XZ is a all rounder where he excels at every skill & knowledge that he learned. His cooking skill was proven in last year produced variety show Youth Travel. Unfortunately, XZ’s screen time was deleted. A leaked video of the deleted scenes showed that he was repeatedly criticised by YD just because 1 drop of his sweat dripped into his sautéed chicken. Note: He tried his best to keep wiping his sweat with his injured left hand while cooking in front of the hot stove during the hot summer of 2020. Fans are sad because he was repeatedly belittled (instead of appreciated), as he was the only one cooking the chicken for others to eat. The sautéed chicken was so delicious that he didn’t even eat 1 piece (others finished the chicken). In the same variety show, guests including XZ came up from the swimming pool after participating in some game (the video didn’t show what game). Workers who were standing nearby with towels, gave each guest a towel except XZ. As XZ didn’t have a towel to wipe his thoroughly wet body, he walked away rather quickly with his head down to hide his embarrassment. Everyone including general workers (except Jia Ling who is a very nice person) treated him negatively (look down on him) as if XZ didn’t exist (like wall paper) due to February 2020’s “227 incident” (XZ was suppressed & boycotted by antis & syndicates to steal his popularity).
Xiao te vez muy lindo y un jombre con grandes peroyectos que de a poco se estan realizando fuera de eso has enseñado a otros jovenes los frutos quecon lleva trabajar duro ,tus padres estan orgullosos de ti
不管當時多麼無情的對待 肖戰都咬牙忍下了 沒有怨言 這正是為什麼他現在能夠站起來的原因 堅持自我 沒有退路 他是肖戰
但沙溢为何要问他现阶段(当时)的状况呢… 不就是在伤口上撒盐吗 😔
@@PhoebeTeng 沙溢他也在节目里提到他也有孤独和被角色定型的痛苦,大家上节目才认识总要有一些话题来聊了一下。这没什么的,咱战战是个勇敢的男孩,他可以坦然的直面当时的困境。他很勇敢很棒的🤗
@@agnesfu4116 其實人人在外做事都難免人情冷暖,不過藝人是放大了幾千倍的。就節目單獨看,被嫌棄的雞翅結果被吃光等都是攪笑效果,前輩喜歡分享自己人生經驗也很正常。他們不是戰戰甚麼人沒必要圍着他疼,正常互動就是了。唯一可說事就是水上上來沒人理是吧!那可是個別工作人員的問題,沒必要遷怒其他同台藝人。
@@qnq8912 林子大了甚麼鳥都有,戰戰目測要帶著黑粉到退圈那天,像老人家說的帶病延年。
@@yoyo-1234 🤣替战伤心一秒
我也覺得 要查肯定有很多不可告人的問題 就看政府要不要查了
@@naomiwang1751 樂華娛樂公司
XZ is a all rounder where he excels at every skill & knowledge that he learned.
His cooking skill was proven in last year produced variety show Youth Travel. Unfortunately, XZ’s screen time was deleted. A leaked video of the deleted scenes showed that he was repeatedly criticised by YD just because 1 drop of his sweat dripped into his sautéed chicken.
Note: He tried his best to keep wiping his sweat with his injured left hand while cooking in front of the hot stove during the hot summer of 2020.
Fans are sad because he was repeatedly belittled (instead of appreciated), as he was the only one cooking the chicken for others to eat. The sautéed chicken was so delicious that he didn’t even eat 1 piece (others finished the chicken).
In the same variety show, guests including XZ came up from the swimming pool after participating in some game (the video didn’t show what game). Workers who were standing nearby with towels, gave each guest a towel except XZ.
As XZ didn’t have a towel to wipe his thoroughly wet body, he walked away rather quickly with his head down to hide his embarrassment. Everyone including general workers (except Jia Ling who is a very nice person) treated him negatively (look down on him) as if XZ didn’t exist (like wall paper) due to February 2020’s “227 incident” (XZ was suppressed & boycotted by antis & syndicates to steal his popularity).
不要曲解...我自己看完了完整版的影片 其他嘉賓沒這影片說的刻薄好嗎?楊迪也沒嫌棄他阿 都是開玩笑的很普通的氣氛 也很照顧他
沒看過完整影片的人 自己看完再來發表感想比較好 去年多少人因為營銷號一兩句話就堅信肖戰有罪的???
不要跟這些牽線木偶一樣 真的是...
Xiao te vez muy lindo y un jombre con grandes peroyectos que de a poco se estan realizando fuera de eso has enseñado a otros jovenes los frutos quecon lleva trabajar duro ,tus padres estan orgullosos de ti
Xiao Zhan đẹp wá đi. 💖💖💖💖💖💖❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