Damon&Elena - Fade into y o u

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
    Song by Mazzy Star ( "Fade into you")
    So this totally NOT turned out as I wanted but whatever. Hope you still can enjoy it a little LOL.
    Dedicated to a really special person and friend: my Silviaaa.
    Yes, I know your B-day it's the next week but since I already know I will be really really busy in those days I hope you can forgive me if I've uploaded it so early!
    She is amazing and she also makes AMAZING works with photo-shop. So if you have tumblr go and follow her, I swear you won't regret it:
    / imightveinhaleyou
    / imightveinhaleyou
    Non sono brava quando si tratta di fare certi discorsi perciò mi limito solo a ricordarti quanto sei meravigliosa e speciale, come amica e come persona in genere. Ormai ci parliamo da 3 anni e sai benissimo ciò che penso di te, sai quanto io ti apprezzi e probabilmente sei una delle persone che ritengo più "vicine" a me qui su internet. E il fatto che dopo tutto questo tempo lo possa ancora dire, fa capire benissimo anche tutto ciò che ti ho detto sopra :)
    Waaah, bando alla ciance: BUON COMPLEANNO (in anticipissimo ma va bene lo stesso LOL).
    LY hug

Комментарии • 56

  • @herzebrock
    @herzebrock 13 лет назад

    not a fan of the show but I love the fact you used this song by Mazzy Star. it gives the whole video and the couple such an intense atmosphere and grace.

  • @geraldinepowell273
    @geraldinepowell273 3 года назад +3

    Foundation is what we experienced in each other since we met and what's bizarre about the whole thing is we didn't expect it, did we?? I love you so much you know who you are ❤❤❤❤

  • @xLittleMissA
    @xLittleMissA 13 лет назад

    Iactually believe this is one of the best Delena videos out here :D

  • @Lovely1103
    @Lovely1103 13 лет назад

    Love the video. You capture well the relationship of Damon and Elena. I wish they were meant together. Perfect song

  • @nookie2127
    @nookie2127 13 лет назад

    i feel like i have to comment this again.. this is the best DE vid ive seen in a while..

  • @prissy020304
    @prissy020304 13 лет назад

    I just love re-watching this.

  • @LadyMadelayna
    @LadyMadelayna 13 лет назад +1

    i've been waiting for this video like crazy since i saw the preview....& well...definitely i'm not disappointed! THIS song (written for them), the editing, scenes selection...it has to be qualified for my list of the very best DE videos ever

  • @lyssieSK
    @lyssieSK 13 лет назад

    Non ti smentisci MAI, Michela.
    Sei una persona meravigliosa è ciò ti rende una vidder ancora più meravigliosa.
    Gran video

  • @simplybrokenx0
    @simplybrokenx0 13 лет назад

    This is so incredibly flawless I can't even form the words to describe it properly.
    AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING work of art.

  • @PeytonSilvia
    @PeytonSilvia 13 лет назад

    ecco io già piango, parto dal video perchè è S-T-U-P-E-N-D-O dall'inizio alla fine e lo amo! C'è tutto, racchiude tutto ciò che sono Damon e Elena e sei riuscita a metterlo perfettamente in evidenza con i parallelismi, con la scelta delle scene, con la canzone di sottofondo. E poi volevo ringraziarti di tutto cuore per la dedica perchè significa tantissimo e non me lo aspettavo (e figurati per la settimana di anticipo)! (cont)

  • @vHeartbrokenv
    @vHeartbrokenv 13 лет назад +1

    This is so beautiful. I love it. Thanks for creating it. :)

  • @xAllThingsShinyx
    @xAllThingsShinyx 13 лет назад

    This is MAGIC

  • @glitternglozz
    @glitternglozz 13 лет назад

    omgggggg !!!! This was MIND-BLOWING! *faves* *repeats*

  • @danybi89
    @danybi89 13 лет назад

    i think i am obsessed by this video. OMG. this is so OTP MATERIAL...

  • @LookBehindMe
    @LookBehindMe 13 лет назад +2

    this is soooo flawless, BEAUTIFUL! the scenes are selected so well, love the voiceovers and needless to mention, that you're editing is just stunning!

  • @FilmDigest
    @FilmDigest 13 лет назад

    This is truly is stunning. i love the juxtaposition of clips with the slap scenes especially. its absolutely clever. I loved the pacing as well. i think that you chose the right amount of voice overs for this song. its so stunning so i love that you let it be as much as possible. this is an instant favorite

  • @hydesbride
    @hydesbride 13 лет назад

    OMFG!!! WOW!!! This was gorgeous!!!! The voice overs & color & clip choices. Jesus, you are so talented!!! :D

  • @94airaa
    @94airaa 13 лет назад +1

    beautiful! it's really amazing! I love Delena and your video!

  • @SkateGirl888
    @SkateGirl888 13 лет назад

    I love everything about this vid but what i loved more were the paralels. nicely done! congrats:)

  • @justCallMeSil
    @justCallMeSil 13 лет назад

    W O W !!!!!! Thisw video was AMAZING!! and it wasn't just because it said "for Silvia" and my name happens to be Silvia too lol but it was REALLY REALLY good!!!!

  • @dhirino
    @dhirino 13 лет назад

    great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great joob!!!! :D Tv series like this, are amazing, and you create always great videoclip on them!! ^^ THANK YOU

  • @mrssalvatore1864
    @mrssalvatore1864 13 лет назад

    this is soooo good!!!!!!! i have never seen a Delena video this good! fantastic job! (:

  • @danybi89
    @danybi89 13 лет назад

    Seh vabbè. Mi avete persa in quel di Delenandia. e non è il paese Disney. LOL
    OMG. 4 minuti e mezzo di crack. Sono stata trasportata in un'altro mondo tipo...la song è STUPENDA. e il video pure, la coppia non ne parlo neanche ma TU sei ancora più stupenda

  • @egoscsajszy
    @egoscsajszy 13 лет назад


  • @AlinaJensen
    @AlinaJensen 13 лет назад


  • @nookie2127
    @nookie2127 13 лет назад

    delena is love < 3 ... this vid rocks wow... amazing !

