Thanks for your the support! You have great insights into my playing! Your right about not palm muting. I rest my pinky on the bass this keeps my wrist in a natural arch so it hovers over the strings. I keep my left hand away from the fret board like that because I broke my arm in three places when a was a kid and it healed in a way that my wrist is a a right angle not flat. Thanks for saying what ever style is good for you is what’s best! I totally agree! Love your channel.
You are so welcome, it’s been a pleasure to finally discover your work. I’ve quickly learned that Rancid’s sound has so much to do with the character of your bass playing. Not being much of a pick player, one of these days I’m going to tackle learning one of your tunes with a pick, and I have so many great (and challenging!) options to choose from. Thanks for stopping by, Matt! 🤘🏼🤘🏼
Man, Mr. Freeman is everywhere lately. I love the bass bunker. Got to listen to his Detroit video yesterday while driving through Detroit. My 2 current favorite bass channels by far. Thanks guys
Now it all makes sense. I didn’t break my arm 3 times, that’s why I suck at bass. In all seriousness, you are such a badass. Operation ivy is the band that got me to love punk. Thank you
No Matt, thank you. Seriously thank you for everything you have done for the industry. Thank you for inspiring so many musicians and thank you for constantly putting out rancid albums. There are so many bends from the SoCal seen back from the early '80s through the late '90s that have just fallen off the face of the Earth. A lot of bands are retiring. God bless nofx. Between you guys pennywise in bad religion there really is a dying breed. I'm a 44-year-old grown man and I still cheese out every time I see you guys. The last time might have been one of the greatest when I saw you in Worcester 3 years ago from the Boston to Berkeley tour. That was the night Lars shouted out CM punk signing with aew and said let us hear you in Stanford. Cheers brother. Stay punk rock! The Northeast misses you
I learned to play bass in the early 90s, using a pick, listening to Rancid but obviously it was too technical for a beginner, it gave me something to shoot toward. I don't think I've played with a pick in 20+ years now, but watching these videos brings back old memories and maybe I'll dust off my picking game lol.
@@grawlixesyou and me both. He is THE reason I ever picked up a bass as a young punk. Had the pleasure of meeting him at a slackers show in Berkeley years ago. Beyond being a killer bass player he was more than happy to chat with me for a second and take a picture even though he was just trying to have a nice night out with his wife and catch a show.
I've heard Matt in a Fender interview say that people have told him his technique sucks and, rightfully, he doesn't care what they think. Thanks for highlighting that as a good thing.
@@viracocha03 naw…. Matt went looking for Charlie Daniels to take his fiddle of gold. The devil had already been beat bc his bass player was not any good.
I had the honor of going on a tour with Matt Freeman when I played guitar for Rodger miret and the disasters back in 2011. I had been at die hard rancid fan since I was 14 when I discovered them and Operation ivy. I love the song Young Al Capone. The amazing thing about it is this is not even close to one of his top tier shining moments. The song axiom will take you on a ride that will leave you in the ICU. LOL. Much akin to another one of the songs they did called Maxwell murder which is probably his most famous spotlight bass playing moment. The cool thing about young Al Capone is it's basically a supercharged adrenaline propulsing take on the Motown hit "you know you make me want to shout" with a lot of runs squeezed in between the two chord changes. The best advice I would give to anybody attempting to get to this level is the technique of mastering going "down down down up up down" with their pic. Freeman is the man! And one of the most stand-up people I've ever met in the biz. His contribution to the punk scene , the genre as a whole and the bass guitar cannot be overstated. Is slow reggae grooves are also just as infectious creative and tasteful. Oh yeah when I turned on him he was playing with his band devil's brigade and the entire tour he played on an upright Bass.... Let that sink in!!! A career and legacy that cannot be touched 💪
Best youtube channel in a long time. Love your videos dude. 90s california punk and hardcore has/had the best basslines im music. Im almost 50 now and i still rock all these bands. Great video.
I love that he said in an interview that his goal was always to be the best bassist he can be. He didn't pick up the bass just because there were too many guitarists. He was born to play bass, which is based 😄
That’s been obvious since opiv. Especially when you think about how and why rancid and dance hall crashers started. Everything was Matt Freeman looking out for his friend that needed help. I even suspect that Lars was brought in to hold it together when Tim couldn’t. If you watch em live Tim just stops playing mid song half the time. When I think of punk I don’t think Mohawk and studded jacket I think of Matt Freeman
You know Matt Freeman is great because NEVER ONCE have i seen the word "overrated" associated with him. He's ALWAYS praised endlessly. Because he's THAT good.
