Support Mallen's work on Patreon! Support Mallen via Paypal My rules for comments in this forum. You can post your opinion freely in the comments to any of my videos. I like to engage with people on arguments and issues. I will, time permitting, happily engage with comments that are polite and broadly on topic for the video in question. You can still post what you want but if you want a response from me, those are the criteria. If you want to preface your biting critique with an observation of what a total idiot I am, knock yourself out, but I won't respond to those comments any more than I would if someone said that stuff in real life. Out and out obscenities and personal abuse will be removed. Posts that are just links to other videos you want to promote will be removed. People who engage in bullying other commenters will be asked to stop if I think they are making commenting here unpleasant for others. If they refuse to stop then they'll be removed from the channel
For me, this channel has always represented the effort to seek and reach the signal through the noise. I hope that remains a key tenet going forward. More power to you, Malllen, and more power - and more audience - to this criminally undersubscribed channel.
This sounds really exciting Mallen. Always felt that your subscriber count never ever came close to the value you bring to the various discussions. I don't know anyone else on YT that brings such quality thousand foot overview while still resisting the click-baitey groupthinkey bandwagons. Very excited to see where you're going with the channel
At 9:17. I work at a big engineering company. HR sponsor a graduate award scheme. There is an engineering category but the category they sponsor is "female graduate". Other categories include LBGT and Black graduates. Can you imagine this ever being acceptable the other way around? There is absolutely no evidence that the DEI favorite types are actually discriminated against, they qualify for special help everywhere, but there is a limit on promotions every year making this an actual zero-sum game. The whole diversity industry stopped being about fairness decades ago and is now just about competing for power at the expense of others.
Just my opinion but I think of it as a pendulum: for centuries the pendulum has been held on one side that favours a certain group of the population. Now the pendulum has been released it has, and must, swing over to the other side which allows other social groups, that have previously been discriminated against, to ‘normalise’ the ratio. Once that has happened then the pendulum can and will return to the centre point. Speaking as an older white male who has almost certainly benefited from the prejudices of the past … and still does.
@rob you can't correct historic racism with more racism. If you feel so privileged by your sex and skin colour, I assume you sacrificed your position for an LGBTQAI+ POC?
@@old_toucs6283 It's fine as long as we have a social benefit scheme for the under-qualified white people whose jobs have long been protected and guaranteed by traditional anti-inclusive hiring practises.
Happy New Year to everybody, and I am looking forward to Mr. Baker's new approach to analysis of the baffling world of current events. The shifts in focus that this channel has made in the past have always seemed to go in a positive direction, so I'm sure that will remain true.
At 18:00. Good effort Mallen. Strange to think that the big controversy was nearly five years ago now. I think we made the correct decision when we did not know what we faced but then went on to make the wrong decision when we had the real data. We started off protecting lives then we went on to protect people from having a life.
Covid unlike usual did not target the young, next pandemic if kills 1-5% of young will trigger same reaction by govts AND SHOULD. And rightly so, a 10 year old besides emotions took $200,000 to raise and 5% risk of their death is costlier. If a vax will come in 1 year, then firm lockdowns especially at bordera per Australia, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and partly Canada with 75% lower deathrate than US, yes lockdowns is wiser policy. Ya gotta crunch the numbers not just go with public mood and yell lockdowns were bd.
@@amyself6678step back. Your Analysis is not coherent. Saving lives at the cost of ALL other considerations is insane. No end exists to your reasoning. No action is bad if it saves just 1 life. Banning cars and table wear will save millions of lives. Equal division of food world wide will save 20 million in the 1st year. Zero human contact will save lives And destroy them at the same time. Your beliefs are deadly. 🤔🤔🤔😜😜😜🐒🐒🐒😎😎😎
Politicians no longer representing people, globalism is a short hand for that rather than the actual scope of an issue being global. We have seen politicians distance themselves from people for 'higher' principles, where someone else knows better, rather than the issues that matter to those who elect them. That's where democracy is broken in my opinion. Elections are now just a hurdle.
this is at its heart is an opinion channel and I have been happy to follow it for some years. I like the balance but there are also some blind spots. in this episode the constant talking of disinformation and freedom of speech illustrate the juxtaposition. disinformation is a new term but in fact has been around from the beginning of time. the use of it is the spearhead of the campaign against Free speech. The war on Free speech is spearheaded by the people pushing the idea of misinformation. And the idea that this then needs to be censored and fact-checked by ministries of Truth. The sooner we get rid of this term the better. all information is information that needs to be debated and people left to decide for themselves.
Happy New Year and good luck Mallen, cant wait to hear and see where this goes. Why do I use your channel; as a reference point, as an alternative opinion, so that I can make my own decisions on what is happening in the world. All the best.
I heartily agree about the unelected bureaucracy being a large factor in public frustrations and they seem to be unaccountable. There's a fine line between accountability, independence and totalitarianism, but what most Western governments have at the moment is not working in the public eye. IMHO.
I heartily endorse this statement of purpose. This channel has been ahead of the curve in terms of popular and media discourse, but its time is surely imminent. Here’s to staying just slightly ahead, with more focus and more muscle. More Mallen Baker! I regret that my direct channel support remains meagre, as does my disposable income. No other RUclips channel has more clout in my notifications, and it’s because of the substantive quality here.
Mallem, thanks for all you do and have done. I think if you want to grow your channel you need interesting guests, to compliment or challenge the narrative.
All the best Mr Baker! Keep it coming a voice of reason amidst all this insanity.....your content is greatly appreciated and unfortunately not by enough - yet... fingers crossed!
Sorry to say that I can't support you financially however, I will always watch your videos and share them to friends when relevant for what that is worth. All the best for 2025, keep out the good work!
Letting the advertisement run and not hitting skip contributes. Also, giving a thumbs 👍 affects how many people will see a video on the feed. 🤔🤔🤔😜😜😜🐒🐒🐒😎😎😎
Truth and reality may be more fungible than we used to think. I appreciate your wanting to straddle the middle way but the danger is it can be a cop out. Reporting facts (there is an infinite supply!) may be less helpful than visionary prognostication.
