Lol both rainbow and dark rainbow dragon are ultimate crystals. Which is funny if he could of activated them and won the duel. In which case threw the match.
Some of these jank decks feel like that pokemon meme with the 2 Metapods staring at each other Meanwhile Hamon is speedrunning Jen like he got places to be
Has Malicious Edge on field, does not use it to deal piercing. I'm sorry but what? Maybe stop saying that the decks are bad, when you're not even using them to it's full potential.
@@JennnJoo if you have a piercer (like malicious fiend) try to attack with it first against a monster since it has the highest chance to add damage and finish games quicker. Nice job otherwise
susu ultimate crystal monster are the code name basically for rainbow draon and rainbow dark dragon, its just how their classed in ocg to save on card text spacing i think, either way you can summon them off of it
@@HeadtoHeadBattlesnahh Chazz has some great cards you get out Armed Dragon and keep evolving, and Ojama Trio also helping expedite that it’s a solid deck imo
@@leoultimaupgraded9914 there’s so many bricks though, without ojama pajama and ojama country it can’t really go off. With those being at one it probably won’t go well
@@JacksonOffroad25 right 😂 don’t get me wrong I love and support their content with every video but I just couldn’t finish watching this one. If the decks are going to be bad at least try to pilot them it’s full potential.
Well after seeing the decks. I'm gonna say regular Jaden or Jim looking like the two top contenders. And why no supreme king castle that's the only way to make super poly or regular poly active otherwise your a fish in the water without adusted gold
@@ericbreese3071 the irony is jen could of won game one a turn sooner had she went for inferno wing instead of wild cyclone. It does two types of damage. Piercing and effect damage. That been game that turn instead of of giving him a chance to maybe draw an out.
This is once again the best video you’ve guys done. The decks were amazing and the duels were outstanding. Plus it was fun to see some anime themed decks getting shown some love. It was also fun to see SuSu play Jesse’s Crystal Beast deck, even if he didn’t win it was still fun…great job SuSu. Also it was great to see JenJen claim victory with Jaden’s Supreme King deck…she definitely made him proud. This was definitely a fun ‘best friend’ duel. Great job as always SuSu and JenJen and I can’t wait to see what you do next.
So I noticed when ever either of you you milcrious edge you never use him for his full effect. So suppose to attack the defense monster with him because of piercing she would have once for sure I think twice if I am not mistaken but noticed in other videos when he comes up you guys never use him to his full power 1 sacrifice beat stick with piecing what else can ya ask full pull 2600 attack
I will say normally the decks are both equally as busted but in this match up hammond at a instant two card combo is just too broken. I do see where you were going with drain shield to counter hammonds effect.
Day 85 of asking for Master Junk Wheel to be a series done for all six eras of Yugioh from DM to Vrains but it would only be done with 16 characters from each era separately not altogether
I don't think it was fair that Susu used a sacred beast. The deck should have been pure crystal beast only. Jen had a fair deck which was only heroes. Very unfair duel in my opinion
Get your Deckboxes, Binders and more!!!
it's not letting me do the get one free
Hey! Just add two items and it should automatically take off one of the items!
Rainbow Dragon is an ultimate crystal card- It was an OCG mistranslation, you can summon it with rainbow gravity.
Lol both rainbow and dark rainbow dragon are ultimate crystals. Which is funny if he could of activated them and won the duel. In which case threw the match.
Deserve 100,000 views in the first 30 seconds really popping off. Let's get it FHAS
Thank you :) hopefully we'll get there soon
A couple of ideas: you guys have a jank wheel of all the losers of the first round after you are done
Also having an eventual jank wheel of champions
We'll def keep in mind!
@@HeadtoHeadBattles I'd like to see the Highlander match of rex vs mai. Still think dinos could have taken the wheel out of all the decks.
Always look forward to this
Fhas always look forward to you guys
Some of these jank decks feel like that pokemon meme with the 2 Metapods staring at each other
Meanwhile Hamon is speedrunning Jen like he got places to be
FHAS checking in! I love that this got uploaded minutes before Jesse Kotten uploaded his meta crystal beast video 😂
Susu went off. Can’t believe he summoned out harmon early in back to back games ❤❤😮
Finally subscribe give this people like I’ve been waiting for this video the supreme king versus Jesse
FHAS Squad represent. Really wondering if it ever happened that you both spun the same character lol
Hahahhaha we would re-spin 😆 🤣
Btw... Why Jen don't use the malicious to attack Pierce the 0 defend monster, otherwise she will win even more faster... Seem like such a miss play.
