2:54 Now i imagining this conversation: Striker Jones: What a heck u mean that PICKLE JUICE, is better than the Monkestache grow! Geraldo: Hear me out my friend, is S tier, EASILY!
5:16 Quincy: so Dr. Monkey? What happened with the first Dart monkey paragon? Dr. Monkey: you don't wanna know... Quincy: C'mon just tell me Doc, what did you see? Dr. Monkey: ..it was horrible...some dart monkeys got stuck on the process, they started screaming, begging to be turned back to normal, but...we couldn't...
"Geraldo has never been scammed" Meanwhile I sell him action figure for 10 million dollars: Also Etienne's favorite series literally can't be game of thrones cuz it's called A song of ice and fire.
"Like the Sniper from TF2" - I hate to break it to you... But, the Sniper is actually a Kiwi, not an Aussie. Explained in the comics, from New Zealand, aka, Atlantis.
Now i imagining this conversation:
Striker Jones: What a heck u mean that PICKLE JUICE, is better than the Monkestache grow!
Geraldo: Hear me out my friend, is S tier, EASILY!
Quincy: so Dr. Monkey? What happened with the first Dart monkey paragon?
Dr. Monkey: you don't wanna know...
Quincy: C'mon just tell me Doc, what did you see?
Dr. Monkey: ..it was horrible...some dart monkeys got stuck on the process, they started screaming, begging to be turned back to normal, but...we couldn't...
41 mins of stuff that will change in 4 years
@@Bentheman24 yes
@@Itsindeedsquashingtime *no
@@Bentheman24 they have changed facts from the past. So yes
@ no way
"Geraldo has never been scammed"
Meanwhile I sell him action figure for 10 million dollars:
Also Etienne's favorite series literally can't be game of thrones cuz it's called A song of ice and fire.
That figure is worth every coin
Can;t wait for the 2025 lore to be:
Oh no we ate banana and now a new bosss bloon attacked us named the defaltor.
"Like the Sniper from TF2" - I hate to break it to you...
But, the Sniper is actually a Kiwi, not an Aussie.
Explained in the comics, from New Zealand, aka, Atlantis.
He grew up in Australia, he's only a Kiwi by blood.
I fucking love lore
The one on Benjamin was definitely psy lol
1:05 if they can show up in maps they don't like, they can also gives us a double boss week...Please
11:21 ohhhh OHHHHHH
Good job
what's battle cat lore? how they joined in bloons universe?
Who else found the secret “we are aware”?
oh. thats ai. thats bloons td6 youtuber Hbomb using ai for his thumbnail.
41? More like almost 42 lmao
Still 41
41.83333333333 minutes of Bloons Lore!
I want to hug pat fusty anyone else with me?
I think we all do :)
@ for every like and sub on this video pat will get one hug
Immediately clicked on this
Sigh...Give me a second *Downlaods thumbnail and makes it my wallper* Here we go again *Doom music starts playing*
2nd view
7 sec ago and very early also 1st comment, 1st like