I am looking forward to your view of reality and consequences for policies over here, in Europe and in America. Reality driven rather than ideologically driven analysis is certainly something I am interested in. Good luck and best wishes for you and the channel in 2025.
Yes, indeed… My take is that “all of it” comes down to what we believed in, and went for 20, 30 and 40 years ago. Across OECD, parliaments and parties. Pointing our angry fingers towards “the others” is dangerously blinding. Nationalism is an embodiment of that danger, easily seen in our own history, philosophy or humanities insights. And… I don’t need to clumsily repeat what’s more eloquently stated by mr. Baker in this presentation. Thanks…! 😊
Democracy has indeed failed people, because it is incoherent as a value, in and of itself. It is a technology for making decisions, but it is useless in guiding what decisions should be made. Even as a decision making technology, it is poorly defined. In common practice, we are talking about representative electoral democracy, with fixed terms and geographical districts. Cutting edge technology, for the problems facing post-Colonial America 250 years ago. Now, we've seen the flaws and consequences of it, from the American civil war, Fascism, weak European coalition government or strongly polarized two party systems, color revolutions or systems dominated by lobbying. But still, people lean into Democracy as a value! What are we really trying to accomplish? Maybe we should start talking about Liberty instead of Democracy?
At 16:50. Both sides are very guilty of this, willful distortion, meaningless soundbites, and ad hominem attacks are passed off as "facts". I sometimes feel that everyone simply goes to the first website they find and agrees with everything on it without ever checking the actual data. The following is based on actually checking the science: All claims that our times are strange compared to the past are nonsense It is fair to say that we are in a significant warm era and that what we are seeing is consistent with this, regardless of its cause the logarithmic forcing due to CO2 is based on a real theory and has to be applicable at some level the actual, measured, changes fed into that theory indicate a bit less than 2C per doubling of CO2 If you assume some instrument drift, or errors such as UHI, then that could drop a bit, to circa 1.5C The above forcings are both rather low and it would be very hard for us to actually produce a real "crisis" at those numbers A 1C change is equivalent to moving house 140 miles south, it isn't that scary. If you assume some "blocked" energy is recirculated and ultimately is emitted outside the CO2 band then the forcing drops further. So some warming claims are based on real science but the crisis doomsday claims are nonsense.
The crisis doomsday claims are nonsense. No The reaction to the crisis doomsday claims are the enemy. Specifically the government reaction. Even if the crisis doomsday claims were real. The reaction is A CRISIS DOOMSDAY in and of itself. ✨️✨️✨️🤔🤔🤔😜😜😜🐒🐒🐒😎😎😎
Keep going Mallen, many of us rely on you as an aspect of balance as we scan our news and opinion sources. Shame you sub numbers don't reflect the very valuable service you provide to people
Brave, some issues the powerful dont want discussed. 1. Democracy should have financial limits, why do 51% get to tax and spend or strangle-regulate so much. , license to steal by lazier 51%. 2. Especially with debt loading up future generations are old immorally looting rest, for unwise healthcare or just their vacations. 3. Why should nonparents get much benefit from pensions, they literally opted out on half the $2m work of raising next gen of contibutors. 4. Net zero if it keeps giving China and US econo dominance, was dumb, so better to pollute than become irrelevant quiet poor continent. Leap of faith that Chinese will keep net zero after 2030, is like trustin Putin, trust dictators seems dumb... 5. That all said, this still seems a Golden Age, isnt gratitude and smiles what is more missing, sadness amid long lives of plenty? 6. Voters are uneducated in policies and often dumb about public issues, only educate selves about personal choices, so Mallen sir you complaining about dumb choices is like giving monkeys control of airplanes and puzzled by shaky flight, so basicaly aint Libertarians right? 7. We evolved with extended family our support and discipline and LOVE network, modern life switching to nuclear family with children halfraised by govt teachers, is unnatural and we feel it -- my cousins share my blood but I spend just 6 hours with them but 1600 hours with leftist teacher Weirdo - so Muslim clan system even marrying cousins actually is better? 8. Without procreation a system is failing, we are failing, and Muslims and Mormons and Backward Polygmous Africans will dominate by 2100 - why no media on this failure? Godspeed. Life now does beat pre1600, without even chimneys, so try to smile I say. SALUTE... P.S. That book on WEIRD is interesting, how societies on world are mostly doomed to be wacky since not WesternEducatedIndustrializedRichDemocratic (and nonclan based)... Bon nuit
Since you mentioned both: In the next 100 years, assuming no major deviations from our current trajectories, what is the most likely to cause the most harm: 1) A Carrington-level event. 2) Climate change.
Carrington-level event (or higher) - less chance, more short-term harm if it happens. Climate change - guaranteed at some level, less but still substantial harm, level dependent on what we do in the coming decades. We should prepare for both, but we are least engaged, and hence most vulnerable, to the former.
The tiny tip of a vast organised iceberg. Every town and village has people-smuggling, money-laundering businesses all over their high-street seemingly operating with impunity. The flourishing gangs inevitably turn to preying on our daughters. I won’t be happy until someone swings for what our leaders are putting us through.
Sociological Poverty Times is what we had in these decades, let's seek to get a normal respectful mindset when having a discussion with anyone this year, where we start from what we agree on.
Happy new year Mallen. sounds like a step in the right direction as would the odd interview because you can become your own echo chamber as you have pointed out in the past. Glad you pointed out the terrible level of competence in candidates but surprised you poo poo the WEF’s influence on these people, our prime minister for one government worldwide is full of them. Glad also you mentioned potential consequences on the world of CME’s even if we were not a digital economy it could put us back to the Stone Age . The interesting thing is the repeated Auroral records being set lately. Two have gone into the top 6 known to man and one is in the top 3. Only thing is they were weak X3 class not the X40+ that caused them before. Changes in earth’s magnetic field and potential pole shift are having consequences not allowed for in models, things are changing but we may be grasping the wrong part of the elephant so to speak.