It’s so funny because you think of almost any rancid song and you say “hum the song” to someone and 99% of the time they’re humming Matt’s bass lines. Truly the greatest example of “lead bass” even if they never intended it.
Really enjoy your breakdowns on all the punk songs I grew up on. But honestly the thing that baffles me the most, is how articulate you can describe these play-throughs where I could literally just listen to the video and still understand what you're talking about. That my friend, is why your channel is GREAT!!
It’s always so much fun watching your face and the pure excitement you get by watching other talent. You just sit there and glow and it’s awesome to watch.
I'm 15 and from Argentina. It's a miracle that Rancid's music (which is from another country and another time) came into my life. I've been playing punk/pop punk bass for 4 years now and Matt is one of my heroes. It's incredible how he revolutionized the world of bass by breaking the conception that punk bass is simple and basic. He is a legend. Great video man, love to see you getting into more punky songs
my whole start into music was as a punk bassist. and specifically listening to Matt play in both Op Ivy and Rancid. it was the 90s and I was using my crappy AIWA cd player and I'd listen to a part, figure it out (most of the time, sometimes I'd use dubious bass tabs I found on geocities), and move on. what I learned there has informed my understanding of music altogether, to this day. Matt, you're a legend. thanks for checking out this song, Low End University!
Man... I love your enthousiasm discovering all those punk songs ! I've almost only listened to that genre that all those songs are foundations to me... But your appreciations (and analysis) makes me discover how incredible those actually are. That's soooo cool !
It would be so sick to see you guys do a sit down together and just shoot the shit about bass, gear, theory etc. I'm sure he would absolutely be down for it too. As a side note, I was a big Rancid fan when I was younger, still love the band, but Life Wont Wait is one of my favorite albums. It's so unique. Hopefully they release an album similar in the future.
Your uploads always make my day and today was no exception. Your analysis, expertise and enthusiasm are so appreciated. Keep em coming….you’re killing it!
Love that you reacted to Matt playing. It's awesome seeing him play up close but it's really illuminating to have an expert point out some of the technical things my ears appreciate but I don't really understand as a layman. This was a winner. More reactions to bassists playing along to their music! Any genre!
“…And Out Come the Wolves” by Rancid and “Hoss” by Lagwagon were my first two punk albums. Set me up for a fantastic journey through punk. Glad to watch you go on your journey. Picked up on a few I’d never heard before myself. Thanks for the vids!
Yesss this is my all time favorite Matt Freeman bass part. I was waiting for the moment you reached that solo verse 😅. The note choices he makes in this song are really what makes him stand out, far beyond his technical ability. Great video!
Dude what a great series! The guys don’t get the credit they deserve. Matt Freeman has been my favorite player for 30 years now! Glad you’re getting into them.
I’ve had the privilege to open for Rancid and, I tell you, watching Matt from side stage is as insane as you could imagine. Not only is he a god he is a gentleman. Our bass player was having an issue when we played, whatever. Then GBH played, then Rancid went on. There’s a break where Lars does a thing to give everyone a second to breathe. Matt walks into the wings and goes straight to my bass player. What’s up with your bass? Give it to my tech and he’ll run through it. Do you have strings? No? Hook him up with a couple set of strings. I’m back on. And poof, he was back at it. Just the best.
Great timing. I was on Matt’s channel yesterday and watched the short instruction video where he explains his picking style. He anchors his right hand with the middle - pinky. Tried that at my lesson last evening, started learning That’s Entertainment by The Jam. It helped me a lot to cut down on misfires.
Yes, was waiting for more rancid, listen through that while 2k self titled album, axiom, reconciliation etc. Matt’s contribution is amazing, I love most of that album in general.
Rancid 2000 is by far one of my favorite records ever and it has a lot to do with the hardcore feel to it and it's speed. On top of his legendary bass abilities, his vocals are just as good. It's a short album, but you're sweating just midway through, it's awesome.
Oh sweet! This is my favourite Rancid album! Every album has something different to offer, but remains locked into the Rancid sound (which is why these guys are so great), but for me, this record is the cream of the crop! Most would agree their best record is Out Come the Wolves (and I’d agree as well, from an easy listener perspective) but I spin this record the most, because it’s got the most energy (it’s definitely their fastest record) and every song is deeper than it appears on surface, so much to mine on every track, I learn something new on every listen…and I’ve been listening since it came out! Poison is my favourite on the record, Young Al Capone a close second…but the last song, Golden Gate Fields, is my favourite Rancid song, of all time. The song is so personal, telling the story of a friend of Tim’s from back in his youth…and something about that bridge/outro, it just makes me feel like I grew up with that person, like I walked the streets with him and hung out with someone just like that, I don’t know…but, never has a song ever so successfully made me feel like I’m reminiscing about someone I’ve never met, to the point I’m brought to tears. That’s some magical fucking song writing… Great song…definitely listen to that whole record when ya get a chance. It’s not for everyone…it’s visceral, but I think it’s their best record. Though Out Come the Wolves is incredible, this album just hits me more, and I’m sure many would agree it’s a gem in their discography that’s overlooked frequently.
