I'll never forget the day I opened TikTok and was immediately hit with someone complaining about Madeline and calling her a "tankie"...I immediately went and followed her instead of listening to that guy
What Madeline talks about at 1:23:00 ... for me, it was BLM 2020. I was 16. I stopped trusting mainstream media when I saw how news anchors were more concerned with property damage than black lives. I wanted to understand where protester's rage was coming from. And so I educated myself. Sometimes it's really that simple.
My best friend, who is a hardcore liberal, got angry at me (a pro-Palestinian leftist) when Kamala lost. My reaction to Trump winning a second term was literally "Well, shit" Meanwhile he went absolutely ballistic when I mentioned that both parties do the same things but "it's only bad if they're the ones doing it" and proceeded to blame the left for caring more about Gaza being absolutely fucking leveled than Orange Man becoming a dictator, even though we already live in a dictatorship and the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for losing (so yeah, he's also incredibly racist; a self-hating racist maybe). And he became a doomer, calling me out for being an optimist. I've been trying to send him videos telling him to be optimistic, but I don't think he's watched a single thing I've sent him.
If he doesn’t want to listen to reason then he doesn’t have to. Don’t feel obligated to help someone who doesn’t want help, even if they’re your friend. On politics id say a hardcore liberal is honestly harder to convince than a right winger on many issues. Right wingers tend to have some amount of class consciousness, just in the exact opposite way they should have it, such as with the CEO shooting reactions. Plus right wing narratives are usually easy to disprove and ridiculous because they prey on uneducated or misguided people. Hardcore liberals on the other hand? Not so much. If you think of political learning as a hill, and right wingers are at the bottom, facing backwards, and left wingers are at the top, then hardcore liberals are stuck in a hole somewhere with no shovel, but they can’t see the peak so they think they’ve reached it, while right wingers think they’re at the peak because they aren’t facing the right way. Much easier to turn someone around than grab them and pull them out of a hole. Erm ok this analogy is getting out of hand 😭
Honestly and Personally if my Best Friend was a Hardcore lib and I wasnt able to get through to them, I really dont thing it'd be able to simply be passed off as a "Well we can disagree and still be friends", which many baby leftist still believe in. (Not to say you are but just to bring it up as a point) Especially if their "Hardcore" Knowing of the horrors in Gaza and still wanting Kamala because "Shes not trump" but would still be continuing the capitalistic Regime of America I just couldn't have it in myself to continue associating myself with them if all other avenues have been extinguished and tried to get them on our side. Libs will always want to blame us on the Failings of Electoralism and falling harder and harder into Fascism when they're very party is the ones that will quicker be the ones to accept Trump over say a true Socialist because they've been convinced of Neoliberalism's Successes. I'd sooner rather be friends with a Comrade who thinks the Likes of Mao and Stalin were actually big big evil bad guys, an anarchist or someone Apolitical than them. I'd also be incredibly worried that he may fall to Fascisms sense of Community and become Alt-Right or Right leaning but with the flavor of Hating Trump. But there comes a point where you really can't do anything for them, and you have to just mourn the loss of your friend, and allow that to motivate you to work towards tearing down the system to prevent another one of them from happening.
Lady, didnt know who you were, but you are a hero, there is a Brazilian rapper who does the same thing on the same market, they make clothes on the same logic, you people are heroes. I wish you have great success.
Could you tell me how the rapper is called? I'm from Argentina and I always want to learn about people from latin america that are trying to do this type of stuff.
@lukea5373 hello comrade, I am talking about Emicida, he is pretty famous, I am not exactly a rap fan but he is more or less on the same side ideologicaly as us, if you like rap he probably will be your cup of tea 😀
Hearing someone say " I think I want to do something less stressful like bartenders or service work." Makes me think I must be doing something wrong, cause I'm miserable in this service/retail job and don't know why anyone would want to come back. I get its the system, ect. I'm just exhausted.
Idk speaking as someone who worked both back of house kitchen work as well as software, the stress differs. It's like you're doing a bunch of fake work for an insane amount of mental stress over shit that doesn't really matter. I kind of miss kitchen work, because while it's super complicated, it's also simple and I get to work with my hands again. The stress is different. Idk how to explain it. It's not as complicated. Well, it is and isn't. It's just not KPIs and sprints and agile and story points and arbitrary deadlines and meetings that take hours on end. I miss just plating a dish and cooking a good meal for someone to enjoy. I miss the simplicity of washing dishes and bussing tables. Idk I haven't even watched the whole video, but while yes that work sucks and is exhausting and pays like crap, many of us yearn for that work after years of online bullshit and make believe jobs that produce nothing of value. At least in a kitchen, I can make a meal for someone. Something real, something tangible and something to be proud of. That's "less stressful" for some of us, despite it just being a different kind of stress. It's a nostalgia, kinda. Idk.
@@brucecrustyso real, ive recently started working my first corporate job (and hopefully my last) and while in some ways its nice (i have unlimited time off and wfh full time) the bullshit of it and not having to interact with a single person everyday is killing me and making me even miss my shitiest retail/service jobs. I much prefer working with my hands and actually feeling like my effort does something tangible. It forever enrages me how underpaid service jobs are, and it is by design otherwise how else would capitalism justify all these stupid bullshit tasks they make up for these inefficient industries.
why? i wanna work a simple job like that(permanently) because i cant handle high stress jobs, maybe its the area you work in? im 15 and work at a sushi shop in a extremely busy cbd of a metropolitan area and surprisingly never had a bad interaction.
What a fuckin' G Madeline is! Great episode as always. The section about home ownership was both surprising and inspiring to hear. I have such a defeatist mentality due to being poor my entire adult life so hearing that I am allowed to go upstairs and touch the dress is truly reassuring. We live in a world where it's easy to forget we technically all have the same rights.