Mallen I do listen to you, and I have in the past sponsored you to the tune of £100 as a one-off. However I no longer understand your thinking - or maybe I've moved on and you haven't. What I don't understand is how little you question science - especially, but not only, climate science. You seem to take it as read that climate is a problem. Given how much you talk about perverse incentives and media bias, I would expect you to at least question the assumptions of climate science and all other areas of science that have political implications. I don't think the main problem is a failure of political leadership as you suggest - I think there is a failure of information. Scientists are not doing their jobs anymore. But journal editors aren't, either. Nor are the old-fashioned media, BBC, New York Times etc in questioning science. They all follow various narratives, instead of the data - to the point where we can't be sure we are actually getting the important scientific data. I'm surprised you don't see that. (I am now agnostic on almost all scientific issues with political implications.) I still listen to you - sometimes. But I no longer feel you're wise, as I once did. There's probably no need to argue - let's see what data is released by the Trump administration in the next few months - I expect it to be fascinating, and I'm hoping it will make a lot of people rethink. But instead of rethinking, they may deny, at least for a while. Let's see.
> "I would expect you to at least question the assumptions of climate science and all other areas of science that have political implications." Leet me clarify that. I know you explore the theory and analysis, but you don't question, enough, the data, and how it can be distorted by selecting information that supports the narrative, and ignoring what doesn't
Climate change is real, we will be up 4 Celcius. But not real is any low co2 solution, and Europe has tried costly green policies and effed itself. We argue about solutions, including if lettin China do all the solar cells and batteries and becomin only industrialized region, isnt more harmful than 4 degrees. Mallen rarely examines China issue, almost like his mindset can only blame US, he only can blame white people so is classic woke mindset and he wont admit this.. Each week is usually how is US bad.
Tosh. Whenever a ‘skeptic’ says they want to discuss the science they really mean they want to draw upon a menu of suspicions and confused understanding. The science of the greenhouse effect is entirely robust, and the fact you reject the politics attached to the consequences of altering the chemistry of the atmosphere is entirely irrelevant.
You said: " how little you question science - especially, but not only, climate science" Actually, I did a whole stream of videos looking at the best arguments and criticisms of climate science and found that the hundreds of thousands of research papers tended to hold up solidly versus the innuendo, the cherry picked graphs and the various other low-grade trickery that was usually - not always but usually - underpinning the critiques. I apply the same requirements of actual evidence for this area as I do for any other, and have looked at it more intensively than anything else. The evidence stands up. Sorry, but that's what I've found time and time again. If you're hanging on to the degree you have given yourself the belief that the Trump administration will come up with some amazing 'revelation' of dirty dealing, well good luck. Odd it didn't happen some time between 2016 and 2020, but nothing springs so eternal as hope, I guess.
@NapoleonGelignite by your reasoning the hockey stick is climate change Canon. Al gore is Moses and his movie came from a burning bush on a mountain top. You sound like a funny person. 🤔🤔🤔😜😜😜🐒🐒🐒😎😎😎
So, Mallen is changing this and sharpening that in the face of his dwindling audience who have found better channels who have more thoroughly understood the subject matter.
Sir I often disagree with you, especially when overly confronting rabbit hole nonsenses, & not working a finely tuned critique of actual policies with not just whats a bad idea because.... but whats a better one because..... too. But your are highly principled in trying times {maybe history all ways feels that way at the time}, & I deeply respect your dangerous reasonableness. You are of-course allowed an opinion & Im very interested on your take on the meta crisis { i agree an under estimated part of it - if not the underlying cause is : reduction of quality leadership & erosion of real democratic faith - old fashioned patriotism - for the good of the nation {people as a whole - not the assetted class}. Im also heartened to hear you re calibrate your approach to climate issues, greenwashing by state & corporate interests to preserve the profitable & politically expedient inertia of business as usual - will not solve the problem or engage all or enough to compound our species ingenuity for our civilisational survival {i believe we will still be here..but with a massively reduced population, cultural richness & increased hardship over the medium term {5-100yrs}. Prof Simon P Michaux has done lots of work on the unworkability of the "Green Transition" as currently conceived in policy circles & he is sincerely together with others {Nate Hagens, Steve Keen & Kate Raworth ... } trying to workout what might work! There is a growing demand for Green Realism, rather than either biz as usual denial or hippy naivety as the only choices. Scale is an issue, the scale of the problem & potential solutions, global / cross border problems [world rivers through many countries polluted / drying up etc} air quality.... staple harvests collapse... its a vast list! League of nations, the UN, & Bretton Woods etc was created to despite ourselves bang our heads together {alot} to solve global scale problem ..... us fighting us & the collateral damage to us. We need real global solutions while maintaining, strengthening & even re-imagining our checks & balances on power { global, state, corporate, private...} or be at the mercy of the divine right of billionaires revolving in/out of the government. Thanks for your efforts🙏
I think democracy is doing fine in the full democracies (sadly there are barely nineteen at last count). These countries are well governed, mostly happy and prosperous, and coping well with modern challenges. They also demonstrated resilience in the facing the challenges of the pandemic. They dealt with it efficiently and effectively, minimising deaths as well as economic damage. Those countries struggling with democracy either arent true democracies (US) or have embedded flaws that frustrate a genuinely democratic process (UK). As for channel focus I suggest normative vs abnormative, compare and contrast.
Great video, I agree with a lot of it except that the truth is simple. Philosophers have tried to define the "truth" for thousands of years and we still dont have a watertight way of defining an ultimate universal truth. Its honestly a fascinating subject and one that, if studied, explains a lot as to why people can't agree on the truth. That works in reverse too - if you want to convince someone of a truth you might need to change the philosophical framework around which the truth is determined.
