The ground under central Stockholm is criss-crossed by (walking) tunnels of all kinds. That's why the latest (blue) subway line is extra deep to go below most of them. During mandatory military conscription we trained a bit under Stockholm. It's a maze! The granite bedrock allows for dense tunneling, since centuries.
"It clearly doesn't go underneath the city." Except that it does. Kungens kurva, Skärholmen, Lovön, Grimsta, Vinsta, Hässelby, Kista, they're all part of Stockholm. "That's why it's called "förbifart", it goes around and pass it." It goes around and bypasses the CENTRAL/downtown/inner city parts of Stockholm.
@@DIREWOLFx75 Beror väl vad man syftar på. Stockholm innerstad? Stockholms kommun? Stockholms stad? Stockholm som tätort? Stockholms postorter? Storstockholm? Stockholms län? Region Stockholm? Själv tolkar jag det som Stockholms innerstad i det här sammanhanget, vilket skulle passa och göra det vad @senchaholic säger rätt.
It's fascinating how often people don't manage to read Swedish words. It's not that hard getting the letters in the right order if you use your eyes and not your a§§ 😂
It's because we have this germanic habit of concatenating words. It makes it harder for foreigners to determine the breaks between the words, thus unintentionally creating false (=meaningless) hyphenation homographs. He actually tries to say Essin-geleden (instead of Essinge-leden) and mistakenly assumes a silent vowel. Please also note that commenting on other people's language is a lot more despised habit in other countries where they typically don't flaunt this behaviour of being language police. Often, a more blunt or even derogatory term like grammar nazi is used, like in the UK... However, I do agree that people born in English-speaking countries tend to be rubbish at pronouncing words from other languages
Förbifart Stockholm is not the only improvement of infrastructure in the system. There is bypasses that already exist, that is undergoing strengthening in capacity and upgrade in speed at the same time. Those will be finished in about the same time frame. This is for example road 55 that will Bypass Stockholm all the way down from Norrköping to Upsala. While the route is not faster (not currently, nor will be in the future) the route is shorter. This effects trucks that typically are only alowed to 80km/h regardless of road type The main reason for forbifart Stockholm is to make a outer ring of Stockholm, specially since both roads north and south of Stockholm leans westwards.Hence it will connect all areas on the west of Stockholm closer together, and also actually some areas north of Stockholm due to the existing highway at road 265.
@@DIREWOLFx75 One of the major road users are Trucks and trailers that come from other countries that travel through the city. they will now have alternate route and that will help alot !
@@moffepolle I know that perfectly well. I've been swimming at every beach from Hässelby to Ängby many summers. And gone paintballing in the Grimsta forest. My point was that i don't think it will make as much of a difference as it was supposed to. Hopefully it will still be enough.
Its not really so much delayed in actual construction. The delay was more in the start and decision making. I remember as a kid, living in western Stockholm that this was being discussed and planned for. This was in the beginning of the 1980's.... Then the project started and was way ongoing, then the left/environment-parties won election and the whole project was paused (no one would ever use cars and all development/constructions are wrong, right?). Then the moderate right won again and it was restarted.
looks are deceiving. The blue is kinda hard to do anything against.. after all, it is what causes stockholm to have traffic problems in the first place. The green is just for looks.. in it, there's are both living and working areas everywhere... we like to keep it green...
Mostly heavy traffic is cause Stockholm having a lot of islands, and its create a challenge. Mostly as a trucker, who drive in stockholm regularly, can say, they highway systems, tunnels are mostly good.
Yes efficient if you live closed to the underground train system. But the bus connections to the underground train system has developed in the opposite direction. Less efficient today. Stockholms Stad does not want to have the transit buses in their city
Well I think the Furry Fart will be a game changer.......I drive out to Ekero all the time from town and the queues over Nockebybron and through Brommaplan can be terrible
There's additional benefits that people doesn't take in consideration. The best one is spelled "Lodbrok"... anyone from Stockholn born in like 1985 or earlier knows what this means :P Stockholm have more or less only 1 road passing from north to south.. actually there's 3, but the other two are like 1 lane roads (gamla stan and centralbron that leads to either klarastrandsleden or klaratunneln). So if that road (Essingeleden) is compromised, well... you have a chaos. This happened back in 2005 when a ship collided with one of the bridges and took out all of stockholms traffic for a few days. With förbifart stockholm, there is ways to survive a similar event. This reason by itself is worth the investment in Förbifart Stockholm. Then the additional benefits of giving Ekerö a way other than their current hell of a choke going from and to Ekerö. But most of all, now companies can open up in south Stockholm instead of north Stockholm and give the poor slobs in south Stockholm work places rather than to have to force them to live in the south and work in the north... Imagine people living in the south having workplaces in the south so they don't need to cross the whole city.
we in Sweden need a policy that fights for the whole of Sweden to live and not plow the metropolitan regions. we wouldn't have these problems if a policy was implemented so that people could build a life everywhere in Sweden, but today the policy focuses mostly on the metropolitan regions.
Även om jag själv inte är en lantis håller jag med helt och hållet! Anledningen till att sådana storskaliga projekt ens behövs från första början är pga den nästintill påtvingade urbaniseringen som ägt rum sedan typ hundra år tillbaka som ett resultat av att staten allokerat allt kapital till storstäderna.
It will be fantastic with the Förbifart Stockholm for long distans vehicles on E4. Then we can use Essingeleden for regional traffic, from and to our other large towns around Stockholm city. And being able to pass Stockholm City. In the city center of Stockholm you are supposed to walk or ride a bike, according to the green and narrowminded local politicians. And cars are not welcome nowadays. So we 1.3 million people who lives in other parts of the Stockholm region need Essingeleden to travel efficient in the greater Stockholm area.
@@johantt2591 Initial surface-level construction started in 2009, drilling tunnels came later. So he said it correctly in the video, you just have to listen up.
@ I have worked on the project personally, specifically in activities related to the starting phase of construction. Of course, if you include test drilling and some other practical works related to the planning phase you could argue that.
Extremely informative video that gave me context on something I've never really heard discussed much. I really liked it! The pronunciation of Essingeleden was questionable though, lol. It's like you tried to make it as difficult as possible to pronouce by not pronouncing a single vowel after Essinge.
