Thanks Fr Hayden. You are blessed with God's Spirit. Reciting the Rosaries with you everyday instills in me inner peace despite all that surrounds me. It gives me the strength to continue loving and serving without expecting nothing in return. Only by grace I can do this . My beautiful Mother, Mother of God intercede so that God's wonderful plan doesn't find obstacles. Dear Father, I trust you're in control. Dear Christ, you are my Saviour. Holy Spirit you are my Defender dwelling in me.
Thank you all of Radio Maria For reciting the rosary everyday .The life we have is very short and no matter who we are nobody is taking with him anything that he may have, except the good or the bad that he or she may have done in life.
O Gesu Hanin, la tħallix li dit tbatija hekk kbira tkun bla frott ghalija!!! Qaddis Alla, Qaddis Qawwi, Qaddis Immortali, henn ghalina u ghad dinja kollha. O Gesu Twajjeb, mis Salib fejn mitt ghalina iġbed lil kull bniedem lejk. Amen, Amen, Amen!!!
Nitolbu ghal paci fid dinja 🙏
Bijghed mini kul tip ta tentazzjoni ghal hazen Mulej tieghji u Alla tieghji 🙏❤
Grazzi ta dan ir ruzarju zomm idek fuqi u fuq familti ❤️❤️
Thanks Fr Hayden. You are blessed with God's Spirit. Reciting the Rosaries with you everyday instills in me inner peace despite all that surrounds me. It gives me the strength to continue loving and serving without expecting nothing in return. Only by grace I can do this . My beautiful Mother, Mother of God intercede so that God's wonderful plan doesn't find obstacles. Dear Father, I trust you're in control. Dear Christ, you are my Saviour. Holy Spirit you are my Defender dwelling in me.
You 'll focus more
A wonderful prayer. Thks.
Kemm inhobb nejd ruzarju mieghek Fr. Itlob alija ghax il familja adejja min mard u problemi tal hajja. Grazzi Fr ❤❤
Grazzi Father talli tejna din L'oportunita li -nghajdu IR-Ruzarju .grazzi ta servis taghkhom .Doris Fava .
grazzi hafna,ghax it tfal qaluli li m
nista nisimaw min hawn ir ruzarju ,grazzi mi gdid
Thank you for the beautiful rosary Melbourne
Thank you very much God bless you
Thanks Fr Hayden thanks ta priedtki u ta ruzarju ma nixba qatt nismaghom.God bless you.
Grazzi Father ta talb mill isbah
Grazzi tad dedikazzjoni u Tal gid li taghmel fr . Hayden. Napprezzawk.
Thank you all of Radio Maria For reciting the rosary everyday .The life we have is very short and no matter who we are nobody is taking with him anything that he may have, except the good or the bad that he or she may have done in life.
Thanks fr Hayden
Grazzi Fr Hayden bl ghajnuna raghkom qed nghidu ruzarju kulljum il paci maghkom
Thank you father Hayden. You are a true Godly blessing
Grazzi fr Hayden,nhossni nistrieh li qabel norqod nghid t-talba tar-ruzarju
Inhobbok Gesu , zomm idejk fuqi u fuq familti❤
Thank you hafna ta ruzarju lu tghid kull fil ghaxija nighdu mieghek 🙏
Thanks Fr Hayden for the lovely Rosary 📿 I like to say it with you god bless you 💓
Grazzi mulej❤
Gesu Nirringrazjek li tihu hsibi kuljum u ta kollox li tajtni f Hajti amen🙏 ❤
Thank. You Father Hayden for the rosary Amen🌹🌹🙏
Bello questo 🌹 rosario,dolcissimo , coinvolgente
Meta ma nkunx nista norqod, nimmedita u nitolb b'dan ir-ruzarju medittat. Grazzi hafna Fr Hayden u l-Paci maghkom!
Thank Father Hayden Happy New Year Melbourne
A very nice comment from Australia God bless you and your family
A prayer which keeps us embraced with the Holy Mary and God.
Thanks saying rosary with you everyday I feel peace .Thanks once again.🙏🙏🙏
I would like to go slower . So many beautiful prayers.
Thsnk you
O Gesu Hanin, la tħallix li dit tbatija hekk kbira tkun bla frott ghalija!!! Qaddis Alla, Qaddis Qawwi, Qaddis Immortali, henn ghalina u ghad dinja kollha. O Gesu Twajjeb, mis Salib fejn mitt ghalina iġbed lil kull bniedem lejk. Amen, Amen, Amen!!!
Amen amen amen
Inzommok f talbi ghaziza
@ grazzi mill - qalb! Il-Mulej ibierkek, lilek u l-dawk kollha għeżież għalik!
