I Found Out Why Survivors Are So Mad All The Time

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 666

  • @SneakyTurtle_Hex
    @SneakyTurtle_Hex 9 месяцев назад +991

    Not you single handedly getting rid of toxic survivors by making them realise that they actually hate the game theyre playing.

    • @ys2765
      @ys2765 9 месяцев назад +40

      Who doesn’t hate dbd?

    • @SneakyTurtle_Hex
      @SneakyTurtle_Hex 9 месяцев назад +30

      @@ys2765 i don't. I love the game.

    • @ys2765
      @ys2765 9 месяцев назад +15

      @@SneakyTurtle_Hex probably have 300h?

    • @ServantOfTheSouth
      @ServantOfTheSouth 9 месяцев назад +8

      @@ys2765I love the game

    • @SneakyTurtle_Hex
      @SneakyTurtle_Hex 9 месяцев назад

      @@ys2765 i have 2k hours...im surprised this many people don't like the games they're playing...

    @AZHYMOVS 9 месяцев назад +435

    That was very interesting. Personally I don't dislike facing any of the characters necessarily. If I do dislike the killer I'm facing it's typically down to either a) the way they're playing. e.g a Legion repeatedly hitting people and barely chasing, or b) the killer is appearing so frequently that I'd prefer some variety. I tend to play very casually so maybe I'm in the minority there, but I never personally get a killer and immediately feel dislike or a feeling that the match is a waste (especially as in most matches you can make your own fun with builds etc). For me at least DbD's fun lasts when you try to vary builds, addon etc. Of course though you can't control what the other side does though.

    • @metagamer1341
      @metagamer1341 9 месяцев назад +13

      Hey everyone! Hey everyone Hey everyone Hey everyone Hey everyone Hey everyone. Hey everyone? Hey everyone Hey everyone!

    • @Oscar.Kennedy
      @Oscar.Kennedy 9 месяцев назад


    • @roirraWremaG
      @roirraWremaG 9 месяцев назад +1

      Hey everyone

    • @Xathonn
      @Xathonn 9 месяцев назад +20

      It's weird you say you don't dislike facing any of the killers, but then say you dislike legions for just playing legion. Hitting people and not committing to the chase is literally just how the killer works.

    • @thatlemonadeguy6742
      @thatlemonadeguy6742 9 месяцев назад +1

      I can read this comment in your voice. Hey everyone!

  • @Headspr0uter
    @Headspr0uter 9 месяцев назад +170

    that blight and billy comment was so true. the common thread in what most people find fun about survivor is being able to have long lasting chases where powers can be juked to great effect and that pretty much sums up your average chase with billy or a newer blight. it makes sense that people want to feel like they have plenty of opportunities in a chase to make a play that can reward them with a lot of distance.

    • @dykens7758
      @dykens7758 9 месяцев назад +27

      Exactly, not every killer allows survivors the same amount of skill expression which is why veteran survivors will be more frustrated when they can't use skills they've put thousands of hours on.

    • @slippers8000
      @slippers8000 9 месяцев назад +19

      Honestly nailed it, kinda the reason it's so easy to fall out of liking the game.
      Since in a balance perspective, chases have to be fast and bhvr releasing so many anti-loop killers show that.
      Why stick with a game that by design work against the situations you consider fun.
      Also a reason Blight can be strong while being considered on the more fun side. Blight has the fastest map travel speed so they can take longer chases without losing by default. Leading to more intense chases on average.

    • @Cursory3
      @Cursory3 9 месяцев назад +2

      I play 1 perk Blight and we all know what perk that is. If I feel extra nice I even take off my add ons. bc winning is so satisfying and the survivors don't have to deal with boring gen regression 99% of the games they are playing.

    • @StopWhiningManguideCultists
      @StopWhiningManguideCultists 9 месяцев назад +21

      They want a killer who can't use power in chase so they can loop forever

    • @joh1997dude
      @joh1997dude 9 месяцев назад

      @@Cursory3 let me guess your usual addons: Double speed or Crow Ring?

  • @guppywithaglock3550
    @guppywithaglock3550 9 месяцев назад +34

    As a killer main, I enjoy playing Survivor every once in a blue moon. It gives me a different perspective of play, as well as what the survivor's would be thinking based on different actions.
    What I don't like is the rampant cheater/hacker infection, as well as the general and still prevalent toxic behavior from both survivors and killers.

    • @bryank4166
      @bryank4166 9 месяцев назад +3

      This is the main problem for sure. I have no problem going against a killer i don't like. I hate playing against or with a cheater.

    • @nickstoneham5629
      @nickstoneham5629 3 месяца назад +6

      The toxic behaviour is really disappointing to see from either side. I mostly play killer as well, and will sometimes play survivor for a change of pace. But I usually see both sides being extremely salty about the match, or ridiculing the side that lost, or both. I will never stick around to t-bag the killer. I stick around at exit gates to ensure no one is hooked, but once I see everyone had a chance to leave, I dip.

  • @nat-uraldisasterpieces8647
    @nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 9 месяцев назад +17

    You could also add in other factors to further cut from the "I'm having a good time" pie. Like let's say I enjoy...70% of killers. That's alright right? Only 30% of the time I dislike the Killer's power.
    Oh. But now they're playing ruthlessly. Turbo tunnel or proxy camping. And/or running an obnoxious build/4 slowdowns. That kills some of that 70%.
    Or maybe I like the Killer. And so do two of my teammates. But one doesn't. So they DC. Now that match is ruined despite being set up, in my eyes, to be a good match.
    Said it before and I'll say it again. Most of my Survivor matches are honestly ruined by just my teammates. Them either quiting (Over nothing too like being the first down). Being really bad (Which isn't a sin but why are you being put in my lobbies). Or being just really selfish.

