First of all, Kudos for a very clever and simple circuit. But I think a little explanation of how it works would probably clear up some confusion, and probably disappoint those who are ready to try and put this on their DIY e-bikes. The trick with any 3 phase motor is how to commute the current to the different windings in the proper phase to make it turn. This simple circuit relies on the fact that the power supply he used is in constant current mode. (note the red LED on the power supply labeled CC) When the current in the active winding reaches the 10Amps current setting of the power supply the output voltage drops and this causes the circuit to switch (or commute) to the next winding. This means that the output voltage of the power supply has a very large voltage swing on it. It would be interesting to see the output voltage of the power supply on an oscilloscope as the potentiometer is adjusted. This is how he can get it to work without an ECS. The main function an ECS is to manage the winding commutation. Instead this circuit accomplishes the commutation by combining the saturation effects of the motor windings with the current source capability of the power supply and some simple diodes and resistors which combine to make a 3 phase oscillator. Because the power supply output voltage has a very large AC component to it, and the field winding of the rotor is attached directly to that node on the alternator, the battery is a clever way to excite the field winding. Trying to design a circuit to control the field winding from the same supply would probably be a bit more complicated. In a car alternator (as opposed to a generator) the output voltage is controlled by varying strength of the rotor magnetic field (current in the field winding) since the speed at which it is rotating depends on how fast you want the car to go. On the other hand, The output voltage on a generator is proportional to the speed at which it is rotating. So basically, you can't run this circuit off of a voltage source, like a battery, it needs a relatively constant current source.
You mean they can put some switching transistor with a large inductor as a current buffer. And control circuit to keep voltage in 12V level. All this as pre circuit before driving this DIY. Thats right?
I am afraid your wrong, I run this type of controller in CV mode for 3 decades. The reason its in CC mode is do to the low impedance windings on this generator, its low so when its generating 30~40A it gets less hot, if you want to run this size motor off say CV of 12v, you need three $1 100W power resistors from alixepress, this will limit its output power.
A very nice circuit! But look at the power consumption! It takes up to 200W without supplying any mechanical output energy out! So, where is those 200W going ? I believe that keeping it on the speed takes about 50W max, it rotates freely. So, the rest converts to heat. I don't know, what's heating, whether it's the switching circuit or the alternator itself, probably both, but I believe that running it on such power for longer time will make it to blow. It's possible that the alternator has enough air cooling so it will survive it, but definitely, the efficacy of this construction doesn't look too much ecological. It would be also interesting to measure the mechanical output power it's capable to supply and the consumption it takes during it, it's possible that the efficacy will improve under load.
@@gamingnijer5368 nope. that thing is working as generator or motor.... if you turn it it is generator... if you give it power, it turns and it is motor. it cannot be boh at the same time..... but you can have two of them, one as motor one as generator and KILL the second law of hermodynamics, (that is fake), and generate a permanent motor generator that generates electeicity... there are lots of them on youtube. how many are fake? how many are real? second law is fake or real? you need to test to see the answers.
Excellent circuit! Suitable for many applications. + wire is connected to center of star or y . He is using N channel Mosfets as low side switches, making it unipolar. It would seem diodes /resistors are directing back emf from adjacent phase for gate drive.
True !!! This video will be very useful in pumping water using only DC current which is way cheaper than being connected to the grid. I can only imagine its extensive applications.
You are unique idea man sir very very good in all of your project and you teach us every day so we pray to God a special knowledge for you thank you sir very much.
Awesome project , as many others. A but of an explanation of what each of the elements does would be very useful for beginners. Also, what’s your soldering iron model? It’s awesome!!! I wanna buy it!
Brushless DC motor is actually a synchronous motor. Thus, the angular position of the magnetic field of the permanent magnet with respect to the magnetic field that rotates with the excitation frequency which is the oscillating frequency of used three phase Royer oscillator, must be fixed at a certain value in order to produce useful torque and to maintain the rpm. If you notice, at some powering up instances, motor shaft does not turn at first, shakes a bit, and after giving some initial rotation, fields are synchronized and the motor accelerates. In classic drive schemes, Hall effect sensors give the ticks to be synchronized or ESC handles synchronization tracing back emf voltages on three phase windings. Moreover, supply voltage can not be reduced below a certain threshold voltage that is the threshold of the Mos transistor, and therefore circuit actually can not handle low rpm/high torque drive. To sum up, driver circuit is simple and effective at high rpm/low torque applications with some initial triggering at start up. It should be improved to cover mentioned problems to drive at low rpm.