Jackie Chan adventures 5:36😂😂😂
The one thing I like about your channel is you lean into being as anime as possible lol
nice i listed both of these as ones i thought would be last on the wheels,
Next episode chazz...he finna win it all.
Nice sereies keep up the good work and i love all your sereies
Thank you so much! What's your favorite so far?
@@HeadtoHeadBattles the Sealed strutukter deck chagellenche cus blue eyes is my Favorit deck to play
FHAS Squad!! love the jank-wheel!
Thank you so much 🌹
After a steadFHASt day at work so far, good to chill with a fire update! JANK WHEEL...let's ride *Russell Wilson voice*
Hahahahaa thank you for being here
Not using Malicious Edge to pierce is killing me inside 😂
FHAS lets goo!!!!!
Has Malicious Edge on field, does not use it to deal piercing. I'm sorry but what? Maybe stop saying that the decks are bad, when you're not even using them to it's full potential.
Poor Malicious Edge, never got to use its piercing effect
Morning all yugioh fans :)
If susu summons Crystal Dragon im geekin.
Fhas squid in the house
FHAS sqaud let's go
This is my third time re-discovering you guys, since even though i am subbed, you always disappear out of my algorithm for no reason.
I’m finally FHAS! Huzzah!
I want supreme king to win, just because I like the evil hero’s. But the crystal beasts are broken. So I think the crystal beast is going to win.
Two minutes late but I'm watching instead of working to make up for it lol
Did I make any misplays?!! Haha let me know
@@JennnJoo if you have a piercer (like malicious fiend) try to attack with it first against a monster since it has the highest chance to add damage and finish games quicker. Nice job otherwise
@@JennnJoo you are a legend. Never change
Jen why didnt you just attack facedowns with Malious? It has piercing
i think heroes are worst in anime style highlander. the evil heroes specifically all need their specific fusion material.
Hey susu and Jen Jen loved this episode, regarding the burstinatrix cosplay you need to speak to snakepit studios as they do help with cosplay ideas
3:38 and forgot to normal summon :D
susu ultimate crystal monster are the code name basically for rainbow draon and rainbow dark dragon, its just how their classed in ocg to save on card text spacing i think, either way you can summon them off of it
Those first 4 wins were fast AF
Too bad the Supreme King didn’t have the new support in MD. I would think crystal beasts would suffer worse in Highlander format
I mean... It did suffer, just got their a$$es carried to game 5 by Hamon
Whoever created Jen's outfit is a true legend.We need Jen as Burstinatrix😎😏
and needs to be the right version to
@@Kirbyroth You mean the Uncensord one ? 😌
WE ALL want to see jen as burstinatrix! I always thought it was a perfect fit.
Also Susu as a Clayman :P
Did you guys ever did episode like goat format vs battle city with drafts would be interesting
So I guess next episode is Chazz vs Zane
The chazz deck is gonna be so bad
@@HeadtoHeadBattlesnahh Chazz has some great cards
you get out Armed Dragon and keep evolving, and Ojama Trio also helping expedite that
it’s a solid deck imo
@@HeadtoHeadBattlescan’t be worse than Blair’s LP gain deck
@@leoultimaupgraded9914 there’s so many bricks though, without ojama pajama and ojama country it can’t really go off. With those being at one it probably won’t go well
Supreme king. Is who I'm rooting for.
Yeeeeeeeeee heros
@@HeadtoHeadBattles you no dis honor hero today jen jen.
FHAS! You have to do these with different youtubers.
Yup! Working on it
Awesome, I'm looking forward to more great content and collaborations!
FHAS squad member present o7
It drive anyone else nuts Jen didn’t use malicious edge to attack the defense stuff to do piercing damage?! lol 😂
And that’s why yugioh players are known for not reading the card. 😂
@@kmonsta886 it wasn’t like “oh I forgot once” it was consistently every single attack lol 😂
@@JacksonOffroad25 right 😂 don’t get me wrong I love and support their content with every video but I just couldn’t finish watching this one. If the decks are going to be bad at least try to pilot them it’s full potential.