    • @dumblenutz5561
      @dumblenutz5561 9 месяцев назад +3

      Due to things like this, survivor is just straight up unfun.
      I legitimately see little to no reason to even play it anymore.
      Why would i queue for a survivor match that's nearly guaranteed to be frustrating when i can queue with a killer i like and be way more likely to actually have a good time?

    • @getdowngiveme2040
      @getdowngiveme2040 9 месяцев назад +5

      I basically stopped playing survivor because of this.
      Which is sad because i find more "satisfying" running away from a killer and i get the "You shouldn't always win" but damn, losing 8 matches in a row in order to get one single escape in solo q is just awful man.

    • @dumblenutz5561
      @dumblenutz5561 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@getdowngiveme2040 It wouldn't be so bad if your deaths were fair and you had some fun still, but as said most matches are dogshit... you likely either got tunneled out, watched someone else get tunneled and out and sighed knowing the match is over, or went next cuz someone in your team threw.

    • @СЫССЫСОВИЧ-г7о
      @СЫССЫСОВИЧ-г7о 6 месяцев назад

      I joined few swf discord servers and rarely play solo q without coms. For me, its just like solo q but with vc enabled and better players on average, recomend you trying it out for yourself.

    • @diamondblue907
      @diamondblue907 3 месяца назад

      “Killers never make me mad, my own f*cking teammates do!”

  • @taleladar
    @taleladar 9 месяцев назад +14

    Great video. And I know you already touched on these topics, but yeah.. map offering and other survivors ruining the experience also negatively impact the experience.
    One thing I'm also curious about is: seeing as this is an asymmetrical "horror" game, I wonder what killers tend to scare survivors more. Probably applies more to newer players than old ones.

    • @irregularassassin6380
      @irregularassassin6380 8 месяцев назад

      My very first match was against an Oni. I had watched my friend play before, but it was a totally different experience actually playing. I was shitting bricks and screaming down the mic for the entire time I was chased. It was awesome.

  • @Tomo00
    @Tomo00 9 месяцев назад +2

    Billy being so low, shows me how much people like to bully a killer.

  • @cloudtrifle
    @cloudtrifle 9 месяцев назад +1

    This video was surprisingly informative. I am one of these casual players who hates probably 2 thirds of the matches I play some nights and I constantly question why I even bother playing. I dont like many of the killers but I tolerate 80% of this game. The problem I see with the game from my perspective is that the downsides really stack against you and thats when the game really starts to not be fun anymore. I can tolerate playing against a killer I dont like, we all have to do things we dont like. What gets me is when its a killer I dont like, they have iridescent addons, my team kill themselves on hook and the killer is actually sweaty AF. Any one of those things by themselves iant a problem but more often than not as a solo survivor, I get constantly get matchmade into games where multiple negatives happen with the first minute of the match and it becomes a damper on the one gaming session a week I get and actually look forward to.

  • @LoveXKnife
    @LoveXKnife 19 дней назад

    Skull Merchant is at 99.9% rate of someone not enjoying the match, that's gonna be my new main.

  • @SlothSandwhich
    @SlothSandwhich 9 месяцев назад +1

    Bro really called hiding in a corner a counter for nurse 😂😂

    • @mateusguimaraes2564
      @mateusguimaraes2564 9 месяцев назад

      Stealth strategy nowadays is barely alive, so many information perks on killers hands that makes the stealth factor really weak and also, new/reworked maps are too bright or open, making possible to watch whats going on on the other side of the map...

    • @SlothSandwhich
      @SlothSandwhich 9 месяцев назад

      @@mateusguimaraes2564 good cus "stealth" is a boring ass way to play against.

  • @sketchystreet1
    @sketchystreet1 9 месяцев назад

    you really went game theory mode this time

  • @kidninja8331
    @kidninja8331 9 месяцев назад +3

    Genuinely believe majority of veteran players hate dbd but have sunken so much time and money into it they force themselves to play

  • @shadyc7044
    @shadyc7044 9 месяцев назад +1

    You IMMEDIATELY hit a GREAT point that I've been trying to express to people myself. DBD has SO many layers of gameplay. Stealth, chasing, strategy planning, perk building, teamwork communication... Every time I play Plague, SWF's ragequit the game (less so than solo players). Every time I play Pig, someone is suiciding on hook. Every time I play Sadako, someone is complaining in postgame chat about unfun Killers.
    All Survivors want to do is be in chases. This is the ONLY facet of DBD's many facets that they enjoy. And as mentioned... it SEEMS TO ME that, JUST MAYBE, they do not actually like DBD if this is the case. (And then what happens? They go against Nurse, the best chaser, and it's QQ's about that, too. So in reality, they like WINNING, and ONLY winning, and ONLY in a way where they get to brag about it, insult the Killer about it, and pretend they're just like their favorite streamer, whom also projects this "I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN I'M IN AN EASY CHASE" mentality.)
    DBD is a total fucking mess. There are MANY reasons for it. Some are the game's fault. But most of it... is the community's fault. And, in fact, most of the GAME'S actual issues are BECAUSE the community has driven it to be this way.
    I haven't touched this game in a while now, and it's a shame because I really like it on both sides. But - my god - I've only ever seen ONE gaming community worse than it, in my 35 years of life.

