Oscar Pistorius Trial: Monday 7 July 2014, Session 2

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • Sports medicine professor Wayne Derman still on the stand.

Комментарии • 72

  • @nickharris9761
    @nickharris9761 10 лет назад +19


  • @soniatita9856
    @soniatita9856 10 лет назад +2

    This session was devastating to Oscar. At the beginning I could not understand why Oscar stopped smirking today, but now I do: since Thursday Oscar is very concerned about the possibility of Mr. Nel to interrogate Professor Derman about the third sound inside the toilet. Oscar obvious knows he has changed his evidence since the consultation with the professor, and if we observe Oscar we will see him very agitated.

    • @Mary-NY
      @Mary-NY 10 лет назад +1

      Sonia Takeda I posted what you did nearly word for word not long ago. Derman stuck a nail in OP coffin today. He is clearly bias and contradicts himself over and over. I agree with you on the change in versions and those sounds. OP was also afraid that the court would be made aware of his reenactment that was aired by Sunday Night. Nel asked some pointed questions regarding that video without saying anything about it.

  • @MM0SDK
    @MM0SDK 10 лет назад +1

    Will someone give Oscar's sister a bucket... PLEASE!

  • @mattymoi
    @mattymoi 10 лет назад +3

    Nel is not happy that he cannot crack this witness. His line of questioning is desperate and he is losing the plot completely.

    • @THLC-vg4cd
      @THLC-vg4cd 10 лет назад +7

      "Cracking" a witness only happens in films. This witness has been totally discredited by his constant hesitation to agree to any questions that are damaging to OP. The judge as a trained lawyer will see this as it is: a biased witness dressed as an expert. He has done more damage than helped. Most notably his admission that OP did not mention door opening noise. That is a BIG discrepancy.

    • @fckem1000
      @fckem1000 10 лет назад +3

      14TH10LC I'm a layman and even I can see it. I also find him argumentative and sarcastic. He's not an expert or professional in my eyes. He can't be objective.

    • @RePlaylist1
      @RePlaylist1 10 лет назад

      14TH10LC Indeed! Good thing he testifies standing, because he's had his ass chewed off and handed to him and it was 100% self inflicted! This "experts" testimony was a lot like the arrogant OP's, talking to much and "opening doors" on direct and cross.

  • @candykittens5611
    @candykittens5611 10 лет назад +6

    Now I know why Oscar's sister looks even more distressed than usual, the video reenactment they made back in October, has been leaked. Wow, it's amazing how things are unfolding.

    • @Sparrowdean
      @Sparrowdean 10 лет назад

      ***** Don't think Oscar is their cash cow because the family is a large one and appears to be an affluent one. His uncle Arnold describes himself as the "provider" and says he considers and treats Oscar's sister as if she were one of his daughters. Although father is kept away and not mentioned because he's a bit of an embarrassment.

    • @kenford2234
      @kenford2234 10 лет назад

      ***** Unlike the Steenkamp the Pistorius family are loaded, uncle Arnold lives in a huge gated house - I think they own mines.

    • @MM0SDK
      @MM0SDK 10 лет назад

      sure is. So much so that it's early hours of morning and I can turn it off and go to bed., lol

    • @kenford2234
      @kenford2234 10 лет назад +1

      ***** So, not so much a cash cow but cash down the drain.
      Point being - they've never needed anything from OP and what they _did_ get was trouble.

  • @msmoodybful
    @msmoodybful 10 лет назад +4

    Susanne muller is an Oscar troll.....

  • @ericusdaniel7890
    @ericusdaniel7890 Год назад

    Mr.Nel is the real professor

  • @williamfairbrother1599
    @williamfairbrother1599 10 лет назад +2

    There is another one just out showing OP limbo dancing on his stumps!

