Konami just needs to slow down with the boxes and create more fun and interactive events. It’s really difficult to keep up with the meta since it’s changing too fast.
As a business they need to keep the flow of revenue coming in. I think the rate the boxes are coming out, would be ok, if they did it in hand with what you are asking. Creating special events, that require different decks, that maybe wouldn't otherwise be considered comp, or a OTK deck, and make ppl have to play differently, creature unique decks, or just give the community something to research together. Something as simple as, this month, let's see what top plant deck is, ect.
There's one major design flaw with duel links that for some reason, I've never seen anyone bring up: It draws from a pool of cards designed for 8000lp, 5 zones, 40 card decks. 1 - The beaters only have to do half the work, so OTKs are easier by design, even if duel links is much slower than the tcg 2 - Cards/decks are much more consistent in a 20 card deck format. Mushroom, for example is much better when he mills 1/4 of your deck, as opposed to the 1/8 he was designed to mill. Another example was the bamboo engine, became twice as consistent and eventualy had to be banned. 3 - Cards like ojama king weren't made to completely lock you out from summoning monsters Another thing is that they have to power creep to sell products. No one will buy the new decks if they are weaker than the current ones. Especially without some sort of rotation system. They either power creep or take a much more agressive posture with the banlist
The format that we have now is perfect for DM cards since most of them lack of effects, special sums, otk mechanist, etc, but for GX and post (since they added card for every gen) is totally too short. The real TGC isn't design for have this format so when they implement cards from a more competitive game (Yugioh post DM) the game start to broke.
Also they put as little on the banlist as possible because if you're only allowed one of that card then you'll stop buying after you get the first one. That's why extremely powerful cards like Wall of Destruction haven't been Limited at all so then you have to buy through the box 3 times. It's also possible for them to intentionally lower the odds of you getting the best card from that box so that way you have to buy your way deeper into the box to get it
youcantdothat 64 because it very well might be the most powerful solo card in dual links. It may not be as used higher tiers because you have better builds like sea stealth attack but in the lower tiers it is unbelievably obnoxious. And considering the rules of duel links it might as well be mirror Force
it doesn't have to be weaker or stronger. keep it equal. if they release lots of OTK decks. fine. but also release anti otk cards before hand. want to release 1800 beatsticks? fine add them for multiple archetypes so everyone has a fairer playing field. after everyone is level and each type has a few options then go up to 1850/1900's etc
WoD was broken because it made what was once the optimal strategy no longer that one, and because of that, opening with all your monsters was more punished. Before it's release the best strat to face a monster with back row was to summon a second one before attacking. You'd be able to bait out the protection or take the monster. After wall of disruption that play would leave you with two weak monsters and the opponent could likely game you the next turn. Cards like mirror force were a lot more balanced in the game proper because you could always attack and summon something mp2, which isn't a thing in Duel links.
The big problem began with Cyber Angels. That archetype was way too powerful for this game and the power creep/archetypes just kept expanding and overflowing from there. They released strong cards way too earlier.
Mokey Mokey agreed but yet they nerfed angels which were pretty F2P and never nerf OP decks that main cards are from boxes cuz they dont wanna piss off the people who payed $$$ so basically fuck F2P player base as well as lowering gem rate drops from. Farming
I stopped playing cause as a f2p i cant keep up with the meta. Nevertheless i am saving stones for the next big box so that i can keep up with the meta
Naruto Uzumaki yep, i have 5k stones and i could try to get anki or the geargias but last time i spend my stones on a box, a new box came out and GB where not meta anymore
I stayed away from the real life Yu-Gi-Oh for that very same reason. The reason I loved the game was because the game had build up to it. Now it's all spam special summons and chain effects.
lol yeah I remember him and banner of courage was what you needed to climb , along with sphere kuriboh and mirror wall of course. That was the best Meta imo
Bakura Ryou Nah, the summoning conditions for the Lord are too high. Little D's slightly less impressive abilities are still viable since it doesn't have those steep conditions.
I played this game for over a year. Stopped After I got the two god cards. This game is way too much grind (was F2P). I just wanted to dual and enjoy being a kid again, not dish $1000 and grind hours daily. It was too much to handle, don't know how I survived even for the year. But hey, I still enjoy your videos :)
I'm Your Liam dude...tons of people have dished over hundreds of dollars per box just to get every card. 1k seems like a lot, but it’s really not relative to how many boxes there are
If you want to be a kid again, you can probably download a game emulator and a rom for an old yugioh game. Its more fun than duel links a lot of the time.
omg last gambaj desert twister was my first full good deck :D. i gave up on this game when the naturias came out. its the only thing anyone at plat or above played and i knew this route was exactly where the game was gonna go
Was KOG and never bought a single card, Had to reset because my phone broke and already back to gold. If you guys suck just admit it. However maybe there should be a GX section to allow the newer packs and the basic should stop at before GX started. Otherwise people will get pissed. I enjoy OHKO, but that is cause I am a good player.
I feel like Konami should create an event which you need to play with 30 cards on your deck and the LP is increased to 6K, just to test if that would make the game better (in this case you would randomly fight others players like the way the ladder works). Or increase the deck cards to 40, give a bigger field and 8K LP, so it's basically like the Card Game with things from the Anime, like the Skills we have on Duel Links. *POKO*
This game is fun but PvP is getting dull to me bc it's becoming more and more like the tcg, when it shouldnt. I liked this game better when each duelist's unique skill was meta. Via Harpies hg, last gamble, switcheroo, destiny draw, etc... Bc those skills represented the characters playstyle and characteristics in the anime. Now if you aren't playing restart or balance. You aren't winning. I just feel that having generic skills being the base of the game now takes away the fun this game had at release. Like what's the point of having new characters and skills if ppl aren't going to use them.
In my opinion duel links should have stayed where it first started. Like only having high vanilla monster and spell and traps cards that are not to op but help you survive or win a turn like the goat format
Skill "Meta Punishment": Can be used during your opponents turn immediately after they play a busted card (Kumushroom, Mask Change etc.) A "Raigeki" or "Harpies Feather Duster" is added to your hand from outside your deck depending on the situation, then you draw 2 cards. Also your Lp cannot drop below 100 for the rest of this turn. You can only activate "Meta Punishment" once per duel.
DPegged gotta keep up with this baggio, cause Guns is way ahead on the content and finger on the pulse of the average to good player instead of the elitist jack offs.
Honestly, I started Duel Links for the Nostalgia, watching the anime back as a kid. Cutting ourselves off at a certain box and playing everything before that but nothing after (not sure where we'd draw the line), but splitting things into formats would certainly be more fun... If we have a big enough playerbase to support that anyway. But yeah I think that'd be MUCH HEALTHIER than changing/nerfing hundreds of cards, I can't see that happening since DL is a good gateway into the physical game so can't see them changing loads of cards to be unique to DL.
I agree that an extensive ban list would help balance things out again. Even still, the rate of power creep is too fast. Some archetypes are getting introduced way too quickly. For example, why introduce Masked Heroes when the GX world is barely fleshed out. How about some Neo-Spacian support instead, or even other HERO support like Shining Flare Wingman, Gaia, Great Tornado, etc.
I stopped playing because of to much grind to get gems for buying packs, didnt had alot of new boxes cards, I couldnt win against new meta decks + I feel sorry for new players, it started to get annoying, I quit, Still watching gunzy. I dont want to spend 30 bucks for 30 cards only ONLY 30 cards...
Medinis Namelis ive spent 100 still dont have the cards I need because you still need luck and 3 copies of staple URs from big boxes, not to mention that komoney keeps introducing more meta changing boxes I stopped using money, trust me 30 wont get you alot. Lol
I agree with everything you said. This is coming from a guy who has been playing Duel Links since day 1, no exaggeration. I have a solution. Put a bunch of cards that make meta decks relevant on the list AND make a game mode that is like ranked duels except there is no forbidden/limited list so the people who want a fair meta can go to forbidden/limited ranked duels and the people who want to use the cards they spent their money on can go cause havoc on the non-forbidden/limited ranked duels.
Also they should slow down the booster boxes.....It's kinda annoying I believe for both F2P and "P2W" players, how the best (meta) deck get power creeped whit every Main box and whit not changing this banlist the old ones don't have a chance to shine again
Imo they should add a restriction to how many UR-SR cards you can have in a deck since those are the most broken. Lets say every deck has max "points" capacity of 12 UR cards count for 2 points and SR cards for 1 point (im just making an example here) That way people would have to use some lower tier cards in their deck strategy so that they dont exceed the point limit. 1:New strategies will evolve 2: lower tier cards will see some play (even as necessary fillers) 3: Insane strong decks will have some strategy "holes" (some breathing room for counterplay) 4: People can still play multiple copies of their favourite strong cards without them getting nerfed/limited/forbidden 5: A lot more that i couldnt possibly think while writing this comment :D I love this game and i dont want it to die!
The biggest problem with this state of duel links is *"pre made decks by konami"* for instance: if you want to play a water monster, you need to make a full water deck. If you want to play dakini, you need a full cyber angel deck. Etc.. Every top tier deck is an exact replica of everyone elses deck. There is no creativity/diversity in making decks these days.
That would be basically impossible to do any different, since they're pulling from the TCG/OCG, and those are designed entirely around archetypes. That's an inherent problem with Yugioh that Duel Links is stuck with.
Remembered when the first release of the game it was all nostalgic and all related to the anime. The meta was simple and enjoyable, you can get great cards from farming events before too. Now it's cash or quit the game.
So people CAN make videos for this topic without it just being a ten minute long ad for themselves. Interesting. Thanks for having well thought out opinions that benefit the community as a whole, and not just yourself, Guns. I think you're really under appreciated as a person lately, and hopefully Duel Links can grow so you can continue to grow with it.
