Aku menangis mendengar tausiah ini. Aku mendengarkan sampai habis. Terimakasih atas nasehatnya ustad. Semoga Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala merahmati dan memberkahi kehidupan ustad Firanda. Semoga Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala selalu memberikan kesehatan untuk ustad agar dapat terus berdakwah.. Jazakallahu Khair..
Introduction - After a busy month of worshipping in month of Ramadhan, many of us will have gone back to our normal routine and start to be busy with our worldly life - Phase of life is in dunia now - We live in this life not for long, prophet said 60-70 years old - After this, will be barzakh, mahsyar, then different stages until our final destination, can be thousand of years, Allah says 1 day is like 50000 years. Jannah and hellfire is forever. - The end determined on our action when we are in this life, this life is to be tested, and later on is the life to see our results of our actions from this world - Some will say on day of resurrection, as if they didn’t live in the world except evening or morning - Some will say we lived for 1 day or a part of a day - Prophet hadith about rider that rests under shade of tree and then continues his journey Allah warns about being deluded by worldly life - At times we can be so busy and caught up in our worldly life, but let us remember to not forget our ultimate goal and purpose, and at the same time we realise others that have gone and passed on to their next phase of their life after having lived this world life. Let it be a reminder for us that this world is temporary and so short. - Allah says Allah’s promise is true so do not be deluded, be tricked by the worldly life, and do not be deluded by Iblees - Allah says the world it’s enjoyment is small, it’s only play and delusion - Allah says don’t let your wealth and children take you away from remembering Allah lest he will be among the losers, and spend out of what Allah has provided before death comes until end of surah Reality of this world - It is only a short time - It is only play and desire - It is only a place of trials and tests - It is a place of joyful deception Our correct attitude towards this worldly life - Make this world as means and not our end goal, use what Allah has blessed us with to maximise gains in our hereafter. - Zuhud is to leave that which does not benefit for our hereafter, so that all our actions are tied to benefitting us in our hereafter, don’t look for more than what we need because it will all be accounted and questioned in hereafter - Hadith of rider under shade - Make use of our remaining years to maximise our akhirah - like sa’d bin mua’dh who was muslims for 7 years but used all of it to its maximum and Allah’s arsh shook when he died, let’s make plans in our daily life to see where we can do good deeds
Hakikat dunia
1.Hanyalah sebentar
2.Dunia hanya permainan
3.Senda gurau
4.bukan kehidupan sesungguhnya
Kehidupan sesungguhnya adalah akhirat
Terima kasih sudah mengingatkan 🙏
5.Kesenangan Dunia itu menipu
Iya knp yaa dunia itu betapa menyibukkan, setan terus menggoda ini itu untuk menggapai dunia yg hanya sementara ini , Wallahu alam
Semoga orang orang salaf diberi umur panjang dan kesehatan dan mengingat kan ummat kejalan yg lurus.
Orang Salaf adalah ???
Salafi mngkn mksud antum. Klo org salaf sdh wafat semua. Krn salaf adlh 3 generasi awal dr umat ini.
Bismillah. Maaf/afwan akhi. Yang dimaksud itu adalah salafy/salafiyyin atau orang orang yang mengikuti para pendahulu/salaf
Semoga Allah memberikan kesehatan kekuatan buat kita yg sedang menjalani puasa Ramadhan,dan lindungan Allah Shubhana Wataalla Shub
Aku menangis mendengar tausiah ini. Aku mendengarkan sampai habis. Terimakasih atas nasehatnya ustad. Semoga Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala merahmati dan memberkahi kehidupan ustad Firanda. Semoga Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala selalu memberikan kesehatan untuk ustad agar dapat terus berdakwah.. Jazakallahu Khair..
MasyaAllah, Barakallahu Fiikum, terimakasih sudah mengingatkan hati yang lalai ini 😭
Jazakallahu khairan Ustadz. Dr. Firanda Andirja, M.A
terima kasih ustadz&tim .. jazaakumullahu khoiron ..
