Come on. No comment on probably THE single most tragic backstory? Widowmaker was kidnapped, tortured, brainwashed and biochemically altered by Talon to first assassinate her husband (an Overwatch member) and then continue to combat Overwatch. Many of the people she killed used to consider her former self a friend...
Im surprised you didnt mention Widowmaker's story. Because when i found out, i was shocked. And now i cant look at her without the feeling of.......Pity and sadness. Also her name 'Widowmaker'........She is not talking about the spiders
I like a couple of dark stories too, but not something like that She was happily married. Then taken, broken and turned into a mindless weapon. No one deserves such a fate.
dude, pay atention to the phrases she lets out they are fking awesome and shows what a cool background she has, for example the fact that ana couldnt kill widowmaker and got shot (when she kills pharah -~like mother, like daughter~ ) or one of the quotes when you play ana and has a widow(something like gerrard was a fool to love someone like you~)
But she did kinda live past her friends and family, who are both dead at that point. She was frozen for 30 years, so she also missed out on everything that happened in that time. So... =/
Oh and she killed her husband because talon wanted him dead, so they decided to go to his wife and get her to kill him with thier brainwashing skills. And then her heart rate slows down making her blue all the time.
OBJECTION! "Tekkartha Mondatta" is actually a name very similar to "Siddhartha Guatama", or Buddha. Widowmaker didn't kill robot Gandhi, she killed robot Buddha!
That's not her backstory though, alive just tells you she's a killer, in actuality she was kidnapped by talon, experimented on and made to kill her husband.
+LT Furno I don't really know, but they can make the single player around the back story like they are some points in the backstory and between the point you make minor decisions and always come to the same spot. ( I don't know what i said, just forget it )
Wait! So the cryo chambers in the 3v3 Elimination map are all of Mei's dead co-workers! They all say MALFUNCTION except one which is left open hmmm.....
She's a fictional character. Yes, she can be made fun of. Actually, real people who lose their friends can also be made fun of. What's the problem, Captain?
Widowmakee has the saddest story imo, She used to be married to an overwatch agent untill one day she was kidnapped, forced to undergo experiments to her body and brainwashed, she was then ordered to kill her husband in which she succeeded and carried on undergoing talons orders and was subjected to further enhancements, one which made her skin blue due to her heart rate bieng slowed down.
Elite snipers shoot in between their own heartbeats, because there is the risk of the slight movement of the sniper's heartbeat moving the gun before the trigger is pulled. When shooting at great distances like that, even the tiniest fraction of a centimeter of gun movement correlates to meters on the 'target'. If you don't believe that your heartbeat can move you like that, hold your fingers out horizontally in front of your eyes and hold your breath. You'll notice that with every heartbeat your fingers 'shake', and that your entire arm will sway.
I actually kind of resent how you claim that Mercy "plays around with people's lives in the interest of science." This suggests that she ultimately doesn't care what happens to her patients as long as it benefits her research and understanding of humanity, life and death, etc. If you check in-game character interactions, this is utterly not the case, as she herself tells Reaper that she didn't intend to turn him into an abomination. Does Mercy go too far to keep her friends alive? Sure, that may be a fair argument. Does she sometimes fail to fully consider the ramifications of her treatment? Fair again- Overwatch was still active when she turned Genji into a cyborg, so she probably assumed he could just turn to Overwatch as a place to belong (kind of like Winston, the genetically-enhanced gorilla or Tracer, the girl who has to wear a device on her torso to stay anchored in time- Overwatch isn't exactly short of characters who would be considered "freaks" elsewhere).
Mercy probably never considered that the organization would disband and render Genji and other "freak" members outcasts. Lastly, did she benefit from her past experiences treating Genji, Reyes, etc.? Yes. As a scientist, even her failures are beneficial. That said, she never failed on purpose. Had she had her way, Reyes would be whole and fully alive, not.....whatever Reaper is. Unfortunately, while Mercy tried her damnedest to resurrect Reyes/keep him from dying, it just didn't fully take.
but reaper is alive,oh,but he's also dead. he's constantly in a limbo state of being alvie at the exact same time as he's dead. his cells are constantly de-generating(dying? dying i guess,but i forget the exact term used.) and the same time as they're constantly re-generating, atleast,something like that. it's how he does wraith form.
There is one thing I don't understand. We see all this old backstory, several decades back, involving characters that are still in their twenties. How does that work? How can there be kids walking around overwatch museums talking about Tracer "back in the day", and then she swoops in and is still in her early twenties. Something doesn't make sense.
Tracer's chrono accelerator lets her control her own time, without disrupting the overall timeline as a whole. This means she is able to stay the same age pretty much forever, while everyone else around her grows older.
Mercy saved people. Maybe they didn't live the best lives ever, but she saved their lives. Accusing her of toying with lives for the sake of science is like getting mad a surgeon for saving someone's life, who then still has to live paralyzed.
No. It's like getting mad at a surgeon for saving someone's life for making them half of a hated enemy or giving them deadpool's healing factor complete with ultra cancer.
Yes some people would chose death over the paralysis. Which changes absolutely nothing, the doctor would still try to save them. Its not just their job, they took the hippocratic oath, they have to try to save people lives if they can no matter what. Also Genji seems fine with it now. Theres always reasons to live.
TensaShiro If deadpool's healing factor is required to heal them, the doctor cannot and should not be blamed for giving it to them. It's rediculous. If they don't like it, they can kill themselves afterward. Genji being half robot is a problem solves by killing himself. As far as reaper, that's a slightly different issue, but I'm sure he isn't immortal.
Cyra Niccals I doubt that considering people are either called Jack, or John. Which shows they are two separate names. So Jack is definitely not a nickname for John.
Zowzi, I know you love to wow everyone with your knowledge of factions in games that everyone else in the world has played but just because they have the same name doesn't mean anything at all. It's like saying because I have an Umbrella means I'm somehow mysteriously linked to the T-Virus.
I mean, they mentioned Genji being turned into a cyborg, but they didn't mention the fact that it was Hanzo that damaged him so bad, he needed a new body?
I get what he means. So many videos that have to do with overwatch will have a sexy tracer or widow in the thumbnail taken straight from the tons of overwatch porn.
2:17 "...takes her medical knowledge too far..." 2:51 "...playing around with people's lives..." Yeah, fuck keeping people alive with the help of technology. What have living people ever contributed to society?
