Notice how he’s able to combo me while healing himself on Fill. If it were a real person, they’d likely have moved after my slams, but it stayed in the same spot. Could this be botting? What do you guys think?
If you had even a single brain cell, you would realize that fully comboing while constantly healing yourself on another account is almost impossible to do without using split-screen or botting. I do own multiple devices and have played duo in the past, and it’s nearly impossible to use full combos on a warrior while constantly healing yourself on a mage. But that’s beside the point, you’re clearly brain-dead.
u should ask aag/pablo pilot how bot is work kkkkk
Notice how he’s able to combo me while healing himself on Fill. If it were a real person, they’d likely have moved after my slams, but it stayed in the same spot. Could this be botting? What do you guys think?
There a way to be connected on 2 acc in same time I forgot how do it but I seen it , is like split screen and connected to 2 accs same time
Buy a second phone or get an android so you can do the same thing.
If you had even a single brain cell, you would realize that fully comboing while constantly healing yourself on another account is almost impossible to do without using split-screen or botting. I do own multiple devices and have played duo in the past, and it’s nearly impossible to use full combos on a warrior while constantly healing yourself on a mage. But that’s beside the point, you’re clearly brain-dead.
@AngelIMO i do it wall the time but ok
@AngelIMO you really seem to think twom is way harder than it is lmfao