0:19 Read a text aloud 3:32 Describe a picture 5:21 Respond to questions 7:30 Respond to questions using information provided 10:37 Propose a solution 13:48 Express an opinion
Miss Gwen, I have improved my skill to respond to part 3 which is difficult for me. Thank you for your share, It is very helpful for many people preparing for TOEIC speaking test.
She said she wants to learn "New Technologies". In the graph, you can see 2 "New Technologies" session at 10:00 a.m. on Day 1 and 9:00 a.m. on Day 2. You have to say these two.
휴 빡세네요ㅎㅎㅎㅠㅠ 그웬쌤 복원 고맙습니다!
여러 영상들 보면서 열심히 하고 있네요~^^ 좋은 결과 있기를 바랍니다 :) 화이팅!
0:19 Read a text aloud
3:32 Describe a picture
5:21 Respond to questions
7:30 Respond to questions using information provided
10:37 Propose a solution
13:48 Express an opinion
Miss Gwen, I have improved my skill to respond to part 3 which is difficult for me. Thank you for your share, It is very helpful for many people preparing for TOEIC speaking test.
라이브클래스 참석해야지 ~~감사해요
와... 11번은 뭔가요? 고등학생이 연기활동에 참여하는것의 이점이 무엇인가? 인가요??
한국말로도 대답하기 힘든 문제가 나왔네요...
전 왜 이렇게 어렵게 느껴지는거죠?
^^영상 마지막에 해당영상 풀이 영상이 링크되어 있으니 참고하세요~
원래 실전 속도가 이정도 인가요?? 지금까지 풀던 모의고사 중에 젤빠르네..
네~ 평균 속도로 녹음 되었어요 ^^
모범답안 같은건 없나요ㅠㅠ?
11월 라이브 클래스 영상에서 해당 모의고사 풀이 확인 가능합니다~^^
can you recommend some book to study toeic speaking and writing. im really confusing.
파트 4 마지막 문제 답이 뭔가요..? 틀린 거 없는 거 같은데!
Can someone tell me the solution of task 9 - how the hell do we collect information?
이원호 yeah
I m a bit confused about that .
She said she wants to learn "New Technologies". In the graph, you can see 2 "New Technologies" session at 10:00 a.m. on Day 1 and 9:00 a.m. on Day 2. You have to say these two.