500 Gypsy Vanners

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
  • Over 500 Gypsy Vanner Horse images by Mark J. Barrett

Комментарии • 12

  • @rebeccaday7244
    @rebeccaday7244 3 года назад +3

    Their the most beautiful horse I have ever seen.

  • @gildacobb8647
    @gildacobb8647 4 года назад +2

    God hasn't made anything more beautiful than these horses!

  • @rebeccaday7244
    @rebeccaday7244 Год назад

    I want a Gypsy Vanner of my own. They are the most beautiful horse of God's Creation that I have ever seen ❤️🙏

  • @stacysalinas22
    @stacysalinas22 4 года назад +2

    Wow! What a fabulous array of colors and patterns! I love Gypsy Vanners! Thanks for the GREAT video, and best wishes to you!

  • @francesrecca5736
    @francesrecca5736 5 лет назад +2

    these are the horses of magic.t hey do not look real, and when you meet one-total love. they are magnificent and gentle and very special. awesome breed.

  • @lisagay7271
    @lisagay7271 5 лет назад +5

    So beautiful so sweet great video I love, all,of,them 😁😎😍😙😉😄🙄

  • @carolynleneberg8095
    @carolynleneberg8095 5 лет назад +3

    Stunniing, it brings tears to my eyes, they are so beautiful.

  • @kimmobley333
    @kimmobley333 7 лет назад +4

    Absolutely beautiful.

  • @susanseaman2932
    @susanseaman2932 2 года назад +2

    I'll take two

  • @Zvathuul
    @Zvathuul 5 лет назад

    (This Gospel Tract is posted regardless of location and subject with discernment. The bible says Christians are called to proclaim the uncompromised and complete biblical gospel (Matthew 24:14, Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 1:16, John 12:48));
    Are you Deceived By Church/Man's Sinful Ways, Vain Theologies, Sciences, Politics, Entertainment, etc?
    False/Demonic Religions, Evolution/Atheism, rapture, easy believe gospel, one modern pastor, pagan holidays (Christmas-Easter, etc) ritual gatherings, worldliness (movies, sports, entertainment, pet idolatry, etc), unbiblical dress, uncovered women's heads, instrumental music, worship pastors, youth pastors, building centered faith, no Matthew 18 discipline, the tithe, heretical reformers...do not be deceived!
    Good News! Find Eternal Life...
    1) Faith... in the finished work of Christ (fully man, fully God) and His perfect sacrifice for sins (John 3:16)
    2) Repentance ... turning from your fallen mind and ways to God's Holy ways. (Luke 13:3)
    3) Born again... you must be born of God's spirit to ever see eternal life. In this new life, He gives you a new heart and mind to then serve Him. (John 3:3, John 3)
    4 ) Holiness with obedience.... if your changed by God you WILL, as fruit, strive to leave all sin, worldliness, carnality and false ways (like man made religion) and obey His commands and be holy in all your ways. (1 Peter 1:15 / Hebrews 5:9 / Hebrews 12:14)
    5) Endure in your faith.... You MUST keep clinging to Christ via this saving faith to the end of your life, lest you fall away and have believed in vain. (Matthew 24:13, Matthew 10 and 1 Corinthians 15)
    This is the biblical gospel to eternal life. *All without Christ will perish in their sins in Hell, and, ultimately, in the Lake of Fire, for all eternity. Never ending torment. (Romans **3:23**, Hebrews **4:13**, Romans **6:23**, Revelations 20).*
    The gospel is not just a religious action. No, it changes your entire life and you NO LONGER live for yourself but live to serve God alone. Jesus said you MUST worship God in spirit and truth. John 4:24
    (Critical & Essential Note: To understand God's word, you have to have faith that God exists (Hebrews 11:6); have to repent and open up to God. God will give you wisdom and understanding (and a new life/being born again) if you sincerely repent and let Him help you, for He is the Word of God (John 1:1). If you don't, you will NEVER understand it in God's truth. This statement comes from the experience of a true follower of Christ whose fruit is complete obedience to the full and complete Gospel and God, by God's standards in His Word. Only then will you truly understand the Word of God/Bible. This is part of the many reasons why knowing, having, and sharing the complete gospel is so important for the true followers of Christ, and for those who don't know the things of God, unbelievers, and false christian converts.)
    Most Christians will be denied by Jesus Christ because they don't follow all of what the bible says. If you love Jesus Christ, you keep his commandments (John 14:15). We are to obey God as fruit (Not works!!!) to show that we are His! (John 14:23, James 1:22, Luke 9:23, and many others).
    Man made traditions, man's flawed theologies, etc has made God's commandments of none effect/null/void/useless! (Matthew 15, Mark 7:3-9, Jeremiah 10:1-5, Deuteronomy 5:32-33, and many other verses). Repent, be born again, obey God in holiness/obedience, and endure until the end, or Jesus will deny you! (Matthew 7:13-29 (v.23)).
    Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (Colossians 2:8)
    There are some specific exceptions: In Luke 23:39-43 The thief on the cross saw Jesus as the Christ. The thief said that he was deserving of the death they were being put through, but said Jesus did not deserve it at all. He saw that he was deserving of death and changed his mind about himself, that he was a sinner and deserved what he was getting. Jesus, in His grace and mercy, forgave this thief and, in turn, the thief was given eternal life. (And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)) Likewise, when someone who is going to perish or has admitted they were sinners and called out to Jesus to forgive them, He will forgive them if they really mean it. God knows the heart and thoughts of every man. (Matthew 9:4)
    And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)
    HOWEVER: There is no excuse if someone has (or has had) access to the bible in one way or another (Americans, Europeans, anyone having access to the internet, physical bible, etc). God expects all those who have such resources to use them to gain more understanding of Him and His Word, etc. NO EXCUSES! God knows both the inside and outside of a person. He knows all of your heart and all of your ways. Because of this situation, if we don’t obey, we will have our portion with the unbelievers, and that is ultimately in the lake of fire. (Read Luke 12) So do not practice sin, or this will be your destination.
    God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23, 32, Ezekiel 33:11); why die when you can be forgiven and follow God in every facet of your life and live for eternity in God's Kingdom? God is not willing that anyone should perish, but come to repentance, and live (2 Peter 3:9). But you still have a choice....
    Bottom line: You are either righteous and walking with God or wicked following satan, the devil. (1 John 3). You will either live for all eternity with Christ because you lived for God and endured until the end, or perish in eternal torment in hell, then the lake of fire because you did not follow God when you had been given the opportunity to have faith in the death and resurrection of Christ (That Christ is God, died for you), repent and change your mind and ways to God's ways, have received a new heart and mind to serve God in every facet of your life, obey God in holiness, and endure until the end. God will be the just and perfect judge of all this. So repent and live for God so you can live for eternity with Him in His Heavenly Kingdom, will you? The exceptions do apply; God is also merciful. God's word cannot contradict itself, for it is inspired and breathed by God Himself (2 Timothy 3:16). God cannot contradict Himself. He is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33), nor can He lie (Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Psalm 89:35, Hebrews 6:18).
    If you repent (and are seeking assistance), looking for more information, visit dontperish.com and obeygoddaily.blogspot.com
    Read your bibles with good, biblical discernment! That's the most important thing! Obey The Gospel, Read God’s Word, ask God to help you, discern, judge biblically and living godly according to His Holy Word (etc)!
    (Note: No replies to the replies to this comment will be given. You may contact us via email on our web pages. Thank you for your time reading this.)