Anunnaki Exodus... WHY Did the Leave Nibiru for Earth? ARE THEY Still Here? A New Sumerian Paradigm

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • The story of the Anunnaki, the ancient Mesopotamian deities, has long captivated the imagination of researchers and enthusiasts. According to Sumerian mythology, the Anunnaki originated from the planet Nibiru and played a significant role in shaping human civilization. In this blog post, we delve into the theories surrounding the Anunnaki's supposed exodus from Nibiru to Earth, explore their alleged presence on our planet, and propose a new perspective on this intriguing ancient paradigm.
    The Anunnaki's Journey from Nibiru
    According to certain alternative theories, the Anunnaki's journey from Nibiru to Earth is shrouded in mystery. #nibirusystem believed to be a hypothetical planet in our solar system, is said to have an elliptical orbit that brings it close to Earth every few thousand years. It is suggested that the Anunnaki sought resources, particularly gold, on our planet to help repair their damaged atmosphere.
    These theories propose that the #anunnaki genetically manipulated early humans to serve as a workforce in their gold mining operations. #ancient texts, such as the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, are cited as evidence of the Anunnaki's involvement in human genetic engineering and the establishment of advanced civilizations.
    The Presence of the Anunnaki on Earth: Myth or Reality?
    While these alternative theories have gained popularity, mainstream academia remains skeptical about the literal interpretation of the Anunnaki's presence on Earth. Critics argue that the stories of the Anunnaki are purely mythological and symbolic, serving as allegories for natural phenomena, cosmic forces, or societal structures.
    However, proponents of the Anunnaki's physical presence on Earth point to ancient texts, archaeological discoveries, and mythological similarities across cultures as evidence of extraterrestrial intervention in human history. They speculate that remnants of the Anunnaki's advanced technology and influence can still be found on Earth, hidden in ancient structures and enigmatic artifacts.
    A New Sumerian Paradigm: Symbolism and Allegory
    A fresh perspective on the Anunnaki narrative suggests that rather than focusing solely on the literal interpretation, we should explore the symbolism and allegory embedded in Sumerian mythology. The Anunnaki's arrival on Earth and their interactions with humanity could be seen as metaphors for the awakening of human consciousness, the acquisition of knowledge, and the emergence of civilization.
    By embracing a symbolic interpretation, we can appreciate the profound insights into human nature, spirituality, and the struggle for power encoded within these ancient tales. Furthermore, this paradigm allows for a more nuanced understanding of the cultural, historical, and religious context in which the Sumerian myths were created.
    The Continuing Legacy of the Anunnaki
    Regardless of the debate surrounding the Anunnaki's physical presence on Earth, their legacy endures. The Sumerians left behind a wealth of knowledge and cultural achievements that continue to shape our understanding of human history. The stories of the Anunnaki continue to inspire artistic creations, literary works, and alternative theories that challenge mainstream narratives.

Комментарии • 799

  • @AceDayton523
    @AceDayton523 2 года назад +64

    Amazing how the ruins of these temples and Earth stations are still here, proof Infront of our very eyes, able to read about what they went through, in depth documented history being pushed aside as myth. Life is limitless in the universe like it is here on Earth 🌎

    • @Arturo-jd3kn
      @Arturo-jd3kn 2 года назад +7

      The truth is hidden on purpose.

  • @youtubecansukkadik
    @youtubecansukkadik 2 года назад +17

    This research is invaluable

    • @mrtoothless
      @mrtoothless 2 года назад +1

      Yes, it has no value at all.

  • @kathleenvance4045
    @kathleenvance4045 2 года назад +3

    Thank you. You have the best and most authentic summaries.

  • @chupirupee
    @chupirupee 2 года назад +3


  • @olioco
    @olioco 2 года назад +139

    The only thing that doesn’t add up for me is … if you have technology for interplanetary travel, to modify your atmosphere, modify dna … you’d think they’d be able to mine gold in a more efficient manner … Machines to travel through space but not mine gold? 🤔

    • @relevation0
      @relevation0 2 года назад +22

      Yea all of this sounds ridiculous

    • @emeraldfox7175
      @emeraldfox7175 2 года назад +37

      If you do the research that wasn't their only goal,why waste costly energy,when slave labor is cheap,it's why slaves have always been used!

    • @paulshears4452
      @paulshears4452 2 года назад +16

      Surely you would mine asteroids.

    • @lonniestoute8762
      @lonniestoute8762 2 года назад +24

      Have you ever tried to transport a bulldozer through space ?
      Why do we still have migrant workers hand hoeing bean fields?

    • @JW-rg6rg
      @JW-rg6rg 2 года назад +41

      Makes more sense than adam and eve and random snake and apples and punishment nine hours being on earth that randomly popped up 🤣

