if she doesn't want to hold her, at least gives her something, such as a pillow, to support her.. Poor baby was adopted by such a family. Look at KaKa and BiBi, so much love and cares they have been given!
Moça, compre uma boneca pra vc brincar. Ele é um ser vivo, um recém nascido, dê leitinho pra ele na mamadeira, pois ele precisa se alimentar, não tem mobilidade porque vc não alimenta ele direito, ai ele vive caindo. Devolva ele pra mãe biológica
Ela o enche de calmante. Só assim pra poder ficar vestindo essa roupa ridícula no pobrezinho.Els não vai devolver pra mãe mas quando ele estiver maior e não for mais " cute", ela o abandonará a sua triste sorte na mata onde , certamente, morrerá de fome ou por ataque de outro macaco ou animal .
Você não percebe que esse baby está com fome? Ele está tremendo não consegue sentar de fraco, desnutrido, precisa se alimentar, pelo amor de Deus dar alimentos.🍉🥝🍓leite na mamadeira
Con mostrale el plato con la comida el mono queda llenito mas comi tu que el monito por eso que no tiene fuerza para caminar como los demas lo manteni muerto de hambre lo alimentas con besos y caricias esa es la comida que le das como se nota que eres enferma de la mente
I’m telling you they have this baby monkey doped up. I saw it the other day in a video it was like he came alive and I believe the medicine wore off. I could see it so clear.
I hate these fake people. The little monkey is afraid of her because he screams in terror every time she picks him up. What does she do with him when she's not filming?
He is fine. She needs to stop grabbing him all the time..let him fall and he will learn fast how to balance . Not going to hurt him. They fall out of trees in the wild..
People who keep telling her that the baby only needs milk at this age are absolutely right. All the sensible people know that monkeys are mammals, not porridge eaters. Madam, come on, be sensible. Do you find porridge cheaper than milk? That's why you don't give it milk? You had better not have a monkey, then.
Он же еще грудничек, сидеть не может, какая каша,молочко надо, жаль его, могут быть проблемы с животиком, пожалуйста дайте ему молока. Очень красивый малыш у вас, берегите его , у него только вы есть и больше ни кого нет.
I will never understand why these poor babies have to wait so long for food. Why can't the people mix it ready to give them when they're hungry. And why do they have to sit a special way before being fed. They are monkeys...not children
This woman is starving that monkey That monkey hasnt been feed look at his reaction to seeing food. This is a violent video they are slowly killing this monkey while people are commenting oh so cute comments this woman is starving the monkey to death
Это тварь ,вы посмотрите на эту ненавистную рожу ,целует на камеру оно же видно что макашенок маленький его молочком бы мама кормила а эта тварь денег жалеет на смсб ,намесила какого то дерьма
Hestaseñora siempre deja amedio comer al monito lamamaderatoma yzecansa de tragar dejan i nole da mas elmonose cansa le duele la kijada es como los bebe humano deapoco leda debuelta ytiene que tomar lo 50gramo zeñora como esa leche.como le da preparada con AGUA fria no puede estar mucho en la mamadera por que ze corta . Nosotros lesdamos con agua caliente yle entibiasmo noleda maz
Good baby monkey ain't nothing but a baby it should be drinking some milk the monkey is hungry and you bout to feed it so rice hopefully after you get through eating right hopefully you give it some milk
Судя по видео этот макаш уже не жилец, он даже и сидеть то не может, какой-то слабенький. Ей всё равно что ему пихать. Посмотрите повнимательней она его под спинку держит. Может я и не права. 🤷
I agree with everyone else. Don't spend so long mashing up the food. Just give the poor monkey his bottle. Monkeys don 't eat porridge in nature. Obviously he doesn't like it. Spend more time taking care of him so he doesn't have to keep falling over!
Talvez ja estivesse morto no habtat, na maioria das vezes as maes sao covardes. Existem pessoas que resgatam, curam as feridas e alimentam, nao sei se e este caso. Me parece que o governo protege.
This is similar to watching a car accident. The mother is either ignorant about the proper care and treatment of baby monkeys or only wants viewers. They are so cute and darling but the treatment is unnatural.
They majority nearly starve the monkeys. Very few give the formula they desperately need- tiny baby monkeys they try to feed solids or porridge with no taste
I totally agree with you but I have to see him I love him so much. And I guess I’m hoping the woman will start treating him better or somebody will remove him from her care.
@@patriciasaul9102 He is long ago DEAD! All videos of this monkey were made a year ago-- nothing since because he's no longer alive-- their constant abuse quickly killed him.
That monkey might have been dead if he was with his monkey mama. He so small he couldn’t take the kind of beating she would put on it. His monkey mama sure could’ve starved him to death. She should put a sock on the hands so he can stop sucking that finger. The suck it unto it turn black and rots off.
I agree this idea of play dress up I have living baby dolls is nauseating it's against nature they don't want this nor to be spoon get nor be in the house do these people not have human chikdren to take care of it's abuse to these creatures they think oh so pretty it's disgusting not cute
She doesn't care. She only cares about the money she makes from these videos. U see how bad she treats him on camera she does worse when the cameras are off. This baby gets hurt very badly for not performing how she wants
@@ЙукенгшщЫуаппрр С чего вы взяли что он больной,обезвожженый.Что вы всякую хрень выдумываете Своего месячного ребенка посадите - будет сидеть? Все они делают правильно, от голода никто еще не сдох.