Several points: 1. electric vehicles are a game changer in pollution risks 2. public transportation is always the slowest way to move between two points, especially when involved at least one train/bus change point in the route 3. delay till 2030 - is the wrong thing. At least part of the road/tunnels should be open right now. The Akalla side has been done for 2 years already, but the roads are kept closed.
Expanding a highway past 3 lanes really give very little benefit in capacity. The only reason to have more then 3 lanes is for turn offs. The issue is that past the third lane there is considerable deminishing return on any other added lane. Actually past something like 8-10 lanes, adding more lanes is actually counter productive.
On the other hand, some jerk in Stockholm constructed one of the recent tunnels with ONE LANE going from the tunnel to the road 73... and technically, this blocks the traffic thru that tunnel up to Essingeleden makijng the whole of Stockholm standing stilll.... Expanding this to two lanes should have a much higher priority.
Would you mind to elaborate? How did the conservative alliance government speed up the construction? This kind of mega-project are prime for this absurd delays, regardless the ruling party is left, right o center.
@@asdnfakjfsdlasdjfksalf if the Greens get their way we will all go back to horse and carriage. The Green party is very very extreme and if they really get what they want then Swedens economy will collapse sooner or later. they have already forced the shutdown of 6 nuclear power out of 12. They forced half of Sweden's nuclear power to shut down and they seriously believe that we can replace nuclear power with wind turbines. they have even promised that if they come back to power they will shut down the remaining nuclear power plants. check Germany there, the Green Party is also a completely crazy extreme party that shut down all of Germany's nuclear power and today Germany is facing huge problems in terms of access to energy and their large car industry has taken a lot of beating from this crazy policy. if Sweden's Environmental Party gets what they want, then it's done for Sweden. these extremists must be kept out of political influence.
If you look south of Stockholm, most swedes lives south of Stockholm. Alot of the south roadnetwork is only connected to Stockholm, with a limmited few alternatives in the west. West of Stockholm there is the densly populated lake Mälar areas. Most of those areas, also as in the south, connected mostly to only Stockholm. Northwest of Stockholm almost nobody lives there. Northeast of Stockholm is the coast and manny swedes lives along the coast. Their roadnetwork is also almost only connected to Stockholm. If you are going by car to almost anywhere in Sweden you almost allways have to pass Stockholm. To ease the congestion in Stockholm, we would need to invest in alternative travelroutes in the west for south/north transits.
North East of Stockholm is just some suburbs. Then the Bothnian Sea. Slightly NW is where the roads go that lead to all points north. Seriously, look at a map. Stockholm is geographically a detour if you're heading to the northern parts of Sweden. National road 55 & 56 are a straighter connection north unless you're coming from Södertälje & maybe Nyköping. It has a lower speed limit tho iirc. And since almost all traffic is fairly local anyway, it's the roads through Stockholm that are jammed. Jammed with traffic going from somewhere in greater Stockholm to elsewhere in greater Stockholm.
@@GustavSvard I where maybee not too clear about it. I where thinking and talking about the big picture, at a countrywide scale. Not the direct suroundings to Stockholm such as Södertälje or Uppsala.
it's not stated or claimed far enough, but Essingeleden is not "just a road", its a choking point that in case of an accident, blocks all of stockholm. it needs a second road so that when disaster strucks, people have alternatives. Now if something happens, you're busted. It also gives easier access to some of the areas where the tunnel streches that are extremely beneficial for those areas. Sure, it doesn't help the city core and its traffic, but it gives essingeleden some breating room so that it can help the city. Those benefits helps more than what is presented.
15 years? No, I remember this was on the agenda since the 1980s. And there're certainly precursor projects since the 1960s and the large scale highway construction. Stockholm never had walls, it's protected by the archipelago, and by the great distance from anywhere that mattered. Continental cities tore down ring walls and built roads, "boulevards".
"Dennispaketet" designed by former Chair of the Swedish federal reserve Bengt Dennis was launched in the 90's and one big piece of that "package" is Förbifart Stockholm.
This will likely decrease congestion for a short while, which in turn will induce demand for more car use, and so a few years later it'll be right back at the level it started. But it will improve the experience for those who are truly just bypassing the city.
Keep in mind that less babies are born in Sweden (and especially Stockholm) and the population is declining in the long term perspective, so your line of thought, probably based on an ever-increasing population which is not the case in Sweden, most likely doesn't approve directly here. We are already seeing decreased demand for schools and kindergardens. This development is of course in no way unique for Stockholm/Sweden.
The narrator confuses me. He is clearly not British or American so my first guess was Swedish. However he fails to pronounce Lovön, Essingeleden (the highway built in 1967), Ekerö, Häggvik and other places around Stockholm correctly.
It's too little. We also need the eastern bypass to complete the ring road around the city. A big beautiful Golden Gate style bridge passing over the marine entrance to Stockholm Let's get that project started asap!
It will need to be tunneled due to heavy cruise ship (and sometimes aircraft carrier) traffic, but mostly due to that Djurgården is such a sacred and protected green oasis that people don’t want to see bulldozed just to have a 12 lane highway running through it - people would riot if that happened and our King would probably get involved somehow 😅 A tunnel also makes it possible to add an parallel light rail tunnel connecting Nacka with Lidingö/the new Norra Djurgårdsstaden district via trams.
No no no no never. There is one in Gothenburg but it’s very inconvenient for people outside cars, and there are MASSIVE motorway interchanges on both ends of the bridge. So that would ruin Stockholm
Solving traffic like an american has been proven to not work. Building viable alternatives to the car is much more efficient at moving people and creating a city people actually want to spend time in.
@@Rikarth I mostly agree. But Stockholm is the biggest European city that lacks a proper ring road however. Ring roads are CRUCIAL to direct traffic around the city center and make sure the center can be more car free. Look at Dutch city planning for example, every major city has a ring road but the center is essentially car free. So this is not another “just one more lane bro” problem.
@@Fluxwux I was responding to the idea of making a huge bridge or tunnel to make a ring road complete. The current project is reasonable, but i am assuming the obscene cost of actually closing the circle fully would not be a responsible use of funds compared to putting in busses, bike lanes and so on. The traffic that currently is forced over Essingeleden will already be served by the current project.
