Izzy Hammond Was Slow, Until Abbie Eaton Arrived!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 178

  • @Drivetribe
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  • @clearstream67
    @clearstream67 9 часов назад +95

    Abbie is a phenomenal instructor. Great work, Izzy!

  • @MercuryGremlin
    @MercuryGremlin 9 часов назад +86

    A great video crying out for a Abbie flying lap with her describing how and why. That way we get to watch and learn too. More Abbie please for 2025... She's such a great combination of instruction and encouragement...

    • @franklincord2812
      @franklincord2812 50 минут назад

      Could do some great segments having Abbie set the last time and then have Izzie and Mike see how close they can come to it...just like they used to do on that other car show that used to be kind of popular.

  • @jaggyness
    @jaggyness 9 часов назад +140

    Would love to see Abbie do a lap

    • @getawayhs2856
      @getawayhs2856 9 часов назад +8

      Yeah, why didn't she?

    • @BadBoyV1
      @BadBoyV1 8 часов назад +12

      @@getawayhs2856 Don't want to steal the glory on the moment form Izzy.

    • @jay-rk1ve
      @jay-rk1ve 8 часов назад +3

      ​@BadBoyV1 it wouldn't it would give her a target time

    • @JGuraan
      @JGuraan Час назад

      @@jay-rk1ve Abbie is a pro. Her time wouldn't be a target so much as an insurmountable goal for someone as new as Izzy.

  • @pendragon6207
    @pendragon6207 7 часов назад +21

    Some proper driving right there. Abbie is such a wealth of knowledge, and Izzy definitely picks it up quickly.

  • @Aracore
    @Aracore 8 часов назад +17

    So awesome to see Abbie back in the saddle so to speak. and Amazing work Izzy! always good to see a Hammond who doesn't crash!

  • @jrmanatad
    @jrmanatad 7 часов назад +12

    Happy to see Abbie back in these sort of videos. Loved her advice on the shifting, shows the experience Abbie has accumulated.

  • @MrAschroeder1
    @MrAschroeder1 9 часов назад +18

    It's awesome to see Abbie back in a car after her injury! Great video!

  • @TimFilmsCars
    @TimFilmsCars 9 часов назад +56

    Izzy is a natural presenter, just like her father. It's been great seeing this content!

    • @PAUL-MH
      @PAUL-MH 8 часов назад +2

      Get her on a new top gear show! 🤣

    • @SimonBauer7
      @SimonBauer7 7 часов назад +1

      new top gear presenter identified. make top gear great again...​@@PAUL-MH

  • @EddieG9000
    @EddieG9000 9 часов назад +33

    0:30 Abbie with the yawn 🥱! 🤣

  • @chriscarol4965
    @chriscarol4965 9 часов назад +21

    Aaaaand acroossss the line!!!

  • @justinborlase
    @justinborlase 8 часов назад +25

    maybe not fair but don't really think we needed the random shots of mike stood at the side of the track but great work from izzy

    • @samfletcher93
      @samfletcher93 7 часов назад +9

      Agreed. Sounds mean, but Mike really didn't need to be in this video.

    • @StreetPreacherr
      @StreetPreacherr 6 часов назад

      @@samfletcher93 Poor Mike... At least he got a cold drink.

    • @Rootythe1st
      @Rootythe1st 5 часов назад +2

      Yes they are so fake. Piece to camera edited in later. Cheesy, best not give up the day job and become an actor.

    • @basbass429
      @basbass429 4 часа назад +1

      Fully agree, just skipped that.

  • @WillGiven-g6j
    @WillGiven-g6j 6 часов назад +4

    For anybody else struggling from second to third gear don't try to steer the gearstick into third. Simply put your fingers behind the stick and push forward to get it into neutral. Stop pushing forward. The gearstick will automatically sit between third and fourth gear. Keeping your fingers behind the gearstick just push it forward again. Don't try to move the stick to the right to find third. It will automatically go to the right and sit in the perfect position.

  • @MonaroTravels
    @MonaroTravels 9 часов назад +15

    Abbie - Legend :)

  • @bluegizmo1983
    @bluegizmo1983 9 часов назад +17

    1:15 Is Izzy in there somewhere?! All I see is a giant purple coat 😂

  • @Tom_MacDonald_Sux
    @Tom_MacDonald_Sux 32 минуты назад

    Well done Izzy! Awesome coaching Abbey.