Now this is not riight He's NOTready, for solids, yet. He'll eat it, cause he's hungry. He can get "tummy aches", lots of of gas,, & cramps. He'll cry alot,cause his stomach.hurts, too.
He does not have the strength to sit. And he never liked to be spoon fed. What is she doing with him. She should be not allowed to care for him. She seriously does not know what she is doing.
Esta chupando dedo,corre com sua mamadeira,,ele esta morrendo de fome! Bebê tem que comer na hora certa,igual a um bebezinho humano! Seu Bebê e tao lindo!tao gracioso!mas infelizmente e um sofredor,coitadinho passa fome!Nao existe coisa plor que a fome!!! Pobre garotinho!
Бедный ребёнок, почему-то все время падает. Что она его мучает. Родила бы себе ребёночка, а она этого уже замучила, это что игрушка что ли !? Смотреть невозможно.
Ее человек дай малышу бутылку молока почему ты издеваешся над малышом Аллах все видит не мучай их раз забрали у матери будь добра корми молоком он еще мал .
Remember this baby is just a baby... Treat her as such.if you can't let someone who can . you didn't spoon feed your human baby this young did you?? I'm just saying... Check yourself
Can't you see he's such a tiny baby he can't sit upright? You are breaking his bones and preventing him from having a proper development! You'd better give him his bottle of milk regularly anh hold him in his arms to do so!!! You are so reluctant to hold him in your arms while feefing him!! He is still so skinny and small! Proof that he is not being fed properly!!
Ya ese monkey no es tan pequeño No se sostiene porque no lo alimenta Solo le da Comida en los videos Está más que claro que ello cuando no toman suficiente leche se tardan en su desarrollo 😢
Poor little devil he can’t even sit up yet. What the hell is she trying to do. I didn’t know monkeys had porridge trees . He looks like he will eat his hand at this rate. He too young to eat from a spoon he should be suckling
Good lord , I've never owned a baby monkey , but I can see it's too young for food. Like all little babies it needs milk, and obviously to young to sit up by itself. Damn
It's not going to hurt it all it's doing is making him full and that's what you want not for the monkey to be hungry but whatever she does someone will bitch about it
@@shirleyhutchins1210 never once have I said i know anything about monkeys I'm just saying it doesnt matter what they do it's never good enough and no I'm not talking crap I'm talking truth all people like you are always putting down how they take care of these monkeys calling them stupid never once have I ever said anything negative about anyone. All I've done is say something won't hurt it..
Per favore regalatemi una scimmietta piccola in regalo per adottarla vi pago la spedizione se me la regalate una piccolina scimmietta per favore rispondete per amore di Dio rispondetemi
Una scimmietta piccola come questa del video voglio per favore rispondete per amore di Dio rispondetemi voglio una scimmietta piccola piccola in regalo per adottarla vi pago la spedizione se me la regalate non essere cattiva rispondete per amore di Dio non essere dura di cuore rispondami perche non mi risponde per favore sono sola sola e mi farebbe compagnia una scimmietta piccolina come questa del video prima che li chiudete in gabbia regalatemela una piccolina femmina la voglio per favore regalatemi
@@margheritalauretta502 I feel your pain, but honestly, I am of the opinion that your desperation indicates that you are unfit to have one. You clearly have issues which need to be addressed, but not in a public space such as YT. Might I suggest counselling, as a first step? Take care and good luck.
@@stephenhardy312 buon giorno se tieni traduttore scrivimi in italiano perche non capisco la tua lingua ok per favore io voglio una scimmietta piccola piccola in regalo per adottarla vi pago la spedizione se me la regalate ma deve essere molto piccolina la scimmietta non la voglio grande la voglio femmina se e possibile appena nata ok rispondetemi
Yes the older monkeys more like toddlers but this is a baby baby and all they do is drink from their mother this is like an infant not quite grown and you have to remember that baby monkey has a diaper on it so thick that his little tail is sticking out and he's not old enough to sit by himself just yet and with his tail in the way I can bet that hurts.. who who knows his diaper might be filled with crap and she hasn't changed him yet the diaper just looks like it's bloated and too big maybe if she's going to be outside with him don't dress them and don't put a diaper on them this way his little bottom can heal from being stuck in a sweated diaper just an idea and as far as her not able to read our language sorry guys the lady that said it already she did answer someone in English and she wrote in English so she understands English quite well don't let her fool you. I would think she would want to make friends rather than enemies I mean come on there's the one video that I watch the little boy monkey his name is t i n k i and his caretaker the lady that is raising him she responds to everybody even if it's negative and positive she still responds she explains why she does what she does and she also thinks the people and to me she has respect for the people no different than we have respect for her
Does that little boy monkey have teeth yet when she feeds him I have not seen any teeth so how is he able to chew anything he will just choke on the food and spit it up at his age he should be drinking straight milk
And just to let you know this monkey is really adorable and precious I really hope that you change your way of thinking and start treating it with love and affection I've seen the way you look at the camera you look very disgusted and having to take care of this monkey all for money you are sacrificing a monkey to get paid well if you're going to sacrifice this little monkey for getting money on RUclips you should also show some love and affection to this baby monkey because he's your meal ticket remember or did you forget..
