When Osho was known as Baghwan and lived in the Netherlands in the eighties he was demonized by everyone. They did feature an interview with him on national television which was the single most entertaining interview I had ever seen. He said that Mother Theresa “The Terrible” and the Pope should all be hanged lol. I was a kid when I saw him on tv and now as an adult I realize the depth and truth and wisdom of his words.
Meanwhile Sheela to this day goes on interviews claiming that she is the most exciting woman that people want to watch. She was nothing before Osho and she was nothing after she betrayed him. Osho is the greatest spiritual master of all time. He is part of us. I am trying to collect and read all of his books. I have learned so much. I am beyond grateful. ❤
@@BenBen-ys9hv not being judgemental is the foundation of unity consciousness, it's ok to maintain healthy boundary...love them from a great distance, it's a big planet.
Osho is one of those masters that we heard about and we think we know him. The more I listened to Osho teachings I recognize wisdom, truth and I believe, it comes from an awaken consciousness. I still know very little of his teachings, but I feel expansion as I listen to him.
True. I visited this video again for some other reason but found this great quote at 15:00.. "If your future is freedom then it has to be unpredictable. If your future is not freedom then it can be predicted. Almost all religions have chosen predictable future. Then the implication is that man becomes machine. Only machines are predictable."
In Jabalpur, I had lived near the residence of Bhagwan for 4 years listening the discourses of Bhagwan while doing my gradute studies. It turned my life and put me on the path.
No one can speak in hangover..one can only hear sleep or aggressive if angry...every work in choosen with perfection means no toxication...must clear the facts
A Christian from Africa. I get you master. You help me to be abetter peaceful individual. Love you osho. Always have seat in my heart ,. Breath through me. I thank God for finding you and understanding what you try to put through.
It has taken me decades to become still enough to establish a consistent practice with meditation. It is a total healing experience. It changes everything and reveals a whole other layer of oneself that you previously had little to no contact with. Osho had a significant influence in all of that transpiring in my life. ❤
Biggest lesson from this video..... power corrupts... absolutely....( history repeats itself...)....so be aware of powerful people around us...but don't let meditation go out of life.
@@signsandsymbols nope.. We knew Osho's religionusness should have ruled this planet but failed.. So we understood why we failed..how we failed..by whom we failed..
He never interfered. Everyone, everything was accepted. This is actually the most profound proof of total surrender to the divine will. It could be considered cowardice. But it wasn't. A coward would have tried to save himself, which Osho didn't do. He just accepted whatever happened, totally. Only a wise and enlightened man can do this, or maybe a fool, which may be associated with each other, if it isn't even the same thing. I've been somewhat aloof of Osho's genuineness in the past. But in this talk I could see his true state. I bow to this kind of greatness. 🙏🏻
So, their own left them to die, their own abandoned them , their own did not help them and was better to left them die like animals on streets etc than help? No wonder that country functions on caste system and even now people leave their mothers to die in front of the houses because they became too old and too...not useful to them.
@@mytravlsshe thought that black people are savages and white people are saviours as u know most of the indians have not fair skin as much as white people or like mother teresa so she wanted to revenge on poor black people by showing her fake kindness and behind that she was just using them for power and she got money from donations also ....
I really enjoyed watching this Osho spiritual video! It's amazing how his insights can help us reflect on our lives and find inner peace. Thank you for sharing this inspiring message!
wow There are many supporters On this channel. Osho was great indeed. more than 20 years after his death, Still people are listening to him and even supporting the channel. i havent seen such a no. of supporters On any no. of spiritual channel.
He was a massively influential fellow bro. He reportedly had influenced over 1 Million people directly even in those times of limited technology. Indirectly, nobody knows how many. The prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi used to visit him for discussions. His speaking and commune were considered so dangerous and impactful that some countries even banned this man entry. The American govt and the owner of Nike held hands to get this person out of America. Even some of the big celebrities in india were his sannyasins. He was a big deal back in the days.
Osho was pure bliss to be near and we celebrated his meditations and style of working for love, being honest and advocating for silence which I'm so noise sensitive now and grateful.
Why bring back osho when he had never left, his words are still lingering on people mind and now they truly understand how genius he is so let this be sole reason that osho is energy that still vibrating here on earth.
First of all, the rolls Royce were gifted to osho by people around him and weren’t owned by him Second of all, so what if he had 96 rolls Royce? oh nvm yes it is a terribly horrendous thing to own a nice car
he could have fed starving children with that money and done some real good like mother teresa and gandhi who he said are bad people , hes a true prikkk really cunning sly conartist hypnotizing politician looking out for himself , full of ego , lying to ur face , he criticized others to take away attention from his true self like a magician doing a trick😂😂w
Now from through this video I know the importance of meditation and it's effects. Being meditative person means strong enough and wise. Effectively, true words influence definitely within any person who listen. 🕊🙏🎶❤
he is in hell inshallah idiot man sacrifice other for his sack look at his English skills bloody illiterate he said Sheela is bitch you did not watch wild wild India he is using roll royals not just one a lot and also he didn't speak for 4 years he saw every thing he hear every thing did not say a word what kind of and pathetic man he is I don't know why people support this kind of corrupt person living luxurious life on other money creating his own empire and kind of his own to rule on others i hate his ideology you all have to sell you sisters and mother if you follow him..