Bien explicado y cierto ,aunque creo que éste individuo Yazir busca dinero e ingresos de los ignorantes,la gente comprará y romperá las piezas y ese es su negocio ¿Qué se esconde detrás de éste canal? Probablemente una empresa sin escrúpulos,tal vez un grupo de la India,el basurero de electrónica ,sin condiciones sanitarias y muy tóxicas,desmontando y reciclando electrónica y vendiendo miserablemente piezas en dudoso estado 😂😂 ,para muestras ...
To Mr . Zafer Yildiz , thank you in advance for a helpful reply. I am sure many others would be happy to get your reply. For me, it would be a Tution in alternators as well.
So the alternator is in star connection, am I right? My question is.. How many watts is the maximum can handle the controller or the mosfets? Can I input a 48 Volts 1000 watts?
C'est extraordinaire ce qu'on peut faire avec tous ces éléments qui sont d'une richesse inestimable. Ce n'est vraiment pas un secret. C'est que de plus en plus les gens vont s'intéresser à ça par la force des choses. Surtout pour ceux qui ont déjà une bonne base dans l'électronique ou l'électricité soit automobile ou industriel faut aimer vraiment ça et être derrière le plus souvent possible. Se documenter surtout. Se faire aider pa ceux qui ont une plus grande connaissance sur la question. Ce qui fait qu'on rentre de plus en plus dans un monde de l'intelligence artificiel si j'ose dire au présent et surtout pour le futur.
Последовательно с обмоткой подмагничивания проще включить лампу накаливания от авто 10-20 ватт в зависимости от мощности "мотора". Тогда не нужен литиевый акку и 2 питания.
Видел не мало роликов по єтой теме, но сдесь я не понял....всегда распутывают концы фаз, ищут начала и концы обмоток, а тут он оставил фазы как есть, да ещё и впаял дополнительный провод, и что за место в которое он впаял? и такой вариант имеет место быть или те "класические" варианты всё же лутше?
@@crenimrt268 Четвертый провод, это средняя точка трех обмоток. Вместо лития на подмагничивание, я ставил две батарейки типа АА. В зависимости от напряжения, у меня менялся силовой момент. Хотя лучше всего два провода на щетки подключать к общему питанию через лампочку на 10 ватт 12 вольт. Генератор брал от Волги, у которого на валу только щетки, то есть с внешней таблетки, а не встроенный. Точно так же работает и генератор от 412 Москвича.
You need a permanent magnet rotor for true power generation, it's kinda pointless if the generated power powers the field coil which magnetic field induces voltage on the coils..
Oi Rodrigo, eu moro em Recife e gosto muito de eletronica. Esse turco é demais nos projetos. Vou tentar fazer um circuito desse aqui. Já montei um com ESC e tem pouca estabilidade, não dá pra tocar uma máquina. Vou testar esse amanhã
@@alceugaspar3388 Com bateria de carro normal não funciona, só com fonte de alimentação semelhante ao mostrado no video. Para fazer o chaveamento dos mosfets e girar normalmente o eixo do rotor, é necessário uma sequência correta programada, como por exemplo atraves de um micro controlador, que ligado à drivers, dispara os mosfets na sequência correta.
I really like what you have done and how you teach how to do the conversion. Can you show how to do the same conversion with a much large alternator for a small motorcycle install ? I have seen very large alternators of big trucks and even 36 volt from forklift trucks...
Thanks for all your very useful projects. Your channel is one of the best that I have ever encountered. One thing I like is, you make me think and not only watch. More power to your channel 💪💪👍👍👍👍 Looking forward to all your new uploads.
Olá ZAFER da Turquia, Excelente circuito muito simples, é o que eu queria, 3 Mosfet IRF3205 com alternador de carro. Vou tentar fazer aqui no Brasil. Congratulações e muitas felicidades pra voce aí na Turquia.
@@meliponariomeldocerrado Acabei de fazer o circuito, segui exatamente o vídeo só no lugar dos Mosfets IRF3205 usei os IRFP 250N que havia removido de uma placa de um inversor , funciona bem ruim na partida aquece os mosfets mas funciona com bom torque depois que arranca!!
