Accord Starter Easy Rebuild with Our Kit

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 19

  • @garybrandner4953
    @garybrandner4953 4 месяца назад

    xThis is an excellent professional how to video for rebuilding and keeping your original starter. Five stars I gave it. Keep up the good videos-I subscribed. 4:12

  • @sweepingdenver
    @sweepingdenver 6 месяцев назад

    I ordered the kit and successfully rebuilt this starter! Thanks! Man there was so much graphite dust in there. No wonder the contact becomes unreliable. One thing that bothered me about the internal design is that there is no "registration" of the plastic unit with the brushes. i.e. there are no slots on the slide that force it to any orientation. You just have to eyeball it so that the plastic post with the washer is as vertical as possible, and then keep that alignment when placing the final part of the body that has the magnetic stator. I ended up re-doing that a few times as I wanted to make sure the plastic post was as perfectly vertical as I could get it.

    • @rebuilderinabox
      @rebuilderinabox  6 месяцев назад

      Not completely following the insecurity. Maybe you didn't have the gear housing all the way down into the aluminum nose cone before installing the plastic brush holder.?? It should have stayed inserted solidly on the grooves. No worries though.

    • @sweepingdenver
      @sweepingdenver 6 месяцев назад

      @@rebuilderinaboxIn the video at 14:20 when you place the final piece on, there is nothing preventing it from rotating the the entire bushing assembly a few degrees to the right or left as you settle the metal piece w/slot down on it. And any rotation causes the plastic rod to be slightly off from vertical. The bushing assembly is not really locked in place by grooves or anything, it just feels like a design flaw of the starter. Unless I missed something, but pretty sure I didn’t. Well the starter is working ok for me either way!

  • @hectorheredia311
    @hectorheredia311 7 месяцев назад

    Thank for your time 👍🏾

  • @Alexacostaphotograph
    @Alexacostaphotograph 3 месяца назад

    How to change that fuse

    @AISLERTV Год назад

    do you have a video for a honda accord/ acurra tsx alternator rebuild?

  • @robdawgggg
    @robdawgggg 7 месяцев назад

    do you have a kit for a 2008-2011 2.0 civic starter?

  • @dgc940
    @dgc940 10 месяцев назад

    Say I know this is not video subject related but its your newest vid. Listen I have 3 CS130D'S and a little s10 blazer I have totaly restored and on your kit with the new rotor I am wondering are these good long lived parts? Just asking! Or would I be better off going to wrecking yard getting a AD244 OR 230? I dont need anymore amps Im good with the 105. My CS130d is working fine but I want better then fine Im anal on service. Even if I get a AD im going to get your kit and rebuild it.

    • @rebuilderinabox
      @rebuilderinabox  10 месяцев назад

      Everything we sell, is the parts we use here in the shop. They are the best available at the time. We have very good luck with longevity. AD rotors are different from CS130D. We don't do that.

    • @dgc940
      @dgc940 10 месяцев назад

      @@rebuilderinabox No not sking to build fankenstien Im asking would a person be better to dump the CS and conert to a AD (whole thing) and rebuid a AD insted.

    • @rebuilderinabox
      @rebuilderinabox  10 месяцев назад

      @@dgc940 Yes.

  • @johnbreech6280
    @johnbreech6280 Год назад

    I just ordered the 41901 kit for a 2015 CRV. When I disassembled the starter, I was surprised that the rear copper contact (that is attached to the positive post) that makes contact with the copper washer when engaged, was almost entirely gone (burnt). Is this a common problem?

    • @rebuilderinabox
      @rebuilderinabox  Год назад

      Yes. Keep a newer battery.

    • @johnbreech6280
      @johnbreech6280 Год назад

      @@rebuilderinabox Thank You, there was an issue with the battery a few years back, finally replaced it.

  • @alvaroreyes9738
    @alvaroreyes9738 Год назад


  • @CarlosCV-j6c
    @CarlosCV-j6c 5 месяцев назад

    Thank u sr