People are saying "Osho is corrupted, he wanted power, an enlightened being behaves this way not that way, he is bitter, failed, he is angry, he should have done this and that" or "only an irresponsible and corrupted man would have allowed Sheela/himself to do all of this things". Osho never cared for success or failure, the exact reverse can be said, why would a spiritually cunning, corrupted man in search of "power" work with Sheela? Or in that sense, be like Osho? Beyond her practical abilities, it makes no sense to seek resources to manipulate people through spirituality with a woman who is as unfamiliar with spirituality as Sheela is. With spiritual knowledge, it is easy to manipulate people, the same with any other topic. A man of power shakes hands with the right people to work with, and he also shakes hands with the establishment, with the established society; that is what being cunning is all about. Osho was the opposite of a cunning man, he was always poking at everybody's egos, and everybody, his own followers included. If Osho wanted power, he could have been nice to the whole world and Osho foundation would probably now be a religious institution, and Osho foundation would be much bigger and powerful, and Osho was well aware of that, he could have become powerful any instant just as Jesus could have done so in the desert. Was Osho really angry or resentful? Not possible. Osho's responses depend on the context of the questioner. Yes he shares to the whole world, but he is first answering to the questioner, then to the world. This is part of the explanation for his contradictions, the answer he gives changes depending on the level of awareness of the questioner. He is just a reflection of consciousness, and he is not the first enlightened being to play by this mechanism. He comes down to the mud with you if necessary, he may share hate or anger with you just to pick you up from the mud and to cut the gap between the awakened and the unawakened, so you can see him as a human being, not an alien. At the same time, his contradictions are a way to avoid the creation of a religion around him, they are also a way for abandoning you from time to time with the purpose that one day you let go of him and become enlightened, and finally to enforce the practice of honest knowing or "gyana mudra", that is, do you only want to believe in something or do you really know something beyond believe? Only a true master is as complete as Osho was, perfecting the mechanism of the sharing of the method, not of enlightenment itself, because enlightenment itself cannot be perfected, only the method of sharing the unshareable can become evolved. Many have become enlightened, but only a few such as Lao Tzu or Osho can be masters of sharing as well as enlightened beings.
Koti koti naman Aap ko aur Apke mission ko. Jay ho Apki .we have no language to express love and respect to You. I am extreamly unlucky that i can not met Your holly feet.
Sheela was pragmatic, practical and intelligent with good memory..... Osho needed a parrot, and he was ready to choose an unscrupulous vampire if vampire is pragmatic, practical and intelligent with good memory...Great Choice...Kudos!!!
A buddha will be misunderstood. Osho was showing us if you give a waitress some power in an ashram it is possible she misuses the money and the power / called autocracy or dictatorship He creates a situation and he knows there are 2 ways possible. But the people around her were worshipping hitler-sheela. He wants to show us how the greedy left-brain works. It was a wake-up call. THAT IS HOW THE LEFT-BRAIN-WORLD works..............
Osho said we all have a Judas and a Jesus inside of us. Create a situation and look who will take over the GAME.............. Falling in a Sheela-trap = called slavery!!. . .
It’s true she didn’t meditate. She says as much in video footage from the documentary “Wild Country.” But that still leaves the question as to why he left the management of the ashram to such an unspiritual person.
She was chosen as my secretary for being practical, pragmatic, intelligent and mainly because she had no idea about my total Vision. Just give ncecessary instructions, she can repeat like a parrot. I needed a parrot. - Osho said in the video.
Osho was Most misunderstood Guru (Pure soul) on earth.. Those who understood osho they experienced real heaven within.. Feeling so Blessed 🙏even hearing his voice.Miss you osho ❤
she was just obsessed with power and control. This speech gives a very different portrait of that woman than the one in the Netflix documentary. She had no interest and apparently little knowledge of what Osho was teaching. An opportunist that should be in jail for the crimes she committed. She ruined the whole thing. Not surprised to hear that she never meditated. I dont understand how the director of the documentary could ignore such speech from Osho and give Sheela the opportunity to tell her version of the story about Osho and his community. Osho will always be one of the greatest enlightened master.
She freely admits she never was into meditation or the enlightenment garbage because she knew that was his product to sell to those who wanted to pay for it and that she just loved him and wanted to follow him... I'm sure money and power helped too.