The problem is that the human body has a natural decay. There comes a point where living too long creates its own issues. After Mercy's meddling, Genji WANTED to die until Zen saved his soul from the brink. Reaper was MEANT to die until Mercy saved him, and now he's a terrorist (granted, he was somewhat of a bad apple before being brought back to life to begin with). The human body naturally has a point where it can no longer function properly. Modern medicine can do a lot to extend the body, but please, tell me how you want to live to 200. Look at what happens to people who pass the age of 100. They tend to be hooked up to machinery, even if it's just an oxygen tank. Look at Mark Twain, the famous American auther of the middle 1800s: he originally wrote about hope and the eventual harmony of mankind; he ended up outliving ALL of his children and by the end of his relatively long life, the only living relative he had was a granddaughter who wanted nothing to do with him; his views changed from hope and harmony to a bitter old man who just wanted to die but didn't have the nerve to commit suicide. This was a man who wrote that a black child should be allowed to eat in the same house as a white family instead of a barn IN THE MID-1800S!! AMERICA HAD A CIVIL WAR THAT WAS ONE-THIRD THE RIGHT TO OWN THESE PEOPLE, and yet he changed from this hopeful persona to one of contempt for all of humankind. Genji NEVER told Mercy to save him--neither did Reaper. Medicine and extending the human body is fine, but ONLY if the people want to live for that long. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if you would understand my argument because it's along the same lines as someone who is in a coma who will never wake up, and is it crueler to the loved ones to pull the plug or give them false hope. If you want medical advancement, I'm perfectly ok with it. I don't want to be a vegetable, so I have a legal document stating that if I was only alive through being wired to the brim with tubes and machines, I have stated that I want the plug to be pulled. I was raised to believe that death is a normal part of life, and while we should not openly court it, do not fear its grasp for it will come for us all one day, and it is better to greet death as an old friend than to fear it and have it chase us until it drags us kicking and screaming. Maybe you were raised to believe that life should extend for as long as it can. I can respect that, but I'd just like you to know that it can be cruel to keep people who should naturally die keep living because of "scientific advancement".
Yeah their younger skins also go against their characters. Reaper was _meant_ to look scary because of all the genetic modification, and seeing him as Reyes kinda betrays his motivation of being an agent of chaos and death. Same with Genji. His backstory is all about retribution and learning to live with himself in his new skin, but the Young Genji skin goes against that in my opinion. I don't know, I guess that's just why I don't love the skins
Young Genji was supposed to be happy go lucky and carefree about anything, so the skin fits him well, but the fact that his voice lines don't change is a bit annoying though
And literally none of these facts have any impact on the game because blizzard had a stroke at some point and left virtually all story out of the game.
it really has a lot in common with tf2 in that regard. I hope they can figure that out or maybe its a marketing move that might never be made since it messes with the gameplay aspect where certain people may feel accomplished from a story mode and give up on the game? Or it could be something they plan to implement into multiplayer like an event sort of like tf2 has.
the way I see it is the digital shorts are the story and in-game chats between characters help flesh out the rest. But personally I feel that MP is just a training sim. Now that Winston recalled everyone. They need to get re learn how to fight as a team. With the tech they have now.. I don't see why that's not possible. Also they just added a new training mode to practice with any character. So the training mode helps each character polish their own individual skill. While the Sim is to help the group learn how to fight along side each other.
TheDropdeadZed ikr as a widowmaker hes hard unless you kill him after he double jumps. but once he knows you are their he will prioritize you and just fuck your shit up
People hate Genji when he's on the other team though. People hate Mei because she's a menace when she's on your own. I've lost a few matches because Mei (intentional or not) helped the other team more than she helped her own. That ice wall is a menace. I appreciate playing against a bad Mei though. Those badly placed walls give me something to hide behind when D.Va sets off her blast & it's great to wall ride on as Lucio.
I agree with the ending. What the blithering fuck are we as Overwatch... or the people against it... or Whatever, doing? Seiously, what relevance do these fucking bombs have? Why the pickle tickling Christ do we need to capture these god damn points. Don't open with that cut scene that pretends there's a fucking story if you won't make a campaign of some kind.
Well... there IS story behind each of the objectives. Gibraltar is the satellite to send the Recall message for Winston. Temple of Anubis is some super powerful AI from Pharah's comic, I believe. Volskaya industries is a generator that powers up the factory (probably bad). There's others, but I can't remember them off the top of my head
I dunno man, but the window is broken to show that Reaper was there, but Mercy has a voice line that says "maybe we shouldn't" basically. Plus the Planning board in his base says one of the steps to send that satellite thing. I guess he called up the people nearby (like it shows in the cinematic with Tracer answering) and then launched the rocket for everyone else.... which is a bit like how they can release more characters since more people will get the message :^)
Separate the gameplay from the story If we're trying to make everything cannon we would be playing a single player game. Some of the events like the payload happen one after another. Going by trailer, Winston's trailer, Gibraltar payload, Widow's trailer, Tracer/Winston vs Widow/Reaper, Numbani payload
+jaime ruiz Sad, yes. But said event and Chronal Accelerator allowed her to be one of the most effective agents. Without it, she'd be stuck as a test pilot. Only sad truth to it is she has to keep it safe and unharmed. I refer Tracer to be the human equivalent to a Promethean Knight, with only their blinking abilities.
Wait hold on... when Moira wasn't out yet the Blizzard company gave us her background, shes the one the turned Gabriel Reyes into Reaper! Mercy was not the one that turned Gabriel into Reaper. I may be wrong.
Widows back story is actually pretty sad really. She never wanted to be a bad person but Talon made her that way. They made her kill her own husband. Sick shit.
I still don't get why the ingame story mixed with the gameplay makes no sense. Alright guys lets protect doom fists glove wait, why the fuck is widowmaker here? You fucking killed my brother and you expect me to heal you?
The best theory I have heard is that the game is a training simulation used by Overwatch agents to get back into practice after Winston recalls all of them. Which is why Overwatch is fighting against Overwatch, why the AI dictates the match and winners, and why players respawn in digital patterns. So what that happens in game is not entirely real. It makes lots of sense.
Wizardporn2008 ingame mercy says "what happened to you?" Reaper answered "you know exactly what happened doc" and another that she is like sorry to him, maybe she just tried to save his live but something go wrong. Its not necessary for her being evil, human makes mistakes(?
Lucas Kuczera That's misquoted, from a false quote, lol. Mercy said "what happened to you?" Reper said "you tell me doc"- but this was just him saying "you're the doctor, you should know" There was a false voice line going around, people said reaper said to mercy: "you knew exactly what you were doing" but it turned out to be lies.
Actually those are just the basics that everyone knows. However the Roadhog back story is wrong... After the Omnic Crisis, the human and omnic govermeny made peace with each other. And so all Omnic population was granted to lived in the Australian outback, which cause the local human residents of the area to be relocated (which they did not take kindly) and so the formed the Australian Liberation Front (ALF) in which Roadhog led a team to the core of the city causing it to explode and thus the Junkers were born. Also Winstons backstory is also tragic, as he was part of a science project that humans trained and alter gorillas so they could do jobs humans could not, however there was a Gorilla uprising in which all humans were killed including Dr Winston (the human that took care of Winston) Winston was devastated of his brothers actions and he lost his only friend, so he decided to go to Earth and follow his caretaker lessons to heart. You also did not mention that Widowmaker was an Overwatch agent that was brainwashed by Talon who force her to kill her own husband and become their best assassin.