That is one of the precious few albums that if I put it on I listen to the whole thing. That whole record is a bass master class. You should do Axiom next, same album with the gnarliest bass solo ive heard.
I actually just gave that entire album a run through after you put up Maxwell murder . I had always only heard the few from guitar hero, ruby so ho and indestructible lol but have always liked punk rock. Have really been enjoying these videos! Always entertaining! Can I suggest Coheed and Cambria "The crowing" Live at Hammerstein ballroom or just the studio version, you def want the original bass player Mic Todd. I play bass myself and this has been one of my all-time favorites to play, so I'm sure you would enjoy and appreciate. 🔥
C&C are one of my favorite bands of all-time, so I’m sure I’ve seen it and know that song well. Still considering doing them; but maybe a SSTB track since I’m the least familiar with that album. I sort of started at IKSSE and went forward.
@@LowEndUniversity Dude that is so awesome! Same here C&C are one of my absolute favorites and this makes me so happy to hear! I would recommend everything evil, time consumer, or delirium trigger from SSTB but really anything is great. IKSSE was my 1st album from them also, after seeing the "favor house Atlantic" video on FUSE at 3 am. Got my grandmother to take me to the mall the next day and got it at the cd store. Awesome memory and album! The first 4 albums are GOAT'ed
Thanks for doing this! I think playing by the neck is conscious. He'll often go between playing at the bridge and playing at the neck within the same song. I think he talks about that in one of his videos.
I started watching his channel during the shutdown. Matt Freeman was the first bass player I wanted to learn from. Took many years just to do some of his parts. Always makes it look effortless, when the pick debate comes up I just say his name. Lol.
I watched a different video of his where he shows how he plays. He anchors his bottom 2 fingers to the guitar under the strings. When you do your slow mow part you can see him doing this exact style. Really helps to understand how he can strum like that
You brought up how he plays by the neck without muting. Watch his pinky it keeps his palm off the strings. Matt in other videos shows how he moves up and down the strings to change tone. Lot of people think it's pedals and compression but it's all technique. Him and Karl Alvarez from Descendants have the best of picking and finger style in punk.
Love Matt Freeman's playing! If you ever get a chance yoy should check out him playing "Hoboken" by Operation Ivy, it's one of the first songs i remember hearing with a fast bass line that stands out from the guitar. Great video as always!!
Geez I would absolutely love to have a pick technique like Matt’s!! What a beast of a player! I’ll definitely go show his channel some love and comment that you sent me! Woah his audio was a little better though but that’s a pink player for ya lol
Matt has always been my top favorite bass player. Second favorite would be Jay Bentley from bad religion! Another solid fast bass player in the punk world! Check out and possibly do a breakdown video of bad religions “Kyoto Now”. Awesome baseline!
Rancid was my intro to punk and the soundtrack of my youth. Even when my friends and I got into crust/d-beat/anarcho/hardcore stuff, we always loved Rancid. I remember loving Life Won't Wait and having to defend their punk cred against people who claimed they couldn't play punk anymore. I felt so vindicated when this album came out. It means a lot to me as 41 year old to see these guys getting the accolades they deserve. I tried to get my dad's musician friends into Rancid because they're just a pure rock n roll band on steroids, but they wouldn't even give them a chance. Their loss.
He plays with really thin picks as well. Which surprised me when I got to meet him and he gave me a few. I was asked him about it and he said it just helps everything stay clean for him. Which makes a lot of sense for how fast he plays.
Like Lars says at every Rancid show. "Matt F'n Freeman, the greatest MF'n bass player in the world!!". Yellin In My Ear by Op Ivy is another great one. Watching him play it on his channel was awesome! The sheer speed of his downstrokes is mind boggling, not even mentioning his left hand speed. AND that was 35 years ago! He was just a kid!
Matt Freeman being another bass player's way in to punk rock doesn't just make sense, it's the cosmic order of things. Freeman has been a direct influence on almost every bass player in my circle of musicians. Imagine you're a 15 year old, who's been playing bass for about 3 years, who already loves Rancid, and this album comes out...
He has a video where he shows his picking technique, but he's basically anchoring his fingers below the strings - you can see where the sticker on the pick guard has worn through.