  • @H-tp8uo
    @H-tp8uo 8 часов назад +4

    Abby is absolutely fantastic. What a great episode. 👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻

  • @tomgreen876
    @tomgreen876 9 часов назад +3

    mega improvement there, Abbie was a hell of a coach

  • @Cas_anova
    @Cas_anova 9 часов назад +10

    Missed chance to not give Abbie a lap at the end for comparison and inspiration for baby hamster.

  • @shanenaidu3264
    @shanenaidu3264 8 часов назад +1

    Awesome coaching Abbie! Reminds me of times when I used to coach.

  • @Daviddododo
    @Daviddododo 8 часов назад +13

    Can we get monthly Abbie segments, I'd LOVE THAT 🎉

  • @therealmfbtl
    @therealmfbtl Час назад

    Always great seeing Abbie on the channel.

  • @ljcool17
    @ljcool17 Час назад

    Haven’t seen Abbie in a while. Glad to see she’s doing well and fully recovered.

  • @jmassy86
    @jmassy86 Час назад

    Her little “Jeremy Clarkson” moment when she says “power” 😂 she has the best uncles in May and Clarkson!!!!

  • @P.J.B.769
    @P.J.B.769 Час назад

    Excellent Izzy very well done and brilliiant tuitoring from Abbi too.

  • @randallpether3547
    @randallpether3547 3 часа назад

    Well done Izzy, it is great to see Abbie back. Well done guys.

  • @muddlemann
    @muddlemann 9 часов назад +1

    you go Izzy! Great to see Abbie again as well!

  • @martinjrgensen8234
    @martinjrgensen8234 10 часов назад +22

    Abbie is awesome ❤❤ The man commenter I could have lived without

    • @uncle_moose
      @uncle_moose 9 часов назад +2


    • @drunkbygreentea
      @drunkbygreentea 9 часов назад +1

      you're cringe

    • @davidlloyd-cx3er
      @davidlloyd-cx3er 9 часов назад +4

      I no longer watch because of the guy commentator,his voice really annoys ,shame as i like Richard 😢

    • @uncle_moose
      @uncle_moose 9 часов назад

      @@davidlloyd-cx3er i miss lucy.

  • @acblack1032
    @acblack1032 9 часов назад +2

    Someone has Daddy's face when they are really looking at the track LOL. Well Done Izzy!

  • @majist0
    @majist0 Час назад

    Abbie is a phenomenal instructor.

  • @ellenwood2167
    @ellenwood2167 4 часа назад

    Izzy and Abbie are a great combo!!

  • @declanbowler7379
    @declanbowler7379 41 минуту назад

    I am convinced Izzy wants to go racing at some point, would be amazing to see! Enjoyed watching this one

  • @michaelevans797
    @michaelevans797 8 часов назад +1

    Excellent Izzy, great improvement. All the best for the next step

  • @davidbrixen
    @davidbrixen 9 часов назад

    Abbie rock! Calm, composed and pro all the way, while adjusting the steering wheel on critical parts of the track!

  • @spmbuiltin
    @spmbuiltin 8 часов назад +2

    The Grand Tour better sign the contract with Izzy now to carry the torch of her dad into the future!!!!

  • @markwilkinson1411
    @markwilkinson1411 5 часов назад

    Great to see both Izzy and Abbie on here

  • @pauldupre2269
    @pauldupre2269 4 часа назад

    I'd love to see more of Abi teaching Izzy how to drive proper!

  • @tomgalczynski6767
    @tomgalczynski6767 58 минут назад

    i love Abbies Nonchalantness.

  • @calebleuciuc670
    @calebleuciuc670 7 часов назад

    need more of abbie, never really got to see her personality in TGT but her and izzy seemed to have great chemistry

  • @iamgrays
    @iamgrays 9 часов назад +1

    Fabulous. I am so jealous of these opportunities.

  • @blackraven81demon89
    @blackraven81demon89 9 часов назад +2

    Beautifully done Izzy nice work there ...that feeling afterwards must have great proud moment 😜🥰no better car to practice in I think ...

  • @braddbradd5671
    @braddbradd5671 9 часов назад

    Abbie seems like a good coach ,i like the way she also uses her hands to communicate as well as voice .Id love to have her teach me il be a new champ

  • @0Y02USH
    @0Y02USH 9 часов назад +4

    Imagine she learns drifting fast and runs rings, unlike Richard 😂

    • @StreetPreacherr
      @StreetPreacherr 6 часов назад

      Are we sure this is Richard's kid? It also looked like she didn't have a SINGLE wreck!