Francisco Rafael Montiel Palencia Widowmaker wasn't an Overwatch agent. She was just married to one. Direct me to some source that says otherwise please, cuz I couldn't find one. And he did get Roadhog's backstory right. He just didn't say the whole thing. But everything he did say was accurate.
I just realized that the payload in Kings Row could possibly be Mondatta's funeral cart, but I saw in other videos that it was an EMP to shut down the omnics that lived underground below Kings Row
technically all omnics are 'brothers' same with humans But since you cant talk about machine biologically, we are only going to go with technicality :P
I choose to believe that after she woke up she was mentally unstable and uses the technology that saved her will save the world and everyone in it, by freezing it solid...
But us brits take the piss out of each other then laugh it off while Americans get offended by every damned thing. Porn... seriously, just don't search it up the internet is a you ask for it, we give it to you thing.
Mercy isn't the only one who looks far to young to be a member of a Super Hero group that disbanded 30 years ago. 76 is the only one who looks older than 40. Tracer was shown to be a founding member, but she looks, what, 27?
Well, tracer does bend time, her whole backstory is about how she glitches around the place and bends time unwillingly until (Winston?) makes her a device to keep her anchored in time and be able to use her power willingly and to do what she wants to do, so I guess if she decided, tracer could live forever and still be the same age.
Roel Cortez Have seen what happens when Mercy "Experiments." (Its Reaper. Reaper is a cloud of living hate because Mercy tried to bring him back to life.)
i have a theory or rather a story idea for "alive" cinematic, widow maker killed a robot gandhi right? what if one of the omnics wanted to kill him? and overwatch team found that omnic that requested to kill robot gandhi and that omnic in one point will say "you know whats bigger then a hero?,a dead hero(saying that robo gandhi would be more of a symbol of freedom and such)" and maybe one hero will say "how can you think taking some ones life is ok?!" the omnic will say "world didn't seem to care when we die so i did whats better for us but that symbol became a lie." and then end that chapter with a low key. i hope you guys like it, sense its my dream is to make video games.
Okay I'm sorry but am I really the only one that thinks that the whole people fucking robots in overwatch is kinda weird (also I'm referring to the people that have relations with omnics)p.s I'm not even sure if that's actually a thing I just saw that one omnic lie with its arm around a chick or something like that when robo ghandi gets capped
Widowmaker's backstory is fucked up. The reason why she's blue is Talon tortured and brainwashed her and slowed down her heart beat to reduce human emotion.
essentially they made WM into a human weapon, conditioning her mind and body to be a tool for Talon (the brainwashing made her focus on the kill for the mission and the conditioning made her skin turn blue due to an overall slowed heart-rate to increase firing accuracy/speed). but what is rumored is that deep in her mind still lies her former self, the wife of one of Overwatch's head honchos that Talon couldn't get to except through her(supposedly, if Mercy resurrects a Widowmaker, there is a chance WM will actually call out the name of her late husband).
they were actually treated better than their previous generation of darker-skinned people. they had been born in america and learned English while practicing Christianity instead of practicing African rituals and not speaking english, like the generation of slaves before them did. they were seen as "more human" and "less barbaric" according to slave owners.
"The world is always worth fighting for"
freezes someone so they don't move shoots them in the head with an icicle
She said "world", not "your life"
Hyperversum but her allies can be played as her enemies
WNKRZ lol😜
check my channel out fro overwatch content
They should either make an overwatch movie or a campaign mode.
I'd rather play that instead of the campaign of COF:Infinite Warfare!
***** Still, it's a good alternative name to the upcoming failure...
Why not both?
The story mode is coming, just be patient.
you got my hopes up, is it really?
Come on. No comment on probably THE single most tragic backstory? Widowmaker was kidnapped, tortured, brainwashed and biochemically altered by Talon to first assassinate her husband (an Overwatch member) and then continue to combat Overwatch. Many of the people she killed used to consider her former self a friend...
SKy_the_Thunder dunno
Her husband was Gerard.
good thing there is 6000 comments about this
Didnt Ana kill her husband?
Mihai Dragomir I don't know where you got that idea
"5 Tragic Overwatch Backstories that the Game Doesn't Tell You"
You mean all the backstories?
No, actually, all the characters have backstories and then the OverWatch team has some of its own, so, they got a few.
Nenea Hitler The game itself doesn't tell us about any of the backstories. All of the backstories come from outside the game.
NoNameC68 Well, yeah, but everything is on their site.
Yes. And the game doesn't tell you any of them.
+jarannalli destiny anyone?
Widowmaker's backstory is pretty tragic. She was kidnapped, brainwashed, modified and then forced to assassinate her own husband.
No Cherokee
She literally made herself into a widowmaker.
is this why she's blue?
@lab how do you know this?
Blazer Ashbringer The official website. It contains the backstory of every character.
overwatch needs a story mode
Poke Hunter i think they are working on one but im not sure
TrikZo GT it would be pretty cool to see everyone's story :D
Gigabytez 123 and a movie I think a movie would be awesome
does uprising count
Im surprised you didnt mention Widowmaker's story.
Because when i found out, i was shocked. And now i cant look at her without the feeling of.......Pity and sadness.
Also her name 'Widowmaker'........She is not talking about the spiders
Yeah her story of how she became what she is I thought was pretty dark...which I actually like.
I like a couple of dark stories too, but not something like that
She was happily married. Then taken, broken and turned into a mindless weapon. No one deserves such a fate.
Widowmaker is also a name of a gun
+Danielle Darling Just search on RUclips lorewatch
Seriously no Widowmaker? She was a normal sweet girl who was kidnapped, genetically modified and brainwashed into killing her husband.
Ikr? That alone could be a great comic or short
Yeah but she's an awesome assassin now.
her backstory is the saddest for me.. it's seriously depressing
Not to mention there might be some part of her that still remembers her life before
dude, pay atention to the phrases she lets out they are fking awesome and shows what a cool background she has, for example the fact that ana couldnt kill widowmaker and got shot (when she kills pharah -~like mother, like daughter~ ) or one of the quotes when you play ana and has a widow(something like gerrard was a fool to love someone like you~)
I know how to bring back Mondatta. Take out his sd card and put it in another omnic
Starfruit Yum You know have now attained: BUDDHI... or KNOWLEDGE, my child.
maybe it is where he got shot?
Sounds like a case in favor of location redundancy to me, then. (?)
maybe Torbjörn will be Mondatta's Mercy ;D
Why isn't Windowmaker's origins mentioned? It's probably one of the more darker stories for any character.
was once ze little gerl
she haz za fear of spidur
What I would like to know is why does she have her boobs out in a battle? Why doesn't she wear body armor?