Parabéns sou seu seguidor de tempos Parabéns novamente por simplificar outra vez coisas boas pra todos nós conheço alternador com essa explicação vai facilitar a minha pesquisa sobre o assunto importante prá nós que gostamos do assunto valeu
Selam Zafer bey ( ESC ) bağlantıları benzemiyor. Sadece ( ESC olarak bağlantıları 5v servo test, amper güçleri, pil bağlantı ve çıkış 3 faz ) Alternatör direk 3 fazı bağlamak elektrik olmayacak manyeti pil hariç... Başarabilirsen milyon değil MİLYAR kişi izleme rekoru çıkarır ve Kosgeb Ar-Ge size çağırabilir ve ödülü alabilirsin. Çin den şipariş durdurur. Tabiki burda Pilsan ve fırçasız motoru açıldı. Sen ESC için Togg fabrika gibi devlet sizede açabilir. Haydi bitir şunu ÇİN i
Mutlubey Devlet bunu bekliyor zaten avrupalılar 2025 de uçan taksi arabalar çıkacağı söylüyorlar ve bundan önce TÜRKİYE başlamalıdır. Bir tek ESC kaldı.
Güzel çalışma olmuş ellerinize sağlık. Bu sistemi birde normal rc lerde kullanılan fırçasızlara deneseniz muhteşem olurdu ama gerçekten emeğinize sağlık olsun
Gracias @ZAFER YILDIZ por compartir tus conocimientos ¿alguien sabe como se llama el circuito, documentacion o informacion de su funcionamiento? me gustaria estudiarlo mas a fondo, gracias
Gracias profesor por la enseñanza bendiciones creo que es muy poco voltaje para alimentar el rotor de todas maneras gracias por compartir sus conocimientos voy a fabricarlo si funciona me suscribo y te doy aportes si no será otro más delos videos falsos de RUclips
Beautiful. I like it. The alternator is a cheap way to get a powerful 3 phase motor, and your circuit is simple, cheap and easy to understand and build, so it's definetely worth trying. I previously used an Ebike ECS because it was also quite cheap and offered many other options. It worked like a charm, but the documentation for the wiring were very sparse. I like yours because I can modify it as I please.
Bunu alatetörün diyot tablası nı iptal etmeden çalıştırırsanız 12v bir Akü hem altetnatörü Çalıştırıp hemde aküyü besleyebilir ve elektrikli bir bisiklet yapılabilir bence.
olmaz kardeşim. Burada fazla detaya girmeden şöyle söyleyim; adam bunu sabit voltajla yapıyor. Senin diyelim ki 16.8 lion pilin var ve 13 e düştü bu pildeki azalma dengeyi bozar. sürekli sabit bir kaynakla. yaparsan olabilir. Mesela çıkışa bir step up koyup çıkışı garantilersen olabiliir.
hola se puede llegar a rpm cero o es complejo realizar un controlador de velocidad para estos motores y dar aplicaciones en pequeños modos de transporte como bicicletas ? saludos muy bueno tu canal
Hello Zafer, your project is interesting. The rotor rotates smooth, even in low speed in 2000rpm. In your one comment below I read that you not recommend it for an electric bicycle becouse the its efficency is low (Shrikant Bhai Bhosale). What can I do to improve the efficency?? If it needs more volatge it is possible to use batteries for 24-36 volts??
@@abuxxx3607 What do you mean "Too many RUclipsrs used car alternator.." Perhaps, you have your own experiances, plesae share with YT. From my old cars I have 3 free alternators. I can reuse them or throw away
This is an excellent contraption Zafer. Congratulations. How's can I regulate the current supply to correspond to the voltage I require? For example, 19V is what my laptop needs, but I noted that your gadget produces 10A at this rotation level while my laptop requires 3.4A. And may enquire the use of the AA battery? Is it for exciting the alternator field? How long would this battery last before needing replacement? Is it not possible for you to setup a self-excitation circuit so as to eliminate the need for this battery? Thanks for the knowledge.
Yeah, I couldn't see how the circuit would trigger the MOSFETs unless there was some funky zener like threshold but the diodes specified don't have that feature. Also, note that he never shows startup behavior.
@@ayedurand This whole circuit seems a little bit shady, to say the least. If it is "brushless", why does it need to "power the rotor"? How does that power get to the rotor?
in this connection, the battery will be very happy when the alternating current induced from the stator starts to flow into it, but perhaps it will not explode, because it will soon stop exciting the rotor winding.
Obrigado amigo ......estou estudando sobre o alternado para tranrforma-lo em motor brusheles para bike eletrica ....faça mais vídeos a respeito ....lógico que vc mesmo montou o circuito para girar .....o bom é com uma controladora de 1500 watts daí terá potência de verdade .
olá amigo, vc acha que seria possível dois alternadores adaptados como motores moverem uma moto? Gostaria de adaptar. Gostaria de saber, além de duas placas controladoras de 1500w, o que deveria comprtar para ter confiabilidade?