I noticed that as well, and maybe that's because hes more the type of person who has prepared pieces of text for speaking(coming from his form of video content as well). We are so used to him talking all the time in his videos very eloquently, but in "real" situations, maybe he's just more of a quiet guy. I've noticed in other episodes that they often do this prepared segments thing (which is good). So when there are already two people filling the speaking "room" quite well (Yugo & Madeline) there maybe isn't really a reason to speak up
Thanks for another encouraging episode. I've added Madeline's book to my growing list: Matt Kennard's Silent Coup * The Racket, Monbiot's Invisible Doctrine and Kicking Away the Ladder. Now I need a space where I can discuss, outside of family and online lol.
Forming a worker co-op in the USA is really hard, I've tried it. All the legal infrastructure is geared towards capitalist organization. Anyone who can make it work for any length of time deserves respect. It won't bring the revolution, but it damnsure doesn't hurt either.
Majority of my clothes are made locally by a “leftie” co-op. Not just because it feels better to support them instead of fast fashion, but because the quality and most importantly longevity of the items is on a different scale. I have shirts that look nearly new after 12+ years. And they don’t even cost much different from the fast fashion.
Thanks for the show guys and gals! Yugo, you absolute legend, comrade, brate, zemljače. You have beautiful voice, you have wits, you have them jokes. But please, pretty please, with all the love a male commie can show the other male commie, try to restrain from that unexpected unhinged yelling, as these sudden bursts destroy audio quality, interrupt the listening experience and kinda ungracefully show your, otherwise beautiful, voice and presentation abilities. I just can't get used to that, izvini brate...
I do not follow any Twitter or TikTok drama because I left Twitter for my mental health, but she seems like such a cool person. This was such a great episode! ❤️
Madeline is soo cool, she along people like Tirrb and Rayne transformed tiktok from the brainrot app to actual useful content for people with similar algorithms as me
That part about buying a home, oh my, how can there be people out there telling other to not buy a home and stay renting, you need to be a souless piece of coal to do that... I bought a home last may, some people came to me with this speech, I can't even discuss this, I refuse the debate, there's none to be had.
Tunnel vision is such a fun store! Perfect for teenagers and trendy young adults. I love when I have a reason to spend my disposable income on people that would enjoy gifts from her store. If I was younger I’d go broke buying for myself 🤣Everyone makes a living wage and profit sharing! I don’t need any other reason to spend money there! I’m so happy to see this collab😘
25:27 I will totally admit I'm one of those dumbasses. I just really dislike conflict and when I got people screeching at me "democratisms" I just kinda nod and agree just to not argue with people. Most people I've ran into are hardcore liberals and boomers and would never change their mind anyway. Also, I haven't really honed my ability to take whatever shitty "democratism" into the correct information without requiring someone else who is smarter to "tell me" what the right info is. Basically a case of "the lie travels faster than the truth". I can understand if people want to shit on my comment.
It's crazy but in DFW TX right now, most people would have an easier time buying a new construction home and is often the cheaper option. To deal with the massive population influx to DFW, builders have been building new homes faster than they can sell them and give out some pretty good incentives for the buyers. But as y'all said, most people don't even think buying a home is something within reach.
32:38 agreed. The past, present, and even the future, vindicate/validate what i think, feel, and believe. I AM phucking right/correct. No one on Earth can convince me i am wrong. No one is capable.
This comment I found on thefinnishbolshevik is based Part 1 of 4 Parts: Let's start with the LEAST important aspect of Stalin: I: STALIN'S PERSONAL CHARACTER: For 30 consecutive years, Stalin worked 14 hours a day; holding down up to 4 important jobs yet didn't cash hardly any of his paychecks (there are witnesses to seeing those checks in a drawyer in Stalin's office). He had only two sets of clothes; and usually slept in his office on a small cot. BEFORE the people won the Revolution, Stalin spent the overwhelming majority of the preceding years in prisons - something no self-centered person would ever do. When he wasn't in prison, he was constantly risking prison for his revolutionary activities - always supporting the work, and especially the leading thinking of Lenin. As to the so-called "Cult of Personality" - this is still another (in an endless string of) Big Lie vs Stalin. He PERSONALLY ordered the burning of ALL copies of more than one book where his INDIVIDUAL role was praised highly - he ALWAYS said, I am just one person; it is the collective leadership and the working masses who deserve all the credit. When he was praised he ALWAYS said, I am merely Lenin's disciple. The ONE time Lenin strongly criticized Stalin (in his supposed "Last Testament"; he ONLY criticized Stalin for being rude - NOT for any POLITICAL weaknesses - as Lenin DID criticize ALL the other leading Bolsheviks in that same letter. That criticism of Stalin was based on the fact that Lenin had been deathly ill and Stalin, as General Secretary, had been instructed by the Central Committee, to protect Lenin from everything that would upset him. When Krupskaya, Lenin's wife, repeatedly brought Lenin information which rattled him, it was Stalin's JOB, his responsibility, to get that stopped. So he spoke to and criticized Krupskaya for it - in STRONG language - as WAS appropriate given how important Lenin's leadership was to the struggle. Lenin then heard Krupskaya's VERSION FIRST - and thus responded with the "Rude" comment. II. STALIN'S LEADERSHIP ROLE: I've never read this anywhere, but I THINK that it was Lenin's "rude" comment that caused Stalin to make a big change in his STYLE of leadership. He always held Lenin's leadership in the highest esteem (as deserved - he WAS a "mountain eagle" amongst great leaders of the people) - and I IMAGINE