Post-Genetic Testing

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • This channel is based on providing information about diseases, treatments, and prevention.
    • Post-Genetic Testing
    HDYO Interviewed 8 young adults who have gone through testing for HD
    They told us how they coped and how they've felt in the years since their results
    my name is Emily I'm from Ontario Canada and I am 27 years old I was tested five
    years ago and my test results were positive for Huntington's
    I remember thinking specifically that I felt like I had been hit by a train once
    I was told I just turned and looked at my husband and my mom and I was
    apologizing profusely to them for the fact that they would have to take care
    of me I just like remember sitting up like I was keeled over crying and then I
    sat up and I was just like okay so what do we do I had two people with me and I
    looked to my right and my left and I was like can you read that again and she is
    like Natalie you tested negative Huntington disease know that can you
    read it again because I didn't not think there was a way I was gonna test
    negative I could see in the eyes of the the
    doctor that gave me the results that it was weird for her to see me so surprised
    because she was expecting happiness out of me at the moment itself I have t
    admitI wasn't feeling anything you always double-check that situation like
    good result as in it's a lower repeat count or and yeah he doesn't really
    my first feeling was
    relief I have a daughter and she was just over a year old at that time and to
    know that she was never going to be at risk it was the biggest relief
    Before testing
    I didn't want to get tested for a really really long time I didn't want to change
    the way that I lived my life and it was honestly just like a flip of a switch
    and I wanted to be tested I had spent my entire childhood with a father who had
    Huntington's and my whole childhood had been controlled by Huntington's and I
    felt that the one thing I could do to control it was to figure out what my
    future was going to be
    leading up to it it was a very chaotic time in my life it was stressful
    because I was a caregiver for my mom and she was getting into the stages where we
    couldn't keep her at home anymore so in order for me to really process my
    results I had to make sure that she was in long-term care I was consumed with
    thoughts of HD and researching and watching videos and and doing anything I
    could to find out more and planning for my future before I got tested I actually
    plannd everything that I would need if I was positive to prepare to have kids
    going the route of IVF that period was kind of a bit better because I was
    certain I wanted the results I think the hardest part was six months before that
    when I was still decided and trying to think about each possibility and whether
    I really wanted to know
    After testing
    I wasn't so much concerned about myself but how other people would perceive me
    knowing that I had Huntington's there's really emotional about it
    that first week I hadn't told my parents and I think one of my biggest worries
    was like telling my parents and then my mom feeling bad it's not her fault
    obviously but that's just who she is so she I didn't want to break her heart
    especially because she's symptomatic I was feeling really bad because of th
    guilt after knowing you got away with it and other didn't it took a year took
    over a year to sink in and to process things and to make a new life plan my
    whole life I've been at risk for Huntington's disease and then to
    suddenly I'm not a risk that was something that took a while I think a
    good year to kind of come to terms with it and rebuild motivation
    Reflecting on the decision to get tested
    I don't know if I'm necessarily happy I got tested overall but I would say that
    I probably am because I think that now I don't have the questions of what if I
    don't live wondering if I'm gonna have it or not it's not the answer I wanted
    but it's an answer and so now I can accept that getting my test results
    really made my bond with my husband much stronger he was incredibly supportive
    through the entire process and I felt that it was really important that if we
    were going through to get married but you know I put all my cards out on the
    table and I said you know this is me you can take it or leave it and I couldn't
    seem to get rid of him for me it was the right decision but over time I've
    started to realize that this is probably one of the most personal decisions that
    someone can make in their life and I'm more understanding of why others would
    choose not to test while it was so clear to me that I had to no matter what
    result you get and when you get tested Huntington's doesn't leave your life
    even test a negative in my whole family are affected I see patients every day
    you know it's always gonna be a difficult thing to deal with and
    there's nothing I'm I still struggle with thank you
    that's not pretty a result you can celebrate too much
    The future after testing

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