  • @nickharris9761
    @nickharris9761 10 лет назад +3

    Professor Biased is NOT an expert in anything apart from Sports Science and loves Oscar

  • @aevalk8369
    @aevalk8369 10 лет назад +2

    The idea that he was trying to shoot the lock and panicked after he hit her is interesting. However there are some things that, to me, point to deliberate murder. The overall picture of Oscar, including the incident with the guess whose leg he hurt with a door not mentioned on the stand, paints the picture of someone who is dangerously emotionally unstable with a strong violent streak coupled with a massive ego. He lived a fairly insulated life. Worked hard to gain a standing in the sports world, which is another fairly insulated, protected environment. After enormous fame and riches his world is even more insulated so there's less and less chances for his violent nature to gain traction. He didn't get many people who crossed him as normal people do. He could get away with things the regular person could not. He had someone to handle his public image such as spin or cover up bad behavior. He had money to settle issues out of court, like the woman whose leg he hurt and friends who'd take the blame so he doesn't look bad.This a person I believe could fly out of control too easily and he crossed over into territory his friends, management and family couldn't fix for him.
    Facing no or not in being control is something he really cannot seem to take. On the stand he was whiny, arrogant, self-centered and very childish. It seems Oscar is unable face consequences. It's one thing to be coached and corrected in a sport for his benefit, it's another to be caught and must answer to authority. Pinned on the stand his wailing, anger, very selected memory loss, carefully rehearsed answers, blaming his legal team, etc. didn't make the State go away. No one could help him so his true colors emerged. He continually tailored his testimony because his hasty cover-up story was too flimsy and couldn't stand scrutiny. Once facing questions that required an off script answers he floundered badly. He wanted the focus to be on his emotions so it would seem he couldn't have killed her making all the unbelievable actions that night disappear. That may work for those who want to believe him but to everyone else facts count.

    • @Mary-NY
      @Mary-NY 10 лет назад

      Aeval K WOW, very well said! Not much I can add to your post as you summed it up beautifully! OP blamed everyone but himself for anything he ever did wrong. He even called Reeva a liar in those whatsapp messages. He belongs in prison for a very long long time. The hothead, self entitled, narcissistic and cold blooded killer that he is!

    • @aevalk8369
      @aevalk8369 10 лет назад +1

      mrip75 Everything points to a narcissist or worst. I'm sure it was easy to craft his behavior to cover-up real traits when being evaluated. He was likely coached on what to say or how to act. He's also smart enough to avoid behaving as he did on the stand. Nel got on him for being self-centered so he knew to pretend humbleness. He blamed others so all he had to do was continually fake taking responsibility. No matter what for the sake of justice he should have been locked up and out of control for thirty days.

    • @kenford2234
      @kenford2234 10 лет назад

      Aeval K I'm sure they were very thorough at Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital but with the whole thing of being able to go home every night, people can be forgiven for crying foul. Everyone else has to undergo an inhouse 30 day evaluation with a court order, and so should he have.
      The 30 day inhouse evaluation would have been much more appropriate for this type of crime, after all he was caught with the smoking gun so to speak. He should never have been given bail nevermind the benefit of the doubt to attend Weskoppies as an outpatient.
      I believe he knew exactly who was in that toilet and may have even been caught in the act of trying to cover it up by Security (Mr Baba) walking in with Mr Stander, they then had to go to plan B, the old "I thought she was an intruder" story.
      What the Prof said about the 3rd startle being even worse because Pistorius was expecting it is Tosh, by the time the 3 startle happened he chose to fire his gun.

    • @Mary-NY
      @Mary-NY 10 лет назад

      Aeval K Ken Ford If I recall when poor OP could not sleep he would go out to the shooting range. How afraid was this man that he would travel with a gun to a shooting range in the middle of the night? He approaches people and creates drama. Nel pegged him on July 7th to Prof. Derman, OP is a danger to society.

    • @aevalk8369
      @aevalk8369 10 лет назад

      Ken Ford I agree they probably did their best but OP does well when in control. He had trundle off daily , put in the required hours of probing ,and go home to relax, party or whatever. He's reached the top in athletics so he knows hard work and discipline to get what he wants. And what he wants now is to get away with murder. To do that he needed to convince them of three main things.
      1. He's abnormally afraid, hence his uncaring, beyond belief behavior the night of the murder. Plus he has other charges concerning illegally firing his gun out of a car and in a restaurant. So must cover his love affair with his gun because too many things point to someone who is power hungry and needs the gun to back his willfulness.
      2.He must convince them he loved Reeva too much to ever harm her. In addition, under the emotion flag, he has to seem deeply sorry for any mistakes he's made.
      3. Perhaps the most important of all is he had to convince them he's not a Narcissist because under that diagnosis all of his actions would be explained. It would be clear how an argument could lead to cold-blooded murder and why he would risk everything by killing her. Those who support his point to the fact that he had so much to lose. Yet they also don't see how powerful the drive can be to protect his image and sense of superiority.
      If he had been locked up he could fake it for a short time. But he'd quickly get tired of being told what to do and his facade would fall faster then whore's underwear on a Saturday night.