There was a spark and shine in Osho’s eyes which I have seen and noticed in all previous videos but this time, in this video that shine and spark in eyes is completely gone and his voice confidence is also shattered.He must be hurt to the extend that he had started taking drugs.Which I had heard but after seeing this video,I could sense something went wrong with him for sure !! Anyways he was enlightened soul and I got to learn so many thing by watching his videos.Lots of gratitude towards Osho !!
its wrong sheela is trying to whitewash his image by telling that osho started abusing drugs , i don't think its possible the meditative mind is not affected by drugs.
These videos are gems for this generation and for many more upcoming generations. World didn’t understand his value when he was Alive. Truth always and only remains
well donde on posting this material! It´s unbelievable how the media now is feeding the old Sheela´s flame: being a celebrity, being famous, being encorauged to talk bad about Osho. How she dares... well, that´s her
If Osho used to have evening meetings with Sheela, then he must be knowing what was she upto. If he didn't then it was his mistake too. He let her have power but did not control the reins. She was pretty aggressive but some other team members were needed to bring her action to sanity. They were with her to support her. Osho says he didn't know, but he was supposed to look into this. He did not fulfil this part of his responsibility.
Exactly. Master as Master should also help as they are like mother to all disciples but Master did Audio discourse helped on awakening Kundalini but cldnt push a person as Maa Sheela to Meditation. But yes, we never will be able to know, how much effort he put or didn't put. Yet we may find faults in their relationship..but still what a relationship 🥲. Beautiful saga.
He was no enlightened person. Enlightened beings don't make these kinds of mistakes ones they get enlightened. I'm not saying he was a bad guy but he was not what he claimed.
@Ab3nd It's not critical thinking, it is judgement. You never met Osho, so you cannot know him. We all have our judgements. The problem is holding onto them as if they are true.
@Ab3ndcgi Tienes razón. Osho no era un ser iluminado, de hecho, representa lo opuesto a un ser espiritual. Él quería ser ganador sin entrenar para competir. Él sabía que era incapaz de renunciar al sexo y a los placeres materiales, por eso pisoteó las premisas básicas de la espiritualidad. Un manipulador encubierto como tantos otros que activan el mecanismo fanático de tantos obnubilados faltos de criterio.
Osho🩵 my dear teacher and friend, I am so happy to find you again and receive you… after I watched the netflix doc I felt angry, but I remembered your words and knew it was not about the teacher but the teachings… so I kept that with me and continue… with the clear understanding of how all institutions of religions and governments are corrupted … you have to be you for you not for others… after 3 years you came to me again… I didnt know all of these nasty things the reptilians have been doing to all humanity and how manipulated we have been… you prepare me, I am proud of myself, because I am in peace… I understand
I don't know what's wrong with me, i never felt Osho complete. I really don't know why i see so many flaws in him. But here all are praising him. When i compare Osho with few enlightened persons i knew, i find him shallow and empty from inside.
Actually if you watch Sheela's talks she says that she was never meditating. So Osho was right about that. But she denies that she committed crimes, like poisoning people.
ओशो जी की वाक् शैली और विद्वतापूर्ण तर्कशीलता का प्रशंसक हूँ। लेकिन सच तो यह भी है इन गुणों के दम पर सही को गलत ठहराया जा सकता है, गलत को सही बनाया जा सकता है। अपनी सचिव पर कीचड़ उछाला जा सकता है।
It was sheela which made Osho made famous. She was the master of marketing. Nobody knew Osho before sheela came. It was sheela who executed Osho's impossible dream. Unfortunately She went different way.
@@nikhil.k3OSHO has said in his interview that, There is always a balance in nature , I don't know the exact sentence but he said I cannot create good news but I can create bad and the good will follow becoz there is always a balance .
Moral to the story, never give a parrot too much power. But Osho was a business man, he loved his silence and freedom. People trick me all the time, regardless of their background and still three days ago, imagine I had more. Is sad, very sad to be alive after so much goodness. Osho and all the friends around were hardworking healthy people. I'm one Ma Prem Sujaani.
You asked a genuine question, perhaps you should have waited for an answer. Let me ask you, should his love for silence supercede his love for us? Should he forsake us by pursing his lips? His words encourage people to go within, to meditate themselves, ultimately ever increasing the silence... one enlightened soul at a time. One could argue that the words spoken by 1 man... contributed to the silence of millions. Food for thought.
Enigmatic.. This cat starts to speak, and it's a trip, like a trance.. Hipnose steps in, and I can't tell if he is for real or not, but there's a unique fragrance there. ✨
THANK YOU for sharing this video on Sheela. I thought she was good lady as media if putting her in limelight slot but now realized I was not favouring Truth.
*Read the OSHO Times article on **_"Sheela and Her Crimes"_** here* ➡ www.oshotimes.com/osho-news/sheela-and-her-crimes/
@@spiritualshopperofficiel6670 did osho say that ?
@@spiritualshopperofficiel6670 about sheela ?
