Leonard Ravenhill on the prophets

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 43

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 16 лет назад +2

    Don't forget Wilkerson. He's up there with Ravenhill and Tozer. We need the others!!!

  • @nathangreen2212
    @nathangreen2212 10 лет назад +1

    My fathers testimony. From the ages 3 - 8 I lived at my grandmother Carmen Celis (s) house @ 1140 N Mar Vista, Pasadena California. That house is famous as one of the houses that Sirhan frequented, and I do remember seeing him.
    I believe that I have an excellent circumstantial case that the man who married my mother in 1968, and adopted my brother, sister and I: was involved with the group that 'controlled' Sirhan, and the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy!
    In 1968 he changed his MO from divorced without children to married with three children,,,
    I am currently writing a book, but things are going 'critical', and I am asking for all of you out there to share this with as many as you can, and as fast as you can!
    My name by adoption is Peter Ralph gaver, but my friends call me by my birth name: Peter R. Green,,,
    Many thanks,
    Shalom Please share and keep in prayer

  • @LenHummelChannel
    @LenHummelChannel 16 лет назад

    HE KNEW, ... because he had been there. THERE ARE VERY FEW true prophets of GOD today. ... Tozer and Ravenhill were the last prophets of the 20th century.
    BE FAITHFUL to your calling IN CHRIST.
    pastor/missionary/prophetic voice

  • @omvendelse
    @omvendelse  16 лет назад +1

    Ravenhill is also pretty new for me. I heard about him the first time for a half year ago. I think you can find sermons with him on Lane Chaplins channel. Search for lanech and ravenhill. It is really good sermons that we need hearing today.

  • @MimiDove9
    @MimiDove9 12 лет назад

    @beresmeer Good! God bless you and I am so happy for you!!! Do not fear...the Bible tells us that false teachers and mockers will grow worse and worse. Stay in Jesus and what is written in the Word of God! Jesus will never, never let you down, nor leave you!

  • @joshandreica4070
    @joshandreica4070 12 лет назад

    i know of a few prophets in my church God speaks often through them God works through them.

  • @SeanHillofficial
    @SeanHillofficial 13 лет назад +1

    Ravenhill = real preacher, if so-called preachers of today would really teach the bible as they should we would have more real preachers....

  • @winterpeace40
    @winterpeace40 6 месяцев назад

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Thank you for our telephone chat. Live talk can be better understood than notes like these.

  • @ez3333
    @ez3333 11 месяцев назад


  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    I never said He would. But, if you believe you know everything there is to know about the Bible, through and through, then you must be GOD Himself. You are treading thin ice, sir.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Friend, Pastor Wilkerson does say those things. He always has.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    When you claim a person does not fit your theology, then that person is LOST. Are you GOD Almighty? Are you LORD Jesus? Do you know what goes through a person's mind? So you put value on GOD's words--Good!! But what makes you think you totally understand them? By that, I say "Are you done growing?" Man never stops spiritually growing. He only needs the Bible and GOD Himself to live perfectly.

  • @Lachance8
    @Lachance8 16 лет назад

    omevendelse, you are absolutely correct. Most of the prophets were sent to give warnings, not tell people they would have a new sports car etc. Very few people do listen!I invite you to watch my vid "Warning to America of Disasters coming".

  • @omvendelse
    @omvendelse  16 лет назад +1

    The latter rain people is not prophets like the ones in the bible. They talk whhat people wanna hear, not what God says.

  • @AnswersOnlyGodCanGive
    @AnswersOnlyGodCanGive 16 лет назад

    Amen and amen.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Now, friend, Wilkerson doesn't claim to be a prophet, just a Watchman. Because people are not perfect, we can make errors. So, I say again, why not go to the LORD in a fast and commune with Him about people you do not trust? Remember, He is our church, our Author, our GOD. What makes you think He can't explain Himself if He needs to?

  • @mkzmotorsports
    @mkzmotorsports 15 лет назад

    Those scriptures do not disagree with Luke 16:15. They are professing the kingdom of God, just as Luke 16:16 says. There is nothing else left profess. If you choose otherwise, then you must live by the law and the prophets....and you can't stack up to the law, only Jesus can.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Yes, He did. But not everyone was automatically delivered. A blind man had to be touched twice. Remember he first said he saw men walking around like trees? So he must have been separated from GOD because it took two rounds to deliver him.

  • @mkzmotorsports
    @mkzmotorsports 16 лет назад

    Luke 16:16
    The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Now, have you ever wondered exactly what he might be saying when you believe he condones those sins? I understand him to mean there are occaissions when some people turn away from something, they may be weak enough to give in at one point. Example: I never smoked, but I chewed tobacco(not dipped) when I was a young Buck. A couple of years after I was BORN AGAIN, I was delivered from tobacco. For awhile, I would slip and chew again once in awhile. I'm free of it now. Can't stand the odor.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    I'm glad you study it. Why do you never go to GOD Himself about what He has written? If you can understand GOD all on your own, I say again, you must be GOD. It doesn't matter how long you've been saved. Human wisdom falls way short of GOD's wisdom. That's what Satan promotes--GOD is stupid. That's why guys like James Dobson study Pschology--Need human wisdom to understand GOD.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Someone choosing to sin, that is separation. There is much temptation all over the place, and a person might slip into what he came out of. Maybe that cursed halloween trash, which promotes wearing racy costumes, and John Doe who doesn't look for that gets slapped in the eyeball with it. And because of his old nature he has a thought or two. Will he be separated from GOD? That depends on what he does with it. Maybe he struggles to keep crucified his old self. Does that mean he is separated?

