Interesting to see the large lamp, I have a couple of the smaller ones, one having the fuel tank at the side, a Butterfly Downward Lamp, and a Peacock Lamp, what is the brand of the large lamp with the annular fount? Thanks😊
This is excellent. I share your disdain for the hideous modern Japanese lighting. It confuses me that people don’t see how terrible it is. I intend to replace as much of the lighting I can in our kominka in the next year or so. Beyond, say the Kyoto antique market, where would you recommend I look for these older lights?
Excellent, thank you, Chris, RxR
Interesting to see the large lamp, I have a couple of the smaller ones, one having the fuel tank at the side, a Butterfly Downward Lamp, and a Peacock Lamp, what is the brand of the large lamp with the annular fount?
This is excellent. I share your disdain for the hideous modern Japanese lighting. It confuses me that people don’t see how terrible it is. I intend to replace as much of the lighting I can in our kominka in the next year or so. Beyond, say the Kyoto antique market, where would you recommend I look for these older lights?
Incidentally, I am located in Nara.