@@wendyandrew3707in fact, it might not always be as clear as your think and in more complex areas the truth is even more difficult to define. The point is you can pick a philosophical framework for testing the truth but they all have shortcomings so it's useful to be aware of which framework you're using and what problems might be associated with that framework.
I consider myself a realist. Maybe better yet, pessimistic realist. Kinda weird that I may actually have a more optimistic view of the future than most. Maybe people don't fully appreciate the ability people have to adapt. I think people adapt in many ways that allows them to feel content or even happy. Throw someone in a pit by themselves. Eventually, they'll be happy to befriend a cockroach. So yeah. We make it happen. I rail hard against the left cause they are niave idiots always willing to sacrifice the good of the whole to enrich the few at the top. **edit: my views are in no way to reflect those of Mallen Baker or his viewers. I'm merely a glitch or bug of the minimal free speech endowed by youtube code and moderators.
I think these are good ideas! In my sense, you should assume your audience is quite well informed, so it does not actually need those refutations of stupid ideas or arguments.. good to not waste more time on that. You could aim at provide big picture, global synthesis while feeling free to refer to lots of facts that many in the audience will be aware of. That is the most valuable, I think. You and your audience have the problem common to all centrist: that a reality based, skeptical analysis tends to be complex and detailed, while ideology based or power fight based lines of argument are easy to communicate. So creating a high-level big picture synthesis really does address a critical need to communicate alternatives to those forms of simplistic and manipulative discourse. Looking forward to the new framing... =)
> , so it does not actually need those refutations of stupid ideas or arguments. I agree with that, but Mallen sometimes accepts mainstream arguments that should be questioned much more
It is my sincere hope that democracy survives and gradually gets a new lease of life. It is the platform on which the voice of the voiceless is heard. I am a supporter . The Trump campaign began in Waco Texas. Trump said that this was symbolic. Waco was a national disaster in the way it ended.
Why must democracry survive or things turn awful? In 1880 world we had little govt, and people just wanted to be left alone and not taxed much by elites. is your happiness really lost if you and your extended family have to watch out for yourselves. Do you trust giving half your income in taxes to bureaucracy, rather than giving 20% as gifts or investments in cousins... You hold the majority view, but its bad when a people think they are so dumb they need a bureaucrat protector. If now 10% of families are dummies, too bad, this use to be 1% and just have govt be promised savior if you choose idiot life, is breeding failed families who never even thank rest.... We went from nobles in 1700 taking half of earnings, to 1880 revolutions letting people be free, to 1930-2025 the people creating a new system to take away most money... Isnt there a level close to anarchy that is just hint of govt, where we rely on and live with cousins, not rely on politicians... I sound like weirdo, like how all felt in 1880.
1. the more we ask govt to do, rather than do by our families ourselves the more risky we make society. in 1920 or 1820 if we had a bad president or congress they couldnt do much wrong. it also didnt matter if the people were dumb, the voters, each family could ignore it and be smart. the amish dont care who is President, they are more free and safe than middleclass who have made govt so important. 2. democracy often is a mess. we often elected criminal and fraudsters, like President Andrew Jackson a hillbilly who ignored supreme court. President Woodrow Wilson who bullied Supreme Court into allowing conscripting americans by force to fight in europe, so now govt has power to toss away citizen lives for diplomatic reasons... in 1800 every state legislature and most cities were nests of corruption and bribery, with no internet or fbi to try to stop it. . .. . . . Govt neednt have power to ruin our lives, but we CHOOSE to have huge govt doing many things for us, so we choose to make it a house of cards that can collapse and ruin everything.....
Enemies of Democracy? Perhaps your subjective perspective on ideological positions such as the Climate Crisis are 'evolving' with a more inclusive approach utilizing both conspiracy and the world of Woo data will result in a more holistic data set resulting in a more accurate grasp of reality?
If you don't bring the populace along, there's no climate action. So far climate action is pretty much a colossal failure with the overwhelming success of Trump and similar movements in the other Western democracies gaining ground on pro climate action parties. Perhaps embracing one's failures is the first step in developing a political plan that succeeds? Not that the Democrats in the US seem interested in doing so ....
Heh heh a more accurate grasp of reality. Well he did say for the 1st time climate change policy is delusional. Of course I've said that for 20 years and nothing has occurred to change that opinion. My opinion like anyone's can and should evolve based on the information at hand. 🪄🪄🪄🤔🤔🤔😜😜😜🐒🐒🐒😎😎😎
I will watch your video later. Truth does seem to be a scarce commodity and it appears to be getting worse. What worries me is large groups of people who do not care about Truth get to vote. Voter Representatives are going to respond to this (after all at the end of the day they have to give Voters what they want - one reason I dislike Democracy).
Support Mallen's work on Patreon!
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My rules for comments in this forum.
You can post your opinion freely in the comments to any of my videos. I like to engage with people on arguments and issues. I will, time permitting, happily engage with comments that are polite and broadly on topic for the video in question. You can still post what you want but if you want a response from me, those are the criteria. If you want to preface your biting critique with an observation of what a total idiot I am, knock yourself out, but I won't respond to those comments any more than I would if someone said that stuff in real life.
Out and out obscenities and personal abuse will be removed. Posts that are just links to other videos you want to promote will be removed. People who engage in bullying other commenters will be asked to stop if I think they are making commenting here unpleasant for others. If they refuse to stop then they'll be removed from the channel
Like always the sanest voice on RUclips. Whatever you do I’ll be watching. Thank you for all you do
I also like Jimmy Dore
For me, this channel has always represented the effort to seek and reach the signal through the noise. I hope that remains a key tenet going forward.
More power to you, Malllen, and more power - and more audience - to this criminally undersubscribed channel.
