I knew an Ork player that spent a week lovingly kitbashing and painting a custom SAG, and in the first game he played with it, in its first attack, it blew itself up. He was absolutely thrilled with that result! Ork players are incredible.
Ork players have more fun! And it's the same for Destruction players in AoS. Win or lose, when I play with my Gitz, Gargants, or Ogors, I'm having a great time! And I rarely hear Destruction players complain about games.
I was playing in a club tournament during 2E and decided to spring to have my Terminators teleport in. Drawn to play the club's resident Ork fiend, I sent my Termies in to drop heavy flamer templates and sustained-fire blasts over his main advance. Stu bounced his eyebrows, opened his Codex to the shokk attack gun rules (bookmarked, I noticed) and picked up his dice. Ten minutes later two of my Terminators (including flamer guy) were dead and two more were stomping around firing randomly, now under the control of a snotling. One actually fired on one of Stu's mobs and took out one of his boyz. The attack added about twenty minutes to the game and cost me about 550 points I still haven't gotten back yet (I lost badly). But I was having so much fun I honestly didn't care. The slow dialing back of this weapon over the march of editions of 40K is symptomatic of a drift I've been wary of since 3E; the slow erosion of theme in favour of getting things done quickly. I like rich atmospheric battles where you can smell what's going on, even if that's goblin farts. As far as I'm concerned fast-playing, uncomplicated, get-'er-done 40K is why Necromunda was invented. That's a great game I'd hate to be without, but that's because the way it's done balances playability with an abiding focus on why you're playing: to get some entree, some personal access and input, into the grand gothic tragedy of the Imperium of Man. The removal of the flavour text for the shokk attack gun removes, I think, the core reason it's in the game, and abets the gradual abstracting and loss of identity of that game. This is precisely why I've sat out the last few editions. As I believe I've said in relation to one of Snipe and Wib's previous videos, 40K at its best is like test cricket; it takes ages and it's riddled with weird little rules, but playing it out and watching those rules interact is what produces the rich, evocative cultural experience you paid and painted for. I'm sure there's a point at which this gets a bit much but the situation was never as bad as what a lot of younger players seem to think it was, My memory of the early editions aren't of endless slogging through tables but of watching and making weird, outlandish, characterful stuff happen on a tabletop, and the crunch and procedure was part of the fun. Taking eight die rolls over five minutes to resolve a wraithcannon ding on a Whirlwind (another fine mess) isn't a fault, it's a feature. And the shokk attack gun was, as Snipe and Wib suggest, simply the best example of that in action. Tina Turner should be playing in the background as you do the rolls. Now can someone please start a Kickstarter to raise money to bribe Snipe to refrain from any more ASMR slots? Or was that their scary Halloween act?
@@Dagenham_Swish That's going a bit far. There's a valid sense in which the modern game is superior. I'm simply observing that the evolution of the SAG typifies the way modern design priorities pull the game away from what initially attracted me to it.
I think modern GW is obsessed with trying to reach the pie in the sky that is "playing a game of Warhammer in under an hour," something that a lot of their specialist games like Warcry and Blood Bowl can do, but they really want their flagship game to be able to do since that's the game that brings people into the hobby. I don't think it's going to be possible to streamline the game enough to achieve that vision, and in the pursuit of it they're not making the game take any less time, just making the time it takes less interesting. Combat Patrol/Spearhead is the closest they're going to get, and they should focus on those game modes as the "Warhammer, but Quick" and let the full games be these 2hr+ experiences with fluffier rules.
I'm absolutely inclined to agree. My first edition was 5th, but everything I've seen about earlier editions has me clamouring to play a game of 2nd or 3rd. Any tips on convincing new players to take the plunge?
You are a gentleman and a scholar. 40k is a serviceable game with great lore, but I've played out some really glorious moments on the tabletop in old editions. Over the years, just less and less and less... Chuffed to bits that somebody gets it.
One thing I love about Orks is that their guns and vehicles are so vague and silly that you can kinda represent them with anything. A "Grot Blasta" has been represented in the models with a blunderbuss, a pistol, a slingshot, and even a thrown stick-bomb... Just as long as you capture the idea of: "Can potentially inflict damage at a distance," then it counts.
You know those "doctrine purist / rebel and function purist / rebel" charts some people make memes with? Orks live in the "doctrine and function rebel" side of those charts.
You know a weapon is cool when it can get an entire episode! And thank you for the live action demonstration, you guys look like you had tons of fun doing it.
@@christopheraaron1255 I mean there are loads of books, boxes and magazines for them to cover. This was easily the most interesting weapon they could look at so I think it's a good episode.
I really miss the 'Looted' Vehicle rules. Grab any vehicle model, pay its cost plus a tiny amount, change the BS skill to 5+, and orky-fy the model so it looks looted. Made for interesting armies.