I think the worst for me is the fact that you almost only need to buy the new box that came out to be at the top of the meta (With maybe a few SR and UR spells and trap cards from previous boxes). I think new boxes should also mostly bring new cards that are already part of a previous set. For exemple: If harpies have gone down in the meta and are no longer good, they need to bring in cards in the new boxes that bring the old decks back in the game. Otherwise, you got all these cards, gem knights, volcanics, harpies, etc. that are just left to rot more and more with each new box added, never to be seen in the meta again. This way they can keep making boxes that change the meta (Like they've been doing, for better or worse) and keep things interesting, while maintaining a nice cycle between all of the previous meta decks. Cause, let's be real, no one wants that each new box brings in new cards that have no synergy with anything else done in the past and just crushes everything that existed before. And I'd honestly feel like buying more boxes if I need these extra bonus cards from the new ones to make my harpies (or whatever) good again!
100% agree. I played in the Feb KC Cup to top 100 NA with Glad Beasts which is very strong but also very interactive and back and forth, especially the mirror match. I literally didn't even play in the April KC Cup because there's no point, it's mostly luck so it's just boring. It's not even a "game" at that point; it's basically just showing your cards and seeing whose are better. Like poker but with no betting. If anything I would rather Konami ban way too much stuff and have everything be super weak than the way it is now with stronger decks than should be possible in DL.
The last time i played this game was over 6 months ago when i climbed to KoG with hammer shark Mako.. lol The problem for me is EVEN if I wanted to get back into the game at this point, there’s basically no way to do so for me, due to konami’s constant introduction of new stuff, power creep, etc. There’s a lot of cards as well as as limited edition incentives that I have already missed out on and don't have the ability to bring for myself without grinding or spending money. At least this is just my opinion..
Why should you buy sylvans for 25$ when instead you can buy yourself real entertainment for that money. (This also fortifies the arrogant) p2winniness.
Youngman ghramcrafter im saying that $25 isnt a lot for a top deck and that you can get them with around 3k-5k gems which isnt a lot for a playable deck
Youngman ghramcrafter and what do you mean by real entertainment? What like 1 movie ticket and some popcorn lol. Or 2 months of netflixs? Or a couple of games of bowling? Kinda confused on what you mean by "Real"
Ima be honest: I started playing Duel Links only a few Months ago, but I had previous knowledge of YGO from your videos/streams and from playing the actual TCG (which is not the same ofc, but it helps improving your decision making f. e.). Now I gathered enough playtime and exprience to state my personal opinion on the game: Guns, I can agree with nearly every point you made and you resumed all problems pretty good. Altough I never had the chance to play fun decks like LGDT or BEWD (with BORSTO STREAM kek 😉) I totally understand, how those decks were fun to play and interactive when the meta was actually enjoyable with hardly any OTK decks. But as the time goes by, the more packs were released and thus, the meta started changing, which is a normal thing and no big deal at first. However the more cards, the higher the potential of establishing a broken deck becomes. So when I started, REZ and Hazy's were on the up and up and nearly unbeatable at that time. Then, Cyber Angels and Stall/Burn decks came - along with GB and Ninjas - and became Top Tier. For me, that was the beginning of the end. So you either had to go with the flow and build one of those decks in order to be successful on the ladder, or you had a fun deck which lets you actually "play" the game with your opponent, but be hardstuck in Platinum. Now the game changed into a few turn kill/fast victory and non-interactive garbage, that is even worse than before. On the ladder its either you win fast, or you lose fast. And with that speed, Konami is publishing new boxes (don't matter if main or mini box), you cannot be f2p AND successful on the ladder. It turned more and more into p2w, which obviously encouages Konami to release new boxes even quicker. I actually didn't came to all of your points, my text is way too long anyway, but as I said first you summarized the whole problems of DL precisely and I do not need to go on anymore :) P.S. (Might get some baggios tilted, but screw it): The analogy of the game actually goes along quite well with the one for our planet earth: If everything stays the same and nothing changes in the long run, it's just a matter of time, until the cookie crumbles and it is all over (thats A+ dramaturgy right there :P)
Mos Ayre It seems you did not fully understand what I was trying to express. I never claimed that you must be p2w and spend your money into the game to reach KoG, I just said that the meta is changing fast, due to Konami releasing new boxes too quick and that makes it very hard for f2p players to keep up. Ofc you can be successful with a f2p Hazy or Aliens deck and get to KoG eventually, but decks like that in a meta we have rn, work for maybe one season and in the next season, they get obliterated by quick-win decks such as Sylvans and Masked Heros. So to sum it up, I wanted to point out, that you need to invest some real bucks into the game sooner or later, to keep up with a fast changing meta and to be successful on the long run. Again, you don't have to, you can be f2p and enjoy the game just as fine, it unfortunately won't make you a competitive player in the long run (especially in KC cup!).
Mos Ayre Ah i see. What you pointed out in your first few sentences does seem reasonable to me, I did not think about it, when I wrote my comment. And I also agree with you on the commitment, f2p players have to make to establish 1 or maybe 2 meta-viable decks, it just isn't possible to build loads of good decks without spending money. The thing here is, that imo playing the same decks over and over again does not seem very enjoyable to me after a few times. I haven't played the game as long as you do, but I started around November last year and I was also f2p. It all worked out for me quite well and I had one good meta deck (Glad Beasts) which got me some wins on the pvp ladder, but soon it started to become boring and moreover the new boxes came out quick, which let me ditch my outdated deck (I also realized that the newer decks totally shafted mine and I barely made it to Legend that time) and build a decent deck that is still viable in the current meta in return. That was the time, I spend a few dollars into the game, in order to get the fun back, I originally had (I still enjoy the game btw). Maybe this seems a bit like an overreaction to you, but I genuinely felt burnt out playing the same deck for weeks and not even getting somewhere with it. But as you said, you have to put in a lot of effort to keep up as a f2p player and as you can see, I took the faster route, cause I haven't had the patience to grind weeks out for a new deck, that would not even be meta worthy when I finally collected all cards I need. Sorry for taking your time with the very long post, I just wanted to make myself clear :)
That line you drew was so on point, me and a bunch of my friends played this game from those early days and we all quit around the same time and that was just around the time the Cyber Angels deck came out. We all picked up on the fact that the way the game was going it wasn't as fun anymore. I used to watch your videos religiously man, kinda sad I don't anymore but happy to see your channel's still growing, I wish they hadn't done this to the game & I hope they can fix it (but I doubt it).
Love you Guns, but the real truth is that if Duel Links stayed as slow as it was in the first three months, a lot more people would have got bored and wouldn’t be playing every day like they do now. Yes, Duel Links releases boxes too fast and the power creep is very intense, but if Konami still had vanilla Dinos as meta or even if Relinquished or Gravekeepers were only just now realized into the meta, that would be waaay too long for a meaningful PVP change to occur. In my opinion the best thing for the game right now would be to release more good support/skills for fan favorite archetypes like Blue Eyes, E Hero’s, Cyber Dragons, etc. That way the role playing element of Duel Links would be more vibrant than ever, which if we’re honest was the initial reason Duel Links took off in the first place. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I shit my pants when I saw Dark Magician fucking surfing on his staff in his animation and that I actually defeated my opponent with him. I 100% agree about the current state of events, though. Boring, garbage, repeating, farm events with barely decent rewards is no way to keep the game interesting. Love you Guns ❤️
Brian Etie you are right, i just loved to summon my BEWD and destroying my oponent while playing as kaiba, it made me feel great tl win duels with one of my favorite Dragons in yugioh, now everytime i try to do it the sylvans kick my ass :'(
My easy fix would be to create different modes [Normal pvp and Challenger pvp] Normal pvp => current game Challenger pvp => all op cards/decks banned or restricted to.
Anime Impact the best way to get them to listen and change things is if we strike and just stop playing the game until they make the changes we want and need
As a consistent player of Duel Links since the beginning, I have lost interest in the game as of lately. Not as much due to PvP, but the format of the game in general. They add too many Event Duelist to the gates, which almost make the events grinding the cards and players pointless. I felt great earning my Winged Dragon of Ra when the card first came out, but now it almost feels pointless as everyone can basically get it again. I also have an issue with how repetitive everything is in the game and now that they took out the event icons that you could get from events by grinding millions of points. Lastly the PvP seems very off as I alway DC when I’m about to win the Duel on the same term even when the connection sign doesn’t show up. I’ve lost interest in PvP, because of that issue.
just to be objective. just because you earned RA 4 months ago or w.e (doing the same unskilled shit we did for it last week) means new people shouldnt be able to get it...?? pretty fucking lame point of view.... "i was here first i should get the best toys".........
The only problem i have with this game is when you unlock characters they give you weak ass cards that you will never use but gives you one of the main characters card. They need to fix that so we can have a test out for each new character unlock. Like say if zane is coming we should use he's first day when he first fought jaden.
I think there should be a yugioh game where instead of this 3 slot, 20 card idea, the rules are based on what my friends and I would call "anime style." We have what we call a reverse banlist where instead of a list of cards that you can only have a limited number in your deck, it's the number of cards you can have multiples of. So the default rule for the number of copies you can have of a card in your deck is 1. On the reverse banlist will be cards that cannot work without duplicates of itself (e.g. Jackpot 7, Hero Kid, Spell Power Grasp), all normal monsters, and on my list, I've also added the destroy & search cards like Giant Rat, Mystic Tomato, etc. (not including sangan & witch black forest), and any other criteria you feel is necessary to add to that. I recommend you try this "format" with your friends if you guys are looking to have fun simple duels like they do in the anime. So far as my yugioh group has experimented, it in effect forces your deck to be creative and use far more varied cards. The one thing my friends and I also added to our "format" is that say you're building a deck based on a certain theme, like a deck based on Guardian of Order or The Legendary Exodia Incarnate, then you can have multiple copies of that one card which is the theme of your deck. In any case, this way of playing Yu-Gi-Oh! has made it really fun for my friends and I who, while we do have competitive decks to compete up with meta players, we most enjoy playing this simple casual way that's very fun and easy to learn.
