These were great tips, especially the hair. I was surprised Andrea didn't have any red lipstick on her teeth without having to put her finger in her mouth and then pulling it out to take any of the remaining lipstick off :) Very impressive! I don't wear makeup but it was lovely watching you guys play. 🥰Thanks for the wonderful hair tip from this 58 year old Thank you so much! In loving kindness from Canada's capital ❤
These were great tips, especially the hair. I was surprised Andrea didn't have any red lipstick on her teeth without having to put her finger in her mouth and then pulling it out to take any of the remaining lipstick off :) Very impressive! I don't wear makeup but it was lovely watching you guys play. 🥰Thanks for the wonderful hair tip from this 58 year old Thank you so much! In loving kindness from Canada's capital ❤
Fellow gen z ❤here