That's the power of active & highly connected audience Samay's audience feels highly connected to him, if you don't believe it check out his stream highlights
अअअअ😅😅😅अ😅अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ😊😅अ😅अअअ😅😅अअ😅😅अअअअअ😊अ😅अअअअ😅अन्य अनेक अनेक या अअअअअअ😅अअअअअअअअअ😅😅, अअअ😅अअ😅, अअ😊अ😅😅😅अअअअअअअ😅अ😊अनेक 😅अअअअअअअअ😊😅😅अअअअअअअ😅अ😊😊, अअ😅😅अअअअ😅😅अअ😅😅अनेक अर्थ अअअअअअअ😅अ😅अ😅अअअअ😊अर्थ अअअ😅अर्थ 😊अनेक 😅😅अअअअअ😅अअ😅अअ😅😅अअअअअअअ😅अ😅अअअअअअअ😅😅😅अअ😅अ😅अअअअ😅अअ😅अअअअअ😅अन्य अअअअ😅अर्थ अन्य अअअ😅अअअअअअ😅अन्य अ😅अ😅अअ😅अण्वस्त्र अ😊😅, अअ😅अअ😊अ😅अअअअ😅😅अअअअ😅😅😊अअअअ😅अअअअअअअअअ😊अन्य अण्वस्त्र 😊अअअअअअअ😅अअअ😅अर्थ अअ😅😅अ😅😅अर्थ अ😊😅अअअअअअअअअअ😅😅अअअअअअ😅अन्य अ😅अअअ😅😅😊अ😅अन्य अ😅अरेच्च्या अअअ😊😅अअ😅😅😊😊अ😅😅😅अअअअ😅अअअअअ😅अन्य अर्थ काय अअ😅अन्य अख्ख्या अ😅अअअ😅अ😅😅अअ😅, 😅अअ😅, अअअअ😅😅😅अअअअअअअअअ😅अअअअअ😊अ😅अअअअ😅😅😅अ😅अअ😅अअअअअअ😅अर्थ अ😅😅😅😅अअ😅अअअ😊😅अ😊, अ😅अन्य 😅अअअअअअ😅अ😅अ😊अर्थ काय अन्य अअ😊अनेक अअग्अगमी😊 😅😅😊अग😊😅अ😊अअ😅अखेर अर्थ अअ😅अग😅😊अ😊अग😊😅😊अ😊अन्य अधिकारी अण्वस्त्रे, अर्थ 😅असेल 😊अअअअअअ😅😊😅😅असेल 😅अ😊अ😅😅😅अ😊अन्य अर्थ 😅अ😅अअअअ😅, अन्य अर्थ अध्यक्षस्थान अन्य 😅अण्वस्त्र अण्वस्त्रे , अअअअ😅अअअअअअ😅😅😅😅अ😅😅असेल अअअअअअअ😅अ😅अ😅अर्थ अअअअअ😅अन्य अअअअअअ😅अअअअअअअअअअअअअ😅😅, 😅पण अअअअअअ😅अअअअअअअअअअअ😊अअअअअअअ😊😅😊😅😊😅😅😅😊😅😅😅
Here for the man, the myth, the legend, the best of best, the ever charming, the man who has 220 IQ 👑Samay raina🤴(THE SUPREME LEADER) 🛐 love you samay ❤️
ashish and samay bhai mere college ki yaade taaza kar di!
lol yar
arrey bhai thugesh aapki video abhi abhi dekhi
usko dekhne ke baad aaya yahan par
Bro i am also your college are you know me thagu in same bagge guss me who i am
@@M.sharma--- clg ka naam bata
6:14 220 IQ move by the supreme leader
all hail supreme leader
5:50 h correct timestamp babu
7:39 Dude got too excited 😆
I am the hunter and you are caught 😄
Samay to his teammates after Dhappa:- kya matlab hum ek hi team me hai 😂
New video kab aa raha hai bhaiya
World cup katam ho gaya hai
@@trentyaaa6044 agye
Bhai hugne k Liye bathroom hota AP utube pr q hagte
Sasta version of Bharwon Ke Khiladi 😂
Life is unfair 😭😅
6:19 Supreme leader being supreme leader❤️
Love how the whole comment section is about Samay
5:58 Supreme leader op 😂
220 iq
That moment when samay's team member was in front of ashish and he could not get it😂😂😂
Man samay is genius fr!!