+Yamanata she heardz spidur haz no heartbeat
Yamanata Except that story was probably post-reconditioning. Go read her wiki profile, you'd be surprise as to not compare her to the Winter Soldier.
+TheAsianGuy you guys made my day
"Mei missed out on the prime of her life" -- Well no, not really. She didn't age while she was frozen. That's the idea behind cryogenic stasis.
But she did kinda live past her friends and family, who are both dead at that point. She was frozen for 30 years, so she also missed out on everything that happened in that time.
So... =/
nothing because of bills and taxes
I wonder where all the blood stuff go during her "Puberty" time xD
sounds like captain america
+Slurrpees She's already fully grown...
why is soldier 76's hair grey?
because heroes never dye
Of course everyone gets it... I hope...
Mei wants to make the world a better place and yet she makes the lives of every player in the game worse. Thanks Mei
Seriously. Mei players can headshot you, but only if you're frozen, can't shoot, and are a foot away. So skill.
How is Dio supposed to make the world a better place?
+Ben Ellis
Not being annoying.
Oh and she looks great for 50 years old. She was a scientist 30 years ago.
You forgot Widowmaker's backstory, she was kidnapped, tortured, brainwashed, experimented with and turned into a heartless mercenary
Oh and she killed her husband because talon wanted him dead, so they decided to go to his wife and get her to kill him with thier brainwashing skills. And then her heart rate slows down making her blue all the time.
+RuuFiss is overwatch based on a comic ?? where everyone finding out the back stories I'm really interested in knowing
NiiK_3 There is a comic yeah.
There are comics and the characters backstory's on the Overwatch Website.
On the official website each character has a written bio, that's where most of the backstory is at the moment.
I feel like Mercy is a low key villain just waiting for the right opportunity to take over when you least expect it.
"My servants never-I mean heroes never die!"
Right? Kind of literally killing with kindness.
BEyondDaGamer LOW KEY. Holy fucking shit that is the most stupid thing I have ever fucking heard
OBJECTION! "Tekkartha Mondatta" is actually a name very similar to "Siddhartha Guatama", or Buddha. Widowmaker didn't kill robot Gandhi, she killed robot Buddha!
So.... Even worse
You forgot to say
And on your explanation you forgot to say "TAKE THAT"
GokuInfintysaiyan o shit ur right
i think zen and mondatta are just a reference to the police album "zenyatta mondatta"
I'm sorry, how could you not include Widowmakers backstory? That's the most tragic of all.
Seriously, right? It's like... "Let's tell everyone the cinematic that everyone saw and not the real backstory of Widowmaker." Wtf guys.
because the video is titled back stories overwatch "does not" tell you. You learn about widowmakers back story in alive.
That's not her backstory though, alive just tells you she's a killer, in actuality she was kidnapped by talon, experimented on and made to kill her husband.
+Mozzaru aw true maybe they didn't think it was as tragic as the other's then? It does kinda seem like the typical assassin story imo
maybe she's just happier as a cold blooded killer so it worked out for the best?
if overwatch were a TV show I would watch all the episodes
LOGIST JOKERS I guesse you could say you would *overwatch* it
meme machine 9000 the puns
Loser...I would watch all but one episode, obviously.
LOGIST JOKERS I'll rather have an Overwatch Movie
I'll overwatch it again and again!
So, Reaper is basically edgy Deadpool?
more like deathstroke but yeah
+Kyle Schneider yeah more like deathstroke , reaper doesn't break the 4th wall or anything
+Joe Martinez and Deathstroke is badass
Sort of? The biggest difference is that instead of making fun of everyone, everyone just seems to make fun of Reaper.
I think TellTale can work with Overwatch's backstory and make a very good single player for this game : D
I was actually thinking the same thing.
+Official Tigerfish :)
Actually yeah, a choose your own adventure movie would be perfect for Overwatch.
+Mr.DeadPool [Безумие] but how woild it tell the backstory of overwatch if you make your own decisions?
+LT Furno I don't really know, but they can make the single player around the back story like they are some points in the backstory and between the point you make minor decisions and always come to the same spot. ( I don't know what i said, just forget it )
The Mei story was actually tragic
So was yours...
Anti-Venom lol
Not as tragic as Widowmaker’s
You forgot the tragic story of Widowmaker. She has the saddest and most devastating past. I think she wins the most tragic story. It's just so sad.
Mercy didn’t create Reaper, Moira did.
I don't think she was out as a character yet so they assumed it was mercy
Patryk Eddsworld And i love Moria for that
mercy did, moira made his wraith form. Mercy made him what he is by reviving him
ok well moria wasnt out when that happend so no
Joanne Philpot Well its still wrong so you cant Just say it was reaper its plain wrong
Wait! So the cryo chambers in the 3v3 Elimination map are all of Mei's dead co-workers! They all say MALFUNCTION except one which is left open hmmm.....
HDcoded DSG yeah thats meis map
HDcoded DSG Mei... it's mei's
HDcoded DSG yea if u look at one of them their is a sticky note that say "happy birthday"
HDcoded DSG and you guys make fun of her?!? she lost all her friends!
She's a fictional character. Yes, she can be made fun of. Actually, real people who lose their friends can also be made fun of. What's the problem, Captain?
Widowmakee has the saddest story imo, She used to be married to an overwatch agent untill one day she was kidnapped, forced to undergo experiments to her body and brainwashed, she was then ordered to kill her husband in which she succeeded and carried on undergoing talons orders and was subjected to further enhancements, one which made her skin blue due to her heart rate bieng slowed down.
how do know this stuff??
+Amer Abdo official wikipedia page. it has all the back stories
I would assume the heart rate slow is to help with her sniping, since it would allow her to keep her body perfectly still.
Elite snipers shoot in between their own heartbeats, because there is the risk of the slight movement of the sniper's heartbeat moving the gun before the trigger is pulled. When shooting at great distances like that, even the tiniest fraction of a centimeter of gun movement correlates to meters on the 'target'.
If you don't believe that your heartbeat can move you like that, hold your fingers out horizontally in front of your eyes and hold your breath. You'll notice that with every heartbeat your fingers 'shake', and that your entire arm will sway.
its also why they are taught to shoot on the exhale. so their lungs are empty and theres no chance of movement in the body.
I actually kind of resent how you claim that Mercy "plays around with people's lives in the interest of science." This suggests that she ultimately doesn't care what happens to her patients as long as it benefits her research and understanding of humanity, life and death, etc. If you check in-game character interactions, this is utterly not the case, as she herself tells Reaper that she didn't intend to turn him into an abomination. Does Mercy go too far to keep her friends alive? Sure, that may be a fair argument. Does she sometimes fail to fully consider the ramifications of her treatment? Fair again- Overwatch was still active when she turned Genji into a cyborg, so she probably assumed he could just turn to Overwatch as a place to belong (kind of like Winston, the genetically-enhanced gorilla or Tracer, the girl who has to wear a device on her torso to stay anchored in time- Overwatch isn't exactly short of characters who would be considered "freaks" elsewhere).