that Lenin's criticism of him cut him deeply. Regardless of any role (or non-role) that criticism of Lenin had in Stalin's work; it is a FACT, extremely well documented, that Stalin was a SUPER DEMOCRATIC leader (MUCH more so than Lenin - who was so much more advanced than the others, that he frequently insisted on his positions; or if he couldn't win, would compromise to Stalin's positions (as the 2nd best option)). There is endless documentation that Stalin WAITED for all members of the Central Committee (CC) to speak, to put forth their own positions, BEFORE Stalin would put forth "his" - which was almost always mostly a concise sum up of the preceding discussion with a clear representation of the MAJORITY position - which then would be (near-)unanimously approved as representing the position of the CC. During the Civil War, with the brand-new USSR having been invaded by the armies from SEVENTEEN (capitalist) countries(!) AND with the Trotsky-led Red Army suffering defeat after defeat, Lenin sent Stalin to the most critical battle front; with instructions to investigate the situation and report back to Lenin and the CC. Stalin did that; and Lenin and the CC approved Stalin's recommendations - and THAT particular, and PIVOTAL battle front was secured - including the securing of food supplies getting thru to the nearly-starving workers in the cities. Lenin than assigned the same role to Stalin at the next-most critical battle front; but this time with Stalin having authority to begin to IMPLEMENT changes on his own initiative (though still required to report back an all he did and his reasoning for doing so). Victory happened at that second front too. Lenin then gave Stalin the task to go everywhere the situation was the most dire - and Stalin, repeatedly, re-organized things sufficiently to help ensure popular victories. While Stalin, almost ALWAYS supported Lenin's positions, this can be said of few other top Party leaders. Trotsky, for example, opposed Lenin repeatedly and endlessly - to the point of siding with the Mensheviks (the minority within the Party) and staying in the OUTSIDE-to-the-Party opposition for the entire 15 years prior to 1917 - and only being brought back into the Party at the "last minute" right before the victory of the Revolution. At the head of the Red Army, Trotsky displayed two typical traits of his: his authoritarian style and his reliance on former higher-ups of the enemy - in this case, former Tzarist generals. It was due to his COMMAND style and reliance on actual enemy agent generals - that so many setbacks were suffered early on in the Civil War. Yet, when Stalin offered his resignation from the top Party post TWICE, both times, Trotsky voted FOR Stalin to remain at his posts. When Stalin and the CC finally kicked Trotsky et al out of the CC and Party, at the very next Party Congress, when he reported on that aspect of their work, the rank-and-file of members at the Congress screamed out, (slightly paraphrased as I don't have the exact quote in front of me at the moment, "Great! But you should have kicked him/them out long ago!") During WWII, EVERY SINGLE TIME the CC was divided on what should be done next on the military fronts, Stalin got on the phone and called their ONE HUNDRED top generals (ALL of whom he knew by name!) and asked each and every one of them their opinion. He then summed up those opinions and presented them to the CC for discussion, amendment-revision and final approval. What this tells us about Stalin's leadership is that INSTEAD of being an authoritarian, "dictator"; his style was quite the opposite - if anything, he erred in the direction of being overly-democratic (something Lenin, if he had lived, would surely not have done in his place). III. MOST IMPORTANTLY: HOW DID STALIN'S LEADERSHIP AFFECT THE EARTH-SHATTERING CRISES THE USSR & ITS PEOPLE FACED? A. THE ECONOMY: Russia (and the rest of what became the USSR) was the most backward country in Europe at the end of WWI; more so at the end of the 5-year long Civil War. Stalin stated, "We are 50 years behind the advanced western capitalist countries. Either we make up that gap in 10 years or they will crush us." (ever so slightly paraphrased). This turned out to be 100% correct. As it was, the USSR was nearly defeated in WWII - BARELY surviving the Nazi onslaught. Industry was terribly backwards - it advanced by leaps and bounds. Agriculture were EXTREMELY backwards (with the RICH (Kulack) peasants holding most of the most fertile land and keeping the great majority of peasants in extreme poverty and virtual slavery (with parents often having to choose to sell their daughters to the Kulaks, into lives of sexual slavery, in order to be able to feed their sons). Further, due to a combination of NATURAL causes (regular: droughts, river overflows; pest infestation; labor shortages; etc) along with terribly disorganized commerce in the country-side., FAMINES were a REGULAR occurence for CENTURIES! After less than 20 years in power, and less than 15 after the end of the Civil War, the famines had been done away with! (So, instead of the famines being "man-made" and "deliberately caused by Stalin"; they were NATURE-MADE; and deliberately ELIMINATED under Stalin's leadership! btw, it was NOT the CC, led by Stalin, that "massacred" the Kulaks (as utterly guilty of mass crimes as they were). It was the poor peasantry that executed them en-masse. There is more than one speech by Stalin in which he implores the peasants to STOP carrying out vigilante-type justice in the countryside - saying, (paraphrased) "Look, we are in power now. We have the LEGAL means to arrest, try, and where proven guilty, punish the criminals. So PLEASE refrain from the vigilantiism and help us bring true and thorough justice to the countryside LEGALLY." The problem was that the POOR peasants had suffered so hard and so long at the hands of the Kulaks, that it was extremely difficult to convince them to WAIT thru using the legal system - when they now had power and could punish the guilty directly and immediately. It is ESSENTIAL to mention that the VAST MAJORITY of the Soviet peoples SUPPORTED, and ever-more strongly, the construction of socialism in the USSR. (Cont’d in Part 2 of 4 parts)
Has it been discussed why Bytedance hasn't just created a US based LLC or shell company (like so many other corpos do) and then buy it? Ofc I know the obvious answer, but really what's stopping them if every other company can do it?