  • @mufin6930
    @mufin6930 6 месяцев назад +1

    I have over 1k hours, My main problem with DBD is the kill rate. The pip system is meaningless to me, just something to go for.
    Average across all killers:
    37.13% "winrate" for Survivors = 0-1 kill
    49.04% "winrate" for Killers = 3-4 kill
    My definition of win is defined above ^, I see 2 kills as a tie game. but clearly Behavior sees that as a survivor win.
    I want to go into a game as a survivor where about ~50% of survivors die on average and my skill influences the outcome. The current state of the game means even if I perform substantially better than the average survivor, still the more likely outcome is that I die and I think that's lame as shit.
    I stopped playing the game when Freddy and Spirit had 76% kill rates ~2-3 years ago. Killers had an average of 70% killrate for over a year whilst simultaneously the subreddit screaming the game was survivor sided. Absolutely mind blowing. Solo queue red ranks? survival rate was even worse, it was like 15% you'd survive across all red ranked matches. Data also said ~56% of players were solo queueing. "Survivor sided!" complete brain off killer mains fill the reddit that can't interpret data. Yes 4man god gamer SWF have an advantage, but what % of matches are those? 1%? just dodge the match or suck it up?
    I don't quit games, my enjoyment of the game is strongly tied to my escape rate. Being substantially better than the average red ranks survivor and dying ~75% of the time solo queue(~2021) was enough for me to put my time elsewhere. I'm not playing this game again until my time is respected, kill rate = 50%. Devs apparently say they aim for 60%? Never playing again I guess.
    Only killers i dislike going against are ones that're overpowered as f*ck and that changes drastically from year to year. If all killer killrates were 50% at red rank I'd enjoy playing against all of them.

  • @TheLiamclink
    @TheLiamclink 9 месяцев назад

    The Blight comment at 4:34 seems like a VERY common complaint in the community.
    "Oh I love this Killer! Wait, they actually know how to play them, nevermind."
    I'm really convinced many players just like Killers they can easily loop and juke, once the Killer shows they know how to counter them they lose all interest.

  • @goldenfoxy23
    @goldenfoxy23 3 месяца назад

    "When ever u see a map offering u don't like alt f4" that hit me hard because I only do it for the key offering because I hate the wreckers map both on killer and survivor I hate it more than rpd for some reason

  • @sh4dowmarine348
    @sh4dowmarine348 9 месяцев назад

    I think the real question on this matter should be "what type of SURVIVOR player do you enjoy playing with" since the very result of this video (not enjoying a certain killer counterplay) is going to directly affect the survivors motivation. And this makes sense for me at least because, yes there are only about 4 killers i hate playing against and only have 500 hours in, but I find that i'll give up all motivation to play once i realize what kind of teammates I have. If they give up...why should i play, if they hack...well why bother trying, if they're trolls or farmers i'm out...but if they're at least decent teammates who are legitimately trying, I'm all in! After all, at the end of the day this is a multiplayer game, the ppl you play with or against will dictate your enjoyment. great video btw!

  • @DBD_Studios.
    @DBD_Studios. 3 месяца назад +1

    As a killer Main:
    I mostly don't enjoy dealing with players that just Throw flashlights and pallets on me all the time just to win. I never play survivor for the record, But anyways. If your just raging at the killer all the time, Then you just hate playing the game because your desperate for a win.

  • @buckiemohawk3643
    @buckiemohawk3643 8 месяцев назад

    When it the doctor came along it was horrendous. It was the first killer that destroyed the stealth mechanics in the game. Then it was every other game. Now this is more variety but you know which ones are going to tunnel and proxy camp

  • @angrymoogle8591
    @angrymoogle8591 9 месяцев назад

    "Do you like cheating!?" *literally any Nurse clip*
    Yeah, that sums it up nicely. XD

  • @acydrayn73
    @acydrayn73 3 месяца назад

    I was a teeth gritter, and I quit the game because I did this myself, i looked at all the killers, determined I only like killers who are chase oriented like billy, blight, or oni, of course excluding nurse, and spirit. That made me really sad, and i realized that most games i just didnt want to play, so i just dont.

  • @marnicles333
    @marnicles333 9 месяцев назад +3

    I've always seen people share their tier lists for the killers they enjoy going against and I'm no longer surprised when I see they don't like half of the killer roster, which is strangely common. However, seeing the results of this survey and finding that nearly a FIFTH of those surveyed enjoy below half of the roster was alarming! Booting up the game only to have less than a 50% chance to enjoy their matches is not worth it and I think those players are just making themselves miserable. I hope more people see this video and ask themselves why they still play the game if they aren't having fun most matches, because it would definitely be better for them and the game's community if they quit, as harsh of a suggestion that might be. What else would they be finding fun in, if not playing killer?

    • @bryank4166
      @bryank4166 9 месяцев назад

      or just play killer and find the will to uninstall the game finally. :D

  • @InkStudios2017
    @InkStudios2017 9 месяцев назад

    Another factor I feel contributes to the “Fun” value is what type of players you’re dealing with (on both sides usually). If you go against a nurse, but they don’t know how to play as they are new or haven’t played her, then you’ll have a better experience surviving and stunning/blinding the killer (your type of play style, whether swf or casual) than you are against the 1000 hour huntress that can hit you from across the map.
    As well as this, like I pointed out, it applies to both sides. If you are on first hook and you have an altruistic team, you get off hook faster and healed, allowing you to do gens safer. But if you have a “gens before friends” mentality, you’re either being released near death, or you’re dying on hook or tunneling.
    This I feel changes a lot of the info because there are killers I like playing against that are widely hated in dbd community for some of their power and how others experience it, so just thought I’d say something about it.

  • @Idontknowwhat2type
    @Idontknowwhat2type 4 месяца назад

    This is intriguing data. Good work. But I think you may be applying a bit to much care to survivors. I rarely get killers I “like” but there are only 1 or 2 that make me groan. But the moment I see them I go “okay so let’s just play seriously, not go for chase and help the team” I may not love the match but I’m not mad. I’m just kinda on auto pilot unless something funny happens (which half of the time something does).
    I’d be curious to see this with killer on maps.
    I run sac wards a decent amount as I was doing adept on killer but rarely had DC’s over it. But when I run a sac ward on survivor I get DC’s far more often from the killer. I’m curious if this is a similar situation. Maps are equivalent to the survivor/killer rate.
    Great vid. Haven’t heard or thought about this connection.

