The Golden Advice By Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd to Shaykh Rabee' Regarding Sayyid Qutb and Refutations

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Shaykh al 'Allamaah Dr. Bakr Abu Zayd رحمه الله
    Author of the famous Hilyat Taalib al Ilm which teaches the manners of seeking knowledge to the seeker of knowledge.

Комментарии • 77

  • @qm6595
    @qm6595 5 дней назад +1

    There was moderation practiced by Albani, Ibn Uthaymeen, Bakr Abu Zayd, Bin Baz - even higher than them by the likes of Sh Abdurrahman ibn Yahya al Muallimi al Yamani. This was lost amongst the Tulaab after this 'dawah' of Dr Rabee, instead, he planted the seed of name calling, reckless tabdee and many more extremes towards the rulers.
    For example, Sh al Muallimi al Yamani, refers to the Jahmi zahid al kawthari as a 'Shaykh' in his refutation of him. The way Bin Baz dealt with Mohammad Ghazali is another example, the just dealing of Sh Albani and Sh Bakr Abu Zayd with Sayed Qutb, is another example. رحمة الله عليهم جميعا.
    Dr Rabee and the claimants of his dawah are the complete opposite, we see them throwing Ahle Sunnah under the bus and attacking them, the likes of Shaykh Ibn Jibreen, Sh Mustafa, Sh Abu Ishaaq and the list is vast.

  • @Sunnah691
    @Sunnah691 Месяц назад +1

    Even shaykh abdullah Ibn Jibreen رحمه الله defended sayyid qutb

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +1

      Shaykh Abdur Rahmaan al Barraak also.

  • @AbuAbdullahAlHanbali
    @AbuAbdullahAlHanbali Месяц назад +2

    Also may allah have mercy on ismail haniyeh
    such a sad loss
    he lost many family
    now hes reunited with them
    may allah grant him the rank of the martyrs

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +1

      @@AbuAbdullahAlHanbali ameen akhilfaadil

    • @spawnnpwn4166
      @spawnnpwn4166 6 дней назад

      So you have no issue with him praying behind the rawafidh? Kissing the hands of a rawafidh? Visiting the shrine of a rawafidh?

  • @AbuAbdullahAlHanbali
    @AbuAbdullahAlHanbali Месяц назад +1

    Also akhi another big loss, Sheykh Abdullah As sa'd just got arrested, he is the student of shaykh maher al fahl and student of many kibar muhaditheen and a great muhaddith, may allah free him!

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +1

      @@AbuAbdullahAlHanbali ameen may Allah free all the muslims that are opressed

  • @millatiibrahim2416
    @millatiibrahim2416 Месяц назад +2


  • @kpookie
    @kpookie Месяц назад +1

    ‏رحمة الله ‏على شيخنا الشيخ بكر أبو زيد
    Subhannallah what he feared was going to happen is exactly what happened and is happening to this day
    ‏الله المستعان

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад

      @@kpookie رحمة الله عليه رحمة واسعة 🤲
      The Shaykh had great insight.

  • @Easyislamictranslations
    @Easyislamictranslations Месяц назад +5

    Shaykh Abdullah Azzam has spoken many times about the people that attack Syed Qutb, and how they attack his Aqeedah when he lived his whole life defending Aqeedah and his book “Fi Zilal” is centred all around Tawheed. And how he explicitly refuted the concept of “Wahdat Al Wujud” in “Fi Zilal”. However the ones that want to attack Islam, attack Islam by attacking the Islamic revivors/reformers

    • @sheroo1000
      @sheroo1000 Месяц назад +3

      Shaykh Al Albani, shaykh Uthaymeen, shaykh Bin Baz and shaykh Fawzan warned against Syed Qutb

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +1

      @@sheroo1000 That's not completely true. I have lots of audios in arabic from those scholars proving the contrary. They treated him with more fairness in their criticism and even praised him in some issues and Shaykh Bin Baz even tried to stop his execution.