This sounds really exciting Mallen. Always felt that your subscriber count never ever came close to the value you bring to the various discussions. I don't know anyone else on YT that brings such quality thousand foot overview while still resisting the click-baitey groupthinkey bandwagons. Very excited to see where you're going with the channel
That old saying " people prefer a comfortable lie over truth every time". Has something to do with low subscribers. Still a valued channel IMHO .
The world is not black and white. I'm glad you're here to explore the shades of grey.
Thanks Mallen, looking forward to your future content.
At 9:17. I work at a big engineering company. HR sponsor a graduate award scheme. There is an engineering category but the category they sponsor is "female graduate". Other categories include LBGT and Black graduates. Can you imagine this ever being acceptable the other way around? There is absolutely no evidence that the DEI favorite types are actually discriminated against, they qualify for special help everywhere, but there is a limit on promotions every year making this an actual zero-sum game. The whole diversity industry stopped being about fairness decades ago and is now just about competing for power at the expense of others.
Just my opinion but I think of it as a pendulum: for centuries the pendulum has been held on one side that favours a certain group of the population. Now the pendulum has been released it has, and must, swing over to the other side which allows other social groups, that have previously been discriminated against, to ‘normalise’ the ratio. Once that has happened then the pendulum can and will return to the centre point.
Speaking as an older white male who has almost certainly benefited from the prejudices of the past … and still does.
@@robkryten Why should people entering the workforce now be discriminated against to "correct" discrimination to someone else in the past?
@rob you can't correct historic racism with more racism.
If you feel so privileged by your sex and skin colour, I assume you sacrificed your position for an LGBTQAI+ POC?
Its not racism, or DEI or whathever you want to call it, its a company doing whatever it wants, theyve done it for quite a while now @@ytsm
@@old_toucs6283 It's fine as long as we have a social benefit scheme for the under-qualified white people whose jobs have long been protected and guaranteed by traditional anti-inclusive hiring practises.
Happy New Year to everybody, and I am looking forward to Mr. Baker's new approach to analysis of the baffling world of current events. The shifts in focus that this channel has made in the past have always seemed to go in a positive direction, so I'm sure that will remain true.
I like the new direction. Thanks, Mallen for a consistently dispassionate, logical analysis of our world.
At 18:00. Good effort Mallen. Strange to think that the big controversy was nearly five years ago now. I think we made the correct decision when we did not know what we faced but then went on to make the wrong decision when we had the real data. We started off protecting lives then we went on to protect people from having a life.
Covid unlike usual did not target the young, next pandemic if kills 1-5% of young will trigger same reaction by govts AND SHOULD. And rightly so, a 10 year old besides emotions took $200,000 to raise and 5% risk of their death is costlier. If a vax will come in 1 year, then firm lockdowns especially at bordera per Australia, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and partly Canada with 75% lower deathrate than US, yes lockdowns is wiser policy. Ya gotta crunch the numbers not just go with public mood and yell lockdowns were bd.
@@amyself6678step back.
Your Analysis is not coherent.
Saving lives at the cost of ALL other considerations is insane.
No end exists to your reasoning.
No action is bad if it saves just 1 life.
Banning cars and table wear will save millions of lives.
Equal division of food world wide will save 20 million in the 1st year.
Zero human contact will save lives
And destroy them at the same time.
Your beliefs are deadly.
Politicians no longer representing people, globalism is a short hand for that rather than the actual scope of an issue being global. We have seen politicians distance themselves from people for 'higher' principles, where someone else knows better, rather than the issues that matter to those who elect them. That's where democracy is broken in my opinion. Elections are now just a hurdle.
So glad this channel is here
Excellent essay... and a succinct definition of the world we live in now and will be living in. Thank you for your insights.
Happy New Year, good luck with your channel!
Thanks, you too!
Great new name.
I hope you get far more much deserved attention and that your style of assessing and thinking is promoted!
Happy New Year Mallen. I remain a loyal listener, subscriber and Patreon supporter. All the best.
this is at its heart is an opinion channel and I have been happy to follow it for some years. I like the balance but there are also some blind spots. in this episode the constant talking of disinformation and freedom of speech illustrate the juxtaposition. disinformation is a new term but in fact has been around from the beginning of time. the use of it is the spearhead of the campaign against Free speech. The war on Free speech is spearheaded by the people pushing the idea of misinformation. And the idea that this then needs to be censored and fact-checked by ministries of Truth. The sooner we get rid of this term the better. all information is information that needs to be debated and people left to decide for themselves.
Well said Mallen, we're with you all the way.
Happy New Year and good luck Mallen, cant wait to hear and see where this goes. Why do I use your channel; as a reference point, as an alternative opinion, so that I can make my own decisions on what is happening in the world. All the best.
I heartily agree about the unelected bureaucracy being a large factor in public frustrations and they seem to be unaccountable. There's a fine line between accountability, independence and totalitarianism, but what most Western governments have at the moment is not working in the public eye. IMHO.
I heartily endorse this statement of purpose. This channel has been ahead of the curve in terms of popular and media discourse, but its time is surely imminent. Here’s to staying just slightly ahead, with more focus and more muscle.
More Mallen Baker!
I regret that my direct channel support remains meagre, as does my disposable income. No other RUclips channel has more clout in my notifications, and it’s because of the substantive quality here.
Great video Mallen, best of luck for 2025!
Mallem, thanks for all you do and have done. I think if you want to grow your channel you need interesting guests, to compliment or challenge the narrative.
All the best Mr Baker! Keep it coming a voice of reason amidst all this insanity.....your content is greatly appreciated and unfortunately not by enough - yet... fingers crossed!
Sorry to say that I can't support you financially however, I will always watch your videos and share them to friends when relevant for what that is worth.
All the best for 2025, keep out the good work!
Letting the advertisement run and not hitting skip contributes.
Also, giving a thumbs 👍 affects how many people will see a video on the feed.
Your New Year's Resolutions are better than mine (they exist, for one thing). Happy New Year!
Truth and reality may be more fungible than we used to think. I appreciate your wanting to straddle the middle way but the danger is it can be a cop out. Reporting facts (there is an infinite supply!) may be less helpful than visionary prognostication.