Greetings from the Communist Party of Britain! We can end British imperialism, improve the lives of working people in our own country, and bring genuine democracy to all the countries and regions of Britain for the first time in history! Any British communists watching?
Humanity has been practicing hierarchy for seventy thousand years. Where would we be if we practiced consensuses seeking for seventy years and how much easier might it be with a little experience? All governance will descend into oligarchy, plutocracy and fascism at rates that are determined by the quality and stability of its consensus seeking strategies, the tolerance/intolerance of bad faith actors in its processes, its best practices policies and the quality of the documentation of data that goes into the making of its policy choices.
Dogma that defies evidence to the extent that evidence is framed as a belief system without any more evidence than the dogma, rather than an acceptance of overwhelming evidence, is caused by being trapped in a perceptual paradox. The dissonance is derived from a belief that a society cannot exist without hierarchy, yet no hierarchy they have ever experienced provides sufficient stability, security, sustainability nor safety. As a result, they become obsessive about control to varying degrees. Practicing consensus seeking alters the learning curve. We would do well to give more value to the fact that it is consensus seeking that makes society creation possible.
Great video, but… High speed rail exists as part of a hierarchy with pedestrian networks at the bottom and HSR near the top with only maglev and airplanes being higher than HSR. And all though the higher levels of that hierarchy makes the lower levels better the lower levels do far more to support the higher levels than vise versa and it's the lower levels that have a bigger positive impact on more people's lives. Per definitions from Amtrak and FRA, HSR requires full grade separation and excluding freight and most slower speed passenger rail. Most proposals for HSR call for using existing active rail infrastructure; which means that grade crossings in rural communities become dead end streets and 40 mile detours, an extra 100+ trucks per displaced freight train rapidly accelerating wear and tear on bridges and reduced stop density of HSR compared to displaced slower train service means further isolating rural communities.
It should not be legal to write something and call it a memoir unless you are retired, the old fashioned way, after being in your 70s. Kids writing memoirs is just silly.
Communists run businesses as a means to acquire capital to fund their causes and practice the type of organizational discipline necessary to carry out revolution. There is absolutely nothing contradictory here.
What about anything in this video is “playing capitalist?” This is why theory is important, because some of yall literally think making money=being a capitalist, and communism is when no iPhone.
you little hipster,@@hiphopanonymous24 "theory" has not gotten us anywhere. WW3 is BRICS vs The (IMF proxy) 4th Reich. all you kids want is a pile of Nazi money, and none of you are sustainably growing food. it is embarrassing to be an actual left winger, because of y'all.
@ i work full time labor. If the idea is theyre getting support from fans to pay bills and in return they post videos to change the world then idk maybe theyre just entertainers and not true leftists
I'll never forget the day I opened TikTok and was immediately hit with someone complaining about Madeline and calling her a "tankie"...I immediately went and followed her instead of listening to that guy
Tbh if you do this as a rule you won't go wrong
The discourse around Madeleine in TikTok is so toxic sometimes, it really feels like coordinated attacks
Rimuru pfp XD
"tankie!" is just "woke!" for liberals
Plus, it's always a white dude or chick with 2% cherokee blood so they'll say they understand more about prejudice than a latin, black, asian, native
I really love these guest episodes with people who try to live like socialists in our capitalist world. They give me hope and are my heroes
You may want to read the WSWS.
@@ppazpppaz8618 that website that slanders Global South socialist movements and defends Hollywood rapists? No thanks
@@ppazpppaz8618Whts the full book title?
What Madeline talks about at 1:23:00 ... for me, it was BLM 2020. I was 16. I stopped trusting mainstream media when I saw how news anchors were more concerned with property damage than black lives. I wanted to understand where protester's rage was coming from. And so I educated myself. Sometimes it's really that simple.
My best friend, who is a hardcore liberal, got angry at me (a pro-Palestinian leftist) when Kamala lost.
My reaction to Trump winning a second term was literally "Well, shit" Meanwhile he went absolutely ballistic when I mentioned that both parties do the same things but "it's only bad if they're the ones doing it" and proceeded to blame the left for caring more about Gaza being absolutely fucking leveled than Orange Man becoming a dictator, even though we already live in a dictatorship and the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for losing (so yeah, he's also incredibly racist; a self-hating racist maybe).
And he became a doomer, calling me out for being an optimist. I've been trying to send him videos telling him to be optimistic, but I don't think he's watched a single thing I've sent him.
If he doesn’t want to listen to reason then he doesn’t have to. Don’t feel obligated to help someone who doesn’t want help, even if they’re your friend.
On politics id say a hardcore liberal is honestly harder to convince than a right winger on many issues. Right wingers tend to have some amount of class consciousness, just in the exact opposite way they should have it, such as with the CEO shooting reactions. Plus right wing narratives are usually easy to disprove and ridiculous because they prey on uneducated or misguided people. Hardcore liberals on the other hand? Not so much. If you think of political learning as a hill, and right wingers are at the bottom, facing backwards, and left wingers are at the top, then hardcore liberals are stuck in a hole somewhere with no shovel, but they can’t see the peak so they think they’ve reached it, while right wingers think they’re at the peak because they aren’t facing the right way. Much easier to turn someone around than grab them and pull them out of a hole. Erm ok this analogy is getting out of hand 😭
Honestly and Personally if my Best Friend was a Hardcore lib and I wasnt able to get through to them, I really dont thing it'd be able to simply be passed off as a "Well we can disagree and still be friends", which many baby leftist still believe in. (Not to say you are but just to bring it up as a point)
Especially if their "Hardcore" Knowing of the horrors in Gaza and still wanting Kamala because "Shes not trump" but would still be continuing the capitalistic Regime of America I just couldn't have it in myself to continue associating myself with them if all other avenues have been extinguished and tried to get them on our side.