  • @Dodgevair
    @Dodgevair 2 года назад +15

    "I would do it [study UFOs], but before agreeing to do it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination." J. Edgar Hoover-Director of FBI
    The security guard called and said, “Sir, there’s a glowing red object hovering right outside the front gate. I’ve got all the men out here with their weapons drawn.” We lost between 16-18 ICBMs (nuclear tipped Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles) at the same time UFOs were in the area… (A high ranking Air Force officer) said, “Stop the investigation; do no more on this and do not write a final report. I heard that many of the guards that reported the incident were sent off to Vietnam." Captain Robert Salas, USAF, during a videotaped interview for the Disclosure program.
    "A few insiders know the truth...and are studying the bodies that have been discovered." -Dr. Edwin Mitchell Apollo 14..the 6th NASA employee to walk on the Moon.
    "Maximum security exists concerning the subject of UFOs.” CIA Director, Allen Dulles, 1955.
    "It's still #classified above Top Secret." - Senator Barry Goldwater, 1975
    “Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former CIA Director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, public statement, 1960.
    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false” -William Casey, CIA director, 1981
    “Yes, there have been ET visitations. There have been crashed craft. There have been material and bodies recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of these craft, or some components, to be duplicated. And there is some group of people that may or may not be associated with government at this point that have this knowledge. They have been attempting to conceal this knowledge. People in high level government have very little, if any, valid information about this. It has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and create confusion so the truth doesn’t come out. ” ― Edgar D. Mitchell, The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut's Journey Through the Material and Mystical World
    AFFIDAVIT (1) My name is Thomas Jefferson Dubose (2) My address is: XXXXXXXXXX (3) I retired from the U.S. Air force in 1959 with the rank of Brigadier General. (4) In July 1947, I was stationed at Fort Worth Army Air Field [later Carswell Air Force Base] in Fort Worth, Texas. I served as Chief of Staff to Major General Roger Ramey, Commander, Eighth Air Force. I had the rank of Colonel. (5) In early July, I received a phone call from Maj. Gen. Clements McMullen, Deputy Commander, Strategic Air Command. He asked what we knew about the object which had been recovered outside Roswell, New Mexico, as reported in the press. I called Col. William Blanchard, Commander of the Roswell Army Air Field, and directed him to send the material in a sealed container to me at Fort Worth. I so informed Maj. Gen. McMullen. (6) After the plane from Roswell arrived with the material, I asked the Base Commander, Col. Al Clark, to take possession of the material and to personally transport it in a B-26 to Maj. Gen. McMullen in Washington, D.C. I notified Maj. Gen. McMullen, and he told me he would send the material by personal courier on his plane to Benjamin Chidlaw, Commanding General of the Air Material Command at Wright Field [later Wright Patterson AFB]. The entire operation was conducted under the strictest secrecy. (7) The material shown in the photographs taken in Maj. Gen. Ramey’s office was a weather balloon. The weather balloon explanation for the material was a cover story to divert the attention of the press. (8) I have not been paid or given anything of value to make this statement, which is the truth to the best of my recollection. Signed: T. J. Dubose Date: 9/16/91 Signature witnessed by: Linda R. Split Notary Public, State of Florida
    "There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.“ - Daniel Inouye Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition (Iran-Contra hearings) (1987)
    Genesis 19:24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
    MEANINGFUL congressional hearings, ala the Watergate hearings, including aerospace/defense contractors and Vice Admiral Thomas R. Wilson must be held to address a vital issue that transcends politics and we will never properly advance until it happens: The 75+yr ongoing-constitutionally illegal, EXTRATERRESTRIAL cover-up. How can we truly believe anything our elected officials say? The dog n pony shows must cease.

    • @morpher44
      @morpher44 Год назад

      “there had to be a way of maintaining full deniability of the flying disk phenomenon while actually preparing the public for a disclosure by gradually desensitizing them to the potential terror of confronting a more powerful biological entity from a different world. It would have to be, General Twining suggested, at the same time both the greatest cover-up and greatest public relations program ever undertaken." - Philip J. Corso, The Day After Roswell

  • @HighMojo
    @HighMojo 2 года назад +11

    If Nibiru is becoming uninhabitable, and the Anunnaki are already on Earth, why would they want to return to Nibiru?
    Wouldn't it make more sense to conclude that they never left?

    • @LightingLotusLove
      @LightingLotusLove 2 года назад

      Maybe they’re the beings in inner earth ?

    • @Grim_Concept
      @Grim_Concept 2 года назад

      @@LightingLotusLove maybe they're the one's Trump was supposedly in talks with..?

    • @trapperjohn6089
      @trapperjohn6089 Год назад

      @@LightingLotusLove we are what remains of them. We have unnatural Red/blond hair, blue eyes, teeth that don’t fit the jaw, vestigial organs, genetic disorders, artificially spliced chromosome number two, and we’re the only great apes with beards. We ARE them.

    • @aquilinoguatno5170
      @aquilinoguatno5170 Год назад +3

      Perhaps they found other habitable planets, a better paradise than Earth or interstellar travel was already achieved.

    • @morpher44
      @morpher44 Год назад +1

      The 24-hour day for them is light-dark-light-dark flashing by so rapidly, it is mentally disturbing, just as when we send astronauts to the space station and they see the sun-rise and sun-set every 90 minutes. It really messes up your natural rhythms. Also, Earth's gravity is probably far different. If you went to Mars, had a kid, and raised that kid on Mars to age 16, that kid would not be able to come back to Earth and live. They would die on Earth because their heart would not be able to pump adequately due to the strong Earth's gravity. It is not so easy to just move to another planet that has different gravity and a different rhythm of day and night. It is more efficient to use a workforce that is from the planet or to try to genetically modify yourself to adapt better to the planet.

  • @Voldemortbro
    @Voldemortbro 2 года назад +52

    If you think about it, if 1 year on Nibiru is 3500 years on earth, it is very well possible that for us, these events unfolded thousands of years ago, but for the Anunnaki they could have very well taken place only a few years ago, explaining why they haven’t checked back. It’s too soon!

    • @rasarkonayabingi1759
      @rasarkonayabingi1759 2 года назад +5

      Look into the mud flood in the 1850s..🤔

    • @chandlerjacquet156
      @chandlerjacquet156 2 года назад +3

      I wonder if nibiru does appear what does that mean for us!!!

    • @4stomper
      @4stomper 2 года назад +2

      450,000 \ 3,500 = 128

    • @evonnechi7029
      @evonnechi7029 2 года назад +8

      Earth goes around our Sun much faster than Nibiru. It takes Nibiru 3600 Earth years to make one revolution around our Sun. So even though days, weeks, months, and years are longer on Nibiru, the Anunnaki feel or sense the passage of time just as we do.
      Apparently, the Anunnaki, who are virtually immortal, seemed to age more quickly when stationed on Earth. I am not sure why. I don't know if the aging problem was permanent or if their youth would be restored by returning to Nibiru.

    • @lordmatthewanunnahybrid1356
      @lordmatthewanunnahybrid1356 2 года назад +8

      Niburu is on a 793 year cycle and it returns 2046 in November along with Enki/Enoch the chief cornerstone.

  • @garyb1036
    @garyb1036 2 года назад +5

    We still have an attraction to gold

  • @joannabell9294
    @joannabell9294 2 года назад +13

    Thank you! So relevant, more confirmations with more details. Much appreciated! Absolutely Marvelous!

    • @AnunnakiOrigins
      @AnunnakiOrigins  2 года назад +5

      You are so welcome!

    • @benjenkins5949
      @benjenkins5949 2 года назад

      @@AnunnakiOrigins they were not looking for gold, they were looking for oil because they bled their own planet DRY. that's why their volcanos were not producing anymore lava. they are trying to bleed our own planet as well. had Nothing to do with atomizing gold for their atmosphere, that is a lie

    • @tbadami1
      @tbadami1 2 года назад +2

      They needed gold to save their planets atmosphere, they came 445 000 yrs ago, left shortly after they nuked sodom and Gomorrah but first they warned Abraham, Enlil (lord of the command), (Elohim) selected warrior.

