Załóż sklep internetowy na platformie eCommerce - Dla nowych użytkowników pierwsze 3 miesiące gratis + 60% zniżki na dowolną wybraną taryfę. Create an online store on eCommerce platform - (Polish version) For new users first 3 months free of charge + 60% discount on any selected tariff.
And so I saw a small mistake at 2:48 there should be “Critical hit”, apparently when I finished making the edit accidentally rolled back the last change and it turned out like this, I apologize for the mistake.
Załóż sklep internetowy na platformie eCommerce -
Dla nowych użytkowników pierwsze 3 miesiące gratis + 60% zniżki na dowolną wybraną taryfę.
Create an online store on eCommerce platform - (Polish version)
For new users first 3 months free of charge + 60% discount on any selected tariff.
Your meme editing skills are improving
And so I saw a small mistake at 2:48 there should be “Critical hit”, apparently when I finished making the edit accidentally rolled back the last change and it turned out like this, I apologize for the mistake.
02:48 nice greenscreen
Nice edit Aniki
You never fail to impress or surpass my expectations for your videos, they keep getting better! How can I get better videos just like this?
You need better previews
@@pzimmortal4508 what does one mean?
Hi bro how is the song called ?
All the songs in the video are in the description
Thanks 😊