Yess that was a epic moment 😅😅😅
Btw that was my son and he was damn scared taking that risk 😀
Samay is totally genius
@@aditichaturvedi70 oh! I actually think that as a participant he would be so scared😄😂
@@Comedyaddaa69 true 😂
@@aditichaturvedi70 How did he participate in this?
Greatest trick devil ever pulled
Epic Samay Raina- 02:10 02:25 05:53 08:33 .... Vishal Dayma killed it 😂😂
he wrote it?
Unacademy ka Subscription Lena h kya kisi ko ? Mai apna account sell kr rha hu half price me.. Chahiye to batana pls
@@sudhamjayanthi no actually you'll see that line on every person's comment who is here after Tanmay Bhat's video
@@harsheeta8036 lol which video? what did i miss haha?
If Vishal delivered these lines they would have been way funnier 😂
Wtf is vishal?
@@gurdeepsingh250 someone who would have deliver these line in a way funny manner 🤣🤣
Kon vishal
@@shanugamer8309 ur uncle
Sasta Bharwon Ke Khiladi 😂
If Vishal delivered these lines, would have been way funnier 😂
Kon vishal
@@shanugamer8309 u need to watch tanmay's reaction vdos😂
tanmay ki video to aaj aayi bhai tu ek din pehle comment krke kse betha h
@@sircasmalot haan sahi kaha 😂
@@shanugamer8309 vishal is a not a emotion, it is just a advertiser.
4:33 life is unfair supreme leader for reason
"scholarship k paise se goa jaunga" dude deserves to win this. Let this man go to Goa
Apni real id se aa bhai
Tu wohi hai na?👏🤣
@@all_in_-one Kaas HOTA🤣
@@resof matlab nahi hai?
padhai ke liye diya hai scholarship naaki goa ghumne ke liye toh isne apna hi band bajadi plans batake 💀
hn bhai shi baat hai hona chahiye ek or video lao or usko goa bhejo!!
6:00 what an intelligent strategy bro
5:45 best part of the vedio I lauched so hard 🤣
launch hogya bhai apna
even thepopularity of ashish is vast but we can see the domination of samay fans in chat just love you man
The best fan base
Because of non consistent upload
Because ashish ne kahi post nahi kiya
That is because Ashish has stopped uploading in his own channel
Homework zala ka 👍🏻
Samay was a bda packet bda dhmaka in this video ,, 📸📷📸📸
"Didi Chhota Packed hota hai
4:38 is the best part lol 😂
Life is unfair. That is the only reason I can think of why Samay doesn't have as many subs as other RUclipsrs
meanwhile inconsistent upload schedule
Life is unfair but not always. Look at samay noww
Supreme leader will soon make RST a national game. 😂😀
Petition to make this as national game
Every Samay Raina fan is already playing RST game 👍
pehle 1.2 million toh karwa do apne supreme leader ke ,
fir national game bana lena .
6:06 Big Brain 😂❤
Samay has a separate fan base to be honest
Whether his jokes don’t land in a video but
Get literally smash to people who is watching video
Sasta Bharwon Ke Khiladi 😂
@@ShySnailYT every masterpiece has its cheap copy but great video though
real id se aao smay raina
Samay being Samay and that's more than enough 😃🤡😂💃
Sasta version of Bharwon Ke Khiladi 😂
10:00 10:06 10:15 10:20 10:22 10:23 10:25 that aaahhh🤣🤣
5:53 reason that why Samay is Supreme leader!
Ff compi.. ka editor idhar 🧐
Only the supreme leader can be dumb and genius at the same time 🗿
9:08 aaj nikla hai @samayraina ka asli kashmiri 🤣🤣
4:39 life is unfair
03:15 scholarship ke paise se goa 😂
Samay can do anything for his jokes🌚.. 😂 R
3:18 “scholarship ke payso se goa jaaunga” 😭😂 college aa bhai payse hoke bhi nahi jaa paayega
Duh literally samay raina is so crazy in such games 😂😂
I have just one question... What the hell 06 was trying to do..😂 Women ☕😂😂😂
Great video, and pillow fight result was unexpected 😂😂
Big fan Sir love your videos
Oh fuck is a real
Paise ka kamal h babu bhaiya😂😂
Yes Anos voldigoad
Blue tick se dar sa ho gya hai
But thank god it's real
Our supreme leader is supreme in every game
Love you alot samay 🤧❤️✨
At 8:58. 😂😂, Samay Raina took it personally. 😂😂😂. Waah samay bhai mje aa gye.