My friends and I once had an apocalypse game of I think 7th ed that lasted a weekend and halfway through the first day we ran out of blast templates because of all the vortexes we created. This did cause us to pause the game for an hour until we made from from some cereal boxes with most of the time being spent trying to find a compass. That was also a game where much to my friends great amusement every single one of my minis armed with a plasma weapon died from their weapons overheating due to me rolling 1's.
I would never have understood how the shokk attack gun works without the helpful visual representation. Thank you snipe and wib! I hope the resulting injuries have been cared for.
"it lost its spark in recent editions" now thats a quote for the game as a whole. Why we stick to 4th ed. rules and 3rd-4th codex when we play. Awesome Retrospective as always!
That's one of the best videos you folks have ever done. Great job! As an Old Skool RT Ork player it does my heart good to see the greatest weapon in 40k done justice, from it's gloriusly over the top RT days, all the way through to the dull as dishwater current rules. The mid era rules weren't bad, but I do remember players giving Meks a Power Klaw, just in case the teleport across the battlefield result came up. The current rules are such missed opportunity. With all the special rules weapons now get (extra shots, devastating wounds, blast, hazardous, etc) it would have the perfect weapon to simply give all of them to.
You missed one! There was a relic SAG from one of the 8th edition campaign books (I think it was one of the vigilus ones) that was even killier but was only available in a specific battle formation. I remember this because someone at my local club had a habit of blowing up my battle suits with it.
Alright, you got me with the (incredibly cursed) linger on the (equally cursed) 'inviting dark hole' quote. ...and then again with Wib's intense :[ expression during the live-action deminstration.
Back in 5th ed., during out budding wargaming club days; we ran a campaign where we started with a Planetstrike mission, then had some 3 regular Battle Missions matches, finally culminating on a big Apocalypse game that only really combined every player's armies on 2 sides for a big collective orgy of gratuitious violence match. While my side had discussed aggressive tactics, my Iron Warriors were the only ones to roll ahead to take objective points while the other players on my side bunkered up. That match was ended with my ork ally Shokking my objective-sitting Noise Marines (sic) after some lovely rolls. That ended up swinging the match to the other teams side, as we had no other units able to reach it, while a bunch of Eldar Harlequins rushed to take the vacant objective. While cursing the ork sudden yet inevitable betrayal, it was great fun and the tale remains told occasionally by us greybeard grumblers. Love the channel, great episode!
I think one way GW could reintroduce the fun of the shock attack gun I'd to give it an overcharge mode. So in normal mode it works like it currently does and is more appealing to players wanting to reliably win (what are you doing with a shock attack if you want to reliably anything) and in overcharge give it the wacky high risk high reward things that could either win or lose the game in a single shot of hilarious hijinks that players wanting a bit of fun and a laugh can use
Honestly I love that we call it Snotzogga in German. The name just fits it perfectly. It is what an orc would call a snotling vacuum (Snotlingsauger in German). Really pitying English for using the less fun and arguably more generic Shock Attack Gun.
I was (And still am!) a huge 7th edition player. Yes, running out of blast templates was a problem. Most people were only bringing one with them. Completely unrelated, but I recommend you guys look at the old 7th edition ruling on Orbital Bombarements. GW allowed you to shoot people in OTHER GAMES with its colossal blast template. I was at a GW shop (UK) when we decided to prank call a US shop to use an orbital cannon on one of their games. I think this probably means whoever was in that game probably did the longest attack in 40k history?
So the Shokk Attack Gun was pivitol in one of my most fun and unique tournament games. During early 5th edition I was at a large tournament for Australia. Some 90 players. I had a Khorne CSM army led by Kharn, with berserkers, summoned demons, a dread and some rhino chassis tanks. I'm 2-0 going into round 3 and I've pulled an Ork horde. 190+ models. Led by a Mek with SAG. The mission deployment was table quarters and we both deployed just out of charge range of each other. He wins first turn. Scouting his squad of Kopters up to get a side armor shot on my Vindicator. However I win the roll for Seize the initiative and get to go first instead. I bail Kharn and his berserkers out of their rhino and charge the kopters, killing them then getting a 6" consolidate allowing me to get out of charge range of the ork army again. Its another stand off, who ever charges wins. Orks turn 1, he shuffles a few models out of charge range down the other flank, keeping a wall of boys in my way but out of effective charge range. Shooting phase. He has one gun in range. the SAG. It's been deployed atop an 18" tall building in his back corner. He places the template over Kharn and his unit and rolls for strength. Double 5. This launches the Mek at Kharns unit as if he had charged, almost the full 60" away. The Mek is killed in initiative order by Kharn, Kharns unit gets 5" consolidate, putting them back in charge range of the ork flank! Turn 2 see's 3/4 of my Daemon units summoned, including the Greater Daemon from Kharns unit champion, and they smash into the ork sides turn 2. Thanks SAG!
