Episode 25: From Kepler To Einstein - The Mechanical Universe

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 41

  • @spacesinger7002
    @spacesinger7002 4 года назад +15

    Holy shit! My childhood.. lol.. I never thought I'd ever see this show again.. thanks for uploading Caltech. Used to watch this on PBS in the 80s... Anybody remember Project Universe? lol. I'd like to see that show as well.. Project Universe, Mechanical Universe and Cosmos - Carl Sagan.. The galore of the 80s PBS... My childhood!

  • @AzimuthAviation
    @AzimuthAviation 2 года назад +1

    It's a joy to review these classic episodes on fundamental physics. Dr Goodstein was an excellent lecturer but how cool would it be to have Dr. Ron Mallet's time machine and put a teapot on the table with notes about the 2011 Nobel Prize and the Hubble Constant with an AVI file of the motions at play around Sagittarius A*. It only gets better with time!

  • @doronbarzilay590
    @doronbarzilay590 5 лет назад +9

    in 25:25 David say "Galaxy expansion does slow down with time"
    this is a mistake. we know today that the universe expansion is accelerating.
    probably this is because we discovered this fact way after the show was filmed.

    • @SleekMinister
      @SleekMinister 3 года назад

      How on Earth could we know that with current technology? If microscopes are any indication this discovery lies light years in the future.

  • @WhitneyWhitneyS
    @WhitneyWhitneyS 5 лет назад +12

    I wish I could go back in time and tell them what we know about black holes now

    • @jiptravolta1
      @jiptravolta1 5 лет назад +4

      Was thinking the same, but ur comment was before the recent pic of a black hole. Imagine if they could see it now... proved their thoery

  • @abcdef2069
    @abcdef2069 7 лет назад +1

    at 14:06 it was the best explanation on inertial mass and gravi mass.
    inertial mass tells you how much force needed to produce a given accel.
    gravi mass tells you how strongly the mass can pull every other mass in the universe.

  • @larrysteimle2004
    @larrysteimle2004 3 года назад +1

    25:00 The Big Crunch? How theories change with time. What's next? I love it.

  • @philoso377
    @philoso377 2 месяца назад

    By page 5:55 … in the opposite side the center mass gravity is relative weak to prevent sea water from lower level rise as a tide the opposite…. Question - will the opposite side tide still in effect had earth isn’t spinning? If so it isn’t narrated as a part cause.

  • @brainstormingsharing1309
    @brainstormingsharing1309 4 года назад +2

    Absolutely well done and definitely keep it up!!! 👍👍👍👍👍

  • @universocalculado4639
    @universocalculado4639 3 года назад +3

    Enfim terminaram de falar sobre a solução do problema de Kepler , a solução da terceira lei se deu então , através da integração da segunda lei de Kepler (dA / dt = L / 2m ) , ou seja ( T = 2A / L / m ) , é interessante dizer que essa fórmula oferece duas possibilidades de movimento além do real movimento dos planetas , então , claramente essa fórmula não estava completa ; para terminar o problema Newton usou as fórmulas ( r = L² / Dm / 1+ cos θ ) e ( r = a ( 1 - e² ) / 1+cos θ ) , assim obtendo ( L² / Dm = a ( 1 - e² ) ) e depois obtendo ( L / m = √ GM a ( 1 - e² ) ) , depois ele usou o teorema de Pitágoras para ver que ( b = a √( 1 - e² ) ) logo ( A = πa² √( 1 - e² ) ) e , assim obteve a fórmula ( T² = ( 4π² / GM ) a³ ) , que explica porque o quadrado do período de qualquer planeta é proporcional ao cubo do seu semieixo maior .

  • @ritemolawbks8012
    @ritemolawbks8012 Год назад

    [ 2:40 ] At the time this series filmed, Larry Flynt had gotten in a lot trouble for publishing a popular book, too. He wasn't a mathematician, but figures and measurements were crucial to his side hustle. No offense to Caltech, but the actor portraying Galileo knows what I'm talking about.

