I don't have enough words to describe how this chanel help me keep my focus and mind on my Lord, while I study, while I read the bible and pray, thank you for dedicate your time and work to bless us with this chanel, for the honor and glory of our Savior Jesus! Hugs from Brazil
My Lord, my destiny. Thank you.
My Lord, my destiny. Thank you.😍😍😍
My Lord, my destiny. Thank you.
So chill and healing
하나님 제가 하나님께 받은, 받고 있는 축복과 사랑의 절반만이라도 나누며 살아가기 원합니다.
저의 지경을 넓혀주시고 저를 통해 더 많은 영혼들이 하나님의 사랑을 알게해주세요.
I don't have enough words to describe how this chanel help me keep my focus and mind on my Lord, while I study, while I read the bible and pray, thank you for dedicate your time and work to bless us with this chanel, for the honor and glory of our Savior Jesus!
Hugs from Brazil
감사합니다💕💕자주 들어주세요😍
Hello! First of all, your videos are very nice. Are there copyrights in your videos or songs? Can I use it as background music in my own videos?
저희가 만든 2차 저작물로 물론 저작권이 있습니다. 상업적 이용은 불가능합니다. 죄송합니다.🥲
@@Christian-BGM ok
문어의꿈 49:15
문어에꿈 49:08 49:08