First of all, Kudos for a very clever and simple circuit. But I think a little explanation of how it works would probably clear up some confusion, and probably disappoint those who are ready to try and put this on their DIY e-bikes.
The trick with any 3 phase motor is how to commute the current to the different windings in the proper phase to make it turn. This simple circuit relies on the fact that the power supply he used is in constant current mode. (note the red LED on the power supply labeled CC) When the current in the active winding reaches the 10Amps current setting of the power supply the output voltage drops and this causes the circuit to switch (or commute) to the next winding. This means that the output voltage of the power supply has a very large voltage swing on it. It would be interesting to see the output voltage of the power supply on an oscilloscope as the potentiometer is adjusted. This is how he can get it to work without an ECS.
The main function an ECS is to manage the winding commutation. Instead this circuit accomplishes the commutation by combining the saturation effects of the motor windings with the current source capability of the power supply and some simple diodes and resistors which combine to make a 3 phase oscillator. Because the power supply output voltage has a very large AC component to it, and the field winding of the rotor is attached directly to that node on the alternator, the battery is a clever way to excite the field winding. Trying to design a circuit to control the field winding from the same supply would probably be a bit more complicated. In a car alternator (as opposed to a generator) the output voltage is controlled by varying strength of the rotor magnetic field (current in the field winding) since the speed at which it is rotating depends on how fast you want the car to go. On the other hand, The output voltage on a generator is proportional to the speed at which it is rotating.
So basically, you can't run this circuit off of a voltage source, like a battery, it needs a relatively constant current source.
Как хорошо что так много людей которые вообще не понимают электронику судя по коментариям.нам хоть работа есть
You mean they can put some switching transistor with a large inductor as a current buffer. And control circuit to keep voltage in 12V level. All this as pre circuit before driving this DIY. Thats right?
Add 12 alternating polarity permanent neodymium magnets onto the rotor and you remove the need for the battery.
I am afraid your wrong, I run this type of controller in CV mode for 3 decades. The reason its in CC mode is do to the low impedance windings on this generator, its low so when its generating 30~40A it gets less hot, if you want to run this size motor off say CV of 12v, you need three $1 100W power resistors from alixepress, this will limit its output power.
They lie, it aint no brushless motor.
A very nice circuit! But look at the power consumption! It takes up to 200W without supplying any mechanical output energy out! So, where is those 200W going ? I believe that keeping it on the speed takes about 50W max, it rotates freely. So, the rest converts to heat. I don't know, what's heating, whether it's the switching circuit or the alternator itself, probably both, but I believe that running it on such power for longer time will make it to blow. It's possible that the alternator has enough air cooling so it will survive it, but definitely, the efficacy of this construction doesn't look too much ecological. It would be also interesting to measure the mechanical output power it's capable to supply and the consumption it takes during it, it's possible that the efficacy will improve under load.
With such small wires. I can't imagine a very high output. Torque = boom
@@assassinlexx1993 gf FC cpyyuui ia
Is there a way we can get the battery to charge from the same alternator
@@gamingnijer5368 nope. that thing is working as generator or motor.... if you turn it it is generator... if you give it power, it turns and it is motor. it cannot be boh at the same time..... but you can have two of them, one as motor one as generator and KILL the second law of hermodynamics, (that is fake), and generate a permanent motor generator that generates electeicity... there are lots of them on youtube. how many are fake? how many are real? second law is fake or real? you need to test to see the answers.
Очень хорошо автор показал всю суть. Спасибо за видео.👍👍👍🛠️🛠️🛠️🌟
Good information i like your video 🌹🌹💓💓💓❤❤👉👍👍
Excellent circuit! Suitable for many applications. + wire is connected to center of star or y . He is using N channel Mosfets as low side switches, making it unipolar. It would seem diodes /resistors are directing back emf from adjacent phase for gate drive.
True !!! This video will be very useful in pumping water using only DC current which is way cheaper than being connected to the grid. I can only imagine its extensive applications.
Can this work in a Delta configuration?
@@ArshaansEdits Nope, four wire Y (Wye) connection only with a common connection as well.
do you know of a circuit that does work on delta? cheers@@imnotbeluga007
I'm looking for literature on under standing electrical components an electrical diagrams do you have any suggestions
Thanks sir ur this video solve my big problem now I can complete my project thanks again
Muy buen video!!, te faltó ver el torque que tiene. Saludos 🖖
Hayretle izliyorum videolarını abi. Gerçekten çok başarılı. Helal olsun sana.