Libs will always want to blame us on the Failings of Electoralism and falling harder and harder into Fascism when they're very party is the ones that will quicker be the ones to accept Trump over say a true Socialist because they've been convinced of Neoliberalism's Successes.
I'd sooner rather be friends with a Comrade who thinks the Likes of Mao and Stalin were actually big big evil bad guys, an anarchist or someone Apolitical than them.
I'd also be incredibly worried that he may fall to Fascisms sense of Community and become Alt-Right or Right leaning but with the flavor of Hating Trump. But there comes a point where you really can't do anything for them, and you have to just mourn the loss of your friend, and allow that to motivate you to work towards tearing down the system to prevent another one of them from happening.
Haha nah i love the analogy 😊 @@Nightmare-pj4fg
Sounds like a keeper
That's the Liberal thing: any time your guy loses, you stuff your fingers in your ears and say "LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING" for four years.
Yall ever notice how yugo almost becomes sort of new York Italian when he yells?
why do westerners say useless things as they fund WW3?
The spy has already breached our defenses
it's because he's a big fan of the sopranos, i think
Simple, the Slav to Italian Pipe line is strong.
@@DekuGame- Slav to Italian pipeline is an entire country. It's called Croatia
Lady, didnt know who you were, but you are a hero, there is a Brazilian rapper who does the same thing on the same market, they make clothes on the same logic, you people are heroes. I wish you have great success.
Could you tell me how the rapper is called? I'm from Argentina and I always want to learn about people from latin america that are trying to do this type of stuff.
@lukea5373 hello comrade, I am talking about Emicida, he is pretty famous, I am not exactly a rap fan but he is more or less on the same side ideologicaly as us, if you like rap he probably will be your cup of tea 😀
"if any of you are even capable of finding love" come on man dont gotta do us like that
Silver lining of a busy week is I get a moment to sit and watch the RUclips version with my morning coffee at the end of it.
How is this comment 6day ago? Early access?
Hearing someone say " I think I want to do something less stressful like bartenders or service work." Makes me think I must be doing something wrong, cause I'm miserable in this service/retail job and don't know why anyone would want to come back. I get its the system, ect. I'm just exhausted.
You're not crazy all jobs are sink holes. I would choose retail or service work over anything else any day of the week if it paid though.
Idk speaking as someone who worked both back of house kitchen work as well as software, the stress differs. It's like you're doing a bunch of fake work for an insane amount of mental stress over shit that doesn't really matter. I kind of miss kitchen work, because while it's super complicated, it's also simple and I get to work with my hands again. The stress is different. Idk how to explain it. It's not as complicated. Well, it is and isn't. It's just not KPIs and sprints and agile and story points and arbitrary deadlines and meetings that take hours on end. I miss just plating a dish and cooking a good meal for someone to enjoy. I miss the simplicity of washing dishes and bussing tables.
Idk I haven't even watched the whole video, but while yes that work sucks and is exhausting and pays like crap, many of us yearn for that work after years of online bullshit and make believe jobs that produce nothing of value. At least in a kitchen, I can make a meal for someone. Something real, something tangible and something to be proud of. That's "less stressful" for some of us, despite it just being a different kind of stress. It's a nostalgia, kinda. Idk.
@@brucecrustyso real, ive recently started working my first corporate job (and hopefully my last) and while in some ways its nice (i have unlimited time off and wfh full time) the bullshit of it and not having to interact with a single person everyday is killing me and making me even miss my shitiest retail/service jobs. I much prefer working with my hands and actually feeling like my effort does something tangible. It forever enrages me how underpaid service jobs are, and it is by design otherwise how else would capitalism justify all these stupid bullshit tasks they make up for these inefficient industries.
why? i wanna work a simple job like that(permanently) because i cant handle high stress jobs, maybe its the area you work in? im 15 and work at a sushi shop in a extremely busy cbd of a metropolitan area and surprisingly never had a bad interaction.
What a fuckin' G Madeline is! Great episode as always. The section about home ownership was both surprising and inspiring to hear. I have such a defeatist mentality due to being poor my entire adult life so hearing that I am allowed to go upstairs and touch the dress is truly reassuring. We live in a world where it's easy to forget we technically all have the same rights.
great guest! thanks for introducing me to Madeline and her podcast, I'm not on the tic n toc to catch her content. going to check out her stuff now!
I listened to the audio version first while at work and JT came out of nowhere for me, thought it was just the two bois and Madeline at first.
I noticed that as well, and maybe that's because hes more the type of person who has prepared pieces of text for speaking(coming from his form of video content as well). We are so used to him talking all the time in his videos very eloquently, but in "real" situations, maybe he's just more of a quiet guy. I've noticed in other episodes that they often do this prepared segments thing (which is good). So when there are already two people filling the speaking "room" quite well (Yugo & Madeline) there maybe isn't really a reason to speak up
You didn't get Slurp Boffa Deez Nutted?
@@bentowitshmaybe he's doing 80/20 to platform his guest.
Thanks for another encouraging episode. I've added Madeline's book to my growing list: Matt Kennard's Silent Coup * The Racket, Monbiot's Invisible Doctrine and Kicking Away the Ladder. Now I need a space where I can discuss, outside of family and online lol.
"Endgame Vol 1" and "Deep Green Resistance" by Derrick Jensen
Time to get organized comrade,
First time hearing of her but really enjoyed Madeline as a guest!
Forming a worker co-op in the USA is really hard, I've tried it. All the legal infrastructure is geared towards capitalist organization. Anyone who can make it work for any length of time deserves respect. It won't bring the revolution, but it damnsure doesn't hurt either.
