In the last question..the M stream = 1000kg/h. If the stream flow rate is stated then why is it given a variable?? If there was another component in the M stream then it's reasonable that it is given a variable namely M. I don't quite understand this.
In the last question..the M stream = 1000kg/h. If the stream flow rate is stated then why is it given a variable?? If there was another component in the M stream then it's reasonable that it is given a variable namely M. I don't quite understand this.
In Problem final output stream data given.
Can anyone elaborate while applying material balance at mill he can easily balance sugar so that in one step we can get F and D
While applying sugar balance at mill i got F less than E , I don't know why
We Want to assume a Basis in material balance. So we have flow rate of output stream thats why calculated from crystallizer.