Not samay sir , playing against his own team 😂😂😂, but but but he's the best captain everrrrr
Samay sir🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sir nhi 🅱️M hai itni izzatvnhi dete uske jaise dash logo ko
He is our dash supreme leader
Even after ashish having more subs whole chat is filled with samayy❤❤
Bcz of active audiance
That's the power of active & highly connected audience
Samay's audience feels highly connected to him, if you don't believe it check out his stream highlights
Loyal audience 😀
🏆 Supreme leader 🏆
aise ashish ki audience bhi thi kabhi .. hope samay na ban jaye waise in future
1:55 the first kid be like scripted hai ye kya fuddu jagah chupane ko bola mujhe😂
4:43 life is unfair indeed 😭🤣🤣
Samay Raina faNS ASSEMBLE
konkani ?
@@sathwik4446 hahah
@@DevShh same lol
Our supreme leader 🗿
4:05 that's wht she said 😂
Bhai 😂😂
There is huge difference between ashish subs and samay subs but ooo man samay samay everywhere what a powerful creator damn......😳
10:06 Blunder Master moment😂😂
Hehe 😂
5:50 to 6:05 Legendary moment
4:34 life is unfair! Supreme Leader op!
6:27 Bhai chala Hagne😂
If vishal would have delivered these lines they would have been way funnier 😂😂
अअअअ😅😅😅अ😅अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ😊😅अ😅अअअ😅😅अअ😅😅अअअअअ😊अ😅अअअअ😅अन्य अनेक अनेक या अअअअअअ😅अअअअअअअअअ😅😅, अअअ😅अअ😅, अअ😊अ😅😅😅अअअअअअअ😅अ😊अनेक 😅अअअअअअअअ😊😅😅अअअअअअअ😅अ😊😊, अअ😅😅अअअअ😅😅अअ😅😅अनेक अर्थ अअअअअअअ😅अ😅अ😅अअअअ😊अर्थ अअअ😅अर्थ 😊अनेक 😅😅अअअअअ😅अअ😅अअ😅😅अअअअअअअ😅अ😅अअअअअअअ😅😅😅अअ😅अ😅अअअअ😅अअ😅अअअअअ😅अन्य अअअअ😅अर्थ अन्य अअअ😅अअअअअअ😅अन्य अ😅अ😅अअ😅अण्वस्त्र अ😊😅, अअ😅अअ😊अ😅अअअअ😅😅अअअअ😅😅😊अअअअ😅अअअअअअअअअ😊अन्य अण्वस्त्र 😊अअअअअअअ😅अअअ😅अर्थ अअ😅😅अ😅😅अर्थ अ😊😅अअअअअअअअअअ😅😅अअअअअअ😅अन्य अ😅अअअ😅😅😊अ😅अन्य अ😅अरेच्च्या अअअ😊😅अअ😅😅😊😊अ😅😅😅अअअअ😅अअअअअ😅अन्य अर्थ काय अअ😅अन्य अख्ख्या अ😅अअअ😅अ😅😅अअ😅, 😅अअ😅, अअअअ😅😅😅अअअअअअअअअ😅अअअअअ😊अ😅अअअअ😅😅😅अ😅अअ😅अअअअअअ😅अर्थ अ😅😅😅😅अअ😅अअअ😊😅अ😊, अ😅अन्य 😅अअअअअअ😅अ😅अ😊अर्थ काय अन्य अअ😊अनेक अअग्अगमी😊 😅😅😊अग😊😅अ😊अअ😅अखेर अर्थ अअ😅अग😅😊अ😊अग😊😅😊अ😊अन्य अधिकारी अण्वस्त्रे, अर्थ 😅असेल 😊अअअअअअ😅😊😅😅असेल 😅अ😊अ😅😅😅अ😊अन्य अर्थ 😅अ😅अअअअ😅, अन्य अर्थ अध्यक्षस्थान अन्य 😅अण्वस्त्र अण्वस्त्रे , अअअअ😅अअअअअअ😅😅😅😅अ😅😅असेल अअअअअअअ😅अ😅अ😅अर्थ अअअअअ😅अन्य अअअअअअ😅अअअअअअअअअअअअअ😅😅, 😅पण अअअअअअ😅अअअअअअअअअअअ😊अअअअअअअ😊😅😊😅😊😅😅😅😊😅😅😅
All hail supreme leader Samay Raina 🙌
Supreme Leader never disappoints🔥🔥
3:23 was so funny 😂😂
2:11 Are are Supreme Leader 🔥
5:55 Samay the OG 😂😂😂
5:52 Oh Bhai🤣🤣✨✨
Kaash Unacademy aise Chill Stream ko bhi sponsor karte, to Sayed hamare supreme leader ko firse stream karte hue dekhne milta 🤐🤐
damn samay killed it
Certified 26/11 moment 👍🏻
@@Rudrakxh lol
Sasta version of Bharwon Ke Khiladi 😂
5:08 i give you money 😂
Ayyyoo our Supreme Leader getting in shape🧿💙
12:50 Ye nahi bolna hota hai samay bhai.... Fir bolega "LIFE IS UNFAIR" 🤑🤑
9:25 ashish villain arc started😅
Here for the man, the myth, the legend, the best of best, the ever charming, the man who has 220 IQ 👑Samay raina🤴(THE SUPREME LEADER) 🛐 love you samay ❤️
Sasta version of Bharwon Ke Khiladi 😂
Samay Comic Is On The Spot and It's Super Fun To Watch him
Love you a lot hamare Supreme Leader
Life Is Unfair🤟
If vishal delivered these lines they would have been way funnier :)
Who is vishal