I wish they would add direct counters when introducing new archetypes. Masked Heroes are just nutty but they rely on a quick play spell to work. There needs to more than a handful of cards to nullify/counter quick play spells. Geargias and Silvans rely on flip/monster effects. There is not enough cards to hard counter those effects. Counter Fairies would work but they're too slow and need the field spell to work. Konami either needs to bring direct counters to these busted archetypes or limit them.
The last deck I really enjoyed playing was Hammer Shark. It could be very defensive or offensive, and knowing which one of these options to choose was the key to winning duels and gave me the satisfaction of knowing I played a duel and not a click simulator. The only other deck, to me, that came close to this was Destiny Heros before Mask Change, which was a very fun, and could be very powerful deck if played well.
Ive been rockin six sams and dinos, since my knowledge of yugioh is lacking. Any other deck i make gets wrecked by busted decks. For me the issue is this game is p2w. Like how can i compete with someone who potentially has +3 copies of every card in the game while i have 1 or 2 copies of a third of the total amount of cards in the game.
Schlump_ God the game is in no way pay to win. You can make aliens for dirt cheap. And they are good. You can also make sylvans for super cheap. Only card thats hard to get is shroom and even then to play the deck you only need 2 and then play merchant till you get the playset. And geargia is really good and only needs 1-2 of the super and the rest is farmable traps and rares
Schlump_ God so you have no money? Thats understandable. But saying you dont have time to farm gems or cards but yet want to have a competitive deck? What you want to just be given decks for doing nothing lol.
This is why konami should introduce a “goat format” of some sorts, where they only allow up to a certain box of cards, and limit/semi-limit certain tech cards like mirror wall to keep p2w from dominating
Great video @gunsblazing. One thing I want point out which you briefly discussed is RNG in card games. Can you imagine any other card game (Texas holdem poker For example ) being able to have a restart. Most decks you refer to that are broken in some shape or form use a skill in the game that effects the Rng. Remove skills like restart and balance and I guarantee the "broken" decks will dissapear.
There is absolutely no chance in banning cards that people payed to obtain. KONAMI only nerfs the f2p decks that are busted like CA red-eyes and bamboos. Guns, the points you make about decision-making are actually wrong. What decisions you need to make on a vanilla dino deck? Sylvans and Masked heros actually require a lot more skill, but since they are the OP decks atm, everyone (including me) spams them in the ladder and after a given point it becomes autopilot and boring. Personally i think the problem is elsewhere. Every good/competitive card/deck that comes out is obtainable ONLY by packs. Correct me if I'm wrong but the last good card we saw from events is the red-eyes spirit and insight last summer (!). That makes the game an endless and boring grind for gems and at the same time KONAMI gives less and less gems from events etc... Concluding, I believe that KONAMI should revisit some archetypes and make them stronger by giving cards through events so they can compete with the current meta. The meta isn't diverse because KONAMI releases 2-3 OP decks on every pack which powercreep the last 2-3 OP decks (SSA, Aliens) and so on and so on.
YTDan, Duel Links Meta, ShadyPenguin, Gunsblazing. First I'd like to say I am not advertising other peoples content but I think it'd great of you to see 'Anime Impacts' new video. I am aware many many youtubers including yourself are speaking on this subject. This is the time when the Duel Links community needs to stand strong and raise their voice in concern to create longevity for a game that has touched many peoples hearts throughout the years whether you are a casual/hardcore player or a lover of the anime and card game. If the following RUclipsrs/content creators all came together to contact Konami, I am hopeful the games survival will be guaranteed.
The main problem I notice in DL is that the meta remains on the effects that can be triggered from the graveyard (Sylvans ffs). I don't know why the hell they haven't included goddamn Necrovalley on the game or anyother card(s) to counter GY effects. An Ishizu's event with Necrovalley as a reward or new skill would be perfect.
I left the game like 10 months ago. The game was fun, I farmed but Konami wanted more and more money and I didnt not have any to spend on this game. It became p2w heavy and I lost imterest.
I appreciate you getting the point of your video across within the first 2 mins in an 11 min video. No seriously, that's a fantastic attitude (especially compared to certain other yuigitubers)
I said this once before on your videos: what if there were 2 separate ranked areas. A ranked area for original duel links, and a ranked area for GX. The ranked area for GX would have all cards available, but the ranked area for original duel links would only allow cards to be used up to a certain set, like the beasts mini box or something
The option to nerf everything with a balance team coming in after sounds great. But Konami probably won’t hit SRs/URs from boxes to avoid any sale loss. Though some decks like Sylvans and Geargia can be nerfed effectively since they rely on R/N rarity cards and Konami probabily doesn’t see those as a big sale factor.
And this is why Real YGO players knew Duel Links was wack. A bunch of nostalgia nerds praising this game for returning to old school Yugioh without realizing that old school Yugioh was even more prone to degenerate and dumb stuff than the modern game is now. Congrats Duel Links fans, you played yourselves
There were still a few critical things that need to be changed that weren’t touched on in the video, but regardless, thanks for making this video! Being that you’re the largest DL content creator on RUclips, I applaud you for using your platform to speak about this topic. If Konami is going to listen to anybody, it’ll be you, so I hope this brings the change we all seek.
You have a lot of good points, I have been playing in real life since day 1 and I really liked the Upper Deck days because it was quite slow for a really long time, years of fun. Now days everything just gets stronger and stronger and duels don't go on for long. I just started playing this game again, I am enjoying playing it.
Sappy Jesse ya and there is also a reason everyone that creates content for this game is putting out a "is it dying" video. Until you make your own card game my opinion and option is just as valid as any. Even Hearthstone has a 2 cap with any legendary card at 1.
i started one month after release -- been KOG since the very first KC cup, and i couldnt agree more in regards to the game losing what made it so awesome to begin with (outplaying people via decision making) -- I like your idea ofhaving a balance team established within konami, but i see the task at hand being almost impossible. Like you said with stall, nerf something and something else will take its place... This task becomes even harder to manage considering they are going to continue releasing boxes to generate revenue, which makes the balance cycle never ending.. long term i think the only options are to add a monster / spell zone and increased life points or change up minor mechanics in tandem with nerfing -not allowing skills on ladder play -having ranked matches legend and up be best of 3 -if best of 3 build in a side deck and players get 20 seconds to swap cards in to counter decks they run into 4x4 and 8k life points
I run a silent magician/swordsman deck and almost ever duel I come out with the satisfaction of "I made some crucial decisions and plays during that duel"
long term i think the constant nerfing is going to be impossible to manage with even more boxes coming up.. they need to explore changing game mechanics -- some ideas i had / saw below -adding one monster and backrow space + adding life points (8k seems like a sweet spot) -increasing deck minimum to 30 cards -not allowing skills on ladder play -having ranked matches legend and up be best of 3 ----if best of 3 build in a side deck and players get 20 seconds to swap cards in to counter decks they run into
Hey, this game has been huge for me too so here's a huge dump of my thoughts on the situation as a lifelong TCG fan. Thanks for making a video on this. I've been saying this for a while, but you expanded on it quite nicely. Duel Links' appeal is/was having less RNG due to faster games, smaller decks and board, a weaker card pool and duelist Skills. Yu-Gi-Oh has always been quite uninteractive compared to most CCGs (no mulligan, no casting resource); and some CCG players in my local shop have called it "glorified 2 player solitaire" for years due to this reason, local MtG players when playing on open Yu-Gi-Oh events would would view the game as less fun since bricks and uninteractive states were way more common. Having less RNG and skills enabling new archetypes made Duel Links more fun for the mainstream CCG players; weaker, less flexible cards made decisions more important and the game less snowbally. Typical Konami move with the huge paywall, but adding powercreep to the mix, making the feel more uninteractive like the actual Yu-Gi-Oh is a good way to both make a normal CCG player not enjoy it but make a hardcore Yu-Gi-Oh fan go away from the game in favor of actual Yu-Gi-Oh with a full board and it's possibilities, not to mention arguably cheaper cards that can be sold and traded for more value. Huge marketing mismatch, they are killing their product. Either they nerf the game in an attempt to bring back OG Duel Links or they'd have to adopt a full deck/board/LP format. If this wasn't Konami, an expensive solution would be divide the game in 2 formats. A full Yu-Gi-Oh 40 card format with a lenient banlist for players who invested money/time into getting the cards that would be a problem for the OG Links format, where players would have their 3 slot boards and highly nerfed 20 card decks. But they can't even balance one, so two formats and the fact that they'd probably need a investment for the game overhaul makes me think Konami will never do this and they'll end up ditching this like all other online Yu-Gi-Oh games.
I've been playing both the TCG and Duel Links and hearing a DL player talking about the issues of the game. i wouldn't say a 1 month balance but I'd like to see a list update whenever 2 new boxes come out
You will NEVER EVER! Get KoG without a credit card. Sadly thats just how duel links works now. I still play the game but i do not expect to ever hit Kog maybe Legend but NEVER kog. To many Boxes being released and its so god dam frustrating to have spent hard earned gems earned through gameplay and not through my wallet to purchase boxes which is current meta only to have the meta changed once again the following week. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I agree with you, Gunsblazing. I started playing Duel Links over a month ago out of nostalgia for the days when I played the TCG. I'm already becoming frustrated from getting my butt kicked by the same decks, over and over again. It's just like when I played the TCG. Unless you're playing of these 3 decks, you're not going to win or. at least, have any fun.
You made really good points. There is a counter argument to nerfing the top decks to hell. Since this game is digital there’s no real collector’s value in the cards, so if I spend 100+ to get 3 masked hero anki, after the nerf I low key wasted money. This can be solved by the ability to trade in URs received in box sets with other URs in box sets. A monthly balance is a MUST, but I feel like Konami needs to add a trade in system so people still feel inclined to spend money on the game. Thanks for opening the discussion!
Guns' reviews are the only RUclips game problem reviews I've watched that actually help. 99% of the time the RUclipsrs don't know what they're talking about.