I work in the tunnels on förbifart Stockholm project and it is far from done, 80% has no asphalt, there is very much water penatrating the tunnel and so on
They already messed this up completely with the project "Barkarbystaden", E18 is clogged 5+ km both directions around it during peak hours. Förbifart will most liekly only marginally help with that situation. Saying, the more mega projects they build around it, will reduce förbifart stockholms benefit.
New infrastructure approaches are required. The car has exceeded it maximum utility. Tunnels are too expensive, as are fast trains and monorails - retro-futuristic fantasies based on a 1950s sensibility estimating cars' true value. Costs on mega projects are currently unmanageable, yielding declining gains. There's also maintenance costs to consider, which sequester revenue from the unanticipated but inevitable future needs. Many projects are ego driven and politically optic, lacking profound depth of understanding and consideration for the resident and broader economic repercussions. This makes many megaprojects an unjustifiable risk. Let's find out what's working and emphasize that.
The root problem for Stockholms traffic is not in Stockhom, it is failed housiing/regional policy that enhance the global urbanization trend. So the Bypass will quite soon find itself inside an ever growing Stockholm which is the root of the problem which cant be solved by other means than stop building housing in or around Stockholm.
@herrbonk3635 the problem is the more housing you build, the more people move here making the traffic solutions insufficient again. It is not sustainable to have population growth. Better to have a static number of citizens.
@@MaskinJunior Isn't this primarily for traffic passing Stockholm? "Housing"? You mean stad? An old style stad has work places close to where people live, perhaps even in the same building. That's my ideal, as opposed to the socialist style separation or zones. Not many cars needed then.
@@herrbonk3635 Doesnt work that way. the bigger city you create, the longer commute everyone will have to their jobs. True everywhere in the world. In a smaller town it is common to have less than 15 minutes to work, in Stockholm the average commute is about an hour, was 30 minutes 30 years ago when Stockholm was much maller.
Stop building housing, hahaha! You are very considerate for the young. And you oboviously belong to the 0.2% of voters who want to expell most immigrants.
The fun part is that in the 60s and 70s, we actually demolished buildings from 1800s to proactively make way for highways and more cars into the city. Hooorayy!🎉😢
That’s not true, you are lying. They were slums in very bad state that needed to be demolished. However, things got out of hand and the person in charge started demolishing beautiful old buildings in the surrounding area that were perfectly fine. His reason was that he wanted ”skyscrapers, inspired by the US”. He was eventually shut down, but much damage had already been done.
@@fdssd1736 Please re-read my comment: ”However, things got out of hand and the person in charge started demolishing beautiful old buildings that were perfectly fine” Simmer down with the fake propaganda please.
@@fdssd1736 @jgripen969 You are both right. Much of the tore down buildings were rotten wooden houses. But many others were not! And in any case everyone agrees that the replacement buildings constructed are unhumanly disgusting!
As a “stockholmare” who grew up and lived for a long time in Stockholm I can say that the region needs to finish the original ring road. With an east connection connecting the north and south.
Trafikverket calculated that it won’t reduce traffic on essingeleden for the reasons mentioned. It’s simply too far away. However it will increase the traffic on roads causing more problems. Only about 10 cars per day travel across the county om E4 through Stockholm. Most of the traffic is actually local within the city and county. Also it adds 80’000 tons of CO2 only from the actual traffic not even accounting for the build itself.
Everyone is still gonna use E4:an since you're mostly in the city and go either north or south and the tunnel is in such a weird place so you dont go down south to go up north. so there will be not so much traffic in the tunnel
There are 3 political parties in Sweden that can be referred to as "major parties". The remaining 5 parties that are large enough to have a voice (4-8%) does have extremely overinflated opinions of themselves, especially Centern and the Green lunatics.
The majority rules. If a small party gets its policies through, it is because the large parties want it. I have never voted for a party that has endorsed any single issue that the green lunatic proposes. If the majority of voters took their responsibility, this problem would not exist.
As someone who lives in Stockholm I definetly see this as a waste of money because of how expensive it got. Investing in better public transport would have been more worthwhile. I see how it could be seen as very useful or even necessary because of how bad trafic in Stockholm can get, but I just don´t think it will be the solution we need or want it to be. It could be part of it but come on.. for that amount of money? It´s insane. Nontheless once started I think it should be completed, otherwhise it´s just a complete waste of money.
it's great for all the traffic that is just passing by stockholm though, like anyone going from southern Sweden up north and vice versa. You have a very Stockholm centric view on this project. Also there is like 3 new subway lines being built in Stockholm so it is not like there isn't any investment in public transport?
The politicians have argued - at least since the mid 60:ies (60 years ago) that building a new road, bridge, tunnel or whatever will solve the problems for the future. With every new such construction, the result has been that these new roads etc soon were filled with new and more traffic - new jams etc. I have, since I was a child, usually been lucky to solve most ot my transportation needs by bicycling, walking or by public transportation. Now, since retirement I have a second home (since 11 years) - far south of Stockholm and try to avoid Stockholm as much as possible. My new life, however, often requires transportation by car: My second home is in the countryside and I also have logistical problems with various items that cannot be transported in any reasonable way except by car. I have thus been now experienced what it is like during rush hours on the mentioned Essingeleden, Söderleden/tunneln etc: It seems like driving - even beside rush hours - as a default - often slows you down to something like 20-30 km/h (12-15 miles/h). If possible, I still always avoid using the car (which also is very costly - toll fees, parking). A reflection is of course about all these people who on a daily basis sit there (for 1-2 hours) to and from their jobs. I don't understand that they accept it. I see Stockholm as a large chaotic tumor expanding for ever and say to myself - maybe it is a good thing to have the worst aspects of people clumped together in a few major areas - to have all that damage (infrastructure, buildings, large amounts of goods, food, energy and waste to be handled in these places). From a mental health perspective the country side is much better - less stressful people and values that aren't so much focused on themselves as they often are in the cities.