Business coop discussion starts
I agree editor JT. Let's bring down our CEO emmisions!
at 12 minutes or so JT describes an issue with tiktok I also face! I can't ever watch stuff people send :(
MY GOD the new sticker of JT and Yugo hugging Hakim is so fuckin cute
Amazing episode
i liked both your sycophantic comments.
...but criticism is not an insult, it helps people improve.
49:01 This is Hegel's master-slave dialectic! Everyone should read about this! Many will find that they've experienced it themselves! 🤩🤩🤩
I am so excited, love Madeline
Majority of my clothes are made locally by a “leftie” co-op. Not just because it feels better to support them instead of fast fashion, but because the quality and most importantly longevity of the items is on a different scale. I have shirts that look nearly new after 12+ years. And they don’t even cost much different from the fast fashion.
The further into the episode I watch the more accurate and funny the title becomes
Thanks for the show guys and gals!
Yugo, you absolute legend, comrade, brate, zemljače. You have beautiful voice, you have wits, you have them jokes. But please, pretty please, with all the love a male commie can show the other male commie, try to restrain from that unexpected unhinged yelling, as these sudden bursts destroy audio quality, interrupt the listening experience and kinda ungracefully show your, otherwise beautiful, voice and presentation abilities. I just can't get used to that, izvini brate...
What a fascinating perspective.
Only half way through and already this episode was fantastic, one of the best.
I do not follow any Twitter or TikTok drama because I left Twitter for my mental health, but she seems like such a cool person. This was such a great episode! ❤️
I bought her book
just wanted to comment ive been listening to the podcast for years and this was one of my favorite episodes you guys have put out.
Madeline is soo cool, she along people like Tirrb and Rayne transformed tiktok from the brainrot app to actual useful content for people with similar algorithms as me
Amazing! She's just amazing! Holy shit I'm in love
Love the outros, it's like happy endings
That part about buying a home, oh my, how can there be people out there telling other to not buy a home and stay renting, you need to be a souless piece of coal to do that... I bought a home last may, some people came to me with this speech, I can't even discuss this, I refuse the debate, there's none to be had.
I just borrowed her audiobook, can't wait to listen to it while working! Awesome episode, one of the best ones.
Love these so much
im so happy shes on!
Tunnel vision is such a fun store! Perfect for teenagers and trendy young adults. I love when I have a reason to spend my disposable income on people that would enjoy gifts from her store. If I was younger I’d go broke buying for myself 🤣Everyone makes a living wage and profit sharing! I don’t need any other reason to spend money there! I’m so happy to see this collab😘
being a communist is always being right but to early...
Great episode, amazing guest 👍
Legends are back
Great show!
25:27 I will totally admit I'm one of those dumbasses. I just really dislike conflict and when I got people screeching at me "democratisms" I just kinda nod and agree just to not argue with people. Most people I've ran into are hardcore liberals and boomers and would never change their mind anyway. Also, I haven't really honed my ability to take whatever shitty "democratism" into the correct information without requiring someone else who is smarter to "tell me" what the right info is. Basically a case of "the lie travels faster than the truth". I can understand if people want to shit on my comment.
If hakim doesn't show up at my house I'm gonna feel slighted.
Thanks for taking down North Pole CEO aka Santa
It's crazy but in DFW TX right now, most people would have an easier time buying a new construction home and is often the cheaper option. To deal with the massive population influx to DFW, builders have been building new homes faster than they can sell them and give out some pretty good incentives for the buyers.
But as y'all said, most people don't even think buying a home is something within reach.
32:38 agreed. The past, present, and even the future, vindicate/validate what i think, feel, and believe.
I AM phucking right/correct. No one on Earth can convince me i am wrong. No one is capable.
That's what you took from this whole podcast? Nice one man
@officialmasqq_594 I already know everything else
"Did you know you can buy a house?" yeah, I lost it in 2008
Please, Xi!
If the house is close to public transportation, go for it. Usually renting is always better. The US is joever.
This comment I found on thefinnishbolshevik is based
Part 1 of 4 Parts: Let's start with the LEAST important aspect of Stalin: I: STALIN'S PERSONAL CHARACTER: For 30 consecutive years, Stalin worked 14 hours a day; holding down up to 4 important jobs yet didn't cash hardly any of his paychecks (there are witnesses to seeing those checks in a drawyer in Stalin's office). He had only two sets of clothes; and usually slept in his office on a small cot. BEFORE the people won the Revolution, Stalin spent the overwhelming majority of the preceding years in prisons - something no self-centered person would ever do. When he wasn't in prison, he was constantly risking prison for his revolutionary activities - always supporting the work, and especially the leading thinking of Lenin. As to the so-called "Cult of Personality" - this is still another (in an endless string of) Big Lie vs Stalin. He PERSONALLY ordered the burning of ALL copies of more than one book where his INDIVIDUAL role was praised highly - he ALWAYS said, I am just one person; it is the collective leadership and the working masses who deserve all the credit. When he was praised he ALWAYS said, I am merely Lenin's disciple. The ONE time Lenin strongly criticized Stalin (in his supposed "Last Testament"; he ONLY criticized Stalin for being rude - NOT for any POLITICAL weaknesses - as Lenin DID criticize ALL the other leading Bolsheviks in that same letter. That criticism of Stalin was based on the fact that Lenin had been deathly ill and Stalin, as General Secretary, had been instructed by the Central Committee, to protect Lenin from everything that would upset him. When Krupskaya, Lenin's wife, repeatedly brought Lenin information which rattled him, it was Stalin's JOB, his responsibility, to get that stopped. So he spoke to and criticized Krupskaya for it - in STRONG language - as WAS appropriate given how important Lenin's leadership was to the struggle. Lenin then heard Krupskaya's VERSION FIRST - and thus responded with the "Rude" comment. II. STALIN'S LEADERSHIP ROLE: I've never read this anywhere, but I THINK that it was Lenin's "rude" comment that caused Stalin to make a big change in his STYLE of leadership. He always held Lenin's leadership in the highest esteem (as deserved - he WAS a "mountain eagle" amongst great leaders of the people) - and I IMAGINE that Lenin's criticism of him cut him deeply. Regardless of any role (or non-role) that criticism of Lenin had in Stalin's work; it is a FACT, extremely well documented, that Stalin was a SUPER DEMOCRATIC leader (MUCH more so than Lenin - who was so much more advanced than the others, that he frequently insisted on his positions; or if he couldn't win, would compromise to Stalin's positions (as the 2nd best option)). There is endless documentation that Stalin WAITED for all members of the Central Committee (CC) to speak, to put forth their own positions, BEFORE Stalin would put forth "his" - which was almost always mostly a concise sum up of the preceding discussion with a clear representation of the MAJORITY position - which then would be (near-)unanimously approved as representing the position of the CC. During the Civil War, with the brand-new USSR having been invaded by the armies from SEVENTEEN (capitalist) countries(!) AND with the Trotsky-led Red Army suffering defeat after defeat, Lenin sent Stalin to the most critical battle front; with instructions to investigate the situation and report back to Lenin and the CC. Stalin did that; and Lenin and the CC approved Stalin's recommendations - and THAT particular, and PIVOTAL battle front was secured - including the securing of food supplies getting thru to the nearly-starving workers in the cities. Lenin than assigned the same role to Stalin at the next-most critical battle front; but this time with Stalin having authority to begin to IMPLEMENT changes on his own initiative (though still required to report back an all he did and his reasoning for doing so). Victory happened at that second front too. Lenin then gave Stalin the task to go everywhere the situation was the most dire - and Stalin, repeatedly, re-organized things sufficiently to help ensure popular victories. While Stalin, almost ALWAYS supported Lenin's positions, this can be said of few other top Party leaders. Trotsky, for example, opposed Lenin repeatedly and endlessly - to the point of siding with the Mensheviks (the minority within the Party) and staying in the OUTSIDE-to-the-Party opposition for the entire 15 years prior to 1917 - and only being brought back into the Party at the "last minute" right before the victory of the Revolution. At the head of the Red Army, Trotsky displayed two typical traits of his: his authoritarian style and his reliance on former higher-ups of the enemy - in this case, former Tzarist generals. It was due to his COMMAND style and reliance on actual enemy agent generals - that so many setbacks were suffered early on in the Civil War. Yet, when Stalin offered his resignation from the top Party post TWICE, both times, Trotsky voted FOR Stalin to remain at his posts. When Stalin and the CC finally kicked Trotsky et al out of the CC and Party, at the very next Party Congress, when he reported on that aspect of their work, the rank-and-file of members at the Congress screamed out, (slightly paraphrased as I don't have the exact quote in front of me at the moment, "Great! But you should have kicked him/them out long ago!") During WWII, EVERY SINGLE TIME the CC was divided on what should be done next on the military fronts, Stalin got on the phone and called their ONE HUNDRED top generals (ALL of whom he knew by name!) and asked each and every one of them their opinion. He then summed up those opinions and presented them to the CC for discussion, amendment-revision and final approval. What this tells us about Stalin's leadership is that INSTEAD of being an authoritarian, "dictator"; his style was quite the opposite - if anything, he erred in the direction of being overly-democratic (something Lenin, if he had lived, would surely not have done in his place). III. MOST IMPORTANTLY: HOW DID STALIN'S LEADERSHIP AFFECT THE EARTH-SHATTERING CRISES THE USSR & ITS PEOPLE FACED? A. THE ECONOMY: Russia (and the rest of what became the USSR) was the most backward country in Europe at the end of WWI; more so at the end of the 5-year long Civil War. Stalin stated, "We are 50 years behind the advanced western capitalist countries. Either we make up that gap in 10 years or they will crush us." (ever so slightly paraphrased). This turned out to be 100% correct. As it was, the USSR was nearly defeated in WWII - BARELY surviving the Nazi onslaught. Industry was terribly backwards - it advanced by leaps and bounds. Agriculture were EXTREMELY backwards (with the RICH (Kulack) peasants holding most of the most fertile land and keeping the great majority of peasants in extreme poverty and virtual slavery (with parents often having to choose to sell their daughters to the Kulaks, into lives of sexual slavery, in order to be able to feed their sons). Further, due to a combination of NATURAL causes (regular: droughts, river overflows; pest infestation; labor shortages; etc) along with terribly disorganized commerce in the country-side., FAMINES were a REGULAR occurence for CENTURIES! After less than 20 years in power, and less than 15 after the end of the Civil War, the famines had been done away with! (So, instead of the famines being "man-made" and "deliberately caused by Stalin"; they were NATURE-MADE; and deliberately ELIMINATED under Stalin's leadership! btw, it was NOT the CC, led by Stalin, that "massacred" the Kulaks (as utterly guilty of mass crimes as they were). It was the poor peasantry that executed them en-masse. There is more than one speech by Stalin in which he implores the peasants to STOP carrying out vigilante-type justice in the countryside - saying, (paraphrased) "Look, we are in power now. We have the LEGAL means to arrest, try, and where proven guilty, punish the criminals. So PLEASE refrain from the vigilantiism and help us bring true and thorough justice to the countryside LEGALLY." The problem was that the POOR peasants had suffered so hard and so long at the hands of the Kulaks, that it was extremely difficult to convince them to WAIT thru using the legal system - when they now had power and could punish the guilty directly and immediately. It is ESSENTIAL to mention that the VAST MAJORITY of the Soviet peoples SUPPORTED, and ever-more strongly, the construction of socialism in the USSR. (Cont’d in Part 2 of 4 parts)
I wish to know the video of this and would love to read it myself as a communist who looks up to Lenin and Stalin please! Thank you for this!