Mercy probably never considered that the organization would disband and render Genji and other "freak" members outcasts. Lastly, did she benefit from her past experiences treating Genji, Reyes, etc.? Yes. As a scientist, even her failures are beneficial. That said, she never failed on purpose. Had she had her way, Reyes would be whole and fully alive, not.....whatever Reaper is. Unfortunately, while Mercy tried her damnedest to resurrect Reyes/keep him from dying, it just didn't fully take.
It's not that deep...
Denial is the first step to a healthy relationship.
but reaper is alive,oh,but he's also dead. he's constantly in a limbo state of being alvie at the exact same time as he's dead. his cells are constantly de-generating(dying? dying i guess,but i forget the exact term used.) and the same time as they're constantly re-generating, atleast,something like that. it's how he does wraith form.
Mei= Fallout 4 Confirmed
CurlyCringe yes yes yes!
CurlyCringe , i found a clitch in overwatch! i killed a Mei with a reaper, it dropped a soul :O
Lasi FX I think all reaper kills drop souls. He collects them! It's pretty neat.
CurlyCringe , mei has no soul.
Two of the payloads you are escorting are EMPs made to make omnics malfunction
I know that one of them is King's Row, but what is the other one?
One of the payloads you're escorting is Doomfist's Gauntlet.
+Arkatox That's Numbani but I'm asking which one was the other EMP payload, if I have to guess I'd say Route 66
+D Ammerlaan 1 is kings row
+Cringe Sheep I already said that
There is one thing I don't understand. We see all this old backstory, several decades back, involving characters that are still in their twenties. How does that work? How can there be kids walking around overwatch museums talking about Tracer "back in the day", and then she swoops in and is still in her early twenties.
Something doesn't make sense.
Antares tracer never ages. look for her origin story.
Do you even know her origins?
Tracer's chrono accelerator lets her control her own time, without disrupting the overall timeline as a whole. This means she is able to stay the same age pretty much forever, while everyone else around her grows older.
So she is Ash from pokemon...
Antares Most everyone is 30, like Sombra and Widowmaker for example. I think D.Va is one of the youngest, or is *the* youngest
Tracer: "Why would you do this?"
Widowmaker: "Snipin's a good job, mate"
Mercy saved people. Maybe they didn't live the best lives ever, but she saved their lives. Accusing her of toying with lives for the sake of science is like getting mad a surgeon for saving someone's life, who then still has to live paralyzed.
No. It's like getting mad at a surgeon for saving someone's life for making them half of a hated enemy or giving them deadpool's healing factor complete with ultra cancer.
There are fates worse than death.
Also some people would choose death the paralysis
Yes some people would chose death over the paralysis. Which changes absolutely nothing, the doctor would still try to save them. Its not just their job, they took the hippocratic oath, they have to try to save people lives if they can no matter what.
Also Genji seems fine with it now. Theres always reasons to live.
TensaShiro If deadpool's healing factor is required to heal them, the doctor cannot and should not be blamed for giving it to them. It's rediculous. If they don't like it, they can kill themselves afterward. Genji being half robot is a problem solves by killing himself. As far as reaper, that's a slightly different issue, but I'm sure he isn't immortal.
R.I.P Robot Gandi
Never thought I'd see those three words in a sentence like that.
Technically it's five words
at least we still have robot buddha
yeah.... at least we have our precious cinnamon bot.
Salt powered robot!
Isn't it JACK Morrison and not JOHN Morrison? 4:40
His full name is John "Jack" Morrison.
last time i checked John Morrison is a wrestler
Jack is a nickname for John, so either way it works.
Cyra Niccals I doubt that considering people are either called Jack, or John. Which shows they are two separate names. So Jack is definitely not a nickname for John.
Except it's literally a nickname for John. My uncle was called Jack, his birth name? John. Look it up.
Mei's backstory is pretty much just the beginning of fallout 4
or Portal 2
Zowzi, I know you love to wow everyone with your knowledge of factions in games that everyone else in the world has played but just because they have the same name doesn't mean anything at all. It's like saying because I have an Umbrella means I'm somehow mysteriously linked to the T-Virus.
You make it seem like Mercy is just some mad scientist or something who gives no fucks and plays with people's lives for amusement
"Well, that's how I lost my medical license!"
+Chuchuca that was my favorite part of meet the medic
+Galaxy Gamer
*Meet the Mercy.
Yeah. That's your job.
+DaJoozie reddit
Boi, this is why they should of put a story mode in overwatch.
Handsomely narrated by Jeff Kaplan.
For a while I thought Mondatta was zenyatta so I thought when seeing zenyatta in game I said "isn't he dead?"
I was playing a match as him and he said something about a dead ominic(sorry for spelling that wrong) which was probably him.
Mondatta is his brother
As if robots would have a genealogical family system...pfff...brothers...
they are all one in the iris!
I mean, they mentioned Genji being turned into a cyborg, but they didn't mention the fact that it was Hanzo that damaged him so bad, he needed a new body?
that's not hidden lore, everyone knows that
Siliquify It's still really important for the viewers to understand why he got his armor instead of saying, "he got upgrades"
I didn't know that.
Exactly,He makes it come across as "He was a shit Ninja,became a cyborg just because".
+xKingx16 in the dragons animated short you it tells you about hanzo and genji's past including when hanzo beat the shit out of him
''John Morrison''........................................
Jeppe Hagerup his full name is John jack Morrison
When Dwade took my spot probably the most white name in the history of time
Laila And Jayda - probably the most black names in the history of time.
Didn't even realize it's a dorkly video until the end
how do you not recognize his voice?
+unknown Unknown U Sir Are Going Places
every body likes mercy
Glad you didn't put a thumbnail ripped from overwatch porn to get views
What ?
I get what he means. So many videos that have to do with overwatch will have a sexy tracer or widow in the thumbnail taken straight from the tons of overwatch porn.
You mean those constant RUclips recommendations showing Tracer grabbing Widowmaker's unusually enlarged butt?
+KaidanTONiO Yes my son. Im gonna go grab it too and some OTHER things ;)
yes inded yes inded
4:441 "Big Beef with John Morrison" didn't know Reaper was in the wwe
the back story of widowmakers backside
its quite a nice "back" story if you ask me
Bush Child yupp
Croatiaboy11 Badum tsss
Xpx Techno huehuehue
Squats for days
2:17 "...takes her medical knowledge too far..."
2:51 "...playing around with people's lives..."
Yeah, fuck keeping people alive with the help of technology. What have living people ever contributed to society?
Advancement of Living and the Destruction of Harmony?
