The Origin of Everything | The Weird Bible Podcast: Episode 3

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • In the beginning, there was nothing. And then, there was everything. The Origin of life is a complex question that science has yet to answer, but does Christianity hold the key? Aidan and Isaiah discuss in the third installment of The Weird Bible Podcast...

Комментарии • 122

  • @MuttPlaysMAGIC
    @MuttPlaysMAGIC 7 месяцев назад +23

    39:18 "Water, fire, air and earth.
    Fucking magnets, how do they work?"

  • @joshuacooley1417
    @joshuacooley1417 Год назад +21

    Regarding the lower case "h" and uppercase "H" in heavens in Genesis chapter 1.
    In verse 1:1 it is ha-shamayim "the heaven(s)" in this case it is common noun, just identifying the thing... like if we were to say "the tree".
    In vese 1:8 it is just shamayim without the "ha" (definite article). Also, importantly, in this verse God is specifically naming the thing. So in English it is here translated as "Heaven", a proper noun (because it is a name).
    The main difference is that verse 1 is just referring to the thing, while verse 8 is giving the proper name of the thing. In Hebrew, the only difference between the two is the use of the definite article in verse 1 and not in verse 2. In English we capitalize verse 8, because it is a proper noun.
    Regarding what used to be known as "canopy theory" the idea that the waters above the firmament were a bubble or canopy of water around the earth.
    Other than the scientific problems for this, the biggest problem is that if you pay attention to the details of Genesis, it clearly states that the stars are in the firmament that is between the waters above and the waters below. This would mean that the water's above, in our modern scientific understanding would have to have been outside the universe, or on the very edge of the universe, since the stars are contained within.
    The idea that there was a bunch of water specifically around the planet earth, does not fit the text of Genesis.
    For that matter, the idea that it didn't rain before the flood, is also not stated by the Bible. The verse in question is at the beginning of chapter 2, and it actually says that it had not rained before man was created. Here is the verse...
    When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up-for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, and a mist was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground- then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.
    This is at the beginning of chapter 2, and some people see in this a contradiction about the timing of the creation of plants and such from chapter 1. However, this is not actually talking about the creation of plants, but rather it is referring to the beginning of cultivation in relation to the creation of man.
    It is not saying that no plants existed. It is rather saying that cultivation had not yet begun because man was not created. This is also the context of when it says that God had not caused it to rain yet. This does not mean that it NEVER rained after this until the flood came. It means that God did not cause rain before the creation of man, because the text is drawing a specific link between man and cultivation. There was no need for rain because there were no crops yet.
    Personally I don't think the debate between literal 6 day creation and a non-literal reading is important at all. In fact, I think most of the time it is nothing but a huge distraction that keeps people from looking at what the text of Genesis is really about and is really trying to tell us.
    In my opinion, there are two really important things when it comes to understanding the creation story in Genesis, first is to understand it in the context of the creation myths of the surrounding cultures. Remember that the Israelites were surrounded by and often inundated with the pagan culture of their neighbors. The creation story is essentially God telling his version of the story to the Israelites, in contrast with all the other versions they heard from their neighbors. Second is that the creation story has numerous parallels to the establishment of the covenant and the tabernacle/temple in Exodus and the rest of the Pentateuch. The creation story in Genesis needs to be understood in the context of the story of Israel in the Old Testament, it is all part of one story and it is internally consistent and it is internally self-referential.
    For example, much of the imagery that is told to us about the Garden of Eden in Genesis related directly to the descriptions of the Tabernacle in Exodus. In other words, Genesis is essentially telling us that the Garden of Eden was the first temple. It was the place that God built, for man to come into the divine presence and to commune with God. It also shows us Adam as the first priest.
    There is a lot more to it, but this is the kind of stuff that I think the majority of people miss, because they are too obsessed with trying to force or defend a literal / modernist-scientific reading

    • @запрещнка
      @запрещнка 3 месяца назад +3

      oh i LOVE people like you, with knowledge and passion they're not too lazy to share even in youtube comments

  • @xqt6339
    @xqt6339 5 месяцев назад +13

    "In the beginning there was nothing, then God made the heavens and the earth."
    I swear that is how it was taught to me as a Catholic. I don't know why but it has always been that way. First there was nothing, THEN came the something.

    • @domg.1011
      @domg.1011 4 месяца назад +3

      Same! I mean, that's what the mandela effect *is* ig

    • @josephfoster5593
      @josephfoster5593 3 месяца назад +2

      I think it’s from a kids Bible stories Bible I’d have to go home and check but I think thats the wording in my sons Bible

  • @paytonclemons838
    @paytonclemons838 9 месяцев назад +17

    Man I love this series, you guys boil down the bible in such relatable ways and without fear of cracking the occasional joke, it is so refreshing as well as interesting to watch. You guys have brought me closer to God in such an amazing way and I know I'm a bit late to this episode but I appreciate these sort of objective views on the Bible because it only serves to solidify my own beliefs through logic and understanding which a church could not have done. I love the work you guys have done and wish to see you succeed with every step, God bless.

  • @joshuacooley1417
    @joshuacooley1417 Год назад +19

    Also, specially looking at Wendigoon, siting Tolkien is perfectly legitimate! Tolkien was a world class scholar and an absolute genius. His works are full of philosophical, religious, and theological depths. There are plenty of religious and philosophical heavy weights who site Tolkien and are inspired by his works.

  • @ChadOfAllChads
    @ChadOfAllChads 6 месяцев назад +7

    You guys should bring this back

    • @skatman339
      @skatman339 6 месяцев назад +4

      I like to think you made it happen

    • @ChadOfAllChads
      @ChadOfAllChads 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@skatman339 Same here lol

  • @isaacbentz
    @isaacbentz Год назад +74

    Hey LoreLodge/Wendigoon, if Wendigoon recorded his face camera himself while in the discord call, you guys could match the video to the audio feed of this stream vod and not have a spooky scary laggy (and visually compressy) Wendigoony

    • @TheWeirdBible
      @TheWeirdBible  Год назад +38

      These are livestreamed, so we can't record separately unfortunately

    • @mikegarcia1217
      @mikegarcia1217 Год назад +13

      Hearing a significant step up in Wendigoons audio lately. Great work.

    • @KamelaParis
      @KamelaParis 6 месяцев назад +4

      😅Joe Biden s America
      Did give out crack pipes in Washington State a few years ago . 100% true .

  • @NaBoo819
    @NaBoo819 Год назад +26

    Sorry this is so much later after this was posted but when you were discussing where Eden might have been located it reminded me of something i heard about in my Biology 2 class. So apparently we have evidence that all flowering plants came from a single island/piece of land that eventually disappeared into the sea or something to that effect and even my porfessor hinted that it might be the garden of Eden! Of course we dont know where it is now but i just think that its kinda cool

  • @mainelymaintaining
    @mainelymaintaining Год назад +21

    Just found your podcast on The Lore Lodge channel a few days ago and promptly binged the entire catalog. Got to the end and experienced the usual post-binge crash and wanted more. Then I remembered you mentioning creating the podcasts own channel so I've started back over! Love the podcast and especially the more casual and intimate dive into The Word. I'm a somewhat newer believer and this kind of connection and study is somewhat lacking in my walk so this is very much enjoyable and refreshing! May not agree on every single interpretation but am learning and growing day by day and enjoy the different perspectives. Thank you for the entertainment and encouragement! Keep up the good work and I'll be praying for you both and your continued success in sharing The Word!

  • @arkanejill7816
    @arkanejill7816 Месяц назад +1

    I’m trying SO HARD to not binge now that I found this channel; I want your content here to last forevah!!
    Also know that *I* probably won’t last forever so… bummer for tomorrow me; I’ll be up late. Lol
    How, but seriously HOW, are y’all making sense to the things I have tried so hard to understand for decades?
    Not causally tried, well okay, some years I slacked a bit, but legiterally have wanted to “get this” and have spent what feels like a billion hours on it.
    Right now, 2 nights in and I have gotten more theological understanding than in, ugh, I can’t even remember. Thank you guys!!
    Still waiting for enough executive function to access my patreon password to thank you tangibly. 🤯🤯

  • @CreamerOfTheDairySquad
    @CreamerOfTheDairySquad 2 месяца назад +1

    I'm 3 episodes in and prolly about 95% of what you say seem to perfectly line up with my own years of reading, schooling and research. You guys REALLY know your Bible, I'm impressed 😁

  • @nikidessi
    @nikidessi Год назад +6

    I’d love to hear a podcast on that private conversation about darkness allowing humanity to escape or get out of time. 👀

  • @jacobjonesofmagna
    @jacobjonesofmagna Год назад +38

    Aidan's step-dad paying twenty dollars for proof about new Moloch/Baal evidence really had some hardcore "but Bohemian Grove!" energy behind it

    • @reaperofcookiez
      @reaperofcookiez 22 дня назад

      In Canada there are two mountains called Mount Moloch and Mount Baal in the same valley

  • @maximumzach5214
    @maximumzach5214 Год назад +8

    I need you guys to deep dive into Sheol and Purgatory. Very confused in my walk of faith about those two places/words and their true meaning in its true context.

    • @callum4337
      @callum4337 Год назад +5

      Protestant, and im only doing this because I know how these questions can burn,, not because I have any authority on the matter, just that it might in some way relieve you, but if I was to entertain the idea without reading those books I'd say that it would simply be either a reference to the state of existence, or an actual description of the existence of souls before the end of days and we all get our new bodies. I think some are granted that instantaneously, elijah for example, whereas some await the end of days for the every knee shall bow, every tongue confess part. From how God describes time, when he says a day is like a year to me, its not as it is to us. So whether that continues to heaven i dont know but I think its probably definitely different to how it feels here. Perhaps I enter heaven the same moment a relative who died in the 90s would, and it feels the same amount of time since our respective deaths.

  • @jakubgodlewski9104
    @jakubgodlewski9104 6 месяцев назад +3

    25:00 That is really interesting. I'm from Poland, a very Catholic country (at least so it calls itself) and was raised heavily Catholic. And in my experience of Catholicism, original sin most definitely is taught to be a an evil deed Adam and Eve performed, but *you* should be ashamed of and feel personally guilty about. While not word-for-word "you're evil from birth" it's definitely like "it's an evil thing you're guilty of just because you were born". I've heard this both in Church and in religion classes at school. Maybe youth group is different, maybe as you get older the aspect of being blamed for something you never did is not as heavily focused on, but definitely since I was 5 I kept hearing everyone is born with a sin they didn't commit but are guilty of.
    EDIT: By 31:00 I think I get what you're saying. I think there's an important distinction between being "inherently evil" and "born evil". Because as presented at least to me and those around me by Catholicism, that's the whole point of the christening sacrament. You are born in sin, already tainted without ever doing anything wrong. Just because you are born, you automatically inherit sin. The sacrament of christening is supposed to wash this sin from you, so that you have any hope to go into Heaven. Mind you, it is the 21st century and so people are beginning to see that it's simply unfair and any God that would condemn any child who died before being christened is not worth believing in. That leads to people either leaving the faith altogether or ignoring that part, however it is still taught at Chruch and at school as the way things work.
    Again I don't know if that's what the guy on TikTok was arguing for, but the "you're born with evil in you" notion definitely is propagated in Catholicism, at least as far as I experienced it.

  • @will9501
    @will9501 6 месяцев назад +10

    Funny enough, "big bang" as a name started as a mocking name for the theory given by the scientific community to the supposedly Creationist/Apologist theory that they were ridiculing as a religious explanation rather than a factually supported one. Which the person who coined it said wasn't his intent, while he was heavily criticizing it and arguing for a steady state model.

    • @Retog
      @Retog 4 месяца назад

      So you’re saying the phrase “Big Bang” was originally used by atheists to mock the Holy Trinity?

  • @synthiakimbriel
    @synthiakimbriel Год назад +3

    Hey guys I love this podcast please keep making it so i can sleep to it and hsve you both haunt my dreams

  • @PeacelordApropos
    @PeacelordApropos Месяц назад

    Working my way through these... why did you two stop? Loving this discussion

  • @GutsickGibbon
    @GutsickGibbon 5 месяцев назад +1

    Interesting podcast. How do you decide when to interpret things "literally" vs more allegorically? Aiden notes the possibility of interpreting Genesis 1:1 using the "Cosmic Temple" template (which meshes much better with out current understanding of astronomy, geology, and evolution). I'm curious because the discussion on the flood and the ages of the patriarchs seem to suggest a more "literal" interpretation (global flood, humans living to be 500+), but that interpretation is equally as precluded by modern fields.
    You also discuss an evolutionary basis for gender roles, which makes me think you might be down with common descent and human evolution?
    I'm just curious because it seems to be such a unique mix of ideas.

  • @tristanmakin9493
    @tristanmakin9493 Год назад +7

    During the formation of a solar system there’s a ring of dust surrounding a newborn star which gradually collects itself into planets and asteroids and such things. Perhaps this is the period that formless and void is referencing?

      @LITTLEWORLDS8 Год назад +1

      Could also play a part of the fermiment

  • @Gatos_y_biblias
    @Gatos_y_biblias 9 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for these videos.

  • @nikidessi
    @nikidessi Год назад +3

    1:26:29 Fire is a source of light! I think you can easily put both in the same category of greek elements, and being types of energy it fits with the scientific view of religion you were discussing (which I share btw).

  • @7megan7
    @7megan7 3 месяца назад

    Pastor Allen Nolan in Oklahoma frames it like this: there are two sets of rules for life in the Bible. Some applied to the people of their time, some apply across all time. The "don't eat pork" rule applied to the time period in which the rule was administered.

  • @USSRBot
    @USSRBot Год назад +3

    Have to say it my Grandpa was a Church of God Pentecostal preacher when the Jim Jones thing happened and the church was scared and was trying to disavow. Yea I'm old so what of it 😀
    Doing the series.

  • @Papakhan9636
    @Papakhan9636 6 месяцев назад +2

    Going back and watching all of these since Isaiah is too busy hanging out with Brandon Herrera and his crew to do weird bible 😂

  • @davros320
    @davros320 Год назад +4

    Ngl i was not raised religious, and i always thought the same as aiden with the "in the beginning thete was nothing" thing

    • @millennialgamer4719
      @millennialgamer4719 Год назад +3

      I remember a similar version of the phrase being used in Calvin and Hobbes. Specifically Dec 6th 1987. I figured that's where I remembered it from.

    • @davros320
      @davros320 Год назад

      @Millennial Gamer honestly that could be where i remember it from aswell 😅

  • @PolishBigfootCircle11
    @PolishBigfootCircle11 3 месяца назад +1

    46:30 they repeat words for emphasis, and because it was probably written as poetry with a certain rhythm

  • @7megan7
    @7megan7 3 месяца назад

    In regards to the relationship of light to time, it reminds me of the concept of slower aging by astronauts when they're away fro Earth and they come back and their cells are less aged than the amount of time that's passed since their departure. I think they did a study on some male astronauts who were twins, very interesting.

  • @eljaroebeukes5118
    @eljaroebeukes5118 3 месяца назад

    The description of hell you guys gave is the exact conversation i had with my dad. He explained that hell is the absence of God - at the time i just couldn't put together the concepts of sinful nature being inherently human and the removal of said nature is heaven and hell being the removal of god being humans in their base nature.

  • @dashingrapscallion8812
    @dashingrapscallion8812 Месяц назад

    It was my understanding that Eden is “eastward” as a reference from Jerusalem. Sort of like references to the armies of Gog and Magog are noted as being from the North, etc

  • @loganflowers3133
    @loganflowers3133 9 месяцев назад +2

    Genesis 1:2 - The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
    I believe that's what you were thinking of, Aidan. It's after the heavens and the earth were created, though.

  • @LinkageAX
    @LinkageAX Год назад +4

    I think the verse of "in the beginning there was nothing" is from a Zelda game

    • @anthonyp2024
      @anthonyp2024 11 месяцев назад +4

      And before there was nothing, there were monsters

  • @mandilynnlangford1533
    @mandilynnlangford1533 7 месяцев назад +2

    I don't know if you will see this since this video is over a year old, but would you do a video on the two witnesses of the Apocalypse ?

    • @corning1
      @corning1 5 месяцев назад

      I had no idea this was even a thing… sounds right up my alley. Thanks.

  • @Heath580
    @Heath580 3 месяца назад +1

    15:35 "Giant and his cow" isnt that also the Paul Bunyan myth?

  • @TheDeathRyder
    @TheDeathRyder 4 месяца назад +1

    Ok so I know it’s been a while since you posted this, but please give me your notes on homosexuality. I grew up Christian but also realized I was not straight pretty early on and I’ve reconciled with myself about this topic but I don’t even see people who are educated way anything. So as someone who genuinely wants your answer, or a place I can be directed to with your thoughts, would be appreciated.

    • @tylerharp4544
      @tylerharp4544 3 месяца назад

      I would recommend looking up Sam Allberry. He is a pastor from the UK and a great resource for this question.

  • @inara7352
    @inara7352 11 дней назад

    43:45 the rivers that birthed ancient civilizations. So I can see it, Eden being close to these rivers

  • @johnnydollar579
    @johnnydollar579 6 месяцев назад +1

    1:03:20 laughs in Tolkien.🤣

  • @kenwhite1898
    @kenwhite1898 2 месяца назад +1

    Lack of uv radiation leading to larger animals? Sounds like a explanation for uh idk.. GIANTS!!!!!

  • @Shane_The_Confessor
    @Shane_The_Confessor 2 месяца назад

    The Soleb inscription dates Judaism to the 15th century. It also has them in the desert being nomads at the correct time. I don't think it's a stretch to say that someone with Moses' background would have written down the Torah.

  • @vevavanilla6839
    @vevavanilla6839 Год назад +2

    Just random thought happened as I was listening to this podcast 40:20 and flipping through the bible:
    Could eden be the sun or in the sun. Like the sun is located to east when it rises and japan is called land of the rising sun. The sun gives life and is something we can't live without. The Bible also states that God put a "flaming sword" and, since I'm grasping for straws here, swinging around so fast it became a sphere because it turns each way. And as a secondary thought, the devil could be the moon or in the moon as he is over all cattle and eats dust. He is also banished from heaven and, therefore, outside the sun. We don't know or can conceptualize, so people wrote it down as just east, where all began, the garden of edan and the sun. As the sun rises, so does a new chance for humanity to take steps closer to God.
    Also, the sun appears in many other religions across history. Maybe someone knew something, and over time, people blew it out of proportion and made said religions. Cause the bible is an outline of what we need to do and doesn't answer all questions.
    It's also 2 a.m., and I might be going delusional. If anyone sees this, pls tell me I'm dumb cause I haven't read the full book just yet.

    • @sirllamaiii9708
      @sirllamaiii9708 9 месяцев назад

      Nah that's a cool theory, sounds interesting!
      Perhaps the bit in revelations about earth and heaven combining to be a new earth could mean the sun dying?

  • @llcoolray3000
    @llcoolray3000 10 месяцев назад

    Regarding the question about Gen 1:2. Take a look at Chuck Missler and gap theory. There is a "The Gap Theory™️" that I dont think holds up, but the idea that Heaven and Earth were created (1:1) which includes the angels. Then there is the fall of Lucifer, rebellion in Heaven, destruction of the first Earth (gap). God then creates a new Heaven and Earth with man in mind (1:2 onward). Heaven and Earth will be destroyed again and a new Heaven and new Earth will be created again (Revelation).

  • @7megan7
    @7megan7 3 месяца назад

    Doesn't the bible talk in genesis after they're leaving the garden about the curse of pain in childbirth and how eve will need and be subservient to Adam even as she desires to be away from him, while Adam's curse is to be prone to fits of rage at eve even as he wants her around?

  • @jadonguzman
    @jadonguzman 5 месяцев назад

    "In the beginning there was nothing" was the opening line in a Big bang theory documentary that's probably where you got it

  • @7megan7
    @7megan7 3 месяца назад

    I'd like to know your thoughts on biblical flat earth theory. There are some interesting channels on the RUclipss about this.

  • @mysteriousstranger5873
    @mysteriousstranger5873 10 месяцев назад

    Could ‘Swarmers’ be interpreted as micro-organisms? Like bacteria and viruses? What if the ‘bubble’ Wendi was talking about was thick rings of frozen water, like Saturn, that melted on re-entry?

  • @MarshallTheArtist
    @MarshallTheArtist Год назад

    1:33:35 "God is not the author or confusion."
    I hear this while I'm reading about the Tower of Babel.

  • @YourStoneAngel
    @YourStoneAngel 11 месяцев назад

    The Circle series by Ted Dekker pretty much is a novelization of the Bible

  • @davidsandrock7826
    @davidsandrock7826 5 месяцев назад

    Do people confuse original sin with total depravity? I know both concepts came from Augustine, but they are not the same thing.

  • @MrErythorbicAcid
    @MrErythorbicAcid 6 месяцев назад +1

    This is super duper late, but whatever. How the creation story was taught to me when I went to bible college was that it's not teaching science. It is a story of supremacy. It's a polemic poem establishing the total supremacy of God against all the other gods. My God is The God. He made all of the things you think are gods.
    God hovering over the waters is a reference to the goddess Tiamat, water was equated to chaos, and Tiamat was the goddess of chaos. God separates the waters, and shows supremacy over the waters, over chaos, over Tiamat. Not only can my God move above and over your most powerful terrifying god, He can command him at will. Your god is powerless before mine.
    Nature worship was common as well. It is also a story showing the supremacy of God over all things growing from the ground. All things growing from the ground coming from Him.
    Sun worship and moon worship was common, stars were also commonly seen as ancestors so in a way worshiped as well. God was showing his supremacy above the sun, moon, and stars. He created them all. They were not Gods, he was The God. And so on throughout the story.
    I always thought the bubble theory was over thinking the issue. Water comes from the sky, therefore there has to be water in the sky as well. I am not saying these were stupid people or anything like that, but they just did not know about evaporation and condensation and the water cycle. I think this was pre-bronze age when the narrative was actually written? Probably handed down far longer than that, but I digress. Water fall's from the sky, therefore water has to be in the sky as well.
    I could not be enjoying the show more! I really needed to nerd out on that.This is stretching brain muscles I have not gotten to stretch in 20 years, and I am only in the first 20 minutes.

  •  2 месяца назад

    "Adam and Eve were just meant to be Gods buddies"
    Okay now I cant help but think "Poor God, he just wants some friends who can understand him"
    No wonder he made us in his image, because like that old saying goes "It is lonely at the top" and who is at the top of all tops? God.

  • @ronbaker3949
    @ronbaker3949 2 месяца назад

    In the original sumarian story, there was nothing.

  • @dakotahutchens1634
    @dakotahutchens1634 3 месяца назад

    Wait are you saying it’s not a sin to self please

  • @theresa4554
    @theresa4554 Год назад

    I have question (or two) please.
    If the tree was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, isn't that discernment? Don't we kinda need that now?

    • @daquickscopa39
      @daquickscopa39 Год назад +7

      My interpretation is that the tree of knowledge represented self awareness and morality. Identifying sin and death as part of reality as a culture and therefore dooming ourselves to understanding things that otherwise we wouldn't think about. We "became as god", to know of death and morality and losing our innocence and perfection. The garden of eden represents bliss and ignorance and of course life. We would be living to live with no worry of death or what happens beyond the now. We know of future events and have to plan for that and structure society, in a sense to make right with God who is a force of history if anything. We have discernment now, so there is no excuse to sin, while with no knowledge of sin, it is not sin.
      To answer your question directly: we need discernment in a non-perfect world as we are not in a paradise, we're in a cunning world with temptations. We were tempted which caused us to understand things which would damn us to know, as now blame can be applied and perfection cannot allow corruption. Knowledge can be used for good and evil, and knowledge allowed evil into the world.
      I'm agnostic but I like interpreting the Bible and stuff just btw

    • @SamVagyok
      @SamVagyok Год назад +2

      The Orthodox Church teaches that we were eventually going to eat the fruit of the tree, but we were not ready yet. So it’s a premature gift that caused them to be aware of Good and Evil. I recommend listening to or reading “Creation and Early man” by Father Seraphim Rose.

    • @daquickscopa39
      @daquickscopa39 Год назад +1

      @SamVagyok Let me start off by saying I have a friend in the orthodox church who has said the same to me about the eventuality of eating from the fruit, but in my opinion and from experience, it only causes affliction and spiritual death. That is why the Word had to come down as the Son of Man, to try and heal the divide that this dragon had instilled into the hearts of man. It not only caused sin and death to become an issue, but doubt, anxiety, dread about the future, fear of your hearts empty thoughts being read by the Holy One. The serpent is Satan- and he is in (for his alloted time) to reign as ruler of the Earth due to the change. He means to devour mankind's soul and have It cast into sheol. But God outsmarted the trickster, and by being morally perfect and even enlightening those who followed the Law; they were straying even further from God. For by the Law you understand WHAT ungodliness is, but you do not understand the Spirit of Godliness and still lust after the flesh and its desires.

    • @daquickscopa39
      @daquickscopa39 Год назад

      @SamVagyok LIsten to Jesus in the gospels, he is telling people who understand what the serpent and tree of knowledge represent of the Way in which you do not become leprous and accursed. In the new creation, I believe the saved will be rid of the heavy burden of nakedness, malevolence, and cunning of that serpent. The serpent is defeated ultimately, as it is written, yet there is a short time now where he will exploit technology and people's ignorance of the many layers of meaning of scripture, to make many stray from the Way. The Law became a curse unto man that served to solidify what the disconnect was between divine-creator and the corruption of the divinely-created. Cain slew his brother (before the Law was revealed) and a mark was putten apon him, [aside; Cain was named so because it equates to 'acquired man', so I have reason to believe that the mark of the beast is the same mark Cain recieved], he went to the East of Eden in the land of Nod afterwards. Notice how in the east they believe quite the contrary that there is a personal God, they believe in either no-soul, a universal soul, a soul that reincarnates based on karma, and they tend to hold many tenets, such as the watching of times. They wander, their philosophy is like a river (just ask them) it is impermanent in the sense that it has no solid foundation to fall back on, such as the Most High. Much more to say, but I'll end on this. To reach the true enlightment or state of nirvana, etc. Those in the Buddhist persuasion would call that "to extenguish", and emphasize "letting go of yourself", as well as emphasis that we are in a sort of play. I believe this understood as extinguishing your Light or the Holy Spirit that abides and dwells with us. Keeping your mind open to any thoughts and ideas by meditation that come by is begging the whispering serpent(s) to slither into your headspace and whisper sweet nothings, if you will. The Word says to keep your hearts and minds in accordance with righteousness. Cain wandered into the land of Nod "wandering" somewhere in the East (spiritually or physically) because he had no more divinity striving with him. To choose nothingness (buddhism), foolishness (hinduism), or any other Way that isn't preached by the Word made flesh, is following after earthy wisdom, which leads to death, and like Jesus said "going the way of Cain and becoming gainsayers". The world right now is binary because of the serpent, who we can just refer to as chaos itself made manifest in a beast of the field. God is perfect order and the serpent is the chaos that tries to break order down. Make no mistake, we have either forgotten, reject, don't care, about our spiritual nakedness in the sight of God and the forces that abide in the earth today; we take the Bible too literally and just assume clothing for our flesh. While clothing for our flesh is important so as not to be embarrassed by our peers, our nakedness of spirit is something we overlook much of the time. This is why Jesus had to suffer in our place, that he may become the perfect Divine Man who takes the curse on himself in spite of his innocence, (Adam was innocent yet fell, common theme, wandering from the path) the fulfillment of the divine law and undoing the work of the serpent. through the craftiness of the serpent (for the serpent causes wandering and offers sweet and desirable things to the senses which become bitter and poisonous to the soul as it fragments your sense of self, your perceptions become confused, you have nothing to hold onto during a crisis above your own ability, your heart deceives you and end up dissociating from your origin, truly the embodiment of dust returning to dust.) He made the tree of knowledge a curse unto us and in effect the Law was a curse unto the followers, but christ was put to death on a tree or cross (can be construde as a tree for the purpose of spiritual learning either way), while walking in Godliness and this put a reversal on original sin. He sowed the greatest seed ever to be sown- the Way to the Tree of Life, which IS his body and blood; which body can be further read as his Word and testimony and his blood as his Life and Spirit. Jesus is the Tree of Life and we can be grafted into that tree by following him and taking up our crosses and rejecting the lust of the flesh and staying vigilant and not falling asleep (spiritually) and forgetting that there is work to be done; first and foremost on your own flesh and deceitful heart and ever-rational mind. Works alone do not save, I Grieve for the Jewish people who have not known the Truth in Jesus, but know intimately - to their credit, the Law; condemning them to death from its inception. Having the Law was Order and discipline, a pocket of people who remembered the LORD and his Word (God), was vital to preserve the seed which would wash clean the sins of the world and overcome the world, sin, and death, Jesus was having his heel struck at by the "spiritual" seed of the serpent while in the end he struck at serpent in the head, finishing the work of God, giving all who live in the Truth an opportunity to come and eat from the finished labour. For the Old Covenant was a bitter wine to most, yet the wine which Jesus has procured is the best wine. The last generation will get to experience the groaning pangs of birth, it will not be pleasant to either the lost or the found, yet while the lost cling to nothing and panic, the found know what to expect already and know the day of the LORD is approaching. Abel in Hebrew means "breath", which is responsible for "life" which is the purpose of the "blood" where there is life therein. This is why Christians should not eat blood and this is scriptural, both old and new Covenant. It was Abels blood which cried from the depths of the earth to the Most High, many say for vengeance, yet the Christ, who is God's most beloved Son, gave his blood for atonement, forgiveness, and righteously so. Jesus's blood cries louder for mercy than Abel's blood does for vengeance and generational recompense. This is part of the mystery of the double-edged sword that Jesus wields in his mouth, his tongue is powerful and can absolve any crime that the dead who are now alive in christ, ever committed (with the exception with the mysterious unforgivable sin, which I will not touch on). Make sure your seed was planted in good soil, and has plenty of spiritual nutrition to grow into more than a seed, but a tree or plant worthy of being grafted into the Tree of Life. I say this as a sinner and hope that I listen to my own advice for nobody but the Father knows when your appointed time has come, and I am sore afraid of being in a shameful state. I was lost for over half of my life, but the LORD allowed a great delusion one would say biblically; psychotic episode one would say in the natural sciences. I have seen too much to say that God is not real, in fact I came in close to the Enemy, the dragon himself, while I should not speak on likenesses so I won't give an example; it truly was an information hazard, I could feel snares laid about my steps and lions preparing to rend my soul to pieces. If I had not looked to Jesus all that time as my Light in the dark, I would have shattered suffered the fate of so many other poor souls. That being said, I still have moments where it feels like the abyss gazes back into me so to speak, but I know that darkness is not the narrative that the Word has proclaimed. No matter what happens here on fallen earth, it is all in the hands of God, just be sure you are at the very least yearning, if not striving, if not warring with the powers that only manipulate and be sure to test the spirits which promote behaviour and thought. I am pretty sure these are the last days, those of you who are still reading for want of food. Go from my comment, which is but dust compared to the Word, and try and find to unlock the true message written in parables, similies, symbolism, repetition, and personification (understand that no names, verses, jot or tittle does not have wisdom embedded inside that seems to only grow as your understanding coincides. There are skirmishes that may seem arbitrary but over time you'll see the significance if you are truly called, as God blinds those who's heart is betraying their own ability to read more than nonsense. We (Christians) live in a world hostile to Christ and the keepers of his testimony, for the world and the inhabitants that glory in their own shame (or fearing their nakedness sew themselves "fig leaves", which we might call today atheism or a myriad other pseudo-garments in which to try and cover their defiled bodies). We now how many signs of the coming of the LORD and the reign of Christ on earth and we need to come out from the world, as it is not what should comfort us, spiritual food and possibly a church for fellowship if you can find one that gives real bread and wine, as in truth and life.
      Read the Bible as if you are reading an allegorical library of your soul! I won't say more, and I hope you are hungry for more if you read this far. I'm considering a Bible study series to put on RUclips, but still really a toddler when it comes to spiritual things. My flesh constantly overpowers my spirit in its many lusts and I should pray more. I'm not perfect, but Jesus commands his called to be perfect, so I will do what is commanded. Sin is harder to overcome in oneself than it is to do a good work every day. Truly, good works are important, but overcoming sin is a great work, completed by Jesus, to be emulated as we are able to by his followers. Okay, you hungry ones orscoffed, God bless!

  • @benh5541
    @benh5541 11 месяцев назад

    Actually the parts about Jesus in the Quran are really interesting and people should look into that. Our religions have much more in common as we think. They actually take Jesus's life and resurrection as fact in their belief system.

    • @pattondurio
      @pattondurio 10 месяцев назад

      They really aren't. The Quran was made by a merchant scam artist who was full of shit and didn't actually understand the scripture he based his religion on.

  • @jettagriffin
    @jettagriffin 4 месяца назад

    Horus is a hawk

  • @carriebryant6376
    @carriebryant6376 2 месяца назад

    You guys are very interesting. But I would like it more if you would back up what you are saying with scriptures.

  • @zewensenpai
    @zewensenpai Год назад


  • @lazy1417
    @lazy1417 3 месяца назад


  • @lovrboi
    @lovrboi 10 месяцев назад +1

    24:30 to be fair, i was also taught that humans are inherently sinful (which is a concept i’ve always battled with in regards to morality) and i was raised southern baptist in rural georgia. now, i don’t label myself as christian and have been deconstructing, if you will lol, the beliefs i was taught growing up, dissecting the bible myself, and understanding christianity historically with perspectives i likely never would have encountered otherwise. but yeah, i also thought this was a widespread belief among more or less all christians as i never heard anything outside of that within the church community

    • @lovrboi
      @lovrboi 10 месяцев назад +1

      also, i want to clarify that i was explicitly told that humanity is inherently evil, like in that wording. it’s just interesting to me hearing about this now because, like i said, i always thought it was a foundational concept of christianity and that that is what the bible explicitly says. i know i’m not really adding much of anything to the conversation lol, but i just felt like sharing my experience and thoughts