Under Milei such a project would never have been greenlighted because it’s not economically feasible from a private point of view. What would have happened is that the current congested highways would have been bought by a Chinese company that would have spiked the already existing tolls tenfold, neglected road quality and segregated the transport system between rich and poor to maximize profit. But if somehow built, The world heritage area near Drottningholm on Lovön would probably have had an American style highway passing next to it and placing a Walmart with a massive parking lot in the Drottningholm gardens. Alternatively just bulldozing Gamal Stan, central Södermalm and parts of Kungsholmen to build a 12 lane highway on top of it. Who needs world heritage sites, clean water, 14th century architecture and a livable city anyway? Let the invisible hand decide! 🤑🤑🤑
The delays can be summed up in one issue its called the environmental party. They seems to prefer massive unnecessary burning of fuels instead of trying their best to make sure that the fuel is spent in a good way.
Everybody in Stockholm hates this project. Total waste of money, makes the city uglier and dirtier, doesn’t have any positive effects on traffic congestion due to induced demand and has “conveniently” decided to only be above ground and not in a tunnel next to the poorest and most segregated neighborhood in all of Stockholm, while the rich white suburbs are spared by the road going deep underground (wonder why…) 🙃🙃🙃 Nah, F this. All these billions of dollars could have been spent at building several new metro lines, improving punctuality for commuter rail, extended metro service to 24/7 traffic, and improved staffing for the entire public transport system (which would solve the current congestion problems on the current ring road btw…). But maybe most importantly, the money wasted here could essentially have solved the current healthcare crisis in the Stockholm region. Which is horrendous right now. Sorry, but I’d rather have sick people live and waiting times be low than making it easier for farmers to go by car to central Stockholm, rather than literally parking at the closest railway station and going the last stretch by train .
Destroying nature, a world heritage site, worsening traffic congestion and wasting billions of taxpayer dollars amidst a healthcare crisis to “own the libs”! What’s next? Demolishing Gamla Stan and building a Walmart alongside a 30 lane highway on top of it to own the libs? I thought you conservatives actually wanted to CONSERVE things, I guess not. But keep owning the libs doing dumb shit I guess 😅 That will just make more people join my (and a supermajority of Stockholmers) side.
"due to induced demand". So we don't want people to use this 4 billion dollar tunnel is what you're saying? The only thing we can argue about this is that it's not cost efficient. But saying it's a bad idea is just stupid. "extended metro service to 24/7". That still won't solve the problem for people that NEED to travel by car like carpenters and others. Or are you saying that all carpenters in stockholm should take the bus?? "the money wasted here" okay so the only valid complaint is that it's too expensive. I mean there's not a good solution to this problem and every project like this is always more expensive than estimated. Just check the Lundabron in Umeå which was more than 3x expensive than estimated. "spent at building several new metro lines".. that would have been about as expensive and wouldn't solve the problem for cars. Everyone can't take the metroline.
"the money wasted here could essentially have solved the current healthcare crisis in the Stockholm region" Short term yes. It would help for a year or two but it wouldn't solve the problem long term. The healthcare budget right now in stockholm is already 81billion. Which is twice the cost of this megaproject that has taken more than 15 years and this project will be functional for a long time in the future and partly solve a big issue the city has. This is also just comparing apples to oranges.
People need to stop being selfish egos and drive cars everywhere, and harming others health with air pollutions (it should be seen as assault on others to drive fossil). Instead, start using public transportations more, and for closer travels-take the bike for better health (look at how fat the ego car drivers are compared to bikers).
It clearly doesn't go underneath the city. That's why it's called "förbifart", it goes around and pass it.
The ground under central Stockholm is criss-crossed by (walking) tunnels of all kinds. That's why the latest (blue) subway line is extra deep to go below most of them. During mandatory military conscription we trained a bit under Stockholm. It's a maze! The granite bedrock allows for dense tunneling, since centuries.
"It clearly doesn't go underneath the city."
Except that it does. Kungens kurva, Skärholmen, Lovön, Grimsta, Vinsta, Hässelby, Kista, they're all part of Stockholm.
"That's why it's called "förbifart", it goes around and pass it."
It goes around and bypasses the CENTRAL/downtown/inner city parts of Stockholm.
@@DIREWOLFx75 Beror väl vad man syftar på. Stockholm innerstad? Stockholms kommun? Stockholms stad? Stockholm som tätort? Stockholms postorter? Storstockholm? Stockholms län? Region Stockholm? Själv tolkar jag det som Stockholms innerstad i det här sammanhanget, vilket skulle passa och göra det vad @senchaholic säger rätt.
Essingeleden 🤮🤮🤢🤢
It's fascinating how often people don't manage to read Swedish words.
It's not that hard getting the letters in the right order if you use your eyes and not your a§§ 😂
Essiŋeː - Leːden
It's because we have this germanic habit of concatenating words.
It makes it harder for foreigners to determine the breaks between the words, thus unintentionally creating false (=meaningless) hyphenation homographs.
He actually tries to say Essin-geleden (instead of Essinge-leden) and mistakenly assumes a silent vowel.
Please also note that commenting on other people's language is a lot more despised habit in other countries where they typically don't flaunt this behaviour of being language police. Often, a more blunt or even derogatory term like grammar nazi is used, like in the UK...
However, I do agree that people born in English-speaking countries tend to be rubbish at pronouncing words from other languages
Förbifart Stockholm is not the only improvement of infrastructure in the system. There is bypasses that already exist, that is undergoing strengthening in capacity and upgrade in speed at the same time. Those will be finished in about the same time frame.
This is for example road 55 that will Bypass Stockholm all the way down from Norrköping to Upsala. While the route is not faster (not currently, nor will be in the future) the route is shorter. This effects trucks that typically are only alowed to 80km/h regardless of road type
The main reason for forbifart Stockholm is to make a outer ring of Stockholm, specially since both roads north and south of Stockholm leans westwards.Hence it will connect all areas on the west of Stockholm closer together, and also actually some areas north of Stockholm due to the existing highway at road 265.
As a transit driver i think it should improve the traffic flow. As it is now you want to take a long detour just to avoid the chaos on essingeleden.
"it should improve the traffic flow"
Yeah, that's almost guaranteed. But i expect it wont improve it nearly as much as many want/hope for.
@@DIREWOLFx75 One of the major road users are Trucks and trailers that come from other countries that travel through the city. they will now have alternate route and that will help alot !