  • @TheSanjuhhh
    @TheSanjuhhh 13 лет назад

    Epic video!!!Poor Damon :-(

  • @xLittleMissA
    @xLittleMissA 13 лет назад

    I downloaded this version of the song, because I'm so deeply in love with it

  • @tatisloveoth
    @tatisloveoth 13 лет назад

    aww this is sooo pretty and the editing is hust flawless!
    great job!

  • @newmoonvideos11
    @newmoonvideos11 13 лет назад

    beautiful :)

  • @slovesdtng
    @slovesdtng 13 лет назад

    this is amazing!

  • @prissy020304
    @prissy020304 13 лет назад

    this viideo was just gorgeous. i love the pairing this vid was just wonderful . great job!

  • @stefanita621
    @stefanita621 13 лет назад

    Awh gosh, I think that was amazing. Quite beautiful, and thanks to you I discovered such awesome soon, too. I got a warmy feeling inside me after watching this. So awesome, and rather, rather beautiful!!

  • @Seriesable
    @Seriesable 13 лет назад

    ahh bellissimo! non sono una grande amante di praticamente nessuna coppia di TVD (lol) ma questo video è troppo bello! flawless e l'editing è perfetta. poi la canzone ci va da dio quindi!

  • @Milkaflavor
    @Milkaflavor 13 лет назад

    this is so awesome. really really great work!

  • @PirateTillTheEnd
    @PirateTillTheEnd 13 лет назад

    Beautiful video, amazing job!

  • @exoticflower02
    @exoticflower02 13 лет назад

    WOW this was so flawless. i abseloutely loved it, gorgeous video (:

  • @geraldinepowell8877
    @geraldinepowell8877 4 года назад

    When he just wanted to be noticed from Everyone else and when you have noticed him he doesn't know how to handle it, but makes it harder for him to accept it or does he accept the fact you actually did and no matter what he knows that you are always that one person who is always rooting for him

  • @PixieTeardrops89
    @PixieTeardrops89 13 лет назад


  • @lookinglass123
    @lookinglass123 13 лет назад

    This is gorgeous. I really don't like this couple but the colouring, the editing is all soooo stunning. The use of quotations, inclusion of Katherine and Stefan and stuff. All so epic. Ohh and you used a beautiful song!
    Fav :)

  • @AdeTiffSan
    @AdeTiffSan 13 лет назад

    Loved it :)

  • @PeytonSilvia
    @PeytonSilvia 13 лет назад

    Posso dirti che per me vale lo stesso. E' sempre un piacere parlare con te e condividere le cose che abbiamo in comune. Sei sempre disponibilissima e adoro le tue analisi. Sono sempre profonde e acute. E' una cosa che ammiro tantissimo di te (oltre la tua capacità innata di fare video stupendi). Quindi ancora grazie di tutto cuore. Non hai idea di quanto mi faccia piacere.
    LY, too *hug*

  • @SeanpaulProductions
    @SeanpaulProductions 13 лет назад

    this is epic,
    i love it so much welldone

  • @giacherubini249
    @giacherubini249 Год назад

    Colors your eyes with what’s not there

  • @kabster370603
    @kabster370603 13 лет назад

    aww this was beautiful. Amazing video for an amazing couple

  • @rosysummy
    @rosysummy 13 лет назад

    epic *____*
    sono innamorata di un video :))

  • @kaybaby1127
    @kaybaby1127 13 лет назад

    so so cute (:

  • @leyton88
    @leyton88  13 лет назад

    @kicthebest ah ok, non capivo infatti. Cmq devi sovrappore le clip una sopra l'altra e impostare quella sopra in "Lighten" dove c'è il rettangolino della track-video, sul disegnino a forma tipo di pellicola di film.

  • @lindaspunk
    @lindaspunk 13 лет назад

    WOAHHHH! *__* That sure was gorgeous!!!

  • @hurricanedrunk
    @hurricanedrunk 13 лет назад

    finalmente è qui!! e no, non m'interessa se non ti è riuscito come volevi..questo è ciò che pensi TU. perchè davvero, i brividi che ho avuto per 4minuti e 36 secondi dicono tutto. è straordinario il modo in cui riesci a comprenderli e a sentirli. in modo particolare questo video è secondo me il più eloquente di tutti perchè mette in luce il pov di Elena che hai saputo raccontare cm credo nessuno riuscirebbe a fare. i loro sguardi a 1:56 sn la mia parte preferita.ma tutto è PERFETTO.congrats love

  • @Mimmsen
    @Mimmsen 13 лет назад

    This is AMAZING!!! Great job :))

  • @TheMinikini88
    @TheMinikini88 13 лет назад

    Bellissimo video!Solo una domanda il font che hai usato per il titolo damon e elena come si chiama?Lo vado cercando da un sacco di tempo ma non so come cercarlo...XD

  • @hurricanedrunk
    @hurricanedrunk 13 лет назад

    lo sto riguardando per la 50esima volta. just so you know.

  • @leyton88
    @leyton88  13 лет назад

    @kirr1864by oh no problem! As long as you don't copy my editing I mean LOL
    Thank you so much BTW! :)

  • @HHForeman
    @HHForeman 13 лет назад

    Wow, I am quite impressed! This was really well done. A lot of people can vid, but only a few can do it right. The coloring and clips you used were amazing. None of it felt over used. Congrats and great job!

  • @annaCeCh
    @annaCeCh 13 лет назад
