Read. Follow. Learn. Do not rush to give others your hard-earned money until you honestly understand their business model, their strategy and their experience at having successfully done it before. Be clear about what your investing strategy is. Some of the articles in the link above can help you be a better investor. If you can't be bothered reading, you probably won't be a successful investor. Impatient investors lose money. Lazy investors lose money. And investors who can't be truly honest with themselves lose money. Happy reading.
Once upon a time I was taught the values of free trade in Economics. Western moves away from china debunk that idea kills the motion that the world than function in a free trading environment and vice Versa . World economics has evolved
What's the most common winning investment strategy for a new beginner?
Read. Follow. Learn. Do not rush to give others your hard-earned money until you honestly understand their business model, their strategy and their experience at having successfully done it before. Be clear about what your investing strategy is. Some of the articles in the link above can help you be a better investor. If you can't be bothered reading, you probably won't be a successful investor. Impatient investors lose money. Lazy investors lose money. And investors who can't be truly honest with themselves lose money. Happy reading.
Once upon a time I was taught the values of free trade in Economics. Western moves away from china debunk that idea kills the motion that the world than function in a free trading environment and vice Versa . World economics has evolved