Oh that's right monkeys are a dime a dozen but there are certain monkeys that have beautiful little characters and this one I can tell has a beautiful face and has a beautiful personality that will blossom in time and you can teach this little monkey all kinds of things but just remember think put yourself in this little monkeys situation if you were a monkey and you were treated the way these people treat this little monkey or the way you treat this little monkey would you like to be treated that way I bet your answer would be no
Он не от голода сидеть не может, А просто новорожденный. Совсем крошка. Как ребëнок человека. И кашка пойдëт ему на пользу. Она посытней чем молочко. Но его тоже нужно давай. Без него дитя не сможет🥰
@@madhatter6936 What trouble? They "save " runt babies that are doomed to die by nature, and then release them back; this is another reason why they are so many and crippled or mauled in the jungle...No, these people have no rights on wild animals! When they are discarded with no monkey skills, the big ones fight them or even kill. They don't have to "save" them...they are not endangered and nature makes the best selection among them; only the strongest survive.
This is a infant needs formula not food can't sit or walk yet needs a bottle please give him formula in a bottle so sad you don't know what a infant monkey needs
Вот эти жолтые умственно недалёкие людишки показывают нам* спектакли* рассчитанные на умы как уних. А мы эту глупость смотрим наверно развитие такое же как и у этих( режиссеров) какая думаете???
@@ЛеоноваТатя висит, не значит,, что сосёт постоянно, Макака не корова пришло немного молока и жди его ещё. если ещё есть оно у матери Желудок то у малыша какой может быть, если они с одеждой Полкило не весят
Another tiny baby from the poachers to be exploited and dumped when it grows. Quickly replaced by another poached tiny monkey baby. The babies suffer through their entire short life misuse, abuse and mistreatment. All these stupid cloth ans the false friendliness and caring in front of the camera only make me sick!
At this age, they don't sit up well. They are usually hanging on to their mothers. This baby should be with its mother. But I am sure she was murdered so they could take this baby. Mothers' don't give up their babies usually without a fight. Look at the face of this baby, it is sad, scared and it wants its mother!!!
Пишу опять. Чего ты его садишь? Зачем каша, где бутылка? Могла бы положить его себе на ноги и мешать свою кашу. Нет любви к маленькому, бедненький нервный. Жаль малыша. Зачем ему каша, что деньги экономишь? Жестокие хозяева ((( . Зачем отобрали у мамы?
Ровно два часа что мессила в тарелке, после длительного массива начала кормить и видно что макашонку это не нравится, не легче ли ей просто дать бутылку с молоком? Дурдом! Оставьте в покое животных! Пусть они живут в среде своего обитания и не лезте в жизнь природы! Все беды и зло только от самих людей!
Merkt die Lady nicht, dass der Winzling noch zu schwach zum Sitzen ist???? Sie sollte ihn im Arm halten und ihm Milch geben, möglichst aus einer kleinen Flasche mit einem kleinen Sauger.
if she doesn't want to hold her, at least gives her something, such as a pillow, to support her.. Poor baby was adopted by such a family. Look at KaKa and BiBi, so much love and cares they have been given!
Que pena de animal por favor denunciar a esta maltratadora
This lady only wants this baby for the money !!!! 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
This lady is a Jerk !!! 👺👹👿🤮
Moça, compre uma boneca pra vc brincar. Ele é um ser vivo, um recém nascido, dê leitinho pra ele na mamadeira, pois ele precisa se alimentar, não tem mobilidade porque vc não alimenta ele direito, ai ele vive caindo. Devolva ele pra mãe biológica
Ela o enche de calmante. Só assim pra poder ficar vestindo essa roupa ridícula no pobrezinho.Els não vai devolver pra mãe mas quando ele estiver maior e não for mais
" cute", ela o abandonará a sua triste sorte na mata onde , certamente, morrerá de fome ou por ataque de outro macaco ou animal .
Vamos ver se a mãe que né
Ele cai pq não consegue segurar o peso da cabeça que é muito grande.
Já estou enjoada de ver este vídeo sempre a mesma vê se muda Já está muito repetitivo.
Його мама вже не прийме! Вони погубили його!
Feeding the monkey like a human baby, it's a monkey not human. Forcing it to eat something to eat something it doesn't want or like.
О жалости забыли совсем, новорождённого сразу с ложки кормят. Садизм какой-то!!!!
Садизм в том что условия для неё не естественные. Памперс, одежда.
Он не сидеть не на ноги не встает. Он голодный. Она изверг.
ДЦП у него. Он никогда не встанет
@@совершенство4563что за ерунду вы написали
Неужели жалко этой смеси из коробки? Он хочет бутылочку молочка. Он голоден, слаб, бьётся в истерике все время.