Nothing truly sells the truth that 40k has slowly slipped from the roleplay side to a more balanced, focused tabletop wargame than the shifts the Shokk Attack Gun has gone through. Hiliariously enough though the fact its been there THE WHOLE TIME just makes it both a good reference point for the games complexity and also a point to show just how little the LORE has actually changed. Pretty much everything about how it works is the same, the rules attached have just changed.
I've been on the worst receiving end of this in 5th ed, nearly wiped out a 10 strong Assault Terminator Squad. Though that must have upset them as the few remaining Termies ran towards the Warboss and hammered it into paste.
makes me sad the the crazy sillyness is gone, I remember games with my ork buddy and the gut splitting laughs when it would fail or just rip apart so much.
It is Halloween when snotling poo is talked about. Though the gun sucks off snotlings, there is no euphemism there, none at all, how dare you for suggesting that sucking off snotlings is a euphemism... fnar fnar.
It's niche but it's my niche. Tbf this stripping away of fun and random is one of my biggest gripes with modern 40K. It just takes a lot of the fun out of it. I think Tyranids as a whole suffer from this too. Their weaponry was very different in basically every edition up to 8th.
I played Orks back in 4th edition with a Shokk Attack Gun and in one memorable match my mek got a double 6 when hitting a Predator tank, killing it, double 6 and scattering onto my Warboss, killing him, and then a double 5 launching himself into combat with a Tactical Squad, who killed him. Good times.
It feels like the sort of weapon where its full flavour would be more reasonable to include in a skirmish scale game than a larger wargame like 40k. Unfortunately for that idea Gorkamorka no longer exists and modern Kill Team is much too competitively focused to make the shokk attack gun as random as it should be if it were included in that game.
I remember rolling snake eyes with this thing once and evaporating my entire unit of Lootas standing next to my Big Mek. Fantastic result, A+, no notes.
I think the mad funniness of the older versions of it worked the best for them, while yeah, it kinda makes it easier to use with the stats for the most recent versions. I honestly believe that the orks whole thing of being the comedic joke yet Actually an honestly terrifying threat is kinda getting pushed under the rug more and more over newer codexes. Hell it looks more like that role has been thrown onto the Aos Ghouls and Gobbos.
Really appreciating the little changes in this video. The scenes where we see you act the jokes felt more engaging. Also, love the art for the thumb nail!
I definitely prefer the silly bull$h1t and page(s) of tables of 1st and 2nd edition, vs. the streamlined rules of later editions. 2nd edition hit the sweet spot for me. It’s such a fun weapon!
So many aspects of the ork army were a source of extreme comedy for the players with the old Rogue Trader rules for Orks . Mad Boys, Shock attack guns Squigs and even Weirdboyz or Bosses themselves were such a source of dumb fun , versus the boring strictness of Eldar Space Marines and Guardsmen. I don't think any other army was so much fun to play.
A guy i went to school with insisted that vehicle mounted shokk attack guns should be allowed to act as a kind of hyperdrive for Trukks. His arguments were very convincing. Also, please do more live action demonstrations of game mechanics, that was gold! Also ASMR if you can bear it too :P
I remember using the SAG against my Bestie's Nids in 5th ... and going APE when it rolled maximum scatter, from the Tyranid Warriors it was aimed at, right on to his Hive Tyrant and Tyrant Guard. DOUBLE SIX ... and I stopped moaning. We both still recount and laugh at that event regularly ... good times.
Another cracking video. I loved gun in 2nd edition, we had house rules allowing it to be used to launch grots or ork Boyz across the battlefield, lots of fun.
My favourite in the Ork codex is the Looted Wagon. I just love it. Especially the 4e book (although I'll always think of it as the 5e codex). i even did a video on it's various iterations way back
Love this idea for a video! Would love to see codex compliant- Angels of Death 2nd edition, And a history video like this one on something from the chaos or imperium factions. Favourite Warhammer content on RUclips!
Letting the opening on the other end stay closed for a turn seems somewhat rude, but makes me imagine one of those shark tunnels they make at aquariums. No daemons can touch the Snotlings, the Snotlings can't touch the daemons, so they just awkwardly stare at each other while waiting for the gateway to open.
The shokk atakk gun was my first real exposure to 40k. I saw a mention of it on some tvtropes article and i looked it up. That set the stage for the setting pretty well for me
Every game since 4th ed that I play orks I have always brought a shock gun as it made me laugh so much in the old days and today it's more a nostalgia trip 😊
4th ed version also had Apocalypse version were you could take Snotling bases with slaver and feed those to the gun to get additional shots with it, rules for it were downloadable at GW site back then...
I love the Shokk Attack Gun and always had at least one in my Ork List!! I agree that 4th Ed. Ork rules are the best! I stopped playing when 7th came out and the Ork Codex was obviously written by a committee that hated Orkz (cf. Mob Rules and Killa Kanz). Loved the video!!