@@spiritualshopperofficiel6670 Sheela had murdered Osho in his past life.. who said that?
@@RehmanExpress Osho himself.
Even after the payment I m not been able to get members access please help.
When Osho was known as Baghwan and lived in the Netherlands in the eighties he was demonized by everyone. They did feature an interview with him on national television which was the single most entertaining interview I had ever seen. He said that Mother Theresa “The Terrible” and the Pope should all be hanged lol. I was a kid when I saw him on tv and now as an adult I realize the depth and truth and wisdom of his words.
Can you give link of that interview?
Please share the link
Why so?! What it's wrong with mother Teresa? She was a little women and did great things for India. All the rest it's stupid behindology
His hindi speeches are incredible. So much depth ,pure hindi.
When he speaks in Hindi u can feel it how much he understands this world n I listened it it totally takes you too different dimensions
Never heard of him speaking Hindi did he?
His english is superb too
Meanwhile Sheela to this day goes on interviews claiming that she is the most exciting woman that people want to watch. She was nothing before Osho and she was nothing after she betrayed him. Osho is the greatest spiritual master of all time. He is part of us. I am trying to collect and read all of his books. I have learned so much. I am beyond grateful. ❤
Yeah but in the documentary she says she was the one who helped osho to escape and she meet osho in young age !
I will recommend you better to listen him through his audio recordings
Sheila was a devil
@@animezing7015 yea yea... ego speaking...
You'd think he would have known better.
"Whoever comes to me....He is welcome....." What a warmth and love
@@BenBen-ys9hv not being judgemental is the foundation of unity consciousness, it's ok to maintain healthy boundary...love them from a great distance, it's a big planet.
i don't know man
he was Rich Man's Guru..
What’s what all cult leader say 🤷
Gotta have money though or you’ll end up dumped in another city like they did to those homeless people.
Boy, that man! I am glad I stumbled upon this. Although it looks like He is answering a specific question, this speech is universal.
nothing about this is universal or answering a question. just incoherent rambling. just because he speaks slow people think hes wise. lol
@@deeayeveeeyees tell us more fast brain :)
Oh yeah, this 🙂❤️
@@deeayeveeeyees speed 1.5x ENJOY
@@mukiriking6660 😂
There's no guru like osho. He will be forever remembered
Osho is one of those masters that we heard about and we think we know him. The more I listened to Osho teachings I recognize wisdom, truth and I believe, it comes from an awaken consciousness. I still know very little of his teachings, but I feel expansion as I listen to him.
True. I visited this video again for some other reason but found this great quote at 15:00..
"If your future is freedom then it has to be unpredictable. If your future is not freedom then it can be predicted. Almost all religions have chosen predictable future. Then the implication is that man becomes machine. Only machines are predictable."
He is so pure. a truly enlightened soul knows there is no love or trust more powerful than unconditional.
In Jabalpur, I had lived near the residence of Bhagwan for 4 years listening the discourses of Bhagwan while doing my gradute studies. It turned my life and put me on the path.
Near Devtal ❤️
Bhawartal garden was a place where he attained spiritual experience.
@@everybreathfor4000 yeahh 😄
Abhi bhi time hai choose youbr path wisely. I can tell you about Osho everything but you would not believe. Please choose your path carefully.
Meee too ❤❤
Osho is still here with us. He has never left. Thank you Osho
You are Alone, being a follower is possible only when the message is ignored.
Nah baby, he's dead
He's words are living
I wish his expensive cars were with me
You can see the tranquility on his face,can feel the depth the ocean of his eyes
He was deeply medicated...and he was corrupt AF...you are blind
Hangover of......😂
No one can speak in hangover..one can only hear sleep or aggressive if angry...every work in choosen with perfection means no toxication...must clear the facts
A Christian from Africa. I get you master. You help me to be abetter peaceful individual. Love you osho. Always have seat in my heart ,. Breath through me. I thank God for finding you and understanding what you try to put through.
Me too..
Hello. I'm in Nairobi too
Fantastic osho! Amazing master! I love you so much! Eternal thanks for life !
It has taken me decades to become still enough to establish a consistent practice with meditation. It is a total healing experience. It changes everything and reveals a whole other layer of oneself that you previously had little to no contact with. Osho had a significant influence in all of that transpiring in my life. ❤
Biggest lesson from this video..... power corrupts... absolutely....( history repeats itself...)....so be aware of powerful people around us...but don't let meditation go out of life.
This is one of the most significant speech. Every word is a diamond
indeed, i totally agree.
drama about Sheela is the most significant wisdom? 🧐
@@signsandsymbols Good point 👍
@@signsandsymbols nope.. We knew Osho's religionusness should have ruled this planet but failed.. So we understood why we failed..how we failed..by whom we failed..
