There is another cheese in the TV. The entrance is at the corner of the TV. BTW there are more iron blocks at the top front of the grandfather clock with some gold blocks
Great video guys, I think yous should try find another map like the islands of junara because that was the best series ever made in the history of mine craft youtube epicness. Really like the intro as well, how id you make it because I am struggling to find a good software at the moment.
I just love that intro!!! Whenever i hear it, i feel like I'm watching a brand new episode of my favorite tv show series or something!! EEEE ERRRRR!
Meaty got all the cheese armor and Gunns didn't say anything LOL
you guys are so funny i love you guys so much and i wish you guys will keep making videos all the time
In the uk meaty we call an audio system, home entertainment. I think the cheese will be in it. Awesome video dudes. Eee Err
There is another cheese in the TV. The entrance is at the corner of the TV.
BTW there are more iron blocks at the top front of the grandfather clock with some gold blocks
The cheese might either be in the speaker or the TV I'm assumoing since it is the biggest objects around
Yeah, they looked right at the lit up corner with signs on top of the 'mountain' and didn't notice it.
there is cheese in the most random places on this map, like INSIDE of a couch cusion, or in the tunnel of a model train tabel!
Dumber's afraid he'd lose them
Great video guys, I think yous should try find another map like the islands of junara because that was the best series ever made in the history of mine craft youtube epicness. Really like the intro as well, how id you make it because I am struggling to find a good software at the moment.
Hey gunns keep this g rated
Yeah it isn-*sees ICBM about to hit ground out my window* well...this is the end.
Use the blaze rod if you need to melt some thing in the fern even
I love u i adore ALL of ur videos i watch ALL of ur videos ur soo funny and i support u
-Dumb & Dumber
Happy Birthday!!!
happy birthday friend
you guys have to do more non-linear maps
Im pretty sure you can make blaze swords out of blaze rods
tanx thats very nice of u
happy.. happy happy birthdaaaayy!
u should have given brothergunns the pants and boots
Shears for days
sheer time is the right time!!
You can jump over iron bars meaty it was just because they were on a block not on theground.
meaty took it
kiiiiiiinda annoying how meaty gets everything lol
Dumb and dumber u guys should play hunger games!
It would be so funny.
dudes nice intro!
Love me some dumb and dumber. CHEESE!
Look in the chickens
no he said, 'if they knock me off i'm gonna die' (y)
i wonder if MEATY is going to die on the next episode
At 9.09 the TV is the Minecraft Title screen
well happy Bday good luck with your party ;)
Hahahahahahaha :D so right. Was laughing my ass off.
lol the scary part is that is true
Gunns name is Niels or Nills or however you spell it
whats the texture pack of you normal surviver games
sorry for my english im dutch
can you guys play Hunger Games?!
Did you notice that it said minecraft on the tv
Spread the word!
i don't think he actually did. he said '' that's not safe its gonna nock me off i'm gonna die''
How do you get x for an enchantment? Mods?
Meaty gets everything
the creepers name is cooper the creeper
With glass lol
When is the new ultimate power
He's in the corner
you can jump iron things but thare where have slabs too so that's why dumber cant jump out eee err
Gunns gets the crap stuff
meatwagons name is chris gunns4hair name is god knows what hes name is!!!!!
meaty how do you get to the description
They run out of memory maybe?
I like Gold
You should play cops and robbers
Burn down the map at the end
GOLD armor
When was it not g rated?
hey meatius do you know what 44 is reply if you want to know
tomorow is my birthay can i get some happy birtdays
this was uploaded on may 22nd!!!
Excuse me but why is it not longer vids now im not mad im just asking nicely.
me too
Fire arrows can lite tnt
Huger Games?
Happy bday it's mine today
Go meaty
Pause at exactly 15 :31
what does that have to do with this?
Instead of a BBQ light the map on fire
My Bday is tomorrow to so i should get some happy BDays
U are so awesome
Play Hunger games
Lol bad ass
May 22!!!!!!!!!
U guys are so funny!!!!!!!!
Go to the couch and sit thair forever and be couchpato
Today is the 22nd of may yay 22,
Why meaty always getd better stuff!?
You mad ender ha
blaze kill!!!!
No shit!
my name allden
Play huger games