I like to think that if Snipe and Wib existed in Victorian times that Codex Compliant would still be published as an ongoing series of monographs. True scholarship.
I always kinda wish they had Competitive rules and Crazy Rules for stuff like this. If I'm playing for money or whatever, I have a good balanced mechanic system. If I'm doing Crazy, sure--give me two pages of random effects.
two of my most memorable 40k moments were due to the Shokker, In the first, an Eldar Avatar, sword ablaze, was bearing down on my battleline and going to make a right mess. one "whirr-zzap!" later and he was just...gone. Happy days. The next game, attempting to recreate the feat, i fired the Shokker into a 3 strong Carnifex mob. Gork (or possibly Mork) decided that this was a great time to demonstrate the "zoink" result, and my poor bewildered Big Mek found himself in the middle of the unit. I don't know if you're aware, but a 2 attack, strength 3 (4 on the charge!) Ork is not precisely what I would call a n even match for three Nid big-bugs. The resultant close combat was short, brutal and extremely one-sided. He may have even attempted the defecate-in-the-ear attack, but Nids don't seem to have them. I love the Shokker.
This. Whenever people say 10th edition lost all its flavour/ 10th feels bland to play; this is the perfect example. Also shout out to the ASMR in the post credits scene. Unironically really good.
I dearly miss 2nd, where the game was just silly fun instead of [serious business]. I miss the deranged thudd gun template that snaked at random, vortex grenades that would hoover up an entire flank, and demon weapons with d1000 tables.
I'm surprised that the current rules don't at least give it the HAZARDOUS keyword. And i suppose the easiest way to bring back some of the old wackiness under modern rules would be to have events that could trigger if HAZARDOUS procs instead of the normal rule.
SHokkAttAK FTW! If you have never fired a Shokk Attack gun mounted on a Battlewaggon and Zoinked them BOTH across the table you have not played 40K. Some forgeworld option many (bad) mooons ago.
I knew an Ork player that spent a week lovingly kitbashing and painting a custom SAG, and in the first game he played with it, in its first attack, it blew itself up. He was absolutely thrilled with that result!
Ork players are incredible.
He just didn't believe enough.
Ork players have more fun! And it's the same for Destruction players in AoS. Win or lose, when I play with my Gitz, Gargants, or Ogors, I'm having a great time! And I rarely hear Destruction players complain about games.
I was playing in a club tournament during 2E and decided to spring to have my Terminators teleport in. Drawn to play the club's resident Ork fiend, I sent my Termies in to drop heavy flamer templates and sustained-fire blasts over his main advance. Stu bounced his eyebrows, opened his Codex to the shokk attack gun rules (bookmarked, I noticed) and picked up his dice.
Ten minutes later two of my Terminators (including flamer guy) were dead and two more were stomping around firing randomly, now under the control of a snotling. One actually fired on one of Stu's mobs and took out one of his boyz. The attack added about twenty minutes to the game and cost me about 550 points I still haven't gotten back yet (I lost badly). But I was having so much fun I honestly didn't care.
The slow dialing back of this weapon over the march of editions of 40K is symptomatic of a drift I've been wary of since 3E; the slow erosion of theme in favour of getting things done quickly. I like rich atmospheric battles where you can smell what's going on, even if that's goblin farts. As far as I'm concerned fast-playing, uncomplicated, get-'er-done 40K is why Necromunda was invented. That's a great game I'd hate to be without, but that's because the way it's done balances playability with an abiding focus on why you're playing: to get some entree, some personal access and input, into the grand gothic tragedy of the Imperium of Man.
The removal of the flavour text for the shokk attack gun removes, I think, the core reason it's in the game, and abets the gradual abstracting and loss of identity of that game. This is precisely why I've sat out the last few editions. As I believe I've said in relation to one of Snipe and Wib's previous videos, 40K at its best is like test cricket; it takes ages and it's riddled with weird little rules, but playing it out and watching those rules interact is what produces the rich, evocative cultural experience you paid and painted for. I'm sure there's a point at which this gets a bit much but the situation was never as bad as what a lot of younger players seem to think it was, My memory of the early editions aren't of endless slogging through tables but of watching and making weird, outlandish, characterful stuff happen on a tabletop, and the crunch and procedure was part of the fun. Taking eight die rolls over five minutes to resolve a wraithcannon ding on a Whirlwind (another fine mess) isn't a fault, it's a feature. And the shokk attack gun was, as Snipe and Wib suggest, simply the best example of that in action. Tina Turner should be playing in the background as you do the rolls.
Now can someone please start a Kickstarter to raise money to bribe Snipe to refrain from any more ASMR slots? Or was that their scary Halloween act?
Such a succinct and polite way of alluding to how 40k is a soggy bag of walk these days.