CHALLENGE ME!! Exodia VS Exodia!!💪💪
I have this totally legit trap that negates Exodia 😎
Well after seeing the decks. I'm gonna say regular Jaden or Jim looking like the two top contenders. And why no supreme king castle that's the only way to make super poly or regular poly active otherwise your a fish in the water without adusted gold
FHAS squad here & forever 🎉
FHAS FIRST Ready for another duel
I'm late today but tuning in now
Broooo that is the jankiest Crystal Beast deck I have seen in a while!!! Great video tho
Jen won with heroes without a single fushion summon. This is pretty amazing. Also, that crystal beast deck was straight booty. Jank indeed
When you have a piercer but don’t attack with it first…
@@ericbreese3071 the irony is jen could of won game one a turn sooner had she went for inferno wing instead of wild cyclone. It does two types of damage. Piercing and effect damage. That been game that turn instead of of giving him a chance to maybe draw an out.
Jens not very smart at yugioh
@@eeefe972 it depends on the deck.
@@AaronHeiningerIt doesn't depend on the deck, when you can't even play old evil heroes correctly.......
@@eeefe972 there are times when she has big brained plays and other plays that are head scratching. I could argue that for both of them
FHAS Squad!
This is once again the best video you’ve guys done. The decks were amazing and the duels were outstanding. Plus it was fun to see some anime themed decks getting shown some love. It was also fun to see SuSu play Jesse’s Crystal Beast deck, even if he didn’t win it was still fun…great job SuSu. Also it was great to see JenJen claim victory with Jaden’s Supreme King deck…she definitely made him proud. This was definitely a fun ‘best friend’ duel. Great job as always SuSu and JenJen and I can’t wait to see what you do next.
You runs the basics of the crystal beast deck sooo baaad 😅 but i also really enjoyed this healthy content bravooo 🤍
If I could sew it knew anyone who could I do it just to see supreme King Jaden vs Jaden it would be cool hero vs evil heroes
I swear if we got to a powerful, dark fusion monster, more often supreme king Jaden would have won
Join the FHAs squad the hour algorithm squad
Lmao. The absolute state of not reading your cards. “He played it on the show” is not an excuse son.
Man Susu got burned bad by those crappy advanced crystal beasts.
Why you not play blazeman in hero decks?????
So I noticed when ever either of you you milcrious edge you never use him for his full effect. So suppose to attack the defense monster with him because of piercing she would have once for sure I think twice if I am not mistaken but noticed in other videos when he comes up you guys never use him to his full power 1 sacrifice beat stick with piecing what else can ya ask full pull 2600 attack
If Jesse tried to save Jaden.
Not gonna lie... Team Supreme King here
But with that being said... The wheel saved the best for last (Zane, of course)
Why is hamond in the deck of a character that never used the card?
Goals ❤❤❤
heroes are betetr those cards are usefull without fusions while crystalbeast themself are bad
I will say normally the decks are both equally as busted but in this match up hammond at a instant two card combo is just too broken. I do see where you were going with drain shield to counter hammonds effect.
FHAS Squad
No clean wheel spin without cuts.. suspicious. :') aha
I guessed Supreme King Jaden would win. Jesse would put up a good fight though.
Aye My first FHAS
Always set 2 pegasus thn call out ruby to turbo out ur 7 beast
Cristal beasts are better than Heroes
Susu sold rainbow grabity can summon rainbow dragon
Got to go FHASt. I need Chaz to win in the next episode. Chaz all the way to the top
Jane for the win today ❤❤
Mixing advanced and regular crystal beast cards did not work in your favor…
Crystal beasts are worse than hero’s (at least normal cb and normal heros)
👁👁™️ 👍👍👍+
4900 not 5900 😂
play deck skull skletong
Jen please do me a solid
Day 85 of asking for Master Junk Wheel to be a series done for all six eras of Yugioh from DM to Vrains but it would only be done with 16 characters from each era separately not altogether
I don't think it was fair that Susu used a sacred beast. The deck should have been pure crystal beast only. Jen had a fair deck which was only heroes. Very unfair duel in my opinion
like demise is a hero card? arent you forgetting that jesse was possessed by yubel?