I am really happy you brought this up. I personally stopped competing seriously on pvp because i was getting so pissed at this BS meta cards everyone would play and whoever drew the right cards first turn and on who went first based on the coin flip would win with a few decisions. I don't even try for KOG any more im happy in platinum/gold where I can duel with fun decks that aren't meta. I use cards that I loved since i was a kid. Also, I would not be opposed to them increasing the card slot to 4 and life points to like 6000 or something because some decks it is tough to duel with the 3 card slot like crystal beasts. I also loved the beginning of duel links. I got the game when it literally just came out and people were using jerry beans man and gravity axe, and not ridiculously strong cards. I also agree with them making sure the game is balanced and to REALLY CHECK what they are releasing before they release it. Like cyber angels, if they really took the time to think how busted they would be before they were released, the issue would have never occured and if they do not think about it too much, respond to it asap. Don't give players a damn month before they cant use it like when it first came out. I would not mind also if they do release busted cards, just make a limit on them from the get go. 1 champions vigillance is great but took them such a long time to limit it. I hate it when there is no interaction in a game because it's a waste of time where is the fun? actually THINKING to beat someone is the whole point of the game and if you take that out then it's not strategical game anymore. Even if we all like winning, what is fun in winning with no effort at all? i agree with you gunz about winning with no strategical thinking being pointless. I am way happier winning/losing in 15 turns where I know i tried my best in thinking of a strategy opposed to winning in 2 turns. and by 15 turn duels i don't mean having stall decks those are just as bad as otk decks since they don't require thinking either. I really hope konami fixes these issue or it will start to die off. I love this game and don't want it to end any time soon!
holy shit I totally agree with this. This is honestly what we need. The most skillful move in my entire kog climb was keeping a monster in my hand and setting providence to negate a sylvan then resummon the monster with rebirth. KoG needs to be a worthy title, and it should be achieved through skill, not luck.
Best option is expand the format of the game, like uping field space or life points or the minimum deck limit, or ban stuff while offering compensation for the bans. Best way to keep the game progressing while encouraging healthy play
Hey, Guns A couple of months ago I got to Legendary. Then, the end of the month they released Aliens and the new water support. I stopped playing because I was trying to build CA, Glad Beasts, and Phenoix decks. Why should I go and build them when I won't stand a chance in PVP? I just jumped in to play the Marik Event and get his Skills then I am out again they gotta rebalance the game.
I remember just a couple of months ago I used to play at least 2 hours a day, I checked the subreddit everyday, watch all your videos, etc... This week I only checked if we already have lvl. 41-45 to and then just close the app.
The recent metagame is the exact reason I like this channel so much. Instead of doing what everyone else is doing because it's OP, Guns goes out of his way to create decks that challenge the meta. I like doing this myself as well. I sincerely hate fur hires, so I tried to come up with decks that counter it, just to show other players that yes, these decks are good, but they are as creative as a blank sheet of paper, and still can be countered if you get creative yourself.
Dude, Fur for Hire, Destiny Heros, the fucking Amazon cards. I've come to despise these decks. Even if I win against them, I don't feel anything. And I hate dueling the GX characters. Who's idea was it to put them in there ?
I can really agree a lot with your idea. I personally love Geargias, but I don't exploit them to fill the board turn one and win free. I use them like how they were intended to be played upon release back in the day. Normal summon each of them one turn at a time. I feel like the update for the AI fighting when the opponent should be a choice. It says that you won by default and then it asks you if you want to keep dueling. As a Duel Links, and actual YuGiOh player, I like using outdated and old cards because I think old YuGiOh was a lot more fun. Slow paced Geargias, regular insects, toons, those are my style. Not spirals and that kinda crap. I think them introducing the spell books was a really dumb idea. On top of the exploit decks like you said. It's not fun to have to keep up by making a turn one burn deck or whatever because that isn't what makes YuGiOh fun to me. I love how it slowly grew, and everything had to come with time and extreme strategy. This is one of the reasons I'm jumping into Pokémon TCG and Lightseekers. You need to think, sure there are still some cheapskates out there who just want a win, but cheap decks are weak in those games because the game fundamentally makes you take things slow and think really hard about each decision. Duel Links mostly needs this to be fun, but I'd enjoy if really YuGiOh took that hit too. I've honestly been really out of it with card games because the annoying "I wanna win" decks because people don't use the cards they like anymore. They just want to win. And that's fine, but they bring it to a game where everything was intended to be casual, and they dot hide it either. They dominate the casual game on purpose and grow hungry for more. There needs to be deportation between "I wanna win" and "I like these cards" kind of players.
Saw this a week ago and generally agreed with nerfing and using the limit/ban list. But came up with an idea while I was playing golf, instead of ranked duels we have at the moment. We all had a handicap and played others within that handicap and depending on what your handicap is between would give you your rank. Then at the end of the season each person within that rank enters into a tournament. Giving everyone regardless of your skill an opportunity.
there is an evident lack of foretought in some of the cards implementation, they dont even bother re-adjusting some of the card text to adjust for the limited zone gameplay, they just took them "AS IS" from the 5 zone game and threw them in there without thinking about how they could affect a 3 zone game.
Totally agree with you mate. I started watching YuGiOh! all over again just so I could rekindle my love for Duel Links. The thrill of the draw and as you put it, being able to make decisions have been taken away from the game with powerful Metas. It has made the game mundane. At least for Tournaments, they should limit (not ban) cards like komushroom and amazoness onslaught. Definitely need to go back to "surrender only in your turn"... Can't go taking away the joy of delivering a blow like that. WTF?
Konami just needs to slow down with the boxes and create more fun and interactive events. It’s really difficult to keep up with the meta since it’s changing too fast.
Groovy Director bruh they don’t care if they’re getting the cash
Groovy Director It's too late. They need to add 8000 LPs or add a lot to a ban list to keep it fresh.
It's not difficult, it's impossible (without selling your kidney)
MellowVGC they really need true dracos and abc's
As a business they need to keep the flow of revenue coming in. I think the rate the boxes are coming out, would be ok, if they did it in hand with what you are asking. Creating special events, that require different decks, that maybe wouldn't otherwise be considered comp, or a OTK deck, and make ppl have to play differently, creature unique decks, or just give the community something to research together. Something as simple as, this month, let's see what top plant deck is, ect.
There's one major design flaw with duel links that for some reason, I've never seen anyone bring up:
It draws from a pool of cards designed for 8000lp, 5 zones, 40 card decks.
1 - The beaters only have to do half the work, so OTKs are easier by design, even if duel links is much slower than the tcg
2 - Cards/decks are much more consistent in a 20 card deck format. Mushroom, for example is much better when he mills 1/4 of your deck, as opposed to the 1/8 he was designed to mill. Another example was the bamboo engine, became twice as consistent and eventualy had to be banned.
3 - Cards like ojama king weren't made to completely lock you out from summoning monsters
Another thing is that they have to power creep to sell products. No one will buy the new decks if they are weaker than the current ones. Especially without some sort of rotation system. They either power creep or take a much more agressive posture with the banlist
The format that we have now is perfect for DM cards since most of them lack of effects, special sums, otk mechanist, etc, but for GX and post (since they added card for every gen) is totally too short.
The real TGC isn't design for have this format so when they implement cards from a more competitive game (Yugioh post DM) the game start to broke.
Also they put as little on the banlist as possible because if you're only allowed one of that card then you'll stop buying after you get the first one. That's why extremely powerful cards like Wall of Destruction haven't been Limited at all so then you have to buy through the box 3 times. It's also possible for them to intentionally lower the odds of you getting the best card from that box so that way you have to buy your way deeper into the box to get it
youcantdothat 64 because it very well might be the most powerful solo card in dual links. It may not be as used higher tiers because you have better builds like sea stealth attack but in the lower tiers it is unbelievably obnoxious. And considering the rules of duel links it might as well be mirror Force
it doesn't have to be weaker or stronger. keep it equal. if they release lots of OTK decks. fine. but also release anti otk cards before hand. want to release 1800 beatsticks? fine add them for multiple archetypes so everyone has a fairer playing field. after everyone is level and each type has a few options then go up to 1850/1900's etc
WoD was broken because it made what was once the optimal strategy no longer that one, and because of that, opening with all your monsters was more punished. Before it's release the best strat to face a monster with back row was to summon a second one before attacking. You'd be able to bait out the protection or take the monster. After wall of disruption that play would leave you with two weak monsters and the opponent could likely game you the next turn.
Cards like mirror force were a lot more balanced in the game proper because you could always attack and summon something mp2, which isn't a thing in Duel links.
The big problem began with Cyber Angels. That archetype was way too powerful for this game and the power creep/archetypes just kept expanding and overflowing from there. They released strong cards way too earlier.
Mokey Mokey agreed but yet they nerfed angels which were pretty F2P and never nerf OP decks that main cards are from boxes cuz they dont wanna piss off the people who payed $$$ so basically fuck F2P player base as well as lowering gem rate drops from. Farming
Mokey Mokey I agree,eventually duel links will become like the tgc sadly...
It was definitely sylvans in my opinion
But maybe you dont know Cyber Angels was F2P
Mokey Mokey I agree that cyber angels were the beginning of this trend
I stopped playing cause as a f2p i cant keep up with the meta. Nevertheless i am saving stones for the next big box so that i can keep up with the meta
Tarjeta Roja Oficial same my dude
That's why I play Aliens and invited a ton of hems into Silvans. Most of the top tier decks will break the bank
I’m f2p with 3 witch raiders and almost at a third anki
Same. Stopped playing after the harsh powercreep from the last boxes. All my good decks are trash now.
Naruto Uzumaki yep, i have 5k stones and i could try to get anki or the geargias but last time i spend my stones on a box, a new box came out and GB where not meta anymore
man i lost 90% of the time agains Sylvanas and 99% agains masked heros, what class of bullshit is that, i cant do a thing
Accelerator typical grey
I not a pay to bullshit player #FucKonami
Just stay away from KoG, I haven’t faced single sylvan not masks.
YoBryce Kim Sylvans are everywhere starting in gold. Unless you're stuck in bronze or silver, I don't know what you're talking about.