    • @TJXD
      @TJXD 2 года назад +1

      @@tbadami1 so for them it's only been around 130 years their time since they were here very fascinating

  • @markhall42
    @markhall42 2 года назад +7

    we already knew all this stuff but i like the way it was conscicely put together in a professional ""no doubts about this" manne rpeople have been ignoring the obvious for too long because it sounds to farfetched when it comes to the origins of our existance but how can anything be credibly questioned when we are just electrical inputs to our senses and brains and cannot question them becuase anything could be creating them to give us an illusion of reality and we ourselves can manipulate our consciousness of reality with technology, psychedelic drugs, advanced yoga and meditatation and qigong, pyramids, frequncies etc etc creating completely new and different realitys to the one where in we have no certain way of knowing who or what we are we could all just suddenly wake up now to find that where entirely different creatures playing on a virtual reality game sense of time means nothing i've had extremely lucid normal level consistant consciousness dreams where i've been on an epic lord of the rings style adventure for two days then woke up and found i've only been asleep for twenty minutes - we know absolutely nothing accept that we exist in some form, and it's hard to see how we could prove anything other than we have consciousness , quantum entanglement like an immense fractal tree that we travel down and along different branches sometimes using hallucinogens and technology to hop from one branch to another like Nostradamus sometimes accidently did predicting someone elses future can we credibly learn anything about our selves?

    • @markhall42
      @markhall42 2 года назад +2

      escuse my messed up grammer i was trying to say at at the end some type of quantum fractal tree seems our best bet it explains parrallel universes, time travel, the Mandala effect etc.

  • @JJ33438
    @JJ33438 2 года назад +10

    Great video. Niburu with its elongated orbit passes all the planets. the sumerian history tablets found at Ninevah tell of earthlings experience with this planet and its inhabitants.. However the inhabitants of this planet - going by all the other planets in their orbit...know how to mine the minerals they need from each planet. On earth there is evidence of their mining in South America and South Africa. There are sophisticated mines that have been discovered that are over !00,000K years old and are depleted! So someone got there first. there is also a tablet found (its broken and obviously a copy of another) that shows "how to go by the planets".! This is a very ancient tablet - no primitive peoples would know about planets at that time in history. also the Sumerians and Egyptians appeared on earth with a fully developed civilization! In a time when they should have been hunting with clubs still they were making laws to live by. Their history is very clear and very precise as to humanity's developmental history. I believe them.

  • @alexkarsai9479
    @alexkarsai9479 2 года назад +2

    Wow you're research must be more overwhelming than a newb like myself discovering this ancient of ancient history lessons , dogon myths must have some truth in their astral knowledge without science nor math it seams? Thanks for this video brother , I'm actually in awe right now ..

  • @kenrik2105
    @kenrik2105 Год назад +3

    Some say Nibiru is an Anunnaki, planet-sized ship, and that Ea/Enki has returned with our original genetic blueprint to correct past wrongs.

    • @dorianmclean6755
      @dorianmclean6755 Год назад

      I have heard this too....
      Such a shame their arrival destroys our planet.

    • @yvonnethompson5568
      @yvonnethompson5568 Год назад

      @@dorianmclean6755 I have also become aware of this, it is beyond coincidence.

    • @hybrid4984
      @hybrid4984 Год назад

      Where is enki now? Is he immortal being?

  • @lanabethmorrison6584
    @lanabethmorrison6584 Год назад

    So sad for them 😢 I 🙏 everyday for there safe return to us .

  • @DaverTinus
    @DaverTinus 2 года назад

    These clips you do are amazing

  • @ericswain4177
    @ericswain4177 Год назад +1

    Truth is stranger than fiction. !

  • @brigitakralj6399
    @brigitakralj6399 2 года назад +1

    Thank You🍀💞💫🌿🌹🕊️🥰☀️❤️🌍🌏🌎

  • @timothylanders3189
    @timothylanders3189 Год назад +1

    Beautiful background music

  • @jdsykes9125
    @jdsykes9125 2 года назад

    This was aiet. And I don usually say that, but this was pretty good. Had me thinking a lot.

  • @azadi8497
    @azadi8497 2 года назад +7

    What happened to the council of 12. Who could be the blood lines?

  • @herodzholomi5584
    @herodzholomi5584 Год назад +1

    Amazing.. amazing

  • @BRAVEN32m12
    @BRAVEN32m12 Год назад +1

    𒄿 𒄠 𒂗 𒃞 𒇻 𒁹
    And we are still here

  • @terryhunsicker3708
    @terryhunsicker3708 2 года назад

    God , fed up with mankind's shenanigans went deep into the universe to his own private enclave. He returns from time to time smacking down the corrupt leaders and people of Earth letting them know who the REAL boss is. I can only imagine what his house looks like.

  • @jamessudek2125
    @jamessudek2125 Год назад +2

    They terraformed this planet 3 times and will do it 2 more times. We are currently in the 3 time.

  • @percival1137
    @percival1137 2 года назад +25

    Funny how the Earth seems to face a cataclysm...every...3600...years.

    • @LightingLotusLove
      @LightingLotusLove 2 года назад

      😂😮🥹 crash 💥 landing 🛬

    • @truthhurts76.36
      @truthhurts76.36 Год назад +4

      Yea magnetic pole shift when it gets to close perhaps.

    • @2inHeartattack
      @2inHeartattack Год назад

      Because some asshole humans took up all their space

    • @7R4dicalized
      @7R4dicalized Год назад

      Funny isn’t the descriptor I’d use

    • @jballen_74
      @jballen_74 Год назад

      Considering why they were here and why they made us, I’d be concerned they would enslave us to mine the planet, that would suck, but it would change everything that we believe

  • @Taz6688
    @Taz6688 2 года назад +2

    Anyone who came here in a craft, would have no trouble popping to the nearest asteroid belt and finding a suitable gold bearing rock, why on earth would they come here, train us, modify us and mine gold when you could collect more in one hit from the asteroid.

  • @stephanieporter2892
    @stephanieporter2892 2 года назад +2

    Remnants of the Anakim remained in Gaza, Gath and Ashdod (Joshua 11:21-22)

  • @haljasonfoster2169
    @haljasonfoster2169 Год назад +2

    Chris H. Hardy PhD puts all this together and fills in some of the gaps in the book DNA of the Gods.With all the work so many researchers and scientists are doing the whole picture is just starting to materialize. I think this is where Graham Hancock is going with the new Netflix Ancient Apocalypse series. Anyone else see the "little bags" they carry are also on Inca temples?