Happy New Year!
I am looking forward to your view of reality and consequences for policies over here, in Europe and in America. Reality driven rather than ideologically driven analysis is certainly something I am interested in.
Good luck and best wishes for you and the channel in 2025.
Very well articulated.
Enduringly important 👌
Yes, indeed… My take is that “all of it” comes down to what we believed in, and went for 20, 30 and 40 years ago. Across OECD, parliaments and parties.
Pointing our angry fingers towards “the others” is dangerously blinding. Nationalism is an embodiment of that danger, easily seen in our own history, philosophy or humanities insights.
And… I don’t need to clumsily repeat what’s more eloquently stated by mr. Baker in this presentation. Thanks…! 😊
Democracy has indeed failed people, because it is incoherent as a value, in and of itself. It is a technology for making decisions, but it is useless in guiding what decisions should be made. Even as a decision making technology, it is poorly defined. In common practice, we are talking about representative electoral democracy, with fixed terms and geographical districts. Cutting edge technology, for the problems facing post-Colonial America 250 years ago. Now, we've seen the flaws and consequences of it, from the American civil war, Fascism, weak European coalition government or strongly polarized two party systems, color revolutions or systems dominated by lobbying. But still, people lean into Democracy as a value! What are we really trying to accomplish? Maybe we should start talking about Liberty instead of Democracy?
At 16:50. Both sides are very guilty of this, willful distortion, meaningless soundbites, and ad hominem attacks are passed off as "facts".
I sometimes feel that everyone simply goes to the first website they find and agrees with everything on it without ever checking the actual data.
The following is based on actually checking the science:
All claims that our times are strange compared to the past are nonsense
It is fair to say that we are in a significant warm era and that what we are seeing is consistent with this, regardless of its cause
the logarithmic forcing due to CO2 is based on a real theory and has to be applicable at some level
the actual, measured, changes fed into that theory indicate a bit less than 2C per doubling of CO2
If you assume some instrument drift, or errors such as UHI, then that could drop a bit, to circa 1.5C
The above forcings are both rather low and it would be very hard for us to actually produce a real "crisis" at those numbers
A 1C change is equivalent to moving house 140 miles south, it isn't that scary.
If you assume some "blocked" energy is recirculated and ultimately is emitted outside the CO2 band then the forcing drops further.
So some warming claims are based on real science but the crisis doomsday claims are nonsense.
The crisis doomsday claims are nonsense.
No The reaction to the crisis doomsday claims are the enemy.
Specifically the government reaction.
Even if the crisis doomsday claims were real.
The reaction is A CRISIS DOOMSDAY in and of itself.
Keep going Mallen, many of us rely on you as an aspect of balance as we scan our news and opinion sources. Shame you sub numbers don't reflect the very valuable service you provide to people
No i hate change and no harm has ever come about by refuseing to change and ever will be ok. Oh wait!
Brave, some issues the powerful dont want discussed. 1. Democracy should have financial limits, why do 51% get to tax and spend or strangle-regulate so much.
, license to steal by lazier 51%. 2. Especially with debt loading up future generations are old immorally looting rest, for unwise healthcare or just their vacations. 3. Why should nonparents get much benefit from pensions, they literally opted out on half the $2m work of raising next gen of contibutors. 4. Net zero if it keeps giving China and US econo dominance, was dumb, so better to pollute than become irrelevant quiet poor continent. Leap of faith that Chinese will keep net zero after 2030, is like trustin Putin, trust dictators seems dumb... 5. That all said, this still seems a Golden Age, isnt gratitude and smiles what is more missing, sadness amid long lives of plenty? 6. Voters are uneducated in policies and often dumb about public issues, only educate selves about personal choices, so Mallen sir you complaining about dumb choices is like giving monkeys control of airplanes and puzzled by shaky flight, so basicaly aint Libertarians right? 7. We evolved with extended family our support and discipline and LOVE network, modern life switching to nuclear family with children halfraised by govt teachers, is unnatural and we feel it -- my cousins share my blood but I spend just 6 hours with them but 1600 hours with leftist teacher Weirdo - so Muslim clan system even marrying cousins actually is better? 8. Without procreation a system is failing, we are failing, and Muslims and Mormons and Backward Polygmous Africans will dominate by 2100 - why no media on this failure? Godspeed. Life now does beat pre1600, without even chimneys, so try to smile I say. SALUTE... P.S. That book on WEIRD is interesting, how societies on world are mostly doomed to be wacky since not WesternEducatedIndustrializedRichDemocratic (and nonclan based)... Bon nuit
Magnificent ramble: I agree with all - and as an English posho (ie everyone’s super villain) I especially approve of cousin marriage!
Since you mentioned both: In the next 100 years, assuming no major deviations from our current trajectories, what is the most likely to cause the most harm: 1) A Carrington-level event. 2) Climate change.
Carrington-level event (or higher) - less chance, more short-term harm if it happens. Climate change - guaranteed at some level, less but still substantial harm, level dependent on what we do in the coming decades. We should prepare for both, but we are least engaged, and hence most vulnerable, to the former.
Looking forward your 2025 posts
I have just notice the $thanks option, and used it. I like this method.
Sounds good. I'm interested.
Thank you.
Can you do a video on Rotherham?
The tiny tip of a vast organised iceberg.
Every town and village has people-smuggling, money-laundering businesses all over their high-street seemingly operating with impunity. The flourishing gangs inevitably turn to preying on our daughters.
I won’t be happy until someone swings for what our leaders are putting us through.
thanks. good luck
Happy New Year sir!
Sounds like hard work. Well, good luck and smooth sailing. Or at least, not perpetual storm. 🎉
Sociological Poverty Times is what we had in these decades, let's seek to get a normal respectful mindset when having a discussion with anyone this year, where we start from what we agree on.