@@signsandsymbols That drama had answers to every confusions and controversies, each and every word he said was much needed
He had so much clarity about the things going on at that time. Inspite of it he was doing everything unconditionally. Great 👍
He never interfered. Everyone, everything was accepted. This is actually the most profound proof of total surrender to the divine will. It could be considered cowardice. But it wasn't. A coward would have tried to save himself, which Osho didn't do. He just accepted whatever happened, totally. Only a wise and enlightened man can do this, or maybe a fool, which may be associated with each other, if it isn't even the same thing.
I've been somewhat aloof of Osho's genuineness in the past. But in this talk I could see his true state. I bow to this kind of greatness. 🙏🏻
What about the other people that could've been saved?
and what about him leaving on airplain with his treasures? do you know this story? :)
"Love and Trust - Unconditionally - Powerful than Power" - Thank you for this great enlightening video
Oh yeah, these words were beautiful ❤️❤️
Power itself isn't corrupt. It gives the opportunity to be corrupt.
the most powerful is no opportunist tho.
This man was way ahead of his times. That mother Teresa thing is so true, she was actually using those poor people for her own selfish motives.
So, their own left them to die, their own abandoned them , their own did not help them and was better to left them die like animals on streets etc than help? No wonder that country functions on caste system and even now people leave their mothers to die in front of the houses because they became too old and too...not useful to them.
Like what motives?
@@mytravlsshe thought that black people are savages and white people are saviours as u know most of the indians have not fair skin as much as white people or like mother teresa so she wanted to revenge on poor black people by showing her fake kindness and behind that she was just using them for power and she got money from donations also ....
which selfish motives?
@@pratikshashah1513 To be recognized, known, praised and held in high esteem for her saintliness.
I really enjoyed watching this Osho spiritual video! It's amazing how his insights can help us reflect on our lives and find inner peace. Thank you for sharing this inspiring message!
wow There are many supporters On this channel. Osho was great indeed. more than 20 years after his death, Still people are listening to him and even supporting the channel. i havent seen such a no. of supporters On any no. of spiritual channel.
He was a massively influential fellow bro.
He reportedly had influenced over 1 Million people directly even in those times of limited technology. Indirectly, nobody knows how many.
The prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi used to visit him for discussions.
His speaking and commune were considered so dangerous and impactful that some countries even banned this man entry.
The American govt and the owner of Nike held hands to get this person out of America.
Even some of the big celebrities in india were his sannyasins.
He was a big deal back in the days.
He is the real deal and the real seekers know that.
Osho was pure bliss to be near and we celebrated his meditations and style of working for love, being honest and advocating for silence which I'm so noise sensitive now and grateful.
He changed my life!
He's a pretty wise dude.
Osho The Love of my Life❤
Osho! Wish we could bring you back. You were priceless!
Why bring back osho when he had never left, his words are still lingering on people mind and now they truly understand how genius he is so let this be sole reason that osho is energy that still vibrating here on earth.
His voice is soothing enough!
He had practiced hypnotism and u should know that this style of speech is of hypnotists.
@@rasheedrehman4694 I do not think he gets it.
@@rasheedrehman4694but you don't want to say that Osho is fraud, do you?
@@rasheedrehman4694 if that was so how he failed to know the intentions of that cheater?
96 rolls royces he could buy just because of his dialogue delivery,,,,,amazing boss hats off to you,,
he didn't buy a single one..all were gifted bro.. that's his legacy❤️
Nope ! Those cars belonged to the "Car Collection Trust !"
No !! 90 and those are not too many !!😂
First of all, the rolls Royce were gifted to osho by people around him and weren’t owned by him
Second of all, so what if he had 96 rolls Royce?
oh nvm yes it is a terribly horrendous thing to own a nice car
he could have fed starving children with that money and done some real good like mother teresa and gandhi who he said are bad people , hes a true prikkk really cunning sly conartist hypnotizing politician looking out for himself , full of ego , lying to ur face , he criticized others to take away attention from his true self like a magician doing a trick😂😂w
Sathaynash ho us sheela ka...my love Osho 💓
Thank so much Osho international for uploading this video
Now from through this video I know the importance of meditation and it's effects. Being meditative person means strong enough and wise. Effectively, true words influence definitely within any person who listen. 🕊🙏🎶❤
Everyday I watch ur video ....And everyday I get addicted again and again...Love u Osho...💕💕
osho pure love form. you are my light. thank you from my deepest heart.
Truth is truth it never hide even person live or not. Truth comes out on its right time.
Master Osho's words are magic....🙂🙂🙏🙏
nothing about this is magic. he's just bitching about the one person who devoted her life to him.
Sheela was the Judas to Osho... It's unfortunate that even Osho couldn't escape from the stupidity and betrayal of disciples...
Karma never fades
@Mario De Cristofaro that is like saying about Adolf Hitler "he is just a poor man"
judas is a quality of mind meaning DETACHEMENT
So the lesson here is to not to have disciples.