@@Dagenham_Swish That's going a bit far. There's a valid sense in which the modern game is superior. I'm simply observing that the evolution of the SAG typifies the way modern design priorities pull the game away from what initially attracted me to it.
I think modern GW is obsessed with trying to reach the pie in the sky that is "playing a game of Warhammer in under an hour," something that a lot of their specialist games like Warcry and Blood Bowl can do, but they really want their flagship game to be able to do since that's the game that brings people into the hobby. I don't think it's going to be possible to streamline the game enough to achieve that vision, and in the pursuit of it they're not making the game take any less time, just making the time it takes less interesting.
Combat Patrol/Spearhead is the closest they're going to get, and they should focus on those game modes as the "Warhammer, but Quick" and let the full games be these 2hr+ experiences with fluffier rules.
I'm absolutely inclined to agree. My first edition was 5th, but everything I've seen about earlier editions has me clamouring to play a game of 2nd or 3rd. Any tips on convincing new players to take the plunge?
You are a gentleman and a scholar. 40k is a serviceable game with great lore, but I've played out some really glorious moments on the tabletop in old editions. Over the years, just less and less and less... Chuffed to bits that somebody gets it.
"If dere's no roolz fer stickin' a Snotlin' intar der Terminator's leg den it ain't a propah Shock Attak Gun!" -- Gitgit Gitgitter the Mek
One thing I love about Orks is that their guns and vehicles are so vague and silly that you can kinda represent them with anything.
A "Grot Blasta" has been represented in the models with a blunderbuss, a pistol, a slingshot, and even a thrown stick-bomb...
Just as long as you capture the idea of: "Can potentially inflict damage at a distance," then it counts.
You know those "doctrine purist / rebel and function purist / rebel" charts some people make memes with? Orks live in the "doctrine and function rebel" side of those charts.
That's the beauty of technology that works on the power of wishing hard enough.
You know a weapon is cool when it can get an entire episode!
And thank you for the live action demonstration, you guys look like you had tons of fun doing it.
You know they're desperate to do an episode when they dedicate a whole episode to a cool weapon.
@@christopheraaron1255I don't think they're desperate, it's a cool idea.
@@christopheraaron1255 I mean there are loads of books, boxes and magazines for them to cover. This was easily the most interesting weapon they could look at so I think it's a good episode.
15:29 You can't even have Snotlings shitting in a driver's ear anymore, because of WOKE.
We used to be a proper country
Nah, it was the right wing snowflakes who are once again terrified and confused about normal biological processes! :P
@@jamblpaints8453 Ear ear!
Literally M2.084
@@jamblpaints8453 Despite the attempt at sarcasm here. As a Canadian watching the UK, yeah you guys need some help.
The idea of suffocating on snotling poop while stuck in a dreadnaught is defenetly enough to be a halloween episode!
It's probably not great for the snotling either.
I really miss the 'Looted' Vehicle rules. Grab any vehicle model, pay its cost plus a tiny amount, change the BS skill to 5+, and orky-fy the model so it looks looted. Made for interesting armies.
Yeah. They largely removed those classic RP rules. Makes me nostalgic.
The #1 RUclips Power Couple is back; 'ere we go!
That Ska-themed sticker is very tempting, "Wun WAAARGH bee-yond!"
Remember dragging my mam around Edinburgh trying to find the GW to buy this. Stared at it all the way home to County Durham.
My friends and I once had an apocalypse game of I think 7th ed that lasted a weekend and halfway through the first day we ran out of blast templates because of all the vortexes we created. This did cause us to pause the game for an hour until we made from from some cereal boxes with most of the time being spent trying to find a compass. That was also a game where much to my friends great amusement every single one of my minis armed with a plasma weapon died from their weapons overheating due to me rolling 1's.
I would never have understood how the shokk attack gun works without the helpful visual representation. Thank you snipe and wib! I hope the resulting injuries have been cared for.
"it lost its spark in recent editions" now thats a quote for the game as a whole. Why we stick to 4th ed. rules and 3rd-4th codex when we play. Awesome Retrospective as always!
getting killed by snotling farts is not the way I want to die.
Worst ever "would you rather".
Death by snotling fart OR death by snotling shart, directly to the left or right ear. 🤮
That's one of the best videos you folks have ever done. Great job!
As an Old Skool RT Ork player it does my heart good to see the greatest weapon in 40k done justice, from it's gloriusly over the top RT days, all the way through to the dull as dishwater current rules.
The mid era rules weren't bad, but I do remember players giving Meks a Power Klaw, just in case the teleport across the battlefield result came up.
The current rules are such missed opportunity. With all the special rules weapons now get (extra shots, devastating wounds, blast, hazardous, etc) it would have the perfect weapon to simply give all of them to.