@@moffepolle I know that perfectly well.
I've been swimming at every beach from Hässelby to Ängby many summers.
And gone paintballing in the Grimsta forest.
My point was that i don't think it will make as much of a difference as it was supposed to.
Hopefully it will still be enough.
Its not really so much delayed in actual construction. The delay was more in the start and decision making. I remember as a kid, living in western Stockholm that this was being discussed and planned for. This was in the beginning of the 1980's.... Then the project started and was way ongoing, then the left/environment-parties won election and the whole project was paused (no one would ever use cars and all development/constructions are wrong, right?). Then the moderate right won again and it was restarted.
4:50 ’Right below one of Europ’s busiest cities’?
No, it’s mostly under farmland and park areas. Just look at the map, it’s mostly green and blue!
looks are deceiving. The blue is kinda hard to do anything against.. after all, it is what causes stockholm to have traffic problems in the first place. The green is just for looks.. in it, there's are both living and working areas everywhere... we like to keep it green...
Mostly heavy traffic is cause Stockholm having a lot of islands, and its create a challenge. Mostly as a trucker, who drive in stockholm regularly, can say, they highway systems, tunnels are mostly good.
Essingledon ... that was a funnt noice. Great video!
Great video man!😃
The underground transport system in Stockholm is really efficient
Yes efficient if you live closed to the underground train system. But the bus connections to the underground train system has developed in the opposite direction. Less efficient today. Stockholms Stad does not want to have the transit buses in their city
Well I think the Furry Fart will be a game changer.......I drive out to Ekero all the time from town and the queues over Nockebybron and through Brommaplan can be terrible
There's additional benefits that people doesn't take in consideration. The best one is spelled "Lodbrok"... anyone from Stockholn born in like 1985 or earlier knows what this means :P Stockholm have more or less only 1 road passing from north to south.. actually there's 3, but the other two are like 1 lane roads (gamla stan and centralbron that leads to either klarastrandsleden or klaratunneln). So if that road (Essingeleden) is compromised, well... you have a chaos. This happened back in 2005 when a ship collided with one of the bridges and took out all of stockholms traffic for a few days. With förbifart stockholm, there is ways to survive a similar event. This reason by itself is worth the investment in Förbifart Stockholm. Then the additional benefits of giving Ekerö a way other than their current hell of a choke going from and to Ekerö. But most of all, now companies can open up in south Stockholm instead of north Stockholm and give the poor slobs in south Stockholm work places rather than to have to force them to live in the south and work in the north... Imagine people living in the south having workplaces in the south so they don't need to cross the whole city.
0:39, USF242 actually is a Volvo S40 in Sweden :P
we in Sweden need a policy that fights for the whole of Sweden to live and not plow the metropolitan regions. we wouldn't have these problems if a policy was implemented so that people could build a life everywhere in Sweden, but today the policy focuses mostly on the metropolitan regions.
Även om jag själv inte är en lantis håller jag med helt och hållet! Anledningen till att sådana storskaliga projekt ens behövs från första början är pga den nästintill påtvingade urbaniseringen som ägt rum sedan typ hundra år tillbaka som ett resultat av att staten allokerat allt kapital till storstäderna.
Tala för dig själv
Rätt åsikt .
As someone who works in the tunnel its a real shit show down there and i can garante that that it's going to get delayed
what are the details?
It will be fantastic with the Förbifart Stockholm for long distans vehicles on E4. Then we can use Essingeleden for regional traffic, from and to our other large towns around Stockholm city. And being able to pass Stockholm City. In the city center of Stockholm you are supposed to walk or ride a bike, according to the green and narrowminded local politicians. And cars are not welcome nowadays. So we 1.3 million people who lives in other parts of the Stockholm region need Essingeleden to travel efficient in the greater Stockholm area.
Construction did not start in 2009 but 2014-2016.
That’s what he said in the video
@@Jule_bulehe said both. At 4.27 he says construction started in 2009. Later he said 2014-2016.
@@johantt2591 Initial surface-level construction started in 2009, drilling tunnels came later.
So he said it correctly in the video, you just have to listen up.
@ I have worked on the project personally, specifically in activities related to the starting phase of construction. Of course, if you include test drilling and some other practical works related to the planning phase you could argue that.
Extremely informative video that gave me context on something I've never really heard discussed much. I really liked it!
The pronunciation of Essingeleden was questionable though, lol. It's like you tried to make it as difficult as possible to pronouce by not pronouncing a single vowel after Essinge.
Thanks for watching! I tried to find a pronunciation of Essingeleden online but couldn't find one. I know I made a mess of that one 😳🤦♂️
@@designzip5890 ESSinge LEden. Big letters you say pretty hard. and the others roll off. Ehh hard to explain. XD
The users of Essingeleden, me incuded, usually we just call it the parking lot....
@@tomtarpalotten3893 HAHAHHAHAHA
The ng makes the ŋ-sound
And accually it does not go under a busy city at all, you even display that on your maps. it never even goes into the city.
Several points:
1. electric vehicles are a game changer in pollution risks
2. public transportation is always the slowest way to move between two points, especially when involved at least one train/bus change point in the route
3. delay till 2030 - is the wrong thing. At least part of the road/tunnels should be open right now. The Akalla side has been done for 2 years already, but the roads are kept closed.
Well this is not only for Stockholm, all transport that doesn’t need to go through city will be using the tunnel. But it will take some time…..
Expanding a highway past 3 lanes really give very little benefit in capacity. The only reason to have more then 3 lanes is for turn offs.
The issue is that past the third lane there is considerable deminishing return on any other added lane. Actually past something like 8-10 lanes, adding more lanes is actually counter productive.
On the other hand, some jerk in Stockholm constructed one of the recent tunnels with ONE LANE going from the tunnel to the road 73... and technically, this blocks the traffic thru that tunnel up to Essingeleden makijng the whole of Stockholm standing stilll.... Expanding this to two lanes should have a much higher priority.
Blame the green and the left parties for the delay!
Now we are making great progress and it will be great 😀🇸🇪👍🏻
I see progress every week👍
It will not be that good
So we can get more ugly suburbs and socialist urban planning from the 60s.
Would you mind to elaborate? How did the conservative alliance government speed up the construction?
