Tanks in Mons 2018 - in the fields - 2 Sep 2018

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @stijnverstrepen7512
    @stijnverstrepen7512 2 года назад +1

    6:37 thats not a M24 Chaffee but a M18 Hellcat. but nice video to watch

    • @pawo4240
      @pawo4240  2 года назад

      Yes that's true, when I recognized the mistake it was too late to fix it as I changed some weeks after publishing the video my computer and also my software so that I wasn't able to change the mistake anymore. The mistake occurred as I got false information from another person at that moment and I was too dumb to trust him, I rather should have verified the information I got. Kind regards.