You are unique idea man sir very very good in all of your project and you teach us every day so we pray to God a special knowledge for you thank you sir very much.
Awesome project , as many others. A but of an explanation of what each of the elements does would be very useful for beginners.
Also, what’s your soldering iron model? It’s awesome!!! I wanna buy it!
Sir you are very clever in electronics.salut sir.i like it.india.
Excelente , estoy maravillado , que con tan pocos componentes se logre , estos resultados, felicitaciones, ..
solo es prototipo
boss,,,,,you are genius person👍👍
Brushless DC motor is actually a synchronous motor. Thus, the angular position of the magnetic field of the permanent magnet with respect to the magnetic field that rotates with the excitation frequency which is the oscillating frequency of used three phase Royer oscillator, must be fixed at a certain value in order to produce useful torque and to maintain the rpm. If you notice, at some powering up instances, motor shaft does not turn at first, shakes a bit, and after giving some initial rotation, fields are synchronized and the motor accelerates. In classic drive schemes, Hall effect sensors give the ticks to be synchronized or ESC handles synchronization tracing back emf voltages on three phase windings. Moreover, supply voltage can not be reduced below a certain threshold voltage that is the threshold of the Mos transistor, and therefore circuit actually can not handle low rpm/high torque drive. To sum up, driver circuit is simple and effective at high rpm/low torque applications with some initial triggering at start up. It should be improved to cover mentioned problems to drive at low rpm.
Well put
Bien explicado y cierto ,aunque creo que éste individuo Yazir busca dinero e ingresos de los ignorantes,la gente comprará y romperá las piezas y ese es su negocio ¿Qué se esconde detrás de éste canal? Probablemente una empresa sin escrúpulos,tal vez un grupo de la India,el basurero de electrónica ,sin condiciones sanitarias y muy tóxicas,desmontando y reciclando electrónica y vendiendo miserablemente piezas en dudoso estado 😂😂 ,para muestras ...
To Mr . Zafer Yildiz , thank you in advance for a helpful reply. I am sure many others would be happy to get your reply.
For me, it would be a Tution in alternators as well.
So the alternator is in star connection, am I right? My question is.. How many watts is the maximum can handle the controller or the mosfets? Can I input a 48 Volts 1000 watts?
creative brother zafer
Je remercie surtout le présentateur de qui présente ces séquences. Ce n'est que du bonheur.
C'est extraordinaire ce qu'on peut faire avec tous ces éléments qui sont d'une richesse inestimable. Ce n'est vraiment pas un secret. C'est que de plus en plus les gens vont s'intéresser à ça par la force des choses. Surtout pour ceux qui ont déjà une bonne base dans l'électronique ou l'électricité soit automobile ou industriel faut aimer vraiment ça et être derrière le plus souvent possible. Se documenter surtout. Se faire aider pa ceux qui ont une plus grande connaissance sur la question. Ce qui fait qu'on rentre de plus en plus dans un monde de l'intelligence artificiel si j'ose dire au présent et surtout pour le futur.
Mais ça ne fonctionne pas, Fake
👍👍👍 Salmun Aleküm , lch glaube die Geschwindikeit gegen der Hubschrauberturbine , Geschindigkeitabheben ,Mash Allah gute Idee !!
Последовательно с обмоткой подмагничивания проще включить лампу накаливания от авто 10-20 ватт в зависимости от мощности "мотора". Тогда не нужен литиевый акку и 2 питания.
сколько часов он отработает
Видел не мало роликов по єтой теме, но сдесь я не понял....всегда распутывают концы фаз, ищут начала и концы обмоток, а тут он оставил фазы как есть, да ещё и впаял дополнительный провод, и что за место в которое он впаял? и такой вариант имеет место быть или те "класические" варианты всё же лутше?
@@crenimrt268 Четвертый провод, это средняя точка трех обмоток. Вместо лития на подмагничивание, я ставил две батарейки типа АА. В зависимости от напряжения, у меня менялся силовой момент. Хотя лучше всего два провода на щетки подключать к общему питанию через лампочку на 10 ватт 12 вольт. Генератор брал от Волги, у которого на валу только щетки, то есть с внешней таблетки, а не встроенный. Точно так же работает и генератор от 412 Москвича.
Really interesting!!! But it is even more exciting to make the engine (alternator) work in reverse as a "dynamo". Just so we understand each other!!!
You need a permanent magnet rotor for true power generation, it's kinda pointless if the generated power powers the field coil which magnetic field induces voltage on the coils..