Happy new year Mallen. sounds like a step in the right direction as would the odd interview because you can become your own echo chamber as you have pointed out in the past.
Glad you pointed out the terrible level of competence in candidates but surprised you poo poo the WEF’s influence on these people, our prime minister for one government worldwide is full of them.
Glad also you mentioned potential consequences on the world of CME’s even if we were not a digital economy it could put us back to the Stone Age . The interesting thing is the repeated Auroral records being set lately. Two have gone into the top 6 known to man and one is in the top 3. Only thing is they were weak X3 class not the X40+ that caused them before. Changes in earth’s magnetic field and potential pole shift are having consequences not allowed for in models, things are changing but we may be grasping the wrong part of the elephant so to speak.
Well done and good luck in 2025 Mr Mallen! Another quarter of XXI century not going to shape itself...
Aw I really liked Dangerously Reasonable 😅
Mallen I do listen to you, and I have in the past sponsored you to the tune of £100 as a one-off. However I no longer understand your thinking - or maybe I've moved on and you haven't. What I don't understand is how little you question science - especially, but not only, climate science. You seem to take it as read that climate is a problem. Given how much you talk about perverse incentives and media bias, I would expect you to at least question the assumptions of climate science and all other areas of science that have political implications. I don't think the main problem is a failure of political leadership as you suggest - I think there is a failure of information. Scientists are not doing their jobs anymore. But journal editors aren't, either. Nor are the old-fashioned media, BBC, New York Times etc in questioning science. They all follow various narratives, instead of the data - to the point where we can't be sure we are actually getting the important scientific data. I'm surprised you don't see that. (I am now agnostic on almost all scientific issues with political implications.) I still listen to you - sometimes. But I no longer feel you're wise, as I once did. There's probably no need to argue - let's see what data is released by the Trump administration in the next few months - I expect it to be fascinating, and I'm hoping it will make a lot of people rethink. But instead of rethinking, they may deny, at least for a while. Let's see.
> "I would expect you to at least question the assumptions of climate science and all other areas of science that have political implications."
Leet me clarify that. I know you explore the theory and analysis, but you don't question, enough, the data, and how it can be distorted by selecting information that supports the narrative, and ignoring what doesn't
Climate change is real, we will be up 4 Celcius. But not real is any low co2 solution, and Europe has tried costly green policies and effed itself. We argue about solutions, including if lettin China do all the solar cells and batteries and becomin only industrialized region, isnt more harmful than 4 degrees. Mallen rarely examines China issue, almost like his mindset can only blame US, he only can blame white people so is classic woke mindset and he wont admit this.. Each week is usually how is US bad.
Tosh. Whenever a ‘skeptic’ says they want to discuss the science they really mean they want to draw upon a menu of suspicions and confused understanding. The science of the greenhouse effect is entirely robust, and the fact you reject the politics attached to the consequences of altering the chemistry of the atmosphere is entirely irrelevant.
You said: " how little you question science - especially, but not only, climate science" Actually, I did a whole stream of videos looking at the best arguments and criticisms of climate science and found that the hundreds of thousands of research papers tended to hold up solidly versus the innuendo, the cherry picked graphs and the various other low-grade trickery that was usually - not always but usually - underpinning the critiques. I apply the same requirements of actual evidence for this area as I do for any other, and have looked at it more intensively than anything else. The evidence stands up. Sorry, but that's what I've found time and time again. If you're hanging on to the degree you have given yourself the belief that the Trump administration will come up with some amazing 'revelation' of dirty dealing, well good luck. Odd it didn't happen some time between 2016 and 2020, but nothing springs so eternal as hope, I guess.
@NapoleonGelignite by your reasoning the hockey stick is climate change Canon.
Al gore is Moses and his movie came from a burning bush on a mountain top.
You sound like a funny person.
So, Mallen is changing this and sharpening that in the face of his dwindling audience who have found better channels who have more thoroughly understood the subject matter.
Thanks, Mallen…. Great video! We are aligned. All the best for ‘25. 🙏👍🫡
Sir I often disagree with you, especially when overly confronting rabbit hole nonsenses, & not working a finely tuned critique of actual policies with not just whats a bad idea because.... but whats a better one because..... too. But your are highly principled in trying times {maybe history all ways feels that way at the time}, & I deeply respect your dangerous reasonableness. You are of-course allowed an opinion & Im very interested on your take on the meta crisis { i agree an under estimated part of it - if not the underlying cause is : reduction of quality leadership & erosion of real democratic faith - old fashioned patriotism - for the good of the nation {people as a whole - not the assetted class}.
Im also heartened to hear you re calibrate your approach to climate issues, greenwashing by state & corporate interests to preserve the profitable & politically expedient inertia of business as usual - will not solve the problem or engage all or enough to compound our species ingenuity for our civilisational survival {i believe we will still be here..but with a massively reduced population, cultural richness & increased hardship over the medium term {5-100yrs}.
Prof Simon P Michaux has done lots of work on the unworkability of the "Green Transition" as currently conceived in policy circles & he is sincerely together with others {Nate Hagens, Steve Keen & Kate Raworth ... } trying to workout what might work! There is a growing demand for Green Realism, rather than either biz as usual denial or hippy naivety as the only choices.
Scale is an issue, the scale of the problem & potential solutions, global / cross border problems [world rivers through many countries polluted / drying up etc} air quality.... staple harvests collapse... its a vast list! League of nations, the UN, & Bretton Woods etc was created to despite ourselves bang our heads together {alot} to solve global scale problem ..... us fighting us & the collateral damage to us. We need real global solutions while maintaining, strengthening & even re-imagining our checks & balances on power { global, state, corporate, private...} or be at the mercy of the divine right of billionaires revolving in/out of the government.
Thanks for your efforts🙏
I think democracy is doing fine in the full democracies (sadly there are barely nineteen at last count). These countries are well governed, mostly happy and prosperous, and coping well with modern challenges. They also demonstrated resilience in the facing the challenges of the pandemic. They dealt with it efficiently and effectively, minimising deaths as well as economic damage.
