilleurs