Nice Video, but you could have posted their name, phone number, and webpage if they did have it. It would have been much better. Onun icin bende bu yaziyi yazdim.
اللهم لا تدع لنا ذنبًا إلَّا غفرته، ولا همًّا إلا فرَّجته، ولا دَيْنًا إلا قضيته، ولا مريضًا إلا شفيته، ولا مبتلًى إلا عافيته، ولا ضالًّا إلا هديته، ولا غائبًا إلا رَدَدْتَه، ولا ميتًا إلا رحمته، ولا حاجة لنا فيها صلاح ولك فيها رضا إلا قضيتها ويسرتها بفضلك يا أكرم الأكرمين.اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد =-=-=-=-=-
tartmak onemli kimsenin hakki gecmiyor. donrecide calistim tartarak koyuyorduk. ne patronun hakkini yiyorduk ne de gramaj az olursa musterinin hakkina girmiyorduk. sonucta fazla koyunca da patrionun hakkina giriyoruz
Vish ore dorashka mos puno ne guzhine pa dorashka. Po te vija ne Turqi dhe te shikoja si punon, kurre nuk do ta haja ushqimin tend. Verejtje miqesore nga Shqiperia
FoodStock: Look at other people's comments asking where part of Istanbul they Are located. Nice Video, but you could have posted their name, phone number, and webpage if they did have it. It would have been much better,and easier for us to navigate the web.
I love turk for everything
The food is the same in Algeria, but the taste is always better in Türkiye.
ow yes please
Amazong food from Turkey...I love this dish look so nice
Istanbul un neresinde acaba
Nice Video, but you could have posted their name, phone number, and webpage if they did have it. It would have been much better. Onun icin bende bu yaziyi yazdim.
اللهم لا تدع لنا ذنبًا إلَّا غفرته، ولا همًّا إلا فرَّجته، ولا دَيْنًا إلا قضيته، ولا مريضًا إلا شفيته، ولا مبتلًى إلا عافيته، ولا ضالًّا إلا هديته، ولا غائبًا إلا رَدَدْتَه، ولا ميتًا إلا رحمته، ولا حاجة لنا فيها صلاح ولك فيها رضا إلا قضيتها ويسرتها بفضلك يا أكرم الأكرمين.اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد =-=-=-=-=-
-😊😊😅 15:05
Seria mais rápido prático e higienico utilizar processador de carne para moer ao invez de utilizar um facão enorme !
Her şey sayarak gıramına göre acımak yok !! Yeterki paralar gelsin ! Müsteri 2nci plan 😂😂
tartmak onemli kimsenin hakki gecmiyor. donrecide calistim tartarak koyuyorduk. ne patronun hakkini yiyorduk ne de gramaj az olursa musterinin hakkina girmiyorduk. sonucta fazla koyunca da patrionun hakkina giriyoruz
@@bay_fok boş laf bunlar hak geçmesin diyorlar ama diyer taraftan takıyolar sıkıntı yok
Turkish food become very expensive, actually it is more expensive than Dubai food-very high tax rates
karnım acıktı
Vish ore dorashka mos puno ne guzhine pa dorashka. Po te vija ne Turqi dhe te shikoja si punon, kurre nuk do ta haja ushqimin tend. Verejtje miqesore nga Shqiperia
Naf madaxii marqaati uah hilib nuucisa talajo tuug
FoodStock: Look at other people's comments asking where part of Istanbul they Are located. Nice Video, but you could have posted their name, phone number, and webpage if they did have it. It would have been much better,and easier for us to navigate the web.
Super bogdavie pomosht mozdravi
That pisses me Off,Scales why?
Porsuyonlara bakiyorumda, 200g ya var ya yok, Gelin avrupadaki porsionlari gorun, Resmen insanlara Ekmek satiyoryar!!!
no gloves food is burnt and they dont give enough portions anymore.
πιστευω ενα κοπαδι την εβδομαδα θα του φτανει