  • @melvynbraithwaite8563
    @melvynbraithwaite8563 2 года назад +3

    Because Nibirus Firmament
    Collapsed due to experiments by Enki.Nibiru
    People were stranded on Tephireth.Their Phi was different to Tephireth hence mutation onto giants.
    MBraithwaite Yorkshire

  • @FairleySneddz
    @FairleySneddz Год назад +2

    There's more evidence of anunaki on earth with Adams calender in South Africa where they started mining for gold.

  • @Classifiedreality
    @Classifiedreality 2 года назад

    Thank you....🤔🤔🤔👨‍🌾🚜👨‍🌾🌠🌠

  • @alexiachimciuc3199
    @alexiachimciuc3199 2 года назад +3

    Just from the first 22 seconds. If the planet beyond Pluto hasn't been discovered yet how the ppl who made this material know what type of orbit it has? And a brown dwarf isn't a type of planet it's a type of star.

  • @Waltham1892
    @Waltham1892 2 года назад

    Well, this goes off the rails immediately.
    At least you don't have to wait.

  • @tentoezdownmovement4914
    @tentoezdownmovement4914 Год назад

    Excellent information 👌 much appreciated for truth spreading #TenToezDowN #Movement

  • @keirangrant1607
    @keirangrant1607 2 года назад +5

    Why is it easier for people to dig for gold on earth, when there are asteroids full of the stuff in the asteroid belt?

    • @briandaniels2126
      @briandaniels2126 2 года назад +2

      The asteroid belt did not exist until after Nibiru sideswiped Tiamot(wrong spelling,forgive me.The Annunaki landed on the bigger remains of Tiamot which slowly grew back and became earth.The piece or pieces that broke off formed the asteroid belt eventually just as the remains of Tiamot eventually grew back and became the earth.So.....mining gold on the remains of the planet was much easier than on the broken off rubble which became the asteroid belt.Plus it was where they already knew there was gold to mine.What sounds more accessible?Mining on a planet missing a quarter of it's mass that has an atmosphere or mining gold on that missing quarter that had turned to asteroids floating around in the cold dark vacuum of space?

    • @tbadami1
      @tbadami1 2 года назад

      They tried but the belt asteroids are in a high rate of collision which destroyed their ships entry.

  • @Lisa-in-Florida
    @Lisa-in-Florida 2 года назад +3

    Does anyone know why all over the world, something that looks like a box with a handle, keeps appearing? It looks like a purse kind of thing but clearly isn’t. Seems to be powerful whatever it is. There’s so much we truly don’t know about earth’s history. ✌️❤️

    • @bethbartlett5692
      @bethbartlett5692 2 года назад +1

      I sorta think it might be, one of the following,:
      🗝️ "their Laptop/Case",
      🔑 "what we would consider a Doctor's Bag",
      💼 "briefcase" for various communication gadgets"
      Just my thinking ...

    • @R463R
      @R463R Год назад +2

      The boring answer I have heard is that it is a bucket of water they are holding. I hate to admit it, but seeing as they are normally holding a pinecone/seed looking object, while standing next to what often looks like a representation of some form of plant they may be attending to could make the boring explanation the correct one.
      I would love for it to be something else, but that explanation, along with pillar 43 of Gobekli Tepe showing a picture of 3 similar looking objects actually showing the 3 animals specific to each of the three “huts” with curved roofs, rather than that of “satchels/purses/buckets” has a lot of potential to explain those images found on pillar 43 at least. That is if they had curved roofs to begin with, but the 3 corresponding animals next to each depiction would seem to heavily suggest it.
      I am no expert, and personally hold no stake in arguing either for, or against to be clear. It’s just ever since I have been unable to see them as anything else, but buckets of water in context to them being held, and 3 images representing the 3 corresponding huts at Gobekli Tepe.
      I just wanted to share what I have heard explained to me. Not saying it is concrete information, and not to stop your own research into the matter. It certainly has not stopped mine.
      Godspeed & Good Luck

    • @Sconnieification
      @Sconnieification Год назад

      I've been trying to find out too. I was thinking it's some type of battery back for electricity.

    • @morpher44
      @morpher44 Год назад

      Not a purse. It's a battery. If you are mobile, you need to be able to power your electronics.

  • @davidcanary60
    @davidcanary60 2 года назад

    OMG, what a stretch !

  • @ExposedBen
    @ExposedBen 2 года назад +1

    Enki = Nike
    Commanded - Just Do It!

  • @Alikhan-nb2ui
    @Alikhan-nb2ui 2 года назад

    The power of RA 👁️🙏.

  • @atilathesonofdanubius4277
    @atilathesonofdanubius4277 Год назад +1

    The more I read about the documents of Sumeria, the more I believe their narrative. Back then, I assume, there was no knowledge of planetary systems, so how in hell they knew about that knowledge and that of Gold. Truth is stranger than fiction and that seems more believable than the later religions and Supreme beings.

  • @charlesburleson9157
    @charlesburleson9157 9 месяцев назад

    On earth Enki will eventually be the rightful ruler. It is what it us.

  • @darrylflynn6409
    @darrylflynn6409 Год назад

    Validates everything im researched myself concise and very only query when are the annunaki coming back to claim dominion over their creation I don't believe they are benevolent in the slightest

  • @charleswatkins4673
    @charleswatkins4673 Год назад +1

    If Nibiru is on a 3600 year orbit, it must have passed within the inner solar system at some time in human history. When was that?

    • @JoeLigmama
      @JoeLigmama Год назад

      3600 years ago lol then 3600 years before that then 3600 years before that etc. it’s actually 3654 years though.

  • @quita2786
    @quita2786 Год назад +1

    First off let's say that the end of Anukkiz is One of many apart of a COUNCIL EVEN THE UNIVERSE ITSELF HAS ITS ORDERS so there are beings on top of being on top of being is because there are parallels on top of parallels on top of parallels on top of universes the universe is infinite infinite space like it goes on and on and on and it can continue to regenerate in generate what is it chooses to generate and how he chooses to generate you choose to generate with the universe cuz you are granted that opportunity that choice that blessing so you get the choice to actively TuneIn and tap in to the universe that's going to go regardless if you tune in the tapping or not keep that in mind so when you ask questions about why they couldn't understand why they couldn't do that and why they can reason why they can do that keep in mind that everything has its order and everything has his rank according to the universe how the UNIVERSE
    do Universe and wants to rank it how the creators of all of all creations choose to rank the universe and those that tapping into it

  • @boburwell9921
    @boburwell9921 2 года назад +5

    How would ancient Sumerians know about atmosphere or how gold is used to shield solar radiation?