Those countries struggling with democracy either arent true democracies (US) or have embedded flaws that frustrate a genuinely democratic process (UK).
As for channel focus I suggest normative vs abnormative, compare and contrast.
Great video, I agree with a lot of it except that the truth is simple. Philosophers have tried to define the "truth" for thousands of years and we still dont have a watertight way of defining an ultimate universal truth. Its honestly a fascinating subject and one that, if studied, explains a lot as to why people can't agree on the truth. That works in reverse too - if you want to convince someone of a truth you might need to change the philosophical framework around which the truth is determined.
Well if its raining, its raining.
@@wendyandrew3707in fact, it might not always be as clear as your think and in more complex areas the truth is even more difficult to define. The point is you can pick a philosophical framework for testing the truth but they all have shortcomings so it's useful to be aware of which framework you're using and what problems might be associated with that framework.
I consider myself a realist. Maybe better yet, pessimistic realist.
Kinda weird that I may actually have a more optimistic view of the future than most.
Maybe people don't fully appreciate the ability people have to adapt. I think people adapt in many ways that allows them to feel content or even happy. Throw someone in a pit by themselves. Eventually, they'll be happy to befriend a cockroach.
So yeah. We make it happen.
I rail hard against the left cause they are niave idiots always willing to sacrifice the good of the whole to enrich the few at the top.
**edit: my views are in no way to reflect those of Mallen Baker or his viewers. I'm merely a glitch or bug of the minimal free speech endowed by youtube code and moderators.
Functional govt. is the most successful fairy tale I mean Disney should take notes.
I think these are good ideas! In my sense, you should assume your audience is quite well informed, so it does not actually need those refutations of stupid ideas or arguments.. good to not waste more time on that. You could aim at provide big picture, global synthesis while feeling free to refer to lots of facts that many in the audience will be aware of. That is the most valuable, I think. You and your audience have the problem common to all centrist: that a reality based, skeptical analysis tends to be complex and detailed, while ideology based or power fight based lines of argument are easy to communicate. So creating a high-level big picture synthesis really does address a critical need to communicate alternatives to those forms of simplistic and manipulative discourse. Looking forward to the new framing... =)
> , so it does not actually need those refutations of stupid ideas or arguments.
I agree with that, but Mallen sometimes accepts mainstream arguments that should be questioned much more
It is my sincere hope that democracy survives and gradually gets a new lease of life. It is the platform on which the voice of the voiceless is heard. I am a supporter . The Trump campaign began in Waco Texas. Trump said that this was symbolic. Waco was a national disaster in the way it ended.
Why must democracry survive or things turn awful? In 1880 world we had little govt, and people just wanted to be left alone and not taxed much by elites. is your happiness really lost if you and your extended family have to watch out for yourselves. Do you trust giving half your income in taxes to bureaucracy, rather than giving 20% as gifts or investments in cousins... You hold the majority view, but its bad when a people think they are so dumb they need a bureaucrat protector. If now 10% of families are dummies, too bad, this use to be 1% and just have govt be promised savior if you choose idiot life, is breeding failed families who never even thank rest.... We went from nobles in 1700 taking half of earnings, to 1880 revolutions letting people be free, to 1930-2025 the people creating a new system to take away most money... Isnt there a level close to anarchy that is just hint of govt, where we rely on and live with cousins, not rely on politicians... I sound like weirdo, like how all felt in 1880.
@@amyself6678 The situation now undrlines the importance of being informed before you and then vote. Too view vote and then com plain
1. the more we ask govt to do, rather than do by our families ourselves the more risky we make society. in 1920 or 1820 if we had a bad president or congress they couldnt do much wrong. it also didnt matter if the people were dumb, the voters, each family could ignore it and be smart. the amish dont care who is President, they are more free and safe than middleclass who have made govt so important. 2. democracy often is a mess. we often elected criminal and fraudsters, like President Andrew Jackson a hillbilly who ignored supreme court. President Woodrow Wilson who bullied Supreme Court into allowing conscripting americans by force to fight in europe, so now govt has power to toss away citizen lives for diplomatic reasons... in 1800 every state legislature and most cities were nests of corruption and bribery, with no internet or fbi to try to stop it. . .. . . . Govt neednt have power to ruin our lives, but we CHOOSE to have huge govt doing many things for us, so we choose to make it a house of cards that can collapse and ruin everything.....
Enemies of Democracy? Perhaps your subjective perspective on ideological positions such as the Climate Crisis are 'evolving' with a more inclusive approach utilizing both conspiracy and the world of Woo data will result in a more holistic data set resulting in a more accurate grasp of reality?
If you don't bring the populace along, there's no climate action. So far climate action is pretty much a colossal failure with the overwhelming success of Trump and similar movements in the other Western democracies gaining ground on pro climate action parties. Perhaps embracing one's failures is the first step in developing a political plan that succeeds? Not that the Democrats in the US seem interested in doing so ....
Heh heh a more accurate grasp of reality.
Well he did say for the 1st time climate change policy is delusional.
Of course I've said that for 20 years and nothing has occurred to change that opinion.
My opinion like anyone's can and should evolve based on the information at hand.
I will watch your video later. Truth does seem to be a scarce commodity and it appears to be getting worse. What worries me is large groups of people who do not care about Truth get to vote. Voter Representatives are going to respond to this (after all at the end of the day they have to give Voters what they want - one reason I dislike Democracy).
I was fan of the early in debt videos. The commentary on the daily news and/or politics interests me less.
2025 welcomes you to the far right , I mean happy new year
Your focus on Covid issues while neglecting to mention Ukraine and Gaza is telling. It begs many questions. Uncomfortable ones.
Wasn't aware you had a checklist I had to conform to. Have talked about both in the past - Ukraine extensively.
They're both ceasing to exist. What more is there to discuss?