  • @ezenwosu852
    @ezenwosu852 10 лет назад

    To speak with a SA accent just substitute the letter "e" with the letter "i" eg: "However"= "Howiver" or "Howivah". "Memory"= "Mimory" etc....or shud i say itc....

  • @bbjj1159
    @bbjj1159 10 лет назад +1

    If only that magazine rack could talk hahaha Well done:)))

  • @Iazzaboyce
    @Iazzaboyce 10 лет назад

    For me the evidence and the rational application of logic says that OP was aware RS was the only person in the cubicle when the shots were fired. His story that he believed RS was in bed and that he believed an intruder was in the bathroom is just not plausible, as he did not see (even by mistake) RS in the bedroom. I do find it difficult to believe though that OP meant to shoot RS. For this to be so OP must have believed RS was behind the door and aimed to hit the low body. I think it seems more probable that OP and RS were engaged in heated argument and OP demanded RS open the door threatening to shoot out the lock, then believing RS to be seated on the toilet decided in reckless frustration/anger to shoot through the door to regain control of the argument. Unbeknownst to OP, RS had stood behind the door and was contemplating opening it. The logic and evidence: 1, If a person hears an unidentified noise they eliminate probable causes. 2, If a person hears a perceived threat they go silent so as not to give away position and to evaluate unidentified noise. 3, If an armed person believed an intruder was in the bathroom at the end of a corridor then the natural thing to do is cover the corridor with the firearm and call police/security and if possible exit the building. 4, The last thing a person believing armed intruder/intruders are in a dark area would do is dash into that area screaming. 6, OP said under oath that after the shooting he 'checked' the balcony for RS - according to his earlier testimony he had locked the doors whilst RS was in the bedroom, meaning the key was on the inside - did he think RS had run out of the building an used the ladders to access the balcony?. 7, There is witness evidence to show lights were on and arguing prior to gun shots being heard. 8, OP lied to security about incident saying 'everything is OK'. 9, IF OP is so scared of intruders why go to sleep with balcony doors wide open knowing ladders are outside and alarm system is inactive? 9, RS was dressed and had phone in cubicle. 10, If OP's account were true RS would have talked from the bed or shouted/screamed from the bathroom before or during the shooting.

  • @AEYE4anEYE
    @AEYE4anEYE 10 лет назад +1

    Hope the Blade Runner can out run Big Bubba!
    Every Inmate is subject to rape, It's called Prison.

  • @aevalk8369
    @aevalk8369 10 лет назад

    Carl and OP have interesting reactions at 30:00 when Nel mentions OP trying to break down the door on his stumps. Carl starts shaking his head, sighs and rolls his eyes. He suddenly raises his eyebrows while shooting a look at OP when Nel says "you know that's his evidence" and Derman says yes. At that same moment Oscar reacts also. Why does Carl seem even more agitated by that question and answer after all the many other lies that have been exposed? Did he expect Derman to say he didn't know about OP was shoulder charging the door on his stumps? Since he began his eye rolling, head shaking disapproval of that one question before Derman said yes I wonder if he's upset with Oscar's story. All of the Oscar can't do this and Oscar can't do that on his stumps is glaringly bogus . Those around him would know he can do far more than limits the "experts" are claiming. The world knows it at this point because of the leaked video. So it's possible he's a little disgusted at Oscar's lousy story. The family may support him in public, but behind closed doors it could be different, at least for some. His pathetic performance on the stand was embarrassing. It showed how quickly and cleverly he lies as well exposed the cowardly tendency to falsely blame others for his problems and mistakes. The evidence must be getting to any of them who are not mentally challenged or willingly in denial.

  • @msmanunited11
    @msmanunited11 10 лет назад +1

    OP doesn't even look sorry for what he's done........

    • @elizabethgage9317
      @elizabethgage9317 10 лет назад +1

      How sorry do you look for making unsubstantiated statements?

  • @MM0SDK
    @MM0SDK 10 лет назад

    Oh Oscar, why the long face? You were all smiles last week. :)

  • @Mary-NY
    @Mary-NY 10 лет назад

    @ 30:40 OP leans in to talk to someone on his team. His witness is convicting him slowly but surely and you can see the urgency and pain on OP's lying face! He told the courts Oscar's version that was told to him, all I can say at this point is, OP is screwed! Derman should be charged with perjury!