He never gets a moments peace, never!! And it’s her fault that he don’t. She’s inconsiderate as hell with him.
Отучайте сосать лапы это отвратительно
Oh mein Gott, wie schrecklich. Wie kann man nur so grausam sein!!!!😢
Give him milk!He is starving! You cruel evil person!
Yes this is CRUELTY
His life is at stake and you should be in jail. Animals have rights too!!
Look at his diaper how do you expect him to move???
Ребенок давится дай молока. Он такой кроха.
Você não percebe que esse baby está com fome? Ele está tremendo não consegue sentar de fraco, desnutrido, precisa se alimentar, pelo amor de Deus dar alimentos.🍉🥝🍓leite na mamadeira
Son personas de campo muy primitivos !
Con mostrale el plato con la comida el mono queda llenito mas comi tu que el monito por eso que no tiene fuerza para caminar como los demas lo manteni muerto de hambre lo alimentas con besos y caricias esa es la comida que le das como se nota que eres enferma de la mente
@@magdalisowska5009 Thick and greedy , it’s common sense what to do , they shouldn’t have these monkeys in the first place , all for money .
I think the monkey has better sense than she does. She’s so cruel to him. She couldn’t possibly be that mean or that stupid.
I’m telling you they have this baby monkey doped up. I saw it the other day in a video it was like he came alive and I believe the medicine wore off. I could see it so clear.
I hate these fake people.
The little monkey is afraid of her because he screams in terror every time she picks him up. What does she do with him when she's not filming?
Bb us more human then you'll ever be
A whole lot
Que crees? ....pienso igual
Most likely throws him in a bare cage for 23 hours without food or liquid or even a blanket and no diaper change.
Бедный макаш,силы нет вообще,кормить надо а не целовать на камеру!!!
Это веточки,а не руки!!
Он голодает ,он совсем истощен
False kisses , barely touch his face all for show .
He is fine. She needs to stop grabbing him all the time..let him fall and he will learn fast how to balance . Not going to hurt him. They fall out of trees in the wild..
Needs to learn to balance. He is not weak or starving.
Tam małpka potrzebuje mleka , takie maleństwo musi ssać .
Przestań bez przerwy ustawiać to zwierze.
Powinni ci zabrać ta małpkę
Está desnutrido heim,não consegue nem ficar sentado,isso é fraqueza,tem que dar leite, mamadeira
Porque a leche nadie engorda. No es lo que todos les han pedido aquí le den? Decidanse
Это называется "ешь, только я тебе не дам! "😂 весь ролик продолбила что то в миске, а макаш валялся в стороне.
En mi vida vi una persona tan inútil dando de comer , total para no darle nada 😡😭😡😡
Lo que necesita es un biberón 😢😡
People who keep telling her that the baby only needs milk at this age are absolutely right. All the sensible people know that monkeys are mammals, not porridge eaters. Madam, come on, be sensible. Do you find porridge cheaper than milk? That's why you don't give it milk? You had better not have a monkey, then.
They needed a new title for a video. Shameful! Poor little monkey is doomed with this crazy lady!!
Why doesn 't she give the baby monkey the bottle ,instead of trying to feed him with the tea spoon ,it is so small it can 't even sit on its own .
Only milk??? I just saw a baby monkey drinking urine
Monkey Dody is starved and weak
He is dead now . He got strangled to death poor thing .
She is NOT a baby human, and it boggles my mind you don’t seem to understand this yet.
Esvuna bebé Donny no puede sostenerse solita.
Он же еще грудничек, сидеть не может, какая каша,молочко надо, жаль его, могут быть проблемы с животиком, пожалуйста дайте ему молока. Очень красивый малыш у вас, берегите его , у него только вы есть и больше ни кого нет.
На них деньги зарабатывают. Сдохнет, возьмёт следующего. У них приматы 5$ за мешок
Кого она там будет беречь? Уже и похороны ему сняла,запутался веревкой и задохнулся,а муж снимал,!
Q cosa tan fea y tan ridícula😏😏😏😏😏
Она не жрёт не понятно
@@tatyanashimanovskaya2668 Какие твари, всё бумерангом возвращается ,в старости чтобы эта ... С ГОЛОДУ СДОХЛА
Poor Dody, I Love him so much
I will never understand why these poor babies have to wait so long for food. Why can't the people mix it ready to give them when they're hungry. And why do they have to sit a special way before being fed. They are monkeys...not children
They have to pose them with the camera
Look how sad this baby looks
*tree rats not children
This woman is starving that monkey
That monkey hasnt been feed look at his reaction to seeing food.
This is a violent video they are slowly killing this monkey while people are commenting oh so cute comments this woman is starving the monkey to death
This is soooo wrong!
YES! So few people seem to notice this OBVIOUS FACT!
Одни садисты берут макашат и издеваются над ними , единицы воспитывают как надо
Ловлю себя, что я наблюдаю не столько за детенышем, сколько над этой , так сказать, женщиной...
Это тварь ,вы посмотрите на эту ненавистную рожу ,целует на камеру оно же видно что макашенок маленький его молочком бы мама кормила а эта тварь денег жалеет на смсб ,намесила какого то дерьма
Me gustaría saber y k usted ne diga k esta asiendo mal esta mujer.??