Canine R.D
"...the destruction of harmony"
PLEASE, elaborate on that.
Crime? You know, the stuff that disrupts people's happiness and security.
The problem is that the human body has a natural decay. There comes a point where living too long creates its own issues. After Mercy's meddling, Genji WANTED to die until Zen saved his soul from the brink. Reaper was MEANT to die until Mercy saved him, and now he's a terrorist (granted, he was somewhat of a bad apple before being brought back to life to begin with). The human body naturally has a point where it can no longer function properly. Modern medicine can do a lot to extend the body, but please, tell me how you want to live to 200. Look at what happens to people who pass the age of 100. They tend to be hooked up to machinery, even if it's just an oxygen tank. Look at Mark Twain, the famous American auther of the middle 1800s: he originally wrote about hope and the eventual harmony of mankind; he ended up outliving ALL of his children and by the end of his relatively long life, the only living relative he had was a granddaughter who wanted nothing to do with him; his views changed from hope and harmony to a bitter old man who just wanted to die but didn't have the nerve to commit suicide. This was a man who wrote that a black child should be allowed to eat in the same house as a white family instead of a barn IN THE MID-1800S!! AMERICA HAD A CIVIL WAR THAT WAS ONE-THIRD THE RIGHT TO OWN THESE PEOPLE, and yet he changed from this hopeful persona to one of contempt for all of humankind. Genji NEVER told Mercy to save him--neither did Reaper. Medicine and extending the human body is fine, but ONLY if the people want to live for that long. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if you would understand my argument because it's along the same lines as someone who is in a coma who will never wake up, and is it crueler to the loved ones to pull the plug or give them false hope. If you want medical advancement, I'm perfectly ok with it. I don't want to be a vegetable, so I have a legal document stating that if I was only alive through being wired to the brim with tubes and machines, I have stated that I want the plug to be pulled. I was raised to believe that death is a normal part of life, and while we should not openly court it, do not fear its grasp for it will come for us all one day, and it is better to greet death as an old friend than to fear it and have it chase us until it drags us kicking and screaming. Maybe you were raised to believe that life should extend for as long as it can. I can respect that, but I'd just like you to know that it can be cruel to keep people who should naturally die keep living because of "scientific advancement".
Canine R.D
Ah, so every doctor in a hospital should be responsible for their patients doing bad stuff after they have been treated? ...
Winston’s story is pretty sad too when the animal revolt on the lunar colony saw his father figure killed.
Am i the only one who thinks Genji as a human and reaper as Reyes just don't look as menacing with their pixar-ish faces?
No shit
Yeah their younger skins also go against their characters. Reaper was _meant_ to look scary because of all the genetic modification, and seeing him as Reyes kinda betrays his motivation of being an agent of chaos and death. Same with Genji. His backstory is all about retribution and learning to live with himself in his new skin, but the Young Genji skin goes against that in my opinion. I don't know, I guess that's just why I don't love the skins
+Geoff Janes people pick chrome genji anyway
Reaper is not suppose to be menacing. He's just so edgy that it becomes comical.
Young Genji was supposed to be happy go lucky and carefree about anything, so the skin fits him well, but the fact that his voice lines don't change is a bit annoying though
Reaper isn't a part of Talon, he is just focusing on his own personal gains.
He basically does work for Talon though, he causes more shit when he works with them than alone.
Widowmaker being the first widow she made didn't make top 5?
Agree. I was expecting Amelia to be mentioned in this top 5 ;u;
QuartzQuality its Amelie
And literally none of these facts have any impact on the game because blizzard had a stroke at some point and left virtually all story out of the game.
Cause a story mode won't work in Overwatch. It's not designed that way.
Plus, the people who REALLY care will go out of their way to research.
it really has a lot in common with tf2 in that regard. I hope they can figure that out or maybe its a marketing move that might never be made since it messes with the gameplay aspect where certain people may feel accomplished from a story mode and give up on the game? Or it could be something they plan to implement into multiplayer like an event sort of like tf2 has.
I really hope so, If they did that it'd really make the game shine and give it amazing longevity
+TeaMMatE11 why won't story mode work
the way I see it is the digital shorts are the story and in-game chats between characters help flesh out the rest.
But personally I feel that MP is just a training sim. Now that Winston recalled everyone. They need to get re learn how to fight as a team. With the tech they have now.. I don't see why that's not possible. Also they just added a new training mode to practice with any character.
So the training mode helps each character polish their own individual skill. While the Sim is to help the group learn how to fight along side each other.
Overwatch is old news, Dorkly.
It's time to cover the REAL conflict... whether or not Callie is better than Marie.
Overwatch won't be old news for a good long while.
+Arkatox it's a joke
team callie all the way man.
it's the last one :, (
+Matt Breiman pssh....who's callie and marie?
+Joe Martinez *gasp* you disgust me. it's only the best newscast squid kids ever!!!
well is pretty sad to dude. if you go to eichenwald she will say like.
"all these omnics, they remind me of home." thats pretty deep xD
I wish mei's cryo pod did fail
So many Mei haters! I personally wish Mercy left Genji to die
+TheDropdeadZed I agree to that, Genji is an asshole with his damn sword deflections
TheDropdeadZed ikr as a widowmaker hes hard unless you kill him after he double jumps. but once he knows you are their he will prioritize you and just fuck your shit up
I think you mean Reaper because he fucked everyones life up.
People hate Genji when he's on the other team though. People hate Mei because she's a menace when she's on your own. I've lost a few matches because Mei (intentional or not) helped the other team more than she helped her own. That ice wall is a menace. I appreciate playing against a bad Mei though. Those badly placed walls give me something to hide behind when D.Va sets off her blast & it's great to wall ride on as Lucio.
I agree with the ending. What the blithering fuck are we as Overwatch... or the people against it... or Whatever, doing? Seiously, what relevance do these fucking bombs have? Why the pickle tickling Christ do we need to capture these god damn points. Don't open with that cut scene that pretends there's a fucking story if you won't make a campaign of some kind.
Well... there IS story behind each of the objectives. Gibraltar is the satellite to send the Recall message for Winston. Temple of Anubis is some super powerful AI from Pharah's comic, I believe. Volskaya industries is a generator that powers up the factory (probably bad). There's others, but I can't remember them off the top of my head
Captain Nom If Gibralter is after Recall TO SEND OUT THE RECALL SIGNAL, How are so many people there and why not just ask them to spread the word?
I dunno man, but the window is broken to show that Reaper was there, but Mercy has a voice line that says "maybe we shouldn't" basically. Plus the Planning board in his base says one of the steps to send that satellite thing. I guess he called up the people nearby (like it shows in the cinematic with Tracer answering) and then launched the rocket for everyone else.... which is a bit like how they can release more characters since more people will get the message :^)
Captain Nom that makes partial sense.