Excelente zafra yildiz desde Colombia congratilaciones por tus aportes a estos circuitos prácticos y sencillos
thank you so much i am sorry for late reply working all day,regards
Alternator w permanent magnet can be very powerfull el. motor. Good job !
عاشت الأيادي عمل راقي جدا جدا
superb idea for youtubers
Era o conhecimento que eu mais precisava.Obrigado.
Vou tentar também 👍🏻
Oi Rodrigo, eu moro em Recife e gosto muito de eletronica. Esse turco é demais nos projetos. Vou tentar fazer um circuito desse aqui.
Já montei um com ESC e tem pouca estabilidade, não dá pra tocar uma máquina. Vou testar esse amanhã
Quem montou um me fala se funcionou
@@alceugaspar3388 Com bateria de carro normal não funciona, só com fonte de alimentação semelhante ao mostrado no video. Para fazer o chaveamento dos mosfets e girar normalmente o eixo do rotor, é necessário uma sequência correta programada, como por exemplo atraves de um micro controlador, que ligado à drivers, dispara os mosfets na sequência correta.
Ты большой молодец .Лайк тебе милый человек .
I really like what you have done and how you teach how to do the conversion. Can you show how to do the same conversion with a much large alternator for a small motorcycle install ? I have seen very large alternators of big trucks and even 36 volt from forklift trucks...
Thanks for all your very useful projects. Your channel is one of the best that I have ever encountered. One thing I like is, you make me think and not only watch. More power to your channel 💪💪👍👍👍👍 Looking forward to all your new uploads.
This project is very good!
Olá ZAFER da Turquia,
Excelente circuito muito simples, é o que eu queria, 3 Mosfet IRF3205 com alternador de carro. Vou tentar fazer aqui no Brasil.
Congratulações e muitas felicidades pra voce aí na Turquia.
Sera que funciona mesmo
Acabei de fazer o circuito, segui exatamente o vídeo só no lugar dos Mosfets IRF3205 usei os IRFP 250N
que havia removido de uma placa de um inversor , funciona bem ruim na partida aquece os mosfets
mas funciona com bom torque depois que arranca!!
A titulo de experiência é bem interessante mas acho que no uso não vai suportar por muito tempo!!
@Lucas Teixeira da pra por mais mosfets em paralelo vai suportar mais corrente na partida
It doesn't work I tried it already
Wow spectacular.good job brother..!
Parabéns sou seu seguidor de tempos Parabéns novamente por simplificar outra vez coisas boas pra todos nós conheço alternador com essa explicação vai facilitar a minha pesquisa sobre o assunto importante prá nós que gostamos do assunto valeu
Montei esse circuito e não funcionou , caso vc tenha montado e tenha funcionado pode me dá uma ideia ?видео.html
Nice... Thank you for sharing this video... Need to do is DIY..... Heheheheh
Wow you are great 😌
Eline sağlık Ustam esc yapmışsın gerçekten güzel oldu selametle 🌹👍💯❤️
aslında tam bir esc degil ama teşekkürler
It's a scam
@@wendellhammond7853 why?
Selam Zafer bey ( ESC ) bağlantıları benzemiyor. Sadece ( ESC olarak bağlantıları 5v servo test, amper güçleri, pil bağlantı ve çıkış 3 faz ) Alternatör direk 3 fazı bağlamak elektrik olmayacak manyeti pil hariç... Başarabilirsen milyon değil MİLYAR kişi izleme rekoru çıkarır ve Kosgeb Ar-Ge size çağırabilir ve ödülü alabilirsin. Çin den şipariş durdurur. Tabiki burda Pilsan ve fırçasız motoru açıldı. Sen ESC için Togg fabrika gibi devlet sizede açabilir. Haydi bitir şunu ÇİN i
Mutlubey Devlet bunu bekliyor zaten avrupalılar 2025 de uçan taksi arabalar çıkacağı söylüyorlar ve bundan önce TÜRKİYE başlamalıdır. Bir tek ESC kaldı.
красавчик. давно искал такую простую схему решения. СПАСИБО ТЕБЕ.
@@vadimp1374 конечно
@@ОлегПавлов-ч3з покеж? собирал?
@@ОлегПавлов-ч3з А если идентичный гена, устанавливающийся на мотоциклах ИЖ Ю5, заводить мотор осилит ???