Поцеловала, как ужалила, с таким отвращением!!! 😂
OMG just skip on the theatricks and simply give him the milk in the bottle
Better yet, she should take off her shirt and just breast feed the baby herself like a normal mammal momma would.
Hestaseñora siempre deja amedio comer al monito lamamaderatoma yzecansa de tragar dejan i nole da mas elmonose cansa le duele la kijada es como los bebe humano deapoco leda debuelta ytiene que tomar lo 50gramo zeñora como esa leche.como le da preparada con AGUA fria no puede estar mucho en la mamadera por que ze corta . Nosotros lesdamos con agua caliente yle entibiasmo
noleda maz
Совсем обессиленный! Бедный малыш.
Настоящий истощенный дистрофик.....
Женщина, прекратите обижать маленького. Вам это не простит Бог. Жестокость и вам когда-то придётся вытерпеть от более сильного
Сколько можно эту кашу мять, макаш есть хочет, аж психует. Одежду напялили, двигаться малышу мешает.
Good baby monkey ain't nothing but a baby it should be drinking some milk the monkey is hungry and you bout to feed it so rice hopefully after you get through eating right hopefully you give it some milk
Si coincido
,мадам,вы что камни в миске полчаса толчете,дизлайк вашему представлению,вы ущербный человек,раз так издеваетесь над малышкой.
Дай ему молока, не хочет он твое месиво есть.
Они с ними всю жизнь живут и лучше знают чем лучше кормить сейчас так покормит потом смесь даст до этого дня жив и дальше не пропадет
@@ЛюдаЛюдочка-и7к 👍👍👍
Судя по видео этот макаш уже не жилец, он даже и сидеть то не может, какой-то слабенький. Ей всё равно что ему пихать. Посмотрите повнимательней она его под спинку держит. Может я и не права. 🤷
@@ЛюдаЛюдочка-и7к 👍👍👍👍👍
Эти животные по помойкам не брезгуют собирать. Так что нормально кормят. Голодный всё бы метелил.
He doesn't want that mess he wants milk
Ему сидеть еще тяжело!Он совсем манюничка,не сажай его!Дай соску с молоком или кашей!Бедненький ,как жалко малыша ,он голодный!
I agree with everyone else. Don't spend so long mashing up the food. Just give the poor monkey his bottle. Monkeys don 't eat porridge in nature. Obviously he doesn't like it. Spend more time taking care of him so he doesn't have to keep falling over!
Bless her heart she doesnt know what she is doing. He is so young he can't even sit up .... REALLY S A D.....
💰 🤑
@J C Mac In the wild I doubt they eat whatever glop she has in that bowl.
Pobre animalito!! Que mujer más necia
Tiram do seu habitat natural para fazer eles sofrerem ....querem que sejam como humanos....tenha paciência meu Deus😡😡😡😡😡😡
Todas as vezes que critiquei foi exatamente baseado nesse seu raciocínio e afirmação. Macacos NÃO SÃO MASCOTES.
Talvez ja estivesse morto no habtat, na maioria das vezes as maes sao covardes. Existem pessoas que resgatam, curam as feridas e alimentam, nao sei se e este caso. Me parece que o governo protege.
Вони їх забирають в метарів- мавп для заробітку! Потім вмкидають в ліс де їх роздтрають дикі мавпи!
This is similar to watching a car accident. The mother is either ignorant about the proper care and treatment of baby monkeys or only wants viewers. They are so cute and darling but the treatment is unnatural.
Бедный ребенок. Постоянно голодный 😔
They majority nearly starve the monkeys. Very few give the formula they desperately need- tiny baby monkeys they try to feed solids or porridge with no taste
Welches Kind das ist ein wildes Tier 😂
O melhor que temos a fazer é não assistir mais esse vídeo assim não vemos esses inocentes sofrer.
Людей или макашат ,по-моему эта ведьма не страдает ,она издевается над животным
'Innocent people'? You have got it the wrong way round, I think!
@@kulesova_422 . . .and all for the money.
I totally agree with you but I have to see him I love him so much. And I guess I’m hoping the woman will start treating him better or somebody will remove him from her care.
فعلا علينا تحديد القناة وحذفها وعن نفسي سأفعل ذلك بعد الانتهاء من كتابة التعليق
You don't understand that baby monkey need drink milk formula and eat banana and some others fruits.. Give him milk formula
Манюська. Еле держится.
Он не сидит. Поетому он голодный.🍼🍼🍼Дай его молоко он совсем маленький.
Você tem dar mamadeira ele sinda é muito bebê psra comer de colher!
This is bullshit!
Why have so many people disliked this? Because they know the @buse this baby goes through
This IS abuse , they’ve taken this baby from his mum , he won’t get to live a full life , he’ll be dumped when he starts to grow , if he ever does .
@@patriciasaul9102 He is long ago DEAD! All videos of this monkey were made a year ago-- nothing since because he's no longer alive-- their constant abuse quickly killed him.