Richie P. Can confirm. Sylvans has become staple nowadays.
congrats, you people just realized this? this has been a problem with paper yugioh for several years, digital yugioh is just the same
phonic fox, thats why i never played Paper Yu Gi Oh cards. I played vanilla Duel links but now its turning into Paper Yugioh 😔😔😔
I stayed away from the real life Yu-Gi-Oh for that very same reason. The reason I loved the game was because the game had build up to it. Now it's all spam special summons and chain effects.
@@masterDarts4188 exactly no skill anymore.
I agree with everything guns , I just wanna see jerry beans man again :'(
Master Z you can play him in a plant deck
Ah, the original God card of Duel Links.
lol yeah I remember him and banner of courage was what you needed to climb , along with sphere kuriboh and mirror wall of course. That was the best Meta imo
I miss the old pumprincess troll decks ;-;
I miss that little shit
To save the game they need add Little D has a playable card. Come on Konami
wat007 I think adding a summon animation to axe rider would solve all the problems
Naw, we have lord of D so we are good XD
Couldn't have said it any better guns. I agree.
Bakura Ryou Nah, the summoning conditions for the Lord are too high. Little D's slightly less impressive abilities are still viable since it doesn't have those steep conditions.
They should only add shitty cards that can be built into all decks. Just overall rounding out what's possible for all decks. If that makes sense
I played this game for over a year. Stopped After I got the two god cards. This game is way too much grind (was F2P). I just wanted to dual and enjoy being a kid again, not dish $1000 and grind hours daily. It was too much to handle, don't know how I survived even for the year. But hey, I still enjoy your videos :)
I'm Your Liam you just watched someone who bought for probably over 1k. J
meet every youtuber who plays this game to make their channel successful
I'm Your Liam dude...tons of people have dished over hundreds of dollars per box just to get every card. 1k seems like a lot, but it’s really not relative to how many boxes there are
Well you can "be a kid again" without paying thousands of dollars so mission accomplished, why the hell are you complaining again?
If you want to be a kid again, you can probably download a game emulator and a rom for an old yugioh game. Its more fun than duel links a lot of the time.
remember when you could survive 5 turns for last gambaj ?
since gx this game is an otk fest
at the same time us syvlan users have no option after all, other decks can't win.
so true man, so many awesome decks, turned unplayable because of garbage and ego losers trying to hit Kog no matter what...
NapS GX ruined everything for duel links, the show and the full game
omg last gambaj desert twister was my first full good deck :D. i gave up on this game when the naturias came out. its the only thing anyone at plat or above played and i knew this route was exactly where the game was gonna go
The problem is that there's mushrooms and leaves destroying everybody.
Retriax there is more problems then that lol but that is definitly 1
Konami next box put nobleman of crossout.
Just get a fucking monster that is unaffected by monster effects, its yugioh, learn what people play and see what counters it
Remember that its competitive, not EVERYONE gets to king of games, thats why you edit your deck on whats being played
I agree with that man apparently everyone is going vegan
The meta is & will always be the wallet, that's why it's not fun anymore.
A Fresh Hot Bun sadly yes
A Fresh Hot Bun The credit card will always be the true Exodia in any freemium app game.
Andre Stewart facts
Was KOG and never bought a single card, Had to reset because my phone broke and already back to gold. If you guys suck just admit it.
However maybe there should be a GX section to allow the newer packs and the basic should stop at before GX started. Otherwise people will get pissed. I enjoy OHKO, but that is cause I am a good player.
Why so Serious The meta changes. Back then sure it was way easier to get KoG, now you have to have all these good cards or you'll get destroyed...
I feel like Konami should create an event which you need to play with 30 cards on your deck and the LP is increased to 6K, just to test if that would make the game better (in this case you would randomly fight others players like the way the ladder works).
Or increase the deck cards to 40, give a bigger field and 8K LP, so it's basically like the Card Game with things from the Anime, like the Skills we have on Duel Links.
This game is fun but PvP is getting dull to me bc it's becoming more and more like the tcg, when it shouldnt. I liked this game better when each duelist's unique skill was meta. Via Harpies hg, last gamble, switcheroo, destiny draw, etc... Bc those skills represented the characters playstyle and characteristics in the anime. Now if you aren't playing restart or balance. You aren't winning. I just feel that having generic skills being the base of the game now takes away the fun this game had at release. Like what's the point of having new characters and skills if ppl aren't going to use them.
In my opinion duel links should have stayed where it first started. Like only having high vanilla monster and spell and traps cards that are not to op but help you survive or win a turn like the goat format
Thx for not putting 4 ads in ur video and not repeating the same thing over and over during your video
it doesn’t help when every game I play on PVP it says I have no signal when I clearly have great signal.
Duel Links what phone u got
Skill "Meta Punishment":
Can be used during your opponents turn immediately after they play a busted card (Kumushroom, Mask Change etc.) A "Raigeki" or "Harpies Feather Duster" is added to your hand from outside your deck depending on the situation, then you draw 2 cards. Also your Lp cannot drop below 100 for the rest of this turn. You can only activate "Meta Punishment" once per duel.
Esto es una gran idea.
Everybody making this video today lol
Master Z everyone as in Gunz n DKayed lol not YT Dan! Yet..."yet"
Southern Huntin with Era3896 Anime impact as well , but his channel isn't as big as DLM and gunz
Master Z it’s definitely a conversation worth having
Jordon Roy Definitely agree , I'm glad he did the video. He made better points than DLM & Anime impact
DPegged gotta keep up with this baggio, cause Guns is way ahead on the content and finger on the pulse of the average to good player instead of the elitist jack offs.
Honestly, I started Duel Links for the Nostalgia, watching the anime back as a kid. Cutting ourselves off at a certain box and playing everything before that but nothing after (not sure where we'd draw the line), but splitting things into formats would certainly be more fun... If we have a big enough playerbase to support that anyway.
But yeah I think that'd be MUCH HEALTHIER than changing/nerfing hundreds of cards, I can't see that happening since DL is a good gateway into the physical game so can't see them changing loads of cards to be unique to DL.
I agree that an extensive ban list would help balance things out again. Even still, the rate of power creep is too fast. Some archetypes are getting introduced way too quickly. For example, why introduce Masked Heroes when the GX world is barely fleshed out. How about some Neo-Spacian support instead, or even other HERO support like Shining Flare Wingman, Gaia, Great Tornado, etc.
I stopped playing because of to much grind to get gems for buying packs, didnt had alot of new boxes cards, I couldnt win against new meta decks + I feel sorry for new players, it started to get annoying, I quit, Still watching gunzy. I dont want to spend 30 bucks for 30 cards only ONLY 30 cards...
Medinis Namelis ive spent 100 still dont have the cards I need because you still need luck and 3 copies of staple URs from big boxes, not to mention that komoney keeps introducing more meta changing boxes I stopped using money, trust me 30 wont get you alot. Lol
30 cards which will be powercrept in a month
I agree with everything you said. This is coming from a guy who has been playing Duel Links since day 1, no exaggeration. I have a solution. Put a bunch of cards that make meta decks relevant on the list AND make a game mode that is like ranked duels except there is no forbidden/limited list so the people who want a fair meta can go to forbidden/limited ranked duels and the people who want to use the cards they spent their money on can go cause havoc on the non-forbidden/limited ranked duels.
Pixel Dael thats actually a good idea.
I was one of the first players in duel links when it came out. It was more fun back then. Now, it's full of bullshit. The balance is completely gone.
Also they should slow down the booster boxes.....It's kinda annoying I believe for both F2P and "P2W" players, how the best (meta) deck get power creeped whit every Main box and whit not changing this banlist the old ones don't have a chance to shine again
Imo they should add a restriction to how many UR-SR cards you can have in a deck since those are the most broken.
Lets say every deck has max "points" capacity of 12
UR cards count for 2 points and SR cards for 1 point (im just making an example here)
That way people would have to use some lower tier cards in their deck strategy so that they dont exceed the point limit.
1:New strategies will evolve
2: lower tier cards will see some play (even as necessary fillers)
3: Insane strong decks will have some strategy "holes" (some breathing room for counterplay)
4: People can still play multiple copies of their favourite strong cards without them getting nerfed/limited/forbidden
5: A lot more that i couldnt possibly think while writing this comment :D
I love this game and i dont want it to die!
I really like this solution
The biggest problem with this state of duel links is *"pre made decks by konami"* for instance: if you want to play a water monster, you need to make a full water deck. If you want to play dakini, you need a full cyber angel deck. Etc..
Every top tier deck is an exact replica of everyone elses deck. There is no creativity/diversity in making decks these days.
because Konami knows most people are too stupid to make their own decks :p
That would be basically impossible to do any different, since they're pulling from the TCG/OCG, and those are designed entirely around archetypes. That's an inherent problem with Yugioh that Duel Links is stuck with.
except that tcg/ocg are releasing cards for duel links in the new sets
Which cards are the ones made for Duel Links?
there aren't many let me check....
Remembered when the first release of the game it was all nostalgic and all related to the anime. The meta was simple and enjoyable, you can get great cards from farming events before too. Now it's cash or quit the game.
Make Duel links great again!
IMO they should do some crazy 'bans' like hey this season any card from these boxes can't be used at all. Or hurry up with those special duels.
And adding abc's and true dracos
matluxor1 Oh god no. Those archetypes don't need to be in Duel Links; they would absolutely destroy the current meta as it is.
Yea the more *braindead* the game gets the more stale the game gets
Wow every big duel links youtuber doing a video like this. Something big is going on #illuminati
Mert1313 lol
"I've already won. You're just choosing the method of your defeat."
-Aster Phoenix
Slyvana's sucks! Too op
My fiend deck can't beat up with slyvana's
So people CAN make videos for this topic without it just being a ten minute long ad for themselves. Interesting.
Thanks for having well thought out opinions that benefit the community as a whole, and not just yourself, Guns.
I think you're really under appreciated as a person lately, and hopefully Duel Links can grow so you can continue to grow with it.
