I nearly forgot to mention one important point that China Government shall re-call its China Ambassador in Australia back to China and ask him the reason "Why he told Australian news reporters couple days ago he APOLOGISED for China's BAN Australian products over the last three years? WHY did he REGRET China's ban Australian products over the last three years in front of Australian news reporters?????:He has never imoressed me with all his previous official actions/comments since he took over his job in Australia. So far u am impressed with the current and previous China UN Representatives (both are VG doung their jobs fir China). China is blessed with excellent China Government Team leading by China Chairman Xi with China Premier Li K, Foreign Pokicy Chief Wang Yi & his team sych as Ms Wah C Y, China spokespersons including their former colleague who had promoted to another job twelve months ago, B&RI Team, BRICS+ Team, ASEAN Team, plus China Representatives for Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Eurasia and greatest ally Russia, etc etc. These Chinese officials wiuld be recongised by Chinese Historians that they would be the greatest China Government Team under tgeir greatest leader China Chairman Xi over the next 1,000 years that no money could be matched with their FAME in Chinese History. Their children would be proud of their achievements for China. Shame on any corrupted officials/former officials, or richest Chinese billionaires shifting their money/profit to overseas countries in the name of "investing, JV, excuses".....
如果俄羅斯把最新的洲際導彈送給朝鮮和古巴, 說他們怎麼打美國不關我的事, 美國怎麼辦?
健生方法有理念 不懼他人來挑戰
大家都有好方法 我的方法最完善
首要氣順呼吸好 動力呼吸我研成
次要帶動經脈鬆 氣血能達手腳跟
要用帶動好方法 我用氣力十七動
氣多力酌律均衡 體健腦明好心情
如果要有所疑問 動力氣功有說明
Thanks! 👍👍👍👏👏👏
週六10:00,︁大家起床用早餐了嗎? 小編向大家問候,︁早安,︁請按讚、留言、分享,︁謝謝!
San Francisco California
I nearly forgot to mention one important point that China Government shall re-call its China Ambassador in Australia back to China and ask him the reason "Why he told Australian news reporters couple days ago he APOLOGISED for China's BAN Australian products over the last three years? WHY did he REGRET China's ban Australian products over the last three years in front of Australian news reporters?????:He has never imoressed me with all his previous official actions/comments since he took over his job in Australia. So far u am impressed with the current and previous China UN Representatives (both are VG doung their jobs fir China). China is blessed with excellent China Government Team leading by China Chairman Xi with China Premier Li K, Foreign Pokicy Chief Wang Yi & his team sych as Ms Wah C Y, China spokespersons including their former colleague who had promoted to another job twelve months ago, B&RI Team, BRICS+ Team, ASEAN Team, plus China Representatives for Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Eurasia and greatest ally Russia, etc etc. These Chinese officials wiuld be recongised by Chinese Historians that they would be the greatest China Government Team under tgeir greatest leader China Chairman Xi over the next 1,000 years that no money could be matched with their FAME in Chinese History. Their children would be proud of their achievements for China. Shame on any corrupted officials/former officials, or richest Chinese billionaires shifting their money/profit to overseas countries in the name of "investing, JV, excuses".....