  • @Hsbkgsnohnvslggv
    @Hsbkgsnohnvslggv Час назад +1

    My biggest concern is how i will survive all these financial and political crises, especially given the power struggle in the Uk. The government has really made things more difficult for its citizens
    and we can not sit idly by and suffer all the consequences of poor governance.

  • @irritatedmushroom2
    @irritatedmushroom2 5 часов назад +2

    Mike: I participated!

  • @LocoSunny
    @LocoSunny 4 часа назад

    Bring back The Grand Tour in a couple years. 3 new hosts including Izzy, and have the OG's for specials

  • @arthurdent8022
    @arthurdent8022 4 часа назад

    for a better experience, skip 0:57 to 3:56, and 5:10 to 5:23, and 6:39 to 6:53, 9:12-9:14, and 9:17-9:25

  • @TheGra325
    @TheGra325 3 часа назад

    Aw I was waiting for Abbie’s lap. 😂

  • @The_BenboBaggins
    @The_BenboBaggins 3 часа назад

    Can confirm that the Getrag 6 speed can be a bit finicky, defo worth looking at the spring though, 3rd and 4th should be the safest changes in the box!

  • @colmmorley
    @colmmorley 8 часов назад +1

    I'd love to see an 'Abbie vs Ben' timed laps🫣

  • @alexandriabrangwin
    @alexandriabrangwin 7 часов назад

    When youve got a professional at both the topic AND instructing at your side.....nothing you can't master!

  • @PeterMinearo
    @PeterMinearo 5 часов назад

    Should have had Abbie do a lap to show what Stanley is capable of. I have always felt people do not understand what the car is capable of until someone who really knows what they are doing shows them. Not too mention, it gives the new driver a goal to chase after. 😉

  • @tonystar-toxicstar
    @tonystar-toxicstar 9 часов назад

    love it, shes doing great, keep it up mini hamster

  • @wilson2455
    @wilson2455 5 часов назад

    well done Izz, from Australia !!

  • @Racerman27410
    @Racerman27410 7 часов назад

    Well done!

  • @thomaskunz3726
    @thomaskunz3726 9 часов назад +1

    Go Izzy!

  • @SebaCespedesCL
    @SebaCespedesCL 3 часа назад

    More Abbie 🙌🏻🙌🏻

  • @thisismetravels
    @thisismetravels 7 часов назад

    How exciting!

  • @jfk64kennedy95
    @jfk64kennedy95 9 часов назад +5

    is it ever, not.....raining there? 😂😂

    • @jay-rk1ve
      @jay-rk1ve 8 часов назад

      Wales for you, Anglesey is the same, Always a wet lap😂😂

  • @Repp271
    @Repp271 4 часа назад +1

    Ok so nobody can ever replace Hammond, Clarkson and May… the BBC tried and failed miserably. However is this a glimpse into the future both Abbie and Izzy are naturals in front of the camera 🤔

  • @neoanderson7
    @neoanderson7 57 минут назад

    You know you’re still going slow when Abbie is holding a normal conversation but Izzy is completely mute. 😉😂
    Would’ve been nice to see Abbie have a go.. 👏🏻😎

  • @DJ-BeerHunter
    @DJ-BeerHunter Час назад

    way to go Izzy and Abbie, another session in the dry is very much called for I think(much better than her dad Izzy kept the car the right way up lol)

  • @Jason-fb5gs
    @Jason-fb5gs 6 часов назад

    Izzy had a money shift, you're not a real driver until you've had a money shift. Great job Izzy.

  • @cb7pwn
    @cb7pwn 7 часов назад +1

    being sponsored by energy drinks is like being sponsored by cigarrettes, its all poison

  • @bryanbaxter9398
    @bryanbaxter9398 9 часов назад +2

    Mike reminds me of that mitchell and Webb sketch..

  • @longandstickystick
    @longandstickystick 9 часов назад +2

    Sequential box next on the cards? 😂

  • @Scoots1994
    @Scoots1994 7 часов назад

    stiffer engine/trans mounts will help with the gear changes.

  • @Jaxon1776
    @Jaxon1776 8 часов назад +1

    Love Abbie

  • @Hoonigan650
    @Hoonigan650 Час назад

    If all driving instructors were like Abby, the roads would be much safer with drivers having better skill sets.