  • @douglasstrother6584
    @douglasstrother6584 4 года назад +1

    Ren & Stimpy in "Space Madness" taught me everything I need to know about the interior of Black Holes.

    • @canuckprogressive.3435
      @canuckprogressive.3435 10 месяцев назад +1

      "Join space cadet Stimpy in the amazing year four hundred million!"

  • @philoso377
    @philoso377 2 месяца назад

    The description on age 17:17 assumes - light is particle possessing inertial mass isn’t a wave and that light propagates without medium - is debatable.
    You will be the judge -
    No Aether wind in the lab means no Aether?
    No air current in the lab means no air?

  • @olengagallardo8551
    @olengagallardo8551 5 лет назад +2

    Carl Sagan asks the same question that Dr Goodstein asked in epsode 10 of Cosmos.

  • @Necromechanicalistic
    @Necromechanicalistic 6 лет назад +10

    I have hit every video and I think I lost it around angular momentum. I need to go back.

    • @mnada72
      @mnada72 5 лет назад +4

      I am watching the series for the forth time and I am still discovering things I didn't catch before.

    • @douglasstrother6584
      @douglasstrother6584 4 года назад

      "Do it again!" ~ The Kinks

    • @mnada72
      @mnada72 3 года назад

      @wickedcat I am very much fascinated by this series that I downloaded the subtitles an created a onenote book with it ... good luck with your journey

  • @philoso377
    @philoso377 2 месяца назад

    Light in vacuum bend by gravity field or in and out of sun’s atmospheric gas?
    We can still see the sun just set due to reflection of earth’s atmospheric gas?

  • @davidwilkie9551
    @davidwilkie9551 Год назад

    Excellent Teaching demonstrated.
    Of course BBT is replaced by Einsteinian Thought Experimentalist's Relativity of logarithmic superposition-condensation relative-timing numerical ratio-rates of prime-cofactor shell-horizons and projection-drawing Perspective, Black-body Holographic Principle ER=EPR Singularity-point positioning Conception.
    Work for Students to collect and collate.

  • @jerrypendergrass
    @jerrypendergrass Месяц назад

    a ball does not fall if dropped. It stops accelerating, follows a geodesic, the ground continues to accelerate up to the ball.

  • @philoso377
    @philoso377 3 года назад

    Page 17:00. If light is particle with inertial mass it should not move as rocket accelerate ie bend. If light is wave it should move in sync with its media as rocket accelerate.
    To the eclipse experiment for bending of light we have more than one factor responsible for bending. So that experiment remains inconclusive today unless we rule out all else.

  • @andreranulfo-dev8607
    @andreranulfo-dev8607 3 года назад

    24:21 "If Blackholes exists..."

  • @casedup
    @casedup Год назад

    the time has come the teacher said...

  • @СветланаЖидко-в1п
    @СветланаЖидко-в1п 4 года назад

    Красивенько.. лучик.. триллионы лучиков. Сразу 800 трил... На укатку. Сейчас со звёзды.

  • @A1985
    @A1985 4 года назад +1

    October anyone

  • @aloespirit1880
    @aloespirit1880 2 года назад

    There were twenty-nine comments when I wrote this, but 28,214 views, so about one in a thousand people left a comment....

  • @philoso377
    @philoso377 2 месяца назад

    Newton have stolen the “father” title from Kepler? Because of Newton’s ideas are easier to grasp?

  • @whirledpeas3477
    @whirledpeas3477 Год назад

    Obviously no videos of 16th century people walking, why are the men always shown walking like Weebles 🙄

  • @СветланаЖидко-в1п
    @СветланаЖидко-в1п 4 года назад

    Все шобло в сборе. Грязное на обломке на укаку в гигант.

  • @leonsantamaria9845
    @leonsantamaria9845 8 месяцев назад +1

    I agree whit the curvature of matter in the universe why the posh-pull of the supposed force of gravity makes it happen , but not in time, time is an infinite constant, the Eather and this dose not curve...my friend....🫵👽