TheFPSCameron dkayed ?
I think the worst for me is the fact that you almost only need to buy the new box that came out to be at the top of the meta (With maybe a few SR and UR spells and trap cards from previous boxes). I think new boxes should also mostly bring new cards that are already part of a previous set. For exemple: If harpies have gone down in the meta and are no longer good, they need to bring in cards in the new boxes that bring the old decks back in the game. Otherwise, you got all these cards, gem knights, volcanics, harpies, etc. that are just left to rot more and more with each new box added, never to be seen in the meta again. This way they can keep making boxes that change the meta (Like they've been doing, for better or worse) and keep things interesting, while maintaining a nice cycle between all of the previous meta decks.
Cause, let's be real, no one wants that each new box brings in new cards that have no synergy with anything else done in the past and just crushes everything that existed before.
And I'd honestly feel like buying more boxes if I need these extra bonus cards from the new ones to make my harpies (or whatever) good again!
Exactly! Last 3 new boxes just gave the middle finger to an entire year of grinding making veterans' cardlist useless
are you saying make old free cards purchaseable
100% agree. I played in the Feb KC Cup to top 100 NA with Glad Beasts which is very strong but also very interactive and back and forth, especially the mirror match. I literally didn't even play in the April KC Cup because there's no point, it's mostly luck so it's just boring. It's not even a "game" at that point; it's basically just showing your cards and seeing whose are better. Like poker but with no betting. If anything I would rather Konami ban way too much stuff and have everything be super weak than the way it is now with stronger decks than should be possible in DL.
Esse vídeo eu curti.
Eles conseguiu revisar os cenários que o jogo já teve, criticar o atual e ainda sugerir formas de recuperar o game
Esse e do dekayed tao massa. Espero q a komãe se sensibilize com isso tudo, pq os jogadores realmente querem e tem esperança que o duel links dê certo
Renan Sparrow vc por aqui kkkkk
Ochente, o renan por aqui?
Renan Sparrow
Representação BR :v
Come back to this video after two years. Now we have Favourite Hero and Mask Hero that allow them to attack you 1000 times in one turn.
The last time i played this game was over 6 months ago when i climbed to KoG with hammer shark Mako.. lol
The problem for me is EVEN if I wanted to get back into the game at this point, there’s basically no way to do so for me, due to konami’s constant introduction of new stuff, power creep, etc. There’s a lot of cards as well as as limited edition incentives that I have already missed out on and don't have the ability to bring for myself without grinding or spending money.
At least this is just my opinion..
Charley Chuan Liu you can make sylvans for like $25 lol.
As long as you get 1-2-3 shrooms. And then throw in merchants to fill in the gap
Why should you buy sylvans for 25$ when instead you can buy yourself real entertainment for that money. (This also fortifies the arrogant) p2winniness.
Youngman ghramcrafter im saying that $25 isnt a lot for a top deck and that you can get them with around 3k-5k gems which isnt a lot for a playable deck
Youngman ghramcrafter and what do you mean by real entertainment? What like 1 movie ticket and some popcorn lol. Or 2 months of netflixs? Or a couple of games of bowling? Kinda confused on what you mean by "Real"
honestly nowadays i just log in when there's an event im interested in
Ima be honest: I started playing Duel Links only a few Months ago, but I had previous knowledge of YGO from your videos/streams and from playing the actual TCG (which is not the same ofc, but it helps improving your decision making f. e.). Now I gathered enough playtime and exprience to state my personal opinion on the game: Guns, I can agree with nearly every point you made and you resumed all problems pretty good. Altough I never had the chance to play fun decks like LGDT or BEWD (with BORSTO STREAM kek 😉) I totally understand, how those decks were fun to play and interactive when the meta was actually enjoyable with hardly any OTK decks. But as the time goes by, the more packs were released and thus, the meta started changing, which is a normal thing and no big deal at first. However the more cards, the higher the potential of establishing a broken deck becomes. So when I started, REZ and Hazy's were on the up and up and nearly unbeatable at that time. Then, Cyber Angels and Stall/Burn decks came - along with GB and Ninjas - and became Top Tier. For me, that was the beginning of the end. So you either had to go with the flow and build one of those decks in order to be successful on the ladder, or you had a fun deck which lets you actually "play" the game with your opponent, but be hardstuck in Platinum. Now the game changed into a few turn kill/fast victory and non-interactive garbage, that is even worse than before. On the ladder its either you win fast, or you lose fast. And with that speed, Konami is publishing new boxes (don't matter if main or mini box), you cannot be f2p AND successful on the ladder. It turned more and more into p2w, which obviously encouages Konami to release new boxes even quicker. I actually didn't came to all of your points, my text is way too long anyway, but as I said first you summarized the whole problems of DL precisely and I do not need to go on anymore :)
P.S. (Might get some baggios tilted, but screw it): The analogy of the game actually goes along quite well with the one for our planet earth: If everything stays the same and nothing changes in the long run, it's just a matter of time, until the cookie crumbles and it is all over (thats A+ dramaturgy right there :P)
Mos Ayre It seems you did not fully understand what I was trying to express. I never claimed that you must be p2w and spend your money into the game to reach KoG, I just said that the meta is changing fast, due to Konami releasing new boxes too quick and that makes it very hard for f2p players to keep up. Ofc you can be successful with a f2p Hazy or Aliens deck and get to KoG eventually, but decks like that in a meta we have rn, work for maybe one season and in the next season, they get obliterated by quick-win decks such as Sylvans and Masked Heros. So to sum it up, I wanted to point out, that you need to invest some real bucks into the game sooner or later, to keep up with a fast changing meta and to be successful on the long run. Again, you don't have to, you can be f2p and enjoy the game just as fine, it unfortunately won't make you a competitive player in the long run (especially in KC cup!).
Mos Ayre Ah i see. What you pointed out in your first few sentences does seem reasonable to me, I did not think about it, when I wrote my comment. And I also agree with you on the commitment, f2p players have to make to establish 1 or maybe 2 meta-viable decks, it just isn't possible to build loads of good decks without spending money. The thing here is, that imo playing the same decks over and over again does not seem very enjoyable to me after a few times. I haven't played the game as long as you do, but I started around November last year and I was also f2p. It all worked out for me quite well and I had one good meta deck (Glad Beasts) which got me some wins on the pvp ladder, but soon it started to become boring and moreover the new boxes came out quick, which let me ditch my outdated deck (I also realized that the newer decks totally shafted mine and I barely made it to Legend that time) and build a decent deck that is still viable in the current meta in return. That was the time, I spend a few dollars into the game, in order to get the fun back, I originally had (I still enjoy the game btw). Maybe this seems a bit like an overreaction to you, but I genuinely felt burnt out playing the same deck for weeks and not even getting somewhere with it. But as you said, you have to put in a lot of effort to keep up as a f2p player and as you can see, I took the faster route, cause I haven't had the patience to grind weeks out for a new deck, that would not even be meta worthy when I finally collected all cards I need.
Sorry for taking your time with the very long post, I just wanted to make myself clear :)
That line you drew was so on point, me and a bunch of my friends played this game from those early days and we all quit around the same time and that was just around the time the Cyber Angels deck came out. We all picked up on the fact that the way the game was going it wasn't as fun anymore. I used to watch your videos religiously man, kinda sad I don't anymore but happy to see your channel's still growing, I wish they hadn't done this to the game & I hope they can fix it (but I doubt it).
Love you Guns, but the real truth is that if Duel Links stayed as slow as it was in the first three months, a lot more people would have got bored and wouldn’t be playing every day like they do now. Yes, Duel Links releases boxes too fast and the power creep is very intense, but if Konami still had vanilla Dinos as meta or even if Relinquished or Gravekeepers were only just now realized into the meta, that would be waaay too long for a meaningful PVP change to occur. In my opinion the best thing for the game right now would be to release more good support/skills for fan favorite archetypes like Blue Eyes, E Hero’s, Cyber Dragons, etc. That way the role playing element of Duel Links would be more vibrant than ever, which if we’re honest was the initial reason Duel Links took off in the first place. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I shit my pants when I saw Dark Magician fucking surfing on his staff in his animation and that I actually defeated my opponent with him. I 100% agree about the current state of events, though. Boring, garbage, repeating, farm events with barely decent rewards is no way to keep the game interesting. Love you Guns ❤️
Brian Etie you are right, i just loved to summon my BEWD and destroying my oponent while playing as kaiba, it made me feel great tl win duels with one of my favorite Dragons in yugioh, now everytime i try to do it the sylvans kick my ass :'(
My easy fix would be to create different modes [Normal pvp and Challenger pvp]
Normal pvp => current game
Challenger pvp => all op cards/decks banned or restricted to.
I made the petition because I want this to be fixed!
signed it already ! i hope everyone in the community knows about it especially Dkayed's and Gunz' viewers
Anime Impact the best way to get them to listen and change things is if we strike and just stop playing the game until they make the changes we want and need
let me get a link
Here's the petition he's talking about, in case someone is like me who couldn't find it right away
alexander avila no no no. Komoney is only running and messing with the game because it's bringing in money. Petition is the only way
When you finished saying "Ideally this is how I imagine duel links being better" I got a deadpool grilled cheese ad
As a consistent player of Duel Links since the beginning, I have lost interest in the game as of lately. Not as much due to PvP, but the format of the game in general. They add too many Event Duelist to the gates, which almost make the events grinding the cards and players pointless. I felt great earning my Winged Dragon of Ra when the card first came out, but now it almost feels pointless as everyone can basically get it again.
I also have an issue with how repetitive everything is in the game and now that they took out the event icons that you could get from events by grinding millions of points.
Lastly the PvP seems very off as I alway DC when I’m about to win the Duel on the same term even when the connection sign doesn’t show up. I’ve lost interest in PvP, because of that issue.
just to be objective. just because you earned RA 4 months ago or w.e (doing the same unskilled shit we did for it last week) means new people shouldnt be able to get it...?? pretty fucking lame point of view.... "i was here first i should get the best toys".........