This kind of mega-project are prime for this absurd delays, regardless the ruling party is left, right o center.
@@asdnfakjfsdlasdjfksalf if the Greens get their way we will all go back to horse and carriage. The Green party is very very extreme and if they really get what they want then Swedens economy will collapse sooner or later. they have already forced the shutdown of 6 nuclear power out of 12. They forced half of Sweden's nuclear power to shut down and they seriously believe that we can replace nuclear power with wind turbines. they have even promised that if they come back to power they will shut down the remaining nuclear power plants. check Germany there, the Green Party is also a completely crazy extreme party that shut down all of Germany's nuclear power and today Germany is facing huge problems in terms of access to energy and their large car industry has taken a lot of beating from this crazy policy. if Sweden's Environmental Party gets what they want, then it's done for Sweden. these extremists must be kept out of political influence.
If you look south of Stockholm, most swedes lives south of Stockholm. Alot of the south roadnetwork is only connected to Stockholm, with a limmited few alternatives in the west.
West of Stockholm there is the densly populated lake Mälar areas. Most of those areas, also as in the south, connected mostly to only Stockholm.
Northwest of Stockholm almost nobody lives there.
Northeast of Stockholm is the coast and manny swedes lives along the coast. Their roadnetwork is also almost only connected to Stockholm.
If you are going by car to almost anywhere in Sweden you almost allways have to pass Stockholm.
To ease the congestion in Stockholm, we would need to invest in alternative travelroutes in the west for south/north transits.
When u say Stockholm, u mean the municipality or the metropolitan
North East of Stockholm is just some suburbs. Then the Bothnian Sea. Slightly NW is where the roads go that lead to all points north.
Seriously, look at a map. Stockholm is geographically a detour if you're heading to the northern parts of Sweden. National road 55 & 56 are a straighter connection north unless you're coming from Södertälje & maybe Nyköping. It has a lower speed limit tho iirc. And since almost all traffic is fairly local anyway, it's the roads through Stockholm that are jammed. Jammed with traffic going from somewhere in greater Stockholm to elsewhere in greater Stockholm.
@@afro_princess1671 Metropolitan built area imcluding suburbs and built in other cities.
@@GustavSvard I where maybee not too clear about it. I where thinking and talking about the big picture, at a countrywide scale. Not the direct suroundings to Stockholm such as Södertälje or Uppsala.
"Northwest of Stockholm almost nobody lives there." Är du hög eller?
The big problem is induced demand...
Higher capacity rise trafic flow!
it's not stated or claimed far enough, but Essingeleden is not "just a road", its a choking point that in case of an accident, blocks all of stockholm. it needs a second road so that when disaster strucks, people have alternatives. Now if something happens, you're busted. It also gives easier access to some of the areas where the tunnel streches that are extremely beneficial for those areas. Sure, it doesn't help the city core and its traffic, but it gives essingeleden some breating room so that it can help the city. Those benefits helps more than what is presented.
despite this, my point remains
Much of it is now completed so why not open these sections now? That would relieve some of the traffic today!
15 years? No, I remember this was on the agenda since the 1980s. And there're certainly precursor projects since the 1960s and the large scale highway construction. Stockholm never had walls, it's protected by the archipelago, and by the great distance from anywhere that mattered. Continental cities tore down ring walls and built roads, "boulevards".
"Dennispaketet" designed by former Chair of the Swedish federal reserve Bengt Dennis was launched in the 90's and one big piece of that "package" is Förbifart Stockholm.
The climate fascists make projects more expensive and delayed. Thanks for a great video!
Thanks for watching!
So true
The only recognized fascists in Sweden are supporting the government in the Tido agreement.
I live close to the Akalla part. They've changed my bike route three times. But that is OK
Not three times, Stockholm is a mess now
This will likely decrease congestion for a short while, which in turn will induce demand for more car use, and so a few years later it'll be right back at the level it started. But it will improve the experience for those who are truly just bypassing the city.
Keep in mind that less babies are born in Sweden (and especially Stockholm) and the population is declining in the long term perspective, so your line of thought, probably based on an ever-increasing population which is not the case in Sweden, most likely doesn't approve directly here. We are already seeing decreased demand for schools and kindergardens. This development is of course in no way unique for Stockholm/Sweden.
The narrator confuses me. He is clearly not British or American so my first guess was Swedish. However he fails to pronounce Lovön, Essingeleden (the highway built in 1967), Ekerö, Häggvik and other places around Stockholm correctly.
How about figuring out how to pronounce the names?
Who cares about Swedish pronunciation? It's a dead language before the end of this century. And already completely irrelevant.
It's too little. We also need the eastern bypass to complete the ring road around the city. A big beautiful Golden Gate style bridge passing over the marine entrance to Stockholm Let's get that project started asap!
It will need to be tunneled due to heavy cruise ship (and sometimes aircraft carrier) traffic, but mostly due to that Djurgården is such a sacred and protected green oasis that people don’t want to see bulldozed just to have a 12 lane highway running through it - people would riot if that happened and our King would probably get involved somehow 😅
A tunnel also makes it possible to add an parallel light rail tunnel connecting Nacka with Lidingö/the new Norra Djurgårdsstaden district via trams.
No no no no never. There is one in Gothenburg but it’s very inconvenient for people outside cars, and there are MASSIVE motorway interchanges on both ends of the bridge. So that would ruin Stockholm
Solving traffic like an american has been proven to not work.
Building viable alternatives to the car is much more efficient at moving people and creating a city people actually want to spend time in.
@@Rikarth I mostly agree. But Stockholm is the biggest European city that lacks a proper ring road however. Ring roads are CRUCIAL to direct traffic around the city center and make sure the center can be more car free. Look at Dutch city planning for example, every major city has a ring road but the center is essentially car free. So this is not another “just one more lane bro” problem.
@@Fluxwux I was responding to the idea of making a huge bridge or tunnel to make a ring road complete. The current project is reasonable, but i am assuming the obscene cost of actually closing the circle fully would not be a responsible use of funds compared to putting in busses, bike lanes and so on. The traffic that currently is forced over Essingeleden will already be served by the current project.
I't spelled förbifart not forbifart... and the pronounciation...