  • @viperw16
    @viperw16 6 часов назад

    I'm glad to see Izzy didnt do like her dad and give it the ol Scandinavian Flick. lol

  • @_saifr
    @_saifr 9 часов назад

    Nice car for learning to drive fast. That was good.

  • @MrBobsmithers
    @MrBobsmithers 9 часов назад +1

    Nice to see Abbie agian.

  • @daseteam
    @daseteam 6 часов назад

    More Abbie please!

  • @rollingsweet5155
    @rollingsweet5155 5 часов назад

    What can I say' Izzy Hammond, on the coat tails of her father! Like a cheap ebay version, not for me. Hammond, Clarkson, May, legends to the end 😘

  • @garybriers690
    @garybriers690 3 часа назад

    Already better than dad, it finished on its wheels

  • @marpfel
    @marpfel 5 часов назад +1

    4:30 "Money shift counter" ?! Oo I'm worried.

  • @mikeschembri8870
    @mikeschembri8870 9 часов назад

    Yay! Abbie!!

  • @DonLee1980
    @DonLee1980 9 часов назад +2


  • @josephstandish599
    @josephstandish599 9 часов назад +1

    I can just hear the ghost of Richard Hammond telling Izzy she's doing great. What? He's still alive? He hasn't drove off another cliff yet?

  • @markmdusty3
    @markmdusty3 7 часов назад

    I think there should be a Father Dauther challenge to see who can do the quickest lap in the mini on a dry day.

  • @sardav160479
    @sardav160479 7 часов назад

    Great video, bought my ticket for next years DriveTribe show

  • @grantprankerd3269
    @grantprankerd3269 9 часов назад

    Good on you. Watch out Max V 😂😂

  • @Johab-z2u
    @Johab-z2u 9 часов назад +1

    Within 5 mins 💪

  • @Dtrescott
    @Dtrescott 8 часов назад

    Between Abbe and Ben, they'll turn the Hammond's into a proper racing family (though Richard had a bit of a head start)

  • @rust1n0ut7060
    @rust1n0ut7060 45 минут назад

    Abbie is just wow

  • @Chris-Pringle
    @Chris-Pringle 8 часов назад

    id love to see an episode with the sun out😂

  • @briancrankshaw3814
    @briancrankshaw3814 9 часов назад +4

    So when is izzy joining the smallest cog team?

  • @SlimWhittman
    @SlimWhittman 9 часов назад +2

    Izzy and Abbie are a great combination of presenters. They turn out great content.

  • @RyanWright11
    @RyanWright11 10 часов назад +2

    Yay Izzy and Abbie!

  • @willjohnboy
    @willjohnboy 9 часов назад +1

    Well, she hasn't crashed, so already she's a better driver than her dad

  • @LoftechUK
    @LoftechUK 6 часов назад

    Bless ❤

  • @dodgywheelsandropeywiring5697
    @dodgywheelsandropeywiring5697 8 часов назад

    Now, what time without Abby in the passenger seat? That's the only time I was waiting for.

  • @cwwcww7465
    @cwwcww7465 9 часов назад +1

    How Hammondish would it be if someone suggested a race contest between Dad Hammond and Daughter Hammond?????
    But only after Izzy has spent at least 30 days of Track time and instruction with Abbie.....
    Then, let the contest of fastest lap time in Izzys car begin.......
    It must be done now......
    Or has the Hampster retired himself??????

  • @peterx213
    @peterx213 4 часа назад

    Does anyone keep thinking these 2 work together more often, like car reviews and builds like this?

  • @icare7151
    @icare7151 9 часов назад

    Izzy is bizzy going so fast it making me dizzy. 👍

  • @jimjasper9851
    @jimjasper9851 5 часов назад

    Izzie STOP TALKING!!!! Listen to Abbie!

  • @StreetPreacherr
    @StreetPreacherr 6 часов назад

    And she didn't get into a SINGLE WRECK?
    Or did they edit those out? Are we certain this is Richard's child?
    Who's up for a Hammond Time Attack race in the little Mini!

  • @ThyBountyHunter
    @ThyBountyHunter 52 минуты назад

    Need to get her into some i-racing will help a bit.

  • @oomstu
    @oomstu 8 часов назад +1

    Well done Izzy!! More of Izzy racing on the channel please!

  • @daverichmond1187
    @daverichmond1187 2 часа назад

    Miss my Mini…….😢