The only problem i have with this game is when you unlock characters they give you weak ass cards that you will never use but gives you one of the main characters card. They need to fix that so we can have a test out for each new character unlock. Like say if zane is coming we should use he's first day when he first fought jaden.
2:59 can anyone else hear the sonic boom or did I play a jedi mind trick on myself?
Konami: "Y'all hear summ?"
Right, Konami isn't trying to listen.
I think there should be a yugioh game where instead of this 3 slot, 20 card idea, the rules are based on what my friends and I would call "anime style." We have what we call a reverse banlist where instead of a list of cards that you can only have a limited number in your deck, it's the number of cards you can have multiples of. So the default rule for the number of copies you can have of a card in your deck is 1. On the reverse banlist will be cards that cannot work without duplicates of itself (e.g. Jackpot 7, Hero Kid, Spell Power Grasp), all normal monsters, and on my list, I've also added the destroy & search cards like Giant Rat, Mystic Tomato, etc. (not including sangan & witch black forest), and any other criteria you feel is necessary to add to that. I recommend you try this "format" with your friends if you guys are looking to have fun simple duels like they do in the anime. So far as my yugioh group has experimented, it in effect forces your deck to be creative and use far more varied cards. The one thing my friends and I also added to our "format" is that say you're building a deck based on a certain theme, like a deck based on Guardian of Order or The Legendary Exodia Incarnate, then you can have multiple copies of that one card which is the theme of your deck. In any case, this way of playing Yu-Gi-Oh! has made it really fun for my friends and I who, while we do have competitive decks to compete up with meta players, we most enjoy playing this simple casual way that's very fun and easy to learn.
I wish they would add direct counters when introducing new archetypes. Masked Heroes are just nutty but they rely on a quick play spell to work. There needs to more than a handful of cards to nullify/counter quick play spells. Geargias and Silvans rely on flip/monster effects. There is not enough cards to hard counter those effects. Counter Fairies would work but they're too slow and need the field spell to work. Konami either needs to bring direct counters to these busted archetypes or limit them.
Counter fairies are also weak, they don't have a boss monster
The last deck I really enjoyed playing was Hammer Shark. It could be very defensive or offensive, and knowing which one of these options to choose was the key to winning duels and gave me the satisfaction of knowing I played a duel and not a click simulator. The only other deck, to me, that came close to this was Destiny Heros before Mask Change, which was a very fun, and could be very powerful deck if played well.
Ive been rockin six sams and dinos, since my knowledge of yugioh is lacking. Any other deck i make gets wrecked by busted decks.
For me the issue is this game is p2w. Like how can i compete with someone who potentially has +3 copies of every card in the game while i have 1 or 2 copies of a third of the total amount of cards in the game.
Schlump_ God the game is in no way pay to win. You can make aliens for dirt cheap. And they are good. You can also make sylvans for super cheap. Only card thats hard to get is shroom and even then to play the deck you only need 2 and then play merchant till you get the playset. And geargia is really good and only needs 1-2 of the super and the rest is farmable traps and rares
Louis Perez you're under the assumption that i have money to spend in duel links or time
Schlump_ God so you have no money? Thats understandable. But saying you dont have time to farm gems or cards but yet want to have a competitive deck? What you want to just be given decks for doing nothing lol.
It's not "giving good decks for doing nothing." The point is it's TOO MUCH time or TOO MUCH money for a decent deck.
I think a main phase 2 would help alot. It would give a more versatility and thought process.
This is why konami should introduce a “goat format” of some sorts, where they only allow up to a certain box of cards, and limit/semi-limit certain tech cards like mirror wall to keep p2w from dominating
This could backfire bad. Could enforce meta by making only meta allowed via newest boxes
Great video @gunsblazing. One thing I want point out which you briefly discussed is RNG in card games. Can you imagine any other card game (Texas holdem poker For example ) being able to have a restart. Most decks you refer to that are broken in some shape or form use a skill in the game that effects the Rng. Remove skills like restart and balance and I guarantee the "broken" decks will dissapear.
There is absolutely no chance in banning cards that people payed to obtain. KONAMI only nerfs the f2p decks that are busted like CA red-eyes and bamboos.
Guns, the points you make about decision-making are actually wrong. What decisions you need to make on a vanilla dino deck? Sylvans and Masked heros actually require a lot more skill, but since they are the OP decks atm, everyone (including me) spams them in the ladder and after a given point it becomes autopilot and boring.
Personally i think the problem is elsewhere. Every good/competitive card/deck that comes out is obtainable ONLY by packs. Correct me if I'm wrong but the last good card we saw from events is the red-eyes spirit and insight last summer (!). That makes the game an endless and boring grind for gems and at the same time KONAMI gives less and less gems from events etc...
Concluding, I believe that KONAMI should revisit some archetypes and make them stronger by giving cards through events so they can compete with the current meta. The meta isn't diverse because KONAMI releases 2-3 OP decks on every pack which powercreep the last 2-3 OP decks (SSA, Aliens) and so on and so on.
Im tired of everyone having 3 of the same damn card.
YTDan, Duel Links Meta, ShadyPenguin, Gunsblazing.
First I'd like to say I am not advertising other peoples content but I think it'd great of you to see 'Anime Impacts' new video. I am aware many many youtubers including yourself are speaking on this subject.
This is the time when the Duel Links community needs to stand strong and raise their voice in concern to create longevity for a game that has touched many peoples hearts throughout the years whether you are a casual/hardcore player or a lover of the anime and card game. If the following RUclipsrs/content creators all came together to contact Konami, I am hopeful the games survival will be guaranteed.
The main problem I notice in DL is that the meta remains on the effects that can be triggered from the graveyard (Sylvans ffs). I don't know why the hell they haven't included goddamn Necrovalley on the game or anyother card(s) to counter GY effects. An Ishizu's event with Necrovalley as a reward or new skill would be perfect.
I left the game like 10 months ago. The game was fun, I farmed but Konami wanted more and more money and I didnt not have any to spend on this game. It became p2w heavy and I lost imterest.
I appreciate you getting the point of your video across within the first 2 mins in an 11 min video. No seriously, that's a fantastic attitude (especially compared to certain other yuigitubers)
Bump it up to 6000 LP, it'll be fine
Marc Crooked Arm and 1 more zone
And either limit or ban Cyberstein like in the TCG to counter the life point increase.
Nope. They need to nerf boss cards and op combo extenders. Changing the speed duel format isnt the answer
Marc Crooked Arm I support this.
Marc Crooked Arm 8000 will be good, I can do 6k in one turn with the right cards
I said this once before on your videos: what if there were 2 separate ranked areas. A ranked area for original duel links, and a ranked area for GX. The ranked area for GX would have all cards available, but the ranked area for original duel links would only allow cards to be used up to a certain set, like the beasts mini box or something
Dkayed already made :(
Guns made the first one a few months ago tho
Just Monika they have completely diferent point of wiew
Dkayed is boring. Just my opinion
Dkayed made an ad for his discord, gunz did actual content
wanded lol, don't forget ad for his tournaments.
Honestly who cares who made the first video? I'm just happy that they both agree that the current state of DL is garbage.
The option to nerf everything with a balance team coming in after sounds great. But Konami probably won’t hit SRs/URs from boxes to avoid any sale loss. Though some decks like Sylvans and Geargia can be nerfed effectively since they rely on R/N rarity cards and Konami probabily doesn’t see those as a big sale factor.
And this is why Real YGO players knew Duel Links was wack. A bunch of nostalgia nerds praising this game for returning to old school Yugioh without realizing that old school Yugioh was even more prone to degenerate and dumb stuff than the modern game is now. Congrats Duel Links fans, you played yourselves
There were still a few critical things that need to be changed that weren’t touched on in the video, but regardless, thanks for making this video! Being that you’re the largest DL content creator on RUclips, I applaud you for using your platform to speak about this topic. If Konami is going to listen to anybody, it’ll be you, so I hope this brings the change we all seek.
I miss handless
Me pretty much
You have a lot of good points, I have been playing in real life since day 1 and I really liked the Upper Deck days because it was quite slow for a really long time, years of fun. Now days everything just gets stronger and stronger and duels don't go on for long.
I just started playing this game again, I am enjoying playing it.
Easiest possible fix: max one of any card.
Robert Hipsley and then you ruin hundreds of decks... Like all the red eyes, any real fusion deck, hell you magically ruined frogs
Youngman ghramcrafter it wont ruin any deck if all decks are effected. Plus way more like the show. No one was pulling 3 econs and 3 wall of D's ect
Thats the dumbest idea ever and wouldnt fix anything, theres a reason no tcg ever had that restriction
Sappy Jesse ya and there is also a reason everyone that creates content for this game is putting out a "is it dying" video. Until you make your own card game my opinion and option is just as valid as any. Even Hearthstone has a 2 cap with any legendary card at 1.
Robert Hipsley No your opinion is stupid and idiotic and you should feel bad for having it
i started one month after release -- been KOG since the very first KC cup, and i couldnt agree more in regards to the game losing what made it so awesome to begin with (outplaying people via decision making) -- I like your idea ofhaving a balance team established within konami, but i see the task at hand being almost impossible. Like you said with stall, nerf something and something else will take its place... This task becomes even harder to manage considering they are going to continue releasing boxes to generate revenue, which makes the balance cycle never ending.. long term i think the only options are to add a monster / spell zone and increased life points or change up minor mechanics in tandem with nerfing
-not allowing skills on ladder play
-having ranked matches legend and up be best of 3
-if best of 3 build in a side deck and players get 20 seconds to swap cards in to counter decks they run into
4x4 and 8k life points
I run a silent magician/swordsman deck and almost ever duel I come out with the satisfaction of "I made some crucial decisions and plays during that duel"
long term i think the constant nerfing is going to be impossible to manage with even more boxes coming up.. they need to explore changing game mechanics -- some ideas i had / saw below
-adding one monster and backrow space + adding life points (8k seems like a sweet spot)
-increasing deck minimum to 30 cards
-not allowing skills on ladder play
-having ranked matches legend and up be best of 3
----if best of 3 build in a side deck and players get 20 seconds to swap cards in to counter decks they run into
Hey, this game has been huge for me too so here's a huge dump of my thoughts on the situation as a lifelong TCG fan. Thanks for making a video on this.