That monkey might have been dead if he was with his monkey mama. He so small he couldn’t take the kind of beating she would put on it. His monkey mama sure could’ve starved him to death. She should put a sock on the hands so he can stop sucking that finger. The suck it unto it turn black and rots off.
I can't watch this channel anymore!! Its too heartbreaking!💔💔
I agree this idea of play dress up I have living baby dolls is nauseating it's against nature they don't want this nor to be spoon get nor be in the house do these people not have human chikdren to take care of it's abuse to these creatures they think oh so pretty it's disgusting not cute
These people are monsters. The abuse they put the monkeys through.
It makes me sad too! There's either a dead or grieving mama monkey 🤬
Ela ñ percebeu q ele ñ consegue sentar sozinho sem apoio? Toda hora ele caindo...
Uma idiota ela.
Он истощен ,его надо молочком поить он ещё совсем маленький
She doesn't care. She only cares about the money she makes from these videos. U see how bad she treats him on camera she does worse when the cameras are off. This baby gets hurt very badly for not performing how she wants
Может сама это пожрешь а ему бутылку дашь с молоком.
У меня тож сложилось впечатление, что мучает его ради лайков, он еле лежит, а она его усаживает ....
Обезвоженный, больной малыш....его бы к Айболиту....жалко маленького, падает, а она как маньяк усаживает его.
Это просто жесть бедные жалко их
@@ЙукенгшщЫуаппрр С чего вы взяли что он больной,обезвожженый.Что вы всякую хрень выдумываете
Своего месячного ребенка посадите - будет сидеть? Все они делают правильно, от голода никто еще не сдох.
@@СветланаП-ш8ы , да и потом в лес выкидывают , макаши все упитанные. Не было , чтоб худые. А этот написано ,, новорожденный ".
Gut das es bei uns nicht so etwas gibt.
Mit den Löffel füttern und kein Gefühl für den Kleinen.
You are the Mom?!?!? Karma wird dich finden, armes Baby 😭😭
Now this is not riight
He's NOTready, for solids, yet.
He'll eat it, cause he's hungry.
He can get "tummy aches",
lots of of gas,, & cramps.
He'll cry alot,cause his stomach.hurts, too.
Все зрители пишут о плохом обращении и никто на жалобу не обращают. Внимания или вам. Выгодно. Выкладывать. Это и вам платят за. Это?
Não podemos dar like tem que denunciar
He does not have the strength to sit. And he never liked to be spoon fed. What is she doing with him. She should be not allowed to care for him. She seriously does not know what she is doing.
Der arme kleiner Dody 🍼😌
Esta chupando dedo,corre com sua mamadeira,,ele esta morrendo de fome! Bebê tem que comer na hora certa,igual a um bebezinho humano! Seu Bebê e tao lindo!tao gracioso!mas infelizmente e um sofredor,coitadinho passa fome!Nao existe coisa plor que a fome!!! Pobre garotinho!
It breaks my heart but I read awhile back where this baby got sick and died while under their so called care.
He died quite quickly from continuous abuse and starvation.
Бедный ребёнок, почему-то все время падает. Что она его мучает. Родила бы себе ребёночка, а она этого уже замучила, это что игрушка что ли !? Смотреть невозможно.
It is bad for you to have so many thousands of people HATING you. Can't you feel the darkness all around you ?
Oh yes I have some of those
@@jeanwingate3596 poor baby. Too weak from hunger 2 even sit up let alone crawl
She doesn't care. As long as stupid, gullible people send her money and likes, she doesn't give a damn how many others hate her!
Very cute baby 🍼😊❤
Povera creatura, mi fa tanta pena! Non riesce a stare seduto e ce lo teniamo ugualmente, che tristezza!
Ее человек дай малышу бутылку молока почему ты издеваешся над малышом Аллах все видит не мучай их раз забрали у матери будь добра корми молоком он еще мал .
The affection she pretends to have for him isn't true, the idea is to keep him that way it's worth the money.
Remember this baby is just a baby... Treat her as such.if you can't let someone who can . you didn't spoon feed your human baby this young did you?? I'm just saying... Check yourself
Ben jij nou een chineese vrouw,? Rijst is goed koop Dody mach niets kosten, melk 🍼🍼 is te duur.👎👎👎👎🤮🤮🤮🤮
Es muy muy bebé , semejante pañal ,quiere que se siente con la cintura ???!!!!, Wooooow
Худой , голодный сил нет у макашонка сидеть ...
с чего Вы взяли,что он худой и голодный на свои 3 м.он очень даже нормальный
Голодный?Психованная шмакодявка ,что то там ещё из себя воображает!!!Не нравится ,ни ешь .
Can't you see he's such a tiny baby he can't sit upright? You are breaking his bones and preventing him from having a proper development! You'd better give him his bottle of milk regularly anh hold him in his arms to do so!!! You are so reluctant to hold him in your arms while feefing him!! He is still so skinny and small! Proof that he is not being fed properly!!