Separate the gameplay from the story
If we're trying to make everything cannon we would be playing a single player game.
Some of the events like the payload happen one after another.
Going by trailer, Winston's trailer, Gibraltar payload, Widow's trailer, Tracer/Winston vs Widow/Reaper, Numbani payload
that last line about escorting the truck is golden, thanks for the laugh
so genji is basically GREY FOX
You're that ninja...
Yeah pretty much, glad I am not the only one who noticed that
he is Raiden
***** Same body.
Why no widow backstory?? Hers is easily the most tragic.
It's well known. This is to shed spotlight on the lesser known.
What's not well known is that if she's rwzzes by Mercy she'll wonder why she couldn't stay dead or scream out her dead husbands name.
+jaime ruiz Sad, yes. But said event and Chronal Accelerator allowed her to be one of the most effective agents.
Without it, she'd be stuck as a test pilot.
Only sad truth to it is she has to keep it safe and unharmed.
I refer Tracer to be the human equivalent to a Promethean Knight, with only their blinking abilities.
+jaime ruiz It was before the Museum trailer, so it is assumed it was repaired.
Wait hold on... when Moira wasn't out yet the Blizzard company gave us her background, shes the one the turned Gabriel Reyes into Reaper! Mercy was not the one that turned Gabriel into Reaper. I may be wrong.
Overwatch? Is it that porn game everyone's talking about?
Nah, that's just the immature side of the internet.
Your photo goes just right with the comment
r34 buddy. Even Medli falls victim to it.
No no he is right,
yep now we know that staying too long in cryofreeze turns you into satan
A mei zing
+JackalOfLight get out
+TheDumbGamer sorry sorry I'm sorry sorry
+TheDumbGamer you just need to let it go
What does this mean about Fallout 4?
Widows back story is actually pretty sad really. She never wanted to be a bad person but Talon made her that way. They made her kill her own husband. Sick shit.
Mondatta is Robot Dalai Lama
John Morrison? it's Jack...
Best wwe superstar ever
his tomb stone though?
Mondatta's name is most likely more associated with the Buddah, (Tekhartha Mondatta vs. Sidhartha Gautama)
Jack and John are often used interchangeably
I still don't get why the ingame story mixed with the gameplay makes no sense. Alright guys lets protect doom fists glove wait, why the fuck is widowmaker here? You fucking killed my brother and you expect me to heal you?
They're separate.
Mondatta isn't Zenyatta's brother, he was his mentor.
Zenyetta believes in forgiveness and not holding a grudge, so it makes sense that he'd be ok with healing Widowmaker
Yeah, it kind of feels like a waste of perfectly good storytelling.
The best theory I have heard is that the game is a training simulation used by Overwatch agents to get back into practice after Winston recalls all of them. Which is why Overwatch is fighting against Overwatch, why the AI dictates the match and winners, and why players respawn in digital patterns. So what that happens in game is not entirely real. It makes lots of sense.
"Decades" didn't pass while Mei was in cryo sleep. She was asleep 9 years, not decades. It tells you in the overwatch short about her.
Genji was greatful for what mercy did for him.
Mercy didn't create reaper.
Stop trying to make mercy a villain.
Wizardporn2008 ingame mercy says "what happened to you?" Reaper answered "you know exactly what happened doc" and another that she is like sorry to him, maybe she just tried to save his live but something go wrong. Its not necessary for her being evil, human makes mistakes(?
Lucas Kuczera That's misquoted, from a false quote, lol.
Mercy said "what happened to you?"
Reper said "you tell me doc"- but this was just him saying "you're the doctor, you should know"
There was a false voice line going around, people said reaper said to mercy: "you knew exactly what you were doing" but it turned out to be lies.
thumbs fucking up for you,I so agree
She definitely brought him back, Its pretty damned evident, as its cannon.
"Angela, i got you chocolates, not swiss im afraid."
Actually those are just the basics that everyone knows. However the Roadhog back story is wrong... After the Omnic Crisis, the human and omnic govermeny made peace with each other. And so all Omnic population was granted to lived in the Australian outback, which cause the local human residents of the area to be relocated (which they did not take kindly) and so the formed the Australian Liberation Front (ALF) in which Roadhog led a team to the core of the city causing it to explode and thus the Junkers were born.
Also Winstons backstory is also tragic, as he was part of a science project that humans trained and alter gorillas so they could do jobs humans could not, however there was a Gorilla uprising in which all humans were killed including Dr Winston (the human that took care of Winston) Winston was devastated of his brothers actions and he lost his only friend, so he decided to go to Earth and follow his caretaker lessons to heart.
You also did not mention that Widowmaker was an Overwatch agent that was brainwashed by Talon who force her to kill her own husband and become their best assassin.
Francisco Rafael Montiel Palencia widowmaker wasn't an overwatch agent , her husband was.
David Mekonnen Oh... Yeah I check, sorry my bad guys, my bad.
Francisco Rafael Montiel Palencia Widowmaker wasn't an Overwatch agent. She was just married to one. Direct me to some source that says otherwise please, cuz I couldn't find one.
And he did get Roadhog's backstory right. He just didn't say the whole thing. But everything he did say was accurate.
Yes I am aware and I already apologies for my wrong respond.
This is the reason why Overwatch should make a campaign.
here's a tragic story, some of the fanbase is cancer (almost undertale bad).
Its popular, of course some of the fanbase is cancer. Every fanbase has some of those, its just easier to notice the bigger the fanbase is.
hey, at least it's not Steven Universe bad
+LeoStudios "WHATD YOUS AY ABOUT STEVEN UNIVERSE!?!? (threatens to kill himself)"
- almost every Steven universe fan
Most of the nasty flaming that happened within the Undertale fanbase was from the Steven Universe fanbase, lol
meh, ignore the fanbase
Simple. Widowmaker knew what would happen
Mondatta was Robo Ghandi.
Where there is Ghandi
There is Nuclear Ghandi
Civ V
Civ reference!
I get that reference.
I don't know if i'm wrong or not- haven't played civ in a while... BUT didn't Ghandi immediately declare war on you if you meet him? XD
+vortex1929s pretty much
I just realized that the payload in Kings Row could possibly be Mondatta's funeral cart, but I saw in other videos that it was an EMP to shut down the omnics that lived underground below Kings Row
Now can you do 5 tragic Tf2 Backstories that the game doesn't tell you.
spy slept with scout's mother
+sergio daniel ramirez de la rosa good one
Yarel Ortiz thx
heavy's dad was killed
Valve killed the game, oh wait....that one just happened.
tragic story is that I can't tap tracers ass XD
True true
+Juvenal Rivera shut up paco before I build the wall
A million keks
Cyber samurai 63 she's gay tho
"mercy has somewhat of a habit of playing around with people's lives" mhhhm wonder who that sounds like.....MEDIC!