    • @edjackson4389
      @edjackson4389 2 года назад +5

      They wouldn't. The Anunnaki told them. One of the many things that makes me believe beings from another planet actually came here

    • @ΔημητραΒακου-ν2ζ
      @ΔημητραΒακου-ν2ζ Год назад

      @@edjackson4389 all gods old and new are aliens! Jesus,12 Olympian gods anunnaki hindu gods are aliens from different planets!!

  • @lindakentane4952
    @lindakentane4952 2 года назад +3

    So humans potentially have the spiritual make up of the Inunaki...?
    Even if the the truth is hidden about a lot of things regarding life as we know it, WHY? WHY so much secrecy? To what end?

    • @deonellis8577
      @deonellis8577 2 года назад +3

      Easy... Power, money, money!

  • @BRAVEN32m12
    @BRAVEN32m12 2 года назад

    Not all of us left some of us are still here . Some of us will leav soon as new come.

  • @TIM_official1
    @TIM_official1 Год назад +1

    Wer are the space crafts that brings those anunaki in earth???!!!

  • @dmlevitt
    @dmlevitt Год назад

    for gold. that is how the texts read.

  • @unrealbullet
    @unrealbullet 2 года назад

    They were kicked out, and they now live deep in the Earth.

  • @alhamilton8690
    @alhamilton8690 2 года назад +1

    From all of these answers that are found in this post people waste so much time trying to find out what happened before they are in the space they’re in now it really doesn’t make a difference what happened EOns of the time before the now we are in or even closer than that we need to work on with going on now to find out we’re gone do from here

    • @haljasonfoster2169
      @haljasonfoster2169 Год назад

      Sometimes the only way to get out of the trajectory we are in, is to find out what the hidden programming is that keeps us doing the same things we have always done. Day in and day out as slaves to a jealous and wrathful "god" is something we have been doing since we were tinkered with and created a whole planet culture to mimic the Anunnaki hierarchy.

  • @Jasmin-ux5ho
    @Jasmin-ux5ho 2 года назад +3

    Oh wow finally some truth! A far cry from the usual lie that they're here to If anything they destroyed earth as we know it a very short order

  • @macmardon3399
    @macmardon3399 Год назад

    they've always been here all your comments are right a lot of them they are watchers they showed their face many of times but our governments are to stupid

  • @mybiblecodes
    @mybiblecodes 2 года назад

    Found the link between the Sumerian stories and Torah. Who is good Enlil ort Enki
    Finally solved @

    • @katalinjuhasz641
      @katalinjuhasz641 2 года назад


    • @susanmann2562
      @susanmann2562 2 года назад

      Daniel Ben Rafael Yosef, Enki and what was the connection you made? Please share.

  • @swampfox8407
    @swampfox8407 Год назад +1

    Where’s all this information found?

  • @Paraglidecrete
    @Paraglidecrete 2 года назад

    linguists : J Chadwick, Michael, Ventris ,Gareth Alun Owens, L. A. Waddel, Fr. Delitzsch,. konstantinos Chatzigianakhs agree that the sumerian writing is structural similar to Linear A and to ancient greek , it contains a plethora of greek words and it can help in the etymology of greek words that are hard to etymologize !!!

  • @amonone399
    @amonone399 2 года назад +14

    This planet was once three and a half times bigger than it is now, the planet Earth back billions of years ago was called Tiamat. There was an accident that caused the planet Tiamat to be cut in half, then another ship crash into it, which formed the Grand Canyon.
    You have to read the Ancient Tablets to get the whole story about the Anunnaki and Nibiru.
    Nibiru is a mother ship that is three times the size of Earth and the reason they came was for gold to take back to their planet called Rizq after the Draconian war that destroyed their planet's atmosphere, they needed the gold dust to protect their planet from the three suns they have.
    I will be here all day with this, you have to get the Holy Tablets.

    • @brucegorzynski2660
      @brucegorzynski2660 2 года назад +2

      Where can I find the holy tablets you speak of.

    • @ThePsychicMindofHart
      @ThePsychicMindofHart 2 года назад +1

      why did they have a war with dracs?

    • @kidcreole6749
      @kidcreole6749 2 года назад

      The Grand Canyon was caused by moving glaciers, during the rapid ice melt 11.5k yrs ago

    • @MrMatt8478
      @MrMatt8478 2 года назад +1

      Where did you get this info? Where are these tablets I hear of?

    • @supe32
      @supe32 2 года назад +1

      What tablets are you referring to?

  • @zyonman2312
    @zyonman2312 2 года назад +1

    The blurring of the Lines is getting more and more ridiculous,,,,,,, 420 thousand years ago this happened,,, and
    that went on. Yet,,,1000 years ago,,, we dig up civilization and speculate on a portion of it,,,,,,, but if it happened
    10 to 100 million years ago,,,, we can tell you exactly how things went down,,,,,,,,,,

  • @billlee5031
    @billlee5031 Год назад

    Who decided what the launguage said?

  • @ewaczupryna6905
    @ewaczupryna6905 2 года назад

    Who,then,is flying in our sky 🌌??

  • @meowchat6175
    @meowchat6175 Год назад +1

    Nibiru orbits two suns which explains it's elliptical orbit.

  • @capitalmoving10
    @capitalmoving10 2 года назад

    nice fairly tale, BUT:
    1. not a single modern specialist of clay tablets agrees with Sitchin's interpretation of tablet's texts.
    2. basic $100 telescope from eBay can see every single planet in our solar system and yet there are no pictures of 10th planet and nobody sees it! why?

  • @truebeliever9474
    @truebeliever9474 Год назад

    Anyone figure out yet...who or what created the gods & why??

  • @bayleybailey34
    @bayleybailey34 2 года назад

    Asteroid belt, Planet #10

  • @LightingLotusLove
    @LightingLotusLove 2 года назад

    Counsel of 12 ?? Like the 12 apostles 😮

  • @magnetmountain33
    @magnetmountain33 Год назад

    The monoatomic rainbow bridge interesting theory with some evidence to back it up I might add

  • @fumoa13
    @fumoa13 2 года назад +2

    you forget alalu..the true heroe of this legend.enki and enlil didnt discover nothing....

  • @willlinke2849
    @willlinke2849 10 месяцев назад

    Same thing happened there thsts happening here possibly…elon musk says if we are going to survive we must be able to leave earth if my memory serves correct.