He’s so hungry but he can’t make it up the bowl, poor Dody💕💕💕
Ya ese monkey no es tan pequeño
No se sostiene porque no lo alimenta
Solo le da Comida en los videos
Está más que claro que ello cuando no toman suficiente leche se tardan en su desarrollo 😢
Poor baby! Go with him to the doctor 🙏🙏🙏🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😤😭
Dude. He can't sit up on his own yet. Why not put something on either side of him so he doesn't keep falling
You are making him wildly crazy with hunger!
You are so cruel. God will punish you all. I wish I could watch🤬🤬🤬
Por qué no le das biberón es muy pequeñito es que no te da pena aún no puede comer con cuchara😱😭😭
Que aprenda si estuviera en el monte ni cuchara ni leche biberon verdad o no
@@analuisamunoz5789 si estuviera en El Monte fuera amamantado por la Madre.
Poor little devil he can’t even sit up yet. What the hell is she trying to do. I didn’t know monkeys had porridge trees . He looks like he will eat his hand at this rate. He too young to eat from a spoon he should be suckling
Good lord , I've never owned a baby monkey , but I can see it's too young for food. Like all little babies it needs milk, and obviously to young to sit up by itself. Damn
It's not going to hurt it all it's doing is making him full and that's what you want not for the monkey to be hungry but whatever she does someone will bitch about it
So how long have you been a specialist on monkeys and their needs Gina Montalvo ? You're talking crap !!
@@shirleyhutchins1210 never once have I said i know anything about monkeys I'm just saying it doesnt matter what they do it's never good enough and no I'm not talking crap I'm talking truth all people like you are always putting down how they take care of these monkeys calling them stupid never once have I ever said anything negative about anyone. All I've done is say something won't hurt it..
Hes so stressed that's why he can't keep from suckling his thumb.
😂 just as stressed as human babies who sucking their thumbs
Eu quero minha mamadeira!
Per favore regalatemi una scimmietta piccola in regalo per adottarla vi pago la spedizione se me la regalate una piccolina scimmietta per favore rispondete per amore di Dio rispondetemi
Una scimmietta piccola come questa del video voglio per favore rispondete per amore di Dio rispondetemi voglio una scimmietta piccola piccola in regalo per adottarla vi pago la spedizione se me la regalate non essere cattiva rispondete per amore di Dio non essere dura di cuore rispondami perche non mi risponde per favore sono sola sola e mi farebbe compagnia una scimmietta piccolina come questa del video prima che li chiudete in gabbia regalatemela una piccolina femmina la voglio per favore regalatemi
@@margheritalauretta502 I feel your pain, but honestly, I am of the opinion that your desperation indicates that you are unfit to have one. You clearly have issues which need to be addressed, but not in a public space such as YT. Might I suggest counselling, as a first step? Take care and good luck.
@@stephenhardy312 buon giorno se tieni traduttore scrivimi in italiano perche non capisco la tua lingua ok per favore io voglio una scimmietta piccola piccola in regalo per adottarla vi pago la spedizione se me la regalate ma deve essere molto piccolina la scimmietta non la voglio grande la voglio femmina se e possibile appena nata ok rispondetemi
@@margheritalauretta502 in sy
She don't going to seat by herself because is a little baby yet
Somebody tell if am wrong she always seem hungry at no appointed time this monkey is happy and playing
Monkeys always are starving, even with their mothers. In wildlife they eat from the ground all they see
Yes the older monkeys more like toddlers but this is a baby baby and all they do is drink from their mother this is like an infant not quite grown and you have to remember that baby monkey has a diaper on it so thick that his little tail is sticking out and he's not old enough to sit by himself just yet and with his tail in the way I can bet that hurts.. who who knows his diaper might be filled with crap and she hasn't changed him yet the diaper just looks like it's bloated and too big maybe if she's going to be outside with him don't dress them and don't put a diaper on them this way his little bottom can heal from being stuck in a sweated diaper just an idea and as far as her not able to read our language sorry guys the lady that said it already she did answer someone in English and she wrote in English so she understands English quite well don't let her fool you. I would think she would want to make friends rather than enemies I mean come on there's the one video that I watch the little boy monkey his name is t i n k i and his caretaker the lady that is raising him she responds to everybody even if it's negative and positive she still responds she explains why she does what she does and she also thinks the people and to me she has respect for the people no different than we have respect for her
Does that little boy monkey have teeth yet when she feeds him I have not seen any teeth so how is he able to chew anything he will just choke on the food and spit it up at his age he should be drinking straight milk
And just to let you know this monkey is really adorable and precious I really hope that you change your way of thinking and start treating it with love and affection I've seen the way you look at the camera you look very disgusted and having to take care of this monkey all for money you are sacrificing a monkey to get paid well if you're going to sacrifice this little monkey for getting money on RUclips you should also show some love and affection to this baby monkey because he's your meal ticket remember or did you forget..