Shows you oshos great strength of character, he had a great following, held great power but never became corrupt
A massive insight into power near the end of the video.
Great people live in heart of all good souls ❤❤❤
he is in hell inshallah idiot man sacrifice other for his sack look at his English skills bloody illiterate he said Sheela is bitch you did not watch wild wild India he is using roll royals not just one a lot and also he didn't speak for 4 years he saw every thing he hear every thing did not say a word what kind of and pathetic man he is I don't know why people support this kind of corrupt person living luxurious life on other money creating his own empire and kind of his own to rule on others i hate his ideology you all have to sell you sisters and mother if you follow him..
Usually anyone if talks slowly i put that video on 1.5 x speed but for osho i like to listen him as they are
Life has become so good listen to his speech 😁😁
One thing I've learned from osho is that don't trust anyone...not even yourself.. 🙏
What goes around, comes around! There is no comfort in the truht!🙉🙊🙈
Please listen from minute 20:10, are you sure the lesson you learned is the same as Osho said? :)
Sheela must be viewing these releases and be thinking about all her efforts she put all these years to hide her shrewdness going in vain.🤣🤣
Truth is the authority 😎
why are you laughing about it ?
Agree. Sad for her ....
हिन्दी मे बताते Please
" I know something bigger than power.." ❤️
Knowing is easy, doing is hard! Even Sheela would look away when looking into my eyes.
Love you Osho, from Cambodia 🇰🇭
U guys also know him?
I am proud that he was from my village in india❤️❤️❤️❤️
I was in search of anwer to this question from many days.... How osho got fooled by a common person like Sheela.... Thanks I got the answer.
Eye opener for all those who have intelligence.
Such nice analysis on Power.
Who knows the truth
Last line is powerful -- Love and trust those who are against him.
People are saying "Osho is corrupted, he wanted power, an enlightened being behaves this way not that way, he is bitter, failed, he is angry, he should have done this and that" or "only an irresponsible and corrupted man would have allowed Sheela/himself to do all of this things". Osho never cared for success or failure, the exact reverse can be said, why would a spiritually cunning, corrupted man in search of "power" work with Sheela? Or in that sense, be like Osho? Beyond her practical abilities, it makes no sense to seek resources to manipulate people through spirituality with a woman who is as unfamiliar with spirituality as Sheela is. With spiritual knowledge, it is easy to manipulate people, the same with any other topic. A man of power shakes hands with the right people to work with, and he also shakes hands with the establishment, with the established society; that is what being cunning is all about. Osho was the opposite of a cunning man, he was always poking at everybody's egos, and everybody, his own followers included. If Osho wanted power, he could have been nice to the whole world and Osho foundation would probably now be a religious institution, and Osho foundation would be much bigger and powerful, and Osho was well aware of that, he could have become powerful any instant just as Jesus could have done so in the desert.
Was Osho really angry or resentful? Not possible. Osho's responses depend on the context of the questioner. Yes he shares to the whole world, but he is first answering to the questioner, then to the world. This is part of the explanation for his contradictions, the answer he gives changes depending on the level of awareness of the questioner. He is just a reflection of consciousness, and he is not the first enlightened being to play by this mechanism. He comes down to the mud with you if necessary, he may share hate or anger with you just to pick you up from the mud and to cut the gap between the awakened and the unawakened, so you can see him as a human being, not an alien. At the same time, his contradictions are a way to avoid the creation of a religion around him, they are also a way for abandoning you from time to time with the purpose that one day you let go of him and become enlightened, and finally to enforce the practice of honest knowing or "gyana mudra", that is, do you only want to believe in something or do you really know something beyond believe? Only a true master is as complete as Osho was, perfecting the mechanism of the sharing of the method, not of enlightenment itself, because enlightenment itself cannot be perfected, only the method of sharing the unshareable can become evolved. Many have become enlightened, but only a few such as Lao Tzu or Osho can be masters of sharing as well as enlightened beings.
Lovely expressed ❤️
only the method of Sharing the unShareable can become evolved ❤️🌄
Who are you
Nicely explained.
This is a beautiful explanation ❤️❤️
I bow down to my ❤️ beloved Master Osho ❤️ with ❤️ heart is full of gratitude with all my Love ❤️🌹🙏🌹
This man is pure blessing to humanity till date
Koti koti naman Aap ko aur Apke mission ko. Jay ho Apki .we have no language to express love and respect to You. I am extreamly unlucky that i can not met Your holly feet.
Thank you for posting this
Sheela was pragmatic, practical and intelligent with good memory..... Osho needed a parrot, and he was ready to choose an unscrupulous vampire if vampire is pragmatic, practical and intelligent with good memory...Great Choice...Kudos!!!