You missed one! There was a relic SAG from one of the 8th edition campaign books (I think it was one of the vigilus ones) that was even killier but was only available in a specific battle formation. I remember this because someone at my local club had a habit of blowing up my battle suits with it.
Alright, you got me with the (incredibly cursed) linger on the (equally cursed) 'inviting dark hole' quote.
...and then again with Wib's intense :[ expression during the live-action deminstration.
Back in 5th ed., during out budding wargaming club days; we ran a campaign where we started with a Planetstrike mission, then had some 3 regular Battle Missions matches, finally culminating on a big Apocalypse game that only really combined every player's armies on 2 sides for a big collective orgy of gratuitious violence match.
While my side had discussed aggressive tactics, my Iron Warriors were the only ones to roll ahead to take objective points while the other players on my side bunkered up.
That match was ended with my ork ally Shokking my objective-sitting Noise Marines (sic) after some lovely rolls. That ended up swinging the match to the other teams side, as we had no other units able to reach it, while a bunch of Eldar Harlequins rushed to take the vacant objective.
While cursing the ork sudden yet inevitable betrayal, it was great fun and the tale remains told occasionally by us greybeard grumblers.
Love the channel, great episode!
Great video as always folks.
And cheers, Snipe. After the outro, I now know what Yorkshire Tea down my nostrils feels like 👍
I think one way GW could reintroduce the fun of the shock attack gun I'd to give it an overcharge mode. So in normal mode it works like it currently does and is more appealing to players wanting to reliably win (what are you doing with a shock attack if you want to reliably anything) and in overcharge give it the wacky high risk high reward things that could either win or lose the game in a single shot of hilarious hijinks that players wanting a bit of fun and a laugh can use
Honestly I love that we call it Snotzogga in German. The name just fits it perfectly. It is what an orc would call a snotling vacuum (Snotlingsauger in German). Really pitying English for using the less fun and arguably more generic Shock Attack Gun.
Waaagh! Happy Orktober!
As an Ork player since RT this was a trip down memory lane!
I was (And still am!) a huge 7th edition player. Yes, running out of blast templates was a problem. Most people were only bringing one with them.
Completely unrelated, but I recommend you guys look at the old 7th edition ruling on Orbital Bombarements. GW allowed you to shoot people in OTHER GAMES with its colossal blast template. I was at a GW shop (UK) when we decided to prank call a US shop to use an orbital cannon on one of their games. I think this probably means whoever was in that game probably did the longest attack in 40k history?
So the Shokk Attack Gun was pivitol in one of my most fun and unique tournament games.
During early 5th edition I was at a large tournament for Australia. Some 90 players. I had a Khorne CSM army led by Kharn, with berserkers, summoned demons, a dread and some rhino chassis tanks.
I'm 2-0 going into round 3 and I've pulled an Ork horde. 190+ models. Led by a Mek with SAG. The mission deployment was table quarters and we both deployed just out of charge range of each other.
He wins first turn. Scouting his squad of Kopters up to get a side armor shot on my Vindicator.
However I win the roll for Seize the initiative and get to go first instead.
I bail Kharn and his berserkers out of their rhino and charge the kopters, killing them then getting a 6" consolidate allowing me to get out of charge range of the ork army again. Its another stand off, who ever charges wins.
Orks turn 1, he shuffles a few models out of charge range down the other flank, keeping a wall of boys in my way but out of effective charge range. Shooting phase. He has one gun in range. the SAG. It's been deployed atop an 18" tall building in his back corner. He places the template over Kharn and his unit and rolls for strength. Double 5. This launches the Mek at Kharns unit as if he had charged, almost the full 60" away. The Mek is killed in initiative order by Kharn, Kharns unit gets 5" consolidate, putting them back in charge range of the ork flank!
Turn 2 see's 3/4 of my Daemon units summoned, including the Greater Daemon from Kharns unit champion, and they smash into the ork sides turn 2.
Thanks SAG!
It's incredibly sad how they butchered the shock attack gun in the last few editions
Nothing truly sells the truth that 40k has slowly slipped from the roleplay side to a more balanced, focused tabletop wargame than the shifts the Shokk Attack Gun has gone through.
Hiliariously enough though the fact its been there THE WHOLE TIME just makes it both a good reference point for the games complexity and also a point to show just how little the LORE has actually changed.
Pretty much everything about how it works is the same, the rules attached have just changed.
I've been on the worst receiving end of this in 5th ed, nearly wiped out a 10 strong Assault Terminator Squad. Though that must have upset them as the few remaining Termies ran towards the Warboss and hammered it into paste.
The dice giveth, and the dice taketh away. Truly, the Orkiest of outcomes.
Well, I'm shokked to see you missed out our epic short kings! That version of the SAG could one time an Imperator Titan!!
makes me sad the the crazy sillyness is gone, I remember games with my ork buddy and the gut splitting laughs when it would fail or just rip apart so much.