Oh that's right monkeys are a dime a dozen but there are certain monkeys that have beautiful little characters and this one I can tell has a beautiful face and has a beautiful personality that will blossom in time and you can teach this little monkey all kinds of things but just remember think put yourself in this little monkeys situation if you were a monkey and you were treated the way these people treat this little monkey or the way you treat this little monkey would you like to be treated that way I bet your answer would be no
Very cruel lady, he is new born can't sit but she is not giving him milk bottle
Он не может сидет
От голода
Он не от голода сидеть не может, А просто новорожденный. Совсем крошка. Как ребëнок человека. И кашка пойдëт ему на пользу. Она посытней чем молочко. Но его тоже нужно давай. Без него дитя не сможет🥰
Скорее всего у малыша что - то с позвоночником
@@ЛюдмилаМакарова-о2ж позвоночник нормальный. Просто малютка. Он обычный младенчик. Ему только подрасти и тогда сидеть будет.
@@ЛюдмилаМакарова-о2ж 🙉👎
Он от возраста сидеть не может
Können hier mal die Tierschützer eingreifen bitte. Das wird doch nur gemacht weil man Geld damit verdient !
She doesn’t want it she doesn’t want it. Mean person 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭can’t imagine off camera how they are treated
Smaller spoon please and be faster while feeding this poor tiny skinny baby monkey😢
Cracks me up how he lays there like he’s dead when she doesn’t give it to him right away !!! 😂
He starving
He'll be looking for porridge in the trees when discarded...about three weeks in this video,and not able to run and climb?
Trying to start trouble are we? There is NO abuse toward this monkey at all. What becomes of it is no ones concern other than theirs
@@madhatter6936 What trouble? They "save " runt babies that are doomed to die by nature, and then release them back; this is another reason why they are so many and crippled or mauled in the jungle...No, these people have no rights on wild animals! When they are discarded with no monkey skills, the big ones fight them or even kill. They don't have to "save" them...they are not endangered and nature makes the best selection among them; only the strongest survive.
This is a infant needs formula not food can't sit or walk yet needs a bottle please give him formula in a bottle so sad you don't know what a infant monkey needs
Самое главное повернуть на камеру месила полчаса и кормила одну минуту тюха
Не то слово. Меня бы так, убила бы.. Мучают лишь бы в ютуб выложить..
А ковёр то постелила как будто слона кормить будет
Так поцеловала и смотрит, видно ли было, а то вдруг все зря. А без камеры валяется где нибудь малышок и дела нет.
Вот эти жолтые умственно недалёкие людишки показывают нам* спектакли* рассчитанные на умы как уних. А мы эту глупость смотрим наверно развитие такое же как и у этих( режиссеров) какая думаете???
It cant even contain its self its so hungry
aww that little face 😍💕❤
Ele é muito novinho por isso ainda não pode fazer o que os maiores que ele podem fazer . Ele agora necessita amor e muito descanso.
perke' cade sempre?
His mama monkey should be enjoying it's little face! Not humans 😡
Что ты там мусолишь дай ему порать дай бананы так жалко пол банана дай пачках молоко или сок
Ему молоко надо, а не фрукты,потому он и дрищет.У мамки он на брюхе до года висит.
@@ЛеоноваТатя висит, не значит,, что сосёт постоянно, Макака не корова пришло немного молока и жди его ещё. если ещё есть оно у матери Желудок то у малыша какой может быть, если они с одеждой Полкило не весят
Another tiny baby from the poachers to be exploited and dumped when it grows. Quickly replaced by another poached tiny monkey baby. The babies suffer through their entire short life misuse, abuse and mistreatment. All these stupid cloth ans the false friendliness and caring in front of the camera only make me sick!
give him bottle with milk
At this age, they don't sit up well. They are usually hanging on to their mothers. This baby should be with its mother. But I am sure she was murdered so they could take this baby. Mothers' don't give up their babies usually without a fight. Look at the face of this baby, it is sad, scared and it wants its mother!!!
Dont worry about outfit, feed the monkey lady!
Ele é um bebê, precisa de leite só, será q ela não sabe disso?! Pobre macaquinho
Все она правильно делает просто малыш сам с характером
Маленький и такой гавнистый, а ни есть значит не голодный,захочет сьест.
Пишу опять. Чего ты его садишь? Зачем каша, где бутылка? Могла бы положить его себе на ноги и мешать свою кашу. Нет любви к маленькому, бедненький нервный. Жаль малыша. Зачем ему каша, что деньги экономишь? Жестокие хозяева ((( . Зачем отобрали у мамы?
You. don't. have. to. stir the Porridge so. long, it becomes watery! Be smart!
I agree
Yavrum o kadar küçük ki kaşıkla yemeyi beceremiyor biberonla verin bu şekilde iskence🤥🙈😳
Just give him formula already
TV no CT
Ровно два часа что мессила в тарелке, после длительного массива начала кормить и видно что макашонку это не нравится, не легче ли ей просто дать бутылку с молоком? Дурдом! Оставьте в покое животных! Пусть они живут в среде своего обитания и не лезте в жизнь природы! Все беды и зло только от самих людей!
Он еле сидит его надо смесью с бутылочки кормить.
а как же зарабатывание бобла
Oh mummy ,why is it taking you so long to prepare my porridge ? 😳😋
Merkt die Lady nicht, dass der Winzling noch zu schwach zum Sitzen ist????
Sie sollte ihn im Arm halten und ihm Milch geben, möglichst aus einer kleinen Flasche mit einem kleinen Sauger.