  • @Jab-vl3bw
    @Jab-vl3bw Год назад

    I have to wonder if the word god meant king or ruler in those days!

  • @LoThaTruth05
    @LoThaTruth05 2 года назад

    It sounds right especially how technology is now .. but how do the archeologists prove it? How do they decipher there writings ?

    • @nomanshigh3058
      @nomanshigh3058 2 года назад

      Archeologist don't prove it. This stuff is all made up by people who never even been to the middle east. It's interesting but the more you look into the more ridiculous it gets.

  • @firelioness363
    @firelioness363 2 года назад

    The anumaki left because they met their goal for gold.... Marduk becomes leader ruler of it all .

  • @mr1erl
    @mr1erl 2 года назад

    I would like to know, did the anunnaki came to be after circling around our sun or before that.

  • @stevethewsimpson25
    @stevethewsimpson25 2 года назад

    The big question is Why did they leave Earth and why are they not able to return?

    • @hybrid4984
      @hybrid4984 Год назад

      Maybe not its time. It is every 3500years. So we do have massive extinction every 3500years 🫠🫠

  • @mummysarah822
    @mummysarah822 2 года назад

    What is reference for the piece of art at 10.19?

  • @mylife6453
    @mylife6453 2 года назад +3

    No way oxygen breathing life lives on a brown dwarf on a 3600-year elliptical orbit around our sun. Now gold is very necessary for fast circuits, and radiation shielding in space. Probably just ancient space travelers from a dying star system came here to live.

  • @bradgrauer9148
    @bradgrauer9148 2 года назад +3

    Brown dwarf is their Sun not their planet

  • @davidbarr9718
    @davidbarr9718 Год назад +1

    I'll stick with what I was taught. They are the fallen Angels. Maybe instead of making the whole thing so complicated try reading the book of Enoch and have faith. God Bless Everyone.

  • @ronaldorme6375
    @ronaldorme6375 2 года назад +5

    there is geological evidence of the Anunnaki as well !!! seen on google earth from 45 miles above (satellite photos) Botswana Africa (and elsewhere) anyone can view rake lines in sets of 8 made by an apparatus that was 10 miles wide. close study of these tracks will prove they are not natural geological formations and that the cuneiform tablets are no myth.

    • @6fubooking410
      @6fubooking410 2 года назад +1

      Would you provide the coordinates?

    • @TheSpydera
      @TheSpydera 2 года назад

      Check the North East corner of Botswana and going across to Namibia, Angola and Zambia.

  • 2 года назад +5

    So if the Anunnaki raised Egypt, South/Central America, India and others, then what is the relationship with Orion? Sumerian Enki is Osiris in Egypt. In Egypt, Osiris did not came from Nibiru, but from Orion. So perhaps Orion is the origin, but they might have used a space portal Nibiru. Is the only explanation that will harmonize the scripts.

    • @kingofzion2667
      @kingofzion2667 2 года назад +3

      Those ain't stars and we got a whole bunch of neighbors!!!!!

    • @tbadami1
      @tbadami1 2 года назад +3

      Egyptians Osiris (Asar) was the son of Ra. (Marduk) , marduk was the son of Enki means (lord of the earth) the name assigned by their planet Nibirus king Anu, all anunnakis. ORION was assigned with other constellations when Enki their scientists also created the Zodiac for future reference, when he and marduk went to the moon for a clearer view of the skies. This was several years later after they occupied earth. By the way, Asar the son of Marduk was one of two sons born on Mars where Marduk ruled the igigis, workers (young anunnakis) on the Way station to nibiru.

    • @RE-ng5uw
      @RE-ng5uw 2 года назад

      Good answer. I like that. Simple and highly probable 👍🏻

    • @amagi6000bc
      @amagi6000bc 2 года назад

      @@kingofzion2667 like it, good answer,👍🏻

  • @vipulabataduwaarachchi7833
    @vipulabataduwaarachchi7833 2 года назад

    They never exit another planet. They are simply the flying Asura people from ancient Lankadeepa. This wave of migration happened after the great flood which destroyed their great cities. Assur, Asirian, Mari, Sumari, Maya, Virochana, Ahura Mazda etc. all refer to them and the first Asirian civilization represent the first civilization. They taught nomadic tribes to settle and form big cities. Gaia mean Gaya asura. Zeus is Shiva, Anunaki means Manunaga. Falcon headed god is a Naga king who established Egyptian civilization and he never revealed his identity but truly an enlightened person. Naram sin means Narasinha, Lugal banda means Irugal Bandara. Kailasi also an Asura name. Actually they are Asura and not Sura or gods. They had simple flying machines and very reliable birds who could fly long distances. They built Pyramids to mimic Mount Maha meru in the heaven and used that for sacrifices and was the heart of their civilization. The original gods also humans. But they had a difference. A great difference.

  • @esoteric404
    @esoteric404 2 года назад

    you know i always see adds like these, is this meant to be science fiction? or do people actually believe this happened?

  • @amonone399
    @amonone399 2 года назад

    Nibiru is from a three sun galaxy and their planet is Risq they came to this planet for gold for their ozone layer because it was destroyed when they were at war with the Draconian.

  • @jaybee570
    @jaybee570 2 года назад +2

    A planet orbiting that far out could not support life as we know it .. The temperature of the surface would be even colder than Neptune .. It would look more like Pluto ..

    • @_Mentat
      @_Mentat 2 года назад +1

      It's in orbit around a brown dwarf. The Sun is a binary star. The brown dwarf does not emit human visible light and so has not been "officially" discovered.

  • @acepeezy672
    @acepeezy672 Год назад

    What if NIBIRU is what they called Earth...

  • @larrystenger1247
    @larrystenger1247 Год назад

    Why would an advanced space traveling species not settle on earth and move their dying planet to earth. The story has a lot of missing elements to it.

  • @neilstern7108
    @neilstern7108 2 года назад +1

    Where are pics of their craft. But like Moses he said to eat mana from heaven but only take what you need. I think the bag these winged images are the amount they would pick. Bigger bag means more mana. Small bag means this person needs less. Travel by mind can get you there just as well. But to know things like DNA and how to change it is amazing when you think we have one less chromosome. And a picture shows in space just how the planets follow the sun looking like DNA. This blows my mind thinking the only way they would know this is either they saw it while coming to earth. Or while on earth they saw the 10th planet come by and cause severe damage to earth. If this is true then why is it not recorded in the Bible. One more thing why would you admit mistakes saying the giants were their doing? So much more info than would be needed to lie. Or is it just lore to integrate all that happened over time. I really need to see the craft they came on.