    • @sheroo1000
      @sheroo1000 Месяц назад +1

      @@redman1300 But I hear audios of them warning against him. I’m so confused

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +1

      He has mistakes but he's not on the level some make him out to be. People should also realize the conditions of those times. He has also done good work for islam. You have to listen to all the speech of the scholars to get more detail on this issue. If I had more time I would've translated some of it but unfortunately I don't have that much time. Just take what Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd said and apply that in general to stay safe. You don't have to read Sayyid Qutb's books and don't have to be confused. This video is not about him specifically but about a greater problem haunting this Ummah. ​@@sheroo1000

    • @userjasks
      @userjasks Месяц назад +2

      ​@@redman1300 This issue about the intercession of ibn Baz is mentioned in Shaykh Fawzan's "Beneficial Answers". The main run-down is the ulama thought good of the ikhwanis in those times, hence why ibn Baz intercessed for another Muslim which is something good, and why Saudi let the ikhwanis come into the country, among them: Muhammad Qutb, his brother as you know. Then their dawah became more strong, and some of the ulama started to refute these issues of the ikhwanis, and the rest of the ulama followed this fair and just criticism. Clinging on to old statements isn't going to work, and the ikhwanis are 100% misguided.
      Sayyid Qutb said that Islam is "the one positive, constructive, Aqeedah which has been moulded from Christianity and Communism together with a perfect mixing, including all of their objectives and adds upon them balance, and harmony, and fairness".
      So which Aqeedah is he defending?!
      Hammad al Ansari said that this statement is kufr and if he was alive he should be made to repent, and if not, to be killed as an apostate.
      Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen said regarding the statement, that whoever said it is either ignorant of the religion of Islam or he likes what the disbelieving nations from the Christians and Communists are upon.
      Secondly, Shaykh Rabee' wasn't the only scholar who refuted Qutb. From them was the Allaamah Mahmood Shakir, the teacher of Shaykh Salih al ash Shaykh.
      Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan - hafidhahullaah - said:
      "The question of reading 'az-Zilaal' is a matter open to question, since 'az-Zilaal' comprises things which are very dubious, and that we should attach the youth to it and that they should accept the thoughts contained in it - this is the dubious matter since it may have an evil affect upon the minds of the youth. The tafseer of Ibn Katheer and the many tafseers of the scholars of the Salaf are such that they leave no need for the like of this tafseer. Then in reality it is not a tafseer, but rather deals with the general themes of the Soorahs of the Qur'aan in general. So it is not a tafseer in the sense well-known to the scholars since the earliest times - i.e. that the meaning of the (verses) are explained by narrations (aathaar), and that matters contained in them pertaining to the language and eloquence are explained and Sharee'ah rulings contained in them are explained - and before all of this what Allah - the Most Perfect and Most High - means in the Aayahs and the Soorahs is made clear.
      As for "Zilaal ul-Qur'aan", then it is a 'tafseer' dealing with general concepts, and we may call it an 'objective explanation' - from the 'objective tafseers' that are known in this age. However it is not to be depended upon due to the affairs of Soofism contained in it, and due to the wordings it contains that do not befit the Qur'aan - such as terms pertaining to music and rhythms.
      Also by 'Tawheed' he does not mean Tawheed of worship, but rather he mostly means Tawheed of Lordship (Ruboobiyyah), and if he mentions anything of tawheed of Worship - then he concentrates upon Tawheed of sovereignty and the right to legislate (al-Haakimiyyah)."
      So where is this Tawheed that Sayyid Qutb "based his tafseer around"?!
      Does Shaykh Fawzan intend to attack Islam?!
      Lastly, making tabdee' of Sayyid Qutb is not like making tabdee' of a Salafi. Even though what he said would make him a deviant straight away as these are clear cut issues. But with him, he was never even known to be upon the Salafi Aqeedah or Manhaj, so when we see these innovations from him, he is declared an innovator straight away. And there are books written about Sayyid Qutb, not just from Shaykh Rabee', and the Ulama made tabdee' of him, and declared him to be misguided so don't hide behind old speech when things were still unclear.