I like to say rosary only. With. Fr Hayden. Cause alone. I dont know how to say it. So now i say it daily Thanks Fr Hayden
Ietolbu ghal mejtin tiejejj kolla u all l erwieh tal purkatorju Amen 🙏🌹🙏
Thank you
Grazzi u prosit.🙏🙏
Thanks fr Hayden
Grazzi Fr Hayden. Ir-ruzarju kholl l-ghoqiedi kollha!
Grazzi Fr.Hayden
Thank you Fr. Hayden as now I am reciting the rosary every day, as I couldn’t say it on my own.
Carmen pace thanks ax niehu gost nrjdlu mieghek.thsnks
Thank you fr Hayden I the rosary and the Divine mercy every day with you in Maltese god bless you (Florida)
Thanks Fr Hayden for the rosery pray for MY family amen awguri
God bless you all 🙏
Thank you Father Hayden pray for us Melbourne
O Mary spread the effects of grace of your Immaculate Heart on all humanity now and at the hour of our death Amen
Thank you Father Hayden please pray for Australia and God Bless you Amen 🙏🌹🌹
Amen 🙏🏼🙏🏼
God Bless you father
Prosit, Fr Hayden, kemm nghidu sew Dan ir- ruzarju, grazzi tal-gid li qed tghamel.
Thankyou Father Hayden for the rosary Melbourne
Prosit hafna Fr Hayden God bless you
Thank you Father Hayden for the rosary God bless Canberra act
Niringrazjaw lil hanin alla ta dak kollu li tani
Tky I say every morning
Thank you for saving us from the covid-19 holy Mary & Jesus you’re the true heros - Noah
Fr hayden itlob ghall familji matin u ghaz zghazah tghana mulej mieghek
Ejjew nghidu hafna ruzarju fix-xaghar Ta Mejju.
Grazzi Fr.Hayden God bless you ( Canada)
i need help god
God bless you fr
Grazzi Fr Hayden. Ruzarju u speeches bellezza
Inroddu hair lil Mulej ghal barkiet li jxerred fuqna meta nghidu ir-ruzarju .Grazzi tal opportunita.
God bless you
Grazzi father Hayden ghax bis sahha tieghek qeda nghid it ruzarju kulljum berikni father
Proset u grazzi ghax nista najdu xhin irrid Ir Ruzarju.Father hu tajc kemm qed taghmel gid GOD BLESS YOU.
Grazzi Fr Hayden. Gd day
grazzi Gesu ❤
Grazzi Father Hayden dejjem nghid ir ruzarju makom Melbourne
Thank you Father Hayden for the rosary pray for us Melbourne
God is our father
Thank you Father Hayden for the beautiful rosary Melbourne
Thank you Hayden for the rosary Melbourne
Grazzi ,l isbah
Set ta talb imprezzabbli
Grazzi hafna
Thank you Father Hayden For the rosary
Grazzi Fr. Hayden:Kemm nihhu pjacir nghid r-Ruzarju Mqaddes ta' kuljum makom:Berikna ...Sydney Australia...MaryNancy.
komplu hekk
Grazzi Father Hedeny Ta Ruzarju li taghmlilna u ta l'ispjekazioni li tamlilna Fuq Ir Religion ,IlMULEJ IBIRKEK ,
Prosett minn livorno nitlob mieghek!
Kiem nihu gost najdu mijak grazzi
Proset God bless
Raymond Sciberras bongu fr heydon kemm niehu gost fil ghodu ghall kwiet najt ir ruzarju mieghek g bless
Ta Fr Heyden fieh gabra kbira u memx skuza li masiebx hin . Proset Rita .
Gesu ejna biex nohorgu min din is sitwazjoni mulejn zomm idek fuqna
Kull jun najdu iruzarju u inhosu jekni hafna
Tajjeb hafna
Thank you Fr Hayden.
Nizzikhajr ta dan r ruzarju
O gesu ejni inti taf min xix qed inbati .
Thank you Father Hayden for the rosary Melbourne
What movie are these scenes from?
Tķs fr
Prosit fr hayden grazzi hafna ta da ruzarju sabih li taghmel grazzi hafna faith chalmers
Proset kemm inhobb najd ir ruzarju mieghek ghax nista najdu fix xhi n irrid hu ta d grazzian
God bless you all
Ths nghidu ,mieghek
grazzi mousron belgium joseph sultana
Proset tal gid li taghmel bi talba sabieha tar ruzarju
Grazzi minn qalbi
Talba ta wara ruzarju pls tagiliex ghax ma nilhaqx nejda mijak grazzi hafna j il Mulej mijak
Rużarju eċċellenti li jġiegħelek timmedita sewwa fuq il-Misteri Mqaddsa.
inhobuk mulej
Mulej Gesu,int li taf bkollox ,thalix li gewwa pajjizna jkomplu nitilfu LFidi,LValuri,w Lprincipji
keep it
Prosit Fr Hayden. Il Mulej ibierkek.
Grazzi fr itlop alina u bonswa