I want to play this game too. 😂
Big fan
This's gonna be Unacademy India's most viewed video
It won't, in that event they brought many big utubers still they didn't get views
@@dmop5071 LOL😆😆😆😆
Meanwhile ms Dhoni's videos >>>
U can beat dhoni in term of fan base
@@JDExdragonYt but u can't beat kohli
@@dmop5071 Bro that event was live on many channels, that could be a reason🙂
06:20 samay being samay😅😅😅
10:33saala itna soch kr ye bola! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
6:54 life is again unfair
Samay OP guys 👌👍
4:40 yeah bro life is unfair😢 😂😂😂😂😂
Such unique concept
Never ever seen anything like that
Never imagine unacademy is Mr Beast 😂
5:52 220 IQ moment
Samay Raina Rocks 👍
Kya matlab kasmiri rocks
Kasmiri always rocks 👍
But Kashmiri throw rocks too 💀
Rock pelting 🌚
12:40 3 lakh mein KJ Somaiya mein padhoge? 😂
3:05 yaha tak jalne ki smell aaraha hein 🙂🤣
5:20 🤣🤣samay yaar
Ashish: Cheater Samay!
Samay: Dont speak like my girlfriend.
The timing.. that is why he is THE SUPREME LEADER!
From underdog to favorite Samay killed it❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
6:00 Samay Raina got no chill 🤣🤣🤣❤️🔥
10:27 she said bumrah and nobody notice R in that word .....🙂🙂
Samay should do stand up, he is funny
Actually in person jyada funny hai
@@WorkWithAnvesh you don’t get the joke bro😢
Yeah.. but I dont think vo professional chess chodega.. 😅😌
He's also good at making stretgies & fooling people
He should also try chess!
Samay is dumb and genius at the same time
he acts dumb , for content
You are dumb😂😂
Watching the bts shooting of this video in the somaiya campus was outstanding. Glad to see ashish and samay came to our campus.
Did u participated, how were the participants selected? And which state does this campus belongs to
@@ak_op559 oh ji this is from mumbai and participants were not from my campus
10:20 Aaaaaaaa aaaaaaa 😂😂
Samay op as always
4:40 life is unfair 😂😂😂
Samay being samay😂❤
2:16 kya chal rha h bhai 🤣
😂😂 freinds with benefits
@@hardikchauhan1940 haha
The pillow fight was op 🤟😃
Dada.. 😍🔥
Are kiran da
Bodda je
Real Id se aao kiran da 😂
Are dada❣️
Goa jaane ke sapne almost tut gaye waise aag lagata hu mai, mai Goa mein rehta hu and its the best place in India
come to gec buddy
Samay is best as always 🔥🔥
👑 King samay 🤴
Hail supreme leader 🛐
Just subscribing because of samay Raina. And commenting this so that they can give more sponsor to samay 🤣🤣🤣
220 🧠
7:14 don't miss this 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The fact that this happened in my college campus I wanna be a part of this tooo🥺
Which college ?
@@aashwingarg Somaiya Vidyavihar University
What's the name of the girl in Ashish team no. 03??
Chillest Guy in the whole video 6:00
I just love Samay. He's a whole different mood. Kya hi banda h yrr. Supreme leader Samay 👑🙌❤️
Bohatt acchi storyyy h guyss keep it up nd jldii part 3 post karooo
Samay bhai op 👍🏻👍🏻 this man is awesome 🔥🔥 Hail to the supreme leader 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Samay you are the best and funniest 😂😂 and Ashish is also good and remember life is unfair😂😂
Somaiya campus ❤️