Bismillah Robbi Zidna ilma warjukna Fahma Amin
Barakallahu fiik ustadz
Jazakumullah khayr, Ustadz.
jazakumullahu kahiran ustadz semoga sehat selalu
Afwan Admin sekedar saran, mngkin voicenya bisa aktif di upload di soundcloud, barakallahu fikum
Di spotify banyak mas
Barakallahu fiik ustadz
Setuju om
Sudah tersedia akh di Soundcloud dan Spotify, silahkan disimak
Jazakumullah khair ustad
Mantan Islam jamaah menyimak
Terimakasih ustadz dan team. Jazaakumullahu khairan
Sebaik baiknya harta adalah yg dimiliki oleh orang orang yg Sholeh.. insyaa Allah membawa kebahagian dunia akhirat..
Jazakallahukhair wabarakallah fiik ust firanda & team UFA
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar
Barakalloh fiik Ustadz.
Jazakallahu khairan wa barakallahu fiik
Terimakasih Ustadz ilmunya. Barokallah.
بارك الله فيكم
Syukron ustadz..Banjarmasin🙏🏻
Assalaamualaikum.. Jazakalllaah ilmunya ustadz..semoga bermanfaat
Jazakallahu khairan ustatz.
Barakallah ustadz
BaarakAllahu fiik ustadz
Barokallahu fiikum
Aamiin Aamiin..
Segala Puji Bagi Allah, Terimakasih atas ilmunya Pak Ustadz Firanda
baarakallahu fiik ustaz
Syukron ustadz
Perjalanan manusia masih panjang dan jauh. Perlu bekal yg cukup.
بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيرا
Palangkaraya, 23-3-2023
JajakumulLahu kharan ustadz
جزاكم الله خيرا
Masyaa Allah,jazakallahu Khayran ustadz
Subhanallah 😊
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Ingin kaya harta supaya tidak bergantung ke pada manusia bahkan bisa bantu orang tua dan saudara
- After a busy month of worshipping in month of Ramadhan, many of us will have gone back to our normal routine and start to be busy with our worldly life
- Phase of life is in dunia now
- We live in this life not for long, prophet said 60-70 years old
- After this, will be barzakh, mahsyar, then different stages until our final destination, can be thousand of years, Allah says 1 day is like 50000 years. Jannah and hellfire is forever.
- The end determined on our action when we are in this life, this life is to be tested, and later on is the life to see our results of our actions from this world
- Some will say on day of resurrection, as if they didn’t live in the world except evening or morning
- Some will say we lived for 1 day or a part of a day
- Prophet hadith about rider that rests under shade of tree and then continues his journey
Allah warns about being deluded by worldly life
- At times we can be so busy and caught up in our worldly life, but let us remember to not forget our ultimate goal and purpose, and at the same time we realise others that have gone and passed on to their next phase of their life after having lived this world life. Let it be a reminder for us that this world is temporary and so short.
- Allah says Allah’s promise is true so do not be deluded, be tricked by the worldly life, and do not be deluded by Iblees
- Allah says the world it’s enjoyment is small, it’s only play and delusion
- Allah says don’t let your wealth and children take you away from remembering Allah lest he will be among the losers, and spend out of what Allah has provided before death comes until end of surah
Reality of this world
- It is only a short time
- It is only play and desire
- It is only a place of trials and tests
- It is a place of joyful deception
Our correct attitude towards this worldly life
- Make this world as means and not our end goal, use what Allah has blessed us with to maximise gains in our hereafter.
- Zuhud is to leave that which does not benefit for our hereafter, so that all our actions are tied to benefitting us in our hereafter, don’t look for more than what we need because it will all be accounted and questioned in hereafter
- Hadith of rider under shade
- Make use of our remaining years to maximise our akhirah - like sa’d bin mua’dh who was muslims for 7 years but used all of it to its maximum and Allah’s arsh shook when he died, let’s make plans in our daily life to see where we can do good deeds
Ramadhan ustadz ada live kultum gk ya ?
Sepaku IKN nyimak 23,3,2023
Kalo bisa dibuat pondok salaf.. biar sunnah makin mnyebar
Syahrul mubaroq
Quran Taddabur itu aplikasi nya yang mana ya? Saya cari tidak ada yg logo nya persis seperti itu..adanya aplikasi Bimbingan Islam
namanya appnya bekal islam, didalamnya udah termasuk quran tadabbur
Jazakallahu khayran ustad Firanda dan tim