  • @daboi6291
    @daboi6291 9 месяцев назад

    While the study used a small number as a pool of people responding, I think this is still a pretty decent way of measuring the community's actual enjoyment of the game. Survivors usually outnumber killers by 4 so there theoretically may be more people that main survivor over killer.
    You really cut with some facts that were needed to be said, using numbers from an experiment you conducted. There's always room for error and I hope we could reproduce this with a larger pool to get an even more accurate number. I would say maybe this could be moreso of your audience being a leaning factor? Your content is usually pretty fun to watch, so even with that, there may still be some truth to the community as a whole.
    I suppose another question would be is it the community or the way the killers are designed? I did my own numbers and even when I went "I like most killers" I only got 53.6. I'm not a survivor main and I stopped playing dbd as frequently several months ago, as I had less and less fun as time went on. However I can say that even if I enjoy playing against a killer, I also might not enjoy a Killer's playstyle. Like how you said about Wraith, where I've only ever enjoyed a singular Wraith game. But just by looking at the raw mechanics of each Killer, this is more telling on whether or not people really enjoy the game, the game is poorly designed, or people just keep entertaining a sunk-cost fallacy mentality. I think people who accept they don't have fun and don't play it that much aren't the problem, it's the serious person that keeps coming back that may be someone that is in denial.

  • @StopWhiningManguideCultists
    @StopWhiningManguideCultists 9 месяцев назад

    Buying killers: New gameplay, cool power, new variety in gameplay, new character personality (except nick for survivor) Basically a new game
    Buying survivor: get op perks, or you simp for feng, also the very quietness of ace

  • @qiqi9057033
    @qiqi9057033 9 месяцев назад

    I forgot about that poll you did lol nice we got the video on it!

  • @mizark3
    @mizark3 9 месяцев назад

    This very concept is why it blows my mind they haven't implemented bans like other games with ranked modes use (remember MMR is forced, so you only queue up for ranked). Survs can ban Huntress/other ranged if they hate a laggy opponent, and Ghosty/Myers can ban open maps while Huntress/Billy bans indoor maps. I'd leave the limit at 1 per 5, as a soft rule. Then if the same character/maps are banned the most in every list, they can figure out why and fix the provable problem children first. Nurse/Blight have too long been a problem, just as all 5 Badham variations.

  • @lordtimale
    @lordtimale 3 месяца назад

    "Wanna play a game!?"

  • @TheLogicalBeast
    @TheLogicalBeast 8 месяцев назад

    The problem with quitting is that there's a chance of relapse, "oh I miss the days of x game" or whatever you're addicted to and come back days, weeks, months, even years later (taking a break is a valid play though, might be you were temporarily fed up instead of permanently fed up of the game). There's been very few games I genuinely 100% quit, either because the server shut down (Ghost in the Shell First Assault, Lawbreakers) or I just had zero faith in the developers to balance it right any more (Paladins). So I just prefer to chase closure before giving up the ghost for good, because that way I have NO reason to return, typically 100% achievements or some self manufactured goal like "get this skin/rank for yourself, beat this very annoying game once on stream or hit this rank to shut up the elitists, if they still give you shit they can FUCK RIGHT OFF". Plus I don't want to look like a lying politician when I say I quit a game then relapse few months later and look like an idiot. >.<
    As for games I legitimately enjoy? Fuck knows man. I'm just so burned out nowadays, everything's all MTX DLC spamming unfinished rushjob PvP only poorly balanced shitshow of a game that only 10k hour streamers/comp players enjoy, or they're Soulslike games, neither of which I really enjoy. Fighting games, sure single player is fun, multi is very frustrating. I do notice that I seem to love grindy games that I can zone out to, quests in a fantasy environment like Elder Scrolls Online, World of Warcraft or Black Desert Online. So maybe I just chase closure first then play what I truly enjoy after. Because I HATE that nagging feeling of "but you never did this" in a videogame, it's like going on holiday when you know you got homework to do, or a project's midway and could use your input at work. I prefer to clear the splinters in my mind before I zone out to what I enjoy, but that's how I operate anyway, do what works for you man. At least I'm aware of it and know where the exit + uninstall functions are if it gets too much for me..

  • @SilentlyFalling
    @SilentlyFalling 9 месяцев назад

    The only killers I "hate" facing are trapper, wraith, blight, skull merchant. I tend to enjoy every other one. But what I hate even more than those killers are the randoms I get placed with who still use self-care in 2023, who unhook me and go hide in a corner, or who refuse to take a hook state as I'm getting chased on my last hook state at 4 gens in when they haven't been hit once. That's the shit I hate about this game, the fact that the average survivor has no awareness of the concept of time management thats required to do well. With 5k hours, I shouldn't be placed with anyone below 1000 at the least but here we are.

  • @kram3755
    @kram3755 9 месяцев назад +1

    I gave up on that game so long ago, getting skills requires money or hours of dealing with survivors who can't die and solo queue is impossible because i cannot communicate or my team is bad, i don't care what killer am going against, i just wanna play but it came to a point were in survivor i would die or in killer i would only get one kill, lucky two and online win one match out of 100...i honestly hate DBD now

  • @UmbreonMessiah
    @UmbreonMessiah 9 месяцев назад +1

    My problem is that I was a Killer main, and I hate *all* Survivors! 😂

  • @uncleshagworthy
    @uncleshagworthy 7 месяцев назад

    Me about to destroy an entire lobby using Freddy. ( they gonna death threat me)

  • @derix6755
    @derix6755 9 месяцев назад

    It would be interesting to see the reverse, but its killers and their choice of survivor perks lmao

  • @2ndToLast501
    @2ndToLast501 3 месяца назад

    I really only played dbd because I wasn't working and had a friend group to literally insulate me.
    It's so grindy, toxic, and all around not fun, I had no idea how much a game could be carried by friends to even out or minimalize the bad things.
    I don't regret deleting it from my steam library instead of trying to put on a "happy face" to play something I didn't enjoy was not worth the pain of the experience, friends or not.