You know, I maaaybe mentioned before but if you wanna get blown away by something crazy… Lorna shore 😉 it just blows my mind that before joining the band their bassist was a drummer 😂 crazy… Anyway Matt is such a phenomenal player I’ve always loved how he plays and the lines he rips on songs it’s crazy. A true master of the craft 👏🏻
I'd be SO happy if you listened to Sleater-Kinney who are one of the all the all time great punk bands imo. Only catch is that they famously had no bass player but hear me out! Guitarist Corin Tucker would tune her guitar down to "fill the role" of bass which is especially uncommon among punk bands and creates a totally unique sound. Could be a cool way to discuss the reasons that bass is considered so integral and why its so rare to see bands without it, and how those few without bassists manage to be exceptions that prove the rule.
Thanks for your the support! You have great insights into my playing! Your right about not palm muting. I rest my pinky on the bass this keeps my wrist in a natural arch so it hovers over the strings. I keep my left hand away from the fret board like that because I broke my arm in three places when a was a kid and it healed in a way that my wrist is a a right angle not flat. Thanks for saying what ever style is good for you is what’s best! I totally agree! Love your channel.
You are so welcome, it’s been a pleasure to finally discover your work. I’ve quickly learned that Rancid’s sound has so much to do with the character of your bass playing. Not being much of a pick player, one of these days I’m going to tackle learning one of your tunes with a pick, and I have so many great (and challenging!) options to choose from. Thanks for stopping by, Matt! 🤘🏼🤘🏼
Man, Mr. Freeman is everywhere lately. I love the bass bunker. Got to listen to his Detroit video yesterday while driving through Detroit. My 2 current favorite bass channels by far. Thanks guys
Now it all makes sense. I didn’t break my arm 3 times, that’s why I suck at bass. In all seriousness, you are such a badass. Operation ivy is the band that got me to love punk. Thank you
Matt Fuckin Freeman!!! Much love!!! Thanks for stayin alive all these years Brutha!!!
No Matt, thank you. Seriously thank you for everything you have done for the industry. Thank you for inspiring so many musicians and thank you for constantly putting out rancid albums. There are so many bends from the SoCal seen back from the early '80s through the late '90s that have just fallen off the face of the Earth. A lot of bands are retiring. God bless nofx. Between you guys pennywise in bad religion there really is a dying breed. I'm a 44-year-old grown man and I still cheese out every time I see you guys. The last time might have been one of the greatest when I saw you in Worcester 3 years ago from the Boston to Berkeley tour. That was the night Lars shouted out CM punk signing with aew and said let us hear you in Stanford. Cheers brother. Stay punk rock! The Northeast misses you
Matt was the guy all of us punk bassists wanted to be like when we started. He is the guy even beyond the genre.
So true! I taught myself by listening to Op Ivy and Rancid and figuring it out as I go. Matt is a LEGEND!
I learned to play bass in the early 90s, using a pick, listening to Rancid but obviously it was too technical for a beginner, it gave me something to shoot toward. I don't think I've played with a pick in 20+ years now, but watching these videos brings back old memories and maybe I'll dust off my picking game lol.
I can confirm!! lol
Yep, him and Steve Youth from 7 Seconds.
@@grawlixesyou and me both. He is THE reason I ever picked up a bass as a young punk. Had the pleasure of meeting him at a slackers show in Berkeley years ago. Beyond being a killer bass player he was more than happy to chat with me for a second and take a picture even though he was just trying to have a nice night out with his wife and catch a show.
Rancid is how I discovered your channel. Win win for everyone.!
Love it!! Glad to have you here! 🙏🏼
Same. I think doing an ep on Rancid made your channel show up in my algo
Me too!
Same 🤘
freeman is a legend, great to see you reacting to more rancid stuff. His channel is awesome and the fact that matt is posting regularly is amazing
Couldn't agree more!
I've heard Matt in a Fender interview say that people have told him his technique sucks and, rightfully, he doesn't care what they think.
Thanks for highlighting that as a good thing.
Matt beat the devil in a Bass contest somewhere near Oakland. Only thing that makes sense.
The devil went down to Oakland, he was lookin for a soul to steal?
@@viracocha03 naw…. Matt went looking for Charlie Daniels to take his fiddle of gold. The devil had already been beat bc his bass player was not any good.
this explains everything
Thank you for shouting out to Matt Freemans channel! That's totally dope! Love your videos!