Kral doktürmüşsün yine emeğine sağlık 💯💯💯
Fajny temat latwy do zamontowania jako silniczek do roweru z odp sterownikiem i bateriami 😊
Thank God ,youre genius, and hope to see more of your ideas,thanks
Gracias por el apoyo y los comentarios.
Güzel çalışma olmuş ellerinize sağlık. Bu sistemi birde normal rc lerde kullanılan fırçasızlara deneseniz muhteşem olurdu ama gerçekten emeğinize sağlık olsun
👉❤ bu olabilir ve teşekkürler
Thank you verry much
Gracias @ZAFER YILDIZ por compartir tus conocimientos ¿alguien sabe como se llama el circuito, documentacion o informacion de su funcionamiento? me gustaria estudiarlo mas a fondo, gracias
Why don't you draw the circuit?
Gracias profesor por la enseñanza bendiciones creo que es muy poco voltaje para alimentar el rotor de todas maneras gracias por compartir sus conocimientos voy a fabricarlo si funciona me suscribo y te doy aportes si no será otro más delos videos falsos de RUclips
Tebrikler hocam çok verimli bir çalışma olmuş
Achei a ideia deste projeto muito bom e gostei também dos comentários um abraço ilustre amigo
Мастер навесного монтажа
wow very nice thanks. So THIS is how yuou build a simpler controller ? I love it.
Beautiful. I like it. The alternator is a cheap way to get a powerful 3 phase motor, and your circuit is simple, cheap and easy to understand and build, so it's definetely worth trying. I previously used an Ebike ECS because it was also quite cheap and offered many other options. It worked like a charm, but the documentation for the wiring were very sparse. I like yours because I can modify it as I please.
give it a try and let me know if it work for electric bike
Just use more batteries to power the alternator exciter coil lol...
You are real more goog idea..thanks y so much
Bunu alatetörün diyot tablası nı iptal etmeden çalıştırırsanız 12v bir Akü hem altetnatörü Çalıştırıp hemde aküyü besleyebilir ve elektrikli bir bisiklet yapılabilir bence.
olmaz kardeşim. Burada fazla detaya girmeden şöyle söyleyim; adam bunu sabit voltajla yapıyor. Senin diyelim ki 16.8 lion pilin var ve 13 e düştü bu pildeki azalma dengeyi bozar. sürekli sabit bir kaynakla. yaparsan olabilir. Mesela çıkışa bir step up koyup çıkışı garantilersen olabiliir.
Thank you brother I like❤
hola se puede llegar a rpm cero o es complejo realizar un controlador de velocidad para estos motores y dar aplicaciones en pequeños modos de transporte como bicicletas ? saludos muy bueno tu canal
No da bien los datos
Ni pone diagramas
Ellerinize sağlık. Güzel olmuştur.
can this will be used for making electric bicycle
In fact, I do not recommend it, the efficiency is low, but if you can afford it, of course it will work.
Yes you can. This is the alternative of ESC.
Elinize sağlık üstat düşük devirlerde tork üretebiliyor mu acaba
Sayende polis çakar ı yapmışdım...ama bu vidyo tamamen egelara bürünmüş....Tabiki karar senin.saygı duyarım.🤔düşündürücü
Sabe me informar , qual é a potência em HP que vc tirou da saida do eixo ??
Acho que só sae RPM alto mesmo hp eu acho ele não pode medir.
I'm gonna make my own. 👍👍✌️✌️
How efficient is this type of conversion ??? How powerful is an average alternator 120 amps compared to a electric motor Sir ??? Thanks
@Клим Ворошилов How do you translate the message ???
@@victoryfirst2878 he said unprofitable battery consumption is high. But i guess that depends on what you want.
This idea would be awesome if some tech or scientist could make this a free power supply unit. The idea is cool of a brushless system.
Thanks Zafer for the excellent posting! 👌
Could you next time highlight the circuit sketch as you solder on? It makes it easier to follow!
It may be useful for small handy works. Let’s see the output power and discharge rate . If it’s better then we can think more on it. Technic very 👍
Nice! Muito bom mesmo. Só uma pergunta, nessa configuração o motor fica com quantos HPs em média?
Sim, vai esperando ele te responder em português...
Mantap luar biasah
Я так и не увидел, когда из генератора достали щетки, чтобы он стал безщеточным
я думал обмотку якоря замкнули, но нет, интересно будет работать если коротнуть, этакий асинхронник или синхронник)))
Os melhores videos sao os dele 👋👋👋👋👋
Exellent main frend my greetings from Serbia
Pliz circuit diagram
ПОДКЛЮЧАТЬ - ГЕМОРРОЙ, ЛУЧШЕ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ б/у на 220в переобрести !