She is such a Chad, way to go Madeline!
Oh my fucc i have the same problem JT has when someone shares a tiktok with me. I've tried using it, but it's an enigma
Shop tunnel vision is such a great brand, I love Madeline ❤
nice episode
Has it been discussed why Bytedance hasn't just created a US based LLC or shell company (like so many other corpos do) and then buy it? Ofc I know the obvious answer, but really what's stopping them if every other company can do it?
The source of these comments are from The Finnish Bolshevik's Moscow Trial (Part 3 The Great Purge) video.
From the comment section
What, as in, you are experiencing a glitch? I think I've gotten that one before
Does anyone have Slerp Bofa's linkedin?
".......🎶 I'd rather starve than eat your bread 🎶........."
Pearl Jam - "Corduroy"
".......🎶 This land is mine! This land is free! I'll do what I want but irresponsibly! 🎶........."
Pearl Jam - "Do The Evolution"
Can anyone please share a link to her business? I'm very in working for them. Thanks for another amazing show!
Can we get a program on Anarchy? It seems like there's a Lot Of opinions on it but idk where they Come from
Business Bro exposed
Articulating theorhetical points in a digestible way is way better than handwaving theory as annoying or pointless Yugo
white woman but good basically
@@randomrealistictone2231 i know they can be unironically scary
unrelated but JT's been a having a bit of a glow up
Greetings from the Communist Party of Britain!
We can end British imperialism, improve the lives of working people in our own country, and bring genuine democracy to all the countries and regions of Britain for the first time in history!
Any British communists watching?
Couldn't 'Democracy at work' help with the worker Co op thing? It's kind of their thing.
Humanity has been practicing hierarchy for seventy thousand years. Where would we be if we practiced consensuses seeking for seventy years and how much easier might it be with a little experience? All governance will descend into oligarchy, plutocracy and fascism at rates that are determined by the quality and stability of its consensus seeking strategies, the tolerance/intolerance of bad faith actors in its processes, its best practices policies and the quality of the documentation of data that goes into the making of its policy choices.
Dogma that defies evidence to the extent that evidence is framed as a belief system without any more evidence than the dogma, rather than an acceptance of overwhelming evidence, is caused by being trapped in a perceptual paradox. The dissonance is derived from a belief that a society cannot exist without hierarchy, yet no hierarchy they have ever experienced provides sufficient stability, security, sustainability nor safety. As a result, they become obsessive about control to varying degrees. Practicing consensus seeking alters the learning curve. We would do well to give more value to the fact that it is consensus seeking that makes society creation possible.
The tictok lady!!!!! Letsgoooooo
Came here for some financial advice
This should be interesting.
Sometimes I get confused to whose speaking hakim or JT they sound similar
As a current Black Panther in the San Diego chapter, we certainly never pushed anyone to vote for Kamala Harris.
RUclips wont let me post any more stuff, will come back later
CPUSA is such a joke.
Марш, левой, два, три,
Марш, левой, два, три,
Camarades, vers notre front!
Reich dich ein in die Arbeitereinheitsfront,
Sina myös olet työlläinen!
French is not allowed here.
what the problem of living in a cave ? ha?
Great video, but…
High speed rail exists as part of a hierarchy with pedestrian networks at the bottom and HSR near the top with only maglev and airplanes being higher than HSR. And all though the higher levels of that hierarchy makes the lower levels better the lower levels do far more to support the higher levels than vise versa and it's the lower levels that have a bigger positive impact on more people's lives.
Per definitions from Amtrak and FRA, HSR requires full grade separation and excluding freight and most slower speed passenger rail. Most proposals for HSR call for using existing active rail infrastructure; which means that grade crossings in rural communities become dead end streets and 40 mile detours, an extra 100+ trucks per displaced freight train rapidly accelerating wear and tear on bridges and reduced stop density of HSR compared to displaced slower train service means further isolating rural communities.
It should not be legal to write something and call it a memoir unless you are retired, the old fashioned way, after being in your 70s. Kids writing memoirs is just silly.
4 so called "communists" talking about the virtues of running your own business. This is embarrassing.
Communists run businesses as a means to acquire capital to fund their causes and practice the type of organizational discipline necessary to carry out revolution. There is absolutely nothing contradictory here.
If there is anyone who hates stalin
Ima ctrl c ctrl v smth here.
Hope my next comment doesnt get deleted
Thanks for inviting Sam Hyde's girlfriend.
Idk about this video
It doesnt seem to accomplish anything
This whole “leftists who need to play capitalist” is pretty wack guys
Thank You.
dualists have trouble seeing what is going on.
Fabrikant, General, und Junke,
Unser Feind, das bist du!
What about anything in this video is “playing capitalist?” This is why theory is important, because some of yall literally think making money=being a capitalist, and communism is when no iPhone.
you little hipster,@@hiphopanonymous24
"theory" has not gotten us anywhere.
WW3 is BRICS vs The (IMF proxy) 4th Reich.
all you kids want is a pile of Nazi money, and none of you are sustainably growing food.
it is embarrassing to be an actual left winger, because of y'all.
@ i work full time labor. If the idea is theyre getting support from fans to pay bills and in return they post videos to change the world then idk maybe theyre just entertainers and not true leftists
Ngl these would be way better id you guys didnt yap about your lives at the first 15 minutes
Thats what we are here for baby!
You know you can skip parts you don't like