  • @alpha-tomahawk532
    @alpha-tomahawk532 9 месяцев назад +1

    The biggest mistake i see people make is playing an ASYMETRICAL (aka i deliver entertainment to you you deliver it to me, we are diffirent but can't be without eachother) game, queuing up for a TEAM BASED gamemode aka survivor and then proceed to play the least altruistic and selfish way possible, getting lucky hatch or getting killed to then just blame everyone else for how boring the game was FOR HIM because of everyone else.
    "Survivor's bias" (not the dbd one) is strong with thoes ones (and a lot of real world too).

    • @alpha-tomahawk532
      @alpha-tomahawk532 9 месяцев назад

      The reverse is even funnier, when one side abuses exploits and rushes the fuck out of the game, common defence when you call them out is "just play for fun lol".
      Yeah, play for fun, i'll keep that in mind for the next time i queue into a game where you provide "fun" for me and i provide "fun" for you, keeping that in mind will totally change how fun people make matches for others that do play for fun...

  • @kaidgamer
    @kaidgamer 8 месяцев назад

    I don't like playing against trapper, not because of trapper himself, but because of my teamates being blind to every trap. My soul dies when I see all my teamates step on a trap while I'm hooked😂

  • @ThePhantomSafetyPin
    @ThePhantomSafetyPin 9 месяцев назад

    Fortunately as a Hybrid Main I like to play as and against most Killers... even if they sometimes frustrate me. Looking at you Wesker.

  • @ChaosRevealsOrder
    @ChaosRevealsOrder 2 месяца назад +1

    Damn I have 60.69% But it's ok I mostly like playing killer.
    And you are right, I always DC when I see a Midwich or Larry's offerings. I HATE aura Nurse and Jumpscare Myers.

  • @ImWhyMortalsCry
    @ImWhyMortalsCry 9 месяцев назад

    You know
    That's why I was a killer main when I still played DbD.
    I got a big variety on how I wanted to play because the killers all had different playstyles.
    Even tho some are quite similar
    Huntress and Deathslinger
    Demo and Xeno
    Billy and Bubba
    Ghosty and Pig

  • @eggmin8967
    @eggmin8967 9 месяцев назад

    I dont know how cus most of the killers i dislike are almost soly dependent on how they play and stereotypes are strong with them
    (Wraith ,bubba,nurse the trinity of the generally disliked killers)

  • @IlIlIlIlIlIlIlIIlIlIlIlIl
    @IlIlIlIlIlIlIlIIlIlIlIlIl 9 месяцев назад

    For me it’s not the killer, it’s taking the first chase for about 5 minutes and survivors doing ANYTHING but the objective, you CANNOT make it up. If I just do gens then survivors only last about 10 seconds. The problem isn’t the killer, it’s the survivors you get queued with

  • @onlyaladd569
    @onlyaladd569 9 месяцев назад

    9/10 times its my solo queue teammates that piss me off. There is very little a killer can do in game to get under my skin, but that's probably just because I'm a jaded addict who is now officially racist against all Meg and Leon players.

  • @miguelrosas1992
    @miguelrosas1992 9 месяцев назад

    Whenever someone dcs at 5 gens, I either give them a three gen head start, or we farm.

  • @Viktor-ej9ss
    @Viktor-ej9ss 6 месяцев назад

    30% 💀 thats why im a killer main...
    (Billy, Huntress, Doctor, Nemesis, Oni, Knight, Cannibal, Demogorgon)
    No wonder that those are the killers I play

  • @Seoul_Soldier
    @Seoul_Soldier 9 месяцев назад

    So basically survivor mains are like the fighting game community where the game is only fun when they're facing a character they can comfortably beat.

  • @DodgySmalls
    @DodgySmalls 9 месяцев назад

    This is the #2 reason I quit playing this game a while ago. The #1 reason is unmoderated killer behaviours. Literally every game with 2 survivors left the killer would slug second last. Half the games are waste of time face camps where somehow 2 survivors just aren't even on gens. And to top it off, probably about 25% of games would have a survivor disconnect, making it an instant loss (where the killer would still BM and pretend they are hot shit).
    Killer playerbase is a bunch of weird cringelords that like vore, and I'm not sad to have moved on from interacting with those types of humans.

  • @VaderTheWhite
    @VaderTheWhite 3 месяца назад

    The only killer I dont wanna go against is Plague and that's because I run a medic build. Even then, I just deal with it.
    Oh yeah, Skull Merchant exists. Rare occurance and again, I just deal with it.

  • @aldofer8832
    @aldofer8832 9 месяцев назад

    Its exactly why i left dbd 1 year ago, i didn't enjoy killer anymore and when i played survivor most killer pissed me off. So i understood i was addicted and just quit. I did retry the game recently, and even though i was winning as killer, i had more stress and frustration than fun. So i will maybe never play this game again, shame.

  • @12171010011010
    @12171010011010 9 месяцев назад +1

    I think part of what makes players toxic is they have an *insanely terrible and irrational* expectation of how games play out. DBD is not balanced in the way most competitive games are balanced (not just because devs are lazy). You have to expect games that you are not likely to win, or games that are overwhelmingly in your favor. Players need to take the game on as a challenge, and not worry about things like climbing ranks. If you are against a cracked plague or pyramid head, and can't play the game in the standard way, that's by design, that's a challenge. If you go into these games expecting a fair competitive environment, you are a fool. And yet, new players will constantly have this arrogance that they should win every game, and not winning is a waste of time. Most of the time the variance in difficulty is what makes DBD a dynamic and fun experience.
    If you are not going into the game with this mindset, you are fooling yourself into a failed expectations and disappointment. You are essentially queuing up for a different game than the other players.

  • @schmietwechdeschiet4340
    @schmietwechdeschiet4340 9 месяцев назад

    I don't play dbd anymore for more than 2 years now, but I do really enjoy your videos!