It is Halloween when snotling poo is talked about. Though the gun sucks off snotlings, there is no euphemism there, none at all, how dare you for suggesting that sucking off snotlings is a euphemism... fnar fnar.
Wib's delivery of "on account of the farts, you see" cracked me up. I'm 35.
50% of British humour is just fart jokes.
@@robertmccann9631 the other 50% involve genitalia
It's niche but it's my niche.
Tbf this stripping away of fun and random is one of my biggest gripes with modern 40K. It just takes a lot of the fun out of it.
I think Tyranids as a whole suffer from this too. Their weaponry was very different in basically every edition up to 8th.
Wib we have the same Godzilla shirt and both play yellow blood angels. We are mindkin. Greetings, mindbrother.
I played Orks back in 4th edition with a Shokk Attack Gun and in one memorable match my mek got a double 6 when hitting a Predator tank, killing it, double 6 and scattering onto my Warboss, killing him, and then a double 5 launching himself into combat with a Tactical Squad, who killed him. Good times.
Oooh a new video about an mek gun i just kitbashed from bits a couple weeks ago. Still need to paint the git. Fav 40k weapon by a longshot
It feels like the sort of weapon where its full flavour would be more reasonable to include in a skirmish scale game than a larger wargame like 40k. Unfortunately for that idea Gorkamorka no longer exists and modern Kill Team is much too competitively focused to make the shokk attack gun as random as it should be if it were included in that game.
Necromunda still got some of that spirit, it's game base we could work off
Iirc, feral works were a thing in 1rst ed necromunda so may be a candidate for a White Dwarf article
"Greetings big mechs" should be the only greetings used by humans from now on. 😅
The Space marine/ Titans legions / epic one could oen shot an impetrator titan if it hit the head or reactor.
Natürlich ist das ein Snotzogga!
This is the kind of deep dive I love you guys for.
I started playing 40K as a Ork player under 'Ere We Go rules as a lad. I miss those days.
Yay, Snotzogga representation!
Some men think about the Romans, I think about Shokk Attak Guns.
I remember rolling snake eyes with this thing once and evaporating my entire unit of Lootas standing next to my Big Mek. Fantastic result, A+, no notes.
Hans, get ze zogga. Ze *snot* zogga
Unexpected comment, made me lol
I think the mad funniness of the older versions of it worked the best for them, while yeah, it kinda makes it easier to use with the stats for the most recent versions.
I honestly believe that the orks whole thing of being the comedic joke yet Actually an honestly terrifying threat is kinda getting pushed under the rug more and more over newer codexes.
Hell it looks more like that role has been thrown onto the Aos Ghouls and Gobbos.
Really appreciating the little changes in this video. The scenes where we see you act the jokes felt more engaging. Also, love the art for the thumb nail!
I definitely prefer the silly bull$h1t and page(s) of tables of 1st and 2nd edition, vs. the streamlined rules of later editions. 2nd edition hit the sweet spot for me. It’s such a fun weapon!
So many aspects of the ork army were a source of extreme comedy for the players with the old Rogue Trader rules for Orks . Mad Boys, Shock attack guns Squigs and even Weirdboyz or Bosses themselves were such a source of dumb fun , versus the boring strictness of Eldar Space Marines and Guardsmen. I don't think any other army was so much fun to play.
A 30 minute CC?! Hell yeah!
Some well read dialog by Rem there
The Shokk Attack Gun used to be the most effective thing in my original Ork army in 2nd edition!
A guy i went to school with insisted that vehicle mounted shokk attack guns should be allowed to act as a kind of hyperdrive for Trukks. His arguments were very convincing.
Also, please do more live action demonstrations of game mechanics, that was gold! Also ASMR if you can bear it too :P
I remember using the SAG against my Bestie's Nids in 5th ... and going APE when it rolled maximum scatter, from the Tyranid Warriors it was aimed at, right on to his Hive Tyrant and Tyrant Guard. DOUBLE SIX ... and I stopped moaning. We both still recount and laugh at that event regularly ... good times.
The loss of the cool shokk attack gun rules is one of my least favourite things in new 40k
Another cracking video. I loved gun in 2nd edition, we had house rules allowing it to be used to launch grots or ork Boyz across the battlefield, lots of fun.
This will always be my favorite Ork weapon. I had one used against me several times back in 2nd Edition, and it was a blast every time.
My favourite in the Ork codex is the Looted Wagon. I just love it. Especially the 4e book (although I'll always think of it as the 5e codex). i even did a video on it's various iterations way back
Love this idea for a video!
Would love to see codex compliant- Angels of Death 2nd edition,
And a history video like this one on something from the chaos or imperium factions.
Favourite Warhammer content on RUclips!