I've been saying this for a while, but you expanded on it quite nicely. Duel Links' appeal is/was having less RNG due to faster games, smaller decks and board, a weaker card pool and duelist Skills.
Yu-Gi-Oh has always been quite uninteractive compared to most CCGs (no mulligan, no casting resource); and some CCG players in my local shop have called it "glorified 2 player solitaire" for years due to this reason, local MtG players when playing on open Yu-Gi-Oh events would would view the game as less fun since bricks and uninteractive states were way more common. Having less RNG and skills enabling new archetypes made Duel Links more fun for the mainstream CCG players; weaker, less flexible cards made decisions more important and the game less snowbally.
Typical Konami move with the huge paywall, but adding powercreep to the mix, making the feel more uninteractive like the actual Yu-Gi-Oh is a good way to both make a normal CCG player not enjoy it but make a hardcore Yu-Gi-Oh fan go away from the game in favor of actual Yu-Gi-Oh with a full board and it's possibilities, not to mention arguably cheaper cards that can be sold and traded for more value.
Huge marketing mismatch, they are killing their product. Either they nerf the game in an attempt to bring back OG Duel Links or they'd have to adopt a full deck/board/LP format. If this wasn't Konami, an expensive solution would be divide the game in 2 formats. A full Yu-Gi-Oh 40 card format with a lenient banlist for players who invested money/time into getting the cards that would be a problem for the OG Links format, where players would have their 3 slot boards and highly nerfed 20 card decks. But they can't even balance one, so two formats and the fact that they'd probably need a investment for the game overhaul makes me think Konami will never do this and they'll end up ditching this like all other online Yu-Gi-Oh games.
I've been playing both the TCG and Duel Links and hearing a DL player talking about the issues of the game. i wouldn't say a 1 month balance but I'd like to see a list update whenever 2 new boxes come out
You will NEVER EVER! Get KoG without a credit card. Sadly thats just how duel links works now. I still play the game but i do not expect to ever hit Kog maybe Legend but NEVER kog. To many Boxes being released and its so god dam frustrating to have spent hard earned gems earned through gameplay and not through my wallet to purchase boxes which is current meta only to have the meta changed once again the following week. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I agree with you, Gunsblazing. I started playing Duel Links over a month ago out of nostalgia for the days when I played the TCG. I'm already becoming frustrated from getting my butt kicked by the same decks, over and over again. It's just like when I played the TCG. Unless you're playing of these 3 decks, you're not going to win or. at least, have any fun.
i agree, we need to have more mixed deck where skill is relied on more than having a 2 turn duel
You made really good points. There is a counter argument to nerfing the top decks to hell. Since this game is digital there’s no real collector’s value in the cards, so if I spend 100+ to get 3 masked hero anki, after the nerf I low key wasted money. This can be solved by the ability to trade in URs received in box sets with other URs in box sets. A monthly balance is a MUST, but I feel like Konami needs to add a trade in system so people still feel inclined to spend money on the game.
Thanks for opening the discussion!
Guns' reviews are the only RUclips game problem reviews I've watched that actually help. 99% of the time the RUclipsrs don't know what they're talking about.
"Let's nerf the cards that make us money!"
Said nobody at Konami.
I just started playing duel links and I feel like my opening hand determines if I'm gonna win or not 90% of the time and that's quite annoying
I am really happy you brought this up. I personally stopped competing seriously on pvp because i was getting so pissed at this BS meta cards everyone would play and whoever drew the right cards first turn and on who went first based on the coin flip would win with a few decisions. I don't even try for KOG any more im happy in platinum/gold where I can duel with fun decks that aren't meta. I use cards that I loved since i was a kid. Also, I would not be opposed to them increasing the card slot to 4 and life points to like 6000 or something because some decks it is tough to duel with the 3 card slot like crystal beasts. I also loved the beginning of duel links. I got the game when it literally just came out and people were using jerry beans man and gravity axe, and not ridiculously strong cards. I also agree with them making sure the game is balanced and to REALLY CHECK what they are releasing before they release it. Like cyber angels, if they really took the time to think how busted they would be before they were released, the issue would have never occured and if they do not think about it too much, respond to it asap. Don't give players a damn month before they cant use it like when it first came out. I would not mind also if they do release busted cards, just make a limit on them from the get go. 1 champions vigillance is great but took them such a long time to limit it. I hate it when there is no interaction in a game because it's a waste of time where is the fun? actually THINKING to beat someone is the whole point of the game and if you take that out then it's not strategical game anymore. Even if we all like winning, what is fun in winning with no effort at all? i agree with you gunz about winning with no strategical thinking being pointless. I am way happier winning/losing in 15 turns where I know i tried my best in thinking of a strategy opposed to winning in 2 turns. and by 15 turn duels i don't mean having stall decks those are just as bad as otk decks since they don't require thinking either. I really hope konami fixes these issue or it will start to die off. I love this game and don't want it to end any time soon!
holy shit I totally agree with this. This is honestly what we need. The most skillful move in my entire kog climb was keeping a monster in my hand and setting providence to negate a sylvan then resummon the monster with rebirth. KoG needs to be a worthy title, and it should be achieved through skill, not luck.
Absolutely agree with you I was thinking the same thing yesterday after I went from platinum rank 5 to rank one due too no brain power decks
Best option is expand the format of the game, like uping field space or life points or the minimum deck limit, or ban stuff while offering compensation for the bans. Best way to keep the game progressing while encouraging healthy play
Hey, Guns A couple of months ago I got to Legendary. Then, the end of the month they released Aliens and the new water support. I stopped playing because I was trying to build CA, Glad Beasts, and Phenoix decks. Why should I go and build them when I won't stand a chance in PVP?
I just jumped in to play the Marik Event and get his Skills then I am out again they gotta rebalance the game.
Yea the meta changes way too fast
A cash grab rip off game
I remember just a couple of months ago I used to play at least 2 hours a day, I checked the subreddit everyday, watch all your videos, etc... This week I only checked if we already have lvl. 41-45 to and then just close the app.
Even a year later the power creep is still a struggle. With six Sam and snipe hunter blue eyes for instance.
And now we have lightsworns dark magicians and shirunai's i just deleted the game for the 5th time
The recent metagame is the exact reason I like this channel so much. Instead of doing what everyone else is doing because it's OP, Guns goes out of his way to create decks that challenge the meta. I like doing this myself as well. I sincerely hate fur hires, so I tried to come up with decks that counter it, just to show other players that yes, these decks are good, but they are as creative as a blank sheet of paper, and still can be countered if you get creative yourself.
Dude, Fur for Hire, Destiny Heros, the fucking Amazon cards. I've come to despise these decks. Even if I win against them, I don't feel anything. And I hate dueling the GX characters. Who's idea was it to put them in there ?
Who else misses the last gamble desert twister builds or the luck on your side builds with time wizard? That was the best meta imo
Big pool with restricted/limited cards that change every 2 weeks would be awesome, making people change their decks or have different strategies :x
I can really agree a lot with your idea. I personally love Geargias, but I don't exploit them to fill the board turn one and win free. I use them like how they were intended to be played upon release back in the day. Normal summon each of them one turn at a time. I feel like the update for the AI fighting when the opponent should be a choice. It says that you won by default and then it asks you if you want to keep dueling. As a Duel Links, and actual YuGiOh player, I like using outdated and old cards because I think old YuGiOh was a lot more fun. Slow paced Geargias, regular insects, toons, those are my style. Not spirals and that kinda crap.
I think them introducing the spell books was a really dumb idea. On top of the exploit decks like you said. It's not fun to have to keep up by making a turn one burn deck or whatever because that isn't what makes YuGiOh fun to me. I love how it slowly grew, and everything had to come with time and extreme strategy. This is one of the reasons I'm jumping into Pokémon TCG and Lightseekers. You need to think, sure there are still some cheapskates out there who just want a win, but cheap decks are weak in those games because the game fundamentally makes you take things slow and think really hard about each decision. Duel Links mostly needs this to be fun, but I'd enjoy if really YuGiOh took that hit too. I've honestly been really out of it with card games because the annoying "I wanna win" decks because people don't use the cards they like anymore. They just want to win. And that's fine, but they bring it to a game where everything was intended to be casual, and they dot hide it either. They dominate the casual game on purpose and grow hungry for more. There needs to be deportation between "I wanna win" and "I like these cards" kind of players.
Well said guns, I fell in love with Duel Links during the Jerry Beans meta because it wasn't some stupid OTK race.
Saw this a week ago and generally agreed with nerfing and using the limit/ban list. But came up with an idea while I was playing golf, instead of ranked duels we have at the moment. We all had a handicap and played others within that handicap and depending on what your handicap is between would give you your rank.
Then at the end of the season each person within that rank enters into a tournament. Giving everyone regardless of your skill an opportunity.
there is an evident lack of foretought in some of the cards implementation, they dont even bother re-adjusting some of the card text to adjust for the limited zone gameplay, they just took them "AS IS" from the 5 zone game and threw them in there without thinking about how they could affect a 3 zone game.
If they plan to add links,synchro,xyx and penduluns in the future, the boar will have to be updated to the 5 monster/spell/trap zones
Totally agree with you mate. I started watching YuGiOh! all over again just so I could rekindle my love for Duel Links. The thrill of the draw and as you put it, being able to make decisions have been taken away from the game with powerful Metas. It has made the game mundane. At least for Tournaments, they should limit (not ban) cards like komushroom and amazoness onslaught. Definitely need to go back to "surrender only in your turn"... Can't go taking away the joy of delivering a blow like that. WTF?
*Just sits here with my Slash Dragon Turbo/Warrior Beatdown deck while everyone else is just trying to break everything*