  • @earvonhisser2890
    @earvonhisser2890 2 года назад +84

    May I offer what I've been taught about Nabiru and the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki are made up of the consciousness's of many species that have evolved to higher densities or dimensions commonly the lower 4th and 5th dimensions, advanced tech allows consciousness to be recorded on a chip then placed into a snatched or cloned meat bodies, bio constructs that they can chip every cell, infusing the cloned creations with thought actuated tech that a rebel Anunnaki faction headed by Enki AKA SET, THOTH, after that all fell apart it became AMON RA then HORUS... HERMES ect ect. Nabiru is not of this dimension and used as a sort of vehicle used to navigate the moon it's technology using frequencies that limit the times it can enter this dimension of matter. Every animal headed god depicted in the Egyptian pantheon are part of the criminal Anunnaki faction....these are the Fallen Angels.
    If anyone would like information to clear the fog around the Elohim, Nephelim, the Watchers, Shining ones ect I can help you make sense of it in a way that makes total sense feel free to enquire, I'll tell almost anything I know and how I know it for free.

    • @Rpcbasquiat
      @Rpcbasquiat 2 года назад +1


    • @JuanValencia-xb4ou
      @JuanValencia-xb4ou 2 года назад +14

      I love learning more and more of this. How would you guys like to start a group or blog about all this info and really open people's eyes 👀....... Thoughts....

    • @Mutalib7Bey
      @Mutalib7Bey 2 года назад +2

      Yes, willing to learn the truth!

    • @jamesmcclaren9759
      @jamesmcclaren9759 2 года назад +5

      A couple things I’m curious about:
      The animal headed winged-humanoids depicted (also known as fallen angels)- they are often shown holding 1 of 2 objects In particular- a *pinecone* looking object in one hand, always pointed at the head of the a a non angelic individual (I assume to be someone of stature and interest…) from both the front and the back. The other object appears to be a *sword* or weapon. What do you know as to the significance of these 2 objects and their use in these depictions?
      Thank you for sharing!

    • @beentheredonethat5908
      @beentheredonethat5908 2 года назад +6

      I'd actually be very interested in your views. I've been studying this since childhood, and I am always open to hear another tell the tales, I may have missed something, be it even small. Reach out , I'd love to have a coffee with you and pick your brain, learn as much as I can, I've spent a great deal of the past 30 years studying the fallen angels through ancient Jewish and hebrew texts. I have around 5 years in the studies from anunnaki texts and tales, next I want to talk to Native Americans and hear their ancient tales passed down, and maybe one day go to Australia and speak to the natives there as well. The truth is right there, hopefully well get this in our lifetimes.

  • @phillipbruce6280
    @phillipbruce6280 2 года назад +20

    The book of Enoch tells why they came here, and they weren't scientists by profession, but by nature.

    • @cyreneorfano2721
      @cyreneorfano2721 2 года назад +5

      YES!!! These annunakis are the fallen angels, annunakis, greek gods, roman gods etc. they are the same. I was once believed this story of annunakis but not anymore, I know the truth and truth shall make you free. The sons of God lusted after the daughters of men and bore them giants of old (nephilims).

    • @allwillberevealed777
      @allwillberevealed777 2 года назад

      Ever hear about the George Washington vision? I up.lo.ade.d the last part of his vision.
      Supposedly in this upcoming big war, Amerika will be invaded and spirits will come and save the day.
      Do you believe these spirits that save the day are these fallen angels? Give me your input.

    • @ΔημητραΒακου-ν2ζ
      @ΔημητραΒακου-ν2ζ Год назад

      @@cyreneorfano2721 😂🤣 rediculus!! are a fanatic christian!!...all gods are aliens from different planets!!....we are not alone!! ....wake up people ....2022!! .... Yahweh,12 Olympian gods, anunnaki,hindu gods are aliens!!

    • @wango556
      @wango556 Год назад

      @@cyreneorfano2721 yep. These are all fallen angels. From the war in heaven. Satan’s demons.
      The watchers were not gold miners either. That’s crazy.

    • @lindarizzo71
      @lindarizzo71 Год назад

      ​@@cyreneorfano2721 wow, so good to see someone that knows the true, God bless you

  • @vonbirddog2713
    @vonbirddog2713 2 года назад +17

    And this all took place in modern day Iraq...could this stuff be connected to why we are still over there? 🥶

    • @ExposedBen
      @ExposedBen 2 года назад +1

      Of course.

    • @haljasonfoster2169
      @haljasonfoster2169 Год назад

      DId you hear that some paid mercenaries destroyed the gates of Nineveh that depicted the Anunnakis? And that the Iraqi museum was raided and "Anunnaki" pieces taken. Unbelivable!

  • @lucan900
    @lucan900 2 года назад +11

    Knowledge is power 💪🙌🇯🇲 only the Truth set us free 🙌🤲

  • @SuperchargedDragonball350z
    @SuperchargedDragonball350z 2 года назад +15

    i think statisticly, 80% of all stars found are in bianary/trianary systems. and that their star is a brown dwarf and they have planets orbiting it. when the 2 stars orbit each other (at their closest proximity) is when (potentially) planets colided. which could also explain the cyclical cataclysms on this planet due to gravitational pulls they create, and explain why the magnetic poles shift on our planet as does our axis. causing great trouble to our ecological system. and pulling the ice caps off their roots in antartica causing tremendous flooding (or where ever the ice caps reside depending on our axis/pole designation at that time. in this story it states that when they arrived, our sun is different from theirs and closer (maybe) emmiting far more radiation to be exposed to, and effected their life span negatively (gradually shortening it). could this also be the key to the biblical conundrum of why these old leaders in scripture lived unfathomly long lives (that eventually in the stories grew shorter and shorter) this story does give better reasonings to our nature than any ive heard of, and the story of our planitary system makes more sense than any other explination given to us by "scholars" of modern times. why slavery is so deep rooted, why gold is still so revered, why we have an asteroid belt where a planet should be, why we have cyclical catastrophies on this planet, why poeple of old lived so long and slowly decayed with time, why we have a moon, why we have structures on this planet that cannot be explained. if you havent heard or read it, the adam and eve story by chan thomas (which actually was classified for some reason and sanitized upon it re release?) is very thought provoking also Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock. just my 2 cents is all, great video btw

    • @ewaczupryna6905
      @ewaczupryna6905 2 года назад +1

      You are absolutely right,agree with you 👍👏❤️

    • @peterparker9286
      @peterparker9286 2 года назад

      Ya pole shift is us finding out and knowing are Sun has been changed.. there Ana Nukki. Something to do with U ran ium

  • @alisturkericmacnanty159
    @alisturkericmacnanty159 2 года назад +28

    This is a fantastic episode! However there is so much information delivered so quickly it is almost impossible to let it sink in. I doubt that even listening to it several times who even straighten it out for me. Perhaps breaking this down into several episodes on a slower Pace would be the best recommendation.