"What am I watching?" You are watching one of the best bass players in the world, just having fun.
and the dude just plugs straight into the amp, no pedals except a tuner lol
I had the honor of going on a tour with Matt Freeman when I played guitar for Rodger miret and the disasters back in 2011. I had been at die hard rancid fan since I was 14 when I discovered them and Operation ivy. I love the song Young Al Capone. The amazing thing about it is this is not even close to one of his top tier shining moments. The song axiom will take you on a ride that will leave you in the ICU. LOL. Much akin to another one of the songs they did called Maxwell murder which is probably his most famous spotlight bass playing moment. The cool thing about young Al Capone is it's basically a supercharged adrenaline propulsing take on the Motown hit "you know you make me want to shout" with a lot of runs squeezed in between the two chord changes. The best advice I would give to anybody attempting to get to this level is the technique of mastering going "down down down up up down" with their pic. Freeman is the man! And one of the most stand-up people I've ever met in the biz. His contribution to the punk scene , the genre as a whole and the bass guitar cannot be overstated. Is slow reggae grooves are also just as infectious creative and tasteful. Oh yeah when I turned on him he was playing with his band devil's brigade and the entire tour he played on an upright Bass.... Let that sink in!!! A career and legacy that cannot be touched 💪
"Axiom" is a freaking freight train.
I saw his band Charger in Phoenix opening for Old Firm Casuals. Charger was INCREDIBLE. If you are a fan of Motörhead and Black Sabbath, check it out.
axiom is perfect punk hardcore!
Axiom is the song I show people who only know Matt from Maxwell/…and Out Come the Wolves. By far his best work imo.
@@lazyboy300 minor threat and bad brains are perfect punk hardcore
Best youtube channel in a long time. Love your videos dude. 90s california punk and hardcore has/had the best basslines im music. Im almost 50 now and i still rock all these bands. Great video.
Shucks, that’s high praise! Really appreciate you 🙏🏼
He just posted a play through of their song "Detroit" from their first album yesterday. You're definitely going to enjoy watching that.
My absolute favourite Rancid song, from a fan since '95!
that song fucking rips
This would be a great one for him to come back to watch
Gotta do Detroit.
I love that he said in an interview that his goal was always to be the best bassist he can be. He didn't pick up the bass just because there were too many guitarists. He was born to play bass, which is based 😄
Rancid's Axiom is Freeman just goin wild, fun fact Tim Armstrong has said that the band compley revolves around Freeman they all fallow him
fuck yeah
Love rancid. Rancid, like many punk band, falls apart with the great bass. Tim and Lars are great but Matt is easily the most talented.
"Axiom" was definitely the song that jumped out at me when I first heard the Rancid 2000 record as a kid. What a great tune, man.
That’s been obvious since opiv. Especially when you think about how and why rancid and dance hall crashers started. Everything was Matt Freeman looking out for his friend that needed help. I even suspect that Lars was brought in to hold it together when Tim couldn’t. If you watch em live Tim just stops playing mid song half the time. When I think of punk I don’t think Mohawk and studded jacket I think of Matt Freeman
Came here to mention Axiom. I really wanna see a dissection of the solo/intro. It's otherworldly.
This is the one I have been waiting for! I am loving these dives into my formative bass heroes’ work. And this song is a beast!
Love it! I hope I started your weekend off right! 😉🙏🏼
You know Matt Freeman is great because NEVER ONCE have i seen the word "overrated" associated with him. He's ALWAYS praised endlessly. Because he's THAT good.
It’s so funny because you think of almost any rancid song and you say “hum the song” to someone and 99% of the time they’re humming Matt’s bass lines. Truly the greatest example of “lead bass” even if they never intended it.
His T-shirt is a bit overrated to be honest.
Really enjoy your breakdowns on all the punk songs I grew up on. But honestly the thing that baffles me the most, is how articulate you can describe these play-throughs where I could literally just listen to the video and still understand what you're talking about. That my friend, is why your channel is GREAT!!
That’s high praise, and means so much! I truly love talking about these topics. Cheers!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
It’s always so much fun watching your face and the pure excitement you get by watching other talent. You just sit there and glow and it’s awesome to watch.
I'm 15 and from Argentina. It's a miracle that Rancid's music (which is from another country and another time) came into my life. I've been playing punk/pop punk bass for 4 years now and Matt is one of my heroes. It's incredible how he revolutionized the world of bass by breaking the conception that punk bass is simple and basic. He is a legend. Great video man, love to see you getting into more punky songs
The “oh shit!” reaction cracked me up and brought me back to the first time I listened to Rancid 2000. Great channel bud.