Wow amazing beautiful idea 👌✌️ thanks my friend
Hello Zafer, your project is interesting. The rotor rotates smooth, even in low speed in 2000rpm. In your one comment below I read that you not recommend it for an electric bicycle becouse the its efficency is low (Shrikant Bhai Bhosale). What can I do to improve the efficency?? If it needs more volatge it is possible to use batteries for 24-36 volts??
You use a different motor.. it is not suitable for powering a bicycle.
@@greggorrell Hello Gregory, I do not use any motor, you mind that the motor is too big ???
Too many RUclipsrs used modified car alternator in their go kart and ebike
@@abuxxx3607 What do you mean "Too many RUclipsrs used car alternator.." Perhaps, you have your own experiances, plesae share with YT. From my old cars I have 3 free alternators. I can reuse them or throw away
mr.pankaj technical nice bro
This is an excellent contraption Zafer. Congratulations. How's can I regulate the current supply to correspond to the voltage I require? For example, 19V is what my laptop needs, but I noted that your gadget produces 10A at this rotation level while my laptop requires 3.4A. And may enquire the use of the AA battery? Is it for exciting the alternator field? How long would this battery last before needing replacement? Is it not possible for you to setup a self-excitation circuit so as to eliminate the need for this battery? Thanks for the knowledge.
При чем тут твой ноутбук😂😂😂 этн работает электродвигатель, который был генератором🤣🤣🤣
Yeah, I couldn't see how the circuit would trigger the MOSFETs unless there was some funky zener like threshold but the diodes specified don't have that feature.
Also, note that he never shows startup behavior.
This is just a driver for a motor. This circuit REQUIRES an power supply.
This WAS an alternator in a car. Now it is used as a motor. Ir produces NO electricity, consumes it.
@@ayedurand This whole circuit seems a little bit shady, to say the least. If it is "brushless", why does it need to "power the rotor"? How does that power get to the rotor?
Zafer usta güzel oldu bir sürü mosfad yapıver Parası göndereceğim ellerinden sağlıklı ve teşekkür ederim kolay gelsin görüşürüz
You didn't take out the brushes. so its not brushless
Благодарю за схему.Повторить попробую.Интересная штука.
Привет! Зачем 3,7V АКБ? Можно подключить к тому же питанию 12V через мощный резистор или лампочку! 😊
It a scam
in this connection, the battery will be very happy when the alternating current induced from the stator starts to flow into it, but perhaps it will not explode, because it will soon stop exciting the rotor winding.
чтобы ротор оставался стабильным во время изменения мощности, потому что он потребляет 10 ампер и полностью использует источник питания
@@ZAFERYILDIZ52 Какой там ток у ротора при 3,7V? Тогда можно поставить стабилизатор от 12 на 5V!
Что-то многовато 200Вт для холостого хода. Интересно, момент наверное не плохой на валу будет. Позновательно, в любом случае. :)
Obrigado amigo ......estou estudando sobre o alternado para tranrforma-lo em motor brusheles para bike eletrica ....faça mais vídeos a respeito ....lógico que vc mesmo montou o circuito para girar .....o bom é com uma controladora de 1500 watts daí terá potência de verdade .
olá amigo, vc acha que seria possível dois alternadores adaptados como motores moverem uma moto? Gostaria de adaptar. Gostaria de saber, além de duas placas controladoras de 1500w, o que deveria comprtar para ter confiabilidade?
Very good. Congratulations.
Where is the diagram?
다이오드 항복점을 이용한 발진회로 멎진 아이디어입니다
Что то я так и не понял, что заставляет транзисторы поочередно открываться?
сила мысли автора
@@cos_f Возможно и так
good video
Судя по видео у него одна из проблем, ограничивающая применение, он сам не стартует, его надо принудительно крутануть в ручную.
Без датчика Холла никак.
Но и драйвер на коленке собран, за 100 рублей.
Great heater!
не бесщеточный а щеточный так как ты щетки подключил, без щеток он бесполезен если только магниты поставить
very nice!🙂
thanks a lot sir very help full for me.
great.i like video of friend
Excellent 👌
O cara é Bom parabéns técnico de verdade
good job nice sharing..thanks bro
I made this circuit and it works well thank you
Отправ фота как вы его зделали
Ai , sim parabéns 👏👏👏👏
Terimakasih ilmunya bro
إسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ماشاءالله تبارك مرحبا مبارك سعودي مي very nice Flow
Such a neat job