  • @hanzalaenam9661
    @hanzalaenam9661 Месяц назад +1

    Akhi please help me, what is the correct aqidah? Salaf? Ahlul athar? Ahlul hadis? Ashairah? I'm struggling a lot please can you give me brief answer but in detail? I've watched so many videos from both sides but i don't get it, please help me once and for all and please don't direct me to any video

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +2

      @@hanzalaenam9661 Salafi Aqeedah is the correct Aqeedah. Why? because that is what the Salaf believed and they did not delve into Ashari explanations that came later.
      It's a simple Aqeedah and it will keep you safe and certain without confusion.
      Read Aqeedah Waasitiyyah and its explanation. Read Kitaab at Tawheed and its explanation. Read al Aqeedah at Tahaawiyyah and its explanation. Read a trustworthy tafseer like Ibn Katheer and just leave it at that.
      If you don't understand both sides just leave it and focus on your 'ibaadah and reading Quran and books of scholars and focus on what you do understand until Allah grants you its understanding. It's not for everybody to delve into these matters in detail.
      Do not confuse yourself and seek refuge in Allah from the doubts of Shaytaan. May Allah bless you and guide us all.

    • @hanzalaenam9661
      @hanzalaenam9661 Месяц назад

      @@redman1300 jazakallahu khairan kathira

    • @AbdarRahmanChignell
      @AbdarRahmanChignell 16 дней назад +1

      MashaAllah I think this is excellent advice.
      I would also recommend Usul as-Sunnah by Imam Ahmad
      For me deeply reflecting on this Surat on the topic saved me a lot of time to focus on worship:

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  16 дней назад

      @@hanzalaenam9661 wa jazaak Allahu khairan akhi

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  16 дней назад

      @@AbdarRahmanChignell indeed akhi baarak Allahu feek

  • @user-user-user-user.
    @user-user-user-user. Месяц назад +1

    It’s amazing that Syed Qutb predicted this.

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +1

      @@user-user-user-user. What did he say akhi?

    • @iymuslim
      @iymuslim Месяц назад +2

      I think you mean it’s amazing that sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd predicted this. This is the only way your sentence here makes sense

    • @user-user-user-user.
      @user-user-user-user. Месяц назад

      If you read Social Justice and Milestones (amongst others) you will find that Syed Qutb (Ra) predicted the ways in which jahiliya culture, dependence on colonialist powers and an obsession with western technology and modernism would infect the leaders, religious and otherwise, of the Muslim world.

    • @user-user-user-user.
      @user-user-user-user. Месяц назад +2

      If you read Qutb’s works - specifically Social Justice and Milestones, Qutb highlights how compromised the Arab-Islamic world was (and is). The temptation and eventual addiction to western technology, western culture and the western worldview, the inability to break free form the colonial mindset (the essence of the master / slave relationship) and of course the wholesale introduction of jahiliya ideas, practices and the inability to even reflect or acknowledge being in a state of ignorance. I cannot remember the specific book or article, but Qutb highlighted some of the fatwas that were issued in Egypt during one specific year in the 1950’s. They had to do with the consumption of Coca Cola and other Western consumer goods. Qutb didn’t negate the importance of these fatwas, but he pointed out, metaphorically, that when the house is on fire a can of Coke is not going to put it out. So Qutb’s prediction was that without a radical shift, Islamic societies, including the ulema would slowly slide into complacency and worse.

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +2

      @@user-user-user-user. Interesting akhi. Baarak Allahu feek for sharing that information very insightful

  • @bittertruth0000
    @bittertruth0000 Месяц назад

    So it is not allowed to read any book of Sheikh Rabee , Sheikh Ahmad Najmi and Sheikh Ubayd Al Jabiri ? Whether of Fiqh , Aqeedah or Hadees ?