Thank you!!
my whole start into music was as a punk bassist. and specifically listening to Matt play in both Op Ivy and Rancid. it was the 90s and I was using my crappy AIWA cd player and I'd listen to a part, figure it out (most of the time, sometimes I'd use dubious bass tabs I found on geocities), and move on. what I learned there has informed my understanding of music altogether, to this day. Matt, you're a legend. thanks for checking out this song, Low End University!
Punk Rock will never die!
Man... I love your enthousiasm discovering all those punk songs ! I've almost only listened to that genre that all those songs are foundations to me... But your appreciations (and analysis) makes me discover how incredible those actually are. That's soooo cool !
It would be so sick to see you guys do a sit down together and just shoot the shit about bass, gear, theory etc. I'm sure he would absolutely be down for it too. As a side note, I was a big Rancid fan when I was younger, still love the band, but Life Wont Wait is one of my favorite albums. It's so unique. Hopefully they release an album similar in the future.
I had the same thought about a sit down conversation. Needs to happen!
Maybe they will make it happen. Podcast maybe?
Your uploads always make my day and today was no exception. Your analysis, expertise and enthusiasm are so appreciated. Keep em coming….you’re killing it!
Appreciate you, friend, really. Your comments and support make MY day! 🙏🏼
Just became a patron... please keep this punk journey going! Loving it!
That means SO much, thank you! Will do. 🙏🏼
This channel is epic!!👏👏👏
"i'm jealous of that right hand"
should be merch...
Love that you reacted to Matt playing. It's awesome seeing him play up close but it's really illuminating to have an expert point out some of the technical things my ears appreciate but I don't really understand as a layman. This was a winner. More reactions to bassists playing along to their music! Any genre!
Man the way you articulate what you are hearing and seeing is very palatable and easy to understand - the main reason I enjoy your videos so much.
Awesome! Thank you! That means so much. 🙏🏼
“…And Out Come the Wolves” by Rancid and “Hoss” by Lagwagon were my first two punk albums. Set me up for a fantastic journey through punk. Glad to watch you go on your journey. Picked up on a few I’d never heard before myself. Thanks for the vids!
Love it, appreciate the kind words! Glad to have you here 🙏🏼🙏🏼
LIFE WON'T WAIT would be a fantastic full album review for you - there is so much awesome bass right through that entire album.
Yesss this is my all time favorite Matt Freeman bass part. I was waiting for the moment you reached that solo verse 😅. The note choices he makes in this song are really what makes him stand out, far beyond his technical ability. Great video!
Another great video on another great punk band! Always so much fun!
Dude what a great series! The guys don’t get the credit they deserve. Matt Freeman has been my favorite player for 30 years now! Glad you’re getting into them.
I’ve had the privilege to open for Rancid and, I tell you, watching Matt from side stage is as insane as you could imagine. Not only is he a god he is a gentleman. Our bass player was having an issue when we played, whatever. Then GBH played, then Rancid went on. There’s a break where Lars does a thing to give everyone a second to breathe. Matt walks into the wings and goes straight to my bass player. What’s up with your bass? Give it to my tech and he’ll run through it. Do you have strings? No? Hook him up with a couple set of strings. I’m back on. And poof, he was back at it. Just the best.
The genuine excitement in his face experiencing this song for the first time. Took me back to the first time I heard it. It’s fucking awesome. 😊
This was absolutely brilliant! Both from Matt and the host
Awesome stuff! Matt Freeman was my first bass hero and got me into the instrument over 20 years ago.
Matt Freeman is definitely a top ten bass player.
If you disagree, then name ten bass players that are better. 😁
Great timing. I was on Matt’s channel yesterday and watched the short instruction video where he explains his picking style. He anchors his right hand with the middle - pinky. Tried that at my lesson last evening, started learning That’s Entertainment by The Jam. It helped me a lot to cut down on misfires.
And he’s smiling and having fun during the whole thing even after playing it for years.
Yes, was waiting for more rancid, listen through that while 2k self titled album, axiom, reconciliation etc. Matt’s contribution is amazing, I love most of that album in general.
LOVE this video. Matt Freeman is the dude!
Yay. More Matt.
I geek out on all the rancid reactions
Rancid 2000 is by far one of my favorite records ever and it has a lot to do with the hardcore feel to it and it's speed.
On top of his legendary bass abilities, his vocals are just as good.
It's a short album, but you're sweating just midway through, it's awesome.
One of my favorites!
Making my way through your punk series, it's great so far
Glad you enjoy it! Means a lot - thank you so much 🙏🏼
Matt Freeman is an amazing bassist, probably the g.o.a.t when talking punk rock. very kind to give him the love he deserves.
YES!!! So much good stuff here. Vheissu is my favorite. The Earth Will Shake is a song I’d like to hear you discover!