  • @mygodyousuckatthat
    @mygodyousuckatthat 10 лет назад +1

    Forget bulldog - Gerrie Nel is more like The Terminator - he absolutely will not stop !

  • @ericvandyk8567
    @ericvandyk8567 2 года назад

    Banana court.Nel the only one to see through his lies

  • @eidalmazrouei7453
    @eidalmazrouei7453 10 лет назад

    Islamic Law and Oscar;
    I have given this issue a simple view, we are certain of the most important fact pertaining to motive. A human wouldn't deliberately kill another person without a real cause. with all my respect to the brilliant work of Nill, he couldn't establish a motive A REAL CLEAR MOTIVE. We don't have A motive, and I mean a real clear motive, thus i shall say forget the contract or the x boyfriend please, that is not enough. Therefore, I will suggest the tariff. Its a sum paid to the blood owners as i described earlier in the Islamic Sharia "Islamic Law". BUT and i shall say then; as we know from history, that there will always be that thing which is discovered by somebody , things like a telephone with blood, damped clothes of the victim, or whatever that thing might be; which had been hidden by the killer. then and only then one will be certain about a real prof that was removed from the scene by the killer. hence, you will bring him back to court and execute the killer or put him behind bars forever. and although it might sound like that you sent a killer free by my suggestion; reality is not so at all if he intentionally killed the victim; as a matter of fact he will be haunted by the fear of getting caught and will never rest regardless of the place that he lives at. HE knows that they will get him , sooner or later; they will,, and what a nightmare and punishment that is by itself alone.
    But now , lets go back and talk about the motive, without a real motive,or a real evidence; one shouldn't convect the killer with predetermined murder. Personally, I might not like Oscar; but I like Justice and justice has to be made and satisfy Reeva's family before it satisfies media or us, which is more important than the brilliance of the prosecutor or the defense who seems to be fighting to prove themselves and "Justice System" more than the fact that we have; which is the blood owner who seems to be silent viewers from start to the end; which is again Not fair nor is it for Oscar if he will to be sentenced or sent free.
    No, let him pay the tariff and send him free; but get him HARD if you ever fiend the truth which is missing i.e. the prof.
    remember, its always better to let the killer go if you are not certain , rather than execute him but discover afterwords that you were mistaken.

  • @elizabethgage9317
    @elizabethgage9317 10 лет назад

    It's obvious the prosecutor doesn't know what high anxiety does to your cognitive abilities. I have GAD and if it weren't for the medication I take I think I would be unable to function. I taught school for 31 yrs. More stress than I realized.

    • @nickharris9761
      @nickharris9761 10 лет назад +2

      Oscar does not have GAD. He's a rich boy who lived in a walled security guarded place who loved guns. His story is false. He WILL be found guilty.

  • @andrewesley8262
    @andrewesley8262 10 лет назад


  • @susannemuller2094
    @susannemuller2094 10 лет назад

    lol Naomi

  • @astrolight100
    @astrolight100 10 лет назад

    How can this so-called know it all Nel not understand how an unidentified sound that is not expected and linked with a high level of fear will startled an individual! His whole line of questioning from the State is a farce.

  • @kobusvanstaden3747
    @kobusvanstaden3747 9 месяцев назад

    Never has a witness been more relieved to hear Nel say "my lady I'm at the end of my cross examination" than this guy... Nel cut him down to size bigtime! 😂

  • @PeterPan-rm8qo
    @PeterPan-rm8qo 10 лет назад

    That stop rambling and lock up that thing with legs or without legs is a murderer

  • @karenmoynihan1879
    @karenmoynihan1879 10 лет назад +9

    OP heard a magazine rack alright, HIS OWN!!!!!!!

    • @MM0SDK
      @MM0SDK 10 лет назад +1

      He'll be needing that magazine rack soon, to store his porn mags in jail.

    • @bobover6474
      @bobover6474 10 лет назад +1

      ***** It better be gay porn because his next valentine's day card will be from his cellmate.

  • @williamfairbrother1599
    @williamfairbrother1599 10 лет назад

    Will last nights video be allowed, or even the "comedy" one on Australian TV?

  • @ezenwosu852
    @ezenwosu852 10 лет назад

    Remember = Rimimber or Rimimbah

  • @ericvandyk8567
    @ericvandyk8567 Год назад

    I also want to be a professor ..but a very clever one