  • @jbruno8388
    @jbruno8388 9 месяцев назад

    Thats why i quit playing surv and became a killer main... The only problem is that most part of the times the game is boring and frustrating when i mess up 💀

  • @lukeblanchard8435
    @lukeblanchard8435 3 месяца назад

    52% chance of enjoying my next survior game? Yeah, I'll stick to playing killer.

  • @Steve_SCirca30
    @Steve_SCirca30 9 месяцев назад

    The pick rates on that site are not totaling to 100% for some reason.

    • @KillaWhale
      @KillaWhale  9 месяцев назад +1

      I just tried it and got 99.97% which is probably just due to rounding errors, did you get a number farther off than that?

  • @frosthewer
    @frosthewer 9 месяцев назад +3


  • @karimsonsafehold9233
    @karimsonsafehold9233 9 месяцев назад

    makes sense. survivors are reliant on others and can go to blaming others, like a team game drama. Whereas killers are solo players, so they tend to take self responsibility and only blame themselves.

  • @lorddogeleni
    @lorddogeleni 9 месяцев назад

    "You shouldn't play games you don't enjoy."
    People who have compiled 1k or more hours on DbD should take that into consideration. Honestly, it's not about which side sucks the most (Both do, apparently). If you are one of those people who are playing a game hoping for a change or just going through the motions, it's time to explore other options. As a former DbD player, I stopped playing because it wasn't about which killer I went against but the fact being a solo queue player was like me flagging myself repeatedly. And yeah, I could have joined SWFs and whatnot but the ones I've been in the past took the game more seriously than I did. Anyway, this was interesting. Take care~

  • @Pheonix19581
    @Pheonix19581 9 месяцев назад

    I did the calculation and I nearly got a 70, But I will always DC If I hear every survivor scream at the start of the match followed by a laugh and static

  • @XpertGreekGamer
    @XpertGreekGamer 3 месяца назад

    I made it a LAW in this household to off thyself on hook if it's the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
    you probably don't need any reason as to why, so when my bro forces me to survive i force upon thy rules while also accepting their distain for Nurse

  • @JustMiluna
    @JustMiluna 9 месяцев назад

    Sometimes I think I have some weird superpower , because I mostly don't care lol
    Sometimes I admit that I feel garbo while going against some cracked Nurse 😅

  • @666dandark
    @666dandark 9 месяцев назад

    I’m friggin addicted but I don’t care I still have fun trying my best to counter killers I can’t stand & helping others

  • @brennendehart3602
    @brennendehart3602 9 месяцев назад

    I don't like to be blatantly attacked in a video.

  • @thedoctor6798
    @thedoctor6798 9 месяцев назад

    Hey killa whale. I voted, and watching your video made me curious what was my score. I will take the test now but i wanted to know what my past me thinks of the game without watching the video. There's a high change those votes are not save but just asking. Love your content!!!!!

    • @KillaWhale
      @KillaWhale  9 месяцев назад

      Hi! Sorry, I'm not able to pull your original results because all responses were anonymous :(

  • @RedrumZombies
    @RedrumZombies 9 месяцев назад

    Problem. Chucky makes up for 22.5% of Pick rate for the last month on the nightlight site.
    Can't do the work myself exactly.
    So.... Minus 22.56% which is chucky, just so we take his large BS out... With the total of all killers being 77.44%
    I got: 52.94% out of 77.44%
    Or if we made 77.44 a number, I'd have 68.36%
    I hate "Cheese" like Sandwiching from Knight, Spirit BS (you know...), and Basement or hook BS with Bubba. For example. Nurse is fine. Artist is fine.
    Doctor is fine power wise, unless he uses certain perks, and most do. Unless if they are new, or don't own that DLC...
    [Edit: Oh and I HATE NIGHTFALL ENTIRELY... I do not see why Dredge has it...]

  • @uhhyeacoolman2786
    @uhhyeacoolman2786 8 месяцев назад

    I play because of the chances it can be fun and i dont have many games to play with friends. Plus ive always loved Horror, and being able to engage with those characters was kind of a no brainer on my end. But its just exhausting going up against the same killers, I spent my whole freeday with my friends and we just got Knights, Skull Merchants, and Chucky running full meta. I try so hard to get out of the killer and survivor meta, but the SBMM just sucks the fun out of the game. Its not a casual party game, but it definitely shouldnt be a forced comp game either.

  • @SleepyBrady
    @SleepyBrady 8 месяцев назад

    For me I tend to enjoy most killers. I find the game overall enjoyable. The only killer I find myself having a little issue with is probably the nurse but I rarely if ever see them. Or the hag. But thankfully they are uncommon so when I do see them it is fun to spice things up

  • @juck213
    @juck213 9 месяцев назад

    according to my calculations, i have a 43.81% chance of enjoying my next survivor match 🤓which is why i am a killer main!1!

  • @filoue2583
    @filoue2583 9 месяцев назад

    me when i play survivor it's for trying to escape, not be with a killer i love to be against, that's just stupid (except skuil merchant)

    • @filoue2583
      @filoue2583 9 месяцев назад

      so 98,26% of enjoy the killer, but 100% of being tunneled because im the only one play the game

  • @WangzGamez
    @WangzGamez 9 месяцев назад

    I was hoping for so dbd gameplay, but I got like so much insightful in intresting math

  • @lesexypiglet___8599
    @lesexypiglet___8599 9 месяцев назад

    Was that an Italian Spiderman reference at the beginning?

  • @thehades8818
    @thehades8818 3 месяца назад

    But like what game allows you to play against character you like playing against?