Matt's a living legend! 🤩
Thanks a lot for the video! 😊👍🏻
My pleasure!
Oh sweet! This is my favourite Rancid album! Every album has something different to offer, but remains locked into the Rancid sound (which is why these guys are so great), but for me, this record is the cream of the crop! Most would agree their best record is Out Come the Wolves (and I’d agree as well, from an easy listener perspective) but I spin this record the most, because it’s got the most energy (it’s definitely their fastest record) and every song is deeper than it appears on surface, so much to mine on every track, I learn something new on every listen…and I’ve been listening since it came out!
Poison is my favourite on the record, Young Al Capone a close second…but the last song, Golden Gate Fields, is my favourite Rancid song, of all time. The song is so personal, telling the story of a friend of Tim’s from back in his youth…and something about that bridge/outro, it just makes me feel like I grew up with that person, like I walked the streets with him and hung out with someone just like that, I don’t know…but, never has a song ever so successfully made me feel like I’m reminiscing about someone I’ve never met, to the point I’m brought to tears. That’s some magical fucking song writing…
Great song…definitely listen to that whole record when ya get a chance. It’s not for everyone…it’s visceral, but I think it’s their best record. Though Out Come the Wolves is incredible, this album just hits me more, and I’m sure many would agree it’s a gem in their discography that’s overlooked frequently.
That is one of the precious few albums that if I put it on I listen to the whole thing. That whole record is a bass master class. You should do Axiom next, same album with the gnarliest bass solo ive heard.
Rancid albums are just 45 minutes of Matt Freeman playing guitar solos on never stops, and really drives the feeling.
When i listen Rancid for first time the bass blow my mind🤯 Matt was my bass player influence🙌
Awesome choice Matt is a beast
Shoutout to Matt Freeman repping The Interrupters - check out the song Be Gone for a fun baseline!
I actually just gave that entire album a run through after you put up Maxwell murder . I had always only heard the few from guitar hero, ruby so ho and indestructible lol but have always liked punk rock. Have really been enjoying these videos! Always entertaining! Can I suggest Coheed and Cambria "The crowing" Live at Hammerstein ballroom or just the studio version, you def want the original bass player Mic Todd. I play bass myself and this has been one of my all-time favorites to play, so I'm sure you would enjoy and appreciate. 🔥
C&C are one of my favorite bands of all-time, so I’m sure I’ve seen it and know that song well. Still considering doing them; but maybe a SSTB track since I’m the least familiar with that album. I sort of started at IKSSE and went forward.
@@LowEndUniversity Dude that is so awesome! Same here C&C are one of my absolute favorites and this makes me so happy to hear! I would recommend everything evil, time consumer, or delirium trigger from SSTB but really anything is great. IKSSE was my 1st album from them also, after seeing the "favor house Atlantic" video on FUSE at 3 am. Got my grandmother to take me to the mall the next day and got it at the cd store. Awesome memory and album! The first 4 albums are GOAT'ed
Saw them live some months a go... wonderful.
5:00 mark almost sounds like Come As You Are by nirvana
You did a bass analysis of the whole And out come the wolves album on your patreon? What a time to be alive.
I sure did! 😉👉👉
Had no idea Matt had a channel! Thank you!
You bet!
I started playing bass because of Matt 20 years ago. This man is amazing. Just listen to "Axiom" of the same album. The intro is just incredible.
Thanks for doing this! I think playing by the neck is conscious. He'll often go between playing at the bridge and playing at the neck within the same song. I think he talks about that in one of his videos.
Man, you've gotta listen to the song Axiom. Matt blows it away!
Also Rancid's cover of If The Kids Are United. Blacklisted has a great bass intro.
You must check ‘’break the glass - suicidal tendencies’’ its a must for you to watch! Love your vids!!
The song break the glass by suicide machines? This one?видео.html
Round 3 of Matt Freeman on this channel, let’s go
Really really dig that you’re learning. 🙂✌🏻
I remember being in highschool when Rancid 2000 came out and started going around my friend group. Great album.
I started watching his channel during the shutdown. Matt Freeman was the first bass player I wanted to learn from. Took many years just to do some of his parts. Always makes it look effortless, when the pick debate comes up I just say his name. Lol.
I watched a different video of his where he shows how he plays. He anchors his bottom 2 fingers to the guitar under the strings. When you do your slow mow part you can see him doing this exact style. Really helps to understand how he can strum like that
I was wondering when you were gonna get to this track! Axiom from the same album also has some fun Freeman shredding on it!
