Build A 12V Clamp Light For $30 - Easy DIY Camping Idea

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Wildtrakadventures
    @Wildtrakadventures 4 года назад +2

    First you show me how to fix my cooker after puting up with it for a year and now I've been told I have to make a light.
    Loving your vids bud keep em coming

  • @nathanshepherd8184
    @nathanshepherd8184 4 года назад

    Great hack ! You have saved me an absolute Mosta on buying a whole camp lighting kit ! This is very easy to make with your great instruction & video ! Well done.

  • @rickwood8719
    @rickwood8719 4 года назад +1

    Great idea and thanks for the in depth instructions on how to make it!!!

  • @pauldean8002
    @pauldean8002 4 года назад

    You never seem to amaze me with your simple but effect diy jobs. Keep going mate. Well done

  • @Davi.b
    @Davi.b 3 года назад

    Yeah nicely done bro, building things yourself as custom parts is both heaps fun and creative for your own camp, good skills

  • @80nodrog
    @80nodrog 4 года назад

    Love your vids mate.. Its always good seeing some local aussie content rather than a sea of US uploads with Amazon links.
    Hopefully we can get through this pandemic and we can all get out camping sooner rather than later.

  • @neilocoop
    @neilocoop 4 года назад

    Another great video. Well done assisting and encouraging others to build stuff.

  • @johnmccormack6108
    @johnmccormack6108 4 года назад

    Awesome work mate love ur vids i just put money down on a canopy after watching ur reviews n vids. Given me heaps of ideas keep up the great work

  • @biggdee8970
    @biggdee8970 4 года назад

    What an awsome idea neva thought of this.. all ur ideas in ur canopy are fantastic bud keep up the good work

  • @tompeterson2316
    @tompeterson2316 4 года назад

    Nice idea. I’ve been thinking about how to mount a work light like this to my canopy for setting up camp in the dark. This solves the issue simply and I don’t need to mount multiple lights all around the Ute. Well done

  • @stephenashe2160
    @stephenashe2160 4 года назад

    Thats really cool. Il make this myself i think. Good video mate, enjoying your channel. Good stuff

  • @Paul-fr5ht
    @Paul-fr5ht 4 года назад

    Another great video mate, keep them coming

  • @smokesignals_5424
    @smokesignals_5424 4 года назад

    Awesome idea mate 🍻

  • @michaelbui4141
    @michaelbui4141 4 года назад

    Loving your videos mate! Keep them up!

  • @chrise6441
    @chrise6441 4 года назад

    Great video mate, keep them coming. Cheers

  • @Bigorse91
    @Bigorse91 4 года назад

    Great idea! For soldering place the iron underneath to heat the wire up and melt the solder through the wire instead of on the wire. 😊

  • @francescopirozzi6191
    @francescopirozzi6191 4 года назад

    Love your work mate! You’re definitely going places. Keep it up 👍🏼👍🏼

  • @Azza00
    @Azza00 4 года назад

    Top video mate! You’ve given me great but simple ideas for my setup. Can’t wait to watch your channel grow 👍🏽

  • @conscriptmik068
    @conscriptmik068 4 года назад

    Great video Mate, looks like I’m off to Bunnings to grab a clamp or two.

  • @ryannorvall2779
    @ryannorvall2779 4 года назад

    Great video mate. Consider yourself subscribed. Love the videos. Keep it up. Will have to make one of these in the future. Such a good idea

  • @AssaultWolf
    @AssaultWolf 4 года назад

    I've been looking a way to get or make a mounting bracket for my fibreglass canopy. I didn't want to drill holes and the lights are only to be mounted when the car is parked. This idea would work for me, cheers.

  • @jtownsend
    @jtownsend 4 года назад

    Stonka of an idea mate! Been following for a while and this one tops the lot so far, I have a perfect place something like this would be so handy. Keep up the top work, love the cost effective DIY stuff, Cheers!

  • @mattdollery4306
    @mattdollery4306 4 года назад

    Got my p plates not long ago and can’t stop camping, definitely need something like this in the setup 🤙

  • @holidaymail
    @holidaymail 4 года назад

    Such a great simple idea! Love it!

  • @tommisgraham
    @tommisgraham 4 года назад

    Yes! What a great idea. Keep up the great videos 👍🏼

  • @narg87
    @narg87 4 года назад

    great innovation mate keep it up

  • @MrJonnyk1991
    @MrJonnyk1991 4 года назад

    bloody legend mate! eep up the good work!

  • @LM.P
    @LM.P 4 года назад

    Nice job. Overlander accessories on the cheap!