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +1

      @@bittertruth0000 If they have written anything beneficial on those topics you can benefit from it.

  • @Beingstudent005
    @Beingstudent005 Месяц назад

    Sayid Qutub and like of him were ignorants How can they defend tawheed wearing Court and pant.
    Shame on you

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад

      @@Beingstudent005 Yeah shame on Bakr Abu Zayd bro you're right! Boycott his book hilyat taalib al ilm right?! A Man can defend islam/guide a person even if he is sinful or not knowledgable have you never read those hadith? Watch out with the arrogance because you have your big beard and wear an arabic dress so you feel higher than someone without a beard or who wears western clothing. do you think those will take you to jannah on their own or does Allah judge the good and bad of a person? Shaykh Taqi deen al Hilali had no beard in his younger years and he used to wear western clothing so how can he defend tawheed right?

    • @Beingstudent005
      @Beingstudent005 Месяц назад

      Shaykh Albani ibn baz and ibn uthaymeen Rejected These blood thiristy ignorants I.e enough.
      Infact Yusuf al qaradavi said I was deceived now Shut your foul mouth.

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад

      ​@@Beingstudent005 lol if you know arabic go listen to some of the tapes of Albani, Bin Baz and the Mufti of Saudi AbdulAziz Aal ash Shaykh regarding this and you won't be barking so hard anymore. Only one who's bloodthirsty here is you. i can see the spit coming out of your mouth like a wild dog while writing your filthy words. Calm down bro

    • @Beingstudent005
      @Beingstudent005 Месяц назад

      @@redman1300 I have spent thousands of hours watching lectures by Shaykh al-Albani, Shaykh Bin Baz, and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. Sayyid Qutb was an ignorant individual, misguided and bloodthirsty. So, do yourself a favor and keep quiet.If I were to place the feet of Shaykh Rabi on one side of the scale and all the deeds and works of Ikhwan al-Muflisoon on the other, the feet of Shaykh Rabi would outweigh them all."

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад +1

      @@Beingstudent005 you probably haven't been listening too well for those thousands of hours or you would have learned some manners from the scholars. What an extreme statement ghuluw to the highest degree as if you are Allah to judge that and you are speaking like the scale is yours to decide. I think you should be worried about your arrogance and bad manners dropping your scale to the ground. I won't keep quiet for someone like you tabdee'i freak. You precious Rabee' has caused so much bloodshed in Libya with his fatwa yet I don't hear you calling him bloodthirsty. Your madkhali brothers murdered a Shaykh there so I think if Rabee' let you rabid dogs loose like he did in Libya you guys would've been the first to shed blood against those you deem ahlul bidah from us.

  • @Muwahid6759
    @Muwahid6759 Месяц назад

    Sayyid qutb is a jahmi (i am not madkhali)

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад


    • @Muwahid6759
      @Muwahid6759 Месяц назад +1

      ​​@@redman1300u use that against anyone upon haqq keep crying kid 😂

    • @AbuAbdullahAlHanbali
      @AbuAbdullahAlHanbali Месяц назад

      ask barrak about qutb, im waiting

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад

      @@Muwahid6759 lol so i was right 😂😂👍 The Haqq is islam and not haddadiyyah. you guys call anyone jahmi even Albani is not safe from the haddadi tongue or Mustafa al Adawi

    • @redman1300
      @redman1300  Месяц назад

      @@AbuAbdullahAlHanbali They know better than the elder scholars akhi so dont even try to correct them.

  • @redman1300
    @redman1300  Месяц назад +2

    "And it's not allowed to spread it nor
    to print it because of what it contains
    of severe prejudice and accustoming
    (training/teaching) the youth of this
    Ummah in a strong way to slander
    (and backbite) The scholars and
    scrutinizing them, belittling their status
    And abandoning the good that they
    have (and do)." - Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd رحمه الله
    We can see the reality of these legendary words in our time.