A buddha will be misunderstood. Osho was showing us if you give a waitress some power in an ashram it is possible she misuses the money and the power / called autocracy or dictatorship He creates a situation and he knows there are 2 ways possible. But the people around her were worshipping hitler-sheela. He wants to show us how the greedy left-brain works. It was a wake-up call. THAT IS HOW THE LEFT-BRAIN-WORLD works..............
Osho said we all have a Judas and a Jesus inside of us. Create a situation and look who will take over the GAME.............. Falling in a Sheela-trap = called slavery!!.
❤Beautiful speech
So peaceful relaxed.
Osho is great n honest beyond imagination.
I ❤ his intellectualism n wisdom of knowledge
Lots of appreciation ❤
It’s true she didn’t meditate. She says as much in video footage from the documentary “Wild Country.” But that still leaves the question as to why he left the management of the ashram to such an unspiritual person.
She was chosen as my secretary for being practical, pragmatic, intelligent and mainly because she had no idea about my total Vision. Just give ncecessary instructions, she can repeat like a parrot. I needed a parrot. - Osho said in the video.
It is not power that really corrupts, it brings all the ideas in you that are corrupt to the surface.
The greatest philosopher of all time 🙏
Osho was Most misunderstood Guru (Pure soul) on earth.. Those who understood osho they experienced real heaven within.. Feeling so Blessed 🙏even hearing his voice.Miss you osho ❤
"unpredictable future", difficult to believe in it in this period, but this is the way, through meditation, thank you Osho.
she was just obsessed with power and control. This speech gives a very different portrait of that woman than the one in the Netflix documentary. She had no interest and apparently little knowledge of what Osho was teaching. An opportunist that should be in jail for the crimes she committed. She ruined the whole thing. Not surprised to hear that she never meditated. I dont understand how the director of the documentary could ignore such speech from Osho and give Sheela the opportunity to tell her version of the story about Osho and his community.
Osho will always be one of the greatest enlightened master.
She freely admits she never was into meditation or the enlightenment garbage because she knew that was his product to sell to those who wanted to pay for it and that she just loved him and wanted to follow him... I'm sure money and power helped too.
Netflix did it on purpose
There was a spark and shine in Osho’s eyes which I have seen and noticed in all previous videos but this time, in this video that shine and spark in eyes is completely gone and his voice confidence is also shattered.He must be hurt to the extend that he had started taking drugs.Which I had heard but after seeing this video,I could sense something went wrong with him for sure !! Anyways he was enlightened soul and I got to learn so many thing by watching his videos.Lots of gratitude towards Osho !!
its wrong sheela is trying to whitewash his image by telling that osho started abusing drugs , i don't think its possible the meditative mind is not affected by drugs.
A real master even if they will take poison it wont have an effect on them.
Bagavan....you are right...Sheela didn't come for meditation...
That's why she missed it ..
Nice to hear HIS side of it. Thanks
This is the video of osho speaks after 4 years of silence
Really? Look cold to me.
Very dull
I don't see nothing
Sheila was the person who destroyed Osho s movement totally.
These videos are gems for this generation and for many more upcoming generations.
World didn’t understand his value when he was Alive.
Truth always and only remains
Allowing open sexual relationship in the name of enlightenment is surely a good value
@@pooravsankhyan7700 he is very good
He's was just merely twisting and misquoting Indian scriptures, nothing special about him and his secretary con artist Sheela. 🥴
@@pooravsankhyan7700 consent !!
@@akashv8806 like you are doing it now isn't it😊
A truly gifted talented teacher ❤
well donde on posting this material! It´s unbelievable how the media now is feeding the old Sheela´s flame: being a celebrity, being famous, being encorauged to talk bad about Osho. How she dares... well, that´s her
HOPE SHEELA Listens to this
She is old now what else she's got to do
@@abhinavdas98 she's dead
@@didi437 what! haha 😄 She is Alive
@@didi437 Check out her latest podcast with Ranveer Allahabadia🥲
If Osho used to have evening meetings with Sheela, then he must be knowing what was she upto. If he didn't then it was his mistake too. He let her have power but did not control the reins. She was pretty aggressive but some other team members were needed to bring her action to sanity. They were with her to support her. Osho says he didn't know, but he was supposed to look into this. He did not fulfil this part of his responsibility.
Exactly. Master as Master should also help as they are like mother to all disciples but Master did Audio discourse helped on awakening Kundalini but cldnt push a person as Maa Sheela to Meditation. But yes, we never will be able to know, how much effort he put or didn't put. Yet we may find faults in their relationship..but still what a relationship 🥲. Beautiful saga.
He was no enlightened person. Enlightened beings don't make these kinds of mistakes ones they get enlightened. I'm not saying he was a bad guy but he was not what he claimed.
@Ab3nd It's not critical thinking, it is judgement. You never met Osho, so you cannot know him. We all have our judgements. The problem is holding onto them as if they are true.
@@geoc1005 🇨🇦 Are you saying that it is not possible to know someone without meeting him/her in person?