Matts the reason i got into bass
You brought up how he plays by the neck without muting. Watch his pinky it keeps his palm off the strings. Matt in other videos shows how he moves up and down the strings to change tone. Lot of people think it's pedals and compression but it's all technique. Him and Karl Alvarez from Descendants have the best of picking and finger style in punk.
More Rancid, I liked this video before even watching it because I know it's going to be rad.
Love Matt Freeman's playing! If you ever get a chance yoy should check out him playing "Hoboken" by Operation Ivy, it's one of the first songs i remember hearing with a fast bass line that stands out from the guitar. Great video as always!!
The best of all time. Matt is the man
Matt has such a rockabilly vibe when he plays.
Check out his psychobilly band Devil's Brigade. You want rockabilly vibes, he plays a stand up bass.
LET ME GO! from Rancid 5 (2000)!!!!!
Love Rancid, love punk in all its flavors. I’ve always found punk to be the most fun to play out of any genre.
Geez I would absolutely love to have a pick technique like Matt’s!! What a beast of a player! I’ll definitely go show his channel some love and comment that you sent me! Woah his audio was a little better though but that’s a pink player for ya lol
Matt has always been my top favorite bass player. Second favorite would be Jay Bentley from bad religion! Another solid fast bass player in the punk world! Check out and possibly do a breakdown video of bad religions “Kyoto Now”. Awesome baseline!
I'd sell my soul to play the bass as good as Matt Freeman.
Rejected is one of the best songs of rancid and has one of the best bass lines i've ever heard
my friends and I would always yell "YOU'RE LIKE A PONY" to the chorus of this song cuz of the way Lars sings it. Rancid is such a treasure.
Matt Freeman's the groove king of punk.
Matt just did Yellin' in my Ear off of Operation Ivy's album and it was splended.
Rancid was my intro to punk and the soundtrack of my youth. Even when my friends and I got into crust/d-beat/anarcho/hardcore stuff, we always loved Rancid.
I remember loving Life Won't Wait and having to defend their punk cred against people who claimed they couldn't play punk anymore.
I felt so vindicated when this album came out. It means a lot to me as 41 year old to see these guys getting the accolades they deserve.
I tried to get my dad's musician friends into Rancid because they're just a pure rock n roll band on steroids, but they wouldn't even give them a chance. Their loss.
Matt è una leggenda!!! ❤
He plays with really thin picks as well. Which surprised me when I got to meet him and he gave me a few. I was asked him about it and he said it just helps everything stay clean for him. Which makes a lot of sense for how fast he plays.
I think a new addition to your channel with these is to see if they will do a lesson.
I think players teaching the teacher is a million dollar idea.
not only a great bass player, but a genuinely great person, too...
I can't find it on the channel, but if you are going to do Rancid, then Axiom is the pinnacle of Matt Freeman bass lines.
As you say such control and reserve in Matt's picking hand, dudes a beast, hyaena and David Courtney are a couple of my favourites to play
matt freeman is such a beast!
Like Lars says at every Rancid show. "Matt F'n Freeman, the greatest MF'n bass player in the world!!". Yellin In My Ear by Op Ivy is another great one. Watching him play it on his channel was awesome! The sheer speed of his downstrokes is mind boggling, not even mentioning his left hand speed. AND that was 35 years ago! He was just a kid!
Matt Freeman being another bass player's way in to punk rock doesn't just make sense, it's the cosmic order of things.
Freeman has been a direct influence on almost every bass player in my circle of musicians.
Imagine you're a 15 year old, who's been playing bass for about 3 years, who already loves Rancid, and this album comes out...
He has a video where he shows his picking technique, but he's basically anchoring his fingers below the strings - you can see where the sticker on the pick guard has worn through.
I would love to see this channel do a video discussing Freeman's technique video
I can't recall where, but I've read or heard that he's constantly varying how close to or far from the bridge he plays to get different sounds.
You know, I maaaybe mentioned before but if you wanna get blown away by something crazy… Lorna shore 😉 it just blows my mind that before joining the band their bassist was a drummer 😂 crazy…
Anyway Matt is such a phenomenal player I’ve always loved how he plays and the lines he rips on songs it’s crazy. A true master of the craft 👏🏻
I'd be SO happy if you listened to Sleater-Kinney who are one of the all the all time great punk bands imo. Only catch is that they famously had no bass player but hear me out!
Guitarist Corin Tucker would tune her guitar down to "fill the role" of bass which is especially uncommon among punk bands and creates a totally unique sound. Could be a cool way to discuss the reasons that bass is considered so integral and why its so rare to see bands without it, and how those few without bassists manage to be exceptions that prove the rule.