Call me the next time you do a Swedish video and I will help you with pronunciation of the Swedish words 😂🎉
Thanks for the offer - I definitely will!
This channel reminds me of the B1M (it's a big channel)
Thank you very much! I love B1M!
Hahah was not ready to hear you pronounce förbifart
I usually don't care that much about pronounciation but the way he say "Essingeleden" should be a crime.
Did I nail it?! 😂
definetly a crime,
should be locked upp and force fed Surrströmminga and pitepalt for a week
@@designzip5890 Förbifart was pretty good. Essingeleden you really butchered.
Your pronounciation of essingeleden haha, its Ess-Ing-Eh-Lé-Den
well it's been almost complete for a few months now.. only thing missing is like all stuff inside. like road, lights painting etc.
I work in the tunnels on förbifart Stockholm project and it is far from done, 80% has no asphalt, there is very much water penatrating the tunnel and so on
They already messed this up completely with the project "Barkarbystaden", E18 is clogged 5+ km both directions around it during peak hours. Förbifart will most liekly only marginally help with that situation. Saying, the more mega projects they build around it, will reduce förbifart stockholms benefit.
Lägre pris i kollektivtrafiken.😂
Essingeleden is not "city center".
Rapidly growing population 😥💔
Det hoppas jag inte, vi kan deportera 1 miljon icke svenskar
New infrastructure approaches are required. The car has exceeded it maximum utility. Tunnels are too expensive, as are fast trains and monorails - retro-futuristic fantasies based on a 1950s sensibility estimating cars' true value. Costs on mega projects are currently unmanageable, yielding declining gains. There's also maintenance costs to consider, which sequester revenue from the unanticipated but inevitable future needs. Many projects are ego driven and politically optic, lacking profound depth of understanding and consideration for the resident and broader economic repercussions. This makes many megaprojects an unjustifiable risk. Let's find out what's working and emphasize that.
The root problem for Stockholms traffic is not in Stockhom, it is failed housiing/regional policy that enhance the global urbanization trend. So the Bypass will quite soon find itself inside an ever growing Stockholm which is the root of the problem which cant be solved by other means than stop building housing in or around Stockholm.
As long as it's mostly underground, what's the problem?
@herrbonk3635 the problem is the more housing you build, the more people move here making the traffic solutions insufficient again. It is not sustainable to have population growth. Better to have a static number of citizens.
@@MaskinJunior Isn't this primarily for traffic passing Stockholm? "Housing"? You mean stad? An old style stad has work places close to where people live, perhaps even in the same building. That's my ideal, as opposed to the socialist style separation or zones. Not many cars needed then.
@@herrbonk3635 Doesnt work that way. the bigger city you create, the longer commute everyone will have to their jobs. True everywhere in the world. In a smaller town it is common to have less than 15 minutes to work, in Stockholm the average commute is about an hour, was 30 minutes 30 years ago when Stockholm was much maller.
Stop building housing, hahaha! You are very considerate for the young. And you oboviously belong to the 0.2% of voters who want to expell most immigrants.
The fun part is that in the 60s and 70s, we actually demolished buildings from 1800s to proactively make way for highways and more cars into the city. Hooorayy!🎉😢
That’s not true, you are lying. They were slums in very bad state that needed to be demolished.
However, things got out of hand and the person in charge started demolishing beautiful old buildings in the surrounding area that were perfectly fine. His reason was that he wanted ”skyscrapers, inspired by the US”. He was eventually shut down, but much damage had already been done.
@@jgripen969 Then why are the parts that weren't demolished the most attractive parts of Stockholm? They needed renovation, not tearing down.
@@fdssd1736 Please re-read my comment: ”However, things got out of hand and the person in charge started demolishing beautiful old buildings that were perfectly fine”
Simmer down with the fake propaganda please.
@@fdssd1736 @jgripen969 You are both right. Much of the tore down buildings were rotten wooden houses. But many others were not! And in any case everyone agrees that the replacement buildings constructed are unhumanly disgusting!
As a “stockholmare” who grew up and lived for a long time in Stockholm I can say that the region needs to finish the original ring road. With an east connection connecting the north and south.
There is allways delays when swedes do constructions, dont know why but thats a fact.
Trafikverket calculated that it won’t reduce traffic on essingeleden for the reasons mentioned. It’s simply too far away. However it will increase the traffic on roads causing more problems. Only about 10 cars per day travel across the county om E4 through Stockholm. Most of the traffic is actually local within the city and county. Also it adds 80’000 tons of CO2 only from the actual traffic not even accounting for the build itself.
Everyone is still gonna use E4:an since you're mostly in the city and go either north or south and the tunnel is in such a weird place so you dont go down south to go up north. so there will be not so much traffic in the tunnel
There are 3 political parties in Sweden that can be referred to as "major parties". The remaining 5 parties that are large enough to have a voice (4-8%) does have extremely overinflated opinions of themselves, especially Centern and the Green lunatics.
The majority rules. If a small party gets its policies through, it is because the large parties want it. I have never voted for a party that has endorsed any single issue that the green lunatic proposes. If the majority of voters took their responsibility, this problem would not exist.
Essing-elden... what? Youlsvunda? Oh, dear...
Swedish is not that easy to pronounce correctly. You shouldn't petronize people.
@@hjeltestugandet är väldigt lätt att skriva in orden på google translate och lyssna på hur de uttalas
@@hjeltestugan Han som pratar låter svensk. Ändå kan han inte uttala ortsnamnen och Essingeleden korrekt, vilket är lite förvirrande.
As someone who lives in Stockholm I definetly see this as a waste of money because of how expensive it got. Investing in better public transport would have been more worthwhile. I see how it could be seen as very useful or even necessary because of how bad trafic in Stockholm can get, but I just don´t think it will be the solution we need or want it to be. It could be part of it but come on.. for that amount of money? It´s insane. Nontheless once started I think it should be completed, otherwhise it´s just a complete waste of money.
it's great for all the traffic that is just passing by stockholm though, like anyone going from southern Sweden up north and vice versa. You have a very Stockholm centric view on this project. Also there is like 3 new subway lines being built in Stockholm so it is not like there isn't any investment in public transport?