    • @lovrboi
      @lovrboi 10 месяцев назад

      for anyone who might read this, do you think the concept of humanity being inherently evil at birth possibly comes from jonathan edwards’ sinners in the hands of an angry god? because i know a lot of concepts within modern christianity (specifically in regards to concepts of hell) come from that. i don’t know if this idea is addressed in that text/sermon or not, i haven’t read it in detail in quite a while, but i’m just thinking out loud. if anyone has any thoughts on this, please let me know :)

  • @CreamerOfTheDairySquad
    @CreamerOfTheDairySquad 2 месяца назад

    Lmao "Bidens america" 😂

  • @DUKEHadToDoItToEm
    @DUKEHadToDoItToEm 11 месяцев назад +1

    53:05 you and I both know there is no "good parts" of the ingredients to slim jims don't even pretend

  • @Kilthan2050
    @Kilthan2050 3 месяца назад

    Newton was a young earth creationist, so…

  • @jeffphisher3801
    @jeffphisher3801 8 месяцев назад

    So wendi is a perennialist

  • @benh5541
    @benh5541 11 месяцев назад +1

    The lower and upper case analysis doesn't really make sense after translation... It's just author's interpretation.. Looked it up and yes Hebrew doesn't have lower and upper case...

  • @cold1895
    @cold1895 Год назад +6

    "Rain didn't exist until the flood" I'm a believer hon, but I'm also a biology major that doesn't check out. There is massive amounts of geologic evidence of erosion back billions of years, and life cannot exist without water especially plants.

    • @a-a-rondavis9438
      @a-a-rondavis9438 Год назад +1

      The whole "billions of years" bs is just man's way of using faulty carbon-dating as an excuse to be atheistic. Rain from the sky did NOT exist until after Man was created. It says in Genesis 2:5-6, "Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the LORD God had not sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground.(6)But a mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground." Meaning it existed, as God has it in storehouses (literal ones, as mentioned in Pslams and Job), but He hasn't personally done so yet.

    • @BitchCookie
      @BitchCookie Год назад +2

      Water can exist without rain. I won't speak to whatever they believe or don't. However, I imagine those with a belief in the 'bubble' around the world would say that it was further back than we can actually study/know at present, and that there was water provided from/held within the hypothetical atmosphere bubble. Erosion also has causes other than rain, so playing devil's advocate with your statement as written I can just argue the erosion you speak of would be erosion caused by rivers.

    • @benh5541
      @benh5541 11 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@a-a-rondavis9438 The Bible was written by people not by God. You can believe in God and not believe in Creationism. Those two things are not exclusive.

    @MDMDMDMDMDMDMDMDMD 2 месяца назад

    Babies do be going astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies

  • @benh5541
    @benh5541 11 месяцев назад +2

    Genesis is exactly why the Bible shouldn't be interpreted as God's word but as people trying to understand the world around them and writing it down. Believing in God is not the same as creationism.

    • @davidsandrock7826
      @davidsandrock7826 5 месяцев назад +1

      More like, people need to understand what Christians mean when we call the Bible “God’s word”. We mean that scripture was inspired by God. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • @domg.1011
    @domg.1011 4 месяца назад

    ~ 1:32:45 ish
    As a nonbinary person I feel kinship to angels, who don't have genders because genders are a human thing. As gender becomes less important, sex characteristics also are becoming less dichotomous. I forget where this information was from tho so I can't certainly reference proper sources & heck I might even be wrong.

    • @Morec0
      @Morec0 17 часов назад

      You are unwell and need help that isn't from people who will coddle your belief.
      The decrease in gender impotance is a western phenomenon, and has been seen before. It's a symptom of a decadent snd collapsing civilization. It happened in Rome as well, and once we can't support the weight of own hubris it'll return to the natural binary.

  • @SpaceCaptnFace
    @SpaceCaptnFace Год назад +1

    so when did dinosaurs exist then in the bible. along with the numerous dinosaurs that were ocean dwelling

    • @saintlucus2359
      @saintlucus2359 Год назад +6

      Gentlemen, bring out the Reddit Atheist Soyjak

    • @SpaceCaptnFace
      @SpaceCaptnFace Год назад

      @Saint Lucus its a serious question... whats the timeline. who the fuck gets butthurt by logic..

    • @saintlucus2359
      @saintlucus2359 Год назад

      @@SpaceCaptnFace *tips fedora*

    • @TheWeirdBible
      @TheWeirdBible  Год назад +14

      The Bible doesn't say it all happened at once. It splits it into metaphorical "days", which could be billions of our solar years long.

    • @SpaceCaptnFace
      @SpaceCaptnFace Год назад +1

      @The Weird Bible i understand that time in the bible isnt as fluid as we make it, but where does prehistory take place. is Eden after the dinosaurs go extinct or was there a human age during or possibly before