4th edition was the most fun! Playing against an ork player you just knew it was going to be chaotic fun and the gun never disappointed
Letting the opening on the other end stay closed for a turn seems somewhat rude, but makes me imagine one of those shark tunnels they make at aquariums. No daemons can touch the Snotlings, the Snotlings can't touch the daemons, so they just awkwardly stare at each other while waiting for the gateway to open.
The shokk atakk gun was my first real exposure to 40k. I saw a mention of it on some tvtropes article and i looked it up. That set the stage for the setting pretty well for me
More than I think about the Roman empire.
I marvel at the glorious majesty of the thing.
Every game since 4th ed that I play orks I have always brought a shock gun as it made me laugh so much in the old days and today it's more a nostalgia trip 😊
I started collecting orks in fifth edition, took this thing every time
4th ed version also had Apocalypse version were you could take Snotling bases with slaver and feed those to the gun to get additional shots with it, rules for it were downloadable at GW site back then...
Fell in love with SAG when opening the 4th ed Codex for first time and running it on my lists ever since.
I love the Shokk Attack Gun and always had at least one in my Ork List!! I agree that 4th Ed. Ork rules are the best! I stopped playing when 7th came out and the Ork Codex was obviously written by a committee that hated Orkz (cf. Mob Rules and Killa Kanz). Loved the video!!
I always loved the Shokk Attack gun, in 5th i always hoped to roll that mythical 6 and wipe Marneus Calgar off the table!
CAn you imagine the meeting they had about Snotlings shitting in peoples ears?
Nice sponsor, buying a bunch of gifts. 1e 40K really was a magical time.
Great video, and you are both looking so much better it’s really great to see! 😊
Man that new thumbnail art goes hard
What a neat video. Ork weapons were already crazy. This was just cool to learn more about.
I like to think that if Snipe and Wib existed in Victorian times that Codex Compliant would still be published as an ongoing series of monographs.
True scholarship.
"Big Lads" is both shorter and more orkie. Cheers Snipe!
you are right about the white dwarf thing, that issues got a bunch of ork stuff in it, was reading it the other day
I always kinda wish they had Competitive rules and Crazy Rules for stuff like this. If I'm playing for money or whatever, I have a good balanced mechanic system. If I'm doing Crazy, sure--give me two pages of random effects.
two of my most memorable 40k moments were due to the Shokker, In the first, an Eldar Avatar, sword ablaze, was bearing down on my battleline and going to make a right mess. one "whirr-zzap!" later and he was just...gone. Happy days.
The next game, attempting to recreate the feat, i fired the Shokker into a 3 strong Carnifex mob. Gork (or possibly Mork) decided that this was a great time to demonstrate the "zoink" result, and my poor bewildered Big Mek found himself in the middle of the unit.
I don't know if you're aware, but a 2 attack, strength 3 (4 on the charge!) Ork is not precisely what I would call a n even match for three Nid big-bugs. The resultant close combat was short, brutal and extremely one-sided. He may have even attempted the defecate-in-the-ear attack, but Nids don't seem to have them. I love the Shokker.
Ahh, excellent! A new video!
Nice running into you in Derby a couple of weeks ago, btw ...
Perfect sunday morning entorktainment, thank you!
Oh how excited do I get when I see there is a new Snipe & Wib video
This. Whenever people say 10th edition lost all its flavour/ 10th feels bland to play; this is the perfect example.
Also shout out to the ASMR in the post credits scene. Unironically really good.
I dearly miss 2nd, where the game was just silly fun instead of [serious business].
I miss the deranged thudd gun template that snaked at random, vortex grenades that would hoover up an entire flank, and demon weapons with d1000 tables.
The Shokk Attack Gun was the best gun in earlier editions for the sheer fun it could unleash. I mourn its passing.
Happy Halloween and a very spooky doot doot to both of you!
Best visual representation ever!
Every time I used it my mek got teleported into the enemy front lines...every...single...time 😁
I live for these
I really needed this today. Thank you!
Had a look at the stickers in the etsy page, I think I'll have to get a couple. I don't know who did the Woodie Guthrie Killa Kan but I like it.
Excellent way to start a Saturday!🎉
".... is probably about as consistently useful as useful the SAG has ever been but idk it's just a little bit dull" summarises 10th edition perfectly
I'm surprised that the current rules don't at least give it the HAZARDOUS keyword.
And i suppose the easiest way to bring back some of the old wackiness under modern rules would be to have events that could trigger if HAZARDOUS procs instead of the normal rule.
I'd love to see different videos on different weapons from chainswords to lasguns!
SHokkAttAK FTW! If you have never fired a Shokk Attack gun mounted on a Battlewaggon and Zoinked them BOTH across the table you have not played 40K. Some forgeworld option many (bad) mooons ago.
I was not prepared for Snipe ASMR.
Your videos make me happy.
I remember the 4th edition Ork Codex fondly, ‘fer it was me introduction to 40k… good times