They didn't even mention that Mundatta was Zenyatta's brother
They were also brothers in the sense that they were manufactured from the same facility, and were "brothers" at the same monastery in Tibet
technically all omnics are 'brothers'
same with humans
But since you cant talk about machine biologically, we are only going to go with technicality :P
nice pun
this video made me not hate mei
I choose to believe that after she woke up she was mentally unstable and uses the technology that saved her will save the world and everyone in it, by freezing it solid...
perhaps it would've been better if she died in the cryo chamber
seeing her in game pisses me off
+daniel shim especially when I'm playing genji
Yea man I feel bad too knowing her story hahaha
I still hate her
The awencer for Tracer's question in number four is simple "Sniping's a good job mate"
Genji and Hanzo both have the same origin story.
Mohammad Aqeel Naufal Mohammad Aliff they are brothers
How is widow maker blue? Or purple idk
*didn't tell you
she listened to the blue song too much. now if she had misheard the lyrics.....
Da ba di da ba da...
Her heart beats much slower due to specialized training
+L Bowen this causes lower levels of oxygen to reach her sin cells
The category of this video is on point.
Tracers teeth are too nice for a Brit.
Michael Moore Dude das pretty mean
Michael Moore British people are proven to have better teeth than Americans. Boom.
YouAnA-hole. That doesn't explain my teeth
Michael Moore LMFAO yup 😂
But us brits take the piss out of each other then laugh it off while Americans get offended by every damned thing. Porn... seriously, just don't search it up the internet is a you ask for it, we give it to you thing.
My bad dragon will arrive late this month
Why just why....
Alonzo Ruiz why not?
ooohh I hope you have fun with that new toy. Just make sure to stretch before using heavy equipment.
Zian Xelmeus yep
Telltale's Overwatch : The Omnic Crisis
Its a multiplayer arena shooter with no story mode.
Why even give a shit.
You could say the same thing about Team Fortress 2. And look how popular and loved that game is.
A little lore never hurts, especially if it's Blizzard.
back we Fan's love the characters and want to know more about the lore, and How they came to be
Because it gives it flavor and allows us to have a bit of fun in the off game. Like in LoL that had an expansive story.
Reaper and Soldier 76 are edgy grandpas
Edgy Grandpaaaaaaaas~
So DEATH GUN became Little Timmy's first OC, and Call of Duty became Call of Duty Ghosts :D
finally a video where there isn't a 6 minute video with half of it about intro like he actually got to the point like👌
Mercy isn't the only one who looks far to young to be a member of a Super Hero group that disbanded 30 years ago. 76 is the only one who looks older than 40. Tracer was shown to be a founding member, but she looks, what, 27?
And McCree, considering he was with Blackwatch when Reaper was still Gabriel. How is he not grey and old like Soldier?
Well, tracer does bend time, her whole backstory is about how she glitches around the place and bends time unwillingly until (Winston?) makes her a device to keep her anchored in time and be able to use her power willingly and to do what she wants to do, so I guess if she decided, tracer could live forever and still be the same age.
Watermelon 40 I don't think that is how that works, but maybe? Doesn't explain Mercy, D.Va, McCree, or Lucio, though.
well mercy is a doctor that can stop death so i gueuess she has done experiments on herself to keep her body young?
Roel Cortez Have seen what happens when Mercy "Experiments."
(Its Reaper. Reaper is a cloud of living hate because Mercy tried to bring him back to life.)
haha Mercy didn’t make Reaper
"wants to make the world a better place" and she still shoots icicles through her momentarily frozen victims heads
"John Morrison". To be explaining all these backstories, you would expect you to get their names right...
Actually, his full name is John Jack Morrison, so technically he's right.
Kat D Still, he's more commonly known as Jack Morrison.
xxKriscbxx Yeah. A good point though still.
Just because he's more commonly known as Jack doesn't mean he's not called John.
I'm Nuclear Still doesn't mean people can't get confused by it.
reaper: edgy grandpa
soldier: edgy grandpa
i have a theory or rather a story idea for "alive" cinematic,
widow maker killed a robot gandhi right?
what if one of the omnics wanted to kill him?
and overwatch team found that omnic that requested to kill robot gandhi
and that omnic in one point will say "you know whats bigger then a hero?,a dead hero(saying that robo gandhi would be more of a symbol of freedom and such)"
and maybe one hero will say "how can you think taking some ones life is ok?!"
the omnic will say "world didn't seem to care when we die so i did whats better for us but that symbol became a lie."
and then end that chapter with a low key.
i hope you guys like it,
sense its my dream is to make video games.
Wtf Mei get out of my fallout game.
Oh yeah that's a thing
I can't handle the KNOWWWLEDGE!!!!
And that new outro is pretty sick
lol just for that bit at the end with the payload I subbed that was classic
Did you call him "john morrison" or am I mistaken?
John is his real name according to what I read.
+gaaraxnaru its jack morrison
+gaaraxnaru oh nevermind, jack is a nickname
+gaaraxnaru was the tombstone at 4:56 part of your reading?
John & Jack are kind of interchangable names
Okay I'm sorry but am I really the only one that thinks that the whole people fucking robots in overwatch is kinda weird (also I'm referring to the people that have relations with omnics)p.s I'm not even sure if that's actually a thing I just saw that one omnic lie with its arm around a chick or something like that when robo ghandi gets capped
Jpwarp Eh robots have been accepted as humans it's just another race at that point
well you still cant deny its pretty fucking weird
That floating truck has munitions on it from the crashed train that was shown in the McCree comic.
Moira created reaper
Widowmaker's backstory is fucked up. The reason why she's blue is Talon tortured and brainwashed her and slowed down her heart beat to reduce human emotion.
How on earth would that reduce human emotion?
The slowing down the heart thing, not the brainwashing.
No clue man, but that's her backstory
Dont forget the being forced to kill her husband part.
essentially they made WM into a human weapon, conditioning her mind and body to be a tool for Talon (the brainwashing made her focus on the kill for the mission and the conditioning made her skin turn blue due to an overall slowed heart-rate to increase firing accuracy/speed). but what is rumored is that deep in her mind still lies her former self, the wife of one of Overwatch's head honchos that Talon couldn't get to except through her(supposedly, if Mercy resurrects a Widowmaker, there is a chance WM will actually call out the name of her late husband).
Overwatch so needs to be created into an animated movie by blizzard their shorts are so good imagine how good the movie would be
Gengis basicly like a half black half white kid in the american south 200 years ago.
rly? i heard they were and did not fit in anywhere
they were actually treated better than their previous generation of darker-skinned people. they had been born in america and learned English while practicing Christianity instead of practicing African rituals and not speaking english, like the generation of slaves before them did. they were seen as "more human" and "less barbaric" according to slave owners.
Yea, there was that one girl, I forgot her name who was punished for going to a white school when she was 1/32 black. But this was like 1900s.