  • @Denvigen
    @Denvigen 3 месяца назад

    I would like to add that I think something thats likely impossible or at the very least INCREDIBLY difficult to account for here is addon choice.
    Do I enjoy playing against nurse? Absolutely!
    ...unless they have extended lunge and recharge addons that make mistakes borderline impossible and non-punishing.
    Do I enjoy playing against blights? Absolutely!
    ...unless they have addons that give them way too many charges to rush, insane turns, or instant recharges.
    Do I enjoy playing against myers? Absolutely!
    ...unless they have walls, infinite tier 3, or a mori.
    Do I enjoy playing against huntress? Absolutely!
    ...unless they have way too many hatches nullifying mistakes and giving way to many opportunites sometimes, way too fast of a windup time, way to fast of hatchets (recent buffs made some of these just basekit ;)))))))))
    Do I enjoy playing against hag? Absolutely!
    ...unless she has traps that are impossible to detect when set off
    Probably a few more I am forgetting but the point is there, addons typically have the ability to make F tier killers who NEED them unbeatable at times and its exhausting. The killers that NEED changes and buffs arent getting them because people only play them when they have the best addons. I do not understand the idea of maticulously balancing a killer like you are doing open heart surgery only to say "YO FUCK IT JUST MAKE THIS GUY BLOW UP YOUR PC WHEN HE USES HIS POWER WITH THIS ADDDON XDDDDD" It just doesn't make sense. A lot of addons change the fundamentals of how a power works for the worse, though there are good examples of this that actually balance out like lopro for billy. The same sentiment I share with survivors but most of their stuff has been nerfed, instant heal syringe, instant completion BNP, etcetc.
    There are killers that BASEKIT people would insta DC against and those should be talked about (probably knight and SM) but I would reckon the people dc'ing against certain killers they deem "unfun" or "op" actually don't understand themselves that the issue is the addons and perhaps also the occasional few perk choices that make a specific killer way too oppressive.
    ps: In the event someone responds and says "but stuff like those michael players are very niche playstyles and also require a map offering to work!" I understand that, but it doesn't make it any less unfun, there is not going to be a good enough justification such as "well this guy leveled up a lot so I guess he earned this freeby" that will suffice and make me start enjoying matches like those.

  • @dodgy_jammer281
    @dodgy_jammer281 9 месяцев назад

    I mean if you get angry because the game doesnt give you the killer youre most comfortable with, I think the issue is survivors lack of adaptability

  • @LoneSWarrior
    @LoneSWarrior 9 месяцев назад

    I have not disliked any killers or survivors at all... I disliked when I was trying to do the Battle Pass and the Killer/Survivor is directly against me doing a rift real quick because they have no compassion.

  • @cydippida
    @cydippida 9 месяцев назад

    All killers are fun to play against so long as you're playing against someone who cares about fun. While I enjoy playing against most killers, any killer player who can take a step back and get a little silly with it is always going to outshine the rest, regardless of their pick. That's why I tend to be a little more relaxed in my own killer matches.

    • @cydippida
      @cydippida 9 месяцев назад

      @dootie8285 Damn bro it is not that fucking deep. It's a video game. Not everyone is super competitive. Shit I mainly play killer, I'm not a survivor main who insists killers play by some arbitrary set of rules I made up. Some people actually play games to have fun, crazy isn't it?

  • @prettypinkpansy
    @prettypinkpansy 6 месяцев назад

    the stats image is broken because discord image links get refreshed every so often now :/ could you reup on imgur or something?

    • @KillaWhale
      @KillaWhale  6 месяцев назад +2

      Thanks for letting me know! I updated the link :)

    • @prettypinkpansy
      @prettypinkpansy 6 месяцев назад

      @@KillaWhalethanks a lot, loved the video too!

    • @FrostburnVID
      @FrostburnVID 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @Mulchman807
    @Mulchman807 9 месяцев назад

    I'm pretty much a hardline killer main, I don't really love survivor at the best of times (cause I suck at it), but I feel like I don't actually care about what killers I play against on surv. Like at all. Because IMO at the end of the day every single killer has the ability to left click and move a survivor down a health state, so it really just comes down to whether I am better at avoiding the killer than they are at clicking on me. Never really felt like I have a lot of control over the situation writ large. Did I load into a game with someone who knows what theyre doing? Im cooked. Did I load into the game against a walnut brain sadako who cant really manage their time and accidentally tries to click me while demanifested? Congrats, Im a winner. I feel like I have actual control over whether I win or lose on surv (that is, my actions tangibly sway the outcome and I triumph over an actual challenge/I fall flat on my face when I should have won easily) like maybe one in ten times, whereas on killer I legitimately would say the exact opposite, that 90 percent of the time I can secure the 3+k if I want it badly enough (yes that includes playing mean). Idk. To me the idea of fun based on the killer is really odd when I feel my goals are fundamentally the same every surv match (get lucky enough to not be the worst player in the lobby). But fortunately I can just stick to my lane :)

  • @complain9269
    @complain9269 8 месяцев назад

    I ain’t gonna lie.
    I don’t like facing any Killer.
    This is why I play Killer. I just deal with bad maps and annoying perks.
    Much less annoying shit to deal with.

  • @skyhayes3425
    @skyhayes3425 9 месяцев назад

    Demo's results feel skewed, but that might be because of my own personal friend group. Everyone in my group loves demo for various reasons outside of gameplay, but he really is one of the most balanced killers we have. I rarely have a bad game against a demo (aka I rarely have a game I rather not be in). It's really insightful to have this data all out there..