  • @HermitintheRain
    @HermitintheRain 14 лет назад

    @omvendelse some of his sermons, in full, can be found on sermonaudio

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Friend, do you have any documentation on this? I have recently read Wilkerson's books about the coming trouble (One deals with the coming crisis and what's going to happen, and the other was about GOD's plan for His people in that crisis, both written mid-90's). Neither one got into the things you accuse him of. I wish I could talk to you in person to make sure we are understanding what the other boy's saying. Miscommunication stinks!!!

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Friend, that is what I said. Now, it seems you are believing that she spiritually died as soon as she ate it. But she didn't. Genesis 3:7 says the eyes of both of them were opened after Adam ate in verse 6. Read in Numbers where the Dad or Husband had authority over female actions. Not even her contracts held water if the male authority disallowed it. So it was with Adam and Eve. If Adam would've said, "No! She was deceived," then her action would not have been held against her. But he didn't.

  • @DavidTwum
    @DavidTwum 15 лет назад

    I have to disagree with u brother...
    1) Acts 13: 1 "Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers..."
    2) Ac 15:32 "And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves..."
    Both scriptures speak of prophets that functioned in the church, now this is after the time of John the Baptist.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Sir, if I am in error, then I apologise. I get my views from what you say. You lambast any and everybody. At least that is what your words say to me. I cry over people who are living in stupidity(such as our gov't). That is why I am attempting to show you the error of your ways. Talking is better than writing, because tonal emphasis changes many things.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    No, friend. You have missed my point. I have no idea why you claim I do not like the Word. I read it daily. You deny the Word. You refuse to go to the Author and ask Him if you understand what He says. You're scared to. He might explain something different, and you won't accept that. I also see you do not understand what fasting is. It is not the doing without something such as food, drink, etc. Fasting is accepting GOD Almighty in place of those things.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    No, friend, you are inaccurate on what you are presenting. Wilkerson does NOT talk about a holiness revival on the way. On the contrary he has been warning of a very severe fall of the US. He has been preaching that for at least 30 years. Apparently you haven't looked into his messages. I encourage you to do so.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Friend, it is true that you didn't say Pator Wilkerson preached that specific message, but you did call him worldly and backslidden. I say again, sir, that you are in error. About Wilkerson: You obviously have not been reading his books, newsletters, or hearing his messages. He has been preaching about hard times coming on us for 30+ years, and has been attacked by others for doing it. He re-issued THE VISION in this century. He's still preaching the same.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    None of the folks in this squabble has ever preached such a thing. You believe so, and I am attempting to explain your misunderstanding.

  • @tincymoore864
    @tincymoore864 7 лет назад

    Please don't tell me what we have now in the way of prophets are real

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Sir, I need you to understand that LORD Jesus died for you on the cross. We are to LOVE everyone around us. the term LOVE is so mis-used and wrecked. Do you understand that it is folks such as yourself that gives GOD ALMIGHTY a bad name? You don't reject SIN, you reject SINNERS. Apparently there are many people who aren't good enough for you. When you do your fast, see if you are "good enough" for Him.

  • @InfallibleProof
    @InfallibleProof 12 лет назад

    Joseph Smith failes the Deut. 18 test.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Sir, the venom in your tone of voice is stronger than stepped in cowpies. I apologise iif I am in error, but you should take another look at what you are saying. Sometimes what man says and what he means are not the same, even though they are supposed to be. Now, as for the "rejecting sinners": It appears to me aand others that you are stomping on them rather than trying to shoow them the error of their ways. This is what i read in your words.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    The way you are handling it. You yell so loud I have no more ear wax. I say to you, "Sir, you are not preaching Jesus. You are preaching your brand of religion." We all know Pentecostals pick and choose what they want to believe. I know a few and have heard of several more. There even used to be an Apostolic Church here that claimed all that pentecostal stuff. All of you folks remind me of the Pharisees: "Crucify Jesus because He was picking corn on the Sabbath!!"

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Why do you say a false revival of holiness is coming? Yes, Holiness is lacking. It seems like 90%+ of church-goers are like yourself-religious. Religion is a man-made grope to find "God, Whoever He is". The Satan created christendom with its many denominations and suchlike. Sadly, the Bible is worshipped instead of it's Author. I know, I know--That's not part of your theology. Since you claim to be Pentecostal, why don't you fast and pray for a few days. Let LORD Jesus be your food and hear Him.

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    No, sir. The WORD is GOD. Our Black Book iis not GOD. Or do you boow down on bended knee and worship the leathercover? The thin pages? The red ink? The Biblle iis not GOD just as the church is not GOD. GOD is our Bible(He wrote it) and He is our church(He formed it). Comme on, friend, get real. How about both of us fasting before the LORD? Or is your god not powerful enough?

  • @smj4535
    @smj4535 15 лет назад

    Do you really? I haven't demanded that you must. I haven't demanded anything. I do SUGGEST that you humble yourself before the Living GOD and find His POV. Yes, you seem to hold up the Bible as your god. Did that book ever deliver you? Now!! It points you to the author, the one Who does deliver!! You are one of those who cling to a book. Everything about that book must be just so, to satisfy you. And, you ignore the Author. Shame on you, boy!!!