@Ab3ndcgi Tienes razón. Osho no era un ser iluminado, de hecho, representa lo opuesto a un ser espiritual. Él quería ser ganador sin entrenar para competir. Él sabía que era incapaz de renunciar al sexo y a los placeres materiales, por eso pisoteó las premisas básicas de la espiritualidad. Un manipulador encubierto como tantos otros que activan el mecanismo fanático de tantos obnubilados faltos de criterio.
Osho🩵 my dear teacher and friend, I am so happy to find you again and receive you… after I watched the netflix doc I felt angry, but I remembered your words and knew it was not about the teacher but the teachings… so I kept that with me and continue… with the clear understanding of how all institutions of religions and governments are corrupted … you have to be you for you not for others… after 3 years you came to me again… I didnt know all of these nasty things the reptilians have been doing to all humanity and how manipulated we have been… you prepare me, I am proud of myself, because I am in peace… I understand
I don't know what's wrong with me, i never felt Osho complete. I really don't know why i see so many flaws in him. But here all are praising him. When i compare Osho with few enlightened persons i knew, i find him shallow and empty from inside.
Thank you for this video and message🙏♥️
Actually if you watch Sheela's talks she says that she was never meditating. So Osho was right about that. But she denies that she committed crimes, like poisoning people.
Love Osho just listening to Osho puts me in a deep meditation
Thank you for these videos. ❤️🙏❤️
Thank you from Cambodia. Osho open my eyes, and now I am fully awakening. Blessed his Soul, only one, no second.🙏🙏
@14:15 I had this question, finally find the answer here. Thanks!
1000 Sheela would never harm Osho 😊
ओशो जी की वाक् शैली और विद्वतापूर्ण तर्कशीलता का प्रशंसक हूँ। लेकिन सच तो यह भी है इन गुणों के दम पर सही को गलत ठहराया जा सकता है, गलत को सही बनाया जा सकता है। अपनी सचिव पर कीचड़ उछाला जा सकता है।
Sheela destroyed everything.
If she had not been in OSHO Zone
The Osho's popularity would have been different.
It was sheela which made Osho made famous. She was the master of marketing. Nobody knew Osho before sheela came. It was sheela who executed Osho's impossible dream. Unfortunately She went different way.
@@nikhil.k3 He was well known , way before Sheila came to Osho. Do some research!
@@nikhil.k3OSHO has said in his interview that, There is always a balance in nature , I don't know the exact sentence but he said I cannot create good news but I can create bad and the good will follow becoz there is always a balance .
@@nikhil.k3 😂😂😂😂😂how sheela made him famous can you tel me
Then he shud hv questioned her abt d diamond watches, throne n rolls royce...a Sadhu is d one who doesnt hv any interest in worldy things...
Briliant explanation..! I love YOU, OSHO..!
How sweet & charming this man was❤❤❤
He looks sick and feverish🙄. Charming really. Apart frm those glittery clothings nothing
Boy does this man know he is making someone's life better by just speaking.
Moral to the story, never give a parrot too much power. But Osho was a business man, he loved his silence and freedom. People trick me all the time, regardless of their background and still three days ago, imagine I had more. Is sad, very sad to be alive after so much goodness. Osho and all the friends around were hardworking healthy people. I'm one Ma Prem Sujaani.
I recently found osho
I think he the right path for me
@@prashantbaraskerlyricist855 start from dynamic meditation
How can you say he loves silence , he also speak so much no one has spoken ever .
You asked a genuine question, perhaps you should have waited for an answer. Let me ask you, should his love for silence supercede his love for us? Should he forsake us by pursing his lips? His words encourage people to go within, to meditate themselves, ultimately ever increasing the silence... one enlightened soul at a time. One could argue that the words spoken by 1 man... contributed to the silence of millions. Food for thought.
@@ELITELAUNCHER sounds more like religion Which has been providing peace by making pieces out of people from decades
Yet we call it peaceful religion
Enigmatic.. This cat starts to speak, and it's a trip, like a trance.. Hipnose steps in, and I can't tell if he is for real or not, but there's a unique fragrance there. ✨
THANK YOU for sharing this video on Sheela. I thought she was good lady as media if putting her in limelight slot but now realized I was not favouring Truth.
Perhaps one of the greatest and most articulate insults of all time.
I just watch his video in x2 and he then blink normally
Great. Thanks for the video.
To my master, with lots of love ❤️
What a guts osho had to speak truth ❤
If you watch it on 2x speed, Osho talks at normal speed.
0.5 and get twice as much
More downloads for us.
1.5 is just nice
I figured that out myself 4 osho videos ago 😂
Osho was also Sheela with knowledge 😀😎
Osho great philosopher ❤
When he say he welcome everyone .....🙏🙏
حقًا أنهُ تجلي للوجود الواسع والعظيم .
I dont know anything about rajneesh. But his voice is so powerfull and soothing.....