  • @CoolenHD
    @CoolenHD 4 года назад

    Awesome video mate bloody clever idea

  • @antoninotrovato1154
    @antoninotrovato1154 4 года назад

    Amazing video mate....

  • @thomnea89
    @thomnea89 3 года назад

    Nice mate, what about put a Anderson plug ?

    • @explorebound
      @explorebound  3 года назад

      Yep that would work too! I opted for this particular socket so it could work in pretty much any car, but any connection will work

  • @JeremyS404
    @JeremyS404 4 года назад

    Great job.👌🏻

  • @erimiaadventures
    @erimiaadventures 4 года назад

    That's awesome.. what a great idea

  • @cherylalewis5717
    @cherylalewis5717 4 года назад

    I don't know if you've already posted the info on how to build your clamp light but could you post it & as i've got no idea on wiring be really thorough with explaining the wire set up thanks

    • @explorebound
      @explorebound  4 года назад

      I haven't as yet, but if you think it would be beneficial I'll draw something up. :)

  • @0Uaex
    @0Uaex 4 года назад

    loving your videos,.. Fixed my hyper flame the other week from your video, Bought a dune 4x4 rooftop tent yesterday as i was in the market for a rooftop tent and your review set it in stone.. And now im going to go out and make one of these for this weekend's camping trip with the boys im waiting for my canopy and tray to be made so this temp light will come in handy!
    Awesome video, Thank you for all your time and effort you're putting into these we all really appreciate it.
    Would be awesome to get 2 lights aswell if you havent handed it out yet :P!

    • @explorebound
      @explorebound  4 года назад

      Hey mate, it's great to hear feedback like this about the vids and I'm glad to hear they've been able to help you out with your stove fix and rtt decision making!

  • @lifestyledownunderadventur5456
    @lifestyledownunderadventur5456 4 года назад

    Hey mate awesome idea...would using a usb instead of ciggy socket work ?

    • @explorebound
      @explorebound  4 года назад

      Hey mate, you could theoretically build a USB powered version although you'd need to use a less powerul light (the light I used was 10W whereas USB ports usually only supply 2.5).

    • @lifestyledownunderadventur5456
      @lifestyledownunderadventur5456 4 года назад

      @@explorebound ohhh gotcha yeah makes sense !!

    • @lifestyledownunderadventur5456
      @lifestyledownunderadventur5456 4 года назад

      Just ordered the same light off ebay ...keen as

    • @explorebound
      @explorebound  4 года назад

      Awesome! Good luck with the build :-)

  • @mozeca83
    @mozeca83 4 года назад +1

    great idea. lol, just bought a pair of the lights looking to do the same. Give me that one, and i'll pass on the deed to the next luck one... :D

  • @newport5504
    @newport5504 4 года назад

    Sweet video going to make one, can I ask where you got you switch thank you

    • @Lostasfuck
      @Lostasfuck 4 года назад

      Hit up jaycar/altronics ect or eBay if you don't have something local.

    • @explorebound
      @explorebound  4 года назад

      Thanks mate, here's a link to the actual switch I used:
      If you don't mind waiting, here's a cheaper option that would also work:

    • @explorebound
      @explorebound  4 года назад +2

      Congrats mate, you’re the winner of the clamp light giveaway!! Just confirming Jnewport91 is your Instagram profile? 😊

    • @newport5504
      @newport5504 4 года назад

      Exploranger thanks mate : D that’s definitely my profile, there will be 2 dogs as my picture

  • @kerrodbeattie8156
    @kerrodbeattie8156 4 года назад

    Great to see some innovation here! Great and simple but useful idea. Did you leave the link to the lights on ebay?

    • @explorebound
      @explorebound  4 года назад

      Thanks! You'll find links to the lights and other parts in the video description :)

    • @kerrodbeattie8156
      @kerrodbeattie8156 4 года назад

      Exploranger apologies must have missed it

  • @MisterDivineAdVenture
    @MisterDivineAdVenture Год назад

    Learned something - for high-wattage stuff, like a medium sized or bigger inflator, by-pass the cigarette lighter and go straight to the battery. It will run double-time.

  • @sebazoid2763
    @sebazoid2763 4 года назад

    love this idea, only way to increase the versatility would be to add a magnet!

  • @cognaccologne6869
    @cognaccologne6869 Год назад

    Good idea

  • @luxy1265
    @luxy1265 4 года назад

    Keep up the good work and love the light, and we should go 4wding and camping. Intsa is tysongiles001. 🤟