  • @simeks4187
    @simeks4187 9 месяцев назад +3

    When I was answering I noticed that I like going against 90% of the killers , I dont understand why people dont like going against 40% of the killers , there is reason to like almost every killer , hag and freddy are fun because you rarely see them (and mind games against hag are fun interaction between killer and surviver) , doctor is really fun to loop , etc. Only killers i dont like are killers like knight where he uses his power and just mindlessly walks towards you

  • @gabrote42
    @gabrote42 9 месяцев назад

    I lile 86% of the roster, myself, but my internet sucks ass so I lose hard when not playing killer

  • @Riktamorty
    @Riktamorty 9 месяцев назад +1

    I mean, the learning curve is so strong in this game and about 99.97% of players are garbage ngl. You thrive when you understand all killers m2, practice 1v1 m1 minimum, understand bloodlust, checkspots, FOV, fakes. Its too much for the average player
    Edit: the only killer I truly don’t like is skull merchant and the play style directly associated with a lethal merchant. This is completely subjective, due to the fact that BHVR DID fix the true issue- her ability to 3 gen
    Edit: I get p100s fast, play with p100 ripleys, p600+ friends, pretty much only swf due to my skill level with people I meet online. Solo q in this game, after swfing for a longtime. You would be an idiot to play Solo Q. Play killer then to become a better survivor. Solo Q Is holding you back! If you’re a console player- Move to PC. You’ll have a better experience! I’m a 100 sens DualShock controller player
    Edit: Stop dropping pallets against Wraith. Predict his uncloaking direction, whether forward or double-back, and continue to hold that resource. Watch out for speed add ons though.

  • @TheAgentmigs
    @TheAgentmigs 9 месяцев назад

    Ghostface is by far the worst to play against. Getting stealth 1-shot while doing gens frustrating.

  • @Niac022
    @Niac022 9 месяцев назад

    I'm a weird Survivor main as I tend to hate perks over killers. My reaction to a Legion, Nurse or Plague is really different if they have Thanaphobia. If they have Thana I go next, if they don't I'll play. I enjoy playing against 70.8% of the field when you just look at just the killer's power.

  • @amoney1421
    @amoney1421 9 месяцев назад

    That first statement about how they roll the die against a killer with counterplay they enjoy and then get mad when they dont get it isnt the problem, What IS the problem is Bhvr listening to those players and nerfing things based off of their wants and opinions rather than BHVR's vision of the game.

  • @cobovideo
    @cobovideo 9 месяцев назад

    So which killer is the most hated?

  • @Piper0185
    @Piper0185 9 месяцев назад

    Lmao, "do you like cheating *cough nurse*

  • @scrapinator8898
    @scrapinator8898 9 месяцев назад

    I like playing this game no matter what side im on. bad match? What ever next match lol.

  • @DontKobeInMyFace
    @DontKobeInMyFace 3 месяца назад

    "You shouldn't play games you don't enjoy"
    That is an opinion
    "they're supposed to be fun"
    DBD is fun, a percentage of the time. In competitions people can win or lose, guess which one I find more fun?

  • @worgenlord3424
    @worgenlord3424 9 месяцев назад

    also surv gameplay mostly hold m1 to repair gens, extremly empty

  • @dontforgettonerfthepig3322
    @dontforgettonerfthepig3322 5 месяцев назад

    Playing without enjoyment is not so bad, even if too time consuming

  • @rainonwires
    @rainonwires 9 месяцев назад

    As a wraith main the statement at ~1:40 is true.

  • @dumblenutz5561
    @dumblenutz5561 9 месяцев назад

    Yea, this is a pretty sensical video. Explains it well.
    I myself can't be bothered to play survivor anymore due to a mix of useless solo queue teammates and of me disliking half the killer cast in terms of counterplay.
    I'd rather just play killer, it's both easier and more fun generally.

  • @turko5657
    @turko5657 9 месяцев назад

    51% but i haven´t played since Chuky and 22% of killers are running him nowadays. Don´t know what to say

  • @Cast1410
    @Cast1410 9 месяцев назад

    I actually did quit the game, bout around the time the dating sim where you get to see seggsy anime huntress came out I was like screw it I no longer enjoy playing this game. Uninstalled it and plan to never buy a product from behavior again

  • @sebysebyt12
    @sebysebyt12 9 месяцев назад

    im playing on eu servers and i see wesker blight and xeno where other killers are rare

  • @Monkey_30000
    @Monkey_30000 9 месяцев назад

    Totally not a hot take: Regardless of hating or loving playing against a specific killer, getting the same killer many matches in a row is boring and exhausting. I had a couple of fun games against The Onryo... Until it became SEVEN games in a row. It wasn't even during her release.

  • @BubbaDredge
    @BubbaDredge 9 месяцев назад

    You're making the assumption that survivor enjoyment is based 100% on the killer's power, nothing else matters to any of them. I'd argue that very few survivors join/play the game based on how much fun a killer's power is.
    Most survivors have more fun against a power they can overcome, people generally enjoy winning. If they only play against the powers they can overcome, they'll never be able to overcome new ones, so they're not going to enjoy this game for long. It's not chess, new killer every chapter. The flaw in your logic is you're overlooking all the other aspects players enjoy.
    And it's a violent, competitive horror-themed game, I don't think every minute of it is supposed to be joyful. Golfers love golf, it's 95% frustration, but that's why they enjoy the rest so much. In a trial with me, you're not ever supposed to enjoy my power, you're supposed to enjoy the thrill of getting away from it. People play shooters, but none of them enjoy the part when they get shot.
    I only play killer, but in my murderous mind, the best game for survivor is the one where they barely get out. Every time they almost die it makes the game that much sweeter. By your measure I'm disappointing everyone since I often use powers differently or not at all.
    See what I'm saying? While you're exactly right about the crybabies that DC, those players aren't representing all survivors. Those are the players that want gen-simulators or think they can bully certain killers. Survivors that judge everything based on wanting a power to be easy or fun are on the shallow end. They'll either venture out in the deep or they won't.

  • @DeepFreier
    @DeepFreier 9 месяцев назад

    Shit is so fax bro. I don't understand why people get so mad at the game that is supposed to be entertainment. Like dudes chill out

    • @doompunk64
      @doompunk64 9 месяцев назад

      Because your average player treats the game as if their life depends on it and doesn’t care about the other side having fun. Thus they take player agency away from each other, causing frustration.