The politicians have argued - at least since the mid 60:ies (60 years ago) that building a new road, bridge, tunnel or whatever will solve the problems for the future. With every new such construction, the result has been that these new roads etc soon were filled with new and more traffic - new jams etc. I have, since I was a child, usually been lucky to solve most ot my transportation needs by bicycling, walking or by public transportation.
Now, since retirement I have a second home (since 11 years) - far south of Stockholm and try to avoid Stockholm as much as possible. My new life, however, often requires transportation by car: My second home is in the countryside and I also have logistical problems with various items that cannot be transported in any reasonable way except by car.
I have thus been now experienced what it is like during rush hours on the mentioned Essingeleden, Söderleden/tunneln etc: It seems like driving - even beside rush hours - as a default - often slows you down to something like 20-30 km/h (12-15 miles/h).
If possible, I still always avoid using the car (which also is very costly - toll fees, parking). A reflection is of course about all these people who on a daily basis sit there (for 1-2 hours) to and from their jobs. I don't understand that they accept it.
I see Stockholm as a large chaotic tumor expanding for ever and say to myself - maybe it is a good thing to have the worst aspects of people clumped together in a few major areas - to have all that damage (infrastructure, buildings, large amounts of goods, food, energy and waste to be handled in these places). From a mental health perspective the country side is much better - less stressful people and values that aren't so much focused on themselves as they often are in the cities.
The only reason this is taking so long is because of Sweden's immense bureaucracy. We need a Javier Milei.
Absolutely no reason ever to need a Milei
@@tronni224 you think it makes sense for a tunnel to take 15 years to build and costing 5 billion dollars?
@@Bmin12ty Not necessarily, no, but suggesting Milei-styled governance is not a good solution
Under Milei such a project would never have been greenlighted because it’s not economically feasible from a private point of view. What would have happened is that the current congested highways would have been bought by a Chinese company that would have spiked the already existing tolls tenfold, neglected road quality and segregated the transport system between rich and poor to maximize profit. But if somehow built, The world heritage area near Drottningholm on Lovön would probably have had an American style highway passing next to it and placing a Walmart with a massive parking lot in the Drottningholm gardens. Alternatively just bulldozing Gamal Stan, central Södermalm and parts of Kungsholmen to build a 12 lane highway on top of it. Who needs world heritage sites, clean water, 14th century architecture and a livable city anyway? Let the invisible hand decide! 🤑🤑🤑
its morely lack of funding, this motorway is a major waste of money and it all ran out, so yeah
Sweden still doesn't have a motorway from Stockholm to Malmö. It's a joke!
The delays can be summed up in one issue its called the environmental party. They seems to prefer massive unnecessary burning of fuels instead of trying their best to make sure that the fuel is spent in a good way.
also essingen isn't that bad... doesn't take long time even if there are long queues like 30 mins and it's done..
Clickbait out-of-touch video as per usual with these infrastructure videos.
ahh swedish efficiency at work. not to be mean but your butchering thw swedish languids language
Wasting money and environment!!! 😡🤮
Bättre att 160.000 bilar står på essingeleden på tomgång o spyr ut avgaser. Jaja.
@@thetechcorner7204 Höj vägavgifterna
🤡🫵 mongo
also noone cares about "green" or co2-emissions... only noobs
Probably because miljöpartister.
Everybody in Stockholm hates this project. Total waste of money, makes the city uglier and dirtier, doesn’t have any positive effects on traffic congestion due to induced demand and has “conveniently” decided to only be above ground and not in a tunnel next to the poorest and most segregated neighborhood in all of Stockholm, while the rich white suburbs are spared by the road going deep underground (wonder why…) 🙃🙃🙃
Nah, F this. All these billions of dollars could have been spent at building several new metro lines, improving punctuality for commuter rail, extended metro service to 24/7 traffic, and improved staffing for the entire public transport system (which would solve the current congestion problems on the current ring road btw…). But maybe most importantly, the money wasted here could essentially have solved the current healthcare crisis in the Stockholm region. Which is horrendous right now. Sorry, but I’d rather have sick people live and waiting times be low than making it easier for farmers to go by car to central Stockholm, rather than literally parking at the closest railway station and going the last stretch by train .
Don’t lie. Everyone in Stockholm love this and waiting for it to be finished. It’s only woke people that lives in a pink bubble that hates it. 😅😅
@@marcusn1219 I agree, more cars!
Destroying nature, a world heritage site, worsening traffic congestion and wasting billions of taxpayer dollars amidst a healthcare crisis to “own the libs”! What’s next? Demolishing Gamla Stan and building a Walmart alongside a 30 lane highway on top of it to own the libs?
I thought you conservatives actually wanted to CONSERVE things, I guess not. But keep owning the libs doing dumb shit I guess 😅 That will just make more people join my (and a supermajority of Stockholmers) side.
"due to induced demand". So we don't want people to use this 4 billion dollar tunnel is what you're saying? The only thing we can argue about this is that it's not cost efficient. But saying it's a bad idea is just stupid. "extended metro service to 24/7". That still won't solve the problem for people that NEED to travel by car like carpenters and others. Or are you saying that all carpenters in stockholm should take the bus??
"the money wasted here" okay so the only valid complaint is that it's too expensive. I mean there's not a good solution to this problem and every project like this is always more expensive than estimated. Just check the Lundabron in Umeå which was more than 3x expensive than estimated.
"spent at building several new metro lines".. that would have been about as expensive and wouldn't solve the problem for cars. Everyone can't take the metroline.
"the money wasted here could essentially have solved the current healthcare crisis in the Stockholm region"
Short term yes. It would help for a year or two but it wouldn't solve the problem long term. The healthcare budget right now in stockholm is already 81billion. Which is twice the cost of this megaproject that has taken more than 15 years and this project will be functional for a long time in the future and partly solve a big issue the city has. This is also just comparing apples to oranges.
Idiocracy. Powerful people looking after themselves 😮
People need to stop being selfish egos and drive cars everywhere, and harming others health with air pollutions (it should be seen as assault on others to drive fossil). Instead, start using public transportations more, and for closer travels-take the bike for better health (look at how fat the ego car drivers are compared to bikers).
I wish this project had been cancelled years ago.
---> howtopronounce