сейф. Это будет не так просто. Любой, кто знает меня немного ближе, знает, что я нашел что-то новое в этой музыке. И для меня важно взаимное уважение. Я никогда не предполагал бы знать оригинал. Я благодарен за музыку, и я хотел бы поделиться со всеми вами успехом сердца. Привет!
*NEW MUSIC VIDEO* "DJ Blyatman - Motor" ruclips.net/video/h3R9hPtqN38/видео.html
For someone who calls himself Dragunov, finding this really made my day.
Hahaha hell yes it works it can be ur theme song or smth omg what a thing to come across its so golden 😮❤🎉
The bass dropped harder than the Russian Ruble in 1991.
The bass dropped harder than America's stock market in 1929.
The bass dropped harder than Tsar bomb
the bass drops harder than my daddys Gucci belt
the bass dropped harder than merkel the germany
So I just checked, 1 ruble is equal to like, 0.015 USD
ОПААААААААААААА bring the КВАС it's time for great ХАРДБАСС!
What the blyat, I need to add this to my next mix!
This is good Mayonez
Блять It's like (for fuck sake) or just (fuck), you can hear often in Russia) Ofcourse this is swear xD
but blyat makes heavy brutal hard cool sound!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually have done this in one of mine. I call the playlist "Cheeki Breeki"
Im from finland so I am a western spy but I somehow enjoy listening to hardbass please dont send me to gulag
don't worry they won't send you to the gulag
Send strips to canada
I listened to this at school...
...now it is our school!
Uh ok
Where is your school, so I can go there
This is the purest of gold like every single of your other hardbass tracks.
One of ur best tracks, I remember when this came out
EDIT: wait, I just realized that's a PSL, not an SVD
Love it! It's a really nice song to hear!
Blyatiful... good job tovarish!
Boris's favorite weapon
Fits well in gopnik bag so no worries
OMG this was the best song that I ever heard
ah, my favourite sniper rifle
OUR favourite sniper rifle
our favourite DMR, the Dragunov ain t a sniper rifle, but a semi-automatic DMR.
not mosin?
It's an dmr
Western spies detected, no such thing as DMR in Russian terminology. Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova literally translates as Dragunov sniper rifle.
Some love from South Africa
In Mother Russia,you don't aim with sights,you let Stalin's hand guide your shot
Simo Häyhä didn't use sights either, but I'm 100% sure Stalin was not the one guiding his hand.
@@TrolledBy he's finish,not russian
Jan Vehmanen it was the benis
@@sharkboi6164 Vittu benis :D
@@TrolledBy hassua:D
>Romanian PSL at thumbnail
They're Romanian
@@AjackLee4 ye, really my mistake over here. Fixed. Thx, mate. Take your sandwatch from the shelf :D
@@DaStosha Will do haha
Oh i love that ❤️
Waits for people to realize the comment was made before the song went live hehe*
hoe dan
Song named Dragnov, Romanian PSL in background ;-;.
Piotr Kulesz are u shure?i can’t see the nose of the rifle so i can’t tell
@@Pipodecatan Look at the front handguard, it's AK style, also body is stamped, not milled.
@@Pipodecatan And the crossed "X" on the magazine
Piotr Kulesz that’s exactly the reason that I can’t tell the difference,I can’t see it :c
Pixel Galaxy that makes sense
Who needs western AWP when you have glorious Dragunov blyad
But awp have more big calliber than dragunov 😉
Ideal playn as Dragunov in Tekken7 finnaly got tune that fit him well :D
The 30 dislikes are from Western spies that almost got shot by that Dragunov.
Oohhh yesss!!!
No scope !!!!
*All the decisions in your life brought you to read this comment*
I’m okay with this,
it brought you to a sick tune 🔥🔥
MasterB damn straight
Comrade Tim yes.
Comrade Tim maybe?
I love this part when he says "Dragunov"!
My favorite sniper in every game
Another Slavic master piece
The song to play when rolling up to a group of bandits with the Lynx
2:31 epic
Why is Hardbass only good when turning everything to full Volume?
u have right
because its HARD BASS
Very nice, greetings form Poland!!! ❤❤❤
When i explain to my pupils what kind of answers i expect from them, i always say: Don't be bombers, be the finest snipers.
my favourite sniper is mosin nagant
You have the impaler's *seal of approval*
Thank you DJ Blyatman, very cool!
New track to my Revolution playlist
It kinda interesting that even though the song is called Dragunov, its picture shows a Romanian PSL.
hardbass 4 life
Ещё больше дабстеп бассов
Your best work so far, well done
You got us bumping hardbass out here in Texas
Dropping HARD BASS all over the PNW.
the title is called Dragunov yet the rifle is a Romanian PSL
The irony
that what a dragunov is the russians get there weapons from romania and other slavic countries and the russians nicknamed the dragunov
Raven RxH no the SVD is the orginal Ramania put a ak in a taffy stretcher and made the psl it wasn't built from the ground up like the SVD was
Let's be honest Romania is just small russia
Dunno, but it could be either a Yugo's Zastava M91 or Romanian PSL-54.
nice job DJ Blyatman
Fresh hardbass at the end of the week, OPA!
Oy bliiin he is back!
Papa has blessed us again
Im in love of tha hardbass
Dropped harder than tsar bomba
Love from Turkey
Instant favorite. Good job.
the song: 0:49
me for the whole village :DRAGUNOV
Great like allways!
Now that dj blyatman has made a hardbass about the dragunov and avtomat kalashnikova, we just need a hardbass bout the degtyaryov lmg and the ppsh
I was Russian my way to hear this as soon as I got the notification 👍🏽👍🏽 This is how you live
This is why I am subscribed to you Dj Blyatman
Great work again!
Nice djblaytman slav never ending
Another great song!! Thank you.
Been here since you only had 5k comrades #teamblyat
The russian gun titled songs you're make Dj Blyatman are awesome! But this one is maybe the best one man!
Dragunov was the best sniper rifle in the UDSSR
Was it so? Where's da Mosin REEEEEEEEE
Оо новый подгончик!!
I've been searching this song for a fucking year,now i finally found it
2:31 If you ever wonder what type of gun did the finnish sniper used when he take out 500 men of red army.
@Adolf Hitler Well... yes
but how the even fuck youtube let named u Adolf Hitler
best of the best
Ironically this bangs pretty hard
Silent but deadly!!!
So good !
Just another masterpiece :)
Damn the beat drop was lit!
Dragunov is BLYATIFUL!
Твоя музыка шедевры
Best Russian music channel :]
So good! Keep it up man
always great music, thx for upload love u
Damn, its fire🔥
сейф. Это будет не так просто. Любой, кто знает меня немного ближе, знает, что я нашел что-то новое в этой музыке. И для меня важно взаимное уважение. Я никогда не предполагал бы знать оригинал.
Я благодарен за музыку, и я хотел бы поделиться со всеми вами успехом сердца.
Hardbasgasm 💗
Good job bro I love your music!
I'm already dancing.
nice track mate
Damn this is some good stuff
потрясающий hardbass, 200-й
Ejo ejo ruky nad hlavou!!!