One word : AMAZING!!!!!! MENNO BEIJER is a very talented musician! He plays all sorts of music so professionally! Keep up this good work! Have a great day ahead!
Hi Menno Beijer, Great Play & Congratulations ! Your hands are Golden & I must say this ! I think you will also agree with me that Tyros 5 is The Greatest of all Synths presently available !
Bonjour je suis musicien en Nouvelle Calédonie, j'ai plusieurs sintétiseur Yamaha dont le Tyros5.J'ai revendu dernièrement mon Tyros2 et je regrette. pour le Tyros2 est le TOP de tout la gamme de Tyros.Merci. Yannick
Hello, what about two separate distortion guitars via splitted mode (accordic part = low and polyphonic guitar for 4ths and 5ths, right part = hybrid portamento +accords guitar voice for playing solo)? I found that in this mode partially works also vocal harmony with more voices, not only transposing or echo..., concretely with 5th interval - C+G, E+B, etc. But it is a question whether it is possible to combine with ACMP button and playing styles, not only drums, but also bass, other lines I would optionally switch on or off, Tyros 5 has that function, even PSR-S670. Thanks for ansver.
This is the best wedding anniversary present my wife bought for me ...what a fabulous instrument, if you have any registrations you can email of the guitar setups you have, that would be greatly appreciated as yours sound brilliant ....keep up the good work
quando cambia i suoni si sente il distacco tra un suono e un'altro...mi meraviglio di yamaha che non risolve questo problema. Roland Lo ha risolto da più di 20 anni.. Yamaha...pronto..c'è nessuno in casa?
Tyros 99, guitar sounds might get better. Because right now it still not good, the drums kit are terrible. It good for playing at the senior citizens facilities. .. I hope you are aware of Martin.
The only good guitar sound Roland has is the Searing Solo it's been carrying over from the JD-800 era. Other than that, the sounds are generic and boring.
One word : AMAZING!!!!!! MENNO BEIJER is a very talented musician! He plays all sorts of music so professionally! Keep up this good work! Have a great day ahead!
Thanks Prajwal for your compliment, Musical Greetings, Menno Beijer
Welcome :)
Those perfect fingers of yours are meant to own this electronic instrument. Yet your style and musical experience are incredible. Thanks for sharing.
v3le Thanks for the compliment... Musical Greetings, Menno Beijer
Hi Menno Beijer, Great Play & Congratulations ! Your hands are Golden & I must say this ! I think you will also agree with me that Tyros 5 is The Greatest of all Synths presently available !
magnifique ,jaime bravo
Awesome guitar sounds. T5 is a monster.
Nice! This keyboard totally blew me away! Mind you, I had the Tyros 4 before getting this one...
Хороший инструмент-вдохновение для музыканта. А Tyros 5 прекрасный инструмент-первоклассный для аранжировки.
It certainly is a wonderful instrument.
Real nice demo. Remind me of playing more with those effects ;)
Bonjour je suis musicien en Nouvelle Calédonie, j'ai plusieurs sintétiseur Yamaha dont le Tyros5.J'ai revendu dernièrement mon Tyros2 et je regrette. pour le Tyros2 est le TOP de tout la gamme de Tyros.Merci. Yannick
Great sounding. Is this with styles/sounds that come standard or are they additional cost?
robert roesler Hi Robert, Yes the sounds and styles are standard from the T5. No USB stick and other samples... Just the T5. greetings, Menno Beijer
Hello, what about two separate distortion guitars via splitted mode (accordic part = low and polyphonic guitar for 4ths and 5ths, right part = hybrid portamento +accords guitar voice for playing solo)? I found that in this mode partially works also vocal harmony with more voices, not only transposing or echo..., concretely with 5th interval - C+G, E+B, etc. But it is a question whether it is possible to combine with ACMP button and playing styles, not only drums, but also bass, other lines I would optionally switch on or off, Tyros 5 has that function, even PSR-S670. Thanks for ansver.
Thanks, great guitar sounds.
Really nice demo. . and indeed a great machine . . Made for Distortion \m/
I really want this Tyros, I do hope I can get one
Erg mooie demo
That was awesome..!
Can I see your guitar amp demo specially for the Psr s770 and s970 please?? Can you please send me the link???
Its splendid.
Thank you, Musical Greetings, Menno Beijer
Thanks very good
show de bola , uau !
het derde ritme dat speelt, welk ritme is dat? Klinkt echt lekker, en goede solo ook menno! Top dit:)
Michael jestes super facet ,wymiatasz jak ja...Schöne Grüß aus Hessen
How many price Yamaha tyros 5
é muito bom
realmente top. realistico demais.... santa tecnologia
This is the best wedding anniversary present my wife bought for me ...what a fabulous instrument, if you have any registrations you can email of the guitar setups you have, that would be greatly appreciated as yours sound brilliant ....keep up the good work
Extremely realistic.
The distortion guitars still sound nasally or like a distorted sax!!! Still need to work on these. Not quite there yet.
quando cambia i suoni si sente il distacco tra un suono e un'altro...mi meraviglio di yamaha che non risolve questo problema. Roland Lo ha risolto da più di 20 anni.. Yamaha...pronto..c'è nessuno in casa?
Topp ....... !
Охренеть звучит
Tyros 99, guitar sounds might get better. Because right now it still not good, the drums kit are terrible. It good for playing at the senior citizens facilities. .. I hope you are aware of Martin.
Buy Yamaha psr170, and then you'll be happy
So I need to buy one of these I suppose. fml
Sounds terrible! Korg and Roland is better in overdrived guitars, but Yamaha rules with acoustic.
Come on. Roland guitars are a joke. Acoustic or electric. Especially (and by far) the acoustic ones.
The only good guitar sound Roland has is the Searing Solo it's been carrying over from the JD-800 era. Other than that, the sounds are generic and boring.
stil sounds fake