    • @karlheinz2674
      @karlheinz2674 2 года назад +2


    • @paulweisgerber7654
      @paulweisgerber7654 2 года назад

      I’m watching it at .75 normal speed. That helps considerably.

    • @Richard-iy2kj
      @Richard-iy2kj 2 года назад

      U break it down ... Do your research ... You'll be OK 👍🏼

  • @mitchdavis6001
    @mitchdavis6001 2 года назад +33

    I believe we are being prepared for disclosure. The UAP that have been announced and seen. They have so many videos. Regular video footage as well as other sensory data. My mind is blown. If this is actually true, then some things are lining up. If they are still in contact with humans then we should be told. As a society I think we can handle it now. We are going through some crazy times. What if we humans have had to start over a few times? Like they come and wipe stuff out and leave just enough humans to start over. I want to know so bad. I want full disclosure before I die. Pls that’s what I want more than anything besides health and happiness for my children. Omg even if only 20% of this is true, omfg 🙀 where can I find more evidence?

    • @brandenapexo604
      @brandenapexo604 2 года назад

      They’re not gonna reveal anything to us til it fits their benefit and agenda or it’s too late and the situation has gotten out of control, if you look at RUclips a lot of the channels that uploaded original footage of ufo’s, aliens, hell anything paranormal of any sort have been scrubbed from the platform, it’s all mainstream news outlets and bs history channel nonsense

    • @emeraldfox7175
      @emeraldfox7175 2 года назад +3

      We're coming upon our 6th reset event

    • @MindRiderFPV
      @MindRiderFPV 2 года назад +8

      Hard to do with 3/4 of the planet locked in various religious cults.

    • @hairbeauty8083
      @hairbeauty8083 2 года назад +6

      Some people can handle it and yet others are loosing their minds over the simplest things. People in my city are fighting daily for nothing. Chicago is a war zone and it's not even over gangs anymore just random killings no matter the race or class/ amount of money or age of the person it's horrific

    • @Heavyweight252
      @Heavyweight252 2 года назад

      Look inside you don’t pray to anything man made pray to the source use your hands in prayer form to create electrical connections from your electrons and also fasting from negative activities you indulge in help also negative people …connects you closer to the source to build a relationship they will send you celestial messages through things you can relate in the celestial court soon you will develop telepathy type abd psychic type (Jesus like ) if you’re from america abilities take it slow if you read this and it works comment back to me most will think it’s crazy but we are still more primitive than we think in our understanding of the complexity of how our brains work you access more through your subconscious which is at most power when your mind is not active sleep state you’re not dreaming you are electrical conduit you are astral projecting

  • @tonimarie8951
    @tonimarie8951 2 года назад +5

    Wasnt nibiru the planet that ORBITED the brown dwarf?

  • @SikWidiT390
    @SikWidiT390 2 года назад +87

    This is absolutely insane. I had to stop like 5 times to process the information in a meaningful way. If this is true human history. A lot of things we are doing right now makes a lot of sense

    • @drincogni
      @drincogni 2 года назад +10

      Congrats for wanting to open your mind to the world

    • @skankhunt3624
      @skankhunt3624 2 года назад +6

      Well it's not, so.....

    • @SalabandaEndoki
      @SalabandaEndoki 2 года назад +6

      Does seem like humanity is repeating history

    • @anthonyallencabrera
      @anthonyallencabrera 2 года назад +16

      @@skankhunt3624 oh but it is true... the stories are on the walls in Egypt. Even modern Egyptians ones that we claimed built the pyramids 4500 years ago, said they did not build the pyramids 4500 years ago the found them and simply rebuilt what was already there... we have submerged pyramids off the coast of japan that have been submerged for over 4000 years.. so did they build these cities under water or were they once above water and were build thousands of years earlier than we will ever know. We have stories and evidence of the giant race that came as offspring from these beings mating with female humans. These stories are found all over the world as well as the great flood that wiped out intelligent cities across the world. We can pretend all these stories are coincidence. Or just accept the fact that humans were reset, and before the reset the people of this planet were very intelligent but became evil

    • @Steezy_Mx
      @Steezy_Mx 2 года назад +2

      Reaching for answers. We won’t know until they want us to know.

  • @randallspinks2345
    @randallspinks2345 Год назад +2

    Ok the first tablet must be added as adendem most people get confused by the creation of humans and creation of our solor system. Same names and all.

  • @gordonclaxton8916
    @gordonclaxton8916 2 года назад +7

    One of the best video's I've seen...great job..

  • @lawrencewilliams7151
    @lawrencewilliams7151 2 года назад +4

    Seems like we are still not realizing our capability as a civilization and as individuals.

  • @jordanwhisson5407
    @jordanwhisson5407 2 года назад +7

    Sounds a bit incredible to me. More likely that we had people with incredible imaginations then as now. And we haven't found this planet because? Of course, they could mate with humans haha.

    • @gregmcghee3346
      @gregmcghee3346 2 года назад

      They've known this planet has existed since the 80's

    • @agga7517
      @agga7517 2 года назад +2

      This is a good sci-fi story to listen to, while having a meal, lol

    • @JoeLigmama
      @JoeLigmama Год назад

      It’s a lot harder to find things in space than you think especially things that don’t give off light cause ya know it’s space. The voyager 10 and 11probes were sent in opposite directions in the 80s to try to find the cause of the changes of Neptune and Uranus orbits. They found something it was a big news story for a week or two until it was buried once they realized what they found a brown dwarf star that is our suns sister star. Brown dwarf give off no light. It could be right on top of us and we wouldnt see it.

    • @Sconnieification
      @Sconnieification Год назад

      Because they hide it in the sky, and you can only see it in infra red cameras. I hear it is "painted" with a black light type of thing so we can't see it.
      Just a possible reason.
      Look into Dot connector podcast on how they hide things in